=== oCrazyLemn is now known as CrazyLemon | ||
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didrocks | good morning | 06:33 |
didrocks | hey pitti, how are you? | 06:42 |
pitti | bonjour didrocks -- très fatigue :/ comment vas-tu ? | 06:42 |
didrocks | pitti: oh, pourquoi fatigué ? | 06:43 |
didrocks | moi ça va | 06:43 |
=== Guest11916 is now known as happyaron | ||
pitti | didrocks: je suis allé dormir tard hier soir, après basketball | 06:43 |
didrocks | ah… ok, donc peu de sommeil! | 06:43 |
mitya57 | xnox: do you have anything against me merging gnome-keyring 3.14 (you touched it last)? | 07:58 |
mitya57 | I have prepared a merge based on 3.10.1-1ubuntu7 a couple of days ago (in ppa:mitya57/gnome-test), it needs minor rebasing on -1ubuntu9 though. | 07:58 |
willcooke | oh. day off. oops | 08:27 |
Laney | hey hey | 09:03 |
didrocks | morning Laney | 09:03 |
didrocks | how goes? | 09:03 |
Laney | pretty decent | 09:03 |
Laney | we had curry + cake last night | 09:03 |
Laney | the cake in volume was 50% icing and 50% cake | 09:04 |
Laney | \o/ | 09:04 |
Laney | you? | 09:04 |
didrocks | nice! :) | 09:04 |
didrocks | everything's fine here, today is eye doctor day and see what happened in the last 2 years of half :/ | 09:04 |
Laney | going to get a new prescription? | 09:05 |
Laney | desrt: did you figure out how to use them? | 09:05 |
didrocks | probably, I'm not confortable anymore with my glasses when watching tv | 09:05 |
Laney | I went like 5 years ago and was told I would need reading glasses at some point | 09:06 |
Laney | still don't have any problems that I can detect though ... | 09:06 |
didrocks | well, I guess the longer you don't need them, the better | 09:06 |
Laney | ya | 09:06 |
Laney | the parents got them when they were about 45 | 09:07 |
didrocks | that's nice! | 09:07 |
didrocks | well, I see the positive side that at least, I have no issue with my tooth (never got *anything* to them) | 09:07 |
Laney | ha, nice | 09:08 |
didrocks | we can't have advantages everywhere I guess ;) | 09:08 |
Laney | guess the parents made you brush well early on ;-) | 09:08 |
didrocks | not especially, I would say I wasn't eating a lot of candies, but still… ;) | 09:08 |
Laney | hehe | 09:10 |
Laney | I need to switch back to offlineimap | 09:10 |
Laney | syncmaildir is just too slooooooooowwwwww | 09:10 |
didrocks | I guess I'll switch to mut + offlineimap soon, thunderbird is getting slower and slower | 09:13 |
didrocks | my filtering are all server-side, so cost to switch is small | 09:13 |
=== oCrazyLemn is now known as CrazyLemon | ||
Laney | yep | 09:18 |
* Laney runs a sync | 09:18 | |
Sweet5hark | moin | 09:31 |
* mitya57 loves our branch/version numbering | 09:54 | |
mitya57 | A branch named lp:~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-applet/trunk.14.04 contains version 12.10.2+15.04.20141111. | 09:54 |
Laney | bahaha | 09:56 |
ricotz | mitya57, hi, just wondering what is up with the "gnome-panel" transition? | 09:56 |
Laney | I think if you manually fix the upstream part it works | 09:56 |
Laney | i.e. the CI train uses that | 09:56 |
mitya57 | ricotz: I patched all packages except one (apt-watch), and for that I filed RM request. | 09:57 |
mitya57 | That is bug 1396690 (TL;DR: upstream is dead, and update-notifier is better) | 09:58 |
ubot5 | bug 1396690 in apt-watch (Ubuntu) "Please remove apt-watch from archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1396690 | 09:58 |
ricotz | mitya57, i see, patched as in locally prepared? | 09:58 |
mitya57 | Laney: I know, but then it will be less funny. | 09:58 |
mitya57 | ricotz: no, in -proposed | 09:58 |
Laney | I once wrote a UDD query to find the longest versions ever used in Ubuntu | 09:59 |
Laney | the results were cool | 09:59 |
* Laney wonders if it's still in psql history | 09:59 | |
Laney | OHO! | 10:00 |
Laney | flashplugin-nonfree has been knocked off the top spot! | 10:00 |
ricotz | mitya57,ok, e.g. indicator-applet? | 10:00 |
Laney | http://paste.ubuntu.com/9265630/ | 10:00 |
mitya57 | Ooh | 10:01 |
mitya57 | ricotz: indicator-applet doesn't need patching, it needs a simple rebuild (I filed a MP in hope that can be done via the CI Train). | 10:02 |
Laney | link? | 10:02 |
Laney | if it's just a rebuild then JFDI IMHO | 10:02 |
Laney | i.e. self approve and CI train it | 10:02 |
mitya57 | ricotz: The patched packages are uim, workrave, sensors-applet, gnubiff and netspeed. | 10:02 |
mitya57 | Laney: https://code.launchpad.net/~mitya57/indicator-applet/no-change-rebuild/+merge/242470 | 10:03 |
ricotz | mitya57, yeah, although this one is missing ;) | 10:03 |
mitya57 | I don't have rights to approve/merge it. | 10:03 |
Laney | there | 10:04 |
mitya57 | Thanks | 10:04 |
Laney | train does the merge part | 10:04 |
ricotz | :) | 10:04 |
mitya57 | Laney: now I should go to #ubuntu-ci-eng and request a silo, right? or just upload it directly to archive? | 10:05 |
Laney | You can upload it or try to use the train if you want to figure out how | 10:06 |
mitya57 | OK, let's try the latter =) | 10:06 |
Laney | For no-change rebuilds the next uploader of a real change can just tell it to ignore the trunk/archive mismatch | 10:06 |
Laney | mitya57: okay so add a line at the bottom of http://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain (google spreadsheet) and fill in columns A B F H I J | 10:09 |
mitya57 | I only have read access to that | 10:11 |
Laney | blerg | 10:11 |
Laney | do you have a google account? | 10:11 |
Laney | maybe sil2100 can give you access? | 10:12 |
mitya57 | sil2100: ^ please :) I am mitya57 at gmail com | 10:12 |
xnox | Laney: if i do branches, would you do landing for me? or should i just dput into the archive...? | 10:12 |
xnox | (for vivid) | 10:12 |
Laney | what kind of branches? | 10:13 |
xnox | Laney: rebuild unity greeter / control center to pick up 15.04 embeded in the image. | 10:16 |
Laney | no-change rebuild> upload IMHO | 10:17 |
Laney | but also you should be able to use the train yourself in the same way I'm trying to get mitya57 able to right now | 10:17 |
* mitya57 wonders why xnox ignores his questions about gnome-keyring merge | 10:19 | |
xnox | mitya57: hm? | 10:19 |
mitya57 | xnox: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/11/27/%23ubuntu-desktop.html#t07:58 | 10:19 |
xnox | mitya57: his as in my own, or yours? | 10:19 |
xnox | mitya57: sorry, missed in my irc proxy scrollback. | 10:20 |
mitya57 | My merge | 10:20 |
mitya57 | also http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/11/25/%23ubuntu-desktop.html#t11:37 | 10:20 |
mitya57 | No problem, I also miss it sometimes :) | 10:20 |
xnox | mitya57: yeah, i don't want it yet. I'd want to have the current sru land into at least utopic for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-keyring/+bug/1387303 | 10:21 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1387303 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu Utopic) "regression: gnome-keyring components can't be disabled anymore" [Undecided,New] | 10:21 |
xnox | mitya57: and then do merge to get new shiny goodness. | 10:21 |
xnox | mitya57: as there are about 9 dupes and people are angry. | 10:21 |
mitya57 | Ok, fine, then I'll wait | 10:21 |
xnox | mitya57: also don't merge before talking to TIL =) | 10:21 |
xnox | mitya57: i'm happy to give up a few things, but not everything at the moment. | 10:21 |
sil2100 | mitya57: access to the CI Train spreadsheet, right? | 10:22 |
mitya57 | sil2100: yes | 10:22 |
sil2100 | o/ Let me add you then, one momen | 10:22 |
mitya57 | xnox: btw there are LOTS of memory leak fixes in upstream git, we should definitely have that in vivid | 10:23 |
xnox | mitya57: yeah, yeah. | 10:23 |
xnox | we will. | 10:23 |
xnox | mitya57: re:apt-watch why not request removal in debian? and then removals are auto-propagated to ubuntu | 10:24 |
sil2100 | Laney, mitya57: added to both spreadsheet and the LP team | 10:25 |
mitya57 | xnox: in Debian we don't yet have a gnome-panel transition, so that is not urgent | 10:25 |
Laney | sil2100: ta | 10:25 |
mitya57 | sil2100: thanks a lot | 10:25 |
xnox | mitya57: it fails to build from source or something? or needs porting? | 10:25 |
sil2100 | mitya57: remember that we have documentation for our landing process here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain/LandingProcess | 10:25 |
mitya57 | needs porting first from gconf to gsettings, and then to new gnome-panel | 10:25 |
xnox | Laney: ah seb already uploaded unity-control-center version string bump. so it's only the greeter. | 10:26 |
Laney | cool | 10:26 |
xnox | mitya57: probably best to demote it from release pocket to -proposed, thus it would not block migrations but still in the development archive / in-sync with debian. | 10:26 |
xnox | mitya57: is it the last blocker for the transition? | 10:27 |
mitya57 | xnox: yes. indicator-applet is not yet uploaded but will be done soon | 10:28 |
mitya57 | ~ubuntu-archive is still the right team (for demoting), right? | 10:29 |
Laney | The docs mention pinging trainguards, but core-devs can do the silo assignment themselves, btw | 10:30 |
Laney | mitya57: just saw https://code.launchpad.net/~mitya57/unity-settings-daemon/headerbar-xsettings - overriding via org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings overrides still work with the fixed_false stuff? | 10:35 |
Laney | s/overriding/does overriding/ | 10:35 |
mitya57 | Laney: the docs say that the assign silo button is in "Landing team tools" menubar, but where is that? | 10:35 |
mitya57 | Laney: yes, that will still work | 10:36 |
Laney | I see that next to "Help" at the top | 10:36 |
Laney | ok, I'm going to build/review/include that | 10:36 |
mitya57 | Ah I see | 10:36 |
Laney | got it? | 10:36 |
mitya57 | got it | 10:36 |
mitya57 | Laney: did you read my whole message to ubuntu-desktop@? | 10:36 |
mitya57 | (about that window buttons stuff) | 10:36 |
Laney | yeah | 10:38 |
Laney | I think we (larsu) were going to work on theming these this cycle | 10:38 |
mitya57 | Actually maybe we don' | 10:39 |
mitya57 | *don't need that fixed_false commit as it is a no-op | 10:39 |
Laney | I know gsd overrides it to true, so maybe gtk won't change the default | 10:41 |
Laney | it would probably be in bad taste for them to do so really | 10:42 |
mitya57 | Laney: can I grab any empty landing ppa? | 10:42 |
mitya57 | Laney: yes, I figured out that gtk default != g-s-d default only after pushing it | 10:43 |
Laney | well I don't mind either way, so revert it in the branch if you like | 10:43 |
Laney | if you leave the assign dialog at its defaults it auto-assigns one of the free PPAs | 10:44 |
mitya57 | got this error from jenkins: | 10:45 |
mitya57 | You must use POST method to trigger builds. (From scripts you may instead pass a per-project authentication token, or authenticate with your API token.) If you see this page, it may be because a plugin offered a GET link; file a bug report for that plugin. | 10:45 |
Laney | usual fail | 10:45 |
Laney | click the button | 10:46 |
Laney | authenticate then try again | 10:46 |
Laney | authenticate to jenkins that is, using SSO | 10:46 |
mitya57 | It says that I am logged in | 10:47 |
Laney | what happened when you clicked proceed? | 10:47 |
* mitya57 logs out and then back in | 10:47 | |
larsu | Laney: indeed (what exactly are you talking about?) | 10:47 |
mitya57 | looks like it worked | 10:48 |
Laney | larsu: there's a patch to u-s-d to make headerbar decorations respect the gsetting | 10:48 |
Laney | i.e. for Ubuntu they go on the left | 10:48 |
Laney | also, hi, how's it going! | 10:48 |
Laney | mitya57: so now I normaly switch to http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/ | 10:49 |
larsu | Laney: hi! Good! Just found out that we needlessy copy .pngs for Ambiance and Radiance into both themes... | 10:49 |
larsu | Laney: but why u-s-d? Shouldn't that be a gtk patch? | 10:49 |
larsu | Laney: how are you? | 10:49 |
Laney | usd has the xsettings manager | 10:49 |
Laney | it's where the mapping from gsettings into xsettings goes, then gtk gets it from there | 10:50 |
Laney | I am good | 10:50 |
larsu | right, I didn't know it didn't do that part yet | 10:51 |
larsu | want me to review? | 10:51 |
Laney | ya, g-s-d does but ... forks | 10:51 |
larsu | \o/ | 10:52 |
Laney | if you like, I think it's mainly a cherry-pick | 10:52 |
Laney | https://code.launchpad.net/~mitya57/unity-settings-daemon/headerbar-xsettings | 10:52 |
mitya57 | Laney, larsu: pushed the new version with only second commit | 10:54 |
Laney | ty | 10:55 |
larsu | I was about to complain :) | 10:57 |
larsu | looks good to me now | 10:57 |
larsu | not the way I'd have done it, but since this is a cherry pick and working, I won't complain | 10:58 |
larsu | Laney: I can't approve though, can you? | 10:58 |
Laney | ye | 11:00 |
Laney | larsu: want to comment approve? | 11:01 |
larsu | done | 11:02 |
Laney | merci | 11:02 |
larsu | neat: "Lars Uebernickel (community)" | 11:02 |
Laney | "(scum)" | 11:02 |
larsu | ts ts | 11:03 |
Laney | I mean "(valued contributor ♥)" | 11:03 |
Laney | typo | 11:03 |
chrisccoulson | it's a bit hostile in here this morning! | 11:03 |
larsu | haha - I want to see the keyboard that makes typos like this easy | 11:03 |
larsu | or your hands........ | 11:03 |
Laney | dem slippery fingers | 11:03 |
sil2100 | ;) | 11:04 |
* Laney tapes chrisccoulson to a lamppost | 11:04 | |
Laney | i'll give you hostile | 11:04 |
Mirv | mitya57: welcome to the world of mouse clicking called citrain! | 11:04 |
chrisccoulson | lol | 11:04 |
Laney | right, I'm getting on the CI train | 11:04 |
* Laney toots | 11:05 | |
Mirv | we used to have #ubuntu-ci-choo-choo for bot notifications, I kind of miss it | 11:05 |
sil2100 | The choo-choo bot wouldn't work anymore with all the changes that happened I suppose | 11:07 |
mitya57 | Mirv: :-) | 11:08 |
Laney | and the best thing is that all this knowledge will be obsolete soon™ when we get the airline :) | 11:10 |
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch | ||
mitya57 | While I am here: is there any way to merge something but not land to archive (i.e. when the change is minor)? | 11:11 |
Mirv | +1 to ”soon™” | 11:15 |
Mirv | mitya57: kind of, but I doubt anyone has ever done that since it's cheap to publish too. one can make merge&clean job ignore the fact that the package is not published/indestinationarchive. | 11:16 |
Mirv | and it's cheap to add another (small or big) MP to the same landing | 11:16 |
mitya57 | ok | 11:16 |
Laney | blerg | 11:16 |
Mirv | mitya57: what has been done though is direct pushing to trunk when there's no landing ongoing and eg. changelog needs updating to account for a no-change rebuild pushed to archives or such thing | 11:17 |
mitya57 | ok | 11:17 |
mitya57 | also, how does one build $random-non-cu2d-package in a silo? | 11:18 |
mitya57 | (i.e. like Laney built webkitgtk for me) | 11:18 |
Laney | I put them in 'additional source packages' and then assigned a silo | 11:18 |
Laney | and I just dputted to it | 11:18 |
Mirv | core-dev:s can dput to the silo directly, like a manual upload but not to archives | 11:19 |
Laney | because I'm in ~ci-train-ppa-service | 11:19 |
Mirv | oh, maybe not all core-dev:s | 11:19 |
Mirv | right, only https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+members | 11:19 |
mitya57 | yes, I am a core dev, but LP says I am not in ~ci-train-ppa-service | 11:19 |
Laney | Not sure who can be added to that, talk to the administrators I guess | 11:20 |
Mirv | most landings are train landings and then non-train landings are pushed directly to archives, but mixed silos (feature needing both train and non-train packages) need some help from someone in that team | 11:20 |
mitya57 | ok, will talk to admins if I need to test something like that again | 11:21 |
mitya57 | oh, nice, indicator-applet FTBFS | 11:21 |
* mitya57 fixes | 11:22 | |
Laney | pitti: you attached to your gvfs merge? I could borrow it if not | 11:24 |
pitti | Laney: please go wild | 11:25 |
Laney | ty | 11:25 |
pitti | Laney: but I thought I already merged it | 11:25 |
Laney | I uploaded the new release to exp | 11:25 |
pitti | Laney: oh, exp | 11:25 |
Laney | the wild west | 11:26 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk | ||
Laney | didrocks or larsu: If you see bug #1394063 or the one seb128 was talking about yesterday, could you check ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/landing-005 please? | 12:00 |
ubot5 | bug 1394063 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "[vivid regression] brightness keys aren't recognized" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1394063 | 12:00 |
didrocks | Laney: the keys are working for me though (I don't have the upower segfault) | 12:01 |
Laney | it's not a segfault | 12:01 |
larsu | Laney: sorry, keys work fine for me as well | 12:01 |
Laney | ok | 12:01 |
didrocks | Laney: I meant, plugin not loading | 12:01 |
Laney | I think some laptops bypass the usd/userspace layer for brightness | 12:01 |
Laney | do you get a notification when changing it? | 12:01 |
didrocks | I do get it | 12:01 |
=== alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g | ||
Laney | WEIRD! | 12:02 |
didrocks | there was a race in trusty btw, sometimes, not media key (including brightness) were working | 12:02 |
didrocks | no* | 12:02 |
didrocks | only way was to reboot the user session | 12:02 |
Laney | don't know about that | 12:04 |
larsu | I don't get the notification! | 12:08 |
larsu | now that I know this, I want it! | 12:08 |
Laney | you guys are bad test cases :p | 12:09 |
Laney | if offlineimap ever finishes syncing I'll dist-upgrade to vivid and try myself | 12:09 |
Laney | (doesn't seem very likely it's going to do so any time soon) | 12:09 |
larsu | Laney: missed the opportunity to say something like "do I have to do *everything* by myself" | 12:13 |
didrocks | larsu: don't want to challenge offlineimap syncing AND apt? :) | 12:14 |
larsu | haha | 12:15 |
Laney | heh | 12:16 |
didrocks | and yeah, ETOOMANYLA* again | 12:17 |
didrocks | needing a patch to sort this mess! ;) | 12:17 |
mlankhorst | \o/ | 12:24 |
mlankhorst | compiz works | 12:24 |
didrocks | that's been my \o/ for years, get a new release working ;) | 12:24 |
didrocks | (I know, not the same context here :p) | 12:24 |
mlankhorst | hah | 12:25 |
Sweet5hark | no seb128 today? :_( | 12:28 |
larsu | Sweet5hark: he took the day off | 12:29 |
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow | ||
didrocks | Laney: do you know how to have your chroot sessions being dumped in /tmp ? | 14:12 |
Laney | dumped how? | 14:13 |
didrocks | (apart from a symlink from /var/lib/schroot/mount/ of course) | 14:13 |
didrocks | like I want my schroot sessions to be in /tmp/<session_name> | 14:13 |
Laney | hmm, don't know, you could try mounting a tmpfs at that directory though if that's what you want to do | 14:16 |
didrocks | yeah, I was thinking about that as well, you are not making your sbuild on tmpfs then, I guess? | 14:17 |
Laney | I use union-overlay-directory | 14:21 |
didrocks | Laney: and you point it to a tmpfs dir? | 14:23 |
didrocks | not /var/lib/schroot/union/overlay/ ? | 14:23 |
Laney | Yeah, or you could mount that as tmpfs I guess | 14:23 |
didrocks | interesting | 14:23 |
Laney | I also put /var/lib/sbuild/build on tmpfs but don't immediately remember why | 14:24 |
Laney | I think that's where it unpacks to | 14:24 |
didrocks | Laney: ah nice tip, let me have a try | 14:24 |
didrocks | Laney: yeah, you're right, it's the unpacking dir | 14:28 |
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley | ||
Laney | ruh roh | 16:19 |
Laney | There's some problem with glib 2.43 and GSettings | 16:20 |
Laney | I'm not getting a 'changed' callback | 16:20 |
Laney | hmm | 16:21 |
didrocks | Laney: isn't what desrt was talking about? There is now an order between connecting a signal and (? getting a value?) | 16:22 |
Laney | Probably | 16:22 |
Laney | I'm just reading that commit | 16:22 |
didrocks | I think he talked about it during the sprint and last week meeting :) | 16:22 |
didrocks | larsu knows as well about this | 16:23 |
didrocks | Laney: https://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/commit/?id=8ff5668a458344da22d30491e3ce726d861b3619 | 16:24 |
didrocks | We do this in a simple way, using a simple argument: in order for the | 16:24 |
Laney | I know, I'm read it | 16:24 |
didrocks | user to care that a value changed then they must have: | 16:24 |
Laney | reading | 16:24 |
didrocks | 1) watched for a change signal; and then | 16:24 |
didrocks | 2) actually read a value | 16:24 |
larsu | right, the reasoning is that you can't care about that it changed when you've never read the initial value | 16:29 |
larsu | turns out that's wrong for a lot of use cases (for example, the gsettings-tool monitor command) | 16:30 |
larsu | Laney: what are you using it for? | 16:30 |
Laney | u-s-d watching the idle delay | 16:31 |
Laney | it should be reading the value at startup, let me see | 16:31 |
larsu | Laney: make sure it connects to the signal before reading the value | 16:41 |
Laney | it does | 16:42 |
Laney | this is weird though | 16:42 |
larsu | what is? | 16:42 |
Laney | https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/tree/plugins/power/gsd-power-manager.c#n1710 | 16:43 |
Laney | "Don't dim when charging" | 16:43 |
larsu | why is that a thing? | 16:45 |
Laney | I'm basically confused now | 16:46 |
larsu | I guess because dimming is a battery-saving feature? | 16:46 |
Laney | it means you don't read the delay on a desktop | 16:46 |
larsu | so not really needed when not on battery | 16:46 |
larsu | that too | 16:46 |
Laney | the setting is called "Turn screen off when inactive for" | 16:48 |
larsu | "unless on battery" :P | 16:49 |
larsu | *not | 16:49 |
Laney | maybe I'm looking in the wrong place | 16:50 |
Laney | something is making my screen lock | 16:50 |
Laney | (and turn off) | 16:50 |
Laney | symptom was that $something wasn't noticing when I changed this setting | 16:50 |
larsu | u-s-d seems like a good candidate for $something | 16:51 |
Laney | ah | 17:03 |
Laney | I think it might come in via the screensaver | 17:03 |
Laney | bleh, changing it works now | 17:11 |
* Laney puts this to one side | 17:11 | |
=== alex_abreu is now known as alex-abreu | ||
Laney | ok I lied and didn't put it to one side | 17:50 |
Laney | larsu: if you're still here ... | 17:50 |
Laney | With new glib I don't see a g_settings_bind_with_mapping firing | 17:51 |
Laney | is this affected by the same change? | 17:51 |
larsu | bind should read the value initially | 17:52 |
Laney | I see the first read but not subsequent ones | 17:52 |
Laney | not *changes* | 17:52 |
larsu | let me check | 17:53 |
larsu | which flags are you passing? | 17:54 |
* didrocks waves good evening | 17:54 | |
larsu | didrocks: bye! | 17:54 |
Laney | G_SETTINGS_BIND_GET | 17:55 |
didrocks | good luck for your debugging larsu & Laney :) | 17:55 |
larsu | thanks! | 17:55 |
Laney | https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-session/tree/gnome-session/gsm-manager.c#n2701 ← that | 17:55 |
larsu | Laney: code looks correct. It connects to the changed signal and then reads the value | 17:55 |
larsu | Laney: you're sure it does the first read but then it doesn't get changed events? | 17:58 |
Laney | larsu: Yeah. Try with glib from vivid-proposed if you want... | 18:03 |
Laney | If you run gnome-session with --debug (/usr/share/upstart/sessions/gnome-session.conf append --debug there) you can see the watches being changed when the key changes | 18:04 |
larsu | Laney: I'm trying with master right now but gotta run soon. No promises ;) | 18:04 |
Laney | I'm running too, no worries, it'll still be broken tomorrow. :P | 18:04 |
larsu | yay \o | 18:04 |
Laney | but I believe this is the essence of the bug, so that's progress | 18:05 |
* Laney goes away, ttyl! | 18:05 | |
* Laney remembers *not* to suspend as offlineimap is still going strong | 18:05 | |
larsu | enjoy your evening! | 18:06 |
mitya57 | ricotz: indicator-applet landed, but I missed command-runner-applet (which was using libpanel-applet via pygi). Will look at it tomorrow. | 18:46 |
Noskcaj | Are there any plans to try building liblldb-3.5-dev on amr64 and ppc64le? | 19:26 |
Noskcaj | If not, codelite needs patching to not use it | 19:26 |
Noskcaj | *arm64 | 19:26 |
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attente_ | robert_ancell: hey, is there a reason you don't create a mir window impl when the window class is GDK_INPUT_ONLY? | 22:14 |
robert_ancell | attente_, I don't think Mir has a concept of input only windows | 22:14 |
attente_ | oh, ok, there seems to be some code related to selecting text that depends on an impl existing | 22:17 |
desrt | via GtkInvisible | 22:17 |
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rsalveti | Laney: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-settings-daemon/+bug/1397135 | 23:06 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1397135 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Error in `/usr/lib/unity-settings-daemon/unity-settings-daemon': free(): invalid pointer" [Undecided,New] | 23:06 |
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