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l3on | Hello!... do you know where can I find a list of applications which have this kind of patches: | 09:39 |
l3on | if XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP == GNOME ; do this ; fi | 09:39 |
MrChrisDruif | ^o- | 09:41 |
l3on | they're wrong .. is there a gtk function to understand if the WM support the GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS | 09:42 |
mgedmin | l3on, this is not for ubuntu, but http://codesearch.debian.net/search?q=XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP perhaps can be helpful? | 09:43 |
l3on | no, patches are only in ubuntu AFAIK .. see apt-get source nautilus | 09:43 |
l3on | and then grep XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP debian/patches/* | 09:44 |
mgedmin | https://patches.ubuntu.com/ exists, but isn't searchable that easily :/ | 09:46 |
l3on | moreover .. according with GTK/News: | 09:50 |
l3on | * Client-side decorations | 09:50 |
l3on | - The requirement for _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS has been dropped | 09:50 |
l3on | to avoid 'double headers' with most window managers | 09:50 |
l3on | - Drawing of DND highlights around the entire window works | 09:50 |
l3on | so, that kind of patches seems useless | 09:51 |
darkxst | amjjawad, hey | 11:21 |
amjjawad | darkxst, hi how are you? | 11:22 |
darkxst | amjjawad, on a long train ride home ;) | 11:23 |
amjjawad | Aha | 11:23 |
amjjawad | where have you been? | 11:23 |
darkxst | Down in Melbourne | 11:23 |
amjjawad | I thought another city | 11:24 |
amjjawad | it is cold here | 11:24 |
amjjawad | and I feel sick :/ | 11:24 |
darkxst | amjjawad, my long == a bit over an hour | 11:24 |
amjjawad | I see | 11:24 |
amjjawad | good to know :P | 11:25 |
darkxst | its probably cold for you in Melbourne as well, was about 20 today | 11:25 |
amjjawad | it's been cloudy for 2 days now | 11:25 |
amjjawad | this crazy weather will make me sick | 11:25 |
amjjawad | few days ago, I had to use sunscreen | 11:25 |
amjjawad | and ate ice-cream | 11:25 |
amjjawad | now, I feel my throat is infected :/ | 11:26 |
darkxst | clouds don't make your throat infected ;) maybe it was the ice-cream ! | 11:26 |
amjjawad | hahah | 11:26 |
amjjawad | not the cloud, the cold wind | 11:27 |
amjjawad | I have my powerful weapon for that: Manuka Honey + Black Seed | 11:27 |
amjjawad | the most powerful cure for throat | 11:27 |
darkxst | amjjawad, 20 is not cold, maybe you need more time to acclimatise | 11:29 |
amjjawad | yes | 11:29 |
amjjawad | I haven't been in such weather for very very long time | 11:29 |
* MrChrisDruif waves at amjjawad before turning off his laptop | 11:30 | |
amjjawad | haha | 11:30 |
amjjawad | hello MrChrisDruif :D | 11:30 |
MrChrisDruif | Bye | 11:30 |
amjjawad | that was fast | 11:30 |
amjjawad | Cya | 11:30 |
amjjawad | darkxst, where is your vote? :P | 11:31 |
amjjawad | let me guess, you didn't get the email, right? | 11:31 |
darkxst | amjjawad, what am I voting on now? | 11:31 |
amjjawad | hahaha | 11:31 |
amjjawad | I knew it | 11:31 |
darkxst | amjjawad, I am subscribed to the list now | 11:32 |
amjjawad | https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome-leaders-board/msg00038.html | 11:32 |
darkxst | amjjawad, +1, but we need to make sure any relevant translations go upstream (or is this just about website/release notes/wiki?) | 11:34 |
amjjawad | darkxst, yes, it is about the written stuff: Wiki, Marketing, etc | 11:35 |
amjjawad | someone mentioned that Ubiquity Translations is done by Ubuntu Team IIRC | 11:36 |
darkxst | amjjawad, ubiquity translations are on launchpad, but I seriously doubt the Ubuntu team has translated our slides | 11:36 |
darkxst | (not actually checked that though) | 11:37 |
amjjawad | darkxst, same here, I always go for English | 11:37 |
amjjawad | we can check about that later | 11:37 |
amjjawad | I was thinking about the rolling release | 11:38 |
amjjawad | why not have a 3rd image for that? | 11:38 |
darkxst | amjjawad, because its rolling, that is the daily image! | 11:38 |
eliasps | Hi everyone | 11:38 |
amjjawad | darkxst, okay but on the list, it is not 'devl' thing | 11:38 |
amjjawad | eliasps, hi there | 11:39 |
darkxst | amjjawad, what do you mean? | 11:39 |
amjjawad | darkxst, remember our chat about that? | 11:39 |
amjjawad | that I need to replace the codename with devl on the source list? | 11:39 |
amjjawad | so with each and every cycle, I don't need to do anything but update the system | 11:39 |
darkxst | amjjawad, its devel | 11:39 |
amjjawad | isn't it VV ? | 11:40 |
darkxst | right now 'devel' points to vivid, next cycle it will redirect to WW | 11:40 |
amjjawad | so, there is zero need to a 3rd ISO? | 11:41 |
amjjawad | I was hoping to go for that for the sake of the latest GNOME, that is all | 11:41 |
amjjawad | something to put the latest GNOME on | 11:41 |
amjjawad | and because the official builds can't have the latest for now, we shall remain with complaints, and PPA | 11:42 |
darkxst | amjjawad, we can't spin an iso with the PPA | 11:43 |
amjjawad | darkxst, I am not suggesting that | 11:43 |
amjjawad | I am suggesting to spin an ISO with the latest GNOME without PPA | 11:44 |
amjjawad | and we call it rolling UG | 11:44 |
darkxst | amjjawad, 3.14 is not far off, but there won't be any special ISO's made | 11:44 |
darkxst | it will just be VV milestones and/or dialies | 11:45 |
amjjawad | aren't GNOME people working on 3.15 at the moment? | 11:46 |
darkxst | amjjawad, I told you before its just a marketing exercise really | 11:46 |
darkxst | amjjawad, upstream are sure | 11:46 |
darkxst | its very early though to start packaging it | 11:46 |
amjjawad | hmm | 11:47 |
amjjawad | so there is no way to give the users the joy of using the latest GNOME without the PPA | 11:47 |
darkxst | amjjawad, if they use vivid release they can soon | 11:48 |
amjjawad | I was really talking about GNOME+1 | 11:49 |
eliasps | It's better that way if you ask me. I imagine that due to the release cyrcles of Ubuntu and GNOME, the latest version of GNOME on Ubuntu wouldn't be considered stable, right? Having an ISO with that packaged may have issues. | 11:49 |
amjjawad | the one month between the release of the new version of GNOME and the release of Ubuntu (and flavors) thing | 11:49 |
amjjawad | eliasps, that is why, it is a rolling ISO | 11:50 |
eliasps | And I'm saying that as a user who would love to have the bleegind edge version of GNOME on Ubuntu. | 11:50 |
amjjawad | it is meant for fun no more | 11:50 |
amjjawad | stable = stick to the stable releases of UG | 11:50 |
darkxst | amjjawad, ISO's are built from the archive | 11:51 |
amjjawad | latest = rolling (bugs) | 11:51 |
mgedmin | the best part is where ubuntu's release cycle was specifically selected to lag gnome's by a month so each ubuntu version could ship the newest gnome, originally | 11:51 |
darkxst | mgedmin, that was back in gnome2 days when nothing much disruptive changed each cycle (and ubuntu had a much smaller delta) | 11:51 |
mgedmin | at least the delta is growing smaller again, right? as unity is moving off to its own thing rather than patched gnome bits more and more | 11:52 |
darkxst | amjjawad, we might not quite make it this cycle, but in the future we should be able have all of GNOME+1 in before alpha1 and that would like be more stable to say utopic + ppa | 11:53 |
darkxst | mgedmin, well a few bits have been forked, but largely things on the Unity side are stagnant waiting for unity8 to progress | 11:54 |
amjjawad | UG 15.04 will be 100% GNOME 3.14 ? darkxst | 11:54 |
amjjawad | all the packages? | 11:54 |
darkxst | amjjawad, yes that is the plan | 11:55 |
darkxst | and once we are caught up, 15.10 could be 100% 3.16 by alpha1 | 11:55 |
amjjawad | but 15.10 Stable will not have 3.18?! | 11:56 |
amjjawad | the issue of GNOME-1 will always remain? | 11:56 |
darkxst | amjjawad, we need to wait for unity 8 first, right now, its alot of work patching apps so they still work on unity | 11:58 |
amjjawad | hopefully one day, we will make it | 11:59 |
amjjawad | any news for the software center? | 12:01 |
darkxst | amjjawad, and gnome breaks alot, during devel | 12:01 |
darkxst | amjjawad, I don't possibly think you could track 3.15 releases in a distro, you need to wait until 3.15.90 atleast | 12:01 |
darkxst | amjjawad, I might loose internet sometime soon | 12:01 |
amjjawad | darkxst, ok, no worries | 12:02 |
darkxst | amjjawad, waiting on joern to look at my patch | 12:02 |
darkxst | and also rename it | 12:02 |
amjjawad | will give him a poke | 12:02 |
darkxst | We can switch once those two things are completed | 12:03 |
amjjawad | so, no more Ubuntu Software Center? | 12:04 |
darkxst | amjjawad, won't be installed by default | 12:06 |
darkxst | but always available if someone wants to use it | 12:06 |
amjjawad | so UGSC will be the default while USC and Synaptic on the Repo, correct? | 12:07 |
darkxst | amjjawad, it will be LSC still, it being rename to 'Light Software Center' and will look mostly like a native GNOME app | 12:08 |
amjjawad | ok | 12:08 |
amjjawad | remind me please, why we can't use GNOME software center? | 12:08 |
darkxst | amjjawad, we will eventually, but it needs backend work to the archives to be useful | 12:09 |
darkxst | try google Debian Dep11 | 12:09 |
darkxst | we need that! | 12:09 |
amjjawad | https://wiki.debian.org/DEP-11 | 12:12 |
darkxst | amjjawad, yes, that doesnt exist even in debian just yet | 12:14 |
amjjawad | yes, I see it is a proposal | 12:14 |
amjjawad | AppStream is a cross-distro effort to provide an application manager ("AppStore") for all distributions, with advanced features like ratings & reviews. It uses the well-known Open Collaboration Service API to achieve this. The project should also improve collaboration with upstreams as well as collaboration with other distributions (packages can be compared easily using this metadata - useful for e.g. sharing patches) | 12:15 |
darkxst | it is in progress though | 12:15 |
amjjawad | interesting information | 12:15 |
darkxst | amjjawad, so the client side is pretty set out now, but only fedora and maybe opensuse have archive side implemations of serving up the metadata | 12:16 |
mjayk | afternoon all | 14:23 |
eliasps | Hey mjayk | 14:36 |
mjayk | haya eliasps you up to much | 14:39 |
eliasps | Nah, nothing much. Same old routine :P | 14:43 |
eliasps | How about you? | 14:43 |
mjayk | I just got offered a job once I finish my PhD so im happy / trying to actually finish my thesis :o | 14:44 |
eliasps | Awesome! PhD in physics? | 14:45 |
mjayk | ye | 14:45 |
eliasps | More awesome! I love physics. Up to a point because it gets complicated on a certain level :P | 14:46 |
eliasps | I am studying theoretical and applied mathematics, specialized in software development, mathematical modeling and simulations. Only experience I have in physics is on newtonian mechanics, acoustics and waves and thermodynamics, fluid dynamics and electromagnetism. | 14:48 |
eliasps | Wish you the best both on you thesis and your career afterwards | 14:48 |
mjayk | ill need it to get it finished | 14:48 |
eliasps | What is the subject of your thesis? | 14:49 |
mjayk | the title is | 14:49 |
mjayk | generation of longitudinally polarised terahetz radiation for the phase space maniupulation of relativistic electrons | 14:49 |
eliasps | Like I said, complicated stuff. :P Good luck!! | 14:50 |
eliasps | Got to go. | 15:05 |
eliasps | Bye everyone, see you around | 15:05 |
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