=== BenC- is now known as BenC | ||
apw | erle- (N,BFTL), they are vanilla almost completely | 10:56 |
=== vHanda_ is now known as vHanda | ||
apw | henrix, will you likley pick up smb's patches for v3.16 stable or should i review them for application to utopic direct | 11:51 |
henrix | apw: i haven't look yet but i guess i'll pick them for stable | 11:56 |
henrix | apw: actually, i believe one of the commits was already tagged for stable | 11:56 |
henrix | apw: i'll have a look at them this afternoon | 11:56 |
apw | henrix, ahh yes so it is, and the other foundational, ok good. | 11:58 |
apw | henrix, i've reviewed them best i can anyhow, whether they come in via stable or direct makes no odds | 12:51 |
henrix | apw: ack, thanks. i'll review them as well in a bit (and ACK them) | 12:53 |
apw | jibel, yo ... seems we still have a slew of failures on 3.2.0-73-generic dkms tests, do we have any idea if this is testbed or kernel yet ? | 13:57 |
jibel | apw, hey, no sorry, I'm swamped in phone testing and didn't have time to look at it more than yesterday. I'll try to capture the output of the console. | 13:59 |
apw | henrix, have we had any complaints booting 3.2.0-73-generic kernels at all in VMs ? we see a lot of the DKMS testing fail during boot, but that might not be anything to do with the kernel | 13:59 |
henrix | apw: not that i'm aware, no | 14:00 |
apw | henrix, me either thanks | 14:01 |
henrix | apw: usually joe ping us when this sort of regressions occur. and he didn't :) | 14:02 |
apw | heheh yeah i was thinking the same | 14:02 |
dsmythies | In kernel 3.18RC1 this kernel config perameter is: # CONFIG_SCSI_MQ_DEFAULT is not set | 16:01 |
dsmythies | In kernel 3.18RC2 and beyond, the kernel config permeter is: CONFIG_SCSI_MQ_DEFAULT=y | 16:01 |
dsmythies | Resulting in loss of the ability to set the IO scheduler via /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler | 16:01 |
dsmythies | From the add a CONFIG_SCSI_MQ_DEFAULT option commit message: | 16:01 |
dsmythies | > Add a Kconfig option to enable the blk-mq path for SCSI by default | 16:02 |
dsmythies | > to ease testing and deployment in setups that know they benefit | 16:02 |
dsmythies | > from blk-mq. | 16:02 |
dsmythies | How do we know that all systems benifit from blk-mq? | 16:02 |
dsmythies | It seems complicated to have to re-compile the kernel to get the other IO scheduler options back. | 16:02 |
dsmythies | By the way, my system does seem to benifit from blk-mq, I just didn't understand why I couldn't observe and change the IO scheduler anymore, and so isolated the change. | 16:02 |
apw | dsmythies, hmmm | 16:21 |
apw | dsmythies, could you file a bug against linux for me with details of that, as though it affects no kernels in the wild, it will soon | 16:23 |
apw | dsmythies, and shove the bug # in here | 16:23 |
dsmythies | apw: O.K., but give me some time to do so. | 16:28 |
apw | dsmythies, great, as soon as i have that i can write up my findings and get it changed | 16:42 |
dsmythies | I cann't seem to set "linux" anymore. I think I have in the past. Anyway, bug 1397061 against "Ubuntu" | 17:14 |
ubot5 | bug 1397061 in Ubuntu "Kernel Config setting: CONFIG_SCSI_MQ_DEFAULT" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1397061 | 17:14 |
apw | dsmythies, ack i'll sort it out | 17:15 |
dsmythies | apw: what is the kernel command line option to enable blk-mq? | 17:26 |
apw | dsmythies, something like scsi.use_blk_mq=yes/no | 17:39 |
apw | dsmythies, and it may well switchable at runtime | 17:40 |
apw | /sys/module/scsi_mod/parameters/use_blk_mq | 17:40 |
apw | scsi_mod.use_blk_mq=yes/no perhaps | 17:45 |
dsmythies | apw: thanks | 18:33 |
infinity | zequence: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lowlatency/+bug/1396193 is all you. | 19:21 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1396193 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux-lowlatency: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] | 19:21 |
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