
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
* m0nkey_ tickles diddledan 00:19
m0nkey_the wife did that00:48
daftykinslol, do you guys know diddledan?00:49
m0nkey_That'll teach me not to hit Super+L00:49
m0nkey_Yeah, long time.00:49
daftykinsyou poor poor...00:49
m0nkey_First knew him from IrCQNet00:49
m0nkey_Wow, approx 10+ years ago00:49
m0nkey_I'm old00:49
m0nkey_bbiab.. play time (GTA)00:50
daftykinshey shauno_, how goes it?00:51
shauno_same old same old :)00:51
* daftykins sips Guinness00:52
=== shauno_ is now known as shauno
m0nkey_shauno, ircqnet, shaun per chance?00:54
shaunoI have very little imagination when it comes to nicks00:54
m0nkey_Probably know me as Wellard, used to be CtrlAltDel.. long time ago00:55
shaunooh hah, hey dave00:55
m0nkey_yeah, he remembers00:55
m0nkey_how goes it?00:55
shaunostill alive!00:55
m0nkey_diddledan told me you hang here00:55
mappsstrange noone awake for once06:16
MooDoomorning all07:57
twagerls -a08:27
DJonesThis is not the terminal you are looking for08:36
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Phillip Hughes Day! :-D09:34
MooDoomorning JamesTait09:36
JamesTaitMooDoo, o/09:36
JamesTaitczajkowski, \o09:40
czajkowskihows things?09:42
zmoylan-pisaw an adorable pug pigy bank and thought of bash last week09:43
czajkowskimost up to date pics09:44
MooDooloved the "why don't you play with me" picture lol09:46
czajkowskiyes he does give that face a lot while I try and work09:54
MooDooawwwww lol09:55
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:57
zmoylan-pigreetings earthlings.09:57
brobostigonmorning zmoylan-pi09:58
foobarryarggh lightning deals :(10:04
foobarryi should wait until december to buy presents because amazon are getting me to buy more10:04
zmoylan-piat least the web will be faster today as americans are stuck with family in a reduced number of locations and the bandwidth of their parents sucks10:05
=== JamesTai1 is now known as JamesTait
davmor2JamesTait: why would you be happy at someones death and then laugh about it at the end ;)10:29
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:40
davmor2morning bigcalm what time did you guys leave last night?10:47
bigcalmdavmor2: about 10ish. Did you turn up after that?10:54
davmor2bigcalm: no I knocked off around then and thought about coming up just as well I didn't :)11:07
bigcalmAh, yes11:09
bigcalmdavmor2: you will be coming to the xmas meet/meal though, right?11:09
davmor2bigcalm: indeed11:09
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
popeyI feel like I'm being judged http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2014-11-27-115941.png12:00
bigcalmThat would be a nice thing to see on my phone12:02
=== alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g
davmor2popey: that or he is wishing for a phone call :D12:03
MyrttiI might put this on mine http://i.imgur.com/939hV8R.jpg12:07
zmoylan-pii usually just make a jpg with my phone number on it12:08
czajkowskihttps://twitter.com/czajkowski/status/537940305530855424  co working today :D12:10
popeyyeah, i grabbed all those wallpapers12:10
popeyhmm http://paradoxgirl.com/12:10
diploOK girls and boys, I'm in quite dire need of a phone12:18
MyrttiNexus 512:19
diploNot got a lot to spend, £100 -> £200 max as I'm rather skint12:19
diploSecond hand is ok, or maybe the new Moto ones that Tesco sell ?12:19
* zmoylan-pi recommends nokia feature phone. terrible but indestructible and does web, email, mp3s, radio, ereader, irc if you're patient12:20
bigcalmTesco would be a good place to shop. There are loads of smart phones for less than 100 quid12:20
MyrttiMoto G12:20
davmor2diplo: wait till tomorrow and see what is on offer in the black friday sale?12:20
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
diploYeah probably am davmor2, just thought I'd ask recommendations here12:20
bigcalmI know we live in a global market, but that annoys me that such things make it over here12:20
diploI was bidding on an S4 on Ebay yesterday for £13012:20
zmoylan-pimy current nokia is from tescos where it was €29 :-)12:21
diploI've still got my 6310 zmoylan-pi, still works :)12:21
davmor2diplo: unless moto's policy has changed they tend to suck for updates12:21
diploUntil recently weren't they a google part, they still suck ? And to be honest I'm quite happy Roming a phone12:22
zmoylan-piand when ever people ask i take it out and bonk it of floor or furniture to show indestructability :-D12:22
Myrttiif you want something new with that money, then Moto G12:22
davmor2diplo: ^ I would say not anymore then is Myrtti 's comment is anything to go by12:23
Myrttiif you're fine with second hand, then Nexus 5 or her ilk.12:23
diploI'm just ebaying it now Myrtti thanks12:24
Myrttibut Moto G seems good value for the money and had it been available when I was buying a phone for my sister a year ago, I would've gotten it instead of a second hand Nexus 412:24
diployeah I've bought one for my dad, he likes it but doesn't use it12:24
diploLike I would12:24
Myrttithere's a new version of it, I can't remember what they changed but IIRC it's still good value for the 150 whatever it is12:25
Myrttimy sister adores her Nexus 4 :-)12:25
diploSuch ranging prices on ebay ( also don't like buying things like phones from ebay ) :/12:33
diploGoing to look at the MotoG as well, pop in store or something12:33
Myrttiyeah, it's always a hassle12:33
awilkinsdiplo, Daughter has a Moto G ; I have no complaints12:42
awilkinsApparently getting a Lollipop upgrade soon also12:42
awilkinsdavmor2, You'd expect Motorola to be pretty sharp on updates... when they were owned by Google. But Lenovo own them now.12:44
davmor2awilkins: they were awful but only in the uk in the us they were really on the ball12:45
bigcalmI was going to say. When I had the Xoom tablet, it got bugger all updates12:45
awilkinsThis is why I have a Nexus 412:45
awilkinsNexii 4 & 7 both got a nice factory-wipe and upgrade to 512:46
awilkinsI like it12:46
awilkinsAlthough possibly I like having a nice clean device with fewer apps on too...12:46
Myrttisister got her L OTA on Nexus 4 day before12:48
Myrttineeded a bit of fumbling to get it to download but nothing a reboot wouldn't solve12:48
awilkinsYeah, doing a factory install is rather a fiddle12:49
awilkinsI was bored12:49
awilkinsReading the specs of the Nexus 6. It completely poops all over PCs I owned until recently12:50
zmoylan-pican it run ubuntu?12:51
awilkinsIt's screen completely poops all over all the main PC monitors I own*right now*12:51
awilkinsI'm sure some enterprising soul will get Ubuntu running on it12:51
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
Jim_Can you guys help me how I should automate the skype in Zorion OS. I am feeling a bit annoyed to turn it on soon after restarting the sys everytime though.13:39
daftykinsi believe Zorin may have their own support channel, on freenode13:40
Jim_hey daftykins could you please direct me how I should head to that freenode?13:40
Jim_Thanks for the reply by the way.13:40
daftykinssomeone might feel helpful and try to help you, but this is an Ubuntu channel for Ubuntu... despite one being based on another it doesn't make them the same13:40
daftykinswell, they might have info on their website... otherwise you can try querying alis13:41
lubotu3`alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*13:41
popeyJim_:  /join #zorinos13:41
Jim_HI popey you came again. Thanks.13:42
popeythere's like 10 people in there though, so you may need to wait a while in there13:42
Jim_Oh. I have been to http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ZorinOS&uio=OT10cnVlJjExPTIxNQ6cunder%20help-%3Eirc and none helps me here.13:42
daftykinsah Zorin, for the "i can't believe it's not Windows" experience13:42
popeyyeah, I'm not surprised you don't get a reply.13:43
Jim_ lubotu3 has said something which I didn't understand. I am sorry about it.13:43
popeylubotu3` is a bot13:43
lubotu3`Yes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots for all information.13:43
daftykinsJim_: do you think maybe you could also try #ubuntu-in today? :)13:44
daftykinsmaybe someone there uses it.13:44
Jim_This time I need to fix my problem and shouldn't look at IRC chat for the same issue.13:44
Jim_I am going to #ubuntu-in , #freenode, #ubuntu*  hope they fix my issue.13:46
Jim_Bye Popey13:47
foobarryi wouldn't agree that zorin is a "gateway to linux" if you can't get help with it13:52
foobarrygateway to $OLD_OS13:53
Myrttiwhich is exactly why I don't install anything but Ubuntu on anyone's machines13:53
daftykinsgetting pretty tired of seeing the Ubuntu derivative users come in "but it's Ubuntu really!" ... "but nobody's helping me in its channel!"13:54
foobarryi sometimes install windows7 if thats what they ask for13:54
daftykinseven had a CentOS user asking for help the other day 0o13:54
foobarrywas it me?13:54
daftykinslol no13:54
daftykinsi think the best yet was yesterday13:54
daftykins<me> what version are you running?13:55
daftykins<user> umm that's a long story, but basically... trunk arch with unity compiled13:55
daftykinsgreat ¬_¬13:55
foobarryabandon all hope13:55
foobarryit seems my previous house owners used the most expensive wooden floor you can buy13:56
daftykinsare you drilling holes in it? :D13:56
foobarryno, i'm trying to buy more of it13:57
* davmor2 looks over at his Suse 6.3 box and wonders whatever happened to his corel linux box :)13:57
foobarry£55.34 per m²13:57
Myrttifoobarry: I just tell them that if they want Windows7, they can ask for someone else for help13:59
Myrttimind you, I did help my niece last week to pick the best iPad her money could buy13:59
foobarrywhen its ur mum and sibling its not so easy, but agree for othrs13:59
Myrttibut she knows I can't help her with it beyond that13:59
daftykinsfair enough offer to support what you know, but to force people into a given choice is just silly14:00
foobarrywas jim another of our indian friends?14:00
foobarrymaybe popey means support desk in indian14:00
daftykinsprobably the same one, masquerading14:01
foobarrysame behaviour but better english14:01
popeyI thought the Jim who dropped by the other day was from the UK14:01
popeyI mtr'ed his IP14:01
* popey ♥ mtr14:03
daftykinsi just nslookup their IP, usually resolves to a domestic host :>14:03
daftykinsalthough it's not working on the one over in #ubuntu right now14:03
popeymtr is fewer keypresses :D14:04
daftykinsthat it is! probably isn't on Windows as well though *checks*14:04
popeyhate it when i mis-click on suspend instead of shutdown14:14
popeyno no no no noooooooooooo14:15
bigcalmpopey: at least it's that way around14:15
popeywell yes14:15
popeybut shutdown has confirmation14:15
popeysuspend doesnt14:15
mjaykafternoon all14:23
bigcalmFair enough14:24
bigcalmWhen it comes to shutdown, I get annoyed by clicking restart instead of shutdown :D14:24
zmoylan-pimake a link to shutdown and put on desktop all on it's tod?14:26
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
foobarryi use the power button14:29
foobarrythen use arrow keys14:29
foobarryold skool14:29
popeyRETRO COOL!14:29
bigcalmOn the laptop, I press the power button then touch the screen to shutdown14:29
foobarrycolleague just belched . now i can smell curry. not cool14:30
zmoylan-pibetter up than down14:31
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
mjayki C what you did thur14:34
daftykinsDid you? :>14:34
mjaykyEs i did14:35
diplodaftykins, WinMTR - standalone app14:41
diploQuite good :)14:41
mjaykurgggggggggggghhh i have zero motivation to write stuff14:42
foobarrywrite what14:43
foobarrylove letters?14:43
foobarrysongs? poetry? code?14:43
mjaykeven worse!14:44
awilkinsLearn LaTeX15:02
awilkinsThen you can procrastinate about your thesis much more efficiently15:02
MyrttiLaTeX ♥15:05
MyrttiI made the Wedding Survival Guide that we sent out with the invites with LaTeX15:06
Myrttigotten nothing but compliments15:06
bashrcwhat are the advantages of LaTeX?15:06
awilkinsIt's basically a professional typographical syste,15:06
awilkinsDoes very attractive document layout without tarting around with Word buttons for 6 hours and swearing and biting the couch15:07
Myrttiit just works. flat file system that's readable and writable with any text editor, lends itself easily into version control15:07
awilkinsDownside : Arcane15:07
Myrttiyou can get great results with little to no effort, and if you want to you can tweak it to your hearts content15:08
awilkinsMyrtti, you using LyX or straight LaTeX ?15:08
Myrttistraight latex15:08
Myrttilyx is for peons15:08
Myrttilatex is supported by even Google Docs via an extension15:09
awilkinsMy sysadmin is using LyX15:09
Myrttialso, pandoc15:09
foobarryits good for theses and books15:11
awilkinsYeah, we're kinda doing initial drafts of documents now15:12
Myrttiand slidesets, and CV's15:12
foobarryits quite distinctive classic sttyle15:12
foobarryjury's out on cvs15:12
awilkinsDocuments are stone boring, so the techies are doing it with these things15:12
awilkinsI used Markdown / Pandoc and spat forth a PDF15:12
Myrttifoobarry: as I said, if you configure it enough you can make it sing15:12
awilkinsDidn't look bad but the sysadmin won in terms of prettiness15:12
awilkinsAnd having a contents index15:13
foobarrythe posters i see are hideous, probably because they are made by scientists15:13
awilkinsUsing LyX15:13
Myrttiawilkins: remind me to make a censored version of the source and pdf and to show it to you15:13
awilkinsMyrtti, Looking at that latex app for Google Docs now. It's shiny.15:15
Myrttiis the Amazon Lightning Deal Aquatouch shaver any good?15:20
Myrttihttp://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B004XIBAT0/ this one15:22
davmor2Myrtti: it'll work as well as any other phillips shaver I would image, does that help at all?15:24
MyrttiI suppose15:25
MyrttiI think I'll order it15:25
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== lubotu3` is now known as lubotu3
foobarrythey philips shavers chew my face15:35
foobarrybought one and couldn't use it15:35
Myrttihe already uses one *shrug*15:37
foobarryat what filesize does sqlite become unrealistic for use?15:38
daftykinswhat an incredibly unlikely amazon link http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00KFAGCUM/15:39
foobarryspoke to a bloke and got really good pre-sale service. then i realised a place near me has it and for £50 cheaper (free shipping). feel bad now15:40
awilkinsfoobarry, The absolute max is 140TB15:41
foobarrycurrently reading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3630/sqlite-vs-mysql15:41
awilkinsfoobarry, The limits for sqlite are more likely to do with wanting concurrent access, than data size15:42
foobarrybasically i have a large flat file of 1.3G that needs dumping to db for better querying15:42
awilkinsdaftykins, Wow, they got big fast15:42
foobarryso if my queries got done "offline" rather than dynamically done upon user request then should be fine15:43
awilkins512GB for £150 ... paid £120 for 64GB a few years ago15:43
awilkinsfoobarry, 1.3GB should be fine for that sort of thing... if anything, sqlite has lower overheads than a traditional CLient / Server database15:44
foobarryit seems so, especially for read-heavy queries15:51
DJonesAaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!!!! Will anybody swap elbows, while a cortisone injection settles down for the next few days16:19
daftykinshahaha, what do they feel like?16:19
DJonesInjection doesn't hurt, but the next 3-4 days will be agony16:20
DJonesLittle to no use of the arm16:20
daftykinsi've already had that since my bike accident :>16:21
daftykinsit can be a pretty trying time16:22
DJonesYep, had one 6 months ago that worked for a while, 2nd one now, its just the constant ache that bugs me16:23
DJonesOoh, nice, Bladerunner sequel being made16:23
bigcalmHi peeps :)16:29
bigcalmMy ubuntu desktop is failing to load. After logging in via lightdm, the background updates but Unity doesn't load.16:29
bigcalmIn case it was a Unity issue, I installed kubuntu-desktop. Rebooted, selected KDE from lightdm and logged in. The background changes to black and nothing else gets loaded16:30
awilkinsDoes it do that for a new user profile?16:30
bigcalmIn both instances, the mouse pointer can be moved around the screen but it doesn't interact with anything16:30
bigcalmAlso, ctrl+alt+t doesn't bring up a terminal16:30
bigcalmI think I checked that, but I'll check again16:31
bigcalmYes, I selected the guest session and the same thing happens16:31
DJonesIs it me you're looking for16:52
mappsraining again16:57
daftykinsDJones: +1 for that16:58
mappsits raining but warm but still feel stupid wearing shorts16:58
mappshate getting soggy jeans tho16:58
mappsbooked a flight to heathrow on BA and it says i get 23kilo in hold 1 bag carry on + laptop bag..thats pretty good..the other airlines say laptop bag counts as carry on iirc so i always chuck it in my bag16:59
shaunomeh, ryanair let you take a laptop bag now :p17:00
mappsah now17:00
mappsthats good17:00
mappsim always almost near my max allowances17:02
mappsbut then i do take 2 laptops and a tablet in my carry on17:02
mappsis it possible to turn up at an airport and say youll go ANYWHERE and get chreap tickets? ive heard people claim it is..but dont necessarily believe it - every flighrt ive been on has been full17:03
awilkinsMaybe it's possible if you're ok waiting17:07
awilkinsThey are always super dead keen to put bums on all the seats17:07
awilkinsThey upgraded me and a pal to "economy plus" (the plus is 2 inches more legroom - well worth the extra money for a 10 hours flight)17:07
mappsim off 8th-13th december and wanna go somewhere17:08
mappsdont care where17:08
awilkinsI imagine on a big plane the statistical likelyhood of a no-show is pretty high17:08
mappslike we considered estapona then on to marbella then malaga and grandad all easy for us17:08
mappsbut id go anywhere poland..italy whatever..aslong as return isnt 10x more17:08
mappsmy flight to Latvia 32gbp return 150 LOL and this was in advance17:08
m0nkey_domestic, standby is doable. european (one stop), can be done. International, forget it.17:08
daftykinshrmm got a chap with a Toshiba based on an AMD E1-1200 APU that's being really awkward to boot17:43
daftykinsi've had to revert to suggesting a mini.iso install, just doesn't get anywhere either in EFI or legacy boot with a 64-bit desktop ISO17:43
shaunohm.  you know a script's going wrong when you download an 8Mb file that contains only commas.18:01
daftykinsshauno: :D18:03
daftykinsshauno: comma comma comma chameleon18:04
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
shaunoyou've been spending too much time with Dan  lol18:05
shaunohm.  I wonder if I can sneak that in there.  "if I have 8 million null values, print 'chameleon'"18:07
shaunoI think I'm doing this wrong.  rearranging an array shouldn't peg an i7 for 30 seconds18:15
daftykinscrikey, i would hope not18:20
daftykinswhat on earth would prevent GRUB install from working 0o18:21
daftykinsah, that'd be it - the hard disk is /dev/sdb18:32
daftykinsgo go gadget grub-installer from busybox18:33
daftykinsif transplanting a laptop's hard disk into a desktop, can it be slaved to the current OS and GRUB installed do it with "grub-install /dev/sdx" easily enough?18:52
daftykinss/do it/to it/18:52
diddledanso I missed daylight19:08
daftykinsdiddledan: :O!19:08
daftykinsyeah i got that way a while back :( it's not good19:09
daftykinsdiddledan: are you any good with GRUB installs? :D19:09
diddledanso, I can now tell you what the press release was that I mentioned last night19:09
diddledanit's the "how well is your police force doing" stuff19:10
DJonesdiddledan: Not very well I'd say, walked the dog last night, copper in patrol on his to a crime stopped after driving round our entire estate and asked me how to get to the supposed crime scene19:19
DJonesin patrol car19:20
diddledanDJones, I only do the website :-p19:22
DJonesYou could say that, could job the crime he said he was going to was only kids smoking dope and not an in progress murder19:22
diddledan1 hour ago on the ubuntu touch mailing list: " image #10 is considered to be our 'Gold Master' image.19:34
diddledanactually 2 hours nearly - gmail sucks at times19:35
daftykinsis it still worth installing "ubuntu-desktop^" if i've got someone to do a mini install?19:43
daftykinsor does the ^  not matter?19:43
daftykinsi remember popey mentioning it19:43
daftykinsthis is 14.04.119:43
diddledanlooks like our infrastructure held up today for the hmic site - peaked at about 2000req/min19:58
diddledanthat was between 10 and 1219:58
diddledanwe're still averaging around 250-500 req/min now19:59
mappsthis film the maze runner is coo20:13
mappsfive fruits bulmers hm never had that before20:14
mappsare you allowed to bring spirits in hold luggae? was gonna bring 2 bottles of woods rum for my dad like 6 quid here 25 quid for 70cl in uk20:15
mapps£6.50 here20:15
mappsalso it says you can only take 1 bottle of spirits and 400 cigs...if i took more with me and they searched my case or whatever what happens? i get it confiscated..i get a fine? or can i just pay the tax and keep it? not even sure what the tax would be20:16
mappsunsure of how it all works..and do the airport people care if i have 2 bottles in my hand luggage yet only allowed 1? or is it only at UK end id have prblems?20:17
daftykinsmaze runner 0o20:18
daftykinsthat reminds me20:18
daftykinshear the good news?20:18
daftykinsBlade Runner sequel!20:18
mappsyea its cool daftykins  im 51mins in got an hour left20:19
mappsany idea about my flight qs?20:19
mappswould the staff at gib airport care?20:19
mappsor would it just be UK end i may get hassle20:19
daftykinsoh didn't see that20:19
mappsim not sure how it all works would gib just let me fly with whatever as they dont care or does the airport you fly from enforce the destination country rules20:20
daftykinsnever bought duty free or alc i'm afraid20:20
daftykinsi'm a good boy20:20
mappsits 6.50 a bottle!! so cheap20:20
mapps£6 a litre of stoli20:20
mappsi might just buy like 5 bottles and chance it20:20
mappsworst case scenario i lose a few quid i think20:21
diddledanI feel saddened: http://www.newser.com/story/199159/plug-pulled-on-worlds-2nd-most-watched-clock.html20:24
awilkins£6 for a litre of stoli is good20:25
shaunomapps: the allowance for spirits is only 1litre20:33
shaunoif they catch you over that, you pay %*£28.22 + VAT20:33
mappswhat that mean20:33
mapps% 20.22?20:34
shaunothe excise is 28.22 per litre of actual alcohol20:34
shaunoso, eg, if you have one litre of 40% spirit, you have 0.4 litres, so you pay 0.4*28.2220:34
shauno(plus VAT afterwards heh)20:35
mappsso thatd be 11 quid and what would vat be?20:35
mappsbut what about what i asked re the departure airport..would they care if there's 2 bottles in my hand luggage when its scanned20:36
mappsor would they just wave it through20:36
shaunoI actually have no idea how they figure the vat.  logically it'd be what you paid (purchase+excise) * 20%, but .. I've no idea how they'd figure out what you paid originally20:36
shaunoI don't think the departing airport tend to care.  as long as it's not liable to explode, it's not their problem20:37
mappsjhm cant do what i planned either buy 2 bottles morrisons 1 hand and 1 in hold..cant have any liquids . 100ml in hand of course20:38
mappsand if i have them in the hold 100% theyd know when its scanned on arrival at heathrow?20:39
shaunono idea about that bit.  technically you declare it at customs ;)20:39
shauno(and you can have more than 100ml in your carry-on.  you just can't take more than 100ml through security.  if you buy it after that, it's clear)20:40
mappsiyou do? i thought they just see it when its scanned and automaticxaLLY bug you20:40
mappsif the departing airport let you buy over 1 litre and you put it in hand luggage surely the arrivla airport wouldnt know? ------ they dont check hand lkuggage on landing?20:40
TheBlackRussianHow can i write Russian in LibreOffice Writer? It wont allow me to copy and paste russian words in20:41
shaunoI honestly have no idea how they 'catch' you.  I tend to run out of suitcase long before I have to worry about that :)20:41
mappshm not sure TheBlackRussian  set it to UTF8? is that maybe why20:41
TheBlackRussianhow can i do that?20:41
daftykinsTheBlackRussian: go ask your Russian friends in #ubuntu-ru20:42
daftykinsshockingly none of us write Russian very often20:42
TheBlackRussianIm not asking you to write in russian, im ask you how CAN I WRITE RUSSIAN in libreoffice20:43
diddledanwe don't know because we've never done it20:43
mappscheck site20:43
mappsit oibv supports russian20:44
daftykinsTheBlackRussian: i understood you the first time and my statement still stands20:44
daftykinsTheBlackRussian: maybe i should go ask how to write chinese in #ubuntu-fr ?20:44
daftykinssimilar goal.20:44
shaunoI'd suspect libreoffice-l10n-ru - office productivity suite -- Russian language package20:44
shaunobut that's guesswork20:44
shaunowell, grepwork20:45
* diddledan greps shauno 20:45
daftykinsno hits20:45
* shauno awks20:45
TheBlackRussianwell, if you want to write something in a language and you cant i would expect one to come here seeking for support. The person doesnt want to chinese here but want to find a solution to the problem20:45
shaunohm, really?  I just assumed it'd be the same thing in debian.  sorry :)20:45
zmoylan-pithat's what he sed :-P20:45
diddledanTheBlackRussian, this is #ubuntu-uk - the hint is we're british20:46
daftykinsTheBlackRussian: this is a damned -UK channel20:46
daftykinsTheBlackRussian: you need to start using the MAIN support channel, #ubuntu20:46
diddledanwe really need to fix this issue20:46
* daftykins hands diddledan the rope20:46
shaunoTheBlackRussian: no-one's trying to be rude, just that -uk isn't the ideal place for that.  the british are famously monolingual, so we lack any experience with the issue.  you might want to try #ubuntu proper, or #ubuntu-ru for people who'd have experience with cyrilic-specifics20:46
* diddledan makes a noose20:47
diddledanhow is that word even supposed to be spelt?20:47
TheBlackRussianthe last time i checked the uk it was full of poles and asians!20:47
shaunoprobably not like that.  but as an aside, I challenge anyone to say cyrilic-specific ten times fast ;)20:47
diddledanTheBlackRussian, but they don't consider themselves british, so they don't hang around in british places20:47
TheBlackRussianDo you live in London?20:48
diddledando you?20:48
diddledanwell twist my nipple nuts and call me susan!20:49
diddledanthat surprised me20:49
TheBlackRussianMy point is, try taking a bus in london. Its full of the poles and asians20:49
mappsthats true20:49
TheBlackRussianto be honest with you i dont think a british is on a bus most of the time.20:49
TheBlackRussiani only see them in rush hour. Other than that its impossible to find a white british on a bus20:50
diddledanbut anyway, we're trying to help you get the best help you can for your issue - as you're trying to write in russian the best places to find specific help on that issue are #ubuntu-ru and #ubuntu20:50
mappsTheBlackRussian,  ave a look at what shauno  said20:50
daftykinsTheBlackRussian: enough, go to the relevant channels.20:50
TheBlackRussianim going to ignore you dafty for a while since its had been clearly shown i have owned your arse in that agrument.20:51
TheBlackRussianWhere is the tool bar in libra20:52
diddledanwb mapps20:53
daftykinsi cannot stand this delinquent20:53
TheBlackRussiana delinquent? i have yet to committed anything20:54
intrbizexcept for casual racism20:55
daftykinsTheBlackRussian: do you forget how much i helped you, only for you to give me attitude and no word of thanks - i tell you where to ask questions for better support and yet you still sit here wasting our time20:56
daftykinsyou are not worthy of assistance.20:56
shaunocan we just ignore it and see if it goes away?20:56
TheBlackRussianthe thing is, a. i was a bit drunk. and b i dont want to go to the ru verison when i can speak prefect english20:56
daftykinsshauno: *nod*20:57
intrbizTheBlackRussian: on a serious note, I think you need too look at the input frameworks, like ibus or scim20:57
intrbizbut most of us here will never have used stuff like that20:57
TheBlackRussianmapps solved the issue20:58
TheBlackRussianor maybe not20:59
mapsee what intrbiz said TheBlackRussian21:00
TheBlackRussiani just go on window 7 and do it from office...21:01
diddledanmsoffice is not the solution. the solution is to ask someone who can help - we can't.21:01
intrbizTheBlackRussian: Have a look in system preferences, keyboard, layouts21:02
intrbizTheBlackRussian: I suspect you need to add a Russian keyboard layout and configure a key to toggle between21:02
diddledanin related question. is msoffice _ever_ the solution to anything?21:02
shaunoyes.  excel>*21:02
shaunothere is no finer torture implement I'm afraid.21:03
directhexmsoffice is the right solution if you already have a lot of institutional msoffice use - macros, training, etc21:03
intrbizIs suspect Google will be more help with switching keyboard layouts than us lot.21:03
directhexcan be cheaper than retraining21:03
intrbizTBH, not used MS officer for years now21:03
intrbizbut then I rarely use office programs it seems21:03
diddledanintrbiz, I don't seem to use office suites very much either21:04
diddledanI need to keep them about becuase people send me screenshots inside an msword document21:04
TheBlackRussianHow can i remove ubuntu?21:04
intrbizI seem to use plain text / mark down more and more these days21:05
TheBlackRussianmade up my mind, i want ubuntu gone21:05
intrbizTheBlackRussian: I suggest you ask that somewhere else21:05
TheBlackRussianits useless and is driving me nuts. You cant do basic things on it21:05
daftykinstroll shows its' colours more and more.21:05
TheBlackRussianim not a troll, not sick and tried of using a os21:05
TheBlackRussianwhich is not for me21:05
diddledanwebchat, too21:06
diddledandriveby mormon21:06
intrbizwhat an <insert favourite expletive>21:06
diddledanintrbiz, you did well not to say that while he was here :-p21:07
intrbizdiddledan: yeh, might have been thinking it, I couldn't work out if it was sarcasm lost over IM, or just a bit of an arse21:08
daftykinsmy favourite bit was being called German last time after helping for hours21:08
diddledandaftykins, lol. that's somewhat random.21:09
intrbizdaftykins: in a good way?21:09
daftykinsnah, it was an attempt at an insult out of nowhere 0o21:11
daftykinsi'm not German but i wouldn't find it a problem :(21:11
diddledanthat's a fun url21:11
diddledanfacebook, Y U DO DIS!21:11
intrbizdaftykins: right, seems a strange insult21:12
shaunoI'm so confused.  germans are bad at pasting russian?21:18
intrbizshauno: huh?21:18
mapif i stay here flights to ibz are only 60 quid..so cheap22:02
daftykinsi thought that was a 90s thing :D22:07
mapi just wanna go everywhere...may aswell22:07
shaunoibiza isn't really 'everywhere' .. it's just drinking in a different spanish bar :p22:08
nathanmcan u answer a quetion22:20
intrbizhelps if you tell us the question first22:20
nathanmwhat does ls | grep D mean22:21
intrbizit means: execute 'ls' pipe it to 'grep' and look for the string 'D'22:21
intrbizthe | character will redirect the output of a program to the input of another program22:22
intrbizthe ls program will list files22:22
nathanmwhat does ls > list mean and ls >> list22:22
intrbizthe grep program will search the input with a regex22:22
nathanmhow do you create a new directory22:23
intrbizthe > and >> will redirect the program output to a file, the >> means append > means overwite22:23
intrbiznathanm: mkdir22:23
intrbizmkdir directory_name22:23
intrbizor mkdir /full/path/to/directory_name22:23
nathanmhow do you create a text file in terminal22:24
intrbizvim /path/to/file22:25
intrbizwill open the vim editor to edit (or create) a file22:25
nathanmthanks for your help much appriciated :)22:25
intrbiznathanm: there are plenty of good tutorials on line for the Linux CLI / Bash22:26
maphave to remember to get an extension socket thing soon22:56
maphave to unplug one laptop to use other22:56
mapwell ok i can use both..but battery doesnt last forever ;[22:56
directhexif anyone cares, xbone plus AC5 plus AC4 will be ~cheap on amazon in 15 mins23:46
directhexps4 with driveclub 30 mins later23:53
diddledanjust finished watching "the code" - was good23:55
diddledan6 hour-long eps23:55
diddledanI don't get paid until around 2-4pm tomorrow tho23:56
diddledandamned amazon23:56

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