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Saviqgreyback, you did file a bug about dash launching too early for appman to notice, do you recall where?11:20
Cimimzanetti, https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/elastic-not-close-spread/+merge/24294911:25
Cimimzanetti, vesa approved11:25
dandraderCimi, isn't mzanetti on holidays until next Monday? I think we he's on zombie mode here on IRC :)11:31
Cimiaha ok11:31
Cimiwell, is a small one whoever wants11:31
mzanettiCimi: yep... me on holiday... will check it out on monday11:42
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dandraderdednick, hey, got some spare time?13:05
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dednickdandrader: yo. yeah, i got some time.14:02
dandraderdednick, it was a problem with the indicators in shellRotation but I ended up finding out that it was a regression caused by myself :)14:03
dandradersorry for the noise14:04
tsdgeosSaviq: can you top approve after Mirv +1 ?14:13
Saviqtsdgeos, done, will try and build here before landing it, too14:13
dednickdandrader: no worries14:18
greybackSaviq: mind giving this a quick sanity check: https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/qtmir/gles-sync/+merge/24304314:37
Saviqgreyback, hmm why do you need to override CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX?14:37
greybackSaviq: just for consistency with trunk (which has 2 prefixes, one for android, one for desktop)14:38
Saviqgreyback, ah14:38
Saviqmeh for having to include EnableCoverageReport.cmake :/14:39
Saviqdon't we have a package with that still :|14:39
Saviqwe do!14:40
Saviqgreyback, cmake-extras14:40
greybackwe do?14:40
greybackSaviq: want it used? Or can we do that later?14:42
Saviqgreyback, want it used please, let's not check in the new files14:42
greybackSaviq: I can push the changes, will poke you to review them so14:42
Saviqgreyback, sures14:43
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Saviqgreyback, same for LinuxCrossCompile, we shouldn't need it14:47
Saviqgreyback, aand parse arguments, there's a function for this in cmake14:48
Saviqgreyback, and you might want to pull in the new Plugins.cmake from unity8...14:49
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* tsdgeos wants to use ECMEnableSanitizers.cmake from extra-cmake-modules sad it's in universe :/14:59
greybackSaviq: thoughts: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9269696/ - ${CMAKE_ROOT} = /usr/share/cmake-3.014:59
greybackso hard to hardcode the path14:59
greybackany better idea?14:59
Saviqgreyback, ugh, looks like a bug in cmake-extras, should be in cmake-3.0 now15:00
Saviqgreyback, you shouldn't need to do anything15:00
greybackSaviq: cmake doesn't pick the modules up in cmake-2.815:01
Saviqgreyback, yeah, because it's 3 now in vivid15:01
Saviqalesage, hey, cmake-extras installs the modules in cmake-2.8, could we update it to install in cmake-3.0?15:02
greybackSaviq: MP up for it already, could add it to silo https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/cmake-extras/1394648/+merge/24237915:07
greybackwould need to check what depends on it15:08
Saviqgreyback, looks a bit naïve, but ok...15:08
greybackubuntu-sdk-libs-dev only15:08
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greybackSaviq: ok, I've updated https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/qtmir/cmake/+merge/23523915:58
Saviqgreyback, tx16:01
Saviqgreyback, some diff comments not addressed yet16:02
* greyback hadn't noticed them16:03
creatureHello. I've upgraded my laptop today to 14.10, and now my Alt key doesn't work in Unity's keyboard shortcuts. I've summarised the situation here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/553983/keyboard-shortcuts-using-alt-key-broken-after-upgrading-to-14-1016:04
creatureIf anyone has any suggestions for possible causes or further troubleshooting, I'm all ears.16:05
attente_hi. in qml/Stages/ApplicationWindow.qml, the session of the SessionContainer is set from the ApplicationInfoInterface application object, but where is it defined? i checked the unity-api code but can't find any declaration of it in the headers16:19
dandraderSaviq, greyback, so what happens when you physically rotate a tablet with a side stage app showing to portrait? does the side stage closes or does shell stick to landscape (ie, it does not rotate)?16:20
dandraderSaviq, greyback, I would say it doesn't rotate for the sake of simplicity16:20
dandraderthere's no spec for this anyway16:20
greybackdandrader: +1 for simplicity.16:21
attente_is there any known issue with old surfaces disappearing when new ones are created?16:34
greybackattente_: with unity8 Yep, it's not ready yet for multi-surface apps16:48
attente_greyback: ok, thanks. is there any timeline for that?16:49
Saviqdandrader, I believe one of the approaches was that the sidestage app becomes main stage16:51
Saviqdandrader, basically the app stack is flattened in portrait to only have a single stage16:52
Saviqdandrader, but since that wasn't confirmed, we can lock it down for now16:52
dandraderSaviq, no need. I'm going for the simple approach for now16:52
greybackattente_: hoping to enable multi-surface apps before the end of the year16:55
attente_greyback: ok, good to know. thanks!16:58
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