
mthxAnyone here familiar with launchpad?01:38
rick_h_mthx: a bit :)01:40
mthxrick_h_: Where do I find the sha1sum for a tar.gz on launchpad? Specifically looking at this package01:44
mthxThe package in the AUR [https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/system76-driver/] is out of date so I am trying to update the MAKEPKG manually, but I can't find the correct sha1 for 14.04.1201:45
mthxAt the moment, my shiny new Galago Ultrapro (Arrived this afternoon) is trackpadless, wifiless, and who knows what else it is missing.01:46
rick_h_mthx: looking01:49
mthxrick_h_: Ahh, just found it!  It's in the changelog01:50
rick_h_mthx: ah cool, I was looking in the ppa build log but didn't see it on that package01:52
mthxNeat. never manually reconfiged an AUR package before. Guess there is a first time for everything!01:53
mthxbtw, congrats on the jujucharm update!  I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, but seen it in the news quite a bit the last day or so.01:54
rick_h_mthx: cool thanks, lots of hard work by the time. Hopefully starts to make finding and using Juju easier with a single home02:05
cmaloneyI'm not saying a fucking word (re: The video games conversation behind rick_h_ )02:22
cmaloneyHappy Thanksgiving!13:21
rick_h_mhilton: wheee13:37
DrDaemonEyeHappy Thanksgiving everyone14:36
mrgoodcathappy thanksgiving to you as well16:02
cmaloneyWhew. Sent round 1 home22:26
cmaloneynow waiting for round 222:26
_stink_like clearing the stadium for a doubleheader.22:30

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