
MDT-I just installed ubuntu on a machine I have. After reboot, I find that my Mouse and Keyboard are not even getting power.00:06
=== MDT- is now known as MDTech-us_MAN
MDTech-us_MANthough just a few minutes ago they were workign fine while I was installing Ubuntu00:07
Jonlemy ubuntu is very slow with every thing need helpeen00:07
Bashing-omMDTech-us_MAN: USB devices ? check in bios for USB legacy and "plug and play" .00:08
MDTech-us_MANBashing-om, but it was working on live cd.00:08
MDTech-us_MANis there something different?00:09
MDTech-us_MANill take a look any way00:09
Bashing-omMDTech-us_MAN: Not the same drivers . See what bios hands off to the operating system .00:09
neosisaniis it normal for flash to use 30+% of cpu?00:09
neosisaniwhen playing music without video00:10
Ben64who knows, probably00:10
Jonlegot any ideas on how to fix it00:11
KobiakIf apt-cache show PACKAGE shows two different candidates, how do I specify which one to use in "apt-get install PACKAGE"?00:11
Kobiakehm: I ran "apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev/trusty-updates" and it worked. I guess that I gave up on google an instant too soon00:13
rypervencheKobiak: I believe you just add a - then the version number you want after that. But you'll want to set up apt preferences to pin teh package.00:13
MDTech-us_MANI have Legacy USB enabled00:14
MDTech-us_MANis that bad?00:14
devilspgdI've got a new 14.04 LTS box, is there any way to install a slightly older version of PHP? 5.4 rather than 5.5? I don't see a package for it, but I'm not sure if there's a way to get to outdated packages.00:14
Bashing-omMDTech-us_MAN: Not at all nad if you have PS/2 key board .00:15
MDTech-us_MANcheck in the repostories for a deb file00:15
MDTech-us_MANBashing-om, well I have a USB keyboard00:15
MDTech-us_MANdevilspgd: http://www.howtogeek.com/117929/how-to-downgrade-packages-on-ubuntu/00:17
MDTech-us_MANBashing-om, so what do I do?00:17
MDTech-us_MANwhats the problem?00:17
Bashing-omMDTech-us_MAN: OK, set so 'legacy' is not enabled, and make sure "plug and play" is enabled/ see what then results .00:17
AgentHeXHey, everyone.  I'm trying to install from Ubuntu MATE 14.04 LTS to my desktop computer SSD, but the live USB I'm using does not recognize my Crucial M4 or my Hybrid SSD (SATA controller).  Debian 7.6 live USB is able to see both SSD and hybrid drives, but the RAID-1 array appears as two separate drives.00:17
AgentHeXWhat could be happening here?  Do I need to install some drivers to the Live USB to get it to recognize the AHCI/IDE controllers?00:18
devilspgdMDTech-us_MAN: Thanks... That's actually where I started before I got here. Unfortunately this is a new box which never had an older version, so apt-cache doesn't show anything older.00:19
MDTech-us_MANhere: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php500:21
MDTech-us_MANyou can see versions of the package there00:21
MDTech-us_MANall ubuntu packages are on launchpad00:22
MDTech-us_MANdevilspgd: also see this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/92019/how-to-install-specific-ubuntu-packages-with-exact-version00:23
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=== Guest79909 is now known as PetraArkanian
diamondswhy isn't there an easier way to add repos to sources.list?00:28
diamondswhy manually write to some file00:28
PetraArkanianhi all, i'm running into an issue with webapps crashing on 14.10. has anyone encountered this or know a fix for it?00:28
diamondsoh maybe it's apt-add-repository...00:29
AgentHeXPetraArkanian: Have you checked to see if it's browser-dependent?00:29
MDTech-us_MANits in the software center00:30
MDTech-us_MANsomewhere in file or tools00:30
MDTech-us_MANor somethign like that00:30
MDTech-us_MANI forgot00:30
AgentHeXdiamonds: There is an option in Synaptic Package Manager to add external repositories.  It's the same format as editing sources.list, though.00:30
PetraArkanianAgentHeX: its built into unity and doesnt seem to have a dependancy on browser.00:31
* diamonds nods00:31
MDTech-us_MANBashing-om, its still not working :(00:31
diamondsty AgentHeX00:31
diamondsthis is ridiculous... http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/00:31
diamondsI can't grok why mongo has so many f'ing install steps00:32
AgentHeXPetraArkanian: What I'm asking is, if you change browsers (Chrome instead of Firefox), does it still happen?00:32
MDTech-us_MANwhy doesn't my keyboard and mouse work?00:33
AgentHeXI keep trying to fix my damn Windows 7 install that shat the bed after a BIOS update (ahcix64s.sys causes BSOD).  If I could just do that, I'd be 90% done with today.00:33
Bashing-omMDTech-us_MAN: Sorry, that was the only thought I had, If ya got an old PS/2 keyboard around, might try it and see ? How old is the mother board in your box ?00:34
MDTech-us_MANtghe motherboard is a couple months old00:35
daftykinsAgentHeX: sounds like your SATA ports are in the wrong mode.00:35
AgentHeXI have a Windows 7 .iso, but I'm having a hell of a time copying it to a USB stick to use.  Linux is always trivial to flash and just works.  I'm a CS grad, and I just can't stand the stupidity anymore.00:35
MDTech-us_MANI plugged in a PS/2 keyboard and it magically started working00:35
daftykinsAgentHeX: i'm finding the stupidity of discussing Windows issues in a Linux channel to be pretty great (:00:36
AgentHeXI know.00:36
MDTech-us_MANthe PS/2 keyboeard works00:36
MDTech-us_MANbut I still need my usb keyboard00:36
Bashing-omMDTech-us_MAN: WOW ! As to the why of that, I can not explain .. Is now working with USB keyboard ?00:36
PetraArkanianAgentHeX: yea it does.00:37
AgentHeXdaftykins: I have tried all the modes possible, and Windows still BSOD on boot.  Linux boots fine, prime95, memtest, check out, so it's just some stupid driver issue.  I want to replace W7 with Linux, but I need Steam and virtualization support.  That leaves me with *buntu or shoehorning Steam into Debian/Arch/other.00:37
MDTech-us_MANUSB still not working00:37
daftykinsAgentHeX: or give up gaming!00:37
MDTech-us_MANany ideas?00:38
AgentHeXPetraArkanian: Are you using free GPU drivers or proprietary binaries?  Are they the latest release?00:39
AgentHeXdaftykins: NEVER!  You'll have to pry the mouse out of my cold, dead, mountain-dew-sticky hands.00:39
Bashing-omMDTech-us_MAN: No good ideas, just play with bios settings for USB. ( is this new motherboard EFI ? )00:39
daftykinsMDTech-us_MAN: pull the mains.00:40
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
MDTech-us_MANnow that I I think00:40
MDTech-us_MANI do have EFI00:41
samthewildonewhat software can I used to compress a 1gb video to 500mb ?00:41
MDTech-us_MANsamthewildone, #ffmpeg00:41
MDTech-us_MANI foud something!00:42
MDTech-us_MANI just ran dmesg00:42
MDTech-us_MANI see a lot of USB spam00:43
daftykinsMDTech-us_MAN: just stick to the facts rather than the running commentary, please :)00:43
MDTech-us_MANusb 7-1: new low-speed USB device number 48 using ohci-pci00:44
MDTech-us_MANusb 7-1: device not accepting address 48 error -10000:44
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
Surendilnight people00:47
daftykinsMDTech-us_MAN: as i said, power off, pull mains... see if the USB controller reset helps.00:50
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MDTech-us_MANmains is what?00:51
MDTech-us_MANshould I BIOS reset?00:51
* MDTech-us_MAN gives it a try00:52
* MDTech-us_MAN waits 30 sec00:53
* MDTech-us_MAN powers it on00:53
MDTech-us_MANI see the num lock on during post00:54
MDTech-us_MANUbuntu is booting up...00:54
daftykinsremember what i said about not needing a running commentary?00:55
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
MDTech-us_MANwell, I started it up and it isn't working00:55
MDTech-us_MANI just ran dmesg and I see "device descriptor read/64, error -11000:57
devilspgdDid a bit more reading, but I'm still completely lost. The closest I see to PHP pre-5.5 is 5.3 from precise-security, I have no idea whether that even helps me on 14.04, or whether I can remove php 5.5 and install something from precise.00:58
MDTech-us_MANyou probobly can, devilspgd00:59
Ben64devilspgd: why do you want an older version?00:59
MDTech-us_MANdevilspgd, also you can compile source from here: http://php.net/downloads.php00:59
devilspgdBen64: Short version, a PHP script isn't compatible. Longer version, WHMCS is built using an older version of ioncube, the ioncube loaders for 5.5 won't/can't load files built for older versions.01:00
Ben64devilspgd: maybe you shouldn't use whmcs then01:00
devilspgdMDTech-us_MAN: Yeah, that's the next option. But that complicates the setup further, I was hoping to stay with defined packages to make future upgrades more straightforward.01:00
devilspgdBen64: Maybe, but that's easier said than done in the short term.01:00
MDTech-us_MANuse checkinstall ;)01:00
Ben64devilspgd: better than solving a broken whmcs by breaking php01:01
MDTech-us_MANit generates a .deb package for you01:01
devilspgdBen64: I was hoping to find a 5.4 instead of 5.5 as it's still an officially supported version of PHP, but at this point I'll take what I can get for the short term.01:02
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arooni-mobilehow do i make it so that alt tab is a separate window for seaparate window and doesnt group01:19
StevenXHello all. I want to add the following pgp public key to gpg, but I do not know how. I tried copying and pasting the info into a plaintext file and then using gpg --import file but that didn't work.01:24
Guest60047who these speck russian01:26
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.01:26
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tytan.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages because the hash-sum isn't correct. So is it a client problem or a server problem? I'd like to fix that01:28
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=== timvishet is now known as timvisher
timvisherhow do i get xfce4-terminal (or any other vte based terminal, for that matter) to set TERM to xterm-256color by default?01:34
=== toast_ is now known as Guest39599
aaairchi can people see this? just installed a new irc client...01:41
mindless_chaosyes we can see this01:41
=== john is now known as johnasassdwsgre
timvisherdoes everyone _really_ set TERM in their bashrc!? i can't believe this... :\02:02
Ben64timvisher: what are you talking about02:03
timvisherit seems that vte based terminals (like gnome-terminal, xfce4-terminal, terminator) all set TERM to xterm by default, with no way to override it save for setting it in your bashrc02:04
reisiotimvisher: grep -r TERM /etc/bash/02:04
timvisherwhich is crazy, so i must be searching for the wrong things02:04
Ben64why is it crazy02:04
reisiono you can definitely override it02:04
Caitlin23 High Quality photos and videos http://tinyurl.com/ozfvxy302:04
timvisherBen64: because they support xterm-256color02:05
timvisheryou can export TERM=xterm-256color and get 256 colors02:05
Ben64i fail to see how that is "crazy"02:05
timvisherBen64: because then you have to set TERM in your bashrc if you want 256colors, which then will break on any terminal emulator that doesn't actually support 256colors02:06
timvisheri'm sure i'm completely misunderstanding something02:06
timvisherfor instance, you have to jump through hoops to use tmux, because tmux wants its TERM value to be screen-256color, which you then override in your bashrc02:06
timvisheras opposed to it being set by the application that knows what it knows how to emulate02:07
timvisherreisio: how?02:07
reisiotimvisher: how what?02:07
timvisherreisio: $ grep -r TERM /etc/bash/02:08
timvishergrep: /etc/bash/: No such file or directory02:08
Ben64tmux doesn't need 25602:08
timvisherhow do you override it without setting it in your bashrc?02:08
timvisherBen64: it does if you want 256colors02:08
Ben64well duh02:08
reisiotimvisher: ah, must be elsewhere on Debian distros02:09
reisiodpkg -L bash | grep etc02:09
reisiotimvisher: why do you want to override it?02:09
timvisherreisio: because i want 256color :)02:10
timvisherfor things like emacs, or any of the many cli programs that support 256color02:10
reisiotimvisher: what makes you think you haven't got 256 colors?02:11
guspuridentify encuss02:11
timvisherreisio: tput colors: 802:11
guspuri typo02:11
timvisherreisio: emacs list-colors-display: 8 colors02:12
timvisheri mean, isn't this how programs decide how many colors to output? based on TERM?02:12
timvisherreisio: but yeah, that's the whole point. the terminal _does_ support 256colors, but it doesn't tell anyone02:12
reisiotimvisher: what makes you think you haven't got 256 colors?02:12
timvisherinstead it claims only 8 color support02:12
reisiotimvisher: so... this discussion is pointless02:12
reisio'cause you don't have a problem? :p02:12
reisiotry #philosophy02:12
timvisherreisio: my problem is that in order to get 256colors, i have to override TERM in my bashrc, which means that i'm making claims about my terminal emulator in my bash configuration, which is, i maintain, crazy.02:13
reisioprove it02:13
timvisherbut i'd welcome an explanation as to why not02:13
reisioshow me your non-256 color screenshot02:13
=== mark- is now known as mark
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=== billxinli is now known as billli
XeusDoes anyone here use LDAP in their ubuntu, but use only SSH keys for SSH login? I'm having trouble logging into my server with LDAP users. My local users can login fine.02:31
timvisherreisio: https://gist.github.com/timvisher/616148d07ad52653bb8f http://picpaste.com/upload.php http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_-_11262014_-_09_29_54_PM-bw65x0Uj.png02:31
reisiotimvisher: what's the problem?02:32
timvishermeh... s/upload.php/http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_-_11262014_-_09_16_32_PM-8WLEY859.png02:32
timvisherso that screenshot is when TERM=xterm, and the second one is when TERM=xterm-256color02:33
reisiotimvisher: what's the problem?02:33
timvisherso because TERM=xterm, emacs thinks it only has access to 8 colors02:33
timvisherwhen the terminal emulator (xfce4 in this case) does support 25602:33
timvisherbut isn't reporting that to anyone, presumably because of vte02:33
reisiotimvisher: what's the problem?02:34
timvisherwhich presumbaly doesn't tell anything that it supports 256 colors because... ?02:34
reisiotimvisher: what's the problem?02:34
timvisherreisio: could you maybe take a more declarative approach and explain to me why there isn't a problem? i'm all out of ways to express what's not working here.02:34
timvisherwhy is the terminal emulator not reporting that it's capable of what it's capable of not a problem?02:37
MDTech-us_MANI'm trying to recover some data form a hard drive02:37
reisioMDTech-us_MAN: gj02:37
MDTech-us_MANdmesg gives me loads of DID_BAD_TARGET errors02:37
reisiotimvisher: why is it?02:37
reisiotimvisher: somewhere, outside, there is a bear02:37
reisiois that a problem? Nope02:37
reisiosomewhere, there is a fire02:38
reisioI'm guessing not in your terminal02:38
reisioif you find a problem, let someone know02:38
MDTech-us_MANis my hard drive f-ed?02:38
reisioMDTech-us_MAN: can you read data from it?02:38
somsipMDTech-us_MAN: http://serverfault.com/questions/520930/is-this-a-sign-of-dying-hard-drive02:38
reisioMDTech-us_MAN: then your hard drive is messed up02:38
reisioreplace it02:38
MDTech-us_MANddrescue gives me 0B rescued02:38
MDTech-us_MANno backup02:39
timvisherreisio: it's a problem because the programs running under it doesn't know to use 256 colors?02:39
MDTech-us_MANthis is the one I forgot to backup02:39
reisiotimvisher: what's a problem?02:39
reisioMDTech-us_MAN: live and learn02:39
timvisherreisio: are you able to explain yourself any further?02:39
reisiotimvisher: yup02:39
timvisherwould you mind?02:39
reisiotimvisher: yes02:40
reisioneed a problem first02:40
timvisherreisio: what i'm asking you to explain is why you don't find what i'm describing to be a problem. i've documented that a program many people use won't use 256 colors unless TERM is set in such a way that it can expect the terminal emulator it is running under to support them. i've shown that xfce4-terminal (and presumably vte under the hood, i don't understand the internals here) _do_ support 256 colors, and yet they do not 02:42
timvisherset TERM=xterm-256colors outside of your bash configuration files or at the CLI. which means that i'm using bash configuration files to describe my terminal emulators capabilities, which will be wrong at some point02:42
timvisherso please, explain as if to a 5 year old, why this isn't a problem?02:43
reisionot reading that02:43
reisiostating a problem does not take 10 lines of text02:43
timvisheri've stated the problem in far les lines, but you maintain that it's not a problem. i'm asking you to explain why02:44
reisioyou don't have a problem02:45
reisiofor the same reason Mt. Everest is not cotton candy02:46
reisioit simply isn't02:46
reisioyou simply haven't02:46
timvisherreisio: it would be possible to explain why Mt. Everest is not cotton candy. you could talk about molecular structures and size differentials and many other things. can you not do the same thing here?02:47
user1111119does anyone have experience with configuring pulseaudio in Ubuntu 14.04?02:47
reisiouser1111119: many people have02:47
reisiotimvisher: it might be possible to do that, but only a fool would _bother_02:48
reisioit is not cotton candy02:48
reisiothe end02:48
timvisherreisio: so the statement your making is that i so fundamentally misunderstand computers, terminal emulators, bash, emacs, etc. that i am making the same level of error as confusing Mt. Everest w/ cotton candy?02:49
user1111119I'm trying to configure pulseaudio for DRC.  I can do it via pacmd but not in /etc/pulse/system.pa or default.pa02:50
reisiono, it's much worse than that02:50
reisioyou think you have a problem even though you haven't02:50
user1111119I also tried running the pacmd commands via rc.local but that's not working either02:50
reisiois there something you'd like to do that you are unable to do?02:50
reisioI think there isn't02:50
Ben64user1111119: DRC?02:51
timvisheri'd like to _not_ have to set TERm in my bashrc02:51
user1111119dynamic range compression02:51
user1111119for audio02:51
timvisherbecause i shouldn't be setting TERM in bashrc02:51
reisiotimvisher: like I said02:51
user1111119using module-ladspa-sink02:51
timvisherTERM describes the capabilities of the emulator, not bash02:51
reisiotimvisher: try #twitter02:51
timvisherreisio: done.02:52
timvisheris what you're saying that it's not wrong to set TERM in bashrc?02:52
user1111119I have a superuser question with no responses if it helps anyone02:52
reisiotimvisher: :)02:53
reisioyou don't listen02:53
timvisherreisio: what haven't i heard?02:53
reisiouser1111119: don't cross post02:53
timvishercan you copy and paste it from scroll back?02:53
reisiotimvisher: things02:53
reisioI sure can02:53
user1111119sorry.  should I copy the info in here?02:54
timvisheri'd appreciate it. i'm not seeing anything that i missed02:54
reisiotimvisher: that was my point02:54
reisioyou aren't seeing :)02:55
timvisherreisio: i really do promise i'm not trying to be obstinate here. i'm genuinely not seeing something, which i've admitted several times. can you provide any more help to enlighten me or are you done?02:56
reisiotimvisher: what is it you cannot accomplish?02:57
timvisheri cannot accomplish 256 colors without using bashrc02:58
user1111119here's a pastebin of what I've tried so far http://pastebin.com/KG9FFNRf02:58
reisiotimvisher: how are you trying to accomplish 256 colors?02:59
user1111119Sorry, just read the topic again.  Here's an ubuntu paste since I'm failing at following rules right now http://paste.ubuntu.com/9260542/03:02
timvisherreisio: for terminator, i tried editing ~/.config/termitator/config (or whatever that file should be), for xfce4-terminal i tried setting it in preferences03:03
reisiotimvisher: to do what?03:03
timvisherto get either one to set TERM to xterm-256color03:04
reisiotimvisher: to do what?03:04
timvisherto get things like emacs to know that the terminal supports 256 colors03:05
reisiotimvisher: and then?03:06
timvisherreisio: i don't understand the question?03:06
reisiotimvisher: what do you get if emacs does what you want that you don't already get?03:07
timvisherreisio: i get 256 colors for things like themes03:07
timvisherwhich makes the program more aesthetically pleasing and easier to use03:07
reisioshow me a screenshot of your theme that isn't showing the colors you want03:07
timvisherthe two screenshots i sent earlier show that03:08
Ben64instead of running emacs, run TERM=xterm-256color emacs03:09
reisiotimvisher: two?03:09
timvisherin this particular instance, i want hl-line to be a light gray, but there is no light gray in 8 color03:09
reisioall I saw was a screenshot with buttloads of colors03:09
timvisherreisio: first paste had eroneous upload.php link, which i then corrected in my next message: http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_-_11262014_-_09_16_32_PM-8WLEY859.png03:10
reisiowhat's the other screenshot?03:10
reisiothis looks like a screenshot of a whole lot of colors03:12
timvisherreisio: it is03:12
reisiotimvisher: so what's the problem?03:12
timvisherreisio: i can't set hl-line to a light gray unless i have 256colors03:12
timvisherand i can't 256 colors unless TERM is set properly03:13
somsiptimvisher: read this, please. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7617458/terminal-emacs-colors-only-work-with-term-xterm-256color03:13
somsiptimvisher: it exaplins that this is how it works, and it's designed to be that way. You have not found a flaw, or a problem. You've found how to do what you want.03:14
reisiotimvisher: so what's the problem?03:14
timvisheri have read that03:14
somsiptimvisher: so what is the problem? (in the words of reisio)03:14
skbly7can any body tell how to add new kernel entry into grub.. doing it like this https://github.com/arjun024/mkernel/blob/master/_grub_grub2_config/grub2_config_with_ubuntu_14_04.txt03:14
timvisherreisio: so i repeat then, that what you're saying is that it's not wrong to set TERM in your bashrc?03:14
Ben64somsip: it appears the problem is it requires a tiny bit of effort to get 256 colors03:15
timvisherand i'd accept a simple yes, although i still wouldn't understand why03:15
reisiowhy would it be wrong03:15
Ben64skbly7: what are you doing, and why03:15
somsipBen64: that's where I am with this too. I'm just getting tired of the channel being filled with this and thought I'd try to help.03:15
reisioit's your own personal config file03:15
Ben64somsip: agreed. i03:15
Ben64've been watching this for quite a while now03:15
skbly7i am trying to follow this blog : http://arjunsreedharan.org/post/82710718100/kernel-101-lets-write-a-kernel03:16
timvisherbecause your bashrc shouldn't be describing the capabilities of the terminal emulator it's running in?03:16
skbly7but adding new entry is creating problem it always show "file not found" when i select it03:16
Ben64timvisher: there are many solutions listed on that link above, do one of them03:16
timvisherBen64: i understand that you can set TERM on the CLI just before the command, and it will work, but why is that not a kludgy workaround to the terminal emulator correctly reporting its capabilities?03:17
timvisheri can solev this problem in a dozen ways, but none of them are the right one, which makes me think i'm missing something03:17
Ben64skbly7: writing your own kernel definitely isn't supported here03:17
reisioyou're missing that you don't have a problem :p03:17
timvisheri will have a problem the moment i run tmux03:18
skbly7Ben64: can you provide some channel for that please ?03:18
timvisherwhich i also run03:18
somsiptimvisher: this is not the place for basically philosophical arguments about why things work the way they do. We try to help people to solve problems, not discuss the merits and usefulness of a myriad of different approaches that fix the problem03:18
reisiotimvisher: wait until you actually have the problem :p03:18
Ben64!alis | skbly703:18
ubottuskbly7: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*03:18
=== Mony_ is now known as Mony
timvisherreisio, somsip, Ben64: ok. perhaps as a parting word could you point me to anything that describes why TERM shouldn't be considered a somewhat sacred value provided by the terminal emulator?03:20
=== Mony is now known as Guest89578
somsiptimvisher: that would involve me searching for something that you are interested in, and I'm not, without any immediate gain to either of us. So I'll decline the request. EOT for me.03:20
reisiotimvisher: there is nothing sacred03:21
reisioif it exists, it exists so you can configure it03:21
timvisherok. well thanks for giving explaining this to me a shot. sorry for the noise i suppose03:22
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dmagus85Hey all! i've gt a one-off question. after an update, my kubuntu 14.04 went wonky, so i did an upgrade to 14.10. Couldn't get my wifi network to show up so i did a full reinstall. no matter which version of ubuntu i try, i keep getting the GRUB error. anyone know of this issue???03:35
daftykinsnuke it from orbit.03:37
dmagus85wish it were that simple. just been struggling for 2 days. askubuntu, stack exchange, still nothing that works03:39
somsipdmagus85: I'm a grub dunce, but what is 'the GRUB error' in case it's relevant?03:39
somsip!find innotop03:40
ubottuFile innotop found in mariadb-client-5.5, mysql-client-5.5, mysql-client-5.603:40
daftykinsdmagus85: i second this query. telling us an error'd help. i'd nuke the disk with a nice zero fill to the first 100MB of the disk though03:40
dmagus85Grub installation failed. The 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into /target/.03:41
daftykinsok, so an EFI setup03:41
somsipdmagus85: yeah - I'm useless at this stuff so wil leave it to the others.03:42
dmagus85somsip, right on lol03:42
daftykinsbed time for me sadly03:43
dmagus85EFI setup? i'll search it. but idk how to pull that off when it won't let me into desktop03:43
atlas_hivehow do you get out of insert moe in vim???03:46
atlas_hiveahh it worked!!!03:48
atlas_hivesorry friends i have to go bake cookies =)03:51
beebopi'm having this weird problem03:52
beebopwhenever I switch windows, be it by alt-tab or clicking, the window is sluggish for a few seconds03:52
beebopit happens with some applications more than others03:52
somsipbeebop: is it possible the app has been cached to swap and it's 'waking up'?03:53
beebopit's possible03:53
somsipbeebop: check your RAM usage03:53
beebopi'm running 4 things and my ram is maxed out03:54
somsipbeebop: well, it exaplins the first issue. Now you've found another03:54
beebopso according to top i'm using about 16% of my RAM03:54
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beebopbut according to free, it's full and swapping heavily03:54
Ben64beebop: pastebin the output of "free -m"03:57
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:59
beebopseems like that was the issue, disabled swap and everything's all snappy again03:59
beebopnow why the $*&! is it swapping that aggressively03:59
PenguinAnonbeebop: I've had that problem before on an 8Gb machine. I don't even allocate a swap partition anymore.04:00
PenguinAnonGranted, I'm on BTRFS now, so I couldn't even if I wanted to.04:00
beebopactually, it's still doing it04:01
lotuspsychjebeebop: doing what?04:01
beebopbeing slow when switching windows04:01
Ben64beebop: pastebin the output of "free -m"04:02
beebopone sec04:02
lotuspsychjebeebop: what kind of grafix card you have?04:02
beebopit's a macbook air04:02
Ben64beebop: also, please watch the language in this channel, even if you censor yourself it is not allowed04:02
lotuspsychjebeebop: and ubuntu version?04:02
beebop14.04 LTS04:02
beebopBen64: http://pastebin.com/rKhGGVyk04:02
Ben64looks like plenty of free rams, swap isn't the problem04:03
lotuspsychjei also doubt its a memory issue04:03
lotuspsychjebeebop: you could try ccsm and tweak some grafix things in unity04:04
Daphne23 There is no such thing as Free Porn http://j.mp/Rh9YfS04:04
lotuspsychje!ops | Daphne2304:04
ubottuDaphne23: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang04:04
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beebopso I disabled compositing in ccsm04:10
beebopnow my gui is broken and i can't even get to a console04:11
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beebopnvm, couple restarts fixed it04:12
lotuspsychjebeebop: just try to disable active blur in ccsm04:13
lotuspsychjebeebop: did you also check your additional drivers section?04:13
beebopwhere is the active blur setting04:13
lotuspsychjebeebop: in unity plugin04:14
beebopit's already set to "No blur"04:15
lotuspsychjebeebop: whats your grafix card chip + driver?04:15
lotuspsychjebeebop: lshw -C video04:15
lain_beebop, hows ed? ooohlala04:16
lotuspsychjebeebop: seems good, additional drivers dont show any other drivers?04:17
beebopjust stuff for my wireless card04:18
lotuspsychjebeebop: and you installed 14.04 with internet enabled/updates on?04:18
beebopi don't know, but i update it regularly04:18
lotuspsychjebeebop: you could check intels website for linux drivers also04:19
beebopthe problem seems to happen most when switching to terminal04:19
lotuspsychjebeebop: what kind of mac is this exactly?04:19
beeboplate 2013 macbook air04:19
lain_i didnt know intel had linux drivers...   on site?04:19
lotuspsychjelain_: yes04:19
lotuspsychjelain_: check omgubuntu for articles on that04:20
lotuspsychjebeebop: can you play youtubes fine?04:20
beebopthe problem seems to be just with terminal04:21
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lotuspsychjebeebop: what happens exactly04:21
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beebopit doesn't respond to input for 2 to 5 seconds04:21
lotuspsychjebeebop: a sort of lag?04:21
lotuspsychje!info preload | beebop try to install this one04:21
ubottubeebop try to install this one: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (utopic), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB04:22
lotuspsychjebeebop: you can also try to tweak swappiness to 10 in stead of default 6004:22
beebopswappiness shouldn't matter, i've disabled swap04:23
beebopinstalling preload didn't help04:23
lotuspsychjebeebop: maybe check your syslogs or dmesg aswell for errors04:23
lotuspsychjebeebop: preload needs a reboot04:23
beebopahh ok04:23
beebopstill happening04:25
lotuspsychjebeebop: im reading article some guy solved this by installing xubuntu, as he also experienced intel issues on unity04:27
beebopany way I can do that non-destructively?04:27
lotuspsychjebeebop: yes you could install xubuntu-desktop to test04:28
lotuspsychje!info xubuntu-desktop | beebop04:28
ubottubeebop: xubuntu-desktop (source: xubuntu-meta): Xubuntu desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.184 (utopic), package size 3 kB, installed size 44 kB04:28
beebopcurrently installing04:28
lotuspsychjebeebop: after install, logout and log back into xubuntu04:28
aaairchey can anyone see this?04:38
aaaircchecking if my new IRC client is working04:38
beebopi can't see it aaairc04:38
aaaircbeebop thanks04:38
beebopokay, xubuntu's finally installed04:39
lotuspsychjebeebop: test if it runs smoother now04:40
beebopthx for the help gys04:40
Bashing-om!ask | Warens50904:57
ubottuWarens509: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:57
Warens509sorry ! i am new04:58
Bashing-omWarens509: Being new is not a problem. Please state your issue.04:59
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lain_i have a new ubuntu install on a sony vaio z series. when i come out of supsension, there is a loud static sound for aroun two seconds. any ideas?05:03
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Seven_Six_TwoI don't understand why ubuntu packages different versions of the nvidia driver, but only one version of the settings manager, when the settings manager only works with one driver version...05:07
atlas-hiveset theme screwer05:11
RedPenguinany way to stop the picture from moving if you are using a TV as a monitor and turn it off and on?05:18
Tommmmmyis there anyway to fix the nvidia-prime and the touchpad issues?05:19
Seven_Six_Twowow. is everyone here with nvidia issues?05:20
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Seven_Six_Twostupid 340 driver keeps freezing my laptop05:20
Tommmmmyare you using touchpad?05:20
Seven_Six_TwoI have one, but I'm using a mouse. and not using prime.05:21
Tommmmmysettings -> mouse -> touchpad05:21
Tommmmmyis it off?05:21
Seven_Six_TwoI don't know yet. I had to reboot.05:22
Seven_Six_Twoprobably not, because I do use it.05:22
Tommmmmycan you still move with the touchpad? :|05:22
Tommmmmybut anyway, why dont you downgrade to nvidia 331?05:23
Seven_Six_Twobecause every driver except 173 causes severe corruption and freezing.05:24
Ben64Seven_Six_Two: what card05:24
Tommmmmydid you uninstalle others nvidia rivers?05:24
Tommmmmybefore installing it05:25
Seven_Six_TwoI just got back in to xfce, scrolled my mouse on the desktop to switch to desktop 1, and now it's a grey screen, no mouse cursor. that took all of 5 seconds. It's an 8200m. I let ubuntu's driver manager do what it will. I haven't manually installed anything.05:25
Seven_Six_Twoeven alt+ctrl+f1 doesn't work.05:25
Ben64Seven_Six_Two: 8200m is supported under nvidia-33105:27
DFenikscan i get more info when package fails to configure?05:28
Tommmmmydo sudo apt-get purge nvidia* and then sudo apt-get install nvidia-33105:28
Seven_Six_TwoTommmmmy, no thanks. I've had enough. I'm removing ubuntu.05:28
Ben64DFeniks: probably05:28
Tommmmmywell your choise05:29
Ben64Seven_Six_Two: ok, have a nice day05:29
DFeniksi got only subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 105:29
Seven_Six_TwoI'm not going to install 331 again.05:29
Tommmmmywindows is not bat05:29
Tommmmmylinux is cool but not for everyone05:29
Ben64DFeniks: pastebin the full command and error05:29
Seven_Six_Twolol. I'm not switching to windows, I've been using linux for a decade. I'd stop using computers altogether before I switched back to windows.05:30
Ben64Seven_Six_Two: if you have no interest in fixing your problem, then this channel is probably not for you05:30
Tommmmmyyou said remove, so i got confused05:30
Seven_Six_TwoBen64, oh is that so? So I can't help others then? That's too bad...05:30
Tommmmmyso you are reinstalling ubuntu05:30
orlockSeven_Six_Two: Most people use computers to use specific applications, and the OS is generally not that relevant.. but i know what you mean05:30
Ben64Seven_Six_Two: oh, well you can do that of course05:30
Tommmmmyi have an usb with ubuntu, just in case05:31
Seven_Six_TwoTommmmmy, no, I'm going to try mint. yes, I know it's the same, and yet it works better on my desktop...05:31
Ben64i'm really suspecting user error on your part, Seven_Six_Two05:31
Seven_Six_Twoorlock, it shouldn't be relevant. but when my computer freezes and I can't work, it is very relevant.05:31
Tommmmmyif you use the console, its the same xD05:31
DFeniksi could but its probably useless . im tryingt to install too old nvidia-96 on ubuntu 14.04 and i think its not gona work at least without making frankenstain like thing anyway05:32
scorpio_i want to learn hacking, i heard that this distro Backbox will help me to get started as a beginner05:32
Ben64!backbox | scorpio_05:34
Ben64oh, thought that was a trigger05:34
orlockSeven_Six_Two: Yeah, its pissing me off too. My xterms lock up multiple times a day05:34
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Tommmmmywhich packages are used to customize the desktop?05:37
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Tommmmmywhich packages are used to customize the desktop?05:43
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EriC^^john: put a "/" before the commands05:56
xangua /sleep05:56
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Tommmmmyis there a packet i can use to customize my desktop?05:56
KsChoiceI have an external (over USB) Windows 7 harddrive with two partitions, sdc1 and sdc2. if I do fdisk -l, I get 4 partitions, with a total of > 4TB while the disk is only 300GB.... I try to mount one of the partitions and I see this: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc205:57
EriC^^Tommmmmy: customize how?05:57
KsChoiceAnybody who might know what the problem could be?05:57
KsChoiceBetter even, a solution :D05:57
EriC^^Tommmmmy: there's compiz, unity-tweak, conky, ...05:57
Tommmmmyi want a less graphic display05:57
EriC^^Tommmmmy: hmm compiz i guess, you can remove effects with it05:58
EriC^^Tommmmmy: you still want unity though right?05:58
EriC^^Tommmmmy: yeah like when you minimize, etc.05:58
Tommmmmyyeah but05:58
Tommmmmyno icons, just the applications05:59
Tommmmmyfox example05:59
Tommmmmyi want to use firefox, so i type firefox in the console05:59
EriC^^Tommmmmy: you can hide the launcher05:59
EriC^^Tommmmmy: settings > appearance > behavior > autohide05:59
OpswatchGot a question anyone know any instructions on how to upload a windows image into Ubuntu maas on 14.10? I cant find any06:00
Tommmmmyoh thats nice06:01
Tommmmmycan i customize terminal?06:01
xanguacan you at least explain what exactly you want instead of just telling 'customize' ?06:01
Tommmmmycolours, font, etc06:02
xanguagnome terminal, edit menu, preferences06:02
lain_you can right click in terminal and go to prefences06:03
Tommmmmythank you lain_06:04
lain_is that what you were looking for?06:04
Estelle23 High Quality photos and videos http://tny.de/patJ206:04
lotuspsychje!ops | Estelle2306:05
ubottuEstelle23: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang06:05
lotuspsychjerww: tnx06:05
rwwthanks lotuspsychje06:05
Tommmmmyyeah it is06:06
lain_there is a lot that you con customize using perferences.06:06
lain_its a lot better in ubuntu then in any other distro06:07
lotuspsychje!themes | Tommmmmy06:08
Tommmmmynice to know06:08
ubottuTommmmmy: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:08
Tommmmmythanks ubottu i will check them06:09
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DFenikshow can i change how ubuntu is starting up ? for example if i want to log in without graphic in console?06:13
Tommmmmyoh, i want to know that too06:13
tsalHi! I have an Intel 7260 wireless card and would like to find out on a CLI if it is running in 802.11ac mode. How would one do that?06:13
Tommmmmybut why not just control, alt, f1?06:14
lotuspsychjeDFeniks: you can set auto login to unity06:15
DFeniksbecause i think i broke graphic and i think the thing im trying to do might not work through chroot06:15
lain_are you talking about startup into console instead og gui?06:15
lotuspsychjeDFeniks: and edit your grub to "quiet splash" off06:15
lain_how do you edit grub???06:16
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lain_goodnight everyone... need sleep =(06:25
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cabinhello there06:48
cabinplease help me installing canon2900b printer06:48
cabinplease help me installing canon2900b printer06:48
cabinplease help me installing canon2900b printer06:48
cabinplease help me installing canon2900b printer06:48
cabinplease help me installing canon2900b printer06:48
Anomaly845_hello world06:53
Anomaly845_I'm new to the chat06:53
somsipAnomaly845_: This is not chat - it's for support. Type "/join #ubuntu-offtopic" to chat06:54
KsChoiceI have an external (over USB) Windows 7 harddrive with two partitions, sdc1 and sdc2. if I do fdisk -l, I get 4 partitions, with a total of > 4TB while the disk is only 300GB.... I try to mount one of the partitions and I see this: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc207:02
KsChoiceAnybody who might know what the problem could be?07:02
kayhello to all07:03
kayI am running an ubuntu server07:03
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KsChoicentfs-3g.probe says that the drive is not NTFS, but I can boot from that drive to windows 7 without any problem..07:03
Guest21025My ubuntu server is not booting up07:03
KsChoiceI've tried it on multiple laptops, and kernels, and all give the same result..07:03
Guest21025right after i select ubuntu from grub menu07:04
KsChoiceGuest21025: Is the electrical cord plugged in?07:04
KsChoiceGuest21025: Ah, thats a bit more already07:04
KsChoiceWhat does it show on the screen? errors and so on?07:04
Guest21025a list of messages comes, last 2 are : [sda] write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support dpo or fua07:04
hateballGuest21025: Did you recently upgrade it in some way?07:04
KsChoiceGuest21025: Do you perhaps see anything that says "oops" or "panic" ?07:05
Guest21025There are some other people working on it, someone might have07:05
Guest21025No, no panic or oops07:05
Guest21025I tried booting with older kernel as well07:05
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hateballGuest21025: Do you have a choice of any older kernels ?07:05
Guest21025same message07:05
Guest21025I did, but i get same message there07:05
hateballGuest21025: Tried booting recovery as well?07:05
hateballAnd running an fsck07:05
Guest21025no not fsck07:06
Guest21025from grub command line?07:06
Guest21025Where do i try fsck?07:07
Guest21025trying it on grub command line says unknown command07:07
KsChoiceAnybody who might know why a perfectly well booting windows 7 ntfs partition fails to mount, and the drive even makes fdisk bork because its 400GB with 2 partitions and fdisk shows 4 partitions with a total of 4.5TB?07:07
mattwj2002hi all07:07
hateballGuest21025: So the system halts even if you try booting recovery?07:08
Guest21025hateball: yes07:08
mattwj2002I hate uefi bios.  it sucks.  I can't even get a live usb to boot with it :(07:08
hateballGuest21025: In that case, I would live-boot the system on a cd/usb/whatever, and run fsck on the drive from there07:08
Guest21025thats the only thing I see after grub menu07:08
Guest21025OK. i'll try that07:08
bmxerkid503hey there. what is the easiest way to install windows 8.1 to a usb in ubuntu? Im on 14.10 and i can't do it to save my life07:10
bmxerkid503i have download ntfs fixes, unet, everything, even winusb07:10
Raahello all ^_^07:10
bmxerkid503everytime i boot, i get black screen with cursor flashing07:11
Raahas anyone else had problems installing skype07:11
mattwj2002I want to free my tablet and uefi is killing me :(07:11
hateball!skype | Raa07:11
ubottuRaa: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga07:11
hateballmattwj2002: No option to turn off secure boot either?07:12
bmxerkid503change it to other os07:12
bmxerkid503that helped me install ubuntu07:12
mattwj2002hateball yeah I have secure boot shut off but I can't find a way to get it to boot off of legacy devices07:12
mattwj2002*turn on legacy booting07:12
bmxerkid503have you changed interrupt capture 19 off?07:12
mattwj2002what bmxerkid503 ????07:13
bmxerkid503interrupt capture 19 and secure boot were my issues07:13
mattwj2002it is a hp stream 7....the bios is very simple07:13
mattwj2002it is a $99 tablet07:13
mattwj2002should I try upgrading my bios/uefi whatever you want to call it?07:14
mattwj2002would that help the sitution or make it worse?07:16
magnetikDoes it feels normal to you that clocks of multiple ubuntu VMs on the same host have 37s deviation after starting ntpdate 20 days ago ?07:17
Raathanks ubottu :)07:17
mattwj2002I guess I'll update my bios07:19
Ben64usually not a great idea07:20
mattwj2002Ben64: are you talking to me?07:20
Ben64mattwj2002: indeed07:21
mattwj2002won't a bios update add more features?07:21
Ben64usually no07:21
mattwj2002you have any other ideas?07:22
bynariedont update your bios unless absolutely necessary07:23
Ben64mattwj2002: i doubt you can install ubuntu on that07:23
bynariemattwj2002, what video card do you have?07:23
mattwj2002why Ben64 ?07:24
Ben64its a tablet07:24
bynariesometimes it has nothing to do with bios07:24
mattwj2002it is an intel hd per device manager07:24
bynarieyou dont need to turn off secure boot to install ubuntu07:24
mattwj2002Ben64 it runs windows 8.107:24
bynarieubuntu installs with secure boot just fine07:25
Ben64mattwj2002: ok? windows 8.1 isn't ubuntu07:25
mattwj2002true Ben6407:26
bynarieim getting fed up with ubuntu and all the problems it has caused me07:28
Guest8199Linux is only free if your time is worth nothing.07:29
Ben64Guest8199: untrue07:29
mattwj2002I do have to admit uefi sure has thrown a monkey wrench in my love for ubuntu :(07:30
Guest8199Those weren't my words.  Just a repost.07:30
Raawell that was helpful but i'm still having problems :/ so now i need to look into virus issues07:30
Ben64Guest8199: well don't spread FUD like that here07:31
Guest8199Why not?07:31
Ben64it is against the rules07:31
Guest8199Who called it fud?07:31
Guest8199Your words not mine.07:31
bynarieGuest8199 no opinions here! you have to be a mindless robot!07:31
bynarielol jk07:31
Guest8199Oh darn!07:31
Raaubuntu.. i am because we are ^_^07:32
Ben64this channel is for support only, FUD is not support07:32
Raajust sayin :)07:32
bynariewtf is fud07:32
ubottuPlease do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt07:32
mattwj2002we are Ubuntu resistance is fetile!07:32
Guest8199Someone's touchy.07:32
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LinStatSDRYou guys are vicious. lol07:32
Raayeah ^_^ i like it07:33
bynariethese hard core ircers dont play07:33
LinStatSDRYeah, super hardcore here...07:33
Guest8199And the virtual power.. soo much power...07:33
Ben64can we stop the offtopic stuff now07:33
bynariethey idle and stair at the screen and wait for a question they can answer07:33
LinStatSDRWell Ben64, you never talk to me in #U-O so I had to chime in :D07:34
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entrerihello, I have a laptop that I use as a desktop for a server, running ubuntu server. How can I prevent the computer from sleeping and the monitor from turning off at the command line ?07:41
dymHey! Im having some sort of trouble pinpointing the source of increased traffic on a Ubuntu machine running KVM/LibVirt virtualisation. I have tried from ifstat to nethog. No chance. Can someone give a hand?07:44
Guest8199I would have said NetHog too -- do you know what port it's running off of - the increased traffic?07:47
zlhgo /msg NickServ identify 12345607:47
cyphaseumm, zlhgo?07:50
LinStatSDRAnyone having issues with MaaS region importing from the Ubuntu main archive ?07:51
cyphasezlhgo, no problem, just making sure you noticed07:51
cyphasezlhgo, sure. pro-tip: don't enter sensitive commands while in a channel :)07:52
Raaso, still having issues. i'm running a virus scan now but i'm wondering if anyone could have an idea of what exactly could be happening, or how i can fix the problem.07:53
Ben64Raa: can you explain what's going on07:53
Raai tried to install skype and i couldn't even find it in the app center. i downloaded the package from the main site and installed it that way, the app center still didn't recognize it was installed07:54
bazhangget it from partner Raa07:54
Raai really don't think it's skype, i'm thinking there's a glitch in my system07:55
bazhang!info skype partner | Raa07:55
ubottuRaa: skype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)07:55
LinStatSDRI don't think you have a virus on your system. I could be wrong however.07:56
Guest81991. That's TINY, and 2. Mighty white of MS to still support Skype on *nix.07:56
Raaoh the virus is something i suspect for other reasons, my sons account got a random protecter icon on it but i'll be looking into that later07:57
Raai had his account set limeted, but then found out wine wil install things :/ yay07:58
Raathe site i got skype from was the official one, and it's linked in the ubuntu help site as well07:59
Cute_Girl_I'm bored.... Sad... and lonely......08:00
Raaaweeee cute girl is lonely, sadly this isn't the place to deal with that08:01
DFeniksseems i dont need to use nvidia driver after all .  this time opensource driver works fine08:01
Guest8199<--- restrains himself from the obvious commentary08:01
Raahaha guest^08:01
DFeniksbut how i add more display resolutions ? im using xubuntu08:02
Raaannnywho, someone mentioned getting skype from "partner" what exactly is that?08:02
Guest8199I actually resorted to pulling down and installing the AMD driver in mine, and I can see a more solid refresh than with the pre-rolled one, imo.08:02
Cute_Girl_I'm having some girl problems now, ex-bf--ugh!, can any guys PM me and help me with them?08:03
Cute_Girl_I just wanted help. :(08:03
Ben64DFeniks: are you still on ubuntu 10.1008:03
Ben64Cute_Girl_: wrong channel, try #ubuntu-offtopic08:03
Guest8199Yes, absolutely - in the terminal, type "apt-get install battery-operated-boyfriend"08:03
DFeniksnow on 14.0408:04
Ben64DFeniks: usually all modes will be available to choose from, unless you have a weird monitor or something going on08:04
Cute_Girl_Raa: you're mean... :(08:05
DFenikswell its not bad i have a lot modes , but on 10.10 with nvidia i had some mode that i liked08:06
Raaactually i'm very nice08:06
Raatry chatting up a chanel that isn't a help channel08:06
Guest8199U might be mean.  Do you scare kids? :)08:08
DFeniksi simply wanted some 1.6 ratio resolution that isnt my max 1680 x 1050  its native , but its hard to see and slower for my old video08:09
=== sherlock_ is now known as Guest27519
squigdoes any one know the current way to run 32 bit binaries on ubuntu 14.0408:16
squigwhat do I need to install, it seems to have changed since the last time I had done it08:17
Cute_Girl_I was only joking. LMAO!!!!08:19
ash`They weren't. LMAO!!!!08:20
XeusAccounts created with LDAP have a weird log-in shell. For instance, when you press the up arrow key on the keyboard, it prints this: ^[[A08:21
XeusAnyone know what's wrong?08:21
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
XeusI figured it out08:24
Xeusit is /bin/sh instead of /bin/bash08:24
Guest8199Xeus: you're sending ansi commands to a tty terminal?08:24
Xeusmy shell was sh instead of bash08:24
XeusI can fix that in the ldap08:24
=== gully_foyle_ja is now known as polgirl
=== polgirl is now known as aryangoddess
Seven_Six_Twowhat a brutal evening. I installed mint on my misbehaving laptop bc of nvidia issues, and get video, network, and kernel panic issues.08:25
XeusGuest8199: I fixed it08:26
XeusI had to go on the LDAP server and change the default shell08:27
Cute_Girl_What's so surprising about being a girl!!!08:27
Xeusthen restart slapd and nscd08:27
iptableSeven_Six_Two: randomly? install lm-sensors and monitor CPU temperature. you could have failing fans instead08:28
dymHey! Is there some decent tool to permanently analyze traffic from machines and report on anything malicious? like an IDS for standalone machines?08:28
iptableCute_Girl_: I think it's the "Cute" bit people are surprised by. Stereotyping IT personnel = men and ugly women. Stereotypes all around.08:28
Xeusdym: ossec08:29
dymXeus: aha08:29
iptabledym: ntopng: http://www.ntop.org/products/ntop/08:30
iptabledym: comes complete with reports and a webbased interface on local machine.08:30
dymiptable: looks good. but does it have reporting features?08:31
nonubyoriginal install was xubuntu 14.10 64bit desktop, switched to ubuntu/unity via install ubuntu-desktop but would like to use the original ubuntu/unity login manager, at the moment still xfce style, i believe both use lightdm now, so how I can force my system to apply non-xfce ubuntu/unity defaults08:31
dymXeus: is this packaged for 'bunut yet?08:32
iptabledym: yes, as stated, comes with reports. Also comes with DPI inspection. By default it will report, graph and save everything! Pretty cool.08:32
Xeusdym: just install it yourself08:32
dymiptable: nah, i mean proactive reporting.08:32
dymnotifications, etc.08:32
iptabledym: oh, alerts08:32
iptabledym: no idea.08:33
iptablegive it a try and you will know08:33
somsipdym: zabbix is pretty customisable with lots of plugins, but not sure if it has something to cover what you need08:33
dymsomsip: zabbix is more monitoring, no?08:34
dymlike nagios/icinga08:34
iptabledym: advise: note down all advises (zabbix, ntop, ossec) and try them all in a virtual machine to see which one you like.08:34
iptabledym: if you want alerts/notifications, you need a monitoring tool, like nagios. If you want traffic analysis, you use traffic analysis tools. If need be, you can make ntop report certain values to nagios for alerts for example.08:35
somsipdym: yes, but difficult to know exactly what you're after so thrown in as a possible for you to research08:35
Xeussomsip: zabbix looks pretty awesome :)08:35
Xeusdon't use nagios08:35
Xeususe a fork, like opsview08:35
dymsomsip: thanks.08:35
Xeusdym: opsview is very good08:35
somsipXeus: It works for me, but each to their own.08:35
dymso is icinga08:35
Xeussomsip: there are many required features that nagios doesn't have that are required in a lot of enterprise distributed environments08:36
dymopsview looks very commercial08:36
Xeusdym: it is08:36
dymIcinga is good as gold and freely available08:37
dymmakes use of NRPE08:37
dymwrite your own plugins => voila.08:37
MralexxxNRPE is ?08:38
dymNagios Remote Plugin Executor.08:38
dymFrom the initial Nagios Project08:38
somsipXeus: I chose zabbix after doing some research, but only have it setup for basic monitoring for now. Haven't had time to do the custom plugins thing, but it looks capable08:38
MralexxxThese plugins are for ?08:38
MralexxxNot sure what is Nagios08:39
dymMralexxx: wat08:40
dymMralexxx: http://www.nagios.org/08:40
MralexxxOk anyways i am testing how much credit does irc costs08:40
MralexxxOn phone08:40
MralexxxSee ya later its pretty nice community08:41
MralexxxOn manjaro irc i gotta wait hours to somebody come to help08:41
MralexxxGood luck guys08:42
MralexxxLol iz uses 4din (serbian currency 120din = 1€)08:44
layman806hi guys08:46
layman806I wanted to know if I can learn advanced programming on c++ somewhere online08:46
layman806can you guys help me out?08:46
layman806nope, just c++08:47
DJoneslayman806: Probably a good place to ask with be the irc channel ##c++ (I think its a double hash channel)08:47
somsip!alis | layman80608:47
ubottulayman806: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*08:47
ash`yah it's double hash :P08:47
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
layman806Thank you very much, guys08:48
AidenI used "apt-get install vuze" to install vuze. How can I find the install location of it? I need to find where it put its main jar file.08:50
yusufhello, i would to ask about ssh, it's any alternatives to solve the host verification failed without removing it from our known hosts?08:51
somsipyusuf: man ssh_config (search for CheckHostIP No)08:52
yusufok thanks somsip :) it's really helpful08:55
AidenAnyone able to help?08:56
LeartSAiden: dpkg -L vuze08:56
somsipAiden: although using apt-get is the recommended way to install all software, it seems that the version of vuze is often older than the current package and the vuze people recommend you install manually. YMMV08:56
Aidensomsip: Have you used vuze before?08:57
somsipAiden: no08:58
unlockushello everyone08:59
leeyaais there an official guide for upgrading from 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS suitable for production systems ?08:59
somsipleeyaa: what exactly are you after? Normally you'd backup and do-dist-upgrade. Dunno if I'd do an upgrade on production though - I built new servers from 12.04 to 14.0409:00
leeyaasomsip: i was asked first to check out if upgrade works. i would normally rebuild from scratch, but i dont have a choice here09:00
leeyaaso dist-upgrade then09:00
somsipleeyaa: can you mirror the server to a test server and try it on that? Most are okay, but people do have problems...09:01
leeyaasomsip: yeah thats the plan09:01
somsipleeyaa: my bad - do-release-upgrade https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html09:01
leeyaathanks somsip09:01
leeyaai know from experience with centos upgrades almost always fail. we will see whats the case with ubuntu ;p09:02
=== doebama is now known as william_doe
somsipleeyaa: on my home server, I've upgraded okay from 10.10 to 12.04 with minor issues. But not the sort of minor issues I'd want to have on a production server09:02
leeyaasomsip: yeah and ill be upgrading xen dom0s and important router servers09:03
somsipleeyaa: backup, mirror, upgrade, migrate. Be safe and lucky :)09:03
dymalways a major pain :(09:03
philrhi all, i would like to install ubuntu on my desktop currently running win8 - i dont want to install them side-by-side but i would like to try and generate a image of windows that i can perhaps run later in a virtual machine so, i am looking for any resources/info that can hlep me out09:04
Seven_Six_Twoiptable, that's a good idea, but I couldn't really install anything. It's at least in part due to software, because I have now installed ubuntu again and am in the process of updating without a single issue. knock on MDF.09:04
leeyaasomsip: btw do-release-upgrade is unsafe under a ssh session i presume ?09:05
iptableleeyaa: yes. run in screen session if doing via ssh09:05
somsipleeyaa: I've heard of it working. Never tried it though. More research may be needed09:05
iptableleeyaa: and DO have an option to get to the KVM of that machine09:05
leeyaaiptable: yeah i have ipmi prepared09:06
philri might add that i have run across a similar situation previously and msft, in their attempts to limit piracy, invalidated my key - this was later resovled but i would like to try to avoid the situation if possible09:06
somsipphilr: this may help. First search result so may need second-sourcing http://www.sysprobs.com/physical-virtual-virtualbox-virtualbox-p2v09:06
=== Hobby_boy_m is now known as Hobby_boy
philrsomsip: i found something similar and think that it or your suggestion will prob be end solution - im really wondering how to generate a fresh image and run it without having to deal with any nonsense over activation keys09:11
philrfigured i'd ask the channel since i havent quite found the issue in search09:11
somsipphilr: that's a windows issue. Nothing to do with ubuntu09:11
philrright but it is reasonable to think ubuntu support has come across the issue, anyhow, off to try your link, i appreciate it09:12
Guest8199Philr: try P2V09:12
Guest8199Citrix has some utils like this as does Microsoft09:12
=== aryangoddess is now known as gully_foyle
iptableDid I just FULLY disconnect from ubuntu? any1 seen a part/join message for me?09:14
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight
White_CatI get a "udev requires hotplug support, not started"09:15
somsipiptable: give it a minute or two... http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/11/27/%23ubuntu.txt09:15
White_CatI am unsure what to make of it09:15
iptablesomsip: cheers09:16
White_CatI am trying to apt-get install wkhtmltopdf09:16
leeyaado guys know how much space is usually needed in order to upgrade ? on some servers we run root volume with 95-98$09:16
leeyaaso i know how much to increase09:16
somsipleeyaa: very ugly, unless the drives are veerrrry big09:16
leeyaasomsip: drives are big. root volume is small, usually between 2g and 4g09:17
somsipleeyaa: I wouldn't like to guess how much you need, but >80% is usually the warning for me. But if you are going with a mirror, you could just suck it and see09:17
leeyaasomsip: xen dom0s write almost no logs and disk usage does not change at all09:17
leeyaasomsip: not even some rough estimate ?09:18
leeyaawhere does apt store downloaded packages from updates ?09:18
somsipleeyaa: lol - I don't see how that helps. I've said I don't update production servers.09:19
iptableleeyaa: if it's 95/98%, don't upgrade09:19
leeyaaiptable: thats 98 of 2 or 4gb09:19
iptableleeyaa: also, production servers should be rolling-reinstalled as upgrade. NOT upgraded with that09:19
leeyaahm, so where does apt store updates09:20
leeyaaiptable: i know, but i was forced to do it this way09:20
White_Catany suggestions to me?09:20
Guest8199dom0 can write a great deal of logs if you don't handle them correctly.09:20
iptableleeyaa: apt doesn't store updates. new software gets downloaded into /var/cache/apt and installed onto the system (everywhere around)09:20
iptableleeyaa: do NOT upgrade. rolling-reinstall. and plan for better disk usage while doing so09:20
leeyaadisk usage is fine, its been like that for years09:21
leeyaajust never upgraded ubuntu before, not without rebuilding the whole thing09:21
iptableWhite_Cat: do you ahve udev started?09:21
leeyaaah so its var cache apt09:21
iptableleeyaa: well, if you are running it 98% disk usage, then it is NOT fine as it is not planned for upgrades.09:21
leeyaaiptable: not my call...09:22
leeyaaiptable: so i take it 2.0G  1.1G  861M  56% wont be enough then09:23
leeyaathats for a basic router09:23
leeyaait has just iptables, tinc and pptpd09:23
iptableleeyaa: then tell the caller that ugprade is not safe-enough to do with this deployment. simple as that. it's not safe at al lfor that09:23
leeyaaiptable: i will in my next email, so i warn them09:24
BadApeoh my god, my broadband is down for maintenance and i am stuck using 3g09:26
leeyaadoes apt keep full log for upgrade ?09:26
BadApei have to admit i am so impressed these days how mobile broadband just works with no real effort09:26
iptableleeyaa: yes. also, it IS a bad idea to ugprade production servers unless you have them failed over to another box first. they may and could and probably will go down.09:28
BadApeand have a back up09:28
leeyaaiptable: yes, i will be running the upgrade on a mirrored copy09:29
BadApeand don't upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 weird stuff happens, i just had the init process run at 100% after and upgrade09:29
iptableBadApe: hah, you too? seems to be a plymouth issues09:29
BadApeit is best to run up a new vm, do a fresh OS install, test the software on this new release and then switch your dns/load balancers or whatever way you direct traffic to your server09:30
BadApecutting a long story short09:30
Guest8199best practice.09:30
BadApehowever if you don't care, like i don't most of the time, screw it and just go round making random changes09:30
BadApeiptable: i have a jira/confluence/stash server i thought it was something to do with postgresql, or java or err, i shut down all the services but sshd, and yet it still ran hot, i remove almost everything, even some of plymouth09:32
BadApeeventually i stopped wasting my time, made a new vm and migrated to a new clean install09:32
mreggHi all, I need help joining AD from trusty. Winbind is not starting on my machine, and I can't figure out why. Any suggestion?09:33
BadApewhat to do while my main broadband is out, i can't even install the modules to openwrt to tether my mobile to my router via usb until i can get an internet connection to the router09:34
BadApemregg: first thing to do would be to check the logs09:34
BadApeone of my many skills isn't being able to remotely scan your drive and read the config files and log entries09:35
KodanBadApe is an ape, gentlemen09:35
Kodan....a bad one.09:35
BadApethat would be self evident09:35
White_Cathow can I check the Wkhtmltopdf version in ubuntu server?09:35
Ben64White_Cat: apt-cache policy <package name>09:36
White_Cat"You should upgrade your version of Wkhtmltopdf to at least 0.12.0 in order to get a correct display of headers and footers as well as support for table-breaking between pages."09:37
leeyaawell im upgrading one of the test servers. we will see if init goes crazy09:37
White_CatI have 0.9.9-409:37
White_CatI imagine 0.12 is more advanced09:38
White_Catapt-get does not seem to have the most up to date library09:38
BadApeWhite_Cat: you will have whatever version shipped with the distro09:38
White_CatI apt-get with ubuntu-server09:39
OerHeks!info Wkhtmltopdf utopic09:39
ubottuwkhtmltopdf (source: wkhtmltopdf): Command line utilities to convert html to pdf or image using WebKit. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.12.0-2 (utopic), package size 186 kB, installed size 902 kB09:39
BadApe!info Wkhtmltopdf trusty09:39
ubottuwkhtmltopdf (source: wkhtmltopdf): Command line utility to convert html to pdf using WebKit. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9.9-4 (trusty), package size 100 kB, installed size 270 kB09:39
BadApeimho, only LTS releases are worth using09:39
White_Catodoo demands that version09:40
White_Catthats why I must get at least 0.1209:40
OerHeksupgrade then09:40
BadApeWhite_Cat: you could backport it09:40
MrChrisDruifOerHeks; +109:40
BadApeimho backporting is a better idea09:40
Ben64kind of silly to require html -> pdf09:40
White_Catit has to do with preparing invoices09:40
White_Catfor printing09:41
BadApewhat is odoo09:41
BadApeah found it09:41
White_Catits open erp, new brand name of i09:41
=== tcpman is now known as Guest9899
White_Cathow can I backport it?09:42
mreggBadApe: Thanks. It was due to the fact that the domain had not been joined.09:42
Ben64White_Cat: theres a deb package here, but keep in mind it isn't supported here http://wkhtmltopdf.org/downloads.html09:42
BadApemregg: glad you got it sorted09:43
White_Catso what is the best practice for me to get to v 0.12 wkhtmltopdf? I am a tad bit confused09:45
White_CatI am fairly new to ubuntu server09:45
White_CatI dont want to blow it09:45
Ben64White_Cat: I already gave you a solution09:45
OerHeksThere are 3 solutions, upgrade, backport, and manual install09:46
OerHeksi would upgrade, backport can give you more issues.09:46
White_Catupgrade as in apt-get upgrade I imagine ?09:46
BadApeWhite_Cat: if this is a production server, you really don't want to use a non LTS release09:47
White_Catthe purpose of the production server is to run odoo 809:47
BadApeWhite_Cat: in production?09:48
White_Catnot yet09:48
White_Catbut will be09:48
White_CatI have a test server too09:48
BadApeok, really don't run a non LTS release, stick with 14.0409:48
White_CatI am not completely insane. :)09:48
White_CatBadApe I must upgrade to 0.1209:48
White_CatI know it isnt the best practice09:48
BadApeyou could compile it yourself,09:49
White_Catif odoo cant print invoices there might as well not be a server09:49
Ben64White_Cat: i gave you a solution!09:49
* Ben64 pokes White_Cat super hard in the shoulder09:49
* White_Cat falls into peices09:49
BadApeoh well done Ben64, i didn't see that09:49
Ben64apparently nobody did09:49
White_Catyou mentioned http://wkhtmltopdf.org/downloads.html09:50
* OerHeks did09:50
BadApeWhite_Cat: Ben64 gave you a link to a .deb package, download it on to your server and run dpkg -i balh.deb09:50
White_CatI saw it09:50
BadApeand your problems are gone09:50
BadApekudos to Ben6409:50
Ben64if you really need to be told how to open a link, download a deb and install it, maybe you shouldn't be running a server at all09:51
BadApedamn it is frustrating to be without broadband, i was supposed to be configuring my build node,09:51
shantibonjour quelqun pour un tit conseil09:55
cfhowlett!fr | shanti09:55
ubottushanti: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:55
shantij'essaye depuis ce matin de creer une cle usb bootable pour installer opensuse , je suis coince09:56
* cfhowlett thinks "Well - I tried."09:56
shanti /join #ubuntu-fr09:56
White_Catdpkg: considering removing wkhtmltopdf in favour of wkhtmltox ...09:58
White_Catdpkg: yes, will remove wkhtmltopdf in favour of wkhtmltox09:58
feianyone here09:58
=== sjefskoder is now known as Guest39413
hojgaarddoes anyone know if i can set swap manually in preseed but everything else automatic?09:59
zerribertI want to limit my X-Server's color output to 18bpp under ubuntu 14.04, how can I achive this?09:59
feino one talking09:59
cfhowlettfei, ask your ubuntu questions09:59
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
cfhowlettfei, false.  and it's a support channel, not chat so ... ask09:59
cfhowlett!ask | fei09:59
ubottufei: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:59
cfhowlett!cn | maoxuan,09:59
ubottumaoxuan,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw09:59
OerHekshojgaard, setting swap manually ? then you would be behind the machine when you preseed09:59
BadApeWhite_Cat: use dpkg -P wkhtmltopdf to remove the old version10:00
BadApewow mandarin, or simplified Chinese, no idea which10:00
BadApehow awesome i can actually see more than [][][][] as i might have done before10:00
White_CatI used Linux (Ubuntu Trusty) 64-bit built on Ubuntu 14.0410:01
hojgaardOerHeks, im not sure i understand.. If i use automatic disc sizing i get a swap that is twice the size of my memory. I only want 4GB...10:01
White_Catis that the correct one?10:01
BadApehojgaard: i am a bit rusty here, but iirc you mean you want to set swap +8gb in the preseed?10:01
BadAperather than actually stopping the process10:02
BadApeWhite_Cat: is what the correct one? trust? yes10:02
BadApeWhite_Cat: lsb_release -a will tell you10:02
hojgaardBadApe, i just want to set my swap to bee 4gb in preseed - the rest of the partitioning should be automatic (max)10:03
BadApehojgaard: am i right in thinking you can only set a % of the drive to be swap? it has been a long time since i was doing what you are10:04
hojgaardBadApe, no i am sure you can set a specific size, the question is if i can set swap only - the rest automatic10:04
OerHekshojgaard, depends were you define swap, f you do it as last, it can take more than your ram, set it before the data partition , see http://askubuntu.com/a/36015610:05
OerHekselse i have no explanation why swap is so big10:06
BadApehojgaard: many years ago you could only set a % for swap, iirc, what i think you can do now is set +4g swap and 100% for /10:07
zerribertI want to limit my X-Server's color output to 18bpp under ubuntu 14.04, how can I achive this?10:07
=== XeBlackWater is now known as zz_XeBlackWater
bashn00bcan anyone tell me why my laptop will become nonresponsive and the crash, saying it lost connection to plymouth?10:10
bashn00bim just looking for a reasonable explanation as to why its doing it.10:11
OerHeksbashn00b, hard to say, check the /var/log/10:11
=== Xano_ is now known as Xano
bashn00bwhere do i start? :dir /var/log alternatives.logdist-upgrade mail.err alternatives.log.1dmesg mail.log alternatives.log.10.gzdmesg.0 news alternatives.log.11.gzdmesg.1.gz pm-powersave.log alternatives.log.12.gzdmesg.2.gz pm-powersave.log.1 alternatives.log.2.gzdmesg.3.gz pm-powersave.log.2.gz alternatives.log.3.gzdmesg.4.gz pm-powersave.log.3.gz alternatives.log.4.gzdpkg.log pm-powersave.log.4.gz alternatives.log.10:12
OerHeksbashn00b, dmesg.1 , syslog.110:14
=== Hobby_boy is now known as Hobby_boy|
BadApecould grep for plymouth10:14
=== Hobby_boy| is now known as Hobby_boy
OerHeksthat would save some time yes10:15
OerHeksbut time itself can give a clue too10:15
bashn00bcould these errors have anything to do with haveing a solid state hard drive?10:21
BadApeok here is something i've not managed to figure out yet, a desktop install of ubuntu will send the host name and my openwrt will map the ipv6 address no problem10:22
BadApehowever ubuntu server using dhcp will only register the hostname for ipv4 not ipv610:22
BadApeso something needs to be added to the ubuntu by default for it to send the hostname as part of it's ipv6 lease request10:22
BadApeanyone know what extra config needs to be added?10:23
netzhauthey guys. I got a quick question about application launchers10:24
netzhautI've created custom .desktop files for a couple of websites. My problem is, that as soon as I include a path in the URL for `chromium-browser --app=https://...`, the assigned icon is not used in the launcher10:25
netzhautwhen it's just a domain, it is used10:25
netzhautany idea why that is?10:25
=== kim_ is now known as augustN
netzhautexample: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/336a49734cc5c9bc904c10:26
netzhautor rather, to be correct, in the example with the path, the default chromium icon is used in the launcher instead of the assigned inbox icon10:27
bashn00bwould i have issues just installing a ssd on an old laptop and running ubuntu on it? is there anything i need to do to make it handle the drive better?10:28
OerHeksnetzhaut, i am not sure why, but you can set your own icon in the desktopfile https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles#Using_a_text_editor10:28
netzhautOerHeks, I've set my own icon10:31
netzhautOerHeks, that's the problem :)10:31
dAnjouhi, 14.04 here and i just installed the unity package but it doesn't appear in the login screen choices10:32
dAnjoudo i have to install something else?10:33
kiwitinkercan you enter other irc servers lke dal.net from pidgin?10:33
zerribertI want to limit my X-Server's color output to 18bpp under ubuntu 14.04, how can I achieve this?10:34
kiwitinkerit is not obvious to me how if you can10:34
kiwitinkerno one know?10:36
BadApethere are so many 32bit libs installed, i wonder what it would take to drop 32bit support10:41
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dAnjouit's ubuntu-session, kthxbye10:44
jsNiftyI am still having a problem with my Broadcom BCM4313 802.11bgn [14e:4727] (rev 01).  Can connect to wifi network but not to the Internet.  I can ping / and can also ping local machines, dns and gateway.  I have tried changing the DNS to and and also a fix for Ubuntu 14.10 with NetworkManager.  However I am using Ubuntu 14.04.  Any help would be appreciated.10:47
Ben64jsNifty: sounds more like a networking problem really10:49
jsNiftyI would agree only for all my system is dual boot with Windows 7 and works fine on windows.  Also my local network is fine with all other connected devices.10:51
Ben64jsNifty: i don't know how you figure windows working would rule out a networking problem10:51
kumarat9pmis there any software available to create aws diagrams in Ubuntu?10:51
jsNiftyWhat I mean is Windows 7 works, Iphone connects, Smart TV connects, other linux machine works10:52
BadApeanyone know why ubuntu-server doesn't register the hostname over ipv6 but a desktop does10:52
Ben64jsNifty: ok? but you can ping, which is the internet10:52
ikoniaBadApe: someone else was mentioning this a while ago, the default client config was different on the server and desktop build in his example10:53
ikoniaBadApe: maybe worth checking that on yours10:53
jsNiftyOk, it returns a DNS issue10:53
damonyhelertchGuys, do you think linux distribution "backbox" works well?10:54
BadApeikonia: i did a diff on the /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf must be another config file10:54
Ben64damonyhelertch: who knows, this channel is for ubuntu support, backbox is not ubuntu.10:54
damonyhelertchbackbox based ubuntu10:55
DJonesdamonyhelertch: But not an official release from the Ubuntu team10:55
Ben64damonyhelertch: backbox is based on ubuntu, but is not ubuntu. check their website for support information10:55
cfhowlettdamonyhelertch, not supported here.  sorry.10:55
ikoniaBadApe: that should be it10:56
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damonyhelertchpeople, and if backbox not official, how do I contact the support?11:01
cfhowlettdamonyhelertch, for ubuntu support, install ubuntu.11:02
BadApetry on the #blackbox channel11:02
Ben64damonyhelertch: check backbox.org11:02
BadApei really don't get those tabbed windows managers11:02
m1dnight_guys, when I maximize a window now in XFCE it maximizes so that it hides the bar with the X O and _11:03
m1dnight_anyone have an idea?11:04
BadApem1dnight_: have you got maximus installed?11:04
BadApeok i am out of ideas11:04
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m1dnight_haha thnkx though11:06
m1dnight_i'll try a reboot11:06
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ted_Hello! I just installed torbrowser-launcher (xubuntu) and i get this error when I try to start it: https://github.com/micahflee/torbrowser-launcher/issues/116 . This link suggests that it is already fixed? And this link suggests that it is an dependancy issue with python-service-identity , but i have the newest version. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=76373311:06
ubottuDebian bug 763733 in torbrowser-launcher "torbrowser-launcher: Fails to check for updates and to start Tor Browser" [Grave,Open]11:06
ted_anyone else having troubles with this package?11:06
m1dnight_hrm, I solved it11:09
m1dnight_appearantly I must have changed that somehow somewhere11:09
MegabyteHello, everyone11:11
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riqdiizhello guys11:32
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riqdiizhow  do i get my brand new  epson  xp-600  stop telling me cart errors and start printing?11:33
BadApeask epson11:34
unkn0wnanyone here from Vegas ?11:39
thomthomjjhi CosmicB11:41
mnms_Guys how virtaul accounts are authenticated when sending emails ?11:41
mnms_in postfix11:41
CosmicBhi thomthomjj11:42
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mnms_in hash map file there is only email and maildir location11:43
=== doge is now known as Doge
=== Doge is now known as doge
adscI have two webservers that need to be configured so that if the first one goes down, the second one can take over...I thought about using mysql server replication and DRBD for synchronising file uploads, any thoughts about that?11:56
adscso basically, both servers would have the full LAMP stack and run their own db and store their own files11:57
bazhangtried #ubuntu-server adsc ?11:57
adscnope, will do, thanks11:57
streulmahi, mounting swap takes a long time... what's the problem? I read with clean tmp folder...11:59
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tomilsinszkiIs it possible to set up a small load balancer (for test purposes) on my local machine that would round robin through my localhost and another server I have?12:02
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adsclocalhost is not resolved over DNS i think, so no12:08
adsci mean it won't be routed at all12:09
adscat least that's my intuition12:09
adscmight be wrong12:09
tomilsinszkiadsc thx12:10
adscyou might be able to do it with a virtual machine, though12:11
adscinstead of localhost webserver12:11
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ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw12:14
linuxgeek_i installed ubuntu 14.04 server12:22
linuxgeek_i want to use x11 to launch x apps [like firefox, virt-manager]12:22
the_drowHow do I get the thread id of a process?12:23
linuxgeek_however i see the message http://paste.ubuntu.com/9267578/12:23
the_drowI meant thread ids12:23
linuxgeek_what is causing this? and how to sort this?12:23
OerHekslinuxgeek_, install a desktop?12:24
linuxgeek_OerHeks, i want to avoid it, is it possible?12:25
OerHekslinuxgeek_, to use firefox on a server ?12:26
linuxgeek_OerHeks, main usage is virt-manager12:26
linuxgeek_from a putty session12:26
linuxgeek_OerHeks, http://aruljohn.com/info/x11forwarding/12:27
OerHekseven for virt-manager you need a desktop.12:29
compdocnot sure x11 is always installed by default. its not with ubuntu server, anyway12:29
UK_Spikeyanyone know how I can install usb to serial driver for ubuntu ?12:34
UK_Spikeycant get it to work ?12:34
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OerHeksUK_Spikey, for what usb-2-serial device?12:36
UK_Spikeytrying to connect to a cisco ap via terminal12:38
UK_Spikeyand i have usb to serial, however it won't work,12:38
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UK_Spikeyi don't know how to install the driver12:38
hateballUK_Spikey: and you know for sure that you need a "driver" ?12:39
hateballUK_Spikey: when you plug the device in, type "dmesg" in a terminal and it will probably show it has mount att something like /dev/ttyUSB012:40
OerHeksUK_Spikey, maybe this wiki is any help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto12:40
hateballand so you would use that device when connecting using.... gtk-term or whatver you use12:40
QorayUK_Spikey: did u configure minicom app or any other IDE's?12:41
knoboNow I have something to debug on my ubuntu 14.10 computer... I can not ping security.ubuntu.com for example.12:43
knoboActually no name lookup semes to work.12:43
linuxgeek_compdoc, isn't xauth the package for x11?12:44
linuxgeek_OerHeks, i installed xorg and openbox. will that suffice?12:44
knoboEven though  ssh'd in to the computer via vpn that I have configured12:44
OerHekslinuxgeek_, sure12:44
YamakasYhow can I get the key out of a .key file ?12:44
knobo  tpd_intres[4219]: host name not found: 0.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org12:45
knobo/var/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf is empty12:47
hateballYamakasY: .key doesnt really say anything about what kind of file it is12:47
knoboSo, where do I start to debug?12:47
YamakasYhateball: apt source12:47
OerHeksYamakasY, you can see the content with :  ssh-add -l12:47
knobowhat is dnsmasq?12:47
SacricafaSo I was installing 14.04 from 12.04 yesterday, I downloaded all the packages then closed the lid of my laptop and got back to it 10 hours later.12:49
knoboI manually set the dns to, and the computer works.12:49
knoboBut resolve.conf is created by networkmanager.12:49
SacricafaWhen I got back to it I got nothing but a black screen no matter what I did so you know, hard reset, now my version is still 12.04 and I can't log in, seems like some font related error.12:49
knoboSo it will be rewritten at some point.12:50
SacricafaI was wondering if there's anyway to retrieve my data or any way to "restart" the update.12:50
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IdleOneSacricafa: sudo apt-get -f install12:52
SacricafaCan I do that not being logged in?12:52
IdleOnethe -f will try to fix any missing / not fully installed packages12:52
IdleOneSacricafa: you can log in to a TTY by doing ctrl-alt-F112:52
SacricafaOkay thanks a lot.12:53
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=== Guest29827 is now known as Alexandro
creatureHello. I just upgraded to Ubuntu 14.10, and now my Alt key doesn't work properly. I can see my old shortcuts (such as Alt+F2 for switch to desktop 2) in the settings, but pushing it doesn't do anything.12:58
creatureTrying to rebind the key shows it detecting as Alt+F2, though. xev suggests that my Alt key is indeed Alt_L.12:59
creatureAlt+tab also doesn't work. Ditto Alt+Enter, which I have set to "toggle maximisation state".12:59
creatureInterestingly, Alt+Space, which I have set to "Give unity program launcher search bar focus", *does* work. But that's the only one I've found.12:59
creatureIn addition, if I have a terminal open and I press Alt+F2, I get a capital Q appear.13:00
creatureI am open to suggestions on how to troubleshoot or fix this.13:00
hydalgohi, suddenly I can't play mp3 files in ubuntu 14.10.. it was working but I am not sure what would had changed. how can I reinstall or reconfigure mp3 support?13:00
user123Hi, is it possible to install Ubuntu without installing bootloader13:02
OerHekshydalgo, restricted-extras should cover that, codecs and webplugins/java/flash13:02
OerHeksuser123, sure, you can skip grub2 at the end, but how would you boot ubuntu then?13:03
jeff__hello anyone here?13:04
andreas_Hello! I have a dual screen set up on my computer, but when I fullscreen videos in my web browser (Firefox and Chrome) they open in the wrong screen13:04
andreas_how do I set the default screen?13:04
jeff__That I do not know13:05
andreas_I have the launcher placement om the 'wrong' screen, and I want it like that13:05
jpickardI know a way, but it's prolly not the best.13:05
andreas_can I have the launcher on the not primary screen?13:05
jpickardsome programs have a launcher parameter13:05
hydalgooerKeks: thanks, they are already installed. I guess I must uninstall, reinstall them, then..13:05
jpickardI ment: some programs have a screen parameter13:06
andreas_can't' I just set the general default?13:06
jpickardfor all programs?13:06
jpickardYou could disable all but the primary screen in the display configuration, then re-enable all the screens13:07
jpickardthe last enabled screen will be made the primary screen13:07
jpickardIt's prolly not the best way, but it works.13:07
andreas_maybe I can use nvidia X-server13:08
andreas_WOHO it worked, you can use nvidia X-server settings to change it13:09
andreas_thanks for making me think about x-server settings13:09
jpickardno problem .. xD13:09
jpickardthe method I suggested works for all Graphics cards though13:09
andreas_dosen't ATI have something similar?13:10
andreas_like tha catalyst stuff for windows, but for linux13:10
jpickardfglrx i think13:11
jpickardIf you want to change the screen for a specific program, may GUIs accept --geometery <spec> or -geometry <spec>13:11
andreas_I just started with this whole linux thing13:12
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andreas_still lot's of things that are ..weird. like having to chmod 777+ my files that I want to run i virtual webserver. in Windows they just worked13:12
andreas_but loving it13:13
Ben64you shouldn't have to chmod 777 anything13:13
jpickardchmod 777 means anybody can access it13:13
BluesKajHiyas all13:13
andreas_yeah I read that13:13
jpickardI'd highly recccomend "man chmod"13:13
andreas_but I don't care if China can hack into my webserver13:13
andreas_it contains some loops and echoes, also a banana calculator13:13
Ben64andreas_: you should care about proper permissions13:13
Ben64learn what the numbers mean13:13
jpickardAlthough really, for a single user computer, and a guy just starting is not that bad.13:14
MrAlexhey guys13:14
andreas_if I was in a business or feared hackers I would not use 77713:14
Ben64thats not the point at all13:14
andreas_I just found it on a forum, but the guy in the forum went "this is not safe"13:14
Ben64if you're going to do something, learn the proper way13:14
jpickardI did the same thing the first few months I was using linux, just remember to come back to it soon.13:15
jpickardIt's VERY important.13:15
jpickardprimarily because of the blurred line between servers and single-user computers in linux.13:16
andreas_http://ss64.com/bash/chmod.html this was slightly complex13:16
Ben64and for basic security. if you get into the habit of chmod 777 whenever something doesn't work, you're going to have a lot of problems down the road13:16
jpickardyou could also yous chmod [a|u|g|o][+|-][r|w|x]13:16
jpickardlike chmod a+x gives everyone execute permission13:17
jpickardchmod g-w removes write permission from the file's group13:17
Ben64same thing as removing 2 from the center digit13:18
jpickardYou will probably find yourself using a very small set of file permission numbers, so in the end the *** number format is easier.13:18
Ben64thats why a lot of files are 75513:18
jpickardnobody uses permissions like chmod 12313:19
Ben64doesn't give write permission to group and others13:19
jpickardusually the first diget is largets, then second, then third13:19
andreas_in google they don't' use the numbers (when I google chmod /var/www), they use user groups13:19
jpickardand usually only the numbers 0,4,5,6,7 aare used13:19
jpickardthat's chown13:19
jpickardtheyre both used13:19
andreas_oh, they do the same thing?13:19
Ben64chown = change owner13:20
jpickardthe g in g+x is the group you are giving access to13:20
andreas_but if I own the folder that's like 77713:20
jpickardEach file has a group, and user, and a permission level for the the group / user / everyone13:20
andreas_oh dear13:20
jpickardhe'll get it, it's confusing at first13:20
Ben64each number in 777 is for a different person/group. first is the owner, second is group, third is everyone else13:21
jpickardthe permission for the owner is the first digit, group is second, everyone else is third13:21
andreas_and 7 is give everything13:21
andreas_then I get it more13:21
jpickardso 777 means owner gets 7, members in the files group get 7, everyone else gets 713:21
jpickard7 = 4 + 2 + 113:21
andreas_so 755 = everything to me, read to ..the rest13:21
jpickard4 = read13:21
Ben647 = 111 in binary. 4 2 1 are what the binary digits are. 4+2+1=7. 4 = read 2 = write 1 = execute13:22
jpickard2 = write, 1 = execute13:22
jpickardread and execute to the rest13:22
jpickard5 = 4 + 113:22
andreas_oh 5 = read + execute. 4 = read13:22
jpickard1 is execute13:22
jpickardso just add the combonation of 4.2,1 you need13:23
andreas_maybe I'll rent a linux book13:23
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jpickardor buy :D13:23
andreas_my uni-library probably has a couple of hundred linux books13:24
andreas_I can find one I like13:24
andreas_or I do have allot of money now, relatively speaking. this good? http://www.amazon.com/Linux-Command-Line-Complete-Introduction/dp/1593273894/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1417094757&sr=8-1&keywords=Linux13:26
DJones!manual | andreas_ This might be useful,13:27
ubottuandreas_ This might be useful,: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:27
andreas_this is free!13:27
andreas_thanks man13:27
DJonesandreas_: Also have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal That has quite a few links at the bottom of the page13:28
creatureIt seems that ibus is crashing on startup. Maybe that's got something to do with it.13:29
=== Raven67854_ is now known as Raven67854
cyberalex4lifeI have some gestures on  my elantech touchpad (clickpad) that I can't get rid of: tapping three fingers with one finger opens Alt-Tab Switcher, and tapping for fingers  not in a corner opens launcher13:33
cyberalex4lifeone finger on the right top corner* Anyone any ideas13:33
onlinux123why do the colours in linux terminal tend to be wrong?13:34
onlinux123like the blue is way too dark13:34
cyberalex4lifelinux the land of extremes...13:35
netzhauthey guys13:35
netzhautwhat's the best way to share your ubuntu / unity configuration across different computers? or accounts?13:36
netzhautcheck ~/.config and ~/.share into a git repository?13:36
jpdsnetzhaut: puppet.13:36
netzhautjpds, argh. rather not. :)13:37
jpdsnetzhaut: Why stop at user config when you can cover everything?13:37
onlinux123wow it's because vim expects a white background13:37
netzhautjpds, I don't like puppet :) I'd use ansible, yeah. But it seems overkill for just keeping configurations in sync. E.g. if I change a compiz setting on a computer, or create a new .desktop file, I want it to be available next time I log into another computer without having to go through a dozen hoops13:39
jpdsnetzhaut: Every time I install a new computer and hook it up to puppet, I know it's going to be configured the exact same way the old one was.13:39
SohamGWhenever I try to log on to my user account, after pressing login it just shows a black screen at gets me back to the login page. How do i fix this??( I am on ubuntu studio)13:39
netzhautjpds, what do you do if you change a compiz config?13:39
netzhautjpds, or set up a new keybinding?13:39
jpdsnetzhaut: I don't use those.13:40
netzhautjpds, what do you use then?13:40
jpdsnetzhaut: Repalce 'puppet' with your preferred config management.13:40
netzhautjpds, config management is fine. I use that for servers. Not for ad-hoc updates to my workstation and DE though.13:41
netzhautWas thinking of just keeping that all in Dropbox and symlink it to ~/.local and ~/.config13:42
netzhautNot sure if I'd break something this way though13:42
jpdsnetzhaut: I like to automate my desktop stuff too.13:42
jpdsnetzhaut: The other option is /home over NFS.13:43
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chacohi guys, is there a convienent way to manage your bookmarks in a commandline?13:46
netzhautjpds, fair enough. I'm just too lazy to check every change into a puppet repo13:48
jpdsnetzhaut: I'm too lazy to do everything by hand on a new desktop. :)13:48
netzhautjpds, `ln -s ~/Dropbox/config/* .`13:49
jpdsnetzhaut: No dropbox here.13:49
netzhautjpds, unison13:49
_ettrying to change the behaviour of my laptop shutdown button.13:50
_ethow do I make it not shutdown suddenly?13:50
_etI'm running Ubuntu 14.04 with awesomewm13:50
cpugirlhi guys13:54
MrAlexguys does anybody have any idea why does grub loader dont let me choose ubuntu, windows ?13:55
andreas_MrAlex, tried boot-repair?13:55
uskerinehi, I have noticed that ubuntu 12.04.5 lacks /dev/net/tun (to establish a site to site vpn with OpenVPN)13:56
cpugirlwifi network not showing!!any idea ?13:56
MrAlexDo not burn it on a DVD if your computer has Windows8 pre-installed, or if your boot is in EFI mode. wow13:56
uskerineany tip on how to get tun available?13:56
daftykinscpugirl: backup a bit... new laptop? clean install? what's the story here?13:57
trippehuskerine: try "modprobe tun"13:57
avnishis there a way to fix rpc ports on ubuntu13:57
andreas_MrAlex: just run it in Ubuntu. no need to make a CD. I used a USB-drive. also if ubuntu is installed in EFI/UEFI and Windows in Legacy (or wise versa) one of them needs to re-install so that both is  eitehr efi or legacy13:57
trippehuskerine: and put it in /etc/modules, if its not getting autoloaded properly13:57
cpugirldaftykins :clean install13:57
uskerineFATAL: Module tun not found.13:57
cpugirldaftykins :I did update and upgrade cmds13:58
MrAlexanyways i get on ubuntu cuz it automaticly goes on ubuntu13:58
daftykinscpugirl: with what, wired networking connected?13:58
cpugirldaftykins :now!wired lan13:58
andreas_yeah, try the boot tool MrAlex, install it in Ubuntu. if ubuntu is installed in legacy and windows is installed in EFI you need to re-install13:58
andreas_try the boot tool first, it will tell you13:58
daftykinscpugirl: install the package "pastebinit" then share "lspci | pastebinit"13:59
trippehuskerine: Oh - I see its built-in. It should just work then13:59
padhuPlease give me an idea to install konica minolta pagepro 1500w laser printer. CUPS does not list it. open printer will not hvae an PPD file. anyother alternate ways?13:59
uskerinetrippeh /dev/net/tun is not present13:59
MrAlexubuntu is installed in EFI cuz i the legacy didn't work with mint, manjaro.. but i think windows is in legacy13:59
cpugirldaftykins :ok13:59
uskerinetrippeh, I was able to create it in a 12.04.4 using  udevadm trigger, but that is not working for 12.04.514:00
MrAlexanyways i ahd pretty strange thing happend when trying install windows 7 (starts like red, blue, black screen and repeats that but then i swapped monitor with bro and it did install it normaly but now it works with my too i think linux fixed it xD)14:01
trippehuskerine: hrm. I'm not running a ubuntu kernel right now, so cant look.14:01
cpugirldaftykins :this package is installed14:01
andreas_MrAlex ...did you run the boot tool now?14:01
ubuntuaddictedanyone in here use a logitech C920 and guvcview?14:02
daftykinscpugirl: ok, follow the rest of what i said too.14:02
cpugirldaftykins :I didn't  get 2nd part :(14:02
daftykinscpugirl: it was all on the same line...14:03
OerHekspadhu sure it is 1500 ? not 1050?14:03
daftykinsthen share "lspci | pastebinit"14:03
padhuOerHeks: pagepro 1500w14:03
cpugirldaftykins :type terminal cmd .I didn't get that14:04
padhuOerHeks: http://bt.konicaminolta.in/laser-printers-2/pagepro-1500w-product-overview/14:04
daftykinscpugirl: ok, well read carefully.14:04
cpugirldaftykins :ok14:04
daftykinscpugirl: so did you run it yet? it'll create a link to paste here.14:06
AndChat|9081Can some one suggest me a great text editor for ubuntu14:06
avnishmy favs are Sublime Text and Geany14:07
ocxhi all, how can i join multi part files? ex: http://h20566.www2.hp.com/hpsc/swd/public/detail?swItemId=MTX_83d3c3cf4b3d47b2ae6eb71612&sp4ts.oid=5249571#tab314:07
AndChat|9081Any thing for kde?14:07
Ben64ocx: cat 1 2 3 4 5 >> blah14:08
daftykinsAndChat|9081: kate14:08
OerHekspadhu, the min12xxw driver goes up to 1400w http://www.openprinting.org/driver/min12xxw/14:08
ocxBen64: its a dd file!14:08
avnishit wont matter.. both geany and sublime text are great14:08
ocxBen64: is it bootable?14:08
avnishthough you can also try14:08
OerHekspadhu, maybe you can force it to use this driver14:08
AndChat|9081Thanks avnish14:08
padhuOerHeks: I tried it, It will not print and gives blank papers14:09
Ben64ocx: you should be asking this in a redhat channel14:09
OerHekspadhu, sorry, no go i guess14:09
ocxis a dd file bootable?14:09
cpugirldaftykins :http://pastebin.com/Kt79b5GZ14:09
padhuOerHeks: Any other model driver shoot for this?14:10
Ben64ocx: that file is for redhat, join #rhel and ask there14:10
padhuOerHeks: fit* ( shoot)14:10
OerHekspadhu, nope, all forums point to this driver, but that 1500w is not mentioned14:10
daftykinscpugirl: ok you have broadcom BCM43142, is this 14.04?14:10
cpugirldaftykins :no 14.1014:11
daftykinscpugirl: ok do you know where the additional drivers/hardware section is?14:11
cpugirldaftykins :no14:11
padhuOerHeks: exactly, One of our people may solved it before me14:11
daftykinscpugirl: click the settings cog on the left, then the 'software and sources' icon... then it's the last tab in the window.14:11
uskerinewhat does the last T  mean  "crw-rw-rw-T"?  (permissions for /dev/net/tun)14:12
OerHekspadhu, seen this page? http://bt.konicaminolta.in/pro-1500w-drivers/14:13
padhuOerHeks: let me see14:14
Ben64uskerine: sticky14:14
uskerinewhich means?14:14
Ben64!permissions | uskerine14:15
ubottuuskerine: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions14:15
uskerineBen64 why does that appear in a device file¿?14:15
daftykinscpugirl: found anything being offered in that section?14:15
cpugirldaftykins :actually it isDistributor ID:Ubuntu14:16
cpugirlDescription:Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS14:16
=== linuxgeek_ is now known as Guest14591
cpugirlCodename:I am using xubuntu :(14:16
daftykinscpugirl: ok run "sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source" then reboot and see if you get wifi, if not come back here14:16
AndChat9081acsHow do I complile c++ code using gcc14:16
Ben64AndChat9081acs: man gcc14:17
avnishuse g++14:17
AndChat9081acsAny suggestions for codeblocks alter214:17
avnishthough it must already be installed14:17
avnishmy personal fav is Geany,14:18
AndChat9081acsHello avnish14:19
AndChat9081acsHow may I help you14:19
ubuntuaddictedanyone else use a C920 in linux? curious how to get the best 1080p H264 stream from it?14:24
daftykinsit might not support top quality over UVC14:25
avnishhi anyone suggest me  a music organiser on ubuntu14:26
AndChat9081acsWhat features??14:26
SohamGWhenever I try to login to my user account, it shows a blackscreen and gets me back to the login page, and that keeps hapenning. I am on UbuntuStudio. How do i fix this???14:26
cfhowlettavnish, suggestion:  software center >> music14:26
qwerty34can i run microsoft office 2007 in lubuntu?14:27
avnishi m not sure.. just have a huge library14:27
AndChat9081acsMy favs are clementine and banshee14:27
daftykinsqwerty34: no.14:27
avnishclementine... i have used it in windows, after a friend suggested14:27
qwerty34can i run microsoft office 2007 in lubuntu or ubuntu?14:29
OerHeksqwerty34, check the wine database14:29
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:29
daftykinsqwerty34: none14:29
qwerty34thanks :-(14:30
uskerineqwrty34, in case it might help: you can try kingsoft office for linux, which will the closest thing to Office14:30
OerHeksjust use libreoffice, no need for funny ppa's14:30
qwerty34kingsoft vs OpenOffice vs Libre Office???14:31
uskerineI personally prefer Kingsoft Office -I have tried all of them-14:31
qwerty34I will give it a shot14:31
qwerty34thank you for your help14:31
uskerinenot sure if it is  that website or this one http://wps-community.org/14:33
qwerty34wps office?14:34
qwerty34wps is kingsoft?\14:34
qwerty34wps looks amazing..14:35
padhuOerHeks: Not working :-(14:39
padhuOerHeks: anyway, thanks, Bye....14:40
AlexPortableHow can i start a program?14:46
AlexPortableI downloaded a program, extracted it from the folder, but when I try to run it I get: bash: software: command not found14:46
Nahita./*  ?14:46
mjaykhow are you trying to run it14:46
AlexPortable software and then ./software14:47
Shadow}}Whats the Off-Topic channel?14:47
somsip!ot | Shadow}}14:47
ubottuShadow}}: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:47
AlexPortable-bash: ./software: No such file or directory14:47
Shadow}}Thank you.14:47
AlexPortable-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 137402408 Sep 11 19:56 software14:47
mjaykAlexPortable: just type ./software no need for -bash14:47
AlexPortablewell i don't type -bash14:47
AlexPortablethat's the output it gives14:47
mjaykah my misread14:48
mjaykwhat is the name of the file you are trying to run ? and your in the dir yes ?14:48
teagedoes anyone know anything about grep commands?14:48
cfhowlettteage, man grep       will tell you quite a lot14:49
mjaykcan you pastbin whats in the dir AlexPortable14:49
teagecfhowlett - I know. I have read the man page. Just having some trouble with a command and not sure what im doing wrong14:50
cfhowlettteage, pastie it up14:50
NoOovaHello! Are hosts.allow and hosts.deny deprecated?14:50
Nahitachcon -u system_u -t system_conf_t /etc/sysconfig/myiptables-*   gives me: chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file14:50
AlexPortablemjayk: http://pastebin.com/JUnjWfMh14:52
teageMOUSE_ID=`xinput list | grep -i "Bosto Kingtee 14WA" | awk -F= '{ print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'` `xinput set-button-map $MOUSE_ID 1 2 24 5 6 7`14:52
Shadow}}Anyone familiar with the pendrive universal usb installer, Specifically getting it to work on a SD card rather than USB Drive.14:52
teageits for a script. it errors with "device '|' not found"14:53
NoOovaWhich is correct way to install nfs?14:53
BlinkizHello. Am trying to compile libevent  but I can not figure out how to solve the error "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" when running ./configure. What should I do here?14:54
Shadow}}What type of script?14:54
teagejust a bash script that I want to run when my computer starts14:54
teageit for settings on my drawing tablet14:55
NoOovaI want to setup NFS filesystem between servers. Does i need to touch hosts.allow and hosts.deny files?14:55
creatureIf anyone has some input on http://askubuntu.com/questions/553983/keyboard-shortcuts-using-alt-key-broken-after-upgrading-to-14-10, I'm all ears.14:56
lapionI have been wondering something..14:57
teageyou know what, i feel like an idiot14:57
lapionif the newer iso images of ubuntu do not fit on a cd , however on a dvd they leave a lot of space free..14:58
teageits my mouse id is wrong14:58
teagejust noticed it when i pasted it14:58
teageit works now14:58
teagesorry to  bother14:58
cfhowlettteage, smile.  there are worse things ...14:58
Nahitalapion: usb?14:58
lapionwhy are there not a unified 64/32 bit ubuntu installation iso images\14:59
Shadow}}So...Problem with closed live dvd is?..14:59
lapionif the current images are 1GB why not create a 2GB unified 32/64 bit image14:59
teageshould have been 2 2 4 not 2 2414:59
OerHekslapion, there are dvd images, and the 1 gb iso will fit on usb15:00
lapionOerHeks, Nahita did you read my other comments /15:00
OerHekslapion, there are no cd images anymore, except for the mini and netboot iso.15:01
KrixvarHey all, looking at getting a laptop with an AMD Radeon R5 M230 graphics card, not sure where to check if its supported as I've only used nvidia before. Where can I check?15:02
lapionOerHeks, still the same.. why not a unified image ?15:02
cfhowlett!hcl | Krixvar, last I heard, AMD graphics were not particularly linux friendly.15:03
ubottuKrixvar, last I heard, AMD graphics were not particularly linux friendly.: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:03
OerHekslapion, just curious, what distro has unified isoś?15:03
Krixvarcfhowlett: thanks, that's what I heard a while ago, wasn't sure if it was still the same15:03
MDT-I just installed ubuntu on a machine I have. After reboot, I find that my Mouse and Keyboard are not even getting power.15:04
MrAlexi tried the boot-repair and it shows this15:04
lapionOerHeks, currently none. But to be able give someone a stick and not worrying if the person has a 64- or 32 bit system.....15:04
MDT-I plugged in a PS/2 keyboard and it works fine, so I can run commands now15:04
mdogecan I use my ssh priv keys from another machine on this machine?15:05
mdogeif so; how15:05
mdogebecause ssh-agent complains15:05
ikoniamdoge: the key needs to be on the machine you are connecting from, or ssh key forwarding is on, or your using a key manager like ssh_agent15:06
mdogeikonia: i just copied id_rsa & stuff to my new ~/.ssh/, upon trying to connect it gives an error.15:06
ikoniamdoge: what is the error15:07
MDT-I executes dmesg and I get the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/926979515:07
mdogeikonia: sec..15:08
MrAlexmdoge: have any idea what i should do ?15:08
mdogeikonia: nvm, I had this error on Debian but the keys work my macbook.15:08
mdogeon my*15:08
=== Codebold` is now known as Codebold
=== alex____1 is now known as MrAlex
MrAlexanyone would help?15:13
MDT-I just installed ubuntu on a machine I have. After reboot, I find that my Mouse and Keyboard are not even getting power.15:14
MDT-I plugged in a PS/2 keyboard and it works fine, so I can run commands now15:14
MDT-I executed dmesg and I get the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/926979515:14
somsip!list | ignazinho15:15
ubottuignazinho: somsip: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:15
=== rafael is now known as Guest1974
ubottutix: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:29
=== sjefskoder is now known as Guest76040
=== william is now known as Guest47485
JikanHi there! Anyone to tell me if Nouveau driver supports VDPAU video decoding, display rotation and display syncing (when using two display devices)?15:37
OerHeksJikan, i think vdpau is related to the nvidia-driver?15:41
MrAlexguys anyone could help about boot-repair ?15:41
somsip!grub | MrAlex15:41
ubottuMrAlex: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:41
somsipMrAlex: sorry - wrong factoid15:41
JikanOerHeks: I've read Nouveau has partial support of VDPAU. Only video decoding bothers me.15:41
somsip!bootrepair | MrAlex15:41
ubottuMrAlex: Boot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info.15:41
MrAlexubottu, i installed boot-repair and tried but it says http://i.imgur.com/8k8QouJ.png15:42
ubottuMrAlex: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:42
MrAlexbot realy ? xD15:43
MrAlexsomsip, have any idea how to fix that ?15:43
somsipMrAlex: I have no experience of GPT, so no. Someone else may chime in though15:44
narcislinuxhi , I update bash on solaris  and it make problem for /etc/passwd , now root don't have any shell !  how  can i do ? just with out restart server :(15:44
somsipnarcislinux: you're asking about solaris in the ubuntu channel? Sure?15:44
MrAlexnarcislinux, wrong place i guess xD15:45
PrezidentIs it possible use gedit throw ssh or any other gui editor?15:47
BlinkizPrezident, Maybe sshfs is something for you? Then you can mount a remove file system over ssh and use whatever editor you want on the file15:48
JikanPrezident: ssh -X? I'm not an expert, tho, maybe you must have X installed on the server.15:48
=== MeltedDed is now known as MeltedLux
PrezidentBlinkiz: its for larger files only i need this..15:49
PrezidentI see.15:49
PrezidentAlso possible to share the folder with samba, the problem is i got problem to connect to the samba server with ubuntu, but from windows 7 computer its no problem.15:50
PrezidentThats wierd, isnt it?15:50
PrezidentBoth groups in WORKGROUP15:50
Prezidentboth linux computers*15:50
ash`Prezident: alternatively mounting via sshfs would allow you to use gedit15:51
ash`sshfs would need installing (apt-get install sshfs)  - but this might _not_ be what you want15:51
PrezidentBest would be if i could join the samba server15:51
PrezidentI find the shared mount but cant join the network/dir from my ubuntu comp15:52
ash`You could mount that using cifs?15:52
ash`and then add an auto mount record in /etc/fstab15:52
ash`I've used cifs as a mount point when connecting to Samba servers before.15:53
ghotiIn haproxy, is there any benefit to using "reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https if { ssl_fc }" vs "http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }"?  What's the difference between "reqadd" and "http-request add-header"?15:53
JikanPrezident: if it's from time to time, even Filezilla -given you've got a SFTP access- can do the trick. Just tell it to open the file with gedit, locally.15:54
PrezidentSo sshfs is working well to mount dirs also i see.15:54
PrezidentThank you guys, will try this out.15:54
ash`Prezident: man sshfs for how to mount/unmount if you choose that15:55
Prezidentfound it! you rock.15:56
compdoccongrats, mr Prezident15:57
JavaJoshCould someone, anyone, please, PLEASE help me install ubuntu 14.04LTS on a Toshiba Satellite C855D laptop?15:57
JavaJoshI have tried EVERYTHING, there is nothing that will work, NOTHING15:57
compdocJavaJosh, what happens?15:57
quemi'm unable to get my HP microserver n54l to do gigabit ethernet. anyone who might provide insight for me?15:58
=== XeBlackWater is now known as zz_XeBlackWater
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest68794
JavaJoshcompdoc: There is an error no matter what. Right now I can get the purple Ubuntu screen with the orange dots, and then  "drm_kms_helper: panic occurred, switching back to text console"15:58
quemi've tried different cables and fiddling with ethtool.15:58
compdocJavaJosh, hmm, if it switches to text, than an issue with video?15:59
JavaJoshcompdoc: I probably have close to over 20 hours of my time invested into installing Ubuntu on this machine15:59
x__Guys, can you help me with the unzipping of an executable?15:59
JavaJoshcompdoc: i have no idea.15:59
x__I want to install ArtRage on Ubuntu, through wine, but...15:59
JavaJoshcompdoc: nomodeset? tried it.15:59
JavaJoshcompdoc: This may be the first consumer laptop that linux is not compatible with15:59
JavaJoshcompdoc: I am truly surprised...and a bit dissapointed :(16:00
x__I'm getting an "ended prematurely" error with ArtRage's installer16:00
JavaJoshcompdoc: i've updated the BIOS, tried installing with the BIOS in every different configuration possible. nope nope nope16:00
somsip!appdb | x__16:00
ubottux__: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:00
compdocJavaJosh, its an AMD Dual-Core E2-1800 cpu, so youre using 64 bit version?16:00
JavaJoshcompdoc: correct16:01
compdocJavaJosh, not sure what you mean by installing  the bios in every different configuration possible. is the bios currently the newest version?16:01
x__somsip, ArtRage is there, and it says it runs with "gold" status. But I believe the catch is, it only runs *if* you copy it from a Windows install to Ubuntu.16:02
daftykinsJavaJosh: still trying huh16:02
JavaJoshdaftykins: dude you have no idea16:02
compdocJavaJosh, there might be an alternative, if youre willing to try it. Install Ubuntu Server, and then the Mate desktop16:02
JavaJoshcompdoc: you think that would address the problem?16:03
somsipx__: I have no idea. As the hint said, #winehq is the place to get application help16:03
daftykinsJavaJosh: this thing, does it boot into the live session reliably yet?16:03
JavaJoshdaftykins: i've got the BIO up to date16:03
JavaJoshdaftykins: no, can't get into a live session16:03
daftykinsJavaJosh: how much RAM does it have?16:03
x__somsip, THanks. I'll try there.16:03
JavaJoshdaftykins: i've tried 14.10, 14.04LTS, i've made the disk on a different computer, i've used Ubuntu and UNETBOOTIN AND LINUXLIVE for windows16:03
JavaJoshdaftykins: not sure, i think 4gb16:04
compdocJavaJosh, its what I have to use because I need vnc/xrpd for remote access,  and Unity doesnt work that way anymore. I love Mate16:04
daftykinsJavaJosh: 64-bit or 32-bit 14.04.1 ?16:04
JavaJoshdaftykins: 64bit16:04
daftykinsok so there's another avenue to try16:04
JavaJoshdaftykins: try 32bit?16:04
daftykinsload the BIOS defaults as well, since the update16:04
daftykinssure, why not16:04
=== Guest68794 is now known as EjTheory
JavaJoshdaftykins: you want me to go back to the old BIOS version?16:05
daftykinsJavaJosh: also, use Universal USB Installer from pendrivelinux.com on Windows16:05
EjTheorygood day..16:05
unlockushello everyone16:05
daftykinsJavaJosh: no, that's not possible. i'm saying enter the BIOS and load the defaults16:05
JavaJoshdaftykins: i got it, just did16:05
JavaJoshdaftykins: now some memory error, print a call trace: "vomit here"16:06
JavaJoshdaftykins: downloading 32bit16:07
daftykins!md5 | JavaJosh and make sure to run this on the download16:07
ubottuJavaJosh and make sure to run this on the download: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:07
JavaJoshdaftykins: i have been16:07
daftykinsok, just checking.16:08
OerHeksJavaJosh, if that machine has UEFI, 32 bit is useless16:08
JavaJoshubottu: great minds think alike16:08
ubottuJavaJosh: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:08
daftykinsOerHeks: don't think it is16:08
JavaJoshOerHeks: i can turn legacy mode on16:08
JavaJoshdaftykins: it is UEFI16:08
EjTheoryim getting a permisions not set up corretly error ..16:08
daftykinsJavaJosh: ah, you at no point mentioned this to my memory16:08
somsip!details | EjTheory16:08
ubottuEjTheory: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)16:08
EjTheoryman.. its either no burn device or no permision..16:09
RustyShacklefordso I ran an update for ubuntu 14.04. I didn't look at the details, but the update was for ubuntu-base16:09
EjTheoryok ubu.. im trying16:09
RustyShacklefordnow when I log in, it freezes16:09
JavaJoshdaftykins: so is 32bit a waste of time?16:09
RustyShacklefordi'm left looking at the purple login background and the mouse pointer16:09
daftykinsJavaJosh: probably, load the defaults in the BIOS like i said. power off, then power on -  do you have anything to take pictures of the BIOS screens or video the boot attempt?16:10
EjTheoryi muffed a xfce install and now i rescued the md5 boot with xp, so i used ubuntu live to rescue xfce but permisions r not the same16:10
JavaJoshi could do that16:10
JavaJoshdaftykins: stand by, i can do that. should i at least try 32bit?16:10
EjTheoryohh i cant explain this..sry16:11
daftykinsJavaJosh: if 14.04.1 64-bit is what's on the drive now, you should stick with that for testing16:11
JavaJoshdaftykins: i just put the 32 bit on lol i can reset it to 64bit16:11
daftykinswell you might as well try it if you got that far16:12
daftykinsi'm a little bit doubting of your having copied it that quickly though16:12
JavaJoshdaftykins: stand by, trying it16:12
JavaJoshdaftykins: it was quick16:12
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight
daftykinsi don't trust that at all.16:12
JavaJoshdaftykins: hmm16:12
=== quem is now known as que
JavaJoshim at the purple ubuntu dot dot dot screen16:13
daftykinsdid you load the defaults already then save and exit, as suggested?16:13
JavaJoshubuntu dots are going across the screen16:13
daftykinsdid you have the language select and menu prior to that?16:13
JavaJoshorange to white, white to orange...it's thinking16:13
JavaJoshstraight to purple after some console vomit16:14
EjTheoryok im admin in ubuntu live why cant i open my files16:14
daftykinsit has an almost blank screen with a small logo at the bottom... pressing a key should bring up the language select etc.16:14
=== MeltedDed is now known as MeltedLux
RustyShacklefordwell darn. Reinstalling unity did nothing to fix my problem16:14
JavaJoshpressing keys does nothing16:14
JavaJoshdots still going16:14
RustyShacklefordsometimes its easier to just reformat and start fresh16:14
daftykinsthis does not sound like a conventional boot whatsoever.16:14
JavaJoshthat screen, i know what you mean, with the keyboard logo at the bottom?16:14
JavaJoshhaven't seen it yet16:14
JavaJoshor if i did, it was too fast for my eye16:14
JavaJoshi'm wondering if doing this over and over, rebooting and rebooting, may have the memory garbled up?16:15
JavaJoshyou know how some times on a desktop swapping ram sticks saves the world?16:15
RustyShacklefordnah i don't think rebooting has any negative effects16:15
daftykinsno it really really doesn't - and i've been dealing with hardware for years :P16:15
JavaJoshoh, okay, good16:15
daftykinsand lol no. because powering off clears RAM contents16:15
EjTheory/home/ubuntu/Pictures/Screenshot from 2014-11-27 08:15:06.png16:15
JavaJoshstill at purple ubuntu screen with dots16:16
JavaJoshno activity blinking on flashdrive stick16:16
daftykinsEjTheory: form an actual full question in a sentence if you have an issue16:16
mdogeHello, I was wondering.. how much dedotated wam has to regonize server...16:16
RustyShacklefordJavaJosh: wait does this happen right after login?16:16
RustyShacklefordand did you recently update?16:16
JavaJoshRustyShackleford: i can't login, i'm trying to install16:16
daftykinsRustyShackleford: not even vaguely like your issue.16:16
JavaJoshdaftykins: alright, this may be going no where16:16
JavaJoshdaftykins: still purple with blining dots16:16
JavaJoshdaftykins: blinking*16:16
EriC^^JavaJosh: press esc16:17
daftykinsRustyShackleford: tried logging in with the guest session?16:17
JavaJoshEriC^^: holy moly16:17
EjTheoryim admin , running ubuntu 14.4 live trying to access a .iso from a other install.16:17
RustyShackleforddaftykins: yeah tried that too. Same story16:17
EriC^^JavaJosh: ?16:17
JavaJoshEriC^^: that gave me tons of console stuff16:17
daftykinsRustyShackleford: yeah something more serious then.16:17
EriC^^JavaJosh: what's it say16:17
RustyShacklefordI found a couple posts online which said to reinstall ubuntu-desktop16:17
JavaJoshEriC^^: error after error printing16:17
RustyShacklefordand also unity16:17
RustyShackleforddidn't seem to help though16:17
daftykinsno, i doubt that would have16:17
daftykinsJavaJosh: all about /dev/sda by any chance?16:18
RustyShacklefordif this were Arch or something, I wouldn't be mad. i thought ubuntu wasn't supposed to break :p16:18
EriC^^RustyShackleford: did you try the guest account?16:18
daftykinsJavaJosh: can you take a pic?16:18
JavaJoshdaftykins: no, SQUASHFS eorr: blah blah blah failed to read block16:18
max82frHI everyone. I have just installed the GUI interface to Ubuntu 12.04 for our server at work. I am now trying to install other things (Apache, PHP, etc...) but I cannot  log in as the root user. I am having problems, could someone help me pls?16:18
RustyShacklefordEriC^^: i did, doesn't work16:18
JavaJoshJavaJosh: sure stand by16:18
JavaJoshdaftykins: stand by16:18
daftykinsJavaJosh: yeah your USB flash drive wasn't made up properly. likely none of your media creation attempts have worked.16:18
RustyShacklefordalso I confirmed that .Xauthority is owned by my user account16:18
EriC^^RustyShackleford: can you login?16:18
JavaJoshdaftykins: *HEAD SMASH KEYBOARD*16:18
haidorahey friends how can i install virtual box??16:18
daftykins!info virtualbox16:18
ubottuvirtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.3.18-dfsg-1 (utopic), package size 15722 kB, installed size 59954 kB16:18
=== billxinli is now known as billli
theadminhaidora: Click: http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/virtualbox16:19
RustyShacklefordEriC^^: not sure what you mean. I can log in through a tty, but not using the display manager16:19
max82frI have even tried via CTRL+ALT+F1, it lets me log in as root successfully but when I go back to the terminal, I am still logged in as guest and cannot SU16:19
EriC^^RustyShackleford: what's going on exactly?16:19
RustyShacklefordEriC^^: display manager comes up when I start the computer. I type in my password, password prompt goes away16:20
RustyShacklefordand then I'm left staring at the purple background16:20
EriC^^max82fr: i think you can't do anything with the guest account16:20
mcphailmax82fr: are you sure you should be experimenting with this on your work server????16:20
haidoratheadmin: thanks16:20
EriC^^max82fr: you can't su if you have a root account enabled16:20
JavaJoshdaftykins: http://i62.tinypic.com/10rpydx.jpg16:20
max82frEric, yeah I know, I can't do anything from the guest account but I am not able to switch user for some reason?!16:20
RustyShacklefordwell I'm about ready to nuke the drive and start fresh16:20
EriC^^RustyShackleford: did you try sudo apt-get install --reinstall lightdm ?16:21
daftykinsJavaJosh: yep, toast.16:21
RustyShacklefordEriC^^: i did not. Lets try that16:21
max82frERIC, what do you suggest I do to be able to switch to the root user?16:21
EriC^^max82fr: why are you on the guest account?16:21
max82frERIC because this was the only account the GUI would let me login with16:22
JavaJoshdaftykins: i don't think i've ever successfully created a USB stick using linux... something about linux or mac, i'm not sure what it is16:22
daftykinsJavaJosh: PM16:22
EriC^^max82fr: use a tty and create another user16:22
mcphailmax82fr: there are lots of guides out there for installing LAMP stacks on debian/ubuntu and I suggest you read them first. Ubuntu doesn't allow root logins by default: everything is done through sudo16:22
EriC^^useradd -m -G sudo,adm <username>16:22
mcphailmax82fr: learn the debian/ubuntu way of administering a server before letting yourself loose on the server at work16:23
max82fryeah I used putty and logged in as root successfully but still. When I switch to my server, I can't log in to anything but GUEST16:23
RustyShacklefordEriC^^: nope, didn't fix the problem :(16:23
EriC^^RustyShackleford: check lightdm's error log16:23
max82frERIC > useradd -m -G sudo,adm <username>, shall I do this?16:23
EriC^^max82fr: yes, add a user16:24
max82frERIC Ive already got another user set up tho16:24
max82frbut cant access him, apart from TTY or with CTRL+ALT+F116:24
EriC^^max82fr: with this user you should be able to16:25
EriC^^max82fr: cause the guest account works, so it's a config problem16:25
Guest14591hi i installed xorg and openbox on 14.04 server16:25
=== Guest14591 is now known as linuxgeek_
max82frERIC how can I login to the user i had previously created thou?16:26
EriC^^max82fr: you can rename the config dir , ~/.config16:26
linuxgeek_hi i installed xorg and openbox on 14.04 server, i've logged into the 14.04 system16:26
EriC^^max82fr: try ~/.config , ~/.cache ~/.gconf , try .config first16:27
linuxgeek_i still see the cli16:27
linuxgeek_how do i bring up xwindows?16:27
max82frERIC, shall I swith to CTRL+ALT+F1? and then do what sorry?16:27
EriC^^linuxgeek_: how are you starting X?16:27
hdmi1I'd like to create my own local repositories do you know how to do it ? (well, I saw many links explain this but all the explanation talks about apt-mirror or apt-... . If I want a local repo this is because has no access to internet but I can copy everything on my box with bounding)16:27
linuxgeek_EriC^^, i did a startx16:28
linuxgeek_EriC^^, that brings up a gray console16:28
EriC^^linuxgeek_: not sure about how you should go about this, usually you put the de in ~/.xinitrc like exec startxfce416:29
linuxgeek_EriC^^, i have not installed any other x-related package16:29
linuxgeek_EriC^^, do i need to install xfce4?16:30
EriC^^linuxgeek_: no16:30
max82frERIC, I might need more help sorry16:30
EriC^^linuxgeek_: you have to add exec openbox-session to ~/.xinitrc16:31
EriC^^max82fr: ?16:31
max82frcan someone please explain why I can log in as root via TTY  but not via the actual server Ubuntu is running on?16:32
linuxgeek_EriC^^, i was reading http://complete-concrete-concise.com/ubuntu-2/ubuntu-12-04-server/ubuntu-12-04-server-how-to-install-a-gui16:33
linuxgeek_which says To get a GUI running you need three things:16:33
linuxgeek_graphics server16:33
linuxgeek_, display manager16:33
linuxgeek_,window manager16:33
linuxgeek_EriC^^, openbox is the window manager16:34
linuxgeek_EriC^^, is xorg both graphics server and display manager?16:34
RustyShacklefordEriC^^: looks like lightdm is running fine16:35
RustyShacklefordi guess I need to look through some of X's logs16:35
linuxgeek_EriC^^, and i do not have  ~/.xinitrc file16:36
mcphailmax82fr: http://askubuntu.com/questions/16178/why-is-it-bad-to-login-as-root16:36
mcphailmax82fr: http://askubuntu.com/questions/369012/how-to-run-a-complete-gui-as-root16:37
max82frok made i16:37
max82frhow can I elevate a user's rights16:37
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DanielSamax82fr: Insert the user in the sudoers group16:40
ejtheorywhat is the command to run root privlages16:41
haidorado you have solution for pausing and resuming software centre16:42
DanielSaremember, Super User DO, sudo16:43
EriC^^linuxgeek_: yeah ubuntu doesn't use an .xinitrc16:44
EriC^^linuxgeek_: the guide says to use it though16:44
ejtheoryok now im locked out of both drives16:45
ejtheoryim admin16:45
ikeboy/dev/.bootchart/log/proc_ps.log fills up to several GB every few boots. Can I disable this file?16:45
shah_BoomtingWhere can I get dodgy stuff like dark net?16:47
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ejtheorydo i need to use the terminal to access this drive?16:47
mcphailejtheory: if you must use a graphical file manager, run "gksudo nautilus" but _be_careful_16:48
shah_Boomtinghello anyone der?16:48
ejtheorymc i did use nautilus i got a error16:49
shah_Boomtinganyone know darknet?16:49
mcphailejtheory: did you use "gksudo nautilus"?16:49
mcphailejtheory: and what error did you get?16:49
ikeboyshah_Boomting: see the PM I opened16:50
ejtheoryi looked it up its some bug ..ill bring it back just ase16:50
ejtheorya sec*16:50
cfhowlett!ot | shah_Boomting, ask elsewhere16:51
ubottushah_Boomting, ask elsewhere: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:51
m1r0Hello y'all-- I'm trying to installd dualboot Ubuntu with Windows on my machine but the computer is only booting into windows, not giving me the option to choose which operating system to load, can anyone help?16:51
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EriC^^m1r0: win8?16:51
m1r0win7, hp pavillion dv7 4190us, two seperate drives, sda and sdb, with windows on sda and ubuntu on sdb, but the BIOS only boots into sda16:51
EriC^^m1r0: hmm16:52
EriC^^it's msdos not efi?16:52
mcphailm1r0: did you install windows or ubuntu first?16:52
m1r0I think it's msdos but i'm not sure16:52
m1r0Windows came on the computer16:52
SchrodingersScatIf grub went on sdb, then would that cause that?16:52
mcphailm1r0: and where did you install the ubuntu bootloader?16:53
m1r0Yeah, I think that grub is on sdb, but i've been trying for the past couple days unsucessfully to install bootloader on sda116:53
m1r0I think it installed on sdb116:53
ikeboym1r0: can you try booting with supergrubdisk if you have a spare usb?16:53
EriC^^m1r0: boot a live usb16:53
m1r0I'm chatting y'all from a live usb right now16:53
mcphailm1r0: don't install on sdb1 -- install on sdb (withouth the "1")16:53
EriC^^m1r0: ok sudo parted -l16:54
ikeboyOr install easybcd on windows, then add a linux entry16:54
m1r0sorry I mispoke I think I installed on sdb16:54
m1r0easybcd didn't work16:54
ikeboyCan you download a supergrubdisk iso and add that in easybcd?16:54
mcphailm1r0: if grub is installed on sdb (not sdb1) you will need to change the boot order in your bios to boot sdb before sda16:54
m1r0mcphail- bios only boots to sda16:54
EriC^^m1r0: mount the installation, chroot and reinstall grub on sda16:55
m1r0parted output: http://pastebin.com/2XuJpGSQ16:55
mcphailm1r0: taht would be an odd bios. If that is the case, install grub on sda (not sda1)16:55
m1r0mcphail- it is an odd bios but searching the forums for my computer confirms it only boots to sda16:56
EriC^^mcphail: ok this seems ok16:56
EriC^^i mean m1r016:56
EriC^^m1r0: sdb is gpt16:56
EriC^^it has what appears to be an efi partition ( fat32 )16:56
EriC^^and there's no bios-boot partition for gpt to work with legacy16:56
EriC^^yet sda is msdos16:56
EriC^^so... O.o16:56
m1r0okay how do i tell ubuntu to not use GPT and how do i install bootloader in sda while installing the OS on sdb16:57
EriC^^m1r0: are you using efi right now16:57
EriC^^type ls /sys/firmware16:57
EriC^^is there efi there?16:57
m1r0efi is there but i thought i was hsing msdos16:59
EriC^^m1r0: type efibootmgr -v16:59
apeoidI'm trying to install a plugin for QGIS, quantum geographic information systems, it's like CAD for maps.  When I try to install the qgis-plugin-grass, I get dependency errors.  It says I am missing 'grass643'.  WTF?16:59
EriC^^what do you get16:59
m1r0efibootmgr is not installed?17:00
cfhowlettapeoid, http://grass.osgeo.org/grass65/manuals/g.extension.html17:00
m1r0just installed it and when i type it nothing shows up17:00
EriC^^m1r0: ok try to install it17:01
EriC^^try sudo efibootmgr -v17:01
apeoidhey thank you!17:01
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ejtheory(nautilus:7587): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 179 was not found when attempting to remove it17:01
cfhowlettapeoid, happy2help17:01
ejtheorythis is the error mc..17:01
m1r0EriC^^: http://pastebin.com/jrpKJnjn17:02
EriC^^m1r0: ok, well17:02
EriC^^seems odd17:02
EriC^^m1r0: can you check the bios and make sure legacy is selected17:03
m1r0what do you mean legacy is selected?17:03
EriC^^m1r0: did you make the fat32 directory in sdb?17:04
EriC^^i think the installer thought you have efi, ( which you seem to somehow given the dir is there ), and made an efi partition on sdb17:04
m1r0everything in sdb was made by the ubuntu installer17:05
EriC^^if you had legacy it should have made a bios-boot partition for gpt to work17:05
EriC^^m1r0: i think you have some hybrid thing going on17:05
EriC^^no idea17:05
m1r0lol what17:05
EriC^^anyways check what's in the bios, then install grub on sda17:05
EriC^^since it's msdos it doesn't need a bios-boot partition17:05
EriC^^so you should be good17:05
EriC^^if you ever need grub on sdb though you need a bios-boot for it to work with legacy17:05
m1r0just to doublecheck how do I get bootloader on sda from the ubuntu installer17:06
EriC^^m1r0: no need to reinstall17:07
EriC^^m1r0: hold on17:07
m1r0so how?17:07
EriC^^m1r0: type sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt17:07
EriC^^then type sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/boot/efi17:07
EriC^^maybe we'll see what's there17:07
=== nuke_ is now known as nuke1989
m1r0what should i be looking for?17:09
vagrantHello is anybody here ?17:09
ejtheoryeric ..im having same issue.. but with permissions17:09
EriC^^m1r0: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done17:09
EriC^^m1r0: type that after mounting the 2 above17:10
cfhowlett!ask | vagrant,17:11
ubottuvagrant,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:11
m1r0okay i did17:11
EriC^^m1r0: sudo chroot /mnt17:12
EriC^^ejtheory: what's up?17:12
m1r0chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory17:12
ejtheoryso to change permissions i need to use terminal?17:12
EriC^^m1r0: type df17:13
ejtheorymy nautilus is returning a error..17:13
EriC^^m1r0: is /dev/sdb2 mounted at /mnt ?17:13
EriC^^ejtheory: which permissions?17:13
EriC^^m1r0: type ls -l /mnt17:13
EriC^^is there an ubuntu installation there?17:13
m1r0it looks like an ubuntu installation...17:14
ejtheoryill wait..ty17:14
m1r0stuff like "drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 Nov 27 16:48 bin17:14
m1r0drwxr-xr-x   4 root root  4096 Nov 27 16:48 boot17:14
m1r0drwxr-xr-x  16 root root  4340 Nov 27 16:53 dev17:14
m1r0drwxr-xr-x 130 root root 12288 Nov 27 16:48 etc17:14
m1r0drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 Nov 27 16:48 home17:14
EriC^^m1r0: ok, is there a /bin/bash? please use paste.ubuntu.com for pastes17:16
ejtheorygksudo apt-get nautilus17:16
EriC^^ejtheory: O.o17:16
m1r0there is a /bin/bash17:16
EriC^^ejtheory: try gksu nautilus17:16
EriC^^ejtheory: is there a particular directory with files you want to change the ownership of?17:17
ejtheoryno im trying to recover a xbuntu .iso from a earlier install17:18
ejtheoryim using ubuntu live cd to recover17:18
ejtheoryim admin and logged in17:18
ejtheoryim mounted17:18
EriC^^m1r0: odd17:19
m1r0should i go ahead with just trying to install grub on sda?17:19
EriC^^m1r0: we just need to chroot17:19
m1r0huh it's weird, bash is def there17:19
deemohi all... so I try to login into my ubuntu distro and once i hit the enter button it just freezes and says logging in17:21
deemohi all... so I try to login into my ubuntu distro and once i hit the enter button it just freezes and says logging in... right now I cant log in and I am looking for help17:21
=== jottr is now known as elementz
EriC^^m1r0: maybe see what is in sdb117:23
EriC^^m1r0: try ls -l /mnt/boot/efi17:23
EriC^^is there an ubuntu dir there?17:23
ejtheorywhat is the comman d to open a file ?  in terminal ..bash17:24
EriC^^i mean EFI dir17:24
m1r0sdb1 is EFI17:24
m1r0yes there is an EFI dir17:24
zykotick9ejtheory: what do you mean by open?  what sorta file?  "cat foo" will show a text file's contents.  or "nano foo" is a basic editor for text files.17:26
ejtheoryok.. nevermind that .. gparted will that fix my old install?17:26
ejtheoryi want to burn this .iso i have in a drive i cant access17:27
ejtheoryi might need to scrap it.17:27
ejtheoryzy.. im using a live cd to acess my xbuntu install i muffed.17:28
zykotick9ejtheory: you're on a livecd, but you want to burn an ISO... that might be tricky (or do you have two optical drives)17:29
ejtheorylol... ok usb then.17:30
deemohi all... so I try to login into my ubuntu distro and once i hit the enter button it just freezes and says logging in... right now I cant log in and I am looking for help17:30
mindless_chaoshave you tired logging in via console?17:31
mindless_chaosalt f117:31
mindless_chaosthen login17:31
deemoi just upgraded to 14.04 from 12.04 while installing 12.0417:31
m1r0okay so how do I install grub on sda17:31
mindless_chaosthe other thing you can do is select recovery from grub17:32
ejtheoryzy.. im trying to explain my best..sry mate.17:32
mindless_chaoscould be a driver conflict17:32
ejtheoryIM SO NEW!!17:33
mindless_chaosyou can also select advanced in grub, and choose an older kernel17:33
zykotick9ejtheory: so where are you stuck right now then?  why can't you access the drive with this ISO on it?17:33
zykotick9!tab | ejtheory17:33
ubottuejtheory: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:33
mindless_chaosyou could have an issue with unity17:34
ejtheoryok... zy! i had to install xp again i lost the boot md5 thing.. i just want to run or download or install xbuntu17:34
cendoraubottu: I was not knowing that17:34
ubottucendora: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:34
ejtheoryim using a live cd ubuntu17:35
cendorathank you ubottu17:35
m1r0can anybody help me install the grub bootloader onto sda?17:35
cendoraubottu: help17:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:35
=== shawcross is now known as help
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:36
=== help is now known as Guest98202
zykotick9ejtheory: ahh, so you need to reinstall grub after windows overwrote it?  TBO, i'm not up to date on how that's easiest done in ubuntu anymore.... gonna check !mbr factoid...17:36
cendoraubottu: Dance ?17:36
ubottucendora: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:36
zykotick9!mbr | ejtheory17:37
ubottuejtheory: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:37
EriC^^m1r0: sorry mate17:37
ejtheoryyes! it boots to grub recover17:37
zykotick9ejtheory: that link, about "Lost GRUB after.. Windows?" might help?!?!17:37
EriC^^m1r0: don't know why we cant chroot17:37
=== Guest98202 is now known as shawcross
m1r0EriC^^: yeah it's strange-- is that the only way to install grub on sda?17:38
ejtheoryzy i did.. im booting now into xp first17:38
zykotick9ejtheory: try "z-y-k-TAB" to autocomplete my nick17:38
ejtheoryi dont want to use xp to install xbuntu again when the .iso is right here!17:38
OerHekserr .. xp ? ... on a Sata drive?17:39
ejtheoryzykotick9, ..ty17:39
ejtheorysata? ..17:40
EriC^^m1r0: i got an idea17:40
EriC^^try sudo mount -B /lib /mnt/lib17:40
EriC^^try sudo chroot /mnt17:41
m1r0nope still no bash17:41
EriC^^try sudo mount -B /usr/lib /mnt/usr/lib17:41
EriC^^then sudo chroot /mnt17:41
m1r0"mount: mount point /mnt/usr/lib does not exist17:42
m1r0should i mkdir?17:42
EriC^^ok well that might be it17:42
EriC^^you should have a /usr/lib17:42
EriC^^did you checksum the iso?17:42
EriC^^m1r0: if you want you can mkdir17:42
m1r0the usr folder is empty17:42
ubottusasasal: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:43
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server17:43
EriC^^i think you should reinstall17:43
EriC^^m1r0: check what the bios is set to, and make the partition table msdos if you want and then reinstall17:43
m1r0okay i can reinstall, but can I specify that I want the bootloader on sda in the install?17:44
EriC^^m1r0: or leave it gpt, whatever17:44
EriC^^m1r0: yes, in the Something else menu select it at the bottom17:44
m1r0okay so first let me go on my bios17:44
m1r0EriC^^: what do you mean check what it's set to?17:44
EriC^^m1r0: go to the boot options and check if it says something about legacy and efi17:47
m1r0EriC^^: it says nothing about legacy or EFI17:48
EriC^^first checksum the iso17:48
m1r0can I do that from the liveusb?17:48
TermichHello dropping by again. I changed to Default from unity in compiz windows manager. Windows don't have close buttons, there is no interface. Terminal can't be run with ctrl alt t... what do I do?17:48
m1r0like can I use the check disk for defects option instead?17:49
EriC^^m1r0: if you still have the .iso17:50
EriC^^then just md5sum /path/to/iso17:51
EriC^^and check the md5sum on the ubuntu releases link17:51
m1r0ahh whatevs booting into windows takes too much time17:51
m1r0"Check finished: no errors found"17:51
cendoravga problem ?17:52
EriC^^m1r0: i'd md5sum17:52
cendoraor do ==> dd if=/dev/sdr0 of=filename.bin, them sha1sum filename.bin17:53
cendora* them == then17:53
EriC^^cendora: i dont think that would work17:56
wub_wubHi, how would I install/downgrade all binaries from, for example, this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/10.1.0-4ubuntu5 (I do not want the latest release which I already have installed)?17:56
EriC^^that would also copy other stuff no?17:56
EriC^^like the partition table and other stuff?17:57
cendoracampare it with that on the download page17:57
cendoraEriC^^: that would check the dvd for validity17:58
cendoraif it is corrupted or not17:58
EriC^^what if he had other files on it? :P17:58
cendorait will dump the whole dvd into a single file named file.bin17:59
cendorathen check the file for the sha1sum, compare it17:59
m1r0EriC^^: same hash18:00
EriC^^m1r0: ok, odd that /usr is empty18:00
cendoraEriC^^: did you try it ? the sha1sum ?18:01
m1r0alright but i'll resinstall-- can you just help me to make sure i install bootloader on sda and the actual ubuntu on sdb?18:01
EriC^^m1r0: sure18:02
m1r0alright so do I want to select Eras Ubunutu 14.04.1 and reinstall or Something Else18:04
ejtheoryok.. "sigh".. will gparte or any progrsm fix do i csn boot to ubuntu18:07
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EriC^^m1r0: try something else18:09
slobbyAnyone here ever have chrome crash the computer when tring to watch youtube videos?18:10
ejtheoryyup..firefox too.18:11
slobbydid you find a fix18:11
ejtheorydrivers.. for intel18:11
ejtheoryor vise? idk.18:12
ejtheoryalso adobe plugin18:12
slobbyDo you know where to find them at for 64bit18:12
slobbyi tried everthing with the plugin18:12
m1r0EriC^^: alright, so on something else, I am selecting /dev/sda as the device for boot loader instalation, but how do I tell it to install on sdb18:12
ejtheorygo to intek.com18:12
ejtheorydamn it intel.com18:13
slobbystrange thing is though it worked fine when i first installed linux18:13
ejtheorytry updates18:13
atlas-hiveii dont think applying updates will help much18:14
ejtheorysame for me .. i keep running the update18:14
ejtheorybut im still very new...18:14
slobbyi constantly update wont fix anything18:14
ejtheoryvery new..18:14
mindless_chaosread the linux phrasebook18:14
ejtheoryit crashes? or boggs?18:15
EriC^^m1r0: you make an ext4 partition on sdb, and set the mountpoint on "/"18:15
m1r0okay so i deleted everything on sdb, made a "Primary" ext4 partition with mount point /18:16
m1r0do i need to make any other partitions/is that right?18:16
EriC^^m1r0: if you want to hibernate you need a swap partition18:18
RedPenguinIs there any way to stop Ubuntu from resizing the screen if you are using a VGA TV and want to turn it off and on?18:18
EriC^^m1r0: or if you have really low ram, or using a lot of memory or something18:19
EriC^^depends on your use18:19
ilkenAny tool or tutorial for legacy nvidia GPU cards? many problem here18:19
ilkennouveau driver no good18:19
o_be_onewhat is the lightest official ubuntu (like xubuntu) ?18:20
RedPenguinI typically have to change resoulution to something else then back again18:20
m1r0So should I make a swap partition?18:20
RedPenguinyea, EriC^^ beat me to it18:20
m1r0and if so how big should it be?18:20
o_be_onelubuntu, ok ty guys :)18:20
ZxoRwhat is your recommended IRC client for linux?18:20
EriC^^m1r0: how much ram do you have?18:21
k1l_ZxoR: hexchat or irssi for cli.18:21
EriC^^m1r0: if you want hibernation swap should be about the size of the ram and a tad more18:21
zykotick9ZxoR: hexhat/xchat for gui, or irssi/weechat for terminal are all popular18:21
diegoaguilarHello Im trying to install mysql server in my ubuntu18:21
diegoaguilarhowever when I try to do it by "sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.6"18:21
ilkendiegoaguilar did you use tasksel?18:22
m1r0ah whatevs i don't need hibernation18:22
diegoaguilarit fails and shows an error message like18:22
diegoaguilarinsserv: warning: script 'mongod' missing LSB tags and overrides18:22
m1r0so the ext4 is enough?18:22
diegoaguilarI dont ilken18:22
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EriC^^m1r0: yeah18:22
m1r0i can "install now"?18:22
k1l_diegoaguilar: please put all into pastebin and show us the link18:22
k1l_!paste | diegoaguilar18:22
ubottudiegoaguilar: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:22
EriC^^m1r0: yup18:22
diegoaguilark1l_, http://pastebin.com/zWQjZjH618:23
diegoaguilarhere it is18:23
diegoaguilargot any clue k1l_ ?18:25
m1r0so is this going to be gpt?18:25
vmusranyone tried installing ubuntu on a mac pro (1.1)?18:25
xangua!mac | vmusr18:25
ubottuvmusr: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages18:25
EriC^^m1r0: sdb is gpt18:25
k1l_diegoaguilar: let me see18:26
EriC^^m1r0: do you plan to use the installation somewhere else as a standalone one?18:26
m1r0EriC^^: no18:27
k1l_diegoaguilar: please pastebin a "lsb_release -a"18:27
EriC^^m1r0: no problem then18:27
k1l_well, diegoaguilar , seems like its an error in the insserv setup form didigtalocean.18:28
diegoaguilarshit? :/18:29
diegoaguilarwhat should I do18:29
k1l_diegoaguilar: http://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=37918:29
k1l_try to remove insserv. i am not sure what that is used for on your instance18:29
diegoaguilark1l_, do you think thats a good idea? It might remove also this http://pastebin.com/3YNEB4Pe18:30
k1l_well, then talk to digitalocean what is wrong on their setup18:31
thurstylarkHow do I keep from having to log in twice when waking up to Cinnamon on 14.10? I installed cinnamon using the instructions at http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/07/new-cinnamon-ubuntu-14-04-ppa-stable18:33
=== rigor789|away is now known as rigor789
ubottunuzzio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:37
m1r0lol EriC^^ my problem is now reversed-- i'm booting straight into windows18:37
m1r0i mean ubuntu*18:37
dark_lordHello, I am having an issue.18:42
daftykinsdark_lord: ask away18:42
dark_lordWhat I have done is that , I have copied /bin/bash to ~/ls. then I have done sudo ./ls  . It to so while and didn't do anything. So I killed it.18:43
EriC^^m1r0: hehe18:43
dark_lordNow whenever I am doing anything with sudo it is taking some time to display18:43
dark_lordmore than usual18:43
EriC^^m1r0: paste sudo parted -l18:43
EriC^^also try to run sudo update-grub18:43
dark_lordI switched to root and reinstalled sudo. still same problem18:44
atlas-hivedark_lord ----- what is the problem?18:44
EriC^^dark_lord: O.o what are you trying to do?18:44
dark_lordsudo is taking lot of time now to execute any command18:45
EriC^^dark_lord: why did you copy /bin/bash to ~/ls ..blabla?18:45
dark_lordjust for fun18:45
dark_lordI ruined my fun anyways.18:46
EriC^^what was the point though18:46
EriC^^are you trying to make a backdoor for instance or ... ?18:46
dark_lordSo, If I am doing ls it is giving quick result, but if I doing sudo ls, it is taking some 2 second and then showing me the result18:47
dark_lordWhat may be the issue ?18:47
sloantotheboneHow come when I try to type russian into a unity3d textbox (running under pipelight) i get questionmarks, but if I copy paste russian text, it comes out fine?18:47
atlas-hivedark-lord ---- sudo -K18:47
dark_lordatlas-hive, done. nothing happened . Still same problem18:48
m1r0yeah EriC^^ i ran sudo update-grub i think that worked, i'm installing updates now but afterwards I'll doublecheck18:48
EriC^^m1r0: if it mentioned windows 7 loader you should be ok18:49
EriC^^dark_lord: other commands work without any pause?18:50
EriC^^sudo cat ...18:50
m1r0EriC^^: it did18:50
atlas-hivedark_lord ---- you probably need to flush cache for bash??18:50
atlas-hivedark_lord --- i think it is 'history -cw'18:51
atlas-hivedark_lord --- there is also a file names .bash_history that you can flush too maybe that'll help??18:52
pivAdoes someone know how can I programmatically install the msttcorefonts in Ubuntu 14.04?18:53
dark_lordEriC^^, every command is delayed when using sudo18:53
rishianandhello everyone...18:53
rishiananddo you know what is the problem with NVIDIA driver in ubuntu18:54
daftykinsrishianand: you're going to have to be a bit more specific. if you downloaded from their website, that's not a wise method18:54
dark_lordatlas-hive, I have removed all the content of .bash_history, purged sudo, installed it again. no help.18:54
dark_lordsame issue18:54
m1r0alright EriC^^ it's working-- thank you so much!!18:55
rishiananddaftykins no, i installed it from the additional drivers.18:55
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atlas-hivedark_lord ---- have you logged su and rum commands there?18:56
EriC^^m1r0: great! no problem18:56
daftykinsrishianand: and what's happening exactly?18:57
dark_lordeven when I am switching to zsh and using sudo, I am getting delay.18:57
atlas-hivedark_lord ---- use top or htop and see what your top proc is, maybe overload or bottleneck somewhere that has to do with bash18:57
joelHappy Thanksgiving Everyone18:58
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trismpivA: see the second answer here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/16225/how-can-i-accept-the-microsoft-eula-agreement-for-ttf-mscorefonts-installer18:58
dark_lordatlas-hive, rum meaning ?18:58
dark_lordyeah I have logged in su and used apt-get install --reinstall sudo18:58
rishiananddaftykins: well the display hangs a lot.18:58
pivAtrism: thank you :) I found this answer awhile ago when I was automating our infrastructure using Chef but somehow we stopped using that package, another team now needs to use it in some deploy and I was scratching my head looking for that18:59
rishianandjoel: Happy thanksgiving.18:59
atlas-hivedark_lord --- what does htop tell you proc?18:59
daftykinsrishianand: i don't really follow19:00
rishiananddaftykins: check this link.19:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1378949 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-331-updates (Ubuntu) "package nvidia-331 331.89-0ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 8" [High,Confirmed]19:01
daftykinsrishianand: that's an installation bug report, not a usage one19:01
dark_lordatlas-hive, nothing much in htop. its normal19:02
rishiananddaftykins: yes exactly, so the problem came up when i installed the NVIDIA driver from ubuntu additional drivers.19:03
dark_lordI have rebooted my computer, reinstalled my sudo. What may be the issue ?19:03
daftykinsrishianand: so "the display hangs a lot" means driver install, not graphical issues? :)19:03
LinxCatAnyone have a skype account here? I cant get my skype chat to work was wondering if i could test with someone19:03
atlas-hivedark_lord --- is it just sudo commands that are slow... or everything in terminal19:04
bubbasauresLinxCat, This started in ##windows where did you get this skype install and on what OS?19:04
daftykinsLinxCat: don't you get the test user on your contact list?19:04
rishiananddaftykins: no, after i installed the driver, the display is hanging up. and i can't switch back to x.org driver, it does not allow.19:05
LinuxGuy2020Hello Im having some trouble with trying to take packages over to an offline machine for install. I boot the live dvd and use "sudo apt-get -d install ,p;ackage-name>". Copy the packages from /var/cache/apt/archives and tar them up and copy to flash drive. Take it to the offline machine and untar to machine, run terminal in folder, "sudo dpkg -i *.deb". The applications all work great. The issue I'm having is trying to use the same metho19:05
dark_lordatlas-hive, only sudo command. everything else working perfectly fine.19:05
daftykinsrishianand: did you reboot since?19:05
LinxCatdaftykins: you can test audio/video chat, but i need to chat regular chat.19:05
rishiananddaftykins: yes, same persistent problem.19:06
joel1776New Ubuntu user here. I'm curious, what do you folks do when you do when there is and update to an app that is more recent than what is available in the software center?19:06
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daftykinsrishianand: alright, what does "dpkg -l | grep nvidia" report ?19:06
ineuwIs there a way to change the "nouveau" driver screen resolution, Xubuntu 14.04 ?19:07
LinxCatactually nevermind, i have another solution.19:07
notehow to install taz.bz219:08
dark_lordatlas-hive, any idea ?19:08
atlas-hiveim looking19:09
bubbasauresnote, Are you sure you need the tar, did you check the ubuntu repos?19:09
rishiananddaftykins: let me check on my sick laptop.19:09
bubbasauresnote, Info all over the web on this and should be a read me text in the tar.19:10
EriC^^note: tar xjvf /,filename>19:11
ineuwIs there a way to change the "nouveau" driver screen resolution, Xubuntu 14.04 ?19:12
EriC^^* tar xjvf <filename>19:12
dark_lordatlas-hive, I got it.19:12
oloueI want to close my 4200 port to outside of my ubuntu machine. I tried this "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8000 -j DROP" but it didn't work also ufw didn't work with "deny" operation. There is a http rest api on this port. What can i block this port absolutely against to outside connections?19:12
dark_lordI didn't understand though.19:13
cyberalex4lifedoes anyone know if it's possible to change sound card priorities on pulseaudio19:13
atlas-hivedark_lord --- what was it?19:13
dark_lordatlas-hive, please tell me if you understands the solution given in it19:13
dark_lordwhen I changed the entry in my /etc/host to my hostname , it started to work fine19:14
dark_lordI dont know how19:14
EriC^^dark_lord: /etc/hosts should have your hostname19:15
dark_lordEriC^^, yeah. What if it doesn't have ?19:15
EriC^^sudo complains about it too19:15
atlas-hivedark_lord --- was the internet working slow for you in general?19:15
dark_lordatlas-hive, yeah. :P19:15
dark_lordwhat was happening. I cant still get it19:15
atlas-hivedark-lord --- connection error between multi computers on network. or same hostname on network?19:16
dark_lordatlas-hive, same hostname on network19:17
atlas-hivedark_lord --- change to orig hostname19:18
atlas-hivedark_lord --- lolol19:18
dark_lordatlas-hive, same error. slow. lol19:19
dark_lorddid you get it ?19:19
dark_lordwhat dns is doing in all this ?19:19
atlas-hivedark_lord --- restart19:19
dark_lordI am confused ?19:19
dark_lordatlas-hive, yeah I had tried that too.19:19
nicklasmoellerI've got a NTFS partition which I'm trying to write to through PHP fwrite (apache2 local server). I've got full control of the folder if I don't use PHP for the task, but I get an exception (not writable) if I try with PHP. Det folder is owned by root:plugdev and has drwxrwx--- permissions. Any suggestions?19:19
dark_lordstill same issue without host entry in /etc/hosts19:20
atlas-hivedark_lord --- restart after hostname change???19:20
caleresshey guys my java plugin (icedtea) doesnt work in firefox on ubuntu 14.10 64-bit19:20
caleressis there any bug report for this?19:20
dark_lordatlas-hive, no. let me try this also. :P19:20
dark_lordanyways thanks for help :)19:21
atlas-hivedark_lord --- ok19:21
cendoraubottu !help19:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:26
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:27
Wrynesswhat's the right command to allow user jim to only access files in /home/jim? would "sudo chown -R jim:jim 700 /home/jim" be correct?19:27
EriC^^Wryness: and sudo chmod 770 -R /home/jim19:27
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:27
atlas-hiveEriC --- i think that allows for all users and not global???19:28
WrynessEriC^^: and I, as root, would still have access to the folder?19:28
cendoraubottu: !19:28
EriC^^atlas-hive: no it has a 0 for others19:28
EriC^^Wryness: yes19:29
atlas-hiveEriC --- ah!19:29
atlas-hiveEriC --- i misread19:29
AlexPortableHow can I re-enable wifi?19:29
AlexPortableit says wifi is disabled19:29
OerHeksAlexPortable, how do we tell ? do we need to ask what windowmanager etc ?19:30
WrynessEriC^^: didn't work, jim can still access all other folders19:31
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llutzWryness: you need to chroot the user then19:32
EriC^^Wryness: ah i thought you phrased it awkwardly19:32
EriC^^Wryness: you want jim to be able to access his home alone19:32
Wrynessyes exactly :)19:32
EriC^^or you want jim not to be able to access other files?19:32
espen_Anybody know why i cant install the package "aplay" in apt-get, is it gone?19:33
tewardespen_: what errors do oyu get19:33
tewardwhen you try19:33
Wrynessisn't that the consequence of only being able to acces his home alone?19:33
EriC^^Wryness: no19:33
espen_teward: Unable to locate package aplay19:33
tewardespen_: what Ubuntu?19:33
llutz!find bin/aplay19:33
ubottuFile bin/aplay found in alsa-utils19:33
llutzespen_: ^^19:34
espen_teward: 14.04.1 32bit19:34
EriC^^Wryness: nobody can access his home but him, but he can still access other files19:34
adrian_1908I'm using Xubuntu. Is there a way I can find out which command the filemanager uses to auto-mount my NTFS drive? I tried to mount if via fstab but it didn't behave properly, so I'd just like to imitate the filemanager's mounting behaviour.19:35
EriC^^Wryness: you dont say jim can only access this and that, you set this dir can be accessed by this and that19:35
Wrynessoh, well, i am not jim but i still want to have full permission on his home. i want jim to only see his home folder, do whatever he wants in there but not cd into any other folder than his home19:35
WrynessI see19:35
EriC^^Wryness: you can set other user's home in such a way that only they can access it19:36
EriC^^Wryness: jim can still see other files in the system, but not modify them19:36
tewardespen_: it looks like there never was an aplay package... is that alsaplayer?19:36
EriC^^in /usr and /etc for instance19:36
Wrynessthat's not what I need though :(19:36
llutz!find bin/aplay  | espen_19:36
ubottuespen_: File bin/aplay found in alsa-utils19:36
EriC^^Wryness: why not?19:37
tewardllutz: thanks.19:37
tewardespen_: see the message from llutz19:37
EriC^^he can't do anything anyways19:37
tewardand ubottu19:37
tirengarfioI have no sound..19:37
karudhaashows ya19:37
EriC^^Wryness: jim wont be able to see other user's home dir19:37
Wrynessthat's fine, but i do still need root access to his home and i also dont want him to be able to access other files19:37
MDT-I am following instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen19:37
tirengarfiothere is nothing about sound in my settings19:38
MDT-it says to select Guided LVM19:38
tirengarfioIm using xfce19:38
espen_llutz: im getting event not found with that, but it seems alsa-utils includes aplay19:38
MDT-there is no such settign in 14.04 installer19:38
EriC^^Wryness: i'm not sure if what you're asking is possible, if jim runs a program it still needs to be able to read files in /etc for instance, otherwise they'd have to be suid programs that run as root19:39
llutzespen_: 1st: thats not a command. 2nd yes, it tells you that package alsa-utils contains aplay19:39
EriC^^Wryness: not sure if there's a way, who knows19:39
Wrynesshmm true. well it would suffice if he cannot acces anything in other users' home and not in /media19:39
MDT-the closest I can get is "Erase disk and install Ubuntu" with "Use LVM" checked19:39
espen_llutz: thx19:40
MDT-but how do i do this: Then, when prompted to enter "Amount of volume group to use for guided partitioning:" Enter a value just large enough for the Xen Dom0 system, leaving the rest for virtual disks.19:40
EriC^^Wryness: you can chmod the other home dir's and modify a file so that new users that are created have a 770 on their home dir on creation19:40
MDT-I don't get such a prompt19:40
AlexPortableOerHeks: gnome fallback19:41
AlexPortablebut same problem in unity19:41
Wrynessdoes that work for /media too?19:41
AlexPortablei clicked 'enable wifi' and it has a checkmark in front of it, but wifi is still disabled19:41
EriC^^Wryness: /media is like that by default19:42
EriC^^Wryness: the user name's in it can't be accessed by other users19:42
Wrynessok, will try what you said19:42
Wrynessthanks for your help :)19:42
jostCan someone recommend me a video editor that actually works? And with working, I mean the sound19:42
adrian_1908Ok looks like the filemanager uses the "udisks" command which seems to take care of all filesystem peculiarities itself. So in my case running "udisks --mount /dev/sdc2" should do the job.19:43
jostor, alternatively, get mplayer to play sound19:43
EriC^^Wryness: change DIR_MODE in /etc/adduser.conf , no problem :)19:43
daftykinsEriC^^: ever noted a difference between using ubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-desktop^ for adding unity to a mini.iso install?19:45
daftykinsi'm unsure which to pick :>19:46
owen1I am hitting my adaptive Fn key by mistake and want to make it harder to hit it (by adding shift) or completely disable it. xmodmap -pke |grep 151  shows  keycode 151 = XF86WakeUp NoSymbol XF86WakeUp NoSymbol XF86WakeUp.  I tried this:  xmodmap -e 'keycode 151 = NoSymbol XF86WakeUp NoSymbol'  and  xmodmap -e 'keycode 151 ='  but nothing happened. any ideas?19:50
atlas-hivedark_lord --- did it work??19:52
dark_lordatlas-hive, yeah man. it worked19:52
atlas-hivedark_lord --- fuck yea!19:53
EriC^^daftykins: never used the mini.iso :D19:53
EriC^^what's ubuntu-desktop^ ?19:53
daftykinsEriC^^: i think it's meant to pull in more deps, or something odd19:54
atlas-hivedark_lord --- that happened to me a while ago when installing on a new computer and forgetting that i had the same hostname... took me a few hours to realize that my internet was phasing in and out.19:54
EriC^^daftykins: ah19:54
dark_lordatlas-hive, lol. I was mindfucked also :P19:54
atlas-hivedark_lord --- glad i was some help19:55
llutzdark_lord: packages ending with caret ^ are tasksel tasks19:55
atlas-hivedark_lord --- what else do you got?19:55
dark_lordatlas-hive, thanks man. :)19:55
dark_lordnothing much. just playing around it now :P19:55
llutzdaftykins: ^^19:55
daftykinsllutz: ooh, ty19:56
atlas-hivedark_lord --- for sure, let me know if you gots questions19:57
tirengarfioIm getting this about my sound. http://paste.ubuntu.com/9273409/ I remember you that I have no sound.19:57
dark_lordatlas-hive, yeah man. sure. :)19:58
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
o_be_onehey guys20:10
o_be_oneive searched google for a while now, i cant find how to autorun 2 chromium or firefox page à Lubuntu start on each screen20:10
o_be_one(dual monitor)20:11
EriC^^o_be_one: use the startup apps20:12
o_be_oneEriC^^, sure but my two webpages will stard on the same Firefox on only one screen20:13
o_be_onei want that my 2 webpages auto open on each screen (one page by screen)20:13
dreamonhello. tried 2 different usb mouses. both dont work. how can I bring them to work, without reboot.?20:14
EriC^^o_be_one: you can open apps on certain workspaces i think20:14
bubbasaureso_be_one, Set chromium and firefox to autostart and the page you want is home, separate monitors not sure.20:15
o_be_oneok EriC^^ but i use lubuntu :p20:15
EriC^^o_be_one: yeah i think it has 2 by default20:15
o_be_onebubbasaures, yes ive thinked about that, with that i just need to set wich monitor to start20:15
EriC^^still though i think there's a better way20:15
EriC^^hold on, searching google20:15
cyber37Hi, i don't know if i am at the good place but, did someone know how to increase the amount of memory available to JAVA runtime in UBUNTU (i use openjdk, but i'm not realy sure about if i realy use it) i am using "projectlibre"20:16
haidorahi friends anyone knows how to fix virtual box resolution20:17
daftykinscyber37: a java channel might make more sense20:17
bubbasaureshaidora, You add the guest additions?20:17
cyber37the term is  "heap minimum size" * ubuntu20:18
bubbasaureshaidora, Put yourself in the vbox group and install dkms in the host if needed.20:18
ElliottB1Hi, I have a problem20:18
KodanElliottB1, what is it?20:18
ElliottB1I just updated Ubuntu today20:18
KodanElliottB1, and?20:18
=== Snowstormer is now known as Paramore
JonleeMY ubuntu is really slow everything is slow20:19
ElliottB1Watching a YouTube video crashes my computer20:19
ElliottB1The screen freezes20:19
EriC^^o_be_one: you can use compiz's window placement20:19
g0thwhich is better: adobe-flashplugin or flashplugin-installer?20:19
ElliottB1And sometimes, it even turns pitch black with nothing but the cursor visible20:19
EriC^^o_be_one: i think you can set a certain window title to start on an output, so if you start firefox with that title it should go there20:20
bubbasauresElliottB1, Give the channel your hard ware info.20:20
o_be_oneEriC^^, yeah, seen this method, but i want a lightweight system i think compiz will not be a good idea for that20:20
EriC^^o_be_one: ah, right20:20
ElliottB1Okay, hold on20:20
EriC^^o_be_one: devilspie then20:20
o_be_onedevilspie Oo20:20
* o_be_one google it20:20
bubbasauresElliottB1, Try to consolidate the posts or you can get lost.20:21
o_be_oneok why not but devilspie seems to be for gnome wm, i use LXDE :p20:21
linuxgeek_is this channel logs available on the web?20:21
ElliottB1Intel Pentium D CPU with 340 GHz x 220:21
ElliottB1Intel 965Q20:21
Jonleelinux geek can you help me20:21
ElliottB164-bit system20:22
o_be_onelinuxgeek_, maybe http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ ?20:22
ElliottB1HP Compaq20:22
EriC^^o_be_one: it works with lxde too20:22
ElliottB1Is that enough info?20:22
EriC^^o_be_one: it's pretty potent20:23
o_be_oneEriC^^, so it could be a solution, with the kiosk mode of chromium i think i can do it20:23
yuungcan someone tell me why when I log into my DigitalOcean Ubuntu 14 droplet, it says that there are X packages that can be updated, but when I run sudo apt-get update and log back in the message is still there?20:25
yuungi've already asked in #digitalocean but nobody is responding :\20:25
zykotick9yuung: have you tried "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"?20:25
EriC^^yuung: apt-get update only updates the list of packages20:26
o_be_oneEriC^^, wich action you'll use ? geometry ? something like set_workspace ?20:26
ElliottB1Since nobody is answering, I'm gonna leave20:26
yuung(i'm still a linux newb, obviously :p)20:26
bubbasauresyuung, Or upgrade at all?20:26
=== benonsoftware is now known as \b
Flannelyuung: "update" updates the package list (letting you know about new packages), upgrade/dist-upgrade both actually upgrade the packages (with different rules for each)20:26
yuungbubbasaures i have upgraded20:26
yuungi see20:27
=== \b is now known as benonsoftware
yuungwell i have sudo apt-get upgrade'd20:27
yuungbut not dist-upgrade.20:27
bubbasauresyuung, I mean sudo apt-get upgrade and dist-upgrade for held packages20:27
yuungbubbasaures, what do you mean by held packages?  The only two commands I've tried are sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade20:28
Jonleelinux geek what do i do with this link20:28
yuungdist-upgrade worked! thanks guys.20:29
linuxgeek_thanks EriC^^,20:29
linuxgeek_and i got virt-manager to work on xorg/openbox.20:29
daftykinsJonlee: that is not an acceptable way to ask a question20:30
bubbasauresyuung, some security and kernel packages are held for a dist-upgrade when using in the terminal20:30
Jonleeok daftykins can you help me please20:30
linuxgeek_EriC^^, the gray console is how it is with xorg/openbox. if you right click on the console terminal and other options is available. there is no display manager which will give the traditional login screen. thanks again.20:30
EriC^^o_be_one: hmm20:31
x_roothow can i install a "2nd policy" app?20:32
x_rootlike.. i try apt-cache policy docky, i have 2 results, can i install, using apt-get, the 2nd?20:32
beweeswhy does ubuntu restrict its rootfs to the root subvol in btrfs?20:33
haidorahow to install the dkms additions for virtual box??20:33
yuungbubbasaures, i see! thanks20:33
daftykinsJonJ: you referred to a link but didn't include it20:33
daftykins!virtualbox | haidora20:33
ubottuhaidora: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox20:33
JonJdaftykins: say what now?20:33
bubbasaureshaidora, What OS  is the host?20:34
daftykinsJonJ: sorry, tab complete fail20:34
daftykinsuser quit20:34
JonJdaftykins: no worries20:34
haidorai have ubuntu 14.04  and i have installed windows 7 SP1 on virtual box but the resulotion is so bad and i cannot see the whole screen20:35
bubbasaureshaidora, In ubuntu    sudo apt-get install dkms   Have you installed the guest additions in windows and logged out than in?20:36
daftykinshaidora: so windows is the guest? haha, oh my that wasn't very well explained.20:36
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
vbgunzI did whole disk encryption. I always end up with a separated boot partition that is encrypted. I really need to access and mount this partition but I have no idea what the key is. what is it?20:37
vbgunzI choose whole disk but it automatically makes a separate boot partition that ends up encrypted...20:38
Mike9863When I lock my screen after about 20 seconds the screen will turn off. However, if I move my cursor at all the screen will not turn back off no matter how much time passes. How can I have the screen turn off when it's locked after I have moved the mouse?20:38
mirakwhy the hell can't we change the refresh rate on the display manager ???20:38
daftykinsmirak: possibly because this is 2014 and we don't use CRTs anymore?20:39
zykotick9vbgunz: are you _sure_ your /boot is encrypted?  seems odd to me.  my encrypted-lvm 14.04-based setup doesn't encrypt /boot.20:39
vbgunzmy /boot should never end up encrypted but I always end up with an encrypted boot partition :/20:40
vbgunzI just can't access it, my file manager acts as if the partition is encrypted and prompts me for a password, I can't simply mount it either20:41
MoxHi guys. I have an issue using a Ubuntu host and kvms. I'm using eth0 as a bridge interface for my kvms to get an IP from the router, it works great. Nevertheless, even the port forwarding is well configured on the router, I can't ssh my host from an external location (outside my local network). but if I configure the port forwarding on a kvm (and not on the host, where I want my ssh server), I can ssh  ! to resume, I can't ssh my host 20:42
owen1my HDMI monitor show me 'cable not connected' even after i see it in xrandr and type 'xrandr --auto'. any ideas?20:46
guest217xinit tells me "no screens found". its cli-only (headless) 14.04 server but i need ssh xforward to configure mythbackend20:47
daftykinsguest217: yeah, search the mythtv wiki and find their channel20:48
geniiguest217: For a minimal xserver without hardware, install xvfb20:48
vbgunzI did it. I don't know why my file manager says it's encrypted and prompts for a password. trying to mount /dev/sdh1 and /dev/mapper/etc resulted in "mount: unknown filesystem type 'crypto_LUKS'" ... turns out I had to mount /dev/sdh1 and use the -t option for mount with ext2 as auto does not automatically work20:49
guest217daftykins, read everything again and start again with smart answers20:49
guest217genii, thank you20:49
daftykinsguest217: no, i was content the first time :)20:49
motilusguest217 what's error u have if u start ssh -X ip20:49
geniiguest217: You might want to read the manpage for afterwards as well20:49
fredrikIm trying to compile a driver for a DVB card called dvbsky. But I'm getting this compile error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9274090/20:51
fredrikI think its something I need to do in /usr/src/linux or something20:52
muchachaohi guys, are there any epub readers for the command line?20:59
azizLIGHThow can i get newer kernel with new hardware support on 14.0421:00
ikoniaazizLIGHT: what's the actual problem ?21:00
azizLIGHTi wanna get a ps3 or ps4 controller and make it work out the box21:01
ikoniaazizLIGHT: why do you think your kernel doens't support that ?21:01
azizLIGHTi did a google search and it said kernel 3.16 adds support for ps3/ps4 controller21:01
azizLIGHTand im on 3.1321:02
ikoniathat seems a little odd as I've used a PS3 controller on a much earlier version21:02
azizLIGHToh it says "much improved support"21:03
ikoniaazizLIGHT: the PS3 controller is much earlier than 3.16, force feedback comes in at 3.1421:03
streulmaI have a bash script and I want to SED a variable, it is YEAR=$(date...) and the sed value is from 2014 to $YEAR21:03
streulmahow can I do this ?21:03
azizLIGHTstreulma: can u explain a bit differently21:03
ikoniastreulma: I don't understand21:03
streulmaI mean: sed -i 's/2014/$YEAR/g' file.sh21:04
azizLIGHTyeah, please explain again21:04
streulmabut it doesn't come correct21:04
ikoniastreulma: errr yes21:04
streulmahe doesn't know the variable21:04
azizLIGHT$ needs to be escape21:04
ikoniaazizLIGHT: looks like PS4 controller should also work in 3.13, although the tools used to configure it (eg: xboxdrv) may need to be updated, depending on what you expect21:05
azizLIGHT$ means end of line afaik21:05
azizLIGHTikonia: ok thats good to know. thanks for checking21:05
azizLIGHTdoesnt look like i need kenel update then21:06
azizLIGHTbut if i did, how do people do it21:06
azizLIGHTjust so i know21:06
ikoniaazizLIGHT: it depends on what they want21:06
ikoniaazizLIGHT: bottom line don't change the kernel unless it is the only way to do something21:06
azizLIGHTstreulma: as it stands right now ure telling sed to take every instance of 2014 and add YEAR to the endof the line, for every instance21:07
azizLIGHTikonia: gotcha21:07
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azizLIGHTalso i wouldnt use -i unless u got a backup21:08
azizLIGHTtry sed 's/2014/\$YEAR/g' file.sh > newfile.sh21:08
azizLIGHTstreulma: ^^21:09
Guest19002anyone normal?21:09
ikoniaGuest19002: please don't be silly21:09
ikoniaGuest19002: if you need help with ubuntu, just ask21:10
Guest19002i need help with ubuntu21:10
ikoniathen explain what help you need21:11
Guest19002ive just started using this chat21:11
ikoniathat will give you an introduction to ubuntu as a new user21:12
streulmaazizLIGHT he's just echoing $YEAR in newfile.sh :D21:13
Guest19002is this all about ubuntu programming?21:14
ikoniaGuest19002: this channel is for ubuntu support discussion21:14
xanguaubuntu is foy anyone who wanna use it21:14
ikoniaGuest19002: if you type /topic you'll the channel topic with some links expaining more21:14
ikonia!guidelines | Guest1900221:14
ubottuGuest19002: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:14
aethelrickwhat you programming Guest1900221:14
ikoniaGuest19002: the links ubottu just gave you too are also worth a ready21:14
ikoniaread sorry21:14
azizLIGHTstreulma: so is that something he wants or not? im h aving trouble understanding. he can also ask #sed or #bash21:15
Guest19002thanks for that. ok. its boring so see ya.21:15
ikoniahuamangino: welcome to the ubuntu support channel, if you need help with ubuntu, just ask21:16
guig33ki have just install qemu with virt-manager and i have this error on ubuntu : internal error: Cannot find suitable CPU model for given data. On #virt it say to me it s come to ubuntu because on fedora it s work21:16
guig33kif someone can help me21:17
ikoniaguig33k: is the correct cpu / qemu kernel module loaded21:17
guig33ki dont know i have just install it and start it21:17
streulmaazizLIGHT it's solved21:17
ikoniaguig33k: thats something worth checking then21:18
guig33kikonia: how ?21:18
huamanginohello ikonia please how install ubuntu in mac machine21:18
ikonia!mac | huamangino21:18
ubottuhuamangino: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages21:18
streulmahuamangino, which Mac model? I can help21:19
guig33kikonia: there are bug report than other people with the same pb21:19
ikoniaguig33k: is there any detail on the bug ?21:19
ikoniaguig33k: is this you the same ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virt-manager/+bug/134643021:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1346430 in virt-manager (Ubuntu) "Cannot find suitable CPU model for given data during VM starting" [High,Confirmed]21:20
haidorahow to install microsoft office 2013 on ubuntu??21:21
ikoniahaidora: you don't,21:21
ikoniahaidora: that is a windows program21:21
guig33kikonia: yes but me i have not install the vm21:21
ikoniaguig33k: the problem is the same though ?21:21
guig33kit say to me at the end when i click on finish21:21
streulmaI have a HP and have some ACPI errors (minor) like Firmware Bug (what does it mean) ?21:21
guig33kikonia: yes Cannot find suitable CPU model21:21
ikoniaguig33k: try creating a vm with virsh rather than virt-manager21:21
ikoniaguig33k: see if it's the interface or libvirt21:22
ikoniaguig33k: then add to the bug report21:22
ikoniastreulma: depends on the device and error21:22
streulmaikonia: [Firmware Bug]: ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored21:23
streulmaikonia: [Firmware Bug]: Invalid critical threshold (0)21:23
ikoniastreulma: power managment by the look of it21:23
streulmathat's on thermal21:23
streulmaikonia: and the last one... [Firmware Bug]: ACPI(PEGP) defines _DOD but not _DOS21:23
ikoniastreulma: again, looks like power managment21:24
streulmaoh and what can I do ikonia ?21:24
ikoniastreulma: I wouldn't worry about it21:24
streulmayeah, but the Invalid critical threshold ?21:25
ikoniaI wouldn't worry about it21:25
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
atlas-hivei have a fresh install ubuntu on a sony z series lappy. when i come out of supension, there is a loud static sound for two seconds. any ideas?21:33
ikoniaatlas-hive: re-enabling the sound card/speakers ?21:34
atlas-hiveikonia --- i have21:34
ikoniaatlas-hive: you have what ?21:35
atlas-hiveikonia --- flush drivers and reinstalled21:35
ikoniaatlas-hive: no, I mean thats what happens when it comes out of hibernation21:35
ikoniaatlas-hive: that could be the noise you hear21:36
atlas-hiveikonia --- ohhhhh... but i doesnt happen to anyother lappy i have21:36
ikoniadifferent hardware21:36
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lain_sound problem still occures... any ideas?21:58
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atlas-hivewhen i flush the drivers and supend nothing - obviously - but reinstall there still is static.21:59
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nuke1989is there any good speech to text program ? for noting things down...22:06
jhutchinsnomic: Beat me to it.22:07
x_roothow an i edit the menu on gnome-fallback?22:07
x_roothow can i*22:07
nuke1989nomic, have you ever used any of those?22:08
geirhax_root: With alacarte. You'll probably have to install it first though.22:08
nomici tried one -- was trying to think .. something with a name like "festival"22:08
nomicno hang on that was text to speedh22:09
x_rootgeirha, already installed, but the "part" i want to edit is the one between the apps and the session controls (gnome-session-quit, poweroff..)22:09
nuke1989yeah i know it.... its festival but yeah its the opposite22:09
x_roottried with alacarte and didn't worked..22:09
nomicworked well22:10
geirhaAh, yeah those are not part of the menu, I belive. Not sure how to do anything with those.22:10
x_rootnothing to manage it? no file to edit it geirha?22:11
jhutchinsx_root: Not sure there's a way to do that.  Gnome is not one of the more customizable interfaces.22:12
x_roothm.. just to be sure, i'm talking about gnome-fallback (since now there's gnome-shell and fallback, which are not the same.. right?)22:13
x_rootso.. not yet jhutchins?22:13
Ben64I'd like to know how to stop the main menu from scrolling22:13
x_rootwell.. thanks jhutchins geirha :)22:14
geirhaBen64: Buy a bigger monitor22:16
Ben64geirha: i have plenty of space22:18
geirhaOh weird, it adds scrolling for that little piece?22:20
velhop4Hello friends! I installed Ubuntu a weak ago. Sudenly, my Internet connectrion is not working. No Wireless nor cable. How can I solve this? Thanks :D22:20
Ben64geirha: my normal google-fu has revealed nothing22:20
=== Neuhristide is now known as NeuhNeuh
atlas-hiveGuest82209 - hello22:28
velhop4Hello friends! I installed Ubuntu 14 less then a weak ago. Suddenly, my Internet connection is not working. No Wireless nor cable. Is there a way to solve this? Thank you :D22:28
Guest82209i'm italian22:29
atlas-hivevelhop4 --- what was the last thing you installed/ did on ubuntu before the internet cut out???22:29
Bashing-omvelhop4: Try and see if you are getting out of house; What results from terminal command -> ping -c3 < - ?22:30
velhop4atlas-hive, i left the computer alone.  Router is working fine, I have wireless in my tablet and cable in this old machine were I'm writing to you Bashing-om22:31
atlas-hivevelhop4 --- so you left the computer in working state and now it no longer connects to internet or connects but no ping???22:32
velhop4Bashing-om, the output of that command is "connect: Network is unreachable"22:32
velhop4atlas-hive, yes, I left the computer working fine and it doesn't connect22:33
velhop4Should I try the command again, with cable?22:34
atlas-hivevelhop4 --- are you wired/wireless?22:34
velhop4atlas-hive, currently wireless. tryed cable, but no connection22:34
atlas-hivevelhop4 --- so im assuming that all other computers can connect wired/wireless. can you connect to router and see if your ubuntu ip is blocked??? or maybe hostname on another computer is the same.22:36
goosfrabalet me see if I can explain my problem. I have two displays, when I move my mouse from one display to the other the cursos stops at the end of the current screen, and I have to move my mouse over the entire mousepad to get it over to the other screen, is there a way to make it go smoother?22:36
Bashing-omvelhop4: Wireless issues are not something I am familiar with. No regret :) in that. Just never have had to cross that bridge. I take a back seat and lurck , see what is advised.22:37
atlas-hivevelhop4 --- what kind of router do you run???22:37
geniigoosfraba: I think you need to disable the "sticky edges" option in settings for display22:38
goosfrabagenii: thank you very much, worked!22:38
geniigoosfraba: You're welcome :)22:38
=== rigor789 is now known as rigor789|away
velhop4atlas-hive, all other computer can connect to wireless and cable internet. How can i see if my ubuntu ip is blocked? I'm running Lubuntu in this old machine were I'm typing, and I have cable internet22:41
velhop4Bashing-om, thank you anyway, my friend :D22:42
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atlas-hivevelhop4 --- what kind of router do you have.22:42
velhop4atlas-hive, what info do you need about the router?22:42
atlas-hivevelhop4 --- so, linksys or dlink router for starts. you can find what ip your router is, connect and see if all computer ip are registered to the router.22:43
atlas-hivevelhop4 --- you should run a ddwrt on your router. they are much more customizable and easy to debug and troubleshoot.22:45
velhop4atlas-hive, I was checking info on the router, but I have none. Let me explain: I have Internet from a company called MEO. The router isn't mine, it's theirs. It's in the contract. I don't even have a manual, and there's no info about the brand and model in the box22:49
bonobomapperAny designer online, willing to contribute to a Icon Pack?22:49
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velhop4atlas-hive, what is a "ddwrt" and how can I run it in the router?22:49
austin6598this is what i get when i boot to kubuntu isntallation usb: http://susepaste.org/6770580822:50
gabygabycan you help me with something?22:50
gabygabywhere can I get a browser for Ubuntu, with an already installed gnash player, Flash gives just so many trouble..22:51
atlas-hivevelhop4 --- its best to run ddwrt on a self bought router like a linksys or dlink. ddwrt is a router manager that is highly customizable for IT use.22:51
bonobomappergabygaby: http://chrome.google.com22:51
rxpwhats the off topic channel22:52
atlas-hivevelhop4 --- someitimes in terminal or cmd, if you ifconfig or ipconfig, you can get the router home ip that you can use to connect to.22:52
walterb_buonasera a tutti. good evening everybody22:53
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gabygabyoh, does that comes with gnash player already?22:53
Bashing-omaustin6598: The link >> The page you requested was not found. . try again ?22:54
rxpwhat do you guys think of giraffes? they're pretty cool, huh?22:54
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velhop4atlas-hive, thank you, but I don't know how to run that comand in the router. Can I acess the router through this computer? The laptop with Ubuntu-without-internet hsa a dual boot with windows 7. Wireless and cable Internet are working fine on Windows22:54
rxpi personally think giraffes are awesome22:54
deSouzawhat is the desktop folder?22:54
bonobomapperFlash comes with Pepper-Flash embedded… 15.22:54
deSouza /home/desktop ?22:54
atlas-hivevelhop4 --- what opt. sys. are you running now?22:55
austin6598this is what i get when i boot to kubuntu installation usb: http://susepaste.org/5489495222:55
kspacehello hello my friend22:55
austin6598kspaceb hello22:56
deemoanyone using ubuntu dreamstudio here?22:56
cendorahellow world !22:56
rxpwho all is excited about the new lord of the rings movie?22:56
ReindeerHi, can somebody maybe help me with using pip for python in ubuntu22:56
atlas-hivecendora --- hello =)22:57
Reindeercannot seem to make it work22:57
cendorarxp : join ##movies22:57
ReindeerAnybody who understands how I can use pip for python22:58
cendoraatlas-hive: at least to get banned22:58
atlas-hivedeemo --- whats your question about dreamstudio?22:58
ReindeerAh something is happening22:58
deemoatlas-hive: do you use it?22:59
atlas-hivedeemo --- i have22:59
atlas-hivecendora --- what??22:59
cendoraatlas-hive: never mind22:59
Bashing-omaustin6598: That one is strange ( I do not have that file on my system ) .. What file system are you using, raid or LVM at play here ?22:59
atlas-hivecendora --- im confused22:59
deemoI have it here... been having little issues here and there and have reinstalled twise or 3 times in the current week... last time is just now now .. atlas-hive23:00
austin6598can someone help me?]23:00
Reindeeraustin6598 what's the problem?23:00
atlas-hivedeemo --- what problems are you having?23:00
Reindeer@austin6598 not that I am superb in solving stuff23:00
Bashing-omaustin6598: ^^ my ups .23:00
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atlas-hiveaustin6598 --- what is your question?23:01
deemowondering when they will move up from the current 12.04. I often have the issue with umnet dependencies. I always have issues with kxstudio repo expecting stable but finding precise23:01
deemowondering when they will move up from the current 12.04. I often have the issue with umnet dependencies. I always have issues with kxstudio repo expecting stable but finding precise atlas-hive23:01
atlas-hivedeemo ---  what was your cause for reinstalling?23:02
austin6598this is what i get when i boot to kubuntu installation usb: http://susepaste.org/5489495223:02
deemolast time, it was the screen that wont come on and i suspect its got to do with the nvidia drivers... the system comes on but screen are either dead or has a blinking cursor... and that led me to reinstall23:03
deemolast time, it was the screen that wont come on and i suspect its got to do with the nvidia drivers... the system comes on but screen are either dead or has a blinking cursor... and that led me to reinstall atlas-hive23:03
atlas-hivedeemo --- did you run a apt-get upgrade before the screen issue happened?23:04
deemoyou said you used it... what happened that you stopped using it, atlas-hive23:04
deemoI cant remember23:04
velhop4atlas-hive, I'm using windows now and internet is working fine. Thank you for your time, I gotta go now.23:04
goosfrabaI have a laptop with a integrated and a dedicated nvidia gfx, is there a way i can force cs 1.6 to use the nvidia card? right now it only using the integrated23:04
k1lgoosfraba: use nvidia-prime23:04
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atlas-hivevelhop4 --- np23:05
goosfrabak1l: hm, can you explain? im kinda new to ubuntu23:06
austin6598Reindeer so are you going to help me?23:07
austin6598this is what i get when i boot to kubuntu installation usb: http://susepaste.org/5489495223:07
deemobut that was few days ago... today I ran into another issue after the last installation... too many conflicting ppas that I added hoping to get better results but that conflicted... so I had to reinstall after much effort... then while installing I was prompted to upgrade to 14.04 which isnt dreamstudio anyway and I did but that gave much more issue cos the ubuntu 14.04 became merged with 12.04 dreamstudio and  they could not reconcile23:07
k1lgoosfraba: with nvidia-prime you can choose which video card should be used.23:07
atlas-hivedeemo --- ppas for?23:08
goosfrabak1l: ah just found it, thanks, gonna check it out23:09
deemobut that was few days ago... today I ran into another issue after the last installation... too many conflicting ppas that I added hoping to get better results but that conflicted... so I had to reinstall after much effort... atlas-hive23:09
deSouzawhat is the default desktop folder, /home/user/desktop ?23:09
deemothen while installing I was prompted to upgrade14.04 which is ubuntu not dreamst and I did but that gave much more issue cos the ubuntu 14.04 became merged with 12.04 dreamstudio and  they could not reconcile, too many errors, I could not get past ... atlas-hive23:09
atlas-hivegoosfraba --- what kind of lappy or desktop are you using? is there a switch for int. - gpu?23:10
deemoon login screen, i put my details but it freezes at logging in.... atlas-hive23:10
goosfrabaatlas-hive: dont know what the last question means, but i got a asus zenbook ux32ln-r4032h23:11
deemoright now... all the past is gone... I have reinstalled... now running updates and its asking me to replace some configuration or keep - atlas-hive ...23:11
atlas-hivegoosfraba --- on the zenbook, is there a switch to switch the graphic for intergrated to gpu?23:11
goosfrabaah now i get your last q, and no switch as far as i know23:11
atlas-hivegoosfraba --- ok... which nvidia drivers do you have installed? or what nvidia gpu do you have on the lappy?23:12
goosfrabaatlas-hive: but i did install nvidia-prime now, and in those settings theres a switch but i dont wanna use the nvidia at all times, only for cs 1.623:12
goosfrabaatlas-hive: its nvidia GeForce GT 840M, and I currently use v340, followed this guide: http://askubuntu.com/questions/518985/ubuntu-14-04-and-nvidia-geforce-840m-compatability-on-64-bit-laptop23:13
Bashing-omdeSouza: " Desktop " with an uppercase 'D" .. linux is case sensitive.23:13
atlas-hivegoosfraba --- maybe conflicting drivers for nvidia and nvidia-prime??? try uninstall prime and run just generic drivers?23:14
goosfrabaatlas-hive: gonna try it, need to log out and in for changes to take affect so brb23:15
atlas-hivegoosfraba --- np23:15
deSouzaty Bashing-om, that was a typo23:15
goosfrabacouldnt change to nvidia card, it popped a box with a stop mark but no info23:16
Bashing-omdeSouza: OK, so what is the real issue ?23:16
deemoatlas-hive: is it adviced to install the very lattest nvidia driver 340.4623:16
deSouzait was just that23:18
deSouzai use fedora23:18
deSouzai was helping a friend with something ubuntu-related23:18
deSouzai didnt know if the desktop folder was the same, i guess its the same for all23:19
deSouza(he wanted to use the cp command to copy some stuff)23:19
Bashing-omdeSouza: Then yes, the path is correct ( home/<username>/Desktop ) shorthand -> ~/Desktop <- .23:21
goosfrabacan someone highlight me plix :p just testing if my hexchat alarms me23:22
Bashing-omgoosfraba: Workie ?23:23
goosfrabayep, thank you Bashing-om :)23:23
deemoatlas-hive: i guess you got busy23:28
Gu1Hey. I have a weird issue on an old computer running (x)ubuntu 14.04.1LTS. My USB periphericals are randomly becoming unresponsive. I have a keyboard an wifi dongle plugged-in.23:29
Gu1they are obviously still powered-on (the leds are still on), but the keyboard isn't answering and the internet is disconnected23:30
Gu1and when I plug them off and on again, they work again.23:30
Gu1nothing appears in dmesg when it happens...23:31
Gu1they are only detected as "disconnected" when I physically unplug them. yet, they are unresponsive23:31
waressearcher2can I ask about installing ubuntu on android, here ?23:31
k1lwaressearcher2: the chroot install?23:31
pichuzardinstall ubuntu on android is a bad idea23:32
pichuzardtrust me23:33
dhuberis there an Android emulator for Linux?23:33
pichuzardyes, but the emulator work slowly23:34
malinatoryou're going to hell if you install ubuntu on your mobile device :))23:34
dhuberI use BlueStacks on Windows23:34
pichuzardjajajaja malinator23:35
pichuzardtrue history23:35
thigThere are many irc clients for android.  try androidirc.23:35
pichuzardi rather prefer to keep the mobile far of the desktop23:36
pichuzardfor work in linux I have my PC23:36
malinatorpichuzard: for me it is only about 10 cm :)))23:37
k1li think we can drop with our stories to #ubuntu-offtopic as long as the user doesnt even answer questions what he actually ment23:37
drpooI am getting a strange error with apt regarding python - maybe somebody can help this noob23:39
pichuzardi was in the hell, and i lose my phone there :'-(23:39
waressearcher2what is the point of installing ubuntu on android ?23:39
pichuzardexactly <waressearcher2>23:40
waressearcher2k1l: yes, chroot install23:40
waressearcher2pichuzard: so why people do it ?23:40
k1lwaressearcher2: well, that is obviously not supported. best is to ask the one who made the chroot install for your device23:40
drpooI am trying to reinstall gconf2 after upgrade and I get 'E: Internal Error, No file name for gconf2:amd64'23:41
drpooany ideas?23:41
bazhang!find gconf223:41
ubottuFound: gconf2, gconf2-common, libgconf2-4, libgconf2-dev, libgconf2-doc23:41
pichuzardwaressearcher2 maybe the need  of strong emotions, or just for trying some new23:42
bazhangdrpoo, try without the :amd6423:42
drpoobazhang, see http://pastebin.com/f3EXafRt23:44
pichuzardsome of you know a channel for java game programming?23:44
k1l!alis | pichuzard23:44
ubottupichuzard: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:44
pichuzardthaks ubottu :)23:45
atlas-hivedeemo: sorry was eating turkey23:45
atlas-hivesorry guys gotta run. take care all and happy turkey killing day to those that apply. =)23:46
k1ldrpoo: some 3rd party packages or ppas?23:46
pichuzardgood bye all :)23:48
drpook1l, yesh probably23:48
pressure679Can someone solve the sides, angles, area and circumference of this triangle - http://paoxie.imgur.com/all/ - or just |AC| and circumference? (I've solved angle A)23:56
pressure679Lol, wrong chat23:56
BUSYpressure679: why you hide image i want to solve23:58
Shortstraw8I was going to use disk utility to get rid of a partition on my windows hard drive and just use the whole thing instead of having that partition for no reason. Question 1. Is there a way to do that or would I have to wipe the whole drive and re-format? Cause I'm not seeing anything that tells me I can do this. #2 I have erased the partition after not being able to use as one drive with no partition I re-partitioned it, it told me that the partition23:59
Shortstraw8 was misalinged by 3584 bytes what should I do to fix this. Thanks.23:59
pressure679Sry, wrong link - http://imgur.com/6v2qMSR - circumference is 20 FYI23:59

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