
ochosi(we considered exposing both standby and suspend to the user, but it just complicates the UI and we don't even know ourselves what the difference is in reality)00:00
jjfrv8ok, I'll pay closer attention when testing my laptop to see if I notice a time diff with each.00:00
ochosiyeah, but frankly for the docs feel free to just add a paragraph that says that we don't *really* know for sure00:00
jjfrv8but I was just wondering about the difference for both testing and the docs. It's easy to see on a monitor with an LED the differences.00:01
ochosiah ok00:04
brainwashochosi: should we fix bug 1396804 in xubuntu?00:29
ubottubug 1396804 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Name For Thunar Settings Launcher Is Unclear (thunar-settings.desktop)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139680400:29
brainwashkeep it downstream00:31
ochosirather fix it upstream00:32
ochosithe main problem as far as i can see are translations within the desktop file00:32
brainwashbut the new name will also appear in the settings manager00:33
ochosibut if you can, please check whether there's already an upstream report and if not, submit one, so i can bring it up with nick once we're both around00:33
brainwashwhy would upstream want such a change?00:33
ochosiwhy wouldn't it?00:33
brainwashthere is no need to change it00:33
* ochosi shrugs00:34
brainwashsame for xfdesktop-settings00:34
brainwashwhich is named "Desktop"00:34
ochosithat's different though00:34
brainwashwhisker menu is not an official Xfce panel plugin00:34
ochosithere's no "application" of the desktop that you'd launch from anywhere00:35
ochositheoretically we could also try to hide the desktop file from whiskermenu somehow00:35
brainwashbug 135265300:37
ubottubug 1352653 in pcmanfm (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Software Center>Desktop Preferences describes PCManFM" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135265300:37
brainwashis similar00:38
brainwashsee comment #400:38
brainwashso, the entry in http://docs.xfce.org/_media/xfce/xfce4-settings/xfce4-settings-manager.png would be "file manage preferences" instead of "file manager"00:40
ochosianyway, fixing it downstream = meh, because of translations in the .desktop file00:40
brainwashyea, so... what can we do?00:40
* ochosi shrugs00:41
brainwash"not fixable" :D00:42
brainwashcan't we just provide the translations for it?00:44
brainwashdownstream hacks are ugly :/00:45
ochosias you pointed out yourself, it's not just about translations, it's also about the consistency in the settings manager00:45
brainwashdo we care about this?00:46
ochosiand yeah, i really wouldn't wanna do this downstream anyway (not only because of translations)00:46
ochosiwell, i understand the concern, but right now, i don't have a good solution/idea00:46
ochosiif i have one, i can take another look, if you have one, feel free to ping me00:46
brainwashmaybe.. in the distant future00:47
brainwashlets mark it as wishlist in the meantime00:47
ochosiwell feel free to comment that we don't have a good solution but acknowledge the problem00:49
brainwashI will00:50
pleia2need to add details and things, but the list has been created, so yay :)01:09
ochosinice work01:10
ochosii only read the meeting logs afterwards, but i thought you initially didnt want to set up a list..?01:10
ochosi(cause it might feel deserted/dead)01:10
pleia2yeah, we'll just hide the archives01:12
ochosialright, problem solved :]01:12
ochosifrankly, i did like the idea of having a specific person to contact01:12
pleia2bus factor was a fair point01:12
ochosithe threshold of contacting an individual seems lower than to send an email to a list01:13
ochosiyeah, i get that. but otoh do you really think we'd get many requests?01:13
pleia2not really :)01:13
ochosithe low expected quantity of traffic is another argument against a separate list imo01:13
ochosiit's just overkill01:13
* pleia2 shrugs01:14
ochosiand after all, who would answer? my guess would be people in -team01:14
ochosiso why not just add a forward to the dev-ml01:14
ochosithen at least ppl dont have to subscribe to another list01:14
pleia2they don't need to subscribe01:15
ochosianyways, it's up to you, you're the marketing lead, just speaking my mind01:15
pleia2I appreciate your input :)01:15
pleia2we won't advertise it as a mailing list, just giving the email address01:15
pleia2I think we probably should lock down who all can subscribe, like maybe restrict it to -team01:16
ochosiah ok01:17
knomeyeah, restrict subscriptions01:17
ochosiso it is sort of a foward01:17
ochosithat's a different thing then01:17
knomeit's for the safety if pleia2 decides to disappear one day01:17
knomeand at the same time, a place to keep contacts archive01:18
pleia2knome: what do you think, restrict who can subscribe?01:18
pleia2ok, doing that now01:18
knomeand moderate all non-member posts, but i guess that's the default01:18
* ochosi shudders at the thought of pleia2 disappearing01:19
pleia2ok, made it "Require approval" for people subscribing01:19
knomeand tbh, the policy should be "no non-xubuntu marketing/team people as subscribers"01:20
pleia2I dunno, if others are interested I don't see why we can't have them on01:21
pleia2it's not like our team is that big ;)01:21
knomebut that would mean their replies would be non-moderated...01:22
knomeunless we moderate all messages..01:23
knomei mean,01:23
knomei don't want it to become another place for "high" quality commentary01:23
knomeif somebody contacts us because they want to interview us for a, say, tv ad, we don't want jamppa from finland to reply "YEAAAhHH"01:24
pleia2er, who?01:24
pleia2only xubuntu team members are on the list, we haz no jamppa from finland :)01:24
knomejamppa... "a guy" :D01:24
knomei thought you meant outside xubuntu team01:25
knomei mean sure, anybody who is interested about marketing for xubuntu01:25
pleia2oh, no, just xubuntu-team or people who have talked to me re: marketing01:25
knomebut isn't it implied that they are kind of part of the marketing team anyway?01:25
pleia2who, xubuntu-team?01:25
knomeoh em gee01:26
knomepeople on xubuntu team who are interested about marketing01:26
knomeso yeah, welcome01:26
knomeoh, and01:26
knomeplease add a work item for fixing the "in moderation queue" email text01:26
knomewe want it to say "our marketing team will get to your message as soon as possible blah blah"01:27
pleia2when I see subscription requests come in, I'll say, "oh yes, that's ochosi *confirm*" or "oh, jamppa from finland, who is that? *polite decline*"01:27
knomenot "your message is pending"01:27
pleia2yeah, was just looking for that option...01:27
knomeit is there01:27
knomeon the right hand column on the admin interface01:27
knomesays something about messages01:27
knomeEdit the public HTML pages and text files 01:28
knomehmm no01:28
knomemaybe Auto-responder01:30
pleia2I shall test01:30
knomeText to include in any rejection notice to be sent to moderated members who post to this list.01:31
knomeunder Privacy options... -> Sender filters01:31
pleia2oh, neat01:32
knomenot that01:32
knomeText to include in any rejection notice to be sent to non-members who post to this list. This notice can include the list's owner address by %(listowner)s and replaces the internally crafted default message.01:32
knomebut that still only talks about rejection01:32
pleia2doof, I didn't turn moderation on for non-subscribers (I thought it was default?)01:34
pleia2now we have a funny thing in the archives \o/01:35
pleia2go me01:35
knome:D :D01:35
knomehopefully not a gif of a cat..01:36
pleia2I ask about oranges01:36
pleia2Action to take for postings from non-members for which no explicit action is defined.01:37
pleia2hm, that is set to Hold01:37
bluesabrehey everyone01:37
pleia2maybe mailman was being clever, I'll try sending from another account01:39
knomesoon we'll have a bunch of queries about different fruit01:40
pleia2ok, that worked (not go through)01:40
pleia2now everyone gets 2 messages when they email us :s01:40
pleia2moderated, and "we will get to you soon"01:41
ochosihey bluesabre 01:41
knomepleia2, yeah..01:41
pleia2maybe we can turn off the you've been moderated message01:41
knomesee PM :D01:41
pleia2oh :)01:41
knomehey bluesabre 01:42
bluesabrehow are things?  going to try to get some stuff done tonight (finally)01:42
pleia2well there we go01:42
* knome tests01:42
knomenow create a work item to make that message a bit less terse and a bit more warm :)01:44
knomecan assign me01:44
pleia2go for it :)01:44
pleia2papple is an abomination01:46
ochosibluesabre: i've tried to participate a bit in the recent upswing in xfce activity and submitted two patches to the panel01:46
ochosiother than that, i didn't really get to do much xubuntu-specific tasks01:47
bluesabreochosi: great!  I'll try to catch up to that too01:47
ochosi(many tasks, gah, tired)01:47
pleia2knome: hm, looks like it only sends that reply to an address once (I tried to test again, got no reply, but I presume you did?01:47
pleia2suppose it's no big deal01:47
pleia2once they've emailed us once they know the drill, no need to tell them we're looking at it01:48
knomepleia2, umm, there was a grace period bit01:49
knomelet me see if i can find that01:49
pleia2oh ok01:49
pleia2I made a thing http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-user-identifies-as01:49
knomeso i guess setting that to a week or so could be fine01:50
knomeor few days01:50
knomeor simply 001:50
knomeor one per day..01:50
knomesee, i'm open to options01:50
pleia2let's do 2 weeks01:51
knometwo pleia2's at the pad01:51
pleia2I opened it at my desk earlier today01:52
bluesabredouble the writing power01:52
pleia2my desk is all the way over there01:52
knomesee the pad, a question01:53
knomepleia2, easier to cross-examine with two questions?01:54
knomefirst: How would you describe the way you use Xubuntu?01:54
knomesecond: How would you describe yourself?01:54
knomethen we could find out how creative people use xubuntu01:55
bluesabreI use xubuntu at work now :D01:56
bluesabreand one other person there is also using it.... slowly converting KY01:56
pleia2"my partner makes me use it"01:58
knomebluesabre, awesome01:59
ochosibluesabre: weee that's great!01:59
ochosimaybe you can argue for a "free hour" per week to hack on xubuntu ;)01:59
knomethat idea gets the seal of knome's approval02:00
knomeand traditionally, that's stamped on the cheek of the idea's father/mother02:00
* knome stamps ochosi's cheek02:00
knomepleia2, considering about the unemplyed/pensioner because i don't know if that's useful information for us02:01
pleia2yeah, I'm not sure either02:01
knomepleia2, does "humane sector" sound correct to you at all?02:01
pleia2nope, I have no idea what that is :)02:01
knomepleia2, like, healthcare, social services?02:02
ochosiyay, i fixed intelligent hiding for the panel \o/02:02
knomepleia2, job you do with/for humans02:02
knomeversus working on a computer :)02:02
pleia2I thought it meant NGO02:02
knomeoh, nope02:02
pleia2I don't know how we call that in the US02:03
knomemaybe we could do one category for volunteers/non-profit organization workers02:03
knomepleia2, we'll just use the finnish one then, "Sosiaali- ja terveysala"02:03
pleia2maybe "Humanitarian"02:04
pleia2I clearly don't know what people do for jobs in this world02:04
knomei happen to know that only because myself and my wife have a degree on that :P02:05
knomeand my sister...02:05
knomeand my sister's husband02:05
knomeand most of my friends02:05
knomebut other than that, me knowing it would be a pure accident!02:05
pleia2buncha liberals02:05
knomewho said people who work with people are liberals ;)02:06
knomehumanitarian doesn't include all kinds of voluntary tasks02:06
knomeam i a humanitarian because i don't ask pleia2 to pay me salary for building the xubuntu website?02:07
knomebtw, this is going deep ;)02:07
pleia2even paid, helping people tends to be a bit of a liberal thing here, unless people are doing it through their religious institution02:08
pleia2I had a very long day, going to get eyeballs away from computer for a bit02:08
knomestop being so liberal and get back to work02:09
knomewell, enjoy02:09
knomelet's see if i'm still here when you get back02:09
knome<- 4am02:10
bluesabreNoskcaj: I've built and installed the package from https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/xfce4-xkb-plugin/lp-733563/+merge/21436502:11
bluesabrehowever, how should the patch function? if I change the system font, that font does not budge.02:12
knomepleia2, some comments on the pad02:21
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Noskcajbluesabre, That's how it's meant to function AFAIK. It's been a few months since i tested it, so i'm not sure if it's the patch is fully broken of something else changed06:38
elfybluesabre: bug 139680407:54
ubottubug 1396804 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Name For Thunar Settings Launcher Is Unclear (thunar-settings.desktop)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139680407:54
ochosibrainwash: gah, i thought you'd comment on that bug after our lengthy talk about it? ^09:14
ochosijust to save others from wasting time on it09:14
elfyochosi: re that ^^ , seems like a daft reason to not deal with it - orage turns up 3 times if you look in whisker - but they aren't all called Orage only ;)13:02
bluesabreochosi: one option is to just hide the file manager preferences (they can still be accessed from within thunar)13:13
bluesabreas in Hidden=True in the desktop file13:13
elfyhi bluesabre :)13:14
bluesabrehey elfy13:14
bluesabreus holiday, so I'm around a bit longer than usual13:14
elfyuntil bloated? :D13:15
bluesabreNoskcaj: I'll have a closer look at it, but if that is how it is meant to function, I think that means it does nothing13:15
elfyheh 13:15
elfyre whiskermenu and application settings - I'd argue the case for NONE being visible tbh13:16
elfywe don't have abiword prefs in there or x or y or z 13:16
elfyjust a couple for some reason13:16
elfyand if you DID want settings for foo - the obvious place to find it would be in foo's menu somewhere13:17
bluesabreyes, I agreee with that13:17
elfyI'm not completely insane then ....13:18
ochosibluesabre: yeah i know, but that's not extremely nice either...13:28
bluesabrefwiw, typing file manager in whisker and hitting enter launches thunar and not the prefs, so not sure what the user is talking about there13:33
bluesabreassuming whisker is not random in its activities13:34
ochosii guess it isn't13:36
ochosibtw, i contacted graeme gott yesterday because there is no more bug tracker for whisker13:36
ochosiand since he just pushed a few fixes and translations, i thought it's a good time to ask13:36
ochosialso, i offered to set him up on git.xfce.org if he wants13:36
bluesabrethen we could get him a bugzilla as well13:36
ochosiand from the xubuntu perspective, it sucks to ship something without a bugtracker13:37
bluesabreglad to see andrew making progress on this issue, https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm/+bug/136653413:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1366534 in LightDM GTK+ Greeter "lightdm lefts a11y (at-spi*) process behind" [Undecided,New]13:37
bluesabreochosi: agreeed13:37
ochosimy guess is he received too many feature-requests or something and then disabled it13:37
bluesabreI know how that goes13:37
meetingologybluesabre: Error: "knome" is not a valid command.13:38
ochosican be frustrating13:38
ochosibluesabre: how much maintenance do you have to carry out on e.g. mugshot atm?13:38
bluesabredkessel: you'll be glad to know that I've nearly finished giving concise names to catfish widgets, and will have a clear mapping laid out as well13:39
bluesabreochosi: not much, I fix issues as they appear since its tiny13:39
ochosicause i was wondering whether we could set up a very basic UI for panel-switch together, i wouldn't expect that to be much maintenance either13:39
bluesabreyeah, we could do that13:40
ochosidoesn't have to happen this cycle, but i fear lderan won't get to it (at least he hasn't been around very much lately)13:40
ochosii've previously done mockups and i think i have a good idea of how the simplistic UI could look like13:40
bluesabrewill probably be around this weekend.  If you want to make a mockup or throw the glade file together, I can connect the dots13:40
ochosibasically it's a load/save app13:40
bluesabrewhere can I find said mockups?13:41
ochosii just realised i might've only uploaded one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Trusty/PanelLayoutSwitcher13:41
ochosii'd do it even more simplistic now13:42
ochosijust a listview, no screenshot13:42
ochosiit's easy enough to switch and try it, a screenshot/preview doesn't help too much i guess13:42
ochosiit might be that the app itself isn't feature-complete, but that also depends on what we want13:42
bluesabrefair enough13:42
bluesabreI think we'll find what we need as we start building it13:43
ochosii think that the basic functionality is enough13:43
bluesabremight come up with a basic zip and manifest file for required plugins13:43
ochosie.g. checking for installed plugins would be one feature and issueing a warning13:43
ochosibut otoh it doesn't really matter you know13:43
ochosicause if you're not having a plugin installed, it simply won't show in the panel13:44
ochosiit's not like your desktop goes down in flames in that case13:44
bluesabreyeah, but then there will be stupid bugs13:44
bluesabre"where is the clock? I want my clock?"13:44
ochosistupid bugreports/ers you mean! ;)13:44
ochosichecking for installed plugins might be a pain though13:44
bluesabrewe'll check it out as we go13:45
ochosianyway, if we look into it too much, we might as well integrate it in the panel for real...13:45
ochosiso yeah, i'd just do a very basic backup/restore thing13:45
bluesabreif I get time, I'll get a basic implementation together this weekend13:46
bluesabreshould be a piece of cake13:46
bluesabreor cheese13:46
ochosithe command-line part of the app is fully functional already13:46
bluesabreeven better13:46
* ochosi rubs his belly13:46
bluesabrewhere is ali's code fo that again?13:46
bluesabreits on the wiki13:47
ochosiactually the *code* is on github ;)13:47
bluesabreok, no reason not to work on that now13:47
* ochosi goes to the drawing board13:47
bluesabreheading out for family things now13:49
bluesabreping me with updates, or any bugs I need to get to... finally getting back into the xubuntu world13:50
ochosiwb then :)13:50
ochosii'll ping you with the mockup once it's ready13:50
ochosibluesabre: ok, the wiki page has been updated with the new mockup: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Trusty/PanelLayoutSwitcher14:10
ochosibluesabre: i added a few notes below on how it should behave, if you have questions just ping me14:13
GridCubehi habhatti 16:37
habhattiI'm not sure whether this is a bug in 15.04, but the boot screen is clipped on both sides.16:38
ochosihabhatti: both sides == left+right?16:38
habhattiochosi: Yes.16:39
ochosimight be a driver issue anyway, unfortunately plymouth isn't very flexible/clever in that respect16:39
habhattiIt's full-screen on 14.04, clipped in 14.10/15.0416:39
ochosibut if you wanna try another plymouth theme, e.g. ubuntu's and verify whether it works with that, i can take a look16:39
ochosiwell i remember adding support for multi-monitor setups, but i believe i did that pre-14.0416:40
habhattidell inspiron 5521, laptop screen16:40
ochosiright, but the graphics card/driver might be more important16:42
ochosibut anyway, try a different plymouth theme for starters16:42
ochosiyou could even try the 14.04 theme in 15.0416:42
habhattisure, um, xubuntu-plymouth-theme?16:44
jjfrv8ochosi, got another powerman question for you... http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/powermaninactivity.php16:49
jjfrv8how come the smallest value you can set "Put system to sleep when inactive for" is 14?16:49
jjfrv8you can set it lower in Settings Editor, and it does work for that duration, but when you move the slider to "Never", it goes back to 14 in Settings Editor16:49
ochosithat looks like a bug16:50
ochosibut yeah, the minimum time is 14 minutes16:50
ochosithat's a historical setting, not sure why exactly that amount of time was chosen16:50
ochosiactually <15 is supposed to be "never"16:51
ochosilemme quickly confirm that in the code...16:51
jjfrv8reason I asked was because I was trying to set the inactivity time to something low enough for the testcase and only way to do it was with Settings Editor16:53
jjfrv8and then I saw that it went back to 14 when you put the slider to Never16:53
ochosiok, so <=14 means never16:55
ochosisetting it lower worked?16:56
ochosihm, interesting16:56
ochosias long as never works as expected, i guess it's ok16:56
ochosithose who fiddle with the settings via xfconf are on their own anyway ;)16:57
jjfrv8understand. I'll let efly look at the testcase to see if he thinks it's too messy that way.16:58
ochosihabhatti: i meant plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo (if you wanna try ubuntu), if you wanna install the 14.04 package then grab the older version off packages.ubuntu.com: plymouth-theme-xubuntu-logo16:58
jjfrv8elfy too16:58
ochosiwell at least it's a nice workaround for not having to wait 15mins16:58
elfybluesabre: just so you know - thunar prefs it at top of my list 17:08
habhattiochosi: thanks, I'll try that out right now17:09
elfyjjfrv8: re testcases - basically we have to test what we have - so if there's nothing between 15 and never - then just write it to match17:13
elfyas long YOU'VE no bugs when YOU write it - then that's as much as can be done 17:13
elfyhope that makes sense17:13
jjfrv8yup. thanks.17:14
elfycool - thanks for working on it :)17:14
jjfrv8good learning experience :)17:15
jjfrv8efly, I'll redo that little section and probably have an MP for you tomorrow.17:24
elfyok - cool :)17:24
elfyyou really should tab complete :D17:25
elfyit's ok jjfrv8 - I added efly to my ping list just for you :p17:25
jjfrv8what an honor17:26
pleia2knome: thanks, replied to your comments on the pad17:48
pleia2social mediaed the Xfce survey links17:54
elfyhi pleia2 - and thanks - you remind me of a thing to do :)17:56
pleia2watch MST3K all day and make a big dinner?17:58
elfyacronyms ... 17:58
elfyha - if only - some simple fare here today :)17:58
pleia2abbreviation actually ;)17:59
dkesselgood evening18:15
dkesselhmm i have this on vivid: when dragging a running application around in the task bar, a portion of the panel (for my it is where whiskermenu is ) gets replaced with a black box that only gets repainted when moving the mouse cursor over it18:18
dkesselelfy? ;) i know you're running vivid + staging ppa too18:19
dkesselbluesabre: thanks for working on the widget names. i hope i will get to continuing work on the tests soon18:20
elfydkessel: I can't confirm that one18:36
dkesselelfy: meh18:37
dkesseli'll try in a vm....18:37
dkesselhm. happens there too18:37
dkessellooks like this: https://imgur.com/DHBseQZ18:41
elfyI'll try in vm - still can confirm here - but this machine has staging ppa and a non-default panel18:48
dkesselNoskcaj: thanks for uploading the new version of xfce4-systemload-plugin the other day; it fixed a bug for me :)18:49
Noskcajno problem18:50
elfyhi Noskcaj :)18:50
Noskcajhey elfy 18:50
elfydkessel: ok - still unable to confirm on this machine - but can confirm in vm 18:53
dkesselelfy: \o/ any suggestion about the correct package to use when filing it?18:54
elfyin a word ... no18:56
dkesselok i'll take the one that probably directly reacts on my mouse dragging18:57
elfynot panel or desktop I guess - reloading those doesn't help 18:57
dkesselhmm ok i would have taken panel18:57
elfydkessel: just to confirm - you don't JUST see this in vm?18:57
dkesselelfy: no no... i first (and reproducably) saw it on my real machine. and still see it there.18:58
elfyokey doke :)18:58
elfydkessel: are you running staging as well? 18:59
dkesselelfy: yes18:59
elfyok - live doesn't obviously18:59
elfyso that's both then 19:00
elfyI wonder 19:00
dkesselhmm i'll try moving the whiskermenu icon around and see what happens19:00
elfyso I added windows buttons - not doing it still19:01
dkesselhmm funny. it happens to some panel items, but not to all. whiskermenu and the places-plugin get "blacked out"19:02
dkesselno matter where they are19:02
elfynot seeing that#19:04
elfydkessel: not seeing places blacked out here19:22
elfyanyway definitely an issue 19:22
elfyochosi: not sure what to file this against ^^ - effectively it seems that moving something that's in the window button plugin causes the whisker icon to blacken - mousing over it then brings icon back19:29
dkesselelfy: done - care to confirm? bug 139709519:29
ubottubug 1397095 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "dragging applications in the task bar causes repaint errors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139709519:29
dkesselwe can always change the package19:29
elfydkessel: is your panel in hardware default? 19:31
dkesselno. i added some stuff. but otherwise mostly default i guess. no custom color, size or something19:31
habhattiochosi: I couldn't test the plymouth theme from 14.04 - I did an apt-get update today and now there isn't a boot screen at all :/19:32
elfydkessel: it's in the same place - at the top though? 19:34
elfyevening habhatti 19:34
dkesselelfy: yes19:34
habhattielfy: hi19:34
dkesselmoved to bottom and middle of screen... no change19:35
elfydkessel: ok thanks - I'll add some comments 19:35
elfydkessel: thanks - commented  :)19:37
knomepleia2, umm, didn't i do that already? :)19:39
elfyevening knome 19:40
knomehello elfy 19:40
elfydkessel: I assume you didn't add staging to the virtual machine 19:43
* dkessel checks19:46
elfyI assume that to be the case - if it's not let me know and I'll unedit the bug :)19:46
elfyI see it with today's daily19:46
dkesselelfy: yup, no staging in the vm19:48
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=== \b is now known as benonsoftware
brainwashochosi: yes, I did plan to add a comment, like today after work and some testing with xubuntu20:27
brainwashwe cannot hide the entry -> breaks classic menu I think20:27
brainwasheven the whisker one, the entry will be missing in the settings category20:28
ochosiyeah, question is whether it's really needed though. it's still exposed through thunar20:34
elfybrainwash: page not found for the gottcode issue linked in https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1065620:35
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10656 in General "Dragging a panel window button turns external panel plugin black" [Normal,New]20:35
elfyevening ochosi 20:35
brainwashmmh, lets remove the settings category again and solve the problem :)20:35
ochosihey elfy 20:35
ochosielfy: yeah, gottcode deactivated the issues on github20:35
brainwashbad idea20:36
ochosii already sent him an email about it20:36
elfyI just really don't see the need to have thunar preferences anywhere but in thunar tbh20:36
brainwashbut I've reported it on the Xfce bug tracker, so the other report is not needed (did no contain any additional info)20:36
elfybrainwash: okey doke 20:37
elfyochosi: the only thing in thunar prefs I could see a need for - removable drives and media - has it's own entry20:39
ochosithat's a separate desktop file anyway20:39
elfyfrom my pov - if we have thunar prefs, then there's no reason to not have abiword prefs too - etc20:40
elfyand that would be silly :)20:40
brainwashthe thunar preference entry is meant to be shown in the settings manager20:41
brainwashXfce design decision20:41
elfywe're not xfce 20:42
brainwashbut we use the upstream source code20:42
elfyany argument that can be made to include thunar pref's - can be made for anything else20:42
elfyI know that - but we're not xfce - we're xubuntu20:43
brainwashthe entry was not visible all these years.. until we've added the settings menu category back to the menu structure, so settings entries like gparted are searchable via whisker search20:43
elfyand not being able to use what we provide - whiskermenu - to open something without having to choose from exactly named entries ... 20:43
elfybrainwash: yes I know that - but Xubuntu uses whiskermenu - and it breaks in this instance because 2 different things have the same name20:44
brainwashit's a problem, but there is no easy solution20:45
elfyyes there is 20:45
elfyremove thunar prefs for us20:46
elfybecause we're xubuntu not xfce ;)20:46
brainwashand desktop (preferences)?20:46
brainwashand other preference entries20:46
elfyso you're arguing to add abiword and all the other things we use into the settings manager? 20:47
elfythere is no sensible reason to have an applications preferences in the settings manager I can think of20:48
brainwashno, if we hide thunar prefs entry, then we should hide desktop prefs also20:48
elfycan you use desktop as an app? 20:48
elfyI can't 20:48
elfyit's just there doing it's thing for me 20:48
elfyfile manager is an application 20:48
brainwashbut "desktop" opens the desktop settings window20:49
brainwashit does not start the desktop managing app20:49
elfyI'm not going to get drawn into a discussion over this 20:49
elfylet's have firefox/t.bird/mousepad/abiword/gnumeric and all the rest prefs in setting manager too 20:50
brainwashwe basically want to make the settings category searchable in whisker menu, but exclude all the Xfce related prefs entries20:50
elfyno - not really - but if that's what it takes *shrug*20:50
elfyif we didn't have 2 different things with exactly the same name it wouldn't matter - but we do 20:51
brainwashpeople only complained about things like gparted not being searchable via whisker menu, not about thunar prefs or desktop prefs20:51
elfythat's not a reason to change it :)20:52
elfyit's just highlighted an issue 20:52
habhatti-phoneThe duplicate entries for thunar are confusing.20:52
elfyof course they are - no way to know which is which currently20:52
habhatti-phoneBtw, does your boot screen show?20:54
habhatti-phoneHmm, well that makes this difficult.20:55
elfybut, it would if I used nouveau and didn't boot without quiet splash20:55
habhatti-phoneI'm trying to get mine back. It stopped showing after I updated today.20:56
elfyI rarely see splash screen tbh habhatti-phone 20:57
habhatti-phoneIt was clipped on the left and right from 14.10+, so I'm wondering whether I should report it. Seems trivial. *shrug*20:58
elfyI tend towards reporting - but I'd likely test it with ubuntu see if I was to see the same thing20:59
habhatti-phoneIssue is not present in xub 14.0421:00
elfyhabhatti-phone: is this with 15.04? what graphics card is it? 21:01
brainwashochosi: another idea: we could enable the application description (comment parameter) in whisker menu21:03
brainwashone "file manager" entry would have the description "Configure the Thunar file manager"21:04
habhatti-phoneelfy: 14.10 and 15.04 - Intel HD 4000 / Radeon 8730M21:05
elfyhabhatti-phone: I'd report it for 15.04 at least, I'd check if you see the same in Ubuntu - more chance of getting it fixed if it's seen there 21:07
habhatti-phoneelfy: ok, thanks. I'll install Ubuntu and check.21:08
elfyhabhatti-phone: is this hardware or vm? 21:08
habhatti-phoneelfy: hardware21:09
elfynot sure I'd go so far as to actually install ubuntu to check :)21:09
brainwashochosi: not the best idea, but it would make the menu more newbie friendly which could be somewhat nice21:09
elfybrainwash: if we're going to just fiddle with names then what's wrong with File Manager Preferences21:10
habhatti-phoneelfy: Curiosity killed the tester. ;-)21:10
elfyor what it 'appears' to be called21:10
elfyhabhatti-phone: lol21:10
brainwashelfy: consistency seems to be problem21:10
brainwashand translations issues21:11
elfyyep - point21:11
elfyI still think we shouldn't show it at all though ;)21:11
brainwashyes, this is a valid solution21:11
elfythis solution though still has us randomly having this setting entry for an app ;)21:16

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