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rbetzen | hello Scottk and yofel! Finally found more time to take another crack at ths... | 04:54 |
soee | good morning | 07:14 |
bukai | sgclark: ping | 09:41 |
soee | bukai: she probably wont show up until midnight :) | 09:46 |
soee | or what teh time now is in US ? | 09:46 |
bukai | soee: i guess 3am | 09:47 |
Riddell | hi bukai | 09:57 |
Riddell | she often wakes stupidly early to be nice to us people who live in the past | 09:57 |
bukai | Hi, Riddell . :) | 09:58 |
sitter | from here pov we live in the future mind you | 09:58 |
sitter | wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff | 09:58 |
bukai | Riddell: the app id for googleplus she provided me expired! Can you generate another one? | 10:01 |
bukai | Riddell: btw I added my blog to planetkde ! | 10:01 |
Riddell | great | 10:04 |
Riddell | bukai: any idea how I can generate one? | 10:04 |
Riddell | I find g+ very complex | 10:04 |
bukai | only admin can generate one afaik. Let me check how to do it. | 10:05 |
Riddell | I see to be a "Communications manager" | 10:07 |
Riddell | while sgclark is a "Manager" | 10:07 |
Riddell | she's so elite | 10:07 |
bukai | :) I guess that's why sgclark has to wake up that early! | 10:08 |
Riddell | and nobody knows who the Owner is | 10:09 |
valorie | remember bukai, you need to blog this month to pass (monthly, on the planet) | 10:20 |
valorie | one of our two rules | 10:20 |
soee | Riddell: i have a better picture of the website im working on, i think it is going to be something similiar to a Feature Tour, frontpage = parallax + visual presentation of various section + subpage for each section where the visual part is included + extended part with more description, going to be cool :D | 10:21 |
* valorie disappears | 10:21 | |
bukai | valorie: Ok, and what is the second rule? | 10:22 |
sitter | second rule is to not talk about the second rule | 10:23 |
sitter | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWyyfWfNy1w | 10:23 |
sitter | Riddell: g+? | 10:25 |
sitter | I was under the impression that german dude was owner | 10:25 |
sitter | not that I am particularly a fan of a non KC member being owner | 10:25 |
Riddell | sitter: "Fabian #almostxmas" seems to be, he was on irc once when he set it up, otherwise I've not heard from him | 10:38 |
sitter | ask him to transfer ownership | 10:39 |
soee | +1 | 10:39 |
Riddell | I can't work out how to send him a message | 10:40 |
sitter | Riddell: to field? :P | 10:41 |
sitter | not sure g+ is meant to be used as IM system per se | 10:42 |
sitter | Riddell: did you get a message? | 10:42 |
sitter | http://i.imgur.com/31E04eq.png | 10:42 |
sitter | alternatively you could probably use a hangout | 10:43 |
Riddell | I got something from you | 10:45 |
Riddell | he's not in my hangouts list of people, guess I can only message people who I'm friends with or something | 10:47 |
Riddell | his description is "KDE Visual Design" | 10:47 |
Riddell | infact is this even a person? https://plus.google.com/b/107577785796696065138/101211744280964358210/posts | 10:51 |
Riddell | it says Google+ Page in the top left rather than Profile | 10:51 |
bukai | i think it is a profile as it says add to circle rather than follow | 10:53 |
sitter | g+ is weird | 10:54 |
sitter | Riddell: but yeah, that's the person | 10:54 |
Riddell | any idea how to message? | 11:05 |
sitter | like I showed you? | 11:05 |
Riddell | sitter: how did you show me? | 11:06 |
sitter | [11:42:45] <sitter> http://i.imgur.com/31E04eq.png | 11:06 |
Riddell | I can't post on that g+ page and I can only view it as Kubuntu | 11:07 |
Riddell | ok I think I got it thanks | 11:08 |
Riddell | bukai: your sok page on http://subhajitmukherjee.wordpress.com/ is a page not a blog post, it won't be added to the rss feed | 11:24 |
Riddell | please copy it over to a post rather than a page | 11:25 |
mamarley | Riddell: Not sure if you heard, but I was finally able to get Quassel to compile against QCA2 on Qt5. | 11:31 |
Riddell | mamarley: awooga, where's your package? | 11:35 |
mamarley | https://launchpad.net/~mamarley/+archive/ubuntu/quassel-exp | 11:36 |
mamarley | The packaging is a bit crude though. I couldn't figure out how to get it to compile only the qt-only packages, so I disabled those and made it use the same names as the KDE-integrated packages, despite the fact that no KDE integration exists. | 11:37 |
mamarley | Also, there is some extra trash in my debian/rules file that allows the same source to be compiled on older versions of Ubuntu that don't have GCC <=4.7. | 11:37 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: where's your dep3 header checker? | 11:38 |
shadeslayer | Debian:patch-parser | 11:43 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: web page? | 11:43 |
shadeslayer | http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/patch.html | 11:44 |
sitter | why is this not on qa.kubuntu? | 11:44 |
shadeslayer | Ur not on qa.kubuntu | 11:45 |
bukai | Riddell: I have made the changes . Is http://subhajitmukherjee.wordpress.com/ fine now? | 11:45 |
sitter | shadeslayer: move to qa | 11:46 |
shadeslayer | sitter: k | 11:47 |
Riddell | bukai: lovely, thanks | 11:49 |
Sick_Rimmit | Hello evereyone | 11:49 |
Sick_Rimmit | My company is looking for a new developer, would it be impolite / inappropriate to ask here in IRC, and perhaps on the Mailing list ? | 11:50 |
Riddell | as long as you're polite I guess it would be polite, probably unlikely to help if you want someone in England though | 11:52 |
Sick_Rimmit | Riddell: Yes, that's what I thought... | 11:54 |
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bukai | soee: ping | 12:01 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: added to http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | 12:02 |
shadeslayer | cheers | 12:02 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: although is it cronned? | 12:02 |
shadeslayer | well, pretty sure that's not what sitter wanted | 12:02 |
shadeslayer | but eh | 12:02 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: nope | 12:02 |
shadeslayer | you probably want to cron it on qa.k.c | 12:02 |
soee | bukai: pong | 12:02 |
Riddell | I think sitter wants that :) | 12:02 |
sitter | are you my mummy? | 12:03 |
Riddell | no! | 12:03 |
sitter | Riddell: yeah, what I wanted is to have it croned on qa.kubuntu :P | 12:03 |
bukai_ | soee: I wanted to implement one thing for the news but i am not sure how to do it or what it is called exactly. the thing is when the news page opens I want to show top 10 blogs then on scrolling next 10 will be displayed and so on. How can I implement this? | 12:06 |
soee | search for some plugin called "infinite scroll" or something similiar | 12:06 |
soee | bukai_: ^ | 12:06 |
soee | bukai_: something liek https://wordpress.org/plugins/infinite-scroll/ | 12:07 |
jmux | Does anybody know, if it's possible to disable the automatic KIO upload whan closing a non-kde application, which was opend from Dolphin / webdav? | 12:08 |
bukai_ | Riddell: will having an infinite scroll for the news page be better rather than what we have now? | 12:09 |
bukai_ | soee: thanks | 12:09 |
Riddell | bukai_: yeah it may well be | 12:10 |
=== bukai_ is now known as bukai | ||
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Riddell | shadeslayer: ta da http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/~jr/patch-parser/patch.html | 12:49 |
Riddell | now sitter, fix that patch ↑# | 12:49 |
shadeslayer | hurray | 12:49 |
shadeslayer | maybe we should allow non-dep3 upstream patches | 12:49 |
shadeslayer | idk | 12:49 |
yofel | IMO yes, as long as it's a git patch | 12:50 |
Riddell | sitter: kfilemetadata seems to have fixed itself | 12:52 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: probably because sitter converted it into a autopkgtest | 12:59 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: yep http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/plasma/kfilemetadata.git/commit/?h=kubuntu_unstable | 13:00 |
shadeslayer | sitter: why do you need openbox to test kfilemetadata :O | 13:01 |
sitter | you dont | 13:01 |
sitter | or well | 13:01 |
sitter | maybe you do | 13:01 |
Riddell | e-mailed the tech-board for MRE | 13:33 |
Riddell | hi Priyantha | 13:34 |
bukai | Riddell: for the footer we must have the sitemap.xml as opposed to having no footer at all? | 13:50 |
Riddell | bukai: what does that look like? | 13:53 |
bukai | Riddell: I will just be a clickable xml file link dats it | 13:53 |
Riddell | bukai: that doesn't sound very exciting | 13:54 |
bukai | it's needed when we set search engine optimize the site once our work is done | 13:54 |
Riddell | or user friendly | 13:54 |
bukai | its not for the user | 13:54 |
bukai | its for the google bot | 13:55 |
bukai | or any bots | 13:55 |
bukai | anyone can see the structure of the site using that or we can include it and keep it hidden from the user | 13:57 |
Riddell | oh right, well I don't mind either way in that case | 14:03 |
bukai | Riddell: any news on the googleplus app id thing? | 14:07 |
Riddell | bukai: I don't think I have permission, we'll need to wait for sgclark to reappear which will probably not be until money since it's a big holiday in the US | 14:09 |
Riddell | or at least a rehersal for one :) | 14:09 |
Riddell | bukai: but you can set up your own google page and use that as a placeholder | 14:10 |
mamarley | Thanksgiving is entirely overrated. I don't know why everyone here (in America) seems to like it so much. | 14:12 |
Riddell | a nice excuse for a family gathering and meal is not to be sniffed at, I just find it curious that it seems to be the same social event as christmas from my understanding | 14:15 |
shadeslayer | why do you need a excuse | 14:15 |
shadeslayer | shouldn't it be something that's done more organically/casually where | 14:15 |
shadeslayer | s/where// | 14:16 |
kubotu | shadeslayer meant: "shouldn't it be something that's done more organically/casually " | 14:16 |
bukai | In Scotland you do not celebrate thanks giving? | 14:17 |
Riddell | there's a tradition of harvest thanksgiving done by some schools and churches and other groups, it happens in october when the harvest is and you typically collect food for homeless people | 14:18 |
* bukai leaves for dinner | 14:24 | |
kfunk | does power mgtm work reliably for you in Plasma 5? | 14:28 |
kfunk | after several suspend/resume cycles it seem to break -- i.e. cannot suspend anymore. clicking on Power Management in settings makes the UI freeze. | 14:29 |
kfunk | and: Call to object / at org.freedesktop.PowerManagement.Inhibit: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply (Did not receive a reply. ...) | 14:29 |
kfunk | (sorry for annoying you, but these are more or less serious blockers) ;) | 14:30 |
Riddell | kfunk: been working fine for me in 14.10 plasma 5 | 14:34 |
Riddell | I suspect it's lover level if it only occurs after some suspend/resumes | 14:36 |
Riddell | lower | 14:36 |
Riddell | sitter: I just added qca2 kubutu_vivid_archive branch | 14:44 |
BluesKaj | Hey folks | 14:50 |
soee | hiho BluesKaj | 14:50 |
BluesKaj | hey soee | 14:50 |
soee | someone can take a look @ #kubuntu and teh nexias problem ? | 14:53 |
soee | im not familiar with this stuff | 14:54 |
kfunk | oh, and just ran into https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/1384401 | 15:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1384401 in Kubuntu PPA "sddm does not start with systemd" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 15:17 |
kfunk | Riddell: alright. I'm in touch with David E. regarding the power devil issue. I'll debug that. | 15:17 |
shadeslayer | I fixed 1384401 a long time ago I think | 15:19 |
shadeslayer | did I not? | 15:19 |
shadeslayer | unless it's still building with NO_SYSTEMD | 15:19 |
shadeslayer | oh | 15:19 |
shadeslayer | jr still hasn't looked into it | 15:19 |
shadeslayer | bad jr | 15:19 |
* kfunk likes systemd so far, journalctl and systemctl are a nice way to interact with the services | 15:21 | |
Riddell | shadeslayer: it'll fix itself I expect when ubuntu changes to systemd properly | 15:28 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: plz be commenting on the bug report | 15:28 |
shadeslayer | so that we atleast have proper documentation about our stance on this issue | 15:28 |
Riddell | done | 15:34 |
Riddell | mamarley: why set -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-4.8 ? does it not like gcc 4.9 ? | 15:34 |
Riddell | mamarley: why remove systemd? | 15:35 |
mamarley | Riddell: That is to force it to use GCC 4.8 from my build-dep PPA on Ubuntu versions that don't have 4.8 available. | 15:37 |
mamarley | Remove systemd? I'm not sure what you mean. | 15:37 |
Riddell | mamarley: version in archive has --with=kde,systemd but you only have --with=kde | 15:39 |
Riddell | maybe that's a change in vivid | 15:39 |
mamarley | Yeah, that is a Vivid change. | 15:39 |
Riddell | "Add a systemd service file" ah yes debfx added it in vivid | 15:40 |
mamarley | My packaging stuff is currently based off the one in Utopic. | 15:40 |
mamarley | I will change that sometime. | 15:40 |
Riddell | mamarley: I'm merging it into the vivid package for upload to vivid hopefully | 15:41 |
Riddell | time to switch to qt 5 | 15:41 |
Riddell | mamarley: you say there's no specific kde integration with the qt5 build? | 15:42 |
mamarley | Riddell: That's correct. KF5 integration will be added in 0.12, but I don't have any idea when Sput plans to work on that. | 15:46 |
mamarley | The qcaqt5.patch and cipherqt5.patch patches are necessary to make it build against Qt5. Don't include the psqlrefactor.patch patch though. That is just something I threw in there for my own purposes. | 15:47 |
Riddell | so I think I'll take your change to do away with the qt packages, hopefully the kf5 integration will be in the spirit of kf5 and not need any separation from qt5 | 15:48 |
Riddell | debfx, Sput ↑ | 15:49 |
kfunk | shadeslayer: that means sddm/systemd/Utopic won't work together? why's that? does compiling sddm with systemd support mean it'll break upstart integration? | 15:53 |
kfunk | just curious | 15:53 |
shadeslayer | kfunk: ask Riddell | 15:53 |
shadeslayer | kfunk: I have no clue | 15:53 |
kfunk | heh | 15:53 |
shadeslayer | he disabled it for some reason | 15:53 |
shadeslayer | he said it was broken | 15:53 |
shadeslayer | so, he knows about it more than me | 15:53 |
Riddell | kfunk: I was having trouble getting any logging out of sddm when it was compiled with systemd possibly because it was using journald | 15:54 |
Riddell | so I removed it when trying to debug that and then ran out of time to confirm if that was the right thing to do | 15:55 |
kfunk | Riddell: did you run journalctl as root? | 15:55 |
soee | are there any works on Apps 14.12RC ? | 15:55 |
kfunk | that confused the hell out of me as well | 15:55 |
Riddell | soee: slowly https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | 15:56 |
Riddell | it's the first time of packaging it so it's not something being rushed | 15:57 |
soee | Riddell: ah ok, thank you | 15:59 |
Sput | Riddell: there won't be much in terms of KDE integration for Quassel-Qt5. most of the stuff we used in the KDE4 version has been integrated into Qt5 proper and is already supported (things like proper icon theme support etc) | 16:06 |
Sput | spell check support is work in progress, and there's some additional little things like Solid... I should be able to get most of it working over the christmas vacation | 16:07 |
Riddell | great, that's what I wanted to hear | 16:07 |
Riddell | Sput: we still need to depend on the qt5 sqlite plugin? | 16:07 |
Riddell | Sput: and do we still need to Recommends: oxygen-icon-theme ? | 16:08 |
Sput | Riddell: well, you'd probably want to use Breeze icons (which in turn still depend on oxygen for the missing bits) | 16:08 |
Sput | and yes, either qt-sqlite or qt-psql are required still | 16:08 |
Sput | as of icons, Quassel now has full support for icon themes (and if the KF5 platform integration is installed, it will automagically use KDE's icon loader anyway through QIcon)... it's just that the KDE icon themes have some stuff we use that is not in the spec, and thus not present e.g. in Gnome's theme | 16:09 |
Riddell | yep, thanks | 16:10 |
Sput | we also still bundle the subset of Oxygen we use and can optionally bake it into the binary, if you want to package a version for non-KDE environments without depending on one of its icon themes | 16:11 |
Riddell | shrug, non kde environments can easily install the icons | 16:13 |
ScottK | Now that kdelibs is split into all the little kf5 parts, I think the whole avoiding kdelibs dependency rationale is dead. | 16:16 |
ScottK | We should just provide a proper integrated client and let it install what it needs to. | 16:16 |
shadeslayer | ^^ | 16:19 |
shadeslayer | don't think it makes sense to have a Qt only client now | 16:20 |
Sput | ScottK: my current plan is that we'll make most of the useful bits available through tier1 frameworks independent of the real WITH_KDE option; the latter will enable the parts that require a KF5 *runtime* | 16:20 |
Sput | I'm inclined to make the tier1 stuff a requirement sooner or later anyway, as it's really just lightweight Qt addons; but not so sure about the runtime stuff | 16:21 |
Riddell | I'm away with qt only package now | 16:21 |
Riddell | Sput: what is the runtime stuff? | 16:21 |
Sput | so far it looks it's mostly using KMainWindow instead of QMainWindow, although I haven't figured out yet what that changes | 16:21 |
Sput | or if it's even worth it | 16:21 |
ScottK | Sput: Definitely the tier 1 stuff you should just depend on. | 16:22 |
Sput | there's probably also global shortcuts | 16:22 |
Sput | ScottK: yep, I started with Sonnet already | 16:22 |
Sput | this things will no longer be related to WITH_KDE, even though they're still optional as of now... I just do it in CMake as with all the other optional deps: | 16:23 |
Sput | https://github.com/quassel/quassel/pull/102 | 16:23 |
Sput | argh | 16:23 |
Sput | https://github.com/quassel/quassel/commit/58bdb092a52b443d842b2b9464ddeccd1218cdc7 | 16:23 |
sitter | Riddell: I am not sure qca 2.1 should get in the archive | 16:27 |
sitter | the suffix stuff is entirely screwed on multiple levels | 16:27 |
shadeslayer | xD | 16:28 |
Riddell | shrug, got to do something with it | 16:29 |
sitter | yeah, solve upstream | 16:29 |
sitter | 2.1.0 is not working anyway | 16:29 |
Riddell | upstream doesn't want it solved | 16:29 |
sitter | both the qmake and cmake files are le wrong | 16:29 |
sitter | Riddell: then we shouldn't distribute it | 16:30 |
Sput | upstream refuses to apply common sense even after maintainers from most relevant distros asking him | 16:30 |
Riddell | then GCHQ will spy on mamarley | 16:30 |
sitter | that is entirely upstream's fault then | 16:30 |
ScottK | Upstream PoV seems to be "It's mine, so I can do whatever I want." | 16:32 |
davmor2 | Riddell: isn't he Scrooges Partner that was? | 16:33 |
Riddell | davmor2: bah humbug, too early for christmas references | 16:35 |
davmor2 | Riddell: hehe | 16:35 |
mamarley | Riddell: Who will spy on me? Why? | 16:37 |
Riddell | mamarley: GCHQ will if we don't upload QCA | 16:38 |
mamarley | Riddell: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_Communications_Headquarters ? | 16:39 |
Riddell | but I've already uploaded so GCHQ will just have to get David Cameron to blame the "internet companies" | 16:39 |
Riddell | that's the ones | 16:39 |
mamarley | Ah. Being a 'Murican, I had never heard of them before. :) | 16:39 |
mamarley | I guess the NSA will have to spy on me too. | 16:39 |
Riddell | most british people haven't either | 16:40 |
Riddell | wrong way around, they don't usually spy on people in their own country but they do spy on everyone in the other country | 16:40 |
mamarley | The NSA spies on everybody. | 16:40 |
sitter | ..... | 16:41 |
sitter | .................... | 16:41 |
Riddell | so NSA spies on british people and gchq spies on americans and it'll all fine because that way it's legal | 16:41 |
mamarley | Quassel still supports client->core and core->IRC encryption without QCA. It just uses QCA for channel-specific blowfish encryption. | 16:41 |
Riddell | ah interesting | 16:42 |
Riddell | now what to do with quassel packaging? | 16:42 |
Riddell | in debian it seems to be completely unrelated to pkg-kde team | 16:42 |
ScottK | It is. | 16:44 |
ScottK | (unrelated) | 16:44 |
ScottK | Also, the Debian package naming is backward from ours. | 16:45 |
Riddell | so do I keep it in launchpad or put it in pkg-kde team and just not have a master branch? | 16:45 |
Riddell | yeah they name packages -kde instead of -qt | 16:45 |
Riddell | I'll e-mail the guy and see if he would be happy to merge | 16:45 |
ScottK | I'd leave it in Launchpad. | 16:45 |
ScottK | Since Debian's in pre-release freeze, I think it can wait. | 16:45 |
ScottK | OTOH, it couldn't hurt. | 16:46 |
Riddell-quassel | awooga, seems to work | 17:00 |
rbetzen | Riddell: got phonon-backend-gstreamer uploaded to ppa:rbetzen/phonon. Looks like I need to better understand versioning at the moment. | 17:02 |
Riddell | rbetzen: ooh rocking! | 17:03 |
rbetzen | sgclark ScottK and yofel were a great help the other day as well! :) | 17:04 |
Konwhald | hello there, | 17:09 |
Riddell | hi Konwhald! | 17:09 |
Riddell | Konwhald: want to become an elite kubuntu ninja? | 17:10 |
Konwhald | Riddell: what do you mean ? :p | 17:11 |
Riddell | elite kubuntu ninjas spend time making kubuntu awesome, by virtue of being a kubuntu ninja they are all good looking and get to travel the world in private jets and have too many free t-shirts | 17:12 |
Riddell | but maybe you had some other reason for coming into this channel :) | 17:12 |
alket | xD | 17:13 |
Riddell | ah alket, maybe you want to become an elite kubuntu ninja? | 17:14 |
alket | yes ofc, im using it for almost 1 year | 17:14 |
alket | but been using ubuntu since 2006 | 17:14 |
rbetzen | Riddel: uploaded phonon-backend-vlc to ppa:rbetzen/phonon. waiting on results. | 17:14 |
alket | but im not technical , I just like it | 17:14 |
yofel | rbetzen: versioning in dpkg is a bit complicated, see policy: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Version | 17:14 |
alket | and recently they let me use at work xD | 17:14 |
rbetzen | yofel: thanks a bunch! | 17:15 |
Riddell | warning: debian policy is not usually light reading | 17:15 |
Riddell | mamarley: quassel uploaded, you are now an elite kubuntu ninja! | 17:15 |
rbetzen | yofel: hope you had fun yesterday! ;) | 17:15 |
Riddell | private jets and free t-shirts await | 17:15 |
Konwhald | Riddell: well, i'm not really in good terms with Kubuntu, sadely. I have a lot of annoyings bugs here i never see in other distros | 17:15 |
Riddell | fooey | 17:15 |
rbetzen | Riddell: love tech manuals. that's where the good stuff is. | 17:16 |
Konwhald | Riddell: but i'm okay if that implies a KDE sticker | 17:16 |
yofel | rbetzen: I'm german, we don't do much on thanksgiving | 17:16 |
Konwhald | Riddell: are there Kubuntu Pirates ? Ninjas are overrated | 17:16 |
alket | Riddell: where is the ninja manual for beginers ? | 17:16 |
Konwhald | is there such a thing as plasma QT5 shurikens ? | 17:16 |
Riddell | shurikens? | 17:17 |
rbetzen | yofel: I know a few germans, and my family on my dad''s side is german. You people know how to have fun! ;) | 17:17 |
* Sput actually did a proper USian thanksgiving as a German, yesterday | 17:17 | |
yofel | heh | 17:17 |
Sput | including pumpkin pie | 17:18 |
yofel | *drool* | 17:18 |
Riddell | alket: there's not really any manual, but if you ever want a lesson in packaging that's all do-able | 17:18 |
alket | deb packaging ? that is really hard | 17:18 |
Riddell | alket: it's not hard if you already know how to compile stuff on a command line | 17:20 |
alket | that I know | 17:21 |
rbetzen | yofel: What do you do to make sure you're not uploading something someone else has already packaged? | 17:23 |
Riddell | alket: then the next step is to learn how to package stuff :) | 17:24 |
yofel | er, that depends on what it is. | 17:24 |
Riddell | rbetzen: you check on launchpad to see if it's been uploaded to ubuntu, in the bzr or git branch for the packaging and you can ask on irc or other way of contacting the likely teams who would | 17:25 |
yofel | If the *upload* itself is the issue the archive takes care of rejecting things. as Riddell says there's packaging repositories or asking people, there's launchpad bugs tags needs-packaging or upgrade-software-version, there's merge-o-matic for merges, etc. | 17:26 |
yofel | for kde applications we currently use a kde etherpad for coordination | 17:27 |
Riddell | yofel: is there an order you and sgclark are doing the kde applications in? | 17:27 |
yofel | Riddell: alphabetically, unless a dependency is missing | 17:27 |
* Riddell starts on kompare | 17:28 | |
yofel | sgclark: is there anything holding analitza back? | 17:32 |
Riddell | I guess it just needs the move to kf5 doing | 17:34 |
Riddell | which should be changing build-dep and the pkg-kde line in debian/rules to 3 | 17:34 |
yofel | oh | 17:34 |
Riddell | it was being held back by qtgstreamer wasn't it? but that's not an issue in vivid | 17:34 |
yofel | I might've forgotten to do latter | 17:34 |
yofel | I'll recheck in a bit | 17:34 |
ScottK | alket: When I started packaging, all I knew was a bit of shell and python. It doesn't take a huge amount of technical background, mostly a willingness to learn and stick with it. | 17:39 |
rbetzen | Hmmm... vlc upload rejected because of previous package being present and this one's contents have changed. Strange. I deleted the old upload because of a build failure yesterday... | 17:42 |
alket | ScottK: thanks , any link to get started ? | 17:42 |
yofel | rbetzen: the launchpad janitor takes a couple hours to acutally delete the files, so to be on the safe side always increase the version for every upload | 17:43 |
Riddell | sometimes it takes more than a couple of hours | 17:46 |
rbetzen | yofel: ok. so there's no "strict" versioning in a ppa, i'm assuming there's a rule of thumb for the main repo? | 17:46 |
yofel | rbetzen: archive is same as policy, but the debian version is -0ubuntuX | 17:46 |
Riddell | best practice is a ppa is 1.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.04~ppa1 | 17:47 |
Riddell | which you may get a bit lost in | 17:47 |
Riddell | <upstream>-<debian>ubuntu<ubuntu>~<backport>~<ppa version> | 17:48 |
Riddell | jmux: sorry I don't think you got an answer, I guess that means nobody knows, I didn't know it did automatic upload on close | 17:50 |
Riddell | jmux: best ask on kde-core-devel | 17:50 |
jmux | Riddell: will do - next week - thanks | 17:52 |
rbetzen | Riddell: Ok. so when I upload again looks like I'd need to increment the ppa version. | 17:57 |
Riddell | rbetzen: yep | 17:58 |
rbetzen | otherwise increment the ubuntu version on a new package along with the upstream version | 17:58 |
yofel | no, a new upstream version resets the debian/ubuntu version back to -1 or -0ubuntu1 | 17:59 |
yofel | also note that ~ is positive, but smaller than 0 (as in: 0~1 << 0) | 18:00 |
Konwhald | uhm excuse me | 18:04 |
Konwhald | i have some problems with notifications under KDE 4, and asked on several channels | 18:05 |
Konwhald | notifications displays as random horrible gray boxes, and not integrated in plasma, from the notification widget | 18:05 |
Konwhald | and notifications using libnotify doesn't works at all | 18:06 |
Konwhald | seems the problem comes from dbus, but i don't have any clue how to fix that | 18:06 |
rbetzen | yofel: ok. makes sense upstream sets its version kubuntu sets the version for distro. I only increment ppa version for personal stuff and the ubuntu version for the main repo. | 18:12 |
rbetzen | pbuilder | 18:20 |
rbetzen | oops! | 18:20 |
ScottK | alket: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved/Development has some useful links. | 18:25 |
Riddell | Konwhald: I guess nobody knows here either, it'll be something to do with plasma not picking up the notification | 18:29 |
Konwhald | Riddell: :( | 18:32 |
Konwhald | Kubuntu is plagued with so much strange bugs i have never seen in other distros | 18:33 |
Konwhald | If it wasn't the only distro to propose Unity, i would be gone for a long time already | 18:34 |
=== soee_ is now known as soee | ||
rbetzen | yofel ScottK sgclark: loving pbuilder! | 18:38 |
rbetzen | Riddell: phonon-backend-vlc build is failing under pbulder. Most relevent error message is from cmake saying get_target_property called with incorrect number of arguments. | 18:50 |
rbetzen | where to paste error messages? | 18:50 |
yofel | !paste | 18:50 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 18:50 |
Riddell | I prefer paste.kde.org | 18:51 |
mamarley | Riddell: Thanks! | 18:51 |
rbetzen | Riddell:http://goo.gl/MheI5v | 18:59 |
Riddell | qt5 not happy there | 19:00 |
Riddell | do you have FindQt5Core.cmake ? | 19:00 |
rbetzen | Riddell: Wasn't aware of it. pbuilder doesn't auto download it? | 19:02 |
Riddell | rbetzen: it should be in one of the build-depends, packages.ubuntu.com will know | 19:05 |
Riddell | http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?mode=exactfilename&suite=vivid§ion=all&arch=any&keywords=FindQt5Core.cmake&searchon=contents | 19:05 |
yofel | you'll want qtbase5-dev | 19:05 |
Riddell | hmm, or maybe not | 19:05 |
Riddell | right | 19:05 |
yofel | apt-file is your friend | 19:05 |
yofel | (or yeah, packages.ubuntu.com too) | 19:06 |
* Riddell voy | 19:28 | |
rbetzen | packages.ubuntu.com and apt-file both return nothing for FindQt5Core.cmake. must be doing something wrong. | 19:36 |
yofel | Riddell: you're going a bit too fast? Took a quick look at konsole: a) what about the konsole kpart splitting for kdevelop? Or do we not need that after all? Also the Vcs url and the watch file are wrong (see mine or scarlet's packages) | 19:37 |
yofel | and the maintainer is Debian/Kubuntu/Ubuntu now o.O? | 19:39 |
yofel | rbetzen: could you show the log again? the paste expired | 19:45 |
rbetzen | sure. just a sec. | 19:45 |
rbetzen | yofel: http://goo.gl/BgrphC | 19:54 |
rbetzen | yofel: notice the last cmake error as well. Qt compiled without support for -fvisibility=hidden. | 19:56 |
yofel | er ok, we were looking for the wrong thing | 19:57 |
yofel | $ apt-file find Qt5CoreConfig.cmake | 19:57 |
yofel | qtbase5-dev: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Qt5Core/Qt5CoreConfig.cmake | 19:57 |
rbetzen | ok. checking... | 19:58 |
rbetzen | my system shows it installed. | 19:58 |
yofel | pbuilder doesn't really care about what's installed on your system - only what's in the chroot | 19:59 |
yofel | if you need qtbase5-dev or the package, it needs to be listed in the build-depends | 19:59 |
yofel | *for the | 19:59 |
yofel | rbetzen: when cmake looks for something, it will either look for a cmake config file like this, then if it doesn't find one it will look for a FindFoo.cmake file that does the job, and possibly fall back to something else | 20:01 |
yofel | figuring out what package you're looking for can be a bit tricky | 20:02 |
rbetzen | ok. so build-depends needs to be updated with this package name. Correct? | 20:05 |
yofel | right, that field is supposed to list any package that's not priority:essential and is needed to build the package | 20:06 |
rbetzen | yofel: on it... | 20:06 |
yofel | Riddell: also... could you please not write single-line changelog entries when you're making a bunch of changes to a package o.O? | 20:26 |
=== skfin_ is now known as skfin | ||
soee | valorie: ping | 22:54 |
valorie | pong | 22:54 |
valorie | 'sup? | 22:54 |
soee | valorie: wuld you be interestend / could you write 5-10 lines that best describes what Kubunti is why its so great etc ? its for teh website im working o | 22:55 |
valorie | sure! | 22:55 |
valorie | what's your email? | 22:56 |
soee | marcin@soee.pl or marcin.sagol@gmail.com | 22:57 |
valorie | k | 22:57 |
valorie | I'll write it in a few mins, OK? | 22:57 |
soee | valorie: its for a section called About, nut it is going to be placed in a main content area and there will be later extended text also | 22:58 |
soee | to visualize it more, could you take a look at http://kubuntu.dev.soee.pl/: thers a section called About and others | 22:59 |
soee | what will be here on frontpage comes from subpages 'main' content area, but each subpage (also About) will have also 'extended' content area | 23:00 |
valorie | so you want to replace what is there now? | 23:00 |
soee | valorie: atm there is only sample content - dont look at it, all the content is temporary etc. there are no any styles yet | 23:01 |
valorie | ok | 23:01 |
soee | so teh extended section content for About page is visible here: http://kubuntu.dev.soee.pl/en/about.html | 23:01 |
valorie | I hope you want less than that | 23:01 |
valorie | what you have is a LOT of text for a web page | 23:01 |
soee | valorie: i want 3-4 sentences that best describes Kubntu and can promote it | 23:02 |
valorie | great, sounds good | 23:02 |
valorie | I'll do it | 23:02 |
soee | its going to be write bigger font under logo | 23:02 |
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