
=== XeBlackWater is now known as zz_XeBlackWater
FailBitI'm having an fstab problem00:52
FailBitOops — hold on a few minutes, phone call.00:52
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FailBitfstab problem.01:11
FailBitI can boot from livecd and chroot into the target partition01:12
FailBitis it fstab?01:14
FailBitor a kernel problem?01:14
FailBitOr is it something else?01:15
SonikkuAmericaFailBit: My guess is your UUID is wrong in /etc/fstab ... you should check it with [ sudo blkid $DISKLOCATION ]01:16
SonikkuAmericaWhere $DISKLOCATION is the partition that your system is installed on01:16
FailBitSonikkuAmerica: checking01:16
FailBitSonikkuAmerica: https://i.imgur.com/TKTEmXf.jpg01:21
SonikkuAmericaFailBit: I will assume this is a BIOS system (i.e. no UEFI) and no swap space?01:23
FailBitIt's a PowerMac G501:24
FailBitNo swap space, no01:24
FailBitThe first partition is Apple reserved partition map, second is yaboot01:25
FailBitthird is ubuntu and fourth is OS X 10.4 "Tiger"01:25
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FailBitRest is unallocated01:26
FailBitany idea ?01:29
FailBitIt looks to me like the kernel isn't reading the drive properly01:31
FailBitif all those UUID blocks are nul01:32
FailBitNot sure what "unknown-block(0,0)" is signifying01:32
SonikkuAmericaFailBit: Good question. Maybe try in #ubuntu ... #kubuntu usually handles KDE-in-Kubuntu specific stuff01:37
FailBitI'm looking in ##linux01:38
waressearcher2where  is all kde sounds kept ? /usr/share ? can you say particular directory ?02:08
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velhop4I can't connet to the Internet in my kubuntu system. But when I install a live cd, everything works fine!03:27
velhop4anyone can help me reestablish connection? thank you in advance03:29
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canidanyone here good with bash scripting? I have what should be a simple question but I'm struggling to find the answer04:06
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selbycanid: yes?04:12
selbyjust asking the question is usually the best strategy04:12
selbybut no one seems to talk in here anyway04:12
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kshitij8_Hi, I'm having some trouble with zlib. A build I'm doing is apparently not able to find the .so file and gives the following message: http://paste.kde.org/piytn2vel Is there something I can do to ensure the .so is able to locate the library (if that is the issue)05:26
kshitij8_BTW I'm on Kubuntu 14.10 amd64 and building (trying to) kdesrc-build05:27
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soeegood morning07:14
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jcrbbhi, is there a way to get an application launcher which lists all installed programs alphabetically?08:30
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sheytanGuys! I need some help11:24
sheytanJust fresh installed 14.10 plasma4 and when try to change KDE language, there's only english listed11:25
sheytansame for installing mpeg for amarok, i hit the 'find' button and get an error that no plugins were found11:25
sheytanMaybe there's a ppa missing?11:27
sheytanRiddell: do you know something about that?11:28
Riddellsheytan: run  sudo apt update ?11:29
sheytanRiddell:  i did11:29
sheytanthe problem may be, that i didn't have network when installing kubuntu11:30
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sheytanbut this shoulnd't11:30
Riddellsheytan: right and  apt update should fix that no?11:35
sheytanRiddell: it did not. I even enabled the Partners PPA11:35
Riddellsheytan: can you install  language-pack-kde-de ?11:37
sheytanRiddell: well i need pl, but ill try11:38
Riddelljust wondering if you can install any11:39
sheytanjust one second11:39
sheytanRiddell: it installed11:43
soeeRiddell: i think he talks about Available Language slist so its not about single langpack but some meta package that holdes all available maybe ?11:45
sheytanyeah, plus i said, i can't install plugins for amarok11:46
sheytanrunning k3b or dragon player doesn't make the popup with plugins to install11:47
sheytanI can't install adidional wallpapers or screensavers too11:48
soeefresh  install ?11:49
sheytanyes, that's why im wondering what's goin on11:49
sheytanok, now it works11:50
sheytanphi, why :D11:50
soeewell Kubuntu is a magic :)11:50
soeeworth installing: kubuntu-restricted-extras if you dont have it yet11:50
sheytanwell it started workng after i hit the 'install default wallpapers' button11:51
sheytanwill see in a minute if amarok mpeg works too now11:51
soeeif locales ar emissing etc. you should have notification on systray that they are available11:52
soeeand butoon under to install them etc.11:52
sheytanI know, i have installed kubuntu like few hundret times11:53
sheytanthat's why i'm wondering why this time it wasn't working11:53
soeeah ok :)11:53
soeei think iv seen you on #ubuntu-pl11:53
soeeso i though you dont use kde / used before11:54
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sheytansoee: i think i've never been there :D11:57
sheytanps: amarok works now, too11:58
soeeeee, i know this nick somehow :) maybe from g+ or something dunno11:58
sheytani've had a blog about kubuntu and kde :)11:59
soeeha! :D11:59
sheytanand once upon a time, i used to help by stuff11:59
sheytannow doesn't have that much time :(11:59
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Nexiahi!, I need help with an install error I'm getting after re-installing 14.10 (leaving the /home partition intact I believe) on booting. http://pastebin.com/9dEPEPmt (manually typed)13:32
NexiaI basically had 14.04 LTS, upgraded to 14.10, and after a while with plasma 5 and its bugs and things, it wouldn't load from SDDM login manager, that's when I decided I wanted to re-install again, but keep my /home.13:34
Nexiaso today I got out my 14.10 live USB and decided to try, but after formatting the partition I believed was / and setting it to the right mount point, I got that error on reboot after the installation process.13:35
leo___есть кто?14:03
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BluesKajHey folks14:50
* Nexia still waiting for help :p14:50
soeeNexia: whats wrong ?14:52
Nexia<Nexia> hi!, I need help with an install error I'm getting after re-installing 14.10 (leaving the /home partition intact I believe) on booting. http://pastebin.com/9dEPEPmt (manually typed)14:52
Nexia<Nexia> I basically had 14.04 LTS, upgraded to 14.10, and after a while with plasma 5 and its bugs and things, it wouldn't load from SDDM login manager, that's when I decided I wanted to re-install again, but keep my /home.14:52
Nexia<Nexia> so today I got out my 14.10 live USB and decided to try, but after formatting the partition I believed was / and setting it to the right mount point, I got that error on reboot after the installation process.14:52
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CenbeWhere is the best place to file bugs against Kubuntu Plasma 5 tech preview?15:36
kc9tuxI am running 14.10 I installed plasma 5 having some printing issues and gui freezing any ideads16:30
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andreas__i never use irc before17:00
soeewelcome than ;)17:01
Konwhaldhello there ! i need some help on a persistant and very annoying bug, could someone please help ?17:06
Konwhaldnotifications displays as random horrible gray boxes, and not integrated in plasma, from the notification widget17:07
Konwhaldnotification widget should normally handle applications notifications, it does not17:07
Konwhaldalso notifications from notify-send doesn't works at all17:07
Konwhaldafter some search it looks like there is some shit with dbus17:08
Konwhalddoes anybody here have an idea ?17:08
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kavacoi need halp here... :D17:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:51
kavacoon Ubuntu, i conect the headset(phone + mic), and ubuntu ask me: Headset, Phone, Mic...17:52
kavacosoee_: sorry, I was typing the question.17:53
kavacoand the Kubuntu dont ask me, and the mic off the headset dont work17:53
kavacooff = of17:54
kavacohow to do?17:55
rom1504configure the audio17:59
rom1504right click on the audio thing in the corner18:00
rom1504or go to the settings18:01
kavacohave the option there, but no signal18:02
ubuntuaddictedcan anyone please help me with adding a custom action to kde/dolphin. i can get it to show up. here's my mediainfo.desktop file https://clbin.com/p9Tlb18:25
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Konwhaldhi there, i don't remember who tried to help me, i found a solution for my grey ugly notification problem20:56
Konwhaldif anyone has the same problem and notifications are checked, be sure to purge plasma active stuff. I tried it, and even once removed some leftover files mess up some parts of the system20:57
BluesKajKonwhald, plasma 4 or 5?20:58
Konwhaldplasma 420:58
Konwhaldthe problem ocurred with the kde version shipped with Kubuntu 14.04 and the PPA20:59
Konwhaldit's all plasma active's fault20:59
BluesKajwhich ppa ?20:59
Konwhaldkubuntu backports for Trusty21:00
Konwhaldjust for information, purging plasma-active lead to fix a bug i had with activities : The activity widget only displayed a black rectangle before21:01
Konwhaldstay the hell away of this package : Not only it doesn't works, but it breaks the standard KDE experience21:02
kbusercannot install stuff with apt-get: E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)21:03
kbuserE: Unable to lock directory /var/cache/apt/archives/21:03
BluesKajKonwhald, that's odd because i had the backports enabled when i ran 14.04 and didn't have any problems that you describe.21:13
KonwhaldBluesKaj: have you tried plasma active ?21:14
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BluesKajno but this is the first I've heard of that21:15
goodtimeuhhgt ohh21:56
goodtimeim jammin up here from ime to time21:57
goodtimefreezed up 2 times now21:57
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