
cwaynepopey: don't suppose you're still around01:44
popeyshouldn't you be consuming turkey?01:45
cwaynepopey: i've consumed an uncomfortable amount of turkey already01:45
cwayneand ham01:45
cwaynepopey: was just gonna poke you about https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/1247/ if you were up for it :)01:46
* popey clicks01:47
popeyfailed some tests01:48
popey1.2 != 1.2 (ubuntu-sdk-14.10-dev2)01:48
popeyseen that with others01:48
popeynot sure why that's happening, I think beuno looked at it earlier today but I don't know the resolution01:48
popeymight be a jdstrand thing01:48
popeyI can't really do anything with it.01:48
* popey sleeps01:54
Gues480631wouldn't it be cool and give a very strong push to ubuntu when it supported android apps natively?02:31
Gues480631I mean, both are linux, both got same arch and such02:31
cwaynenot really imho02:34
Gues480631hm, I would like to glorify my smartphone with that.02:37
Gues480631but many apps would be missing then02:37
Gues480631of course, one can install other stuff, but for those apps it is quite hard to find equivalents.02:38
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RAOFGues480631: They actually *don't* have the same arch and such; among other things, they link with an incompatible libc.02:51
Gues480631so floss gnu libc vs closed ibm libc thing?02:52
RAOFgnu libc vs (BSD) bionic libc.02:52
Gues480631and they can't be simply unified?02:53
Gues480631or shimmed? or so? hm, this is sad as both are basically kind of opensource.02:53
RAOFThey could technically be unified, but Google wanted to do that they wouldn't have written bionic :)02:54
RAOFYou can shim; libhybris is that shim layer. It's what we use to load Android GLES drivers.02:55
RAOFBut that's a pretty fraught process.02:56
Gues480631oh, so they wrote bionic only to add a barrier?02:56
RAOFNo, they wrote bionic because they didn't want GPL.02:57
Gues480631ah, so the source code can be omitted02:57
nimmersattany latest news on unity8 for the desktop?03:33
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nhainesnimmersatt: the latest news is there is no news.  Current target for Unity 8 by deault on the desktop is 16.10 or later.06:45
dholbachgood morning07:35
mardylpotter: hi! Still there?08:43
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Stskeepsmhall119: novel approach on NDR, congrats09:04
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy Buy Nothing Day! :-D09:33
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bzoltanmvo:  Do you know what is the status of that oxide multiarch change?10:13
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dednicklarsu: hey. do you remember adding timezone adjustments to the time formatter in unity8?11:31
larsudednick: what exactly do you mean? It listens to timezone changes, yes11:33
dednicklarsu: right. that's what i meant.11:35
dednicki'm having trouble getting it working now. don't seem to be getting dbus property change messages from org.freedesktop.timedate111:35
dednicklarsu: even setting the property using dbus-send and listening in on dbus-monitor doesnt seem to work for me. (i'm probably doing something wrong)11:36
* larsu tries11:36
dednicklarsu: eh. sorry, i'm a dumbarse. i forgot the --system on dbus-monitor11:38
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larsuworks now?11:39
davmor2dednick: is that like Dumbledore Nephew or something and if so do you do magic too?11:40
dednicklarsu: yeah, getting the notification now. sorry11:41
dednickdavmor2: hehe. i have no idea what you're talking about ;)11:43
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davmor2dednick: i'm a dumbarse.....is that like Dumbledore Nephew or something and if so do you do magic too?  does that put it in context ;)12:03
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* tsdgeos shakes fist about git not being available in the rtm distro12:29
zygahey, I'd like to add a new unconfined, canonical-made application to the store12:42
zygait's in the com.canonical. namespace12:43
zygawho should I talk to to discuss this?12:43
zygait's a test application for the upcoming phone12:43
zygafor post-sale support and testibng12:43
zygawe've just hit 1.0 and should be able to release it after final checks next week12:43
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davmor2zyga: you can try popey but I bet it will require a security review, in which case it might need to wait till Monday I think most of the security team is based in the US12:57
popeyzyga: yeah, if unconfined it needs to go via security team - specifically jdstrand13:01
ogra_stgraber, soo ... that gcmanager fix from hallyn looks reallly good, the phone seems a lot more stable ... we are wondering what the implications are if we would use the 0.32 cgmmanager in rtm though ... would there be any drawbacks with the old lxc version we use ?13:14
sil2100stgraber: hey! We've been wondering, would everything be ok to use the new cgmanager (from utopic) in rtm?13:15
sil2100Yeah, as ogra_ mentioned ^13:15
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mhall119Stskeeps: thanks, I haven't had a chance to work on it lately14:37
matv1today I was seriously locked out of my phone. Situation: I was doing a download of a pdf file, but locked the screen while it was downloading. Sometime later i went to onlock the screen. when screen woke I saw the message that downloding had finished on top of the lock screen, but the whole screen and hw buttons had become unresponsive.15:10
matv1anyone seen that before?15:10
matv1rtm proposed btw15:12
ogra_nope, sounds like it is worth a bug though15:14
ogra_oh, wait15:15
ogra_rtm proposed15:15
stgraberogra_, sil2100: I don't expect any problem with current LXC and new cgmanager15:15
ogra_matv1, you were most likely hit by bug 137733215:15
ubot5bug 1377332 in cgmanager (Ubuntu) "[TOPBLOCKER] UI randomly freezes" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137733215:15
stgraberthe only time where lxc talks to cgmanager on the phone is at container startup and you've tested that a few times already. LXC itself does cgmanager API version detection at runtime so there's also no need to rebuild it or anything15:15
ogra_stgraber, oh, thats awesome, could you note that in the bug ?15:15
* matv1 reading up on bug15:16
matv1ogra_ doesn't realy sound like it. The bug says the phone freezes up while the phone is in use. Mine was in locked state and froze in that state. It could be the same. but also it is krillin, and you guys still neglected to send me one of those :)15:24
ogra_it can also freeze if it is doing something on its own15:25
ogra_"doing something" is the bit here ... if it would have been sleepeing (and not downloading) i woulld agree it is a different bug ...15:25
ogra_but that way it looks similar to me15:26
matv1ogra_ that would make sense ofcourse :)15:26
matv1ogra_ I read now that a probable fix is already on the cards for that. So I will sit tight fr now thanks!15:38
ogra_matv1, if you still see it after this landed, please file a new bug15:38
matv1ogra_ okay sure. To what channel will this be pushed first? I get confused lately what with all the aliases :)15:40
matv1ogra_ okay thanks!  have a good weekend15:42
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bzoltanmvo: ping16:41
mvobzoltan: sorry, no time, please coordinate with asac if you need me, we have a deadline approaching. best idea is probably to just go back to the oold way of building the chroot until I have time again16:42
asacbzoltan: whats up?16:42
bzoltanmvo:  OK, just a question.. what package was the one what blocks the  multiarch install?16:43
bzoltanasac:  the click chroot for vivid is broken since Vivid is open.16:43
mvobzoltan: this is the root cause https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/oxide/crossbuild-friendly/+merge/23409316:44
asacmvo: plesea go!!16:44
mvobzoltan: the other packages can be multi-arch installed now16:44
asacbzoltan: feels like it cannot be TODAY urgent16:44
asacgiven that its broken for whole time16:44
asacfolks are out16:44
bzoltanasac:  :D it is broken since Vivid exists ... so we kind of get used to the permanent regression16:45
asacright. thats not good16:45
asacbut cant be fixed today16:45
bzoltanasac: specially that it is a bite size issue16:45
asacright, but noone is here today16:45
asacbzoltan: can you ping me monday again?16:45
bzoltanasac:  OK, it is really about taking in this MR https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/oxide/crossbuild-friendly/+merge/234093 and extending the click chroots with a single package.16:48
asacbzoltan: right. can you get back to me on monday? really sorry.16:52
bzoltanasac:  Sure16:55
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mdeslaurwhat package do I file a bug against if textfields aren't being displayed properly in the rtm image?18:52
dakermdeslaur: ubuntu-ui-toolkit18:53
mdeslaurdaker: thanks18:54
bzoltanmdeslaur: what is the problem?18:54
mdeslaurbzoltan: supposed to look like this: http://snag.gy/MJZEF.jpg18:56
mdeslaurbzoltan: actually look like this: http://snag.gy/dtVOG.jpg18:56
bzoltanmdeslaur:  Are you sure that the app is not doing something funky? Please if you file a bug, attach a simple few liner example what reproduces the problem.18:58
mdeslaurbzoltan: not sure what would be funky...it regressed by itself at some point, but sure, I'll link to the app code18:59
bzoltanmdeslaur:  nothing regresses by itself :) and we did not have any UITK change in RTM for some time now19:02
bzoltanmdeslaur:  But I promise it will be the first thing we check out on Monday morning (UTC+2 tz)19:03
mdeslaurbzoltan: well, I mean the code hasn't changed in months, and at some point it stopped rendering correctly...I couldn't get the emulator working before today to actually try it now19:03
mdeslaurbzoltan: no worries :)19:03
bzoltanmdeslaur:  is this issue on device or on emulator?19:04
mdeslaurboth on device and in emulator19:04
bzoltanmdeslaur:  good :) because it should be the same19:04
mdeslaurbug 139741019:04
ubot5bug 1397410 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "TextField isn't rendering correctly ubuntu-rtm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139741019:04
mdeslaurthanks bzoltan19:04
bzoltanmdeslaur:  are you sure that this visual is not desired when the textfield is readonly?19:06
mdeslaurreadonly should just turn it grey and non-clickable, like it does on the desktop19:07
mdeslaurelse, why not just use a text label19:07
mdeslaurI mean, there is a rendering difference between the two19:07
mdeslaur(desktop and device)19:07
bzoltanmdeslaur:  when saying desktop you mean Utopic or Vivid? Because RTM is different from both19:08
mdeslaurI'm on utopic right now19:08
mdeslaurlet me try in the vivid emulator image19:08
mdeslaurjust for kicks19:08
bzoltanmdeslaur:  OK, utopic UITK has not change since we have vivid... but RTM is rather different than Utopic19:09
mdeslaurok, same thing in vivid image19:11
bzoltanmdeslaur:  how do you run that app on emulator?19:12
bzoltanmdeslaur:  your desktop file is old - Exec=/usr/bin/qmlscene $@ /usr/share/tipcalc/tipcalc.qml19:13
mdeslaurI click on the icon in the dash19:13
mdeslaurbzoltan: that's what is in the store...is that not good aymore?19:13
bzoltanmdeslaur:  Exec=qmlscene $@ tipcalc.qml19:14
bzoltanmdeslaur:  ^ this one is more SDK friendly ... you can open the project in QtCreator and just hit Run .19:14
mdeslaurah! so that's why that wasn't working...19:15
bzoltanmdeslaur:  so, yes on Vivid the text area looks like your picture too19:15
mdeslaurbzoltan: on the vivid desktop?19:15
bzoltanmdeslaur:  It should be the same.. I do not have vivid desktop right here19:17
bzoltanmdeslaur:  [oftopic] you are in the States, right?19:17
mdeslaurso, last time I had tried this on a device/emulator was aug 13th19:17
mdeslaurno turkey for me19:17
bzoltanmdeslaur:  Just the scale of the tip... dude 30% does not exist in Europe :D19:18
bzoltanmdeslaur:  I would put the scale 0-10% :D :D19:18
mdeslaurbzoltan: the european version locks the slider to 0% :)19:18
bzoltanmdeslaur:  yeps, that would work :D Check for location ...19:19
bzoltanIn Finland we never tip... like never never. Waiters get decent salary here.19:19
bzoltanmdeslaur:  anyhow... i will check with the designers and zsombi this readonly text thing... thanks for reporting it.19:20
mdeslaurnp, thanks!19:21
boghisonCan someone help me fix an issue?19:46
davmor2boghison: depends on the issue20:02
boghisonI'm on the latest rtm image20:04
boghisonand sound doesn't work20:04
boghisononly alarms and ringtones do20:04
boghisonbut the rest i.e. media sounds don't20:04
SmexyPantsGnomeLooking if anyone could help me with a Trusty version of Ubuntu Touch.20:11
popeytrusty is ye olde20:12
popeyyou probably dont want that20:12
SmexyPantsGnomeIts the only version that works on my Nexus 7 type Grouper, latest version doesn't work.20:12
SmexyPantsGnomeTrusty version is asking for a password after running "ubuntu-device-flash --channel=trusty --bootstrap"20:13
SmexyPantsGnomedon't know what the default password it is20:13
sarnoldSmexyPantsGnome: try 000020:14
boghisoncan someone help me too?20:15
popeyOn trusty the default password for the phablet user was phablet SmexyPantsGnome20:17
popeythat pre-dates numeric pin numbers/passwords20:17
popeyboghison: what device?20:17
popeySmexyPantsGnome: at what point are you asked for a password?20:19
popeyI meam, what are you doing?20:19
popeySmexyPantsGnome: you don't need to pm me, you can talk here ☻20:20
popeyboghison: i no longer have a nexus 4 handy but I would imagine someone else would have noticed20:20
popeyboghison: you know there's multiple volume controls now?20:20
boghisonpopey: for me no20:21
boghisonand idk why20:21
SmexyPantsGnomeah okay, thought green text on HexChat was PMs.20:21
popeyboghison: well, what exactly isn't playing audio?20:21
boghisonpopey: anything media, tried music and youtube20:22
popeyand what happens if you press the upvolume button while music is playing?20:22
SmexyPantsGnomesarnold: 0000 doesn't work either20:22
popeySmexyPantsGnome: what does the screenshot exactly?20:23
boghisonpopey: nothing20:23
popeyboghison: do you get a volume popup?20:23
boghisonpopey: no, but I did before, now the volume doesn't even change20:23
popeysounds like a bug20:24
popeyI'm surprised nobody else has reported it20:24
popeyyou might want to bring it up on the phone mailing list20:24
boghisonpopey: what if it's only me who experiences this, and why didn't I get multiple sound controls?20:24
SmexyPantsGnome"Type password to decrypt storage" is what it says20:25
popeySmexyPantsGnome: never seen that before!20:29
popeythats not us20:30
popeyboghison: the multiple sound controls you wouldn't notice.20:30
popeyboghison: so if the phone is ringing, and you adjust volume, thats one control20:31
popeyboghison: if a game is playing music, that's another20:31
popeythey're separate, but the on screen popup looks the same20:31
popeyas I said, I'd metion on the mailing list as there's a load of people who have that device20:31
boghisonpopey: ok, thanks20:32
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SmexyPantsGnomeI reload original Nexus img, but "ubuntu-device-flash --channel=trusty --bootstrap" doesn't seem to do anything this time. still boots into Android software.21:39
popeySmexyPantsGnome: probably because your device is encrypted21:39
popeydoubt we've ever tested that use case21:40
SmexyPantsGnomenot encrypted anymore.21:40
SmexyPantsGnomeI think21:40
SmexyPantsGnomeawe, I see I rebooted before done imaging. Nexus device looked like it was waiting for me to pick something from Recovery page.21:47
cwayneElleo: heya, any chance to work on spotify by any chance? :)23:28
Elleocwayne: yeah, got it mostly working; given up on getting it to do any power management stuff though; turns out the unity suspension exceptions are hard coded in unity-mir, so not much I can do about that23:35
Elleocwayne: I'll see about adding url-dispatcher support this weekend and then add it back to the store23:35
Elleocwayne: and start hassling people about loosening up the life cycle restrictions :P23:35
cwayneElleo: wow, awesome!  with that a spotify scope could now be actually useful :)23:35
Elleocwayne: well, semi-useful, since cutespotify is only semi-useful whilst being constantly suspended ;)23:36
cwaynefair :P23:36
cwayneElleo: but awesome, that's great progress :)23:38
Elleothanks :)23:39

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