pozirk_ | does anybody know, how it takes for app to be reviewed? mine was submitted 1 month and 3 weeks ago, still in review... | 01:06 |
pozirk_ | *how long | 01:06 |
Elleo | pozirk_: for desktop or for touch? | 01:23 |
Elleo | pozirk_: as I understand it there's a big back log of desktop apps that people are working through at the moment | 01:23 |
pozirk_ | dekstop | 01:23 |
pozirk_ | ah, ok | 01:23 |
pozirk_ | thank you for letting me know | 01:23 |
Elleo | no problem :) | 01:23 |
josharenson | Is there any way to access the DOM from Ubuntu.Web WebKit? | 01:39 |
zmaj | hello | 15:55 |
zmaj | does anyone perhaps know whne mhall119 will return? | 16:12 |
akiva-thinkpad1 | zmaj, i'm guessing two weeks minimum | 16:12 |
akiva-thinkpad1 | zmaj, Is this about the ubuntu pioneers thing? | 16:12 |
zmaj | yes it is...I mean its not important...thats why I wanted to know so that I don't bother anyone for those 2 weeks.But I have already bragged to people. | 16:15 |
akiva-thinkpad1 | zmaj, heh | 16:15 |
akiva-thinkpad1 | zmaj, btw do me a favour will you? | 16:16 |
zmaj | ok,what is it? | 16:17 |
akiva-thinkpad1 | zmaj, Can you post the app you wrote, say a screenshot or video or something like that here: http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntuappdev | 16:17 |
akiva-thinkpad1 | zmaj, this helps get the subreddit going, and grows the community. | 16:17 |
zmaj | ok,I don't have a reddit,but I will do it :) | 16:19 |
akiva-thinkpad1 | Thanks; I appreciate it | 16:19 |
zmaj | I uploaded it... | 16:47 |
zmaj | I heard the uploading of desktop apps will also be improved? | 16:48 |
akiva-thinkpad1 | zmaj, ah very cool | 17:52 |
akiva-thinkpad1 | yah i would presume that with click, everything is becoming easier now | 17:52 |
popey | zmaj: monday | 17:58 |
zmaj | aha,so he returns on monday? | 18:22 |
mhall119 | zmaj: I've seen your ping, I need to check with some other folks to see what's happened though, it's on my list for Monday | 18:24 |
akiva-thinkpad1 | Nothing like vacationing on irc | 18:25 |
zmaj | ok...but don't worry and enjoy your vacation... | 18:26 |
akiva-thinkpad1 | mhall119, 🌴☼⛅🌴 | 18:26 |
akiva-thinkpad1 | anyways i'm out | 18:28 |
zmaj | bye | 18:30 |
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