[17:41] hi, my mythbuntu machine somehow falls asleep after a while, and the HDMI signal for the tv seems to be gone, I cannot wake it up using my bluetooth keyboard, anyone got an idea how to fix this? [17:41] and how can I wake it up via ssh? [17:41] screensaver is disabled [19:28] solars: if truly asleep, wake-on-lan might work, not ssh [19:28] solars: (though you could SSH into something else on the same subnet that can send the wake-on-lan packet...) [19:29] solars: does it wake up on local power button, or wake up on USB/PS/2 keyboards ? [19:31] I can ssh into it, so it's only the HDMI port that doesn't seem to send a signal [19:40] where's the option to run fe in a window instead of fullscreen? [19:43] solars: not familiar with tha partcularly, does the screen blank when doing anthing else not just the frontend? [19:46] I have no idea, I just noticed that my tv loses the signal after a while but the server is accessible.. [19:46] I might try a usb keyboard [19:57] solars: so, narrow it down as much as possible [19:57] solars: does it do thoe same thing with a different screen connected? [19:57] solars: does it do the same thing with different program running? [19:57] solars: does it do the same thing when e.g. booted from mint 17.1 boot cd, instead of in mythbuntu install [19:57] then you start to narrow down where problem lies =) [19:59] (or at least, the incompatibility!) [20:02] yeah I'll try :) [20:02] thanks for the hints in the meantime [21:44] How much storage do I need for a backend not including any media. I have a NUC with 8GB RAM that I am planning on using but currently has no HD. I have an 8GB SSD that I could use or I could take a 16GM from another device. Also, any issues installing from USB? [21:47] depends on the recording content [21:48] 1 hr of hd = 6gb [21:50] the o/s only needs very little [22:13] Kwisher: Thank you. All I'll have in it is the o/s as all data is stored on a FreeNAS. I'll use the NUC if I can't get a jail running Myth under FreeNAS.TY [22:14] what tuners you using? [22:38] Kwisher: HDHR Prime with cable card. All content is copy freely