
=== alket_ is now known as alket
soeegood morning07:13
lordievaderGood morning.08:08
soeehiho lordievader08:46
lordievaderHey soee, how are you doing?08:50
soeelordievader: good, but its colad as hell here in office - 17° :/ and outside is only -408:51
lordievadersoee: That is too bad. Compile KDE and warm your hands at the cpu :P08:52
lordievaderOr grab a cup of coffee ;)08:52
soeehehe no time for KDE atm, working with Laravel + AngularJS08:57
Sick_RimmitGood Morning Folks09:25
Sick_RimmitSo I'm running Plasma5, and the desktop keeps locking up. The only things I can do are switch tty, or reboot. 09:26
Sick_RimmitI want to keep running Plasma5 in production so I can test it for 15.04 release, but I need away to be able to identify, and kick the service that is locking up09:27
Sick_RimmitRebooting every 30 minutes, is not going to work out.09:27
lordievaderSick_Rimmit: Try alt+tab next time. It might just be the desktop effects freezing.09:28
Sick_Rimmitlordievader: OK, thank you, I will try that one09:29
Sick_RimmitSo far I've noticed it when Firefox is has loaded LinkedIn, and also just now when Rekonq tried to load forum.kde.org09:30
lordievaderSick_Rimmit: If that ain't it, look at the system utilization.09:32
lordievaderPerhaps there is some memory leak and it is heavily swapping or something.09:32
Sick_RimmitAh OK, that's a good point I had been looking at Top to see, if I could see something running away with the system, but I didn't check Swap..09:33
Sick_RimmitAlso If I can create some repeatable issues, where should we report these KDE ?09:34
lordievaderSick_Rimmit: "vmstat 1" is a nice utility for that ;)09:35
Sick_RimmitOooh, not heard of that09:38
* Sick_Rimmit ducks off to the man pages section09:38
valorieSick_Rimmit: what I do is `killall -9 plasmashell && plasmashell &`09:46
valoriethen: `plasmashell </dev/null &>/dev/null &`09:46
valoriealt+tab and all gentler measures didn't work for me09:46
valoriebut with up-arrow, this takes just a sec from yakuake09:47
Riddellalt+shift+F12 to disable effects09:48
sittervalorie: did you investigate that with someone? just killing it aint not solving the underlying issue ;)09:56
sitterRiddell: that's the new thing you wrote? https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/PPAs#Kubuntu_Continuous_Integration_.28CI.2909:57
Riddellsitter: yep09:57
Riddellsomeone wants https downloads of images, is he hiding it from gchq? http://paste.kde.org/p9ijnvhag09:58
sitterthat page is entirely filled with internal documentation :P09:59
sitteralas, I misled you into thinking the page should be on community, while in fact it probably should have been techbase ^^09:59
Riddellit's a Kubuntu project and we only have Kubuntu stiff on commuity for now10:00
sitterRiddell: community in general is internal10:00
valoriesitter: yes, I commented on the bug report10:00
valorieand supposedly the fix is in10:00
* sitter got lodsa whining when he put phonon release notes there after having been told so by someone -.-10:00
valoriehowever, I've not gotten it in ppa/ next10:01
sitterwhat be the bug number?10:01
valoriegosh so long ago, let me search10:01
sitterRiddell: that person has a point probably10:02
sitternot so much about the download itself, more about the website though ... since once can't https the website a bad person could maninthemiddle the website thus providing a bogus ISO link and a bogus checksum10:03
valoriesitter: it is supposedly because of the repeat of "xgeWireToEvent: Unknown extension 148, this should never happen."10:03
valorie8 billion times10:03
valorieblurg, searching on that gives 8 million results too....10:04
sitterah, log filling up perhaps, though I think that should be fixed10:04
sitterthen again looking at my xsession-errors I see kwin warnings gone wild as well10:04
valoriehasn't filled my HD yet10:05
sittermost days I think we should just compile everything in release mode10:05
valoriekbroulik is the one complaining the most about it10:05
sitterthat would also make software crash less and force developers to figure out more userfriendly ways of data gathering xD10:05
kbroulikxgeWireToEvent? I know that!10:05
kbroulikit causes my xsession errors to eat all harddisk10:05
kbroulikand krunner to eat all ram \o/10:05
sittervalorie: it wouldn't fill the hd10:05
sitterkrunenr eating all memory seems more like it10:06
sitterall is vain!10:06
sitterlet's build in release mode10:06
kbroulikseems a bug in krunner though, it doesnt detach when launching an application10:07
kbroulikso apparently it keeps track of all the output (and plashashell spams me with xgeWire shit) and eventually eats GBs of ram10:07
valoriehmmm, I'm not launching from krunner much now that most things can be launched from the taskbar10:07
valorieand for instance kpat has to be launched in yakuake10:08
valoriekrunner doesn't do it, since the paths are messed up10:08
sitterkbroulik: the output shouldn't be there to begin with ^^10:08
sittervalorie: that should be fixed10:09
kbroulikthere's a fix but oc kubuntu doesnt ship it :)10:09
sitterdebian broke the paths10:09
kbroulikre the xgewire thing10:09
valorieI reported the bugs10:09
valorieand found the workarounds10:09
Riddellsitter: only reply to my fam question is a non-concluside one about it maybe being problematic http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-frameworks-devel/2014-November/020611.html10:09
valorieso when things are fixed, great10:09
sitterkbroulik: my conservative pov is that a patch consitutes a micro fork, so if upstream had an interest in not having people suffer from this upstream would release an update :P10:10
kbroulikand who packages updates? right. downstream.10:10
sitterRiddell: yeah, I dunno, apparently dfaure is MIA actually10:10
kbroulikfor example I need to run a random CI ppa on Kubuntu to get a recent Qt version since the 5.3.0 shipped in kubuntu has broken touch support10:11
kbroulik5.3.2 has fixed that but the patch did not get backported by kubuntu ..10:11
sitterkbroulik: my point is unless there is a patch release there is nothing to package10:11
kbroulikdownstreams often patch software themselves, so ..10:11
sitterI know10:12
sitterwhich is why I keep on saying that people shoudl stop calling themselves downstream :P10:12
sitterand upstream should stop calling downstream downstream10:12
sitterit creates a neat mental separation between my product and your product10:12
sitterwhen in fact it is the same product10:12
valoriewe're all one big fractious family10:12
sitterthis ^10:13
valorieand somebody should totally give Ivan some good weed or something10:13
kbroulikso it's everyone's fault that many uses have to suffer from this \o/10:13
* valorie is out of ideas10:13
sittervalorie: that still not resolved?10:14
valoriemy last plea went unanswered, I believe10:15
valorieit was Thanksgiving then my hubby's bday plus GCi begins in a few hours....10:15
* sitter calls for a fork10:16
valoriewho will step up to maintain?10:17
valoriethat is the only thing we're waiting for, I guess10:17
valorieIvan seems immovable as a stone10:17
sitterjust have someone setup a CI job to merge ivan's thing into the fork thing :P10:18
valorieright, self-maintaining software!10:18
valorielike the perpetual motion machine10:19
* valorie checks in #kubuntu-ci to see how that's going10:19
Riddellhmm, SoK blog request from someone who seems to have achieved compiling gcompris with unity screenshots http://saikrishna17394.github.io/feed.xml10:19
valoriealso, they are late10:20
sittervalorie: there isn't much to maintain ... the patch proposed by MK is 2 lines, that would be the entirety of the fork (well, and having to release things ^^)10:20
valorieit is no longer November10:20
valoriewhatever, I'm weary and going to sleep10:21
Riddellvalorie: not heard anything from my guy doing planet kde, I'll send him another e-mail to remind about the blog post10:21
Riddellsleep well valorie 10:21
valoriehave a great day10:21
sitterI really hate the subdiring on debian git10:26
Riddellsitter: what would you prefer?10:26
sitterflat structure like on kde10:26
sitterbefore I can clone something I have to lookup where the thing lives, so very annoying10:26
sitterand konversation is a full source, brrrrrrrrrrr10:28
RiddellI also don't like full source branches but diane I think said not to worry about updating the upstream source10:30
sitterfor CI I think there mustn't be upstream source10:31
Riddelloh gosh that would be a nightmare10:33
Riddelleven worse than UDD10:33
sitterwell, exactly the same as UDD really :P10:36
sitter_mh, somehow my konversation toolbar has no tools :'<10:52
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Sick_Rimmitlordievader: You're a very clever fellow. It would appear that you were correct, I just another desktop freeze, and Alt + Tab got me out of it. I'm a happy boy11:29
Sick_RimmitNow I just need to trace the cause, and I'll have me a juicy bug report ;-)11:29
lordievaderSick_Rimmit: :D11:29
lordievaderI believe it is a know bug, but if not, let me know I'll confirm the bug ;)11:30
RiddellSick_Rimmit: alt+shift+F12 help too?11:30
RiddellI'm also suffering this problem recently11:30
Sick_RimmitAh, yes that turns Compositor Off / On IIRC11:31
Sick_RimmitAh there seems to be something going on with the Window Manager11:32
Riddelld_ed: SOCKS11:44
Riddelld_ed: port 808011:44
sitter-    serverGroup->setName("freenode");11:59
sitter+    serverGroup->setName("Ubuntu IRC");11:59
sitterwhy ever are we doing that Oo11:59
Riddellwho knows, drop it12:00
sitterqtcurve has packagin issue btw12:03
sitterI think the files in /usr/share/ are shared between both versions, but only packaged in the 4 version and there is no dep tie between the two12:03
sitterRiddell: are you doing konversation beta upload? kubuntu_unstable should be good for branching to archive12:04
sittershadeslayer: is there a particular reason the kf5 dh module doesn't use list-missing? and didn't we already talk about list-missing being provided as module?12:04
sittereitherway... without list-missing we have a reliability problem for CI projects that use the module rather than the mk include12:05
Riddellsitter: I could.  but so could you since you're already looking at it no?12:10
sitterRiddell: second set of eyes ;)12:11
sitterthere's 300 things that need CI set up -.-12:11
sitterubottu: bug 104860612:11
ubottubug 902762 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu Quantal) "duplicate for #1048606 scp-dbus-service.py crashed with ImportError in __main__: No module named asyncconn" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90276212:12
* sitter scratches head12:13
sitterI hate patches12:13
lordievaderFrom #kubuntu: < alvin> The amd64 zsync file on http://files.kde.org/snapshots/kubuntu-plasma5/ is wrong, it has the wrong filename12:14
Riddellsitter: vale vale12:16
sittershadeslayer: so when is phonon getting fixed?12:16
Riddelllordievader: what does the filename matter?12:17
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yofelzsync won't be able to find the iso file to download?12:17
Riddell"failed to retrieve from utopic-desktop-amd64.iso" oh yes12:17
lordievaderRiddell: I'm just proxying ;)12:18
Riddellshadeslayer, sitterL you have access to that place to remove those .zsync files?12:18
yofelif the ISO is renamed after the lb run, you'll have to re-generate the zsync file12:18
shadeslayerRiddell: gone12:27
shadeslayersitter: debian bug 77122012:28
ubottuDebian bug 771220 in libphonon4qt5-dev "libphonon4qt5-dev cannot be used in Debian jessie" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/77122012:28
shadeslayerI can't do much more than that without being a Debian developer :p12:28
sitterfix it in kubuntu :P12:29
sitteractually phonon probably should get add to ci12:29
shadeslayeroh ah ok12:29
sittershadeslayer: thats not the problem I meant12:29
sitterwhat I meant was that experimental is needed to use the cmake config but -dev doesn't depend on experimental12:30
ScottKshadeslayer: You could make an actual debdiff and attach it to the bug.12:30
shadeslayersitter: ah that too12:30
ScottKYou might even commit that to the Qt-KDE git repo.12:30
shadeslayerScottK: I have a workaround for the bug in the git repo12:30
shadeslayerbut then sitter committed a fix upstream, so I should probably fix that12:30
kubotushadeslayer meant: "but then sitter committed a use upstream, so I should probably fix that"12:31
shadeslayerkubotu: scru u12:31
ScottKCan't get uploaded until the current upload migrates in two days anyway.12:31
sittershadeslayer: oh and in kubuntu we even have 2 dev packages :O12:32
shadeslayerScottK: roger12:32
BluesKaj_'Morning folks13:17
soeehiho BluesKaj_13:17
BluesKaj_hey soee13:18
Peace-hi :D13:42
Peace-i get this 13:42
Peace-sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neon/kf513:42
Peace-Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:neon/kf5'.13:42
Peace-on 14.04 so :)13:42
Peace-i wish to install again plasma 5 to send some feedbacks13:42
Peace-helps ?13:42
Peace-oh sitter thank you13:43
Peace-sitter: but just isos?13:43
soeeyou can add ppas and install P513:45
soeeplasma-next ppa + ci-*13:45
soeeoor wait you talking about 14.04 ?13:45
Peace-soee: yes13:48
soeei doubt you can use it oin 14.0413:48
soeeRiddell: ^13:48
Peace-guys i just bought a ssd new  , removed the old one with windows 8 13:49
Peace-when i use kubuntu i feel at home13:49
Peace-windows 8.1= nightmare xD13:49
Riddellsorry no daily packages for 14.04 any more, you need 14.10 (or vivid)13:49
soeei have no idea, never used win 813:49
Peace-wifi doesn't work bluetooth idem 13:49
Peace-and it's even ugly no sense system 13:50
Peace-soee: i hope you do not even try it it's a mess even with drivers13:50
sgclarkyeah I had to dust off my win8 for my SoK project, yuck...13:50
soeePeace-: i do not need any windows since 1-2 years13:50
Peace-soee: i needed to flash my android phone13:51
soeeKubuntu is all i need13:51
* Sick_Rimmit appears in a puff of dust, bits and bytes13:55
Sick_RimmitHmmm...  I think the locking issue on Plasma can be replicated by actively with the Right Click Window manager menu, If you open, select a sub menu then click back to the Window this seems to cause a desktop lock. 13:58
Sick_RimmitIs anyone else able to replicate this ?13:58
RiddellSick_Rimmit: that e-mail you answered, I like how his biggest problem with vivid is that he doesn't like the busy cursor :)13:58
Sick_RimmitRiddell: Yes, I read it all as a complement too..13:59
Sick_RimmitRiddell: Plus, I think it's good to respond in a postive manner, makes people feel welcome13:59
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Sick_RimmitWhoops, that was me closing Quassel without configuring Hide to SysTray..14:11
RiddellSick_Rimmit: I don't think I can recreate your replication of locking but can you describe it again?14:14
Sick_RimmitRight click on the Title bar of a Window. Then point to more actions in the menu, a sub menu appears, now click the mouse back on the title bar, or window to return focus, you should find that it's locked. Then use Atl+Tab to get it back.14:18
RiddellSick_Rimmit: nope not in my case14:19
Sick_RimmitHmm, ah Ok14:19
Sick_RimmitIt appears that I can get control back by clicking on another window and then back again, which is different behaviour to the whole desktop locking up14:20
Sick_RimmitI suspect they're separate issues..14:20
Sick_RimmitSo I'm no further forward yet then...14:20
Sick_RimmitNo worries, I'm hammering Plasma 5 as my daily production desktop, I'll get to the bottom of it14:21
Riddelldisable one compositing plugin at a time?14:21
Sick_RimmitYeah could be worth a play, 14:22
Sick_Rimmitlordievader: suggested memory leak, but on the last two lockups, I checked that and it still had plenty of FreeRAM,14:23
Sick_RimmitI get the feeling is signal related...14:23
Sick_RimmitBut, I'll take a look at the xorg logs next time, see if there is anything in there14:23
Riddellsitter: you renamed konsole .deb to konsole5 in kf5? is that to keep the kde4 konsole? why would you want to keep the binary?14:28
sitterRiddell: don't carry that into vivid14:28
sitterit's utopic compat14:29
sittersince we can't do a proper restructured migration what with konsole(4) not being CI'd14:29
sitterfor vivid you probably only want to adopt the build-deps and the mk include increement from rules14:29
Riddelloh cool14:29
soeesitter: whole desktop lockup or single app ?14:31
soeeSick_Rimmit: ^14:31
Sick_RimmitThis time, I got whole desktop14:37
Sick_RimmitUsing Libreoffice to select records from a spreadsheet, clicked and hold on 1 row, then scroll through to select more, push mouse way of screen to spee up select, and LOCK, whole desktop, Mouse icon is a hand.14:38
Sick_RimmitAlt+Tab resolved14:38
RiddellSick_Rimmit: I also can't recreate although I'm not sure I'm following right14:40
Sick_RimmitIt doesn't do it every time, from LibreOffice14:49
bukaisgclark: ping14:49
sgclarkbukai: pong14:49
bukaisgclark: your site is fine now?14:49
bukaii nean the server14:50
sgclarkbukai: ahh yeah it is up for the moment14:50
bukaisgclark: Ah! great!14:51
sgclarkbukai: ty14:51
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Sick_RimmitDa dah!!14:57
Sick_RimmitOK, In LibreOffice I can repeat this,14:58
Sick_RimmitI have a sheet with 3000 records in it, I click on say the row at 750, and drag the mouse down to select a load of them. Then pusht the mouse up to unselect, and go past to begin selecting those below 750, and it locks up14:59
Sick_RimmitIn this case Alt_Tab failed to get me out, but I think I know what happened. 15:00
Sick_RimmitI switched tty's to go take a look at mem usage, and when I switch back, sddm had locked the screen.15:00
Sick_RimmitBut something else had keyboard focus so I couldn't type my password in.15:01
Sick_RimmitI pressed Alt+Tab and the screen lock vanished (That's probably a bug), and put me back to the desktop no password required.15:01
Sick_RimmitBut I was still locked out. The junk I had tried typing whilst the screenlock was showing, had been captured in Libreoffice as a cell entry!15:02
Sick_RimmitBut when I tried to edit, and enter anything I still had no keyboard. 15:02
Sick_RimmitAlt+Tab showed me Window selections, but I could not get the keyboard to connect / focus into any of them 15:03
Sick_RimmitAh blow it, I can't get that to repeat now either...15:06
Sick_RimmitI'm none the wiser, sorry, I thought I had something there for a moment15:07
Riddellit's possible it's not very repeatable15:07
Riddellwhich is an annoying bug15:08
Sick_RimmitAgreed, for sure it's real problem, because I'm getting 5, or 6 lock ups each day, ( So far Friday, and Today )15:09
Sick_RimmitI think I'll have to go log diving on the next one.. 15:09
Riddellgdb is your friend15:09
Riddellwell maybe, you can run gdb but I'm not sure how you'd tell is when to give you a backtrace15:10
Riddellsince it unblocks on alt-tab15:10
Riddellrun gdb in a console and wait for that console to freeze then blindly type bt ?15:10
Sick_RimmitI can give it a go.. 15:19
Riddellobviously test it unfrozen first to make sure it works15:19
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ScottKqca2 needs uploading again with updated symbols files.15:56
Riddellfor the obscure architectures15:58
* Riddell adds to todo15:59
kfunkRiddell: just compiled/installed sddm from source, rm'ed the init.d script, et voila: sddm starts fine using systemd16:00
Mamarokhm, why would libsoprano-dev now be needed to build Amarok? We didn't add any new dependencies...16:03
Riddellkfunk: utopic or vivid? does it start with upstart?16:03
RiddellMamarok: are you compiling by hand or with kubuntu packaging?16:04
shadeslayerkfunk: note that we also have the legacy sysv init script16:04
shadeslayerkfunk: /etc/init.d is for sysv init scripts16:04
shadeslayerso you still have /etc/init/sddm16:04
kfunkyeah. I *think* I had to remove that, but let me try again16:04
MamarokRiddell: I do by hand, this wqas mentionned by a usyer who follows my blog to do so16:06
MamarokI already have libsoprano-dev, probably pulled in by something else, but I don't remember having installed it myself knowingly16:06
Mamarokwhat I do recommend is to get in the dependencies by running build-dep16:07
Mamarokbut in this particular case the guy has always followed my blog, and this was never dragged in for him up until now16:07
Mamarok(talking about Utopic with backports enabled)16:08
RiddellMamarok: I'm pretty sure soprano has always been in build-dep, what's changed is that nepomuk has been removed16:09
Riddellsoprano probably can be too16:09
Mamarokhm, so maybe I was not aware of that because I reinstalled my system completely for Utopic16:09
Mamarokbut: we do not have "actice" baloo support in current Amarok, it used to have nepomuk, which is now disabled16:10
Riddellno there isn't any baloo build-dep16:11
* ScottK discovers https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/vivid/kubuntu16:39
Riddellbuild logs all moved16:40
Riddellsome cjwatson magic I expect16:40
shadeslayerScottK: oh heh, quite old16:51
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sgclarkRiddell: your really working on all those?17:14
Riddellsgclark: bash for loops for the win17:15
sgclarkshrug ok17:15
geniiOn my 15.04, any particular repositories/ppa that should be used? ( like ninjas etc )17:17
Riddellnot currently17:18
Riddellgenii: did you install from the daily image?17:18
geniiRiddell: No, I had to use debootstrap.17:19
Riddellwe are packaging KDE Applications 14.12 in ninjas so you can try that but goodness knows if it works or not17:20
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sneleRiddell: Hi Riddell. This bug is still not fixed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-runtime/+bug/132296817:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1322968 in kde-runtime (Ubuntu) "Changing country leads to invalid locale" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:54
snele14.04 being LTS release, I think it is important17:55
Riddellsitter: ↑ ?17:56
sneleRiddell: sitter said "Invalid country language combinations lead to invalid locales." and closed the bug and then you reopened it: "Reopening as we shouldn't allow it to set incorrect combinations if those give errors"17:57
snelejust to remind you :)17:58
Riddellmm, he improved it somewhat in utopic17:58
Riddellbut I think it's too fragile a change to backport to 14.0417:58
snelemany people are affected, there is one more bugreport about the same bug but I cannot find it atm18:00
Riddellsitter: feelings on an SRU?18:02
MamarokRiddell: so is libsoprano-dev a direct dependency of Amarok now or an indirect one due to the reshuffling of dependencies when moving from Nepomuk to Baloo?18:07
MamarokI am pretty sure we never depended on it, it never showed up in our README file18:08
RiddellMamarok: doesn't seem to be either18:31
RiddellMamarok: looking at the build log it says successfully found "* Soprano - Soprano libraries required by Nepomuk Collection" but since it also doesn't find nepomuk I think we can just remove it as a build-depend18:32
MamarokI think so, too18:33
yofelRiddell: did you see my comments about konsole on friday?18:39
geniiMan. This sddm faces thing is annoying. Doesn't automatically pull in users'  ~/.face files ( which is apparently related to org.freedesktop.Account ). Looks like the current workaround is to make a custom /usr/local/sbin/adduser.local to make a symlink from /usr/share/apps/sddm/faces/username.face.icon to their picture in home dir. 18:40
shadeslayerd_ed: ^^18:49
Riddellyofel: nope, I know it needs to be made co-installable wit kde4 kpart, what else?18:55
yofelRiddell: yeah, that's on the todo. I was more complaining about the weird maintainer, wrong Vcs and watch URLs as the package is marked "done", but really isn't...18:57
Riddellprobably I need to tidy them all up for that18:58
yofelah, the changelog is missing too18:58
Riddellyofel: but what's wrong with the maintainer?18:58
yofelDebian/Kubuntu/Ubuntu Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org>18:58
Riddelloh weird18:59
yofelanyway, if you're going to look through them at the end then ok18:59
Riddellyofel: what changelog is missing?19:00
yofelRiddell: er... you wrote " * New upstream RC release" but reverted essentially all kpart splitting stuff that harald did in 4:4.14.2-0ubuntu119:00
yofelthat's... kind of wrong...19:00
yofelor well, that's at least not a single change19:01
yofelbut nvm, I was confused because the package was marked as done and looked rather incomplete19:01
Riddellwell it doesn't need to have the kpart splitting stuff surely?19:04
Riddellthats only for kde419:04
yofelright, the changelog still needs to say that it was removed19:04
Riddelloh right19:05
d_edshadeslayer: why did you highlight me?19:05
shadeslayerd_ed: sddm thingamagjig above19:06
shadeslayergenii: David says that it should be reading ~/.face19:08
shadeslayergenii: also, maybe file a bug19:08
geniid_ed: Yes, I have 3 users each with a ~/.face, it's not pulling them in ( just showing all as /usr/share/apps/sddm/faces/default.face.icon instead) . 19:17
geniiI'll file a bug against it19:17
yofelwe have ~/.face though, not .face.icon19:18
d_edwho is "we"19:18
yofelubuntu at the very least, I don't know if that even has a specification19:18
geniiI'll rename and see if that works.19:18
* Riddell has vauge memories of accountsservice doing this19:20
geniiRenaming to .face.icon works. Interestingly 14.04/14.10 lightdm also shows thumbnail if it's named that instead of just .face19:28
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geniiHehe, heated discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic whether KDE is supposed to be an OSS version of CDE originally20:28
mamarleyWikipedia says KDE was kreated by Matthias Ettrich because he was dissatisfied with the lack of consistency of the DEs available at the time.20:32
* mamarley wonders why anyone would get into a flamewar over that anyway.20:37
mamarleyDoes it really even matter?20:37
geniiProbably not :-) I think they were fighting more over who was right or not.20:42
* Sick_Rimmit perhaps if they're board they'd be interested in some bug triaging ?20:47
Riddellgenii: sort of like CDE but good21:04
geniiWell, I definitely enjoy it.21:05
ScottKIIRC Matthias Ettrich's initial posting about KDE didn't mention "like CDE".21:10
Riddellmamarley: you would if you ever had to use CDE with Netscape Navigator for unix with xeyes with solaris-terminal with whatever the old SunOS office suite was21:12
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=== Pici is now known as Guest74903
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kfunkshadeslayer: now I'm at a point where I can't start sddm either way (nor via sysv init sript, nor via systemd, nor via plain invocation) :D21:39
kfunkI'm giving up21:39
* kfunk defeated21:39
kfunkshadeslayer: one thing makes me curious:21:40
kfunk4:    set "$0" "$@"; INIT_D_SCRIPT_SOURCED=true . /lib/init/init-d-script21:40
kfunkthat's the init.d script. it tries  to source a file I don't even have. where does that come from?21:40
shadeslayerkfunk: I'd git blame the sddm packaging to see where it comes from21:50
kfunkshadeslayer: sorry, I can't take no more sddm today. I'll need to recover first ;)21:53
kfunkit's very frustrating to debug your login manager, tbh21:53
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Riddellkfunk: the really difficult bit is getting it to work with the live cd pre-desktop screen22:43
sitterRiddell: I think I even suggested a SRU23:16
sitterthe code isn't more fragile or anything it simply enforces en_GB and en_US as a language to dictate locale, which I still do not agree with but since people apparently want to have this and the GUI doesn't really offer affordance that the combination is wrong it's the best I can offer23:17
sitterthis sort of misconfiguration won't be possible with kf5 anyway as except for the actual LANGUAGE key you cannot diverge from established libc locales anymore23:19

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