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beltorakis anyone here?02:29
selbyhow do you use git?02:33
valorieselby: what exactly do you mean?03:22
valorieit all depends on your purpose for using git03:22
selbyvalorie: sorry, i was just using you for bait.  I was testing my theory on if people respond if you just ask a question rather than asking to ask a question or asking if anyone is home.  I'm glad you responded, though. ^^03:32
valorieit is certainly true that asking a question in a support channel is the best way to get support03:33
valorie"anybody here" will likely be ignored03:33
selbyyeah, i just idle hear, but i'd always be down to answer a question if i see an interesting one03:34
valorieyep, we need lots of answerers03:35
valorienone of us knows everything, not even ubottu03:35
jdwwattsanyone know how i can get k mail client set up ?04:07
arthurfiggisjdwwatts: usually it's just a matter of starting up kontact and filling out the info for the auto wizard, that's all i had to do04:09
jdwwattsi seem to have trouble getting it to log into gmail and the othe two eb mails i have04:11
jdwwattsbut I never tried it through kontact yes04:12
arthurfiggishmm...any error message that's popping up that might give any hints? i've only tried setting it up through kontact myself, but i thought that kmail was a part of kontact, so you wouildn't think that'd make a difference...hmm04:18
reborn7Hey there?04:20
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Bomberhey ll. If you'll notice, I hve n issue with my keybord, sus R50l....06:31
valorielooks like your A key died?06:32
Bomberif I'm either patiente or fumble round with lifting my keybord, it works06:33
Bomberi'm running kubuntu with windows in dul boot06:34
Bomberkeybord works fine in windows06:34
valoriethat's very bizarre06:34
Bomberit's the `AQ1 and tb tht don't work06:35
Bombersometimes, if I ply round with them06:35
hateballhave you somehow set up the wrong model or some such?06:37
Bomberwht do you men?06:39
BomberIs the keyboard related to synapsis?07:10
soeegood morning07:13
valorieBomber: synaptics, you mean? if so, that is for touchpads07:16
Bomberwell, I hve  touchpd problem s well, but I find  "temp" solution i lwys use07:16
valorieI'm thinking perhaps dpkg --reconfigure could help07:16
Bomber(just relized I cn sve  the fix to the /boot/grub config file07:17
Bomber(just relized I cn sve the fix to the /boot/grub config file007:17
Bomber(sorry for double)07:17
valorieif you read `man dpkg` you might see what you want07:17
valoriein the konsole07:17
Bombertht's wierd07:19
Bomberdpkg is for depackging debin files....07:19
Bombernd it seems tht it doesn't recognize --reconfigure07:19
Bomberwht exactly should I reconfigure...?07:20
valoriethat's what I don't know07:21
valoriethere is a step when you install, where you are asked about your keyboard07:21
valorieit is possible the wrong keyboard was chosen at that time07:21
valoriebecause there are so many possibilities07:21
Bomberummmmm........i'm not sure i wnt to sk wht you're suggesting me to do07:21
valorieI'm not asking you to do anything, because I don't know07:22
BomberYOU'RE THE KING07:23
BomberHOLY SHIT07:23
unopasteBomber you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted07:23
valoriesorry, I see by googling I already made a mistake -- it is dpkg-reconfigure07:23
Bomberhmmm, OK.....almost...it's actualy slightly better now.07:24
Bombervalorie: Ok, So apparently I had the generic keyboard model set07:25
valoriewhat did you do, Bomber?07:25
BomberI now have the asus model set, but it07:25
Bomberit's still not 00%07:25
Bombers you can see07:25
BomberI guess I should try all of the options untill I find the right one, huh?07:26
valorieor perhaps google on your asus model until you find something that looks more correct07:27
valoriedo you see your exact model number listed somewhere in your choices, when you reconfigure?07:27
BomberI mean, it's showing me only one single asus keyboard option, without regard to my pc model07:27
Bomberjust asus | asus laptop07:28
valorieyou've reached the limit of my knowledge here07:28
BomberYou've done more than to improve my life07:28
valorieI use a laptop, and the settings (so far) have Just Worked07:28
BomberI had to wait 10 seconds for the letters to pop up07:29
Bomberthey take up to 2 seconds now07:29
Bomberno more07:29
valoriestill not optimal07:29
valoriedid you use sudo dpkg-reconfigure ?07:29
valorieor what07:29
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Bomberalt+f2 -> keyboard07:31
valorieok, systemsettings07:31
Bomberyeh. still wishing for improvments. Seems like none :(07:31
valoriewell, I don't know the name of the package07:31
valorieBomber: in a konsole, try: `sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration`07:33
valoriewithout the ticks07:33
Bombercommnd dpkg-reconfigure not found07:34
Bomberholy shit....now it's not working t ll...wtf07:35
Bomberit has a strange behavior...07:37
valoriebuh, I guess not07:37
valorie!info dpkg-reconfigure07:38
ubottuPackage dpkg-reconfigure does not exist in utopic07:38
valoriewhy did it disappear?07:38
Bomberso I should look for n lterntive?07:39
Bomberfor dpkg-reconfigure?07:39
valoriegah, sorry for that07:39
valorieI had no idea we deprecated that07:39
valorieit still shows up in the wikis, etc.07:40
Bomberthere seems to be n lterntive?07:41
valorieBomber: what version of Kubuntu are you using?07:47
valorieodder and oddery07:47
Bomberfourteen point ten07:47
Bomberfucking one is stuck07:47
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList07:48
Bomberyeh, sorry07:48
valoriegot it07:48
valorieso perhaps a look at ~/.configure is in order after all07:48
Bomberlright, here we go07:48
valoriethat is your home folder07:48
valorieand then display hidden files07:48
valorieand you should see it07:48
valorieconfig files are almost all text files07:49
valorierather fun to read, actually07:49
Bombercrud..if i could only ctully type in freking tild07:49
hateballcopy paste :p07:50
valorieyes, c/p is your friend07:50
valoriehateball probably knows more about this....07:51
Bomberwht m i missing...07:51
Bomberi'm doing something wrong...there's no configure file in the home folder07:52
hateballBomber: Did you check the KDE keyboard settings also? You can set models and layouts there, it is possible something is off07:52
Bomberthnk htebll07:52
Bomberit's llredy been done07:52
hateballOh, ok07:52
Bomberi found out my keybord ws on generl, switched to sus.07:52
Bomberhelped  bit for  while07:52
Bombernow it's completely bonkers....07:52
hateballBomber: Do you have your install/live media still? If you boot that, do you get the same behavior?07:53
Bomberinstll/live medi?07:53
hateballThe CD or USB from which you installed07:54
Bomberum.........no.. :(07:54
Bombershould i be relly sd?07:54
valorieyou could try logging in as a new user07:54
Bomberdoing it now07:55
valorieand see if it has the same behavior07:55
Bombersee you guys soon07:55
Bomberbut n07:59
Bomberdidn't work07:59
Bomberi did do it though with the other session running..08:00
Bomberbut still, the fct is tht ll the settings were reset nd still hd teh sme issues...08:00
valoriethat shouldn't matter08:00
Bomberi'm missing something with the tild/configure thing08:01
Bomberthe dpkg-reconfigure just worked08:03
Bomberi'm in the blue screen08:04
Bomberright now i need to choose for ltGr08:04
Bombershould i choose defult?08:04
Bomberdd the missing letter08:04
Bomber(lt, ctrl, shift)08:05
valoriesorry, I have no experience with this08:05
valorieit's always just worked08:05
Bombereven though you suggested i do the dpkg-reconfigure? you got me confused08:05
Bomberit is working08:05
Bomberi'm just not sure which option to select08:06
Bomberdo you know the pckge configurtion screen/pp?08:06
valoriescreen pp?08:06
Bomberit's not sking bout x server08:06
Bomberi'll just ignore it, i guess..08:07
valorieyes, I was the one who suggested dpkg-reconfigure08:07
valoriebut I've never done that with a keyboard, and found little while googling for you08:07
Bomberoh, ok.. thnks08:07
Bomberwell, just did it08:07
Bombernd nothing new..08:07
Bomberi'll try severl options there08:07
lordievaderGood morning.08:08
Bombermybe its some service tht's running on my computer..08:13
Bombervalorie: OK.....I think i got wht's going on here09:11
Bombernd it sounds like hell09:11
Bomberthere is some sort of buffer.....in the computer09:12
Bomberthis hppens in the dul boot screen nd in windows s well, not just kubuntu..09:12
Bomberif i type some text, specifclly i test "ok", i delete it, try to type one of the keys tht's problmtic, (the key doesn't reigster), i press bckspce severl times, type in few of the keys gin, nd keep hitting bckspce more thn i press the unregistering keys09:13
Bombernd they suddenly register gin, untill i strt typing OTHER keys.09:13
Bombernd then i need to do the whole thing gin.09:13
valoriedual boot screen?09:14
valoriedo you mean grub?09:14
Bomberwhen i edit the grub09:15
valoriesomething is def. wrong09:15
valorieI wonder if it could be hardware09:15
valoriesome loose cable or something09:16
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macstaranyone knows about cutepaste? that copy and paste tool for KDE? .. i installed it but whenever i want to initiate it via Konsole it says:11:47
macstarNo such file or directory11:47
macstarand also QIODevice::read: device not open11:47
alvinThe amd64 zsync file on http://files.kde.org/snapshots/kubuntu-plasma5/ is wrong12:00
alvinit has the wrong filename12:00
macstarnever mind ... found it out12:01
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Riddellalvin: what does the filename matter?12:17
alvinRiddell: I don't know, but the .zsync file does not want to download. It wants to download utopic-desktop-amd64.iso12:17
Riddellalvin: ok thanks I'll just remove them12:18
alvinThanks. .zsync is handy though. Saves a lot of bandwidth resulting in faster download if you have a similar .iso.12:19
hyper_chhi there, in dolphin the places sidebar, where is that data actually stored?12:21
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alvinHow do I start the installer on the plasma5 image? I can boot it, but it ends with 'saned disabled: edit /etc/default/saned'13:07
alvinnvm. startx just works13:08
BluesKaj_'Morning folks13:17
Roeyg'morning folks13:30
hyper_chbazhang: why is that in ~/.local and not ~/.kde ?13:34
hyper_chthx though :)13:34
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alvinlocales are even more messed up than they were in KDE4 :-(14:17
alvinI want the system in English instead of my mother tongue, but with sensible stuff like A4 paper, no AM/PM, Metric,...14:18
Avihay_workmaybe a locale like the UK? or Australia?14:21
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alvinUK uses AM/PM14:31
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floownI wanted to do a backup for my /home/floown, so I have done a : tar czvf homfloown.tar.gz /home/floown but I have a message in end : tar: Arrêt avec code d'échec à cause des erreurs précédentes17:33
lordievaderfloown: Err, could you translate that please.17:33
floownlordievader: tar: end with echec code because previous errors17:34
floownin fact, I have no error until this line17:34
lordievaderfloown: Could you pastebin the full output?17:35
lordievader!paste | floown17:36
ubottufloown: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:36
floownlordievader: can I do a file with the output? It's to long17:37
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com17:37
lordievader^ might help17:37
geniiPerhaps you executed the command from inside the directory you are tarring up17:38
floownlordievader: ok, I have done a chown, the command works now ^^17:42
lordievaderfloown: I was thinking it would be something along those lines ;)17:43
lordievaderreborn7: ? Where?17:43
reborn7finally! last night, i was looking for anyone help me, but it was night,17:43
reborn7i was looking for the disable the sleep screensaver.17:44
reborn7i can't find it.17:44
lordievaderPlasma 4 or 5?17:44
lordievaderHmm, can't remember Plasma4 well enough but I though it was somewhere among the display settings.17:46
reborn7Ok. let me look up.17:47
reborn7Enegry Saving-System Setting? i can't find it for word "Disabled"17:48
lordievaderreborn7: 0 ;)17:49
reborn7uncheck "screen enegry saving" will it work?17:50
lordievaderreborn7: It should, if it doesn't set it to 360 min. The bug might still be around.17:55
reborn7okay! i hope it work! so how about caffeine ? broken?17:56
lordievaderKaffeine, the media player?18:00
reborn7No, it not, for disable screen saver, i was used that, it worked, but i read some of forum, it say now useless.18:04
lordievaderIt's GTK: from gi.repository import GObject, Gtk ;)18:07
reborn7oh i see.18:07
lordievaderThough it is (ab)using dbus to keep things awake.18:09
lordievaderMight still work.18:09
blurkisCan some one recomend a good site on the internet that sells mascots of the tux penguin?18:17
reborn7interesting, i just installed caffeine, but i can't find caffeine.18:19
reborn7i also command in the terminal, sudo caffeine, and it appear error.18:19
lordievaderreborn7: What error?18:21
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lordievaderreborn7: You shouldn't run it with sudo.18:31
lordievaderThere is no need and it is also the cause of this error.18:31
reborn7oh ok18:33
arthurfiggiswell, kubuntu 14.10 is turning out to be probably the most pleasant desktop experience i've had :) couple of hiccups here and there...particularly with dual-monitors (or in my case one monitor and a TV connected via HDMI :) )...when both are connected, the login screen comes up but the fonts are all so extremely tiny that you can barely read them, whereas with just the monitor hooked up...18:43
arthurfiggis...everything's fine...anyone know what might be going on there?18:43
roocarthurfiggis: what is the resolution of the tv?18:44
roocarthurfiggis: brb, quick meeting.18:44
arthurfiggisrooc: i believe that it maxes out at 1280x720, it's not much bigger than the monitor :) although the monitor maxes out at 1920x1080, so maybe there's some problem happening there when i turn on the "unify outputs" option to mirror across both screens...didn't have any problem like that with gnome3 oddly enough! (oh, that's okay :) )18:45
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m_tadeuhi...howcome "sudo rm -rf <dir>" says permission denied19:23
lordievaderm_tadeu: What dir are we talking about?19:27
m_tadeusome dir that was created from a "git clone" operation and then git-daemon changed ownership to gitdaemon:nogroup19:28
m_tadeummm...permissions are set to read(user,group,others)19:29
roocarthurfiggis: are you still there?19:31
lordievaderm_tadeu: Hmm, root should be able to remove it...19:32
arthurfiggisrooc: yes, sorry about that! i had to disconnect and disable/re-enable the wireless connection, was using kismet to try and figure out which channel had the least interference on it and it tends to knock my connection out when closed :)19:32
m_tadeulordievader: any idea how to fix this?19:33
roocarthurfiggis: you're on 14.10?19:33
lordievaderm_tadeu: Perhaps "sudo su" and removing it from there?19:34
arthurfiggisrooc: yep, just installed it...oh, about a week ago i suppose :) didn't have dual monitor support at all until i installed kde-workspace-randr, then i got the usual config options...but mirroring the monitor and the TV, the fonts wind up being...i don't know, i have it set at 14pt but it looks more like 4pt without a magnifying glass :(19:42
m_tadeulordievader: no luck19:43
roocarthurfiggis: i'll have to update mine to 14.1 so i can see the same thing. i'm at work too, so i have nothing to compare with. unless someone else answers your questions it'll have to wait a few hours.19:43
roocmy gut is telling me that the desktop appearance has to be altered for the resolution. sounds a little as if the icons/fonts are rendered for a lower resolution.19:44
arthurfiggisrooc: hmm, you might be right...i _think_ i mentioned it earlier, but the TV's resolution only goes up to 1366x738, whereas the monitor goes up to 1920x1080...maybe that's causing some problem? i'm not sure how i'd go about fixing it though...the fonts are so small with both connected that you can't tell what you're doing except for the icons :)19:46
arthurfiggisthe font on the login screen when it comes up is tiny as well, but maybe if i set things to a lower resolution and reboot?19:47
lordievaderm_tadeu: Read only filesystem?19:50
arthurfiggisrooc: no problem though, thanks for the suggestions...if you get a chance it'd be much appreciated but I'll try poking at it a bit myself in the meantime and see if i can make it behave ;)19:57
m_tadeulordievader: nop....inside my home dir20:06
lordievaderm_tadeu: Can still be read-only. Ext4 file system>20:10
m_tadeulordievader: agree....but it's not20:11
arthurfiggison another note altogether, is anyone here using the "encrypted home directories" option in 14.10 when installing? i tried it at first, but for some reason when i enabled it and the installation finished, i had no swap partition or space allocated at all and the machine died pretty quick :( i just reinstalled with full disk encryption enabled and home directory encryption disabled, then...20:17
arthurfiggis...everything worked fine20:17
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gattoanyone there?22:56
arthurfiggisgatto: i'd imagine there's a couple or 200 people around, sure :) what sort of problem are you having, if any23:06
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)23:07
gattoI installed Kubuntu Plasma 5 for testing and I love it, but I'd like to downgrade to Plasma 4. Is it possible to do this without reinstalling? if so, how?23:13

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