
eliaspsHello everyone09:37
* mgedmin waves09:37
darkxsthey eliasps, mgedmin10:10
eliaspsHi darkxst, what's up?10:10
darkxsteliasps, too hot here! planning my escape plan for the weekend10:11
eliaspsOh, nice! It's 25 degrees here (Celsius), not too hot, but hot for the season. What's the plan?10:12
darkxsteliasps, off to the mountains, should be about 15 there vs 30 odd here10:13
darkxstMountain Biking, probably end up doing something silly, like 100km in 2.5 days10:14
eliaspsThat's awesome darkxst. I used to do that too, hiking, mountain biking, but I have limited time for those things now...10:15
eliaspsAnd I love mountain areas, especially in the winter. I'm counting the days until I go to the village I'm from, which is a mountain area called Lagadia, Arkadia, Greece.10:15
eliaspsIt's been a long time since I've seen some snow!10:15
darkxsteliasps, Greece has snow?10:16
darkxstI've only ski/boarded here (Aus) and French Alps though10:17
eliaspsLarge cities rarely, only northern areas (such as Thessaloniki) and not always. But high altitude areas have snow regularly. For instance the village I told you is at 1km hight and has snow every winter.10:17
eliaspsThere are places for those sports in Greece as well, a few of them, 2-3 are great, but I bet that are not as good as those you mention!10:18
eliaspsI've tried skiing and snowboarding, but I can't turn, I just go with gravity until something stops me. I'm a danger to myself and others :P10:19
darkxsteliasps, I have skied since I was 4, I control things, not gravity ;)10:20
eliaspsSince 4? Impressive! I bet your escape plans have lots of adventures! I wish I could do that! It seems like a great feeling. But it's for experienced skiers.10:21
darkxsteliasps, its summer here now!10:23
eliaspsHow about sea sports? Are you into them or only a mountain person?10:23
eliaspsIf it's summer over there, it's a good opportunity10:23
darkxstI have a hole in my ear which makes water problematic10:24
eliaspsSorry to hear that. Sea sports are good as well, but I believe mountain biking, hiking and stuff are even better. That's the thing I miss the most from my teenage years, now I feel stuck in the city.10:26
darkxsteliasps, your missing the some good stuff still, rock climbing and  caving to name a couple10:30
eliaspsSure, those sound better than good, but they are a bit more extreme to just try out. If I were to try, which I'd loved to, I'd need to start from scratch, since I don't even know the basics and it would take a lot of time to gain experience.10:34
darkxsteliasps, if you ever end up in aus, I'll take you out climbing ;)10:35
eliaspsI may take you up on that one day! :P Australia is at the top of my "to visit" list. It's such a big place, tons of stuff to do and see.10:36
darkxsteliasps, not to mention half the UG leaders are here ;)10:37
darkxstwell maybe not strictly half, but we make up that half!10:38
eliaspsEven better ;)10:41
eliaspsAnd since you mentioned that, I may annoy you in the upcoming days to things related to packaging and development, if you are available, because I'd like to help with those areas, especially if you are only a few people.10:42
eliaspsAnd if you ever visit Greece, we'll do skiing, but you know, you'll be on the rough sides of the mountain along with the professionals and I'll stay on the smooth almost-even level with the kids :P10:43
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octoquadhello :)16:56
octoquadis anybody having window focusing issues on staging ppa?16:56
=== avi is now known as Guest59428
Guest59428hi all, one question regarding ubuntu gnome - would 14.04 be stable ? I want to install on a computer for working on it all day but must know that it would be stable.23:22

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