
daftykinsdon't suppose you can +q that guy =|03:56
bbryantI'm not trying to be confrontative, I just can't find anything in the rules that applies here08:02
bbryantI'd like to be well read so I can behave appropriately08:02
bbryantbut from reading what I have, none of it would have stopped me saying what i did08:02
ikoniabbryant: "language and subject"08:02
ikoniain the guidelines08:02
bbryantoh right08:03
bbryantI missed the relevant part when I skimmed it08:03
ikoniaperhaps not skimming08:03
ikoniaif you want to be "well read"08:03
bbryanthave a good one08:03
phunyguyPricey: Thanks for that response.  :) - When I sent that email, I of course didn't know it was more of a widespread issue, because I couldn't get into the channels to see.  It was all I had!  =D13:21
Priceyphunyguy: Aha it's you!13:32
Priceyphunyguy: I also forget which issue it was now, I've just cleraed a bunch of backlog.13:32
phunyguyPricey: accidental kline.14:37
phunyguyalso, lately my linode seems to hate staying connected to Freenode.  So I thought maybe that was the reason... but I guess not.  I have no idea what is going on with this connection.14:38
HFSPLUS-nooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa15:18
MadDoxXno one here?17:57
IdleOneMadDoxX: How can we be of service?18:01
MadDoxXi need some help in python ><18:01
IdleOnethis is not a support channel18:01
IdleOnetry #python18:01
IdleOne/join #python18:02
MadDoxXty i will ask there18:02
IdleOnewelcome. please make sure to /part this channel18:03
MadDoxXit says unregiester18:03
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:04
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:06
Ben64pretty sure that texastech guy is botting now at least20:40
k1l_yeah i muted him since he shows no reaction.20:40
Ben64keeps saying the same thing every 10 mins xx:x8:2820:41
Ben64k cool20:41
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