
cmaloney^^ This is kind of awesome.02:16
=== sharp1 is now known as akelling
cmaloneyGood morning15:44
greg-gwell, it was, until the RAID in the colo'd box I share failed16:33
greg-gread-only mode right now, which sucks, in-progress of backups and such16:34
jrwrencloud ftw :p16:36
greg-gyes yes16:37
greg-gwill be migrating email somewhere else Real Soon Now16:37
jrwrengreg-g: I'm on an old co-loc email host which we keep limping along. Lemme know what you do with that.16:37
greg-gwill do16:40
greg-gsummary: there are no good options16:40
rick_h_greg-g: heard good things about fastmail16:41
rick_h_greg-g: it's been on my todo list to investigate16:41
* greg-g nods16:41
jrwrena DO vps or similar might be slighly better. *shrug*17:11
greg-gjrwren: yeah, that was my first thought, but then I have to worry about failover, too17:24
jrwrenwe don't have a failover solution now.17:25
greg-gtouche (neither do I, obviously)17:25
jrwrenat least not any more than a lower priority MX record17:25
jrwrenfor me and the 5 people who use it, I think we are OK with occasional downtime17:26
jrwrenwe had some just last week when my buddy finally did precise->trusty17:26
greg-gyeah, same here, only things that matter are my parents emailing and amazon telling me something shipped :)17:26
brousch_Let Google handle it18:08
brousch_so easy18:10
greg-geasy != right/good/best :)18:10
greg-g(can, but not inherent)18:10
cmaloneyAlso: New Cloudkicker this morning19:00
mrgoodcathttp://tinyurl.com/kqdtlwp shortlink19:06
jrwrenAll that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.   <-- google apps19:12
rick_h_jrwren: greg-g assumption you can tell evil from good?19:14
greg-grick_h_: yep19:15
rick_h_just to play a little devil's advocate :)19:15
jrwrenrick_h_: that is a deep question. The simple answer is Yes.19:15
greg-grick_h_: which makes you evil :P19:15
rick_h_woot! can I get a cool cape now?19:15
greg-grick_h_: of course, and moustache19:16
jrwrenI feel one must assume that they can tell. The requirement is always to be re-evaluating previous decisions.19:16
rick_h_jrwren: cool, and do we make allowances for lessor of two evils?19:16
rick_h_or are we of the more pure, no evil allowed variety?19:17
jrwrenwe certainly do, but we probably shouldn't.19:17
rick_h_ok, just want to make sure we're on the same page :)19:17
cmaloneymrgoodcat: All you need from that link is http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0051WAM6419:21
cmaloneyNow that we've figured out how to tell good from evil can someone tell me where I parked?19:23
greg-gcmaloney: there's an app* for that.19:24
rick_h_cmaloney: google now can but you've gone evil19:24
greg-g* that tracks your position, what other apps are installed on your phone, who you text most often and about what, how many times you cough a day, ....19:24
cmaloneyCan it tell if I wipe with my phone hand or not?19:26
cmaloneyasking for a friend19:26
greg-gcmaloney: let's just say: it's not on the feature list.19:27
cmaloneyAw nuts... I mean I think my friend will be disappointed.19:27
brousch_Hm, lesson in evil from the Apple user20:09
cmaloneybrousch_: Don't make rick_h_ embark on a special road-trip to GR20:10
* greg-g is typing from his Debian laptop :P20:11
brousch_Debian or Devuon?20:14
jrwrenapple isnt evil. of course a lesson from apple user20:16
greg-gand stock owner :)20:20
brousch_I'm sure I'm a stock owner of many evil places via my 401k20:20
greg-gyeah, but jrwren bought it explicitly :)20:21
akellingI do wonder if the *BSD's are going to get more users from systemd backlash20:22
cmaloneyakelling: possibly, but I;d put my money on the non-systemd linux dostros first20:22
cmaloneyeg: Dubian or Devun or whatever the fork is called20:23
jrwrenI also own Phillip Morris, another not evil company.20:23
jrwreni wonder if the light ubuntu derivatives will go systemd-less.20:24
akellingcmaloney: its an interesting time.20:29

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