=== harlowja_ is now known as harlowja_away === shardy_z is now known as shardy === zz_gondoi is now known as gondoi [18:18] Hello everyone o/ [18:19] I have a question. Is it possible to change the 'magic' IP ( cloud init uses to access EC2-style meta data with a config option? [18:20] I don't believe so; but IMBW [18:23] Interesting. Specifically I'm interested in using an IPv6 address instead of the default. Perhaps this will require a change to cloud inti [18:23] *init [18:25] ipv6 metadata? === harmw_ is now known as harmw [18:25] how whre you planning that? [18:26] Oooh. Fancy. [18:27] I like IPv6, would be interesting to hear how you get it working :) [18:27] ^ +1 :) [18:27] so I'm testing for cloud environments running on IPv6-only networks, and I'm trying to figure out what changes (if any) are needed to get cloud-init working [18:28] I'll do some more poking around and see what needs doing. Will keep you updated :) [18:29] Well you can always use configdrive with cloud-init [18:29] and just get rid of the metadata service [18:29] if you wanted to just not have to worry about that piece of it today === harlowja_away is now known as harlowja_ [18:33] JayF: True, but I'm trying to cover all the bases for now. [18:33] I'm running IP6 cloud atm [18:33] with only metadata on V4 [18:36] john-davidge so u can change it; the problem is that it needs to get the config from somewhere to change that value in the first place ;) [18:36] unless u have control over your images [18:37] harlowja_: Does that have to be changed on an image-by-image basis, or can it be passed at startup via user-data or similar? [18:37] well, unless you use configdrive [18:37] the metadata service is how user_data gets to the node :) [18:38] so you have a bit of a bootstrapping problem [18:38] yup :) [18:38] you have to make the default (last IP in v4 link local) work or patch your images to have a different cloud-init config [18:39] john-davidge the issue is 'passed at startup via user-data' (how does this data get to the image if not by the metadata service)? [18:39] Hmm, very true [18:40] What is the liklihood that cloud-init could adopt an IPv6 default as well as the current IPv4 default? [18:41] And does anyone know who I'd need to talk to about that? [18:41] u talking to the right people i think ;) [18:41] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py is where the ec2 stuff happens [18:41] and where said change would occur [18:42] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceEc2.py#L42 could likely just have a ipv6 url, and it might 'just work' [18:44] although idk what ipv6 default that should use :-P [18:45] harlowja_: Thanks! Will poke around with it in the morning [18:45] k [18:45] harlowja_: Yes that's another debate! [18:46] I was thinking the easist might be the v4-in-v6 of the current default [18:48] Perhaps ::ffff:a9fe:a9fe [18:51] maybe [18:51] so then it'd be interseting to try that [18:51] if u are stuck on ec2, that might be hard [18:51] since u need somewhere that provides an ipv6 metadata service [18:52] harlowja_: I'm on OpenStack, so I can do what I want! :D [18:52] kk [18:52] harlowja_: Will give it a go and report my findings tomorrow. 7pm here in the UK so I'm clocking off for the day [18:52] kk [18:52] cool [18:52] Thanks for your help! [18:53] may the force be with u :-P [18:53] ha [18:53] Always! [21:34] hi... Where are the various files with "#cloud-config" supposed to live? [22:04] define live? [22:04] u can place them wherever u want [22:33] o/ just wanted to say hello. [22:33] tennis_, they live in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/whatever.cfg [22:34] or you can put them in as user-data. === harlowja_ is now known as harlowja_away === harlowja_away is now known as harlowja_ [23:16] smoser: How does that relate to /etc/cloud/config.cfg? That is, does /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg get ignored? === gondoi is now known as zz_gondoi