
=== Dragonslicer is now known as Dragnslcr
archetech2QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'01:24
archetech2on plasma501:24
gattoI installed Kubuntu Plasma 5 for testing and I love it, but I'd like to downgrade to Plasma 4. Is it possible to do this without reinstalling? if so, how?01:30
=== DeadS0ul is now known as spawn57
floownI have done a : git clone https://github.com/drush-ops/drush.git drush but I have an error : zsh: command not found: git05:20
floownshould I install a missing paquet?05:21
floownI have installed git, sorry05:25
Unit193Should be set now, though I believe you can "fork" it on Github if you plan to host it on your own account there.05:25
=== kevin is now known as Guest36359
soeegood morning07:17
=== zz_XeBlackWater is now known as XeBlackWater
* XeBlackWater Salut07:22
imran_Hello, am I free to ask questions about GCI-2014 here? Or. should I use different IRC-channel?07:22
valorieimran_: is your mentor here?07:24
valorieI will help if I can07:24
valoriewhat task are you doing?07:24
* valorie is one of the KDE GCi admins07:25
imran_Fixing bugs issues for Plasma-Mediacenter07:25
bshahimran_: hey!07:25
bshahlets take it to #plasma channel07:25
imran_bshah: I wanna ask you about your local time, so I can adapt for your comfortable time!07:26
bshahI am from India, and my timezone is UTC+5.3007:27
excognachi all07:28
bshahimran_: ^^07:28
excognacwhat's the matter here http://pastebin.com/QCF05KSq07:28
excognaci was trying to install something and got this however I could run kdesudo dolphin07:29
imran_bshah: Thanks! I have the same TimeZone, I'll ask if any questions appears07:29
valorieexcognac: first, why do you need to run dolphin as root?07:35
valorieusually a terrible idea07:35
excognacvalorie: 'cos I was trying to install something into /etc. why is it terrible? unsafe?07:36
valorieyes, almost always07:37
valorieI'm not understanding.... how does one install anything using dolphin?07:37
gattoI installed Kubuntu Plasma 5 for testing and I love it, but I'd like to downgrade to Plasma 4. Is it possible to do this without reinstalling? if so, how?07:38
excognacvalorie: I extracted the package into /etc and wanted to run the install script07:38
valoriegatto, I have heard that someone did so by ppa-purging /next07:38
valoriehowever, there are no guarantees, and the warnings about reinstalling do generally apply07:39
valorieexcognac: is that what the README said to do?07:39
valoriesounds really sketchy07:40
Avihay_workexcognac: it's complaing about accesing your temporary files "/var/tmp/kdecache-excognac" with the wrong user (user id 0 = root, user 1000=you). kdesudo should take care of this AFAIK07:40
valoriewell, dolphin has it's own way to run as root07:40
valorierather than kdesudo07:40
excognacAvihay_work: thanks07:40
Avihay_workvalorie: really? how?07:41
excognacvalorie: no this was my own nooby idea07:41
Avihay_workwell, excognac, I suggest you read about how debien/ubuntu devides files into folders. /etc is reserved for system config files07:42
valoriesigh, I'm not finding it07:42
valorieI suggest starting with the readme in the file07:43
valorieusually there are reliable install guides in there07:43
excognacAvihay_work: so, If i download a package and install it, it won't be in /user/WhereIdownloadedit07:44
Avihay_workexcognac: it depends on the package, but most packages get installed globally for the system. it will spread it files between /etc /usr /lib07:45
excognacAvihay_work: oh, thanks, so I can delete the original folder,right?07:46
Avihay_workI don't know exactly what you are trying to do, so it's hard to say07:46
gattovalorie: ok, thanks07:47
valorieyou are most welcome07:47
valorieI'm not crazy, there really is a root plugin for dolphin07:48
valoriehowever, I've never needed it in over ten years using kde07:48
valorieso I think I'll skip that07:48
excognacAvihay_work: valorie: thanks for your help i think i got it.07:48
Avihay_workyou'd usually want to extract temporary stuff to /tmp. gets deleted next boot07:49
excognacok, i willl follow this07:53
lordievaderGood morning.08:16
sven_123hi - i want to install kubuntu on five machines; is there a way to do this over network, or at least half automated? i just find links how to do this with the alternate installers for the normal ubuntu, but kubuntu doesn't seem to have one anymore...10:10
hateballcome on ubottu !10:12
* hateball feeds ubottu 15 tons of fish to grow a brain10:12
Sick_RimmitCan anyone point me in the right direction for Printer Configuration in Plasma5 ?10:13
hateballsven_123: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/installation-guide/amd64/apb.html10:13
hateballsven_123: that's one  option. another would be using something like clonezilla to make a base-image and deploy that using pxe10:14
Unit193Fog, yeah.10:15
soeeSick_Rimmit: in terminal type: kcmshell4 kcm_printer_manager10:17
RiddellSick_Rimmit: known missing feature, on the todo10:18
Sick_RimmitAh ha OK, so CUPS on Localhost is probably my friend here10:19
Sick_Rimmitsoee: Sadly no luck with kcmsheel4kcm @command not found@10:19
sven_123hateball: thx10:19
soeekcmsheel4kcm ?10:20
Sick_RimmitNo sorry that's my bad typing10:20
Sick_Rimmit kcmshell4kcm_printer_manager: command not found10:20
Sick_RimmitThat's what I meant10:20
soeewat ?10:20
soeewithout space10:20
soee*with spae10:20
soeekcmsheel4 kcm_printer_manager10:21
soeesomethings wriong with thsi irc10:21
soeeSick_Rimmit: kcmshell4 kcm_printer_manager10:21
Sick_RimmitAh OK DOH!!!10:22
Sick_RimmitTa Da....10:22
Riddellsven_123: you can preseed for ubiquity the live cd installer, you can also pre-seed for the alternate installer on the netboot install iso https://www.debian.org/releases/etch/i386/apb.html.en10:22
soeeSick_Rimmit: kcmshell4 --list (you can list other modules that migth not by available by default in plasma5)10:24
soeekcmshell5 --list (for plasma5)10:24
Sick_Rimmitsoee: Ah OK, I see what mean, thanks soee10:24
Sick_RimmitBrilliant, that's the main office printer working for me now. Thanks soee10:27
soeenice :D print something cool10:27
sven_123thank you, too, Riddell10:38
andromedanHello, anyone can help me? I can't hear any sound when playing movie or music...since last upgrade12:09
kbroulikwhere can i find the plasma 5 iso?12:36
Sick_RimmitHi kbroulik www.kubuntu.org12:37
Sick_RimmitIn the Get Kubuntu Section, its the Plasma5 Tech Preview ;-)12:37
kbroulikI was thinking of the live plasma 5 neon iso weekly thing12:37
Sick_Rimmitsoee:  Sorry had to shoot off, I was printing Develop CV's because we're recruiting ;-)12:38
soeekbroulik: thers no neon anymore i think, kubuntu-ci is replacement12:39
kbroulikhttp://files.kde.org/snapshots/ that was what I was looking for ..12:40
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=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
BluesKaj_Hiyas all13:23
Sick_Rimmitkbroulik:  You may want to take a look in #kubuntu-ci13:23
Sick_RimmitHey BluesKaj_13:23
BluesKaj_Hi Sick_Rimmit13:23
Fyrguys! is there a KUbuntu DVD?13:33
FyrI mean a system without additional downloading soft after installation?13:34
Fyrlike CentOS' Everything DVD of 7.9 Gb. =)13:34
=== Guest74903 is now known as Pici
BluesKaj_Fyr, install the LTS version 14.04 ..probly the best method afaik13:43
Fyrit doesn't have Midnight Commander and tmux by default. =(13:44
BluesKaj_Fyr, or some say to install kubuntu-full13:44
BluesKaj_it has kparted13:44
Fyrkparted doesn't know how to do btrfs. =))13:45
BluesKaj_then check out kubuntu-full13:45
Fyrwhere do I find kubuntu-full?13:46
BluesKaj_well you should mention these requirements in your question\13:46
BluesKaj_in the package manager or apt-get install kubuntu-full13:47
Fyrbohring =(13:47
beluttoAlways I restart the computer or I switch the user, I got this → http://i.imgur.com/77XG0Rl.png so I always have to use alsamixer to «upload» the speaker bar in order to listen something…14:04
beluttoAnyone knows what can I do?14:04
BluesKaj_belutto, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel to load the driver, then your sound should work after each start up14:07
lordievaderbelutto: Do you have an ~/.asoundrc?14:08
beluttoBluesKaj_: ok thanks, I'll see if this solves the issue. Thanks for helping, you are always here to help, someone should give you a gift!14:08
beluttolordievader: no14:09
BluesKaj_belutto, I'm retired ...this part of my daily routine :)14:09
Walex2BluesKaj_: +++++1014:11
BluesKaj_Hey Walex2 :)14:12
=== anavarre is now known as anavarre_away
quota<div id="fb-root"></div> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>15:11
quota<div class="fb-post" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/jacob.miller.144181/posts/574258646041798" data-width="466"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/jacob.miller.144181/posts/574258646041798">Post</a> by <a href="https://www.facebook.com/jacob.miller.144181">Jacob Riley Miller</a>.</div></div>15:11
quotaBEar<div id="fb-root"></div> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>15:12
quotaBEar<div class="fb-post" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/jacob.miller.144181/posts/574258646041798" data-width="466"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/jacob.miller.144181/posts/574258646041798">Post</a> by <a href="https://www.facebook.com/jacob.miller.144181">Jacob Riley Miller</a>.</div></div>15:12
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, valorie, shadeslayer, or txwikinger15:15
shadeslayeroh ok15:15
lordievaderThanks Pici :)15:15
Mamaroktoo late, Pici was faster than light :)15:16
targitayhi all,any body from russia or speak on russia here?15:35
lordievader!ru | targitay15:36
ubottutargitay: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:36
targitay /join #ubuntu-ru15:37
iggyis there a way to install konsole5 without it pulling in konsole(4) (and thus about half of kde4)? All I've come up with so far is making some sort of fake package that says it's konsole(4)15:55
djmaomixque onda16:17
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
nesciushi BluesKaj_!16:47
nescius..do you have experience configuring sound in kde?16:47
BluesKaj_some, yes , nescius16:47
nesciusit took me some long time to get the microphone working but then the headphones dont work anymore!!16:48
BluesKaj_nescius, do you have pavucontrol installed?16:48
nesciusI cannot seem to get it working.. it is default onboard 5.1 with front panel for stereo ouptut and mic16:48
nesciusi installed it few minutes ago, but did not bothered playing with it much yet, i will try my luck there, thanks16:49
BluesKaj_pavucontrol let's you switch between outputs16:50
nesciusI was sort of hoping that would do automatically .... :(16:50
BluesKaj_nescius, doe alsamixer show a headphone out control?16:51
BluesKaj_or just a headphone ctrl16:52
nesciusi dont know, they worked just few minutes before I managed to make my microphone work16:52
BluesKaj_type alsamixer in the terminal16:52
nesciusthanks BluesKaj_ I will try that16:52
nesciusyes, Headphones are there, unmuted16:54
BluesKaj_make sure that there is no automute enabled16:58
nesciusBluesKaj_ it was enabled, thanks17:00
nesciusok, it was all in the alsamixer, thanks a lot!17:01
BluesKaj_nescius, glad to help :)17:04
beweesis gparted installed by default in kubuntu?17:09
nesciusbewees: there is a partitionmanager17:09
beweesnescius, I need gparted17:10
BluesKaj_bewees, no, but you can install it17:10
BluesKaj_kparted is the kde equivalent in apps>system17:10
beweesDo you recommend 14.04 or 14.10 for live usb? or does it not matter17:10
nescius14.10 works fine17:11
nesciusi just installed it from a live usb17:11
BluesKaj_not sure, I used usb on 14.10 install, but used a dvd for 14.10417:11
BluesKaj_err 14.0417:11
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=== anavarre is now known as anavarre_away
* genii makes more coffee18:50
=== anavarre_away is now known as anavarre
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
murthyAnyone interested in reproducing this bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/138984719:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1389847 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity waits until the driver-manager finishes before proceeding to the partitioning screen" [Undecided,New]19:42
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=== murthy is now known as murthy_
tssohi all,from russia or speak rusiia any body here?21:01
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.21:02
tsso /join #ubuntu-ru21:03
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.21:04
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=== tekkbuzz is now known as Guest48677

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