
=== zz_XeBlackWater is now known as XeBlackWater
* XeBlackWater Salut07:22
Noreenhi! if anyone could help me with this problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2255082&p=13178758#post13178758 i'd be really grateful09:06
raistlin_majereHi, does anyone know how to add a keyboard layout switcher to the lightdm-gtk-greeter? In previous versions "show-indicators=keyboard;~a11y;~power" worked, but in the new versions it doesn't...09:47
raistlin_majereIs even possible? Since the list of indicators seems to be: a11y, power, session and language (language isn't keyboard layout :))09:49
Noreenhow do i copy on xterm? the centre button is paste (and only sometimes, when it feels like it)10:35
Noreenctrl + v doesn't work, shift + ctrl + v doesn't work10:35
raistlin_majereOk... seems that there is an ~layout indicator for lightdm-gtk-greeter (poorly documented). Anybody knows how to trim down the list of the keyboard layouts?10:37
raistlin_majereNoreen, try ctrl-shift-c for copy and for paste ctrl-insert10:37
raistlin_majeresorry, shift-insert for paste10:38
Unit193Noreen: Not using lxterminal?  And depends on which paste buffer you mean, selecting the text will copy to buffer 1, which you can paste with scroller click or shift+insert.10:47
SaiBorkHey all, anyone in that knows kvm and the networking settings for it?12:28
SaiBorkI'm trying to set it up so my guest (vm) will have it's own ip address and be visible on the network as any other machine, but i still want the actual host to be available as well with it's own ip12:30
SaiBorkI tried to make changes to /etc/network/interfaces but this seems to have bridged the host and made the host no longer be available12:30
SaiBorkthe other option i see is to NAT it, but then it wont be accessible normally12:31
leszekdon't know about kvm but nat works fine in virtualbox12:32
SaiBorkI have what I want in VMware now, but I wanted to use kvm as it uses less resources12:34
SaiBorkAnd NAT puts the machine in a different network, so it wont be able to access the main network properly and visa versa12:36
mdogeSaiBork: #kvm ?12:41
SaiBorkyes kvm12:41
SaiBorkkernel-based virtual machine12:42
mdogeSaiBork: I mean /join #kvm ;)12:42
SaiBorki run lubuntu, so just thought i'd try here first :)12:42
=== Guest74903 is now known as Pici
psicobrahi all13:52
psicobraany one got any experience with genymotion13:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:53
psicobrai did13:53
=== konder is now known as Qoray
llogiqhi folks.22:13
llogiqToday I wanted to tune my Uke using lubuntu. So because I did not want to install Jack (as it imposes some overhead I don't want yet, I do audio recording on another system), I tried gtkguitune – and it fails with /dev/dsp - file or directory not found. Apparently it fails to obey the --device command line argument either.22:15
holsteinllogiq: wowo22:16
holsteinllogiq: id say, just use a tuner.. something that doesnt require JACK22:16
holsteinllogiq: jack is not trivial, and will be *way* overkill for what you are doing22:16
llogiqYep. But apart from gtkguitune I could not find any packages that do what I want without requiring JACK.22:17
holsteini would try something online22:17
holsteinthough, i would still think it *Much* easier to just get a tuner, that to use JACK22:18
holsteinllogiq: i use jack *daily*, and actually play music professionally22:18
llogiqholstein, that link just crashed my firefox.22:19
holsteinllogiq: sure... thats yet *another* bit of overhead.. and if you tried to run jack, you broke the audio in the background22:19
ubottuFor information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro22:19
holsteinusing jack for tuning is going to be clunky and overkill ..you can totalyl do it22:20
holsteinllogiq: you should /join #opensourcemusicians22:20
llogiqI used to play professionally. Now I'm a programmer.22:20
llogiqBut I still whip out a uke, guitar or piano when the mood strikes me.22:20
llogiqMaybe I need to reboot for the kernel modules to load correctly. Brb.22:31

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