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pittiGood morning04:43
pittihey Unit193, how are you? I see you eagerly backport systemd :)04:46
Unit193pitti: Heh, yeah.  Started doing that in trusty, did a couple Debian merges, not fun with systemd. :P04:47
pittiUnit193: tell me about it :)04:48
Unit193Though, looks as if the new cryptsetup added much better support for it!04:48
pittiUnit193: but with our current workflow (shared git with Debian, rebasing ubuntu on top of master/experimental) it actually works reasonably well04:48
Unit193Awesome!  Saw you got added as uploader, congrats.  Great to see you work "upstream" too. :)04:49
pittiUnit193: so with 172-2ubuntu1 in vivid you should now have a reasonably current version?04:52
pitti(it includes the v217-stable patches, too)04:52
Unit193pitti: Yep!  Just rebooted into it (only slight hickups.)04:54
pittiUnit193: I'm not aware of any regressions, so bug reports appreciated04:58
Unit193pitti: Heh, only upon reboot the clock was off a few hours.05:20
pittizul: python-taskflow is still failing its tests, so it doesn't propagate06:54
dholbachgood morning08:12
highvoltagegood morning!08:12
pittidpm: good morning08:22
pittidpm: can you please set up http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/data/ubuntu-l10n/ for vivid?08:22
pittidpm: I'm building the first set of vivid packages now, but I had to fall back to utopic there ^08:22
dpmpitti, morning. Ok, let me file the RT08:23
LocutusOfBorg1hi dholbach :)08:40
dholbachhi LocutusOfBorg108:42
seb128slangasek, hey, I can trigger bug #1372193 by updating systemd (like if I dpkg -i the old version and use update-manager I seem to consistently hit it), let me know if you need debug info09:45
ubottubug 1372193 in pam (Ubuntu) "package libpam-systemd:amd64 208-8ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 128 in pam-auth-update" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137219309:45
pittiseb128, dpm: ubuntu vivid langpacks uploaded and updates cron'ed10:05
seb128pitti, great!10:05
dpmthanks pitti10:08
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xnoxcjwatson: infinity: was it intentional for 14.04 core tarballs to stop enabling i386 foreign arch?12:12
cjwatsonI don't remember that coming up12:14
cjwatsonOf course core is meant to be minimal and it's trivial to enable.12:14
xnoxcjwatson: it looks like previous cores used to have it, and e.g. it affects docker images - as since 14.04 they stopped having i386 support out of the box. Maybe it should be just enabled on the docker side, but I wanted to check first that this not an accidental regression12:15
xnox(e.g. dpkg postinst refactoring, moving builds to launchpad, et.al)12:15
xnoxbut rather intentional choice / change.12:16
cjwatsonBuild location has nothing to do with it.12:16
cjwatsonWe might have decided we didn't need to carry the dpkg delta any more because apt-setup handles it in most cases, I suppose.12:16
cjwatsonAlthough it seems to be still there in vivid.12:16
cjwatsonAnyway, I think it's fine to say that you need to do "dpkg --add-architecture i386" before "apt-get update" if you want multiarch, and you probably wanted to run "apt-get update" anyway.12:17
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rsalvetipitti: added https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1337200 as a duplicate of the other one because this bug is hardware specific12:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1337200 in upower (Ubuntu RTM) "High CPU due to excessive device changed signals from upower" [High,Confirmed]12:30
rsalvetiand the other project is to cover basically hardware specific bugs12:30
pittirsalveti: ok, then let's track those as two independent bugs then; making a public bug a dupe of a private one is rather unfriendly12:30
rsalvetipitti: I agree it's unfriendly, but having 2 bugs opened at the same time is not ideal either =\12:31
pittirsalveti: I still don't understand this then; #1337200 covers teh general case for all hardware, why would a bug for specific platform now become the master bug?12:32
pittiwell, *shrug*, I don't care enough to fight over this12:32
rsalvetipitti: because the problem is the kernel sending way too much uevents related with power12:32
rsalvetiwhich makes upower to be quite a bit verbose, and dbus as well12:32
pittirsalveti: that's then not really a duplicate12:33
pittirsalveti: #1337200 is about queueing up d-bus signals while a process is sleeping, and then flushing them on wakeup12:33
pittirsalveti: if on that other platform the kernel is sending too many events, that's a separate cause12:33
rsalvetipitti: just because the comments from ken vandine are all covering the issue described by the other bug12:34
rsalvetibut yeah, let's keep both of them opened then12:35
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brainwashpitti: the new upload of systemd 217 works fine here. I did not encounter any problems so far :)15:03
brainwashpitti: thanks15:03
pittibrainwash: cheers15:03
stgraberxnox: Edubuntu actually ships with two DEs, just saying :)15:46
xnoxstgraber: shh, i knew that when typing it out. Dito e.g. mythbuntu ships in a way two DEs - boot to xfce & boot to mythtv-frontend.15:47
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tgm4883xnox: no, mythbuntu just has xfce start mythfrontend15:58
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pittiapw: do you happen to know how in-kernel firmware loading works these days, or who to talk about it?16:49
apwpitti, i know an amount, what do you need16:49
pittiapw: latest udev removed the userspace helper for this, but it seems on seb128's laptop the kernel can't load the iwlwifi firmware (works on mine)16:49
pittibug 139845816:50
ubottubug 1398458 in systemd (Ubuntu) "kernel fails to load iwlwifi firmware" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139845816:50
pittiapw: i. e. my first question would be, is there some way to squeeze some more verbosity out of the kernel? right now it just says16:50
pitti[ 6.586593] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: Direct firmware load failed with error -216:50
seb128laptop is a latitude e6410 i516:50
pitti[ 6.586598] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: Falling back to user helper16:50
pittiapw: I suggested to boot with "debug log_buf_len=1M" as a first step, but I wonder if there's something more specific that we should try?16:51
pittiapw: i. e. I can certainly put back the userspace helper, but I thought the intention was that the kernel does fw loading by iself now since 3.716:51
pittiapw: and it seems to work just perfectly on my centrino Advanced-N 6205 (almost the same model as seb128's)16:52
apwpitti, well, it may depend on which kernel he has, as i assume the direct loader cannot handle the firmware in non-standard places16:52
apwseb128, are you using an lts backport kernel perhaps16:52
pittiapw: I assume bog standard vivid with the distro kernel, much like I have16:52
Sarvattpitti: http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/wmeLD6rhIrHWG2dyJEUG looks like its because iwlwifi tries to load 3 different firmwares since it supports it, but -4 is the only released one16:53
pittiexcept seb128 is using i386, I'm amd6416:53
seb128apw, no, vivid with 3.16.0-26-generic on i38616:53
apwseb128, the fimware it fails to load, do you know where it is on disk ?16:53
seb128apw, no, but I only have 1 partition16:54
seb128no separate /usr or anything like that16:54
pittiseb128: ah thanks, that looks very similar16:54
pittiapw: how can I tell which file it loaded on my system?16:54
pitti[    2.898239] iwlwifi 0000:03:00.0: loaded firmware version op_mode iwldvm16:54
pittiapw: ^ that's not saying much?16:54
pitti/sys/class/firmware/ only has a single "timeout" file here16:55
Sarvattyours is 6000g2a16:56
Sarvattgoing by http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/iwlwifi16:56
Sarvattiwlwifi-6000g2a-6.ucode exists, it tries to load the -6 abi then -5 abi then -4 abi and -4 is the only one released for the 6200/630016:57
pittiwell, the firmware is obviously somewhere, as udev 215 can load it with the userspace helper16:57
apwpitti, seb128, so that error is saying ENOENT, that the file was not found anywhere16:58
apwadd_uevent_var(env, "FIRMWARE=%s", fw_priv->buf->fw_id)16:58
apwit uses that as the filename, so seb128 can you see that in your udev logs anywhere?16:58
pittiE: FIRMWARE=iwlwifi-6000-5.ucode16:59
pittiapw: ^16:59
apwpitti, was that yours or his16:59
pittiapw: his17:00
pittiapw: I can't see it in my udev db, as the fw loading happens very early at boot, so it's not anywhere17:00
pittithat's what we ship in linux-firmware17:00
pittiso it seems the udev userspace helper is trying various fallbacks, while the in-kernel loader doesn't?17:01
apwcirtainly the kernel is correctly saying it cannot find that as it is not on disk17:01
apw quite what udev thinks it is doing loading somethign completely different, is suspcious at best17:01
pittiseb128: wait, does it eventually initialize?17:01
pittiseb128: i. e. if the kernel doesn't find that after 60 seconds (/sys/class/firmware/timeout is 60 here), does it try another file name?17:02
pittiseb128: that would correspond with "Need to wait 2 minutes before wireless connects" on the suse bug17:02
apwnormally we step backwards through the versions in the dirver17:03
pittiapw: modinfo iwlwifi shows various "firmware:" bits, in particular iwlwifi-6000-4.ucode17:03
apwthough i don't see why it would timeout either, as the ENOENT is a hard failure17:03
pittiapw: that's what the udev loader uses17:03
pittiapw: interestingly, modinfo iwlwifi does *not* show -517:03
pittiapw: yeah17:03
pittiapw: so I'm a bit puzzled where the -5 comes from, if the module advertises -4 only17:04
pittiapw: anyway, I suppose in the short term I need to put back the udev userspace loader, but I suppose at some point the kernel shoudl be able to load by itself?17:05
pittiapw: so we need to figure out where the 6000-5 comes from; i. e. in-kernel loader loads something different than what the module advertises through "firmware:"17:06
seb128pitti, sorry, was away a few minutes17:06
seb128pitti, it eventually works, because after boot if I turn network off and on using nm-applet or the laptop switch it manages to connect17:06
seb128it just don't do it or boot or not by itself if I wait17:06
pittiseb128: interesting; after you do that, can you attach dmesg again? somethign needs to load that firmware after all, so it seems the kernel can find it eventually17:08
apwpitti, so the minimum firmware U will accept for that device is -5 according to the dirver17:08
seb128pitti, that should be in my syslog from previous boots right?17:09
pittiseb128: yeah, I guess so; grep for "firmware"?17:09
seb128pitti, Dec  2 11:37:08 localhost kernel: [  127.133185] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: loaded firmware version build 25532 op_mode iwldvm17:09
pittiapw: and that's 6000, not 6000g2a?17:09
seb128I think17:10
apwpitti, and it iterates through the firmare versions via the firmware ABI highest accepted to lowest17:10
pittiseb128: It would be a real mystery if manually enabling wifi would magically load the firmware; it rather seems the firmware gets loaded automatically, but NM doesn't notice this, so you can manually enable only after that happened?17:12
seb128pitti, you mean "manually enable"?17:12
pittiseb128: can you reboot, keep the network as-is, "sudo dmesg -c | grep firmware"17:12
seb128if I don't turn network off/on, nm-applet doesn't list any aps17:12
seb128pitti, sure17:13
pittiseb128: then wait for two minutes, and "dmesg | grep firmw" again? I strongly suspect this will turn up eventually by itself17:13
pittiseb128: yes, I suspect NM doesn't "see" when the fw gets loaded and the card becomes ready17:13
pittiapw: so we mostly need to update linux-firmware to have -5?17:13
seb128let me try, back in a few minutes17:13
pittiapw: I still wonder why modinfo iwlwifi says -4 then17:14
pittiif it wants >= -517:14
apwpitti, maybe, though what is being loaded by the usermode helper, as the versions which are valid are not there17:14
apwpitti, well frankly it cannot be accurate, as the versions acceptable per chipset differ17:14
apwbut presumably the modinfo is wrong at best17:14
pittihm, the latest firmware on http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/iwlwifi also only has 6000-417:15
pittiapw: "loaded firmware version" (on seb128's machine) correlates with the 6200 on http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/iwlwifi, and that has 6000-417:17
apwpitti, you said you got rid of the usermode helper, but the kernel still calls it right ?17:17
pittiapw: yes, if it can't load it by itself17:17
apwand if you have removed it, that will timeout17:17
apwas nothing is responding17:17
pittiapw: oh!17:18
pittiapw: so you figure it goes like this:17:18
pitti- try -517:18
pitti- in-kernel loader: ENOENT17:18
pitti- try userspace helper17:18
pitti- time out17:18
pitti- try -417:18
pitti- in-kernel loader: success17:18
apwso ... i think that that means, we try  ... yes that17:18
pittinow, that makes perfect sense17:18
pittiapw: if seb128 comes back and confirm that the fw gets loaded automatically after 2 mins or so, we solved it17:18
pittiapw: so that means we need to disable CONFIG_FW_LOADER_USER_HELPER=y first, and then disable the udev helper17:19
seb128pitti, ok, I was wrong17:19
apwpitti, and yes that is what the code is doing, iwlwifi is looking -5 -4 -3 stylee, and then each is tries direct load, usermode, iterate17:19
seb128pitti, the firwmware loads after 126 seconds17:19
seb128and nm sees it, connects17:19
pittiseb128: it loads automatically? (pleeease say that)17:19
apwpitti, _or_ you make the firmware loader in userspace a stub we can turn off17:19
seb128pitti, I just never waiting a full 120 seconds17:20
seb128it feels ages :p17:20
pittiseb128: then we completely solved the mystery17:20
apwpitti, make it report failed for the load17:20
pittiapw: which always fails with an error immediately? sure, taht works too17:20
apwthen we can make it something "you and i" can turn on to test etc until we are happy the kernel one is working17:20
seb128pitti, why does it take so long?17:20
pittiapw: I guess eventually we shoudl still disable CONFIG_FW_LOADER_USER_HELPER, but at least that removes the lockstep17:20
pittiapw: many thanks for your help!17:21
apwpitti, right, we can test, then default it off in userspace for a bit17:21
apwthen turn it off in the kernel, and be happy17:21
apwpitti, as in some sense we want the helper there and available and _on_ in userspace in case someone has a non-standard kernel17:22
pittiseb128, apw: I followed up to the bug with the explanation17:23
pittiapw: right, but even wit the stub we don't support kernels without CONFIG_FW_LOADER=y17:24
pittiseb128: (that also explains the two minutse)17:24
seb128pitti, reading17:24
seb128pitti, thanks a lot for looking at the issue!17:24
pittiseb128: I'll work on a stub now, and will ask you to test it17:25
seb128pitti, ok, I'm happy to do testing ;-)17:26
pittiseb128: can you create an /etc/udev/rules.d/50-firmware.rules with17:29
pittiSUBSYSTEM=="firmware", ACTION=="add", RUN="/bin/false"17:29
pittiseb128: then reboot, and see whether that fixes it?17:29
pittiseb128: there's still some tweaking to be done (I think we should put that into initramfs too), but for a first test that should do17:30
didrockspitti: just curious (while seb is testing) what is the communication protocol? There is no way for the kernel to detect there is no available helper?17:31
pittididrocks: yeah, I'm wondering about that17:32
pittiapw: ^ do you know what the kernel expects as a response? in particular for a failure?17:32
pittinot sure if it notices that the uevent was processed, that would be magic17:33
pittioh, I think the helper needs to write -1 into <syspath>/loading17:34
apwpitti, there is a loading, which you shove a 0 in to say you are loading, a 1 in to say you did it ok, -1 to say it broke17:35
pittiapw: that would be e. g. /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.1/0000:02:00.0/net/wlan0/loading for seb128's case?17:36
seb128pitti, that files doesn't work (e.g still the 2 minutes delay) and it feels like it made boot slower17:36
pittiseb128: yeah, we just figured that out17:36
apwhmmm, isn't a firmware thing somewhere else like /sys/class/firmware/17:36
seb128but the boot slower might be a wrong impression17:36
apwwhat does the udev rule use17:36
pitti-        strscpyl(loadpath, sizeof(loadpath), udev_device_get_syspath(dev), "/loading", NULL);17:37
pitti+E: DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.1/0000:02:00.0/firmware/iwlwifi-6000-5.ucode17:37
pittiso probably that plus /loading17:37
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apwpitti, can't we just read the loader?  is a c prog right?17:39
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pittiapw: yes, that 's the line above (with strscpyl)17:39
pittiseb128: can you try this:17:39
pittiSUBSYSTEM=="firmware", ACTION=="add", ATTR{loading}="-1"17:40
apwthat looks like that sort of thing17:40
pittiapw: yeah, that would be nice and efficient, and avoid calling out to shell or building a dummy program17:42
seb128pitti, that one works :-)17:43
* pitti ^5s seb128 and apw17:43
* seb128 ^5s pitti back17:43
apwok great :)17:43
apwpitti, what was the bug# for that17:44
pittiseb128: ok, I'll prettify this (including initramfs)17:44
ogra_hey, you could just include that rule from ubuntu touch, we use it as default there ;)17:44
ogra_convergence !!17:44
pittiapw: bug 1398458, I kept track of the discussion there17:44
ubottubug 1398458 in systemd (Ubuntu) "kernel fails to load iwlwifi firmware - disable CONFIG_FW_LOADER_USER_HELPER" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139845817:44
pittiogra_: and you only tell me now, after an hour of debugging :)17:44
ogra_pitti, i didnt see the conversation til now17:44
pittiapw: so we can use that to track the disabling of that kernel config, in the meantime I'll add that rule17:44
pittiogra_: (see the smiley)17:45
* ogra_ is wrangling with a broken heating since last night ... i'm afk on and off 17:45
pittiogra_: quick, write an udev rule for it!17:45
ogra_that will surelyy fix my pumps17:45
pittiSUBSYSTEM=="heating", ATTR{state}=="autodestruct}, ATTR{power}="0"17:45
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pittiseb128: 217-3ubuntu1 uploaded, with that fix18:42
seb128pitti, \o/18:44
seb128pitti, I can delete the file you asked me to add then?18:44
pittiseb128: yes, you should (unless you need to reboot again until it hits vivid)18:47
seb128pitti, no, I'm fine, deleting it, thanks18:47
seb128(worth case I need to wait for the timeouts)18:47
NoskcajCould we re-add the libusb-1.0 package? libusbx has been RMed in debian, and is outdated in ubuntu20:30
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Noskcajlibusb and libusbx were merged20:40
Noskcajcjwatson, looks like you did the RM, can you take a look?20:40
cjwatsonNoskcaj: Not at this time; send me mail?20:54
cjwatsonNoskcaj: also, while we're both at least sort of here:20:55
cjwatson2014-10-30.log:10:48 <cjwatson> Noskcaj: you uploaded a new upstream release of gnuhealth a while back, which is now causing a bunch of other stuff to be stuck in -proposed due to strict dependencies on tryton-*; since then, gnuhealth has been removed from Debian.  are you actually interested in maintaining this package permanently in Ubuntu or can I remove it from Ubuntu to match Debian?20:55
NoskcajI have no use for the package or reason to maintain it. I just did the new release so utopic had a fuctional version20:57
cjwatsonNoskcaj: righto, I'll remove that then, thanks20:58
cjwatsonand yeah, libusb* has been nagging at me to sort out for a while ...20:58
cjwatsonwill have a look tomorrow morning if reminded by mail20:58
Ice-x6 Please buy this game http://www.desura.com/games/WipeGround-Wpx =22:05
mterrydoko, you around?   I wanted to ask about python:any in build-deps22:14
dokomterry, yep?22:49
mterrydoko, I think I figured it out, I was just curious about the practice of using python:any in build-deps, but I guess it's for crossbuilding, eh?22:49
dokomterry, yes, exactly. that's the only reason. have a look at zope.interface22:53
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berz3rkCan you help on this bug #135569823:15
ubottubug 1355698 in elementary OS "Unable to boot via UEFI into installed freya system [$500]" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135569823:15
berz3rksomehow there are big issues with uefi23:16
ScottKShouldn't you be asking the elementary devs?23:24
tewardI was about to say the same thing23:25
tewardberz3rk: that's something you should bring up with the Elementary OS devs, not here, I believe.23:26
berz3rkwell yes23:26

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