[07:00] Noskcaj, hmm, I would have though you would well know where to get help for gnome stuff! (re MOTU discussions) [07:02] octoquad, what kind of window focusing issues? I haven't noticed any [07:02] darkxst, I asked upstream, he said WIP. I think i mentioned it here one time, but i wasn't going to chase too much up till gnome 3.14 was done [07:02] brb [07:03] Noskcaj, CSD's patches are fairly simple with 3.14, you could have the -desktop team, or even me [11:44] * eliasps waves [13:36] hi all === AndChat|189569 is now known as lindol [15:44] mgedmin, I'm having this on two seperate machines, one freshly installed with 14.04 and upgraded to 14.10 and one from 13.04 -> 13.10 -> 14.04 -> 14.10. If Window is used for focus, the only way I can focus on it is to click on the title bar. Any other part of the window including input boxes does not focus on the desired window. Sloppy kind a works for me, but it's quirky when you move the mouse out the way with dual view and it focuses on ano [15:44] ther app while typing a e-mail as in example and it loses focus [15:45] I've decided to revert the ppa, and just setup a new partition for VV testing and share my home directory between the two. [16:14] octoquad, what focus mode do you use? I use sloppy focus myself [16:15] there was a change in sloppy focus behavior in gnome 3.something-recent-but-not-very: actual focus change happens a second after you stop moving the mouse [16:16] instead of instantly [16:16] it was so you could use application menus without accidentally focusing other apps while on the way [16:17] mgedmin, at the moment, I'm using sloppy, but prior to using the staging-ppa it was click. Sorry I said window previously, when I meant click. [16:18] click in 3.12 works perfectly. [16:24] I'm going to install VV now and see if it is present in a fresh install as well as give feedback to darkxst regarding wine and fglrx for #1382563. I'll be back in about two hours. [17:11] Hi everyone [18:18] Morning All [18:23] Hey KeithIMyers [18:23] Mornin [19:04] darkxst, is it worthwhile filing bugs / updating bugs for vivid now? [19:07] darkxst, If you get the chance then, could you please make a patch? [19:59] octoquad, of course it is worthwhile [19:59] Noskcaj, I can take a look, but probably not this week [20:02] ty [20:49] Noskcaj, Actually, done http://pastebin.com/bWMK4gz0 [20:58] Noskcaj, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=741044 [20:58] Gnome bug 741044 in general "Use traditional titlebars on !GNOME DE's" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [20:59] ty. I also emailed the patch directly to the upstream dev [21:04] np