
bazhang<benzhninja> hi02:41
daftykinscan something be done about w23rdst ?02:42
rwwhuh. wasn't there someone else doing stuff like that too02:43
k1li already muted him for that today.02:43
k1ldaftykins: do you know him from other channels?02:43
daftykinsnah, this user joined last night and when i asked if they had a question - i just started getting the personal treatment02:44
daftykinstwo evenings in a row now, just getting highlighted constantly02:44
k1ldaftykins: he told me it wount happen again. if so he know he gets banned02:49
daftykinsthanks :) i'm sure the coming days will be interesting02:50
daftykinsi'll bear in mind the dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com part for a possible repeat02:50
daftykinsby the way you fancies some factoid updating/adding?02:50
daftykinsas you may know, ATI cards have been named AMD for years. if a user pops in and asks for help with their AMD card, an !ati factoid could be pretty misleading02:52
daftykinsso i would suggest !amd is: For help with installing proprietary graphics drivers for AMD (previously named ATI) cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD02:52
daftykinsoops just saw a fail there, *who fancies, not you02:53
k1lSquidward: hi03:04
phunyguyhello HFSPLUS :|03:10
DJones@mark #ubuntu mistyfog IRCcloud user with offensive language09:52
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:52
=== Guest74903 is now known as Pici
ubottulordievader called the ops in #kubuntu ()15:15
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok

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