[03:16] hi all..the night owls up? [03:19] twit twoo [03:20] hey [03:20] might watch the captive now [03:20] also anyone ever used rosetta stone? [03:21] no but when my boss was on who wants to be a millionaire in ireland that was the focus of the question that stumped him [03:21] oh [03:22] i was one of his phone a friends but he'd already used that option by then. [03:22] how far did he get [03:24] around 16k iirc [03:38] net die? [03:40] :D [03:41] installing rosetta now [03:41] wonder how useful it is [03:41] i just have a feeling learning a language using a cpomputer app is gonna be hard [04:00] wow american man lets himself get swallowed whole by anacaonda so he can film inside it [04:00] might watch that on discovery chan [04:00] Steve Irwin 2.0 [04:10] sounds crazy to me;p [04:10] sodding windows8 [04:10] cursor just suddenly sticks..for no reason [04:11] i'd consider hardware and drivers before OS [04:11] its my new laptop though [04:11] and the trackpad [04:11] surely should all be fine [04:13] ;) [04:15] when you're typing perhaps? [04:17] nah like say im browsing with ffox suddenly cursor stops and i have to basically close lid/reopen and its fine again [04:17] or sometimes pulling up task manager fixes it [04:17] o0 [04:18] i only ever clean install machines i get. [04:18] hm i really dont like 8 tho [04:18] using a 3rd party app to get the start button/menu back [04:18] indeed [04:18] classic shell doesn't quite work out [04:19] maybe go back to 7 :P [04:19] ya been considering that [04:20] if it supports CSM / legacy boot it'd be easiest. you can EFI install 7 of course, but it needs some manual file placement [04:20] CSM? hm [04:21] compatibility support module, it's how some refer to legacy boot provision [04:30] phones4u stock being auctioned 600k items [04:30] what does it mean 'buyers premium 20%' in relation to an auction? [04:39] hm might bid on a few things [05:04] a desk phone for hipster value and irony :-) [05:07] 20% premium means 20% fee? [05:39] bah [05:39] no homeland [05:39] asnd no gotham [05:39] stinky tv week [05:40] in 3 weeks it'll be wall to wall repeats of crimbo specials [05:40] :( [05:41] though you might get pressies of new dvds or blu rays [05:46] what time do you work?! [05:46] quite late atm:) [05:47] of work atm, insomnia amongst other things [05:47] i get 4 hours sleep a day, usually at random times [05:55] seems quite good [05:55] have to say the words back and somehow it can tell if you say it right [05:55] like the pronounciation [06:05] neat eh [07:54] morning all === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away [09:19] mehhh [09:25] eeyyyyy! [09:26] I'm going to agree with "meh". so many conf calls, so little care. [09:26] had to spend the night in my sons bed last night while he slept in my bed [09:26] at least i got more sleep than previous night [09:26] at least you didn't have anyone hogging the covers! [09:26] twice a week some random IT guy comes to a little used server room near my office to make offerings to the novell gods [09:27] IT dept promised that novell would be long gone by now [09:28] I thought novell was no longer a thing [09:29] it shouldn't be [09:29] trouble is, they did what they were supposed to rather well [09:29] maybe there is a novell shrine, like they have in Japan [09:29] there is. [09:29] yes, novell had quite a long stretch [09:29] packets of viennese whirls have been found in there [09:37] ./3 [09:46] novell netware was ace :D [09:49] Viennese Whirls are a powerful incentive to the Gods of Novell [09:50] http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b04p5b36/hardtalk-mitchell-baker-executive-chairwoman-mozilla [09:52] Hard Talk [09:56] Good morning all; happy Giving Tuesday! :-D [09:58] * davmor2 give JamesTait internet cake [09:59] davmor2, I'm not falling for that one, I know the cake is a lie. ;) [10:00] * davmor2 gives JamesTait a lie [10:26] morning boys and girls. [10:29] morning brobostigon [10:34] morning MooDoo [10:34] yes === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte [11:39] any one tried to create an account on the linuxpadawan site? [11:40] the what? [11:40] http://wiki.linuxpadawan.net/AboutUs [11:42] oh dear [11:42] don't think it works properly [12:41] what happened to ubuntu-beginners and why "oh dear"? === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away [12:45] yet another wiki === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch [12:49] ali1234: on't think he's a fan of wikis [12:49] Oh I am. [12:49] but? [12:50] I have no idea what happened to ubuntu-beginners. [12:51] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam links to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-beginners/2013-August/002541.html [12:51] which is 404 [12:51] google has a cache. basically it died of natural causes [12:52] https://web.archive.org/web/20140817091812/https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-beginners/2013-August/002541.html [12:52] so the people who were active have setup a new thing to be inactive in? [12:52] hmm that's interesting. i just searched wayback machine and it only had an archive of the 404 page [12:52] seems that way yes [12:53] but it doesn't reflect on ubuntu this way [12:53] so who cares? [12:53] hence "oh dear" [12:53] seems defeatist :( [12:54] Just seems an odd thing to do. [12:55] if you read some more of the thread it's not so simple [12:55] i'm all up for people sharing and helping [12:55] the scope of the new thing is rather different [12:56] the first sentence on the about page is not necessary [12:57] this really annoys me actually [12:57] you have to contribute the way we say, or go somewhere else [12:57] and even if you go somewhere else, we'll still bitch about how you're doing it wrong. constantly. [12:59] i don't think i've heard of ubuntu beginners [12:59] was it a community thing? [13:01] it was a gateway thing [13:01] get new people to the right places [13:01] kind of triage? [13:01] kinda [13:02] ubuntu-uk is good for that...for UK types [13:02] right. linuxpadawan seems to be more about mentoring absolute beginners, which is a totally different thing [13:02] i guess other chans are less well populated [13:03] ubuntu-uk is so ridiculously off-topic all the time, it barely deserves to be in the official namespace [13:04] Partly because the team such as it is is disfunctional. [13:04] not that i think being off-topic is bad [13:05] Some other loco teams have contributors (to translations, docs, bugs etc) who don't consider themselves part of the ubuntu "community" (whatever that is) [13:05] well, you know what i think about "community" [13:05] i do [13:05] hence quoting it [13:06] * popey forages for food [13:06] off topic is nice if it is not cliquey. somehow this chan achieves that [13:08] http://www.theverge.com/2014/12/2/7318775/sinclairs-zx-spectrum-is-coming-back-as-a-retro-gaming-console [13:10] i knew someone that had a spectrum48 with a real keyboard - what was that? [13:10] Sam Coupe? [13:10] or the one Ben Heck made? [13:11] speaking of which http://www.indieretronews.com/2014/12/rock-boshers-dx-zx-spectrum-inspired.html#sthash.1MGU1sUP.uxfs [13:11] it was during the original zx days [13:11] http://tikipod.com/rockboshersdx/ direct link [13:11] so earlier than 1989 [13:11] spectrum +2? [13:11] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZX_Spectrum#mediaviewer/File:ZX_Spectrum_Plus2.jpeg [13:12] no, it was before any +2 or QL etc [13:12] it was a current ZX spectrum modded into a proper keyboard that looks abit like the sam coupe [13:12] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZX_Spectrum#mediaviewer/File:ZX_Spectrum%2B.jpg [13:12] spectrum+, 48k [13:12] nope [13:13] was not official sinclair product [13:13] dunno then [13:13] i also didn't dream it [13:16] russian spectrum clone maybe? [13:16] http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/ODIyWDEwMDA=/z/EhMAAOxyVaBS8Ay~/$_35.JPG [13:16] heh i was just on http://k1.spdns.de/Vintage/Sinclair/82/Clones/Russia/Delta-S%20(Delta-C%20%3A%20%D0%94%D0%95%D0%9B%D0%AC%D0%A2%D0%90-%D0%A1)/ [13:16] looks like there were a few clones out there [13:16] yes, lots [13:16] russians cloned all the home computers into the 16 bit era [13:16] http://kevman3d.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/tech-fixing-dktronics-keyboard-for-my.html [13:17] it had this keyboard [13:18] http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=1000123 [13:18] there was a sinclair pc with a keyboard like that but it was a full pc and not a spectum [13:32] \o/ soup [13:32] zmoylan-pi: PC 100 [13:32] iirc [13:33] no, PC200 [13:35] i think amstrad was trying to bring their pc business upmarket with sinclair name :-P [13:35] or not sully the amstrad name with a crappy pc ☻ [13:36] but if sinclair announced a pc/tablet/phone tomorrow i'd probably buy it just because he does some weird and wonderful stuff [13:41] amstrad/viglen are worst company ever [13:41] shame nobody at BBC realises that al sugar made money buying property in a rising property market === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte [13:59] amtstrad was popular for a short time in the late 1980s and early 90s, and then flopped [14:01] Their PCW8256/9512 and their PC1512 and PC1640 were insanely popular [14:01] there was a time when it was hard to walk into an electricals shop without encountering a bunch of amstrad machines [14:02] they had a laptop that ran on d batteries, the alt laptops with a 16 bit isa expansion slot. the nc100 and nc200 and first no keyboard pda. some original ideas for the time [14:02] if implemented badly [14:06] I think that new SpectrumConsole is lame [14:06] "Plays all Spectrum games"... well, the hardware may run them, but you need more keyboard for many of them [14:06] i don't think spectrum games can hold up today, no matter how big of a hipster you are [14:07] popey: yay that was for it's wordprocessing package more than anything else iirc though right [14:07] How are you supposed to press the keys required to redefine the keys when they're not on that keypad? [14:07] i installed a zx spectrum emulator a few years ago on my brother pc. his kids didn't get off the pc for about a month till my brother deleted it to get his pc back [14:07] awilkins: magic [14:07] they will probably patch all the games and then sell them to you for £1 each [14:07] from a download store [14:07] Some things like Head over Heels were impossible to play without a well-tuned keybinding as well [14:07] because everyone loves download stores right? [14:07] The press announcement says "free" [14:08] free downloads... [14:08] But maybe that means a free download store. [14:08] freemium? [14:08] naggy adverts [14:08] And not .TAP files [14:08] £100 though [14:08] That's just daft [14:08] How well does a Pi do at Spectrum emulation? [14:08] It's just a massive retro-cashin. [14:08] getting the rights to all the games will be fun. i know amstrad tried with their em@iler gizmo [14:09] DO you have to download the games, define a keybinding, and then load it onto an SDCard? [14:09] WHo knows... [14:09] they probably haven't even thought it through [14:10] or they have a keyboard addon ready to kickstart :-) [14:10] Good morning peeps :) [14:13] raspberry pi can easily emulate a spectrum [14:13] any computer made in the last 15 years can do it easily [14:13] there are a few videos of people putting pi inside a dead zx spectrum case [14:13] and if you have patience you can use original rubber keyboard [14:19] bigcalm: morning [14:20] Ug [14:20] why would you want to? I absolutely hated that keyboard [14:20] only for stress relief [14:20] the response was useless [14:23] you could use it as a coaster while browsing the web :-) [14:24] perfect keyboard for tweeting as your brain is constantly working out ways not to type long messages on it :-D [14:48] Most modern keyboards are still made from the same lousy technology [14:48] They just evolved it by making the rubber thinner and adding hard keycaps [14:49] Even a Model M is a membrane keyboard [14:49] But with a much better actuation mechanism [14:52] morning everyone [14:53] howdy knightwise [14:54] hey MooDoo [14:55] how are you today ? [14:56] knightwise: yeah good thanks, finally completed the christmas shopping [14:57] ah this is going to be easy for us this year :) we are gonna give the money to charity :) [15:05] so what was on your wishlist this year ? [15:11] a new phone. [15:13] heh [15:13] same here :D [15:13] but almost certainly a different phone [15:13] i just got an iphone [15:14] i am thinking about the geekshone revl [15:14] revolution* [15:20] Moodoo ? YOU and IPHONE ? [15:20] I got my Oneplus One last week on thursday [15:21] pretty happy with it :) [15:24] :) [15:25] knightwise: yeah i wanted a change away from android/cyanogenmod [15:25] and .. do you like it ? [15:25] love it [15:25] just works [15:25] True .. [15:25] i have that experience with my macbooks in the house [15:27] boss has just purchased a macbook pro can't fault it [15:27] I have the 15 inch pro as my main machine for the company [15:27] doing stuff on it like video's and stuff is just perfect [15:27] I'm trying to fight the urge to open the XPS 13 parcel [15:27] * brobostigon will stick with android, only viable option to go with my pebble. [15:28] Mr. Father Christmas told me that he's not going to give it to me until Christmas Eve, the traditional gift exchange day in Finland [15:28] I did tell him quite a few times that future Mrs. Father Christmas isn't impressed with this idea [15:28] Lol :) [15:30] hmmm.. i have a little bit of a chance of a lifetime here to buy a prosumer camcorder [15:30] ... little short for geek-cash .. so might look at selling off some gear first :) [15:31] cm11 runs on it, thats goood, :) [15:34] * popey wants to see an Ubuntu port on the OnePlus [15:38] popey that WOULD be cool [15:38] very curious about that [15:40] if I had one I'd certainly have a go [15:42] im looking forward to the ubuntu phone , curious how that is gonna turn out [15:44] anyone particularly familiar with kerberos/PAM [15:49] knightwise: me too! :D [16:22] Anyone know of (braces self) a Markdown parser for VBA ? [16:23] Getting sick of Word being incompatible with any sane document format [16:23] Had bright idea that if I was converting Markdown to Word, with Word, then that would be super-compatible. [16:24] Open Word, load macro, parse markdown, watch it write document, tart it up a bit, done [16:50] awilkins, in the old days you could do javascript in the windows scripting host; is that still doable for Word stuff, or are you obliged to use vba for that sort of thing now? (I ask because there are loads of JS markdown parsers) [16:51] aquarius, might be possible from outside Word [16:51] You can AFAIK manipulate Word objects from WSH [16:52] Used to do that kind of thing to make custom loaders that needed in-document macros to work [17:00] !help [17:00] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [17:00] i want to ask about android-x86 which is ubuntu based system [17:01] I recently installed andoid-x86 in my hdd with the windows 7 [17:02] I used grub to choose which OS I wanted to boot [17:02] but recently I upgraded to windows 8 and now the grub is not loading at startup [17:03] would you please help me getting grub bak to work, I already googled but didn't find anything and I don't know anything about ubuntu [17:04] ? [17:05] aquarius, Thanks for the idea, now all I have to do is find a JS markdown parser with a pluggable formatter [17:05] And rewrite that to do Word calls instead of spewing HTML [17:06] adam__, android-x86 is not an Ubuntu based system [17:07] I think it is and it uses the same commands in terminal [17:07] It's Android, compiled for x86 processors ; the only similarity they share is that they are both based on Linux [17:08] aha , then would you please help me fixing grub ? [17:09] if you don't mind ^^ [17:14] Hmm, even better : Python + pywin32 [17:45] Hello....i had a question about error codes in Ubuntu [17:46] when i put "sudo apt-get update" into the sTerminal, it gives me "Err http://ppa.launchpad.net utopic/main Sources 404 Not Found Err http://ppa.launchpad.net utopic/main amd64 Packages 404 Not Found Err http://ppa.launchpad.net utopic/main i386 Packages 404 Not Found Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net utopic/main Translation-en_US [17:46] how can i fix this? [17:51] plz help....... === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD [18:28] ok, i was just printing out the enormously long UK visa application and my printer started smoking. I installed the Samsung Unified driver only minutes before. Could getting the wrong driver cause my printer to catch fire? [18:28] Or is this the fault of the UK Home Office? [18:29] o_O http://www.geek.com/microsoft/microsoft-futuristic-cybercrime-computer-lets-you-see-and-hear-botnet-activity-1610635/ [18:30] err [19:56] diddledan: maybe it would be better to block it maybe ;) [19:56] davmor2, celestah? [19:57] or however he spelt it [19:57] just looking at the title of the link you posted :) [19:57] aah [20:52] http://nodatime.org/1.3.x/userguide/trivia.html [21:18] is there an opengl debugger packaged? [21:18] i ported some old code to VBOs and it runs really smooth now, except every fourth time i run it, it locks up the computer [21:27] Hi all. My computer boots up and logs in but about 2 minutes later it freezes. Responds to nothibg. All applications crash. This started happening about 90 minutes after am upgrade [21:27] I am running Xubuntu [21:29] ali1234, I can't help with your problem, but I'm curious what VBOs are? [21:30] vertex buffer objects [21:30] aah [21:30] and it's happening again [21:30] odd that it only occurs every fourth run [21:30] approximately* [21:30] what happens is you run it a few times and it's fine [21:31] suggests there's an interaction with either something else on the system or with hardware [21:31] then you run it and it renders 1 frame every 10 seconds [21:31] and then every window starts taking 10 seconds to redraw [21:31] then you get XID error 8 (GPU stopped processing) on dmesg [21:32] possibly a driver bug? [21:32] yes, quite likely [21:32] I have no idea how to go about debugging drivers tho [21:32] more likely i'm just doing it wrong [21:32] heh [21:33] Is there a hardware issue with Ubuntu? I mean I have a suspicion this is a hard drive issue [21:33] oh hello again Safiyyah o/ [21:33] Safiyyah: tried booting an older kernel, yet? [21:34] hmm now THAT is interesting [21:34] ello daftykins [21:34] problem seems to be related to nvidia-settings [21:34] ooh [21:35] [ 1891.223186] NVRM: Xid (0000:01:00): 8, Channel 00000003 [21:35] argh [21:37] Daftykins I don't know how to do that [21:37] It happened about 90 minutes after an upgrade [21:37] Safiyyah: hold the left hand shift key at bootup, just before the computer is about to boot from the hard disk. you'll get the GRUB menu, select 'advanced options' then pick another kernel [21:37] when was the upgrade? [21:38] I updated [21:38] yes, when? [21:38] I think I have been running Xubuntu for a month [21:38] It's been perfect.... Until now [21:38] so this has been happening for 1 month minus 90 minutes? [21:38] On Sunday night. [21:39] No it was fine until the update on Sunday [21:39] And now the machine freezes [21:39] okay, and you are running 14.10? [21:39] 14.04 methinks [21:39] Safiyyah is wise and sticks to LTS [21:39] oh yeah [21:39] well, i'm on 14.04 too [21:40] It also brought back the guest account which I had disabled all on its own [21:40] no problems until this weird opengl stuff today... but maybe it is related somehow [21:40] doubt it though, in a LTS [21:40] I thing am on 1404 I only use LTS [21:40] Running 14.10 on the laptop [21:40] Safiyyah: so go try the older kernels to see if it makes a difference [21:40] Only annoyance is that MySQL Workbench (Oracle builds) are broken [21:40] Had to recompile it from source [21:40] no, look at the logs first [21:40] before oyu start changing things up [21:41] Okay doing that now... Am on and chat on the mobile phone [21:41] always check out logs, children! [21:41] your* [21:43] and most definitely always check your logs before flushing them [21:43] logrotate? [21:43] Daftykins there was some device error messages before it flicked to the log in screen [21:44] hmm yeah there's a kernel update [21:44] I guess I will find out if it is still stuck in 5 minutes [21:44] I hope it's the Kernel and not a deal hard drive [21:44] Safiyyah: if you can boot a live session we can check the hard disk health [21:45] daftykins, don't you dare. you've killed enough hard disks already! :-p [21:45] All my live disks are really old. [21:45] Lol can't I just do the memtest on the grub menu? [21:46] diddledan: MOAR [21:46] you can run memtest sure, that has nothing to do with the disks though [21:46] hilariously i'm in memtest on my desktop right now, i thought i'd see if my old core 2 quad wanted to run at 1066MHz again... [21:46] answer: no [21:47] Okay. We'll see how long it works before it dies [21:48] So there was a kernel update ali1234? [21:48] Wilk start watching out for those. As I normally also hold off flash updates as well [21:48] yeah, sometime since october 28th [21:48] Because suddenly all flash stops working. I refuse the update for a couple of months normally [21:48] avoiding updates is pretty head-in-sand thinking [21:49] Will now start refusing the Kernel updates [21:49] especially when it's a few key presses to go back to an older one [21:49] Lol I need a working machine Daftykins lol [21:49] november 13th [21:49] sure you do, but you've yet to tell me whether you've booted an older kernel or not yet. [21:49] you know what else is just a few key presses? checking the syslog for the true error message [21:49] doing so would make a lot more sense ahead of a memtest [21:49] Daftykins I have booked in the older kernel [21:50] I am playing around on the computer [21:50] what, so it worked? [21:50] .... Remember it was logging in and freezing after 5 minutes [21:50] So am waiting for the freeze [21:50] nah i forgot that part already, if i ever read it :> [21:50] Lol [21:51] i have to go grab some laundry, back in a bit [21:51] It's still froze. It closed Firefox automatically. If I select anything from the whisker menu. That also crashes [21:51] Yep definitely frozen [21:52] press ctrl-alt-f1 [21:53] Too late. I pressed log out and got a frozen everything. Had to power off [21:54] Ali1234 I am logged in again with an older kernel [21:54] dmesg | pastebinit [21:54] Will try again once it freezes [21:54] Okay [21:56] I don't have that straight line on my keyboard [21:56] What now? [21:56] dmesg > /tmp/log [21:56] pastebinit /tmp/log [21:57] if your left slash is beside you left shift key, pipe | is shift+\ [21:57] *your [21:58] it should be on most layouts, I think [21:58] (shift+\, I mean) [21:58] Some keyboards it looks like two vertical bars [21:58] It froze [21:58] Or a single bar with a gap in the middle [21:59] We are not going to get anything like that out [21:59] press ctrl-alt-f1 [22:00] Ali1234 I didn't the control alt F1 [22:00] Abd it says log in. When I do. It says error at sector 866554 [22:00] Dev sda [22:00] sorry, dead hard drive [22:01] It's my hard drive isn't it? [22:01] Which hard drive is dead. The home partition or the root partition [22:01] hint, partition != drive [22:01] /home most likely [22:01] Safiyyah has an SSD + mechanical setup these days [22:01] No wayyyyyyy..... That's the new one [22:02] Safiyyah: what version liveCDs/DVDs/USBs do you have lying around? [22:02] I have two SSD. One for home [22:02] I think 12.04 [22:02] I didn't keep the USB because I needed it [22:03] that's perfect, wanna get that booted for us? [22:03] Okay [22:04] diddledan: moar disks for dafty, the dead disk sniffer [22:05] daftykins, you're a bad omen [22:05] Lol [22:05] I just hope it's not the home partition [22:05] :( [22:06] Daftykins it's loading. Please give it a minute [22:06] Safiyyah: will the live session be able to get online fine enough? [22:07] i don't recall whether you're wireless or wired [22:07] my new toys arrived from amazon today guys ;) [22:07] https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lkdb6947vrelenh/AAAiV3oJh91aMhkru6_FehdUa?dl=0 [22:08] ridiculous packaging for a switch [22:09] Am in! [22:09] daftykins, is it a clever switch? [22:09] (smart) [22:09] Daftykins am in [22:09] diddledan: well, standard unmanaged [22:10] Safiyyah: open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit smartmontools" then run "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" [22:10] I don't have a pipe key [22:10] hmm, > might work, dunno [22:10] Oh sorry apparently I do [22:10] \o/ [22:11] daftykins, I like in the first pic before you've taken it out that you're petting the box "my precious" [22:11] On the live disk [22:11] diddledan: i used my hand for scale! :D [22:11] my heavily scarred hand [22:13] Daftykins... It says unable to locate package pastebinit [22:13] really? wat [22:14] Safiyyah: ah well, you can just use a browser to manually share them with us [22:14] in fact you could just jump on webchat too [22:14] Lol [22:14] Where is webchat? [22:15] on teh webs :-p [22:15] chat.freenode.net? [22:15] aah, close. webchat.freenode.net [22:16] *nod* [22:16] Okay [22:16] Am in webchat as Safiyyah2 [22:17] daftykins: I am ready [22:17] so visit http://paste.ubuntu.co.uk in another tab and run "sudo parted -l" in the terminal - and paste it for us manually [22:18] ok that's not a real page [22:18] http://paste.ubuntu.com [22:18] ^ +1 [22:19] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9350366/ [22:20] well that's not a good sign, we don't even see the other disk [22:20] file -s /dev/sdb [22:20] Safiyyah2: does "sudo apt-get install smartmontools" work? [22:21] yes [22:21] try what diddledan said, then see if you get much from "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdb" [22:22] diddledan: it says no read permission [22:24] daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9350429/ [22:25] Safiyyah2: "dmesg | tail" ? [22:25] seems that disk is really unhappy [22:25] unless it's really 600PB [22:25] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9350458/ [22:26] ok my connection is having major issues tonight, not sure if i'm gonna survive this D: [22:27] Safiyyah2: i would power off and check the hard disk connections just to be sure, give them a good unplug and replug [22:27] but i think your hard disk is dead [22:28] this is my hard drive [22:28] http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00BDS5GGQ?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00 [22:28] oh the returns procedure is going to kill me [22:28] it takes agaes [22:28] ages!!! [22:28] how old is it? [22:29] err i just saw a sandisk SSD [22:29] i just bought it on the 14th of Sept diddledan [22:29] amazon says I have passed the return period [22:30] Safiyyah2: the SSD is fine, it's the mechanical hard disk that's acting up [22:30] so you're probably gonna want to back it up first, but it doesn't look like it's working well enough to backup from :( [22:30] i have my trusty fedora core disk [22:30] always pulls data out for me [22:31] not with a dead disk it won't [22:31] *sob* [22:31] I have a lot of work on there in the last month [22:31] but anyway yeah check the connections [22:31] boot from live again, and rejoin [22:31] okay. am on and chat [22:31] i need to go and hide lots of wrapping from my cat as she's being a real pain right now :P [22:32] as safiyyah [22:36] hooray, i fixed my buggy opengl code [22:36] \o/ so it was something you were doing? [22:37] yes, i made a "dirty" flag so that the VBOs would only update when the game state changed [22:37] but i forgot to set it true at startup [22:37] so i was drawing from uninitialized memory fr the first 100 frames or so [22:37] oops! [22:37] that's bound to make it stroppy [22:37] and with uninitialized count, so it was attempting to draw like 1 billion triangles every frame [22:38] and every triangle would have been random floats as well, ie huge [22:38] certainly explains why the GPU was hanging [22:38] :D === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away [22:42] Daftykins am on my fedora live disk and I have access to my hard drive [22:42] that wasn't what i said at all! :P [22:42] I need super user privileges to copy my home directly [22:42] I know but you put me in a panic [22:42] Talking about not being able to get my data [22:43] Okay. Okay. I will be obedient. I am sorry [22:43] do you have an external to backup to? [22:43] Yes [22:43] I have [22:43] i would advise starting with the bare minimum [22:44] Hmm? I was going to backup my home drive [22:44] And then whatever happens happens [22:44] oh i'm sure you were, but taking the whole lot will probably result in surprises [22:44] Okay [22:44] The urgent things only hmm [22:45] it doesn't make much sense as to why some other distro would be happily chatting to it whilst two versions of ubuntu were crying themselves silly trying to talk to that disk [22:45] I need to Skype file. Which needs super use privileges [22:45] Thus fedora disk always get my data out [22:45] Even if the drive is dead [22:45] yeah no, this is not a fact [22:45] I have used it for the last 8 years [22:45] there's something funny going on for sure, but fedora is not some magical thing [22:46] Lol [22:46] it doesn't revive storage from the brink of death solely from having a different name [22:46] Any help with the super user. Thing? [22:46] you probably need to mount the disk differently or copy as root to get stuff off there, i don't know - you're talking a different distro now ;) [22:47] i'll leave you with these 2+ more than capable chaps, as i need to get some food now [22:47] Okay [22:47] Will do as you asked [22:48] Where are the other two chaps? [22:48] like this is because the errors are on the system partition [22:48] so they get hit when it boots up ubuntu [22:49] once you hit one error on hdd, many more reads will fail [22:49] So I don't need a new HTC just a fresh install? [22:49] however, if you are just poking one or two files, because you mounted it from a live CD, then you can get stuff off [22:49] Had? [22:49] I can't get anything off [22:50] no, you need a new drive [22:50] Oh my god [22:50] ali1234: it's an SSD + HDD setup [22:50] oh. [22:50] those are bad :( [22:50] No its Two SSD [22:50] I don't have a HDD [22:50] is it 0o oh i don't remember right then [22:50] Am surprised how much you do remember Daftykins.... Very impressive [22:51] So is the plan to help me get the data off? [22:51] What time do you guys come in in the morning? [22:52] I need to go lie down.... This news is very bad news indeed [22:52] i don't function in the mornings at the moment sadly [22:52] Ali? [22:52] we are the night shift [22:52] Lol [22:52] So I better get my coffee [22:52] Lol [22:53] Okay please don't be upset if I have an emotional outburst [22:53] well, working on ones own data after bad news is never too productive [22:53] That's what is coming once am tired. I apologise in advance [22:53] Okay. Let's start again. Am listening [22:53] U need to check the connection? [22:54] I * [22:54] probably not, but it wouldn't hurt [22:54] you need to find a hard drive that is bigger than your home drive [22:54] I have an external driveu [22:54] It's 500gb [22:54] Hone drive is 256 [22:55] how much free space? [22:55] I think I have about 250 ish [22:55] well, you need more than 256 [22:55] My home drive had used up 164 [22:55] How come? [22:55] because you want to image the failing drive with dd_rescue before working on it [22:56] that means you copy the whole thing including the empty space [22:56] Oh [22:56] Well I can delete stuff from the drive [22:56] No problem [22:57] It has my last backup in October saved on [22:57] i think the problem is a bit more serious than that right now, to me it's "why does the ubuntu 12.04 live session not see the disk properly?" [22:57] have you determined which drive is actually broken yet? [22:57] Didn't you guys say it's the home drive? [22:57] Daftykins? [22:58] we don't know [22:58] we're just going on what you tell us [22:58] i missed a bunch of the log too [22:59] ali1234: a sudo parted -l came back with /dev/sda reading fine, /dev/sdb wasn't happy [22:59] let me see if i have those pastebins [22:59] ali1234: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9350366/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/9350429/ [22:59] oh and http://paste.ubuntu.com/9350458/ [23:00] oh wow, failed to even read the partition table? that's bad [23:00] you probably won't be able to do anything with it [23:00] mmhmm [23:00] Thanks Daftykins [23:00] ali1234: though Safiyyah says a fedora liveCD comes up with it fine O_O [23:00] which means me 'wtf' [23:00] it's SSD right? [23:01] Yep [23:01] they go into like, "lock down" mode on errors [23:01] maybe fedora knows how to unlock them [23:01] i don't know very much about SSDs [23:01] probably can't help you at all here [23:02] Well normally I can just copy my data over. But now it says no to everything [23:02] what method were you trying? [23:02] normally? [23:02] Yes on the fedora disk [23:02] Just drag and drop [23:02] mmm so GUI based [23:02] but it doesn't work now? [23:02] Today it says no to everything. Apparently I need super user privileges [23:03] ah, mounted r/o due to journal errors probably [23:03] can you see the files at all? [23:03] Yes [23:03] All files are there [23:04] you should be able to sudo or su to root without needing a password [23:04] you might need to copy the files in the terminal though, in that case [23:05] Yes but I need a nautilus with super user [23:05] It doesn't have that [23:05] sudo nautilus [23:05] Okay am rebooting [23:05] however, i wouldn't do that [23:05] I had already powered off [23:05] err [23:05] Lol [23:06] Tell me what to do [23:06] copy the files with the shell [23:06] it's faster [23:06] and you will see if any errors happen [23:06] Okay [23:06] So do I load grub or a live disk? [23:06] live disk [23:07] My latest disk is 12.04 [23:07] Goibg to load it [23:07] what happened to fedora? [23:08] I thought you said you don't want fedora? [23:08] Okay am on fedora at the moment. [23:09] Shall I continue on fedora? [23:09] it's not nautilus in fedora and it doesn't use sudo afaik 0o [23:09] it doesn't matter [23:10] Okay am on fedora [23:10] open a shell and check the mounts [23:10] Dmesg? [23:10] it's always worth a look [23:10] File - l [23:11] Okay am coming in via the Web as Safiyyah2 [23:13] dmesg output [23:13] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9350934/ [23:14] what is the file - l one again? [23:15] okay nothing serious in dmesg [23:17] nxt move? [23:18] what next please? [23:19] check which drives are mounted [23:20] good night boys and girls. [23:23] Safiyyah2: "mount" on its' own and pastebin, might be handy [23:24] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9350998/ [23:26] if you type "su" does it let you switch to root@ ? [23:26] yes [23:27] ok a pastebin of "fdisk -l" now [23:27] so nothing is mounted [23:28] terminal is still working on it [23:29] ooh-err [23:29] i think there is a problem with the process [23:29] did it get /dev/sda done, then stall? [23:32] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9351059/ [23:33] no it completed the process, it just took it a while [23:33] see output [23:33] sdb disappeared [23:33] but it was on dmesg, and it read the partition table once [23:33] this is weird [23:34] definitely very flakey [23:34] my external HDD is plugged in, I think it picked it up... where is the 500gb from otherwise? [23:34] i don't understand what all this /dev/dm# business is [23:34] Safiyyah2: yeah your external is /dev/sdc but /dev/sdb never got read so is playing up [23:35] so fedora is no saviour [23:35] lol [23:35] you really wanted to prove that point daftykins !!!! [23:35] sure did! [23:35] the /dev/dm's are from the live disk [23:36] okay ready to accept me losses [23:36] please can you help me save my data [23:36] i.e.: EXT4-fs (dm-0): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode [23:36] dracut: Mounted root filesystem /dev/mapper/live-rw [23:36] looks like am going to need a whole day to set up a new system again :( [23:36] Safiyyah2: that was the plan all along but it doesn't look likely because the second SSD is disappearing from the system [23:36] nah only your /home is gone :P [23:37] all the software is still there and the OS [23:37] okay [23:37] just... no user stuff like configs or data [23:37] but I will be loosing all my recent work [23:37] okay [23:37] as things stand, yep [23:38] since it loads up for 2 minutes before crashing [23:38] maybe I will boot it up and save my work on drop box [23:38] it's all I can think of [23:38] just the main files I need [23:38] your upload speed would have to be pretty good to get anywhere with that [23:38] lol [23:39] in fact i doubt it'd work, as your dropbox will be on the bad disk [23:39] this approach of going in via live sessions is the best one [23:39] I will just try my external drive? [23:39] but it's still acting wonky now [23:39] okay so I need to see about a returns tomorrow [23:39] oh you can get to your external disk just fine... just there's no /home disk to actually copy off from [23:39] as it's unreliably present [23:39] am just going to boot it up and save what I can [23:40] you guys have any better ideas? it's being so inconsistent i'm out. [23:40] (of ideas) [23:45] I saved the important stuff guys [23:45] Will reboot and get one other thing. It froze again [23:46] erk [23:46] i don't have any ideas right now. i'd have to do some serious googling research to learn about SSD failure modes [23:46] Well I got my most important data out [23:47] Trying for the not so important stuff now [23:47] So I need to contact SanDisk? [23:48] Don't Amazon have a warranty period? [23:48] probably, but you are usually better off going direct to the manufacturer for hard drive returns [23:48] all they will do is send you a new one though [23:48] if you are lucky [23:49] the two minutes thing is weird though [23:49] seems like a firmware error or something, probably no data is really lost [23:49] it's just shutting down for some reason. maybe over heating or something [23:50] Safiyyah: i'd try amazon direct, doesn't hurt [23:50] SSD manufacturers typically won't do a thing until you've secure erased the drive [23:52] Okay will call Amazon tomorrow [23:52] And get a replacement or refund [23:52] i think their returns are all account based now [23:52] so just through the site [23:53] you can make your one-SSD setup workable in the meantime too? [23:53] The one online says that I can't return it [23:53] It's past the deadline [23:53] Am wondering if there is a exception for faulty goods [23:53] i would hope so [23:54] I will just live without a computer [23:54] I don't want to mess up my current hard drive [23:54] I still want the same setup [23:55] Just need a new disk [23:56] well you'd have to setup the new one anyway [23:56] and what better way to do so, than from an already working install ;) [23:56] but yeah, up to you [23:56] Just remembered that I also installed Ardesia before this crash [23:57] !info ardesia [23:57] ardesia (source: ardesia): free digital sketchpad software. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1-1 (utopic), package size 1093 kB, installed size 1724 kB [23:57] !info ardesia trusty [23:57] Daftykins don't I just need to put the new drive in. And set it up as the home partition [23:57] ardesia (source: ardesia): free digital sketchpad software. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1-1 (trusty), package size 1093 kB, installed size 1724 kB [23:57] And the copy my files over [23:57] Safiyyah: and modify your /etc/fstab yep [23:57] I mean.... The OS us still there [23:58] yip [23:58] Yes that's why am saying I don't want to touch it [23:58] but you will see some lovely errors trying to boot with no /home for your user [23:58] My printer everything is configured [23:58] try to get one of those crucial refurbs [23:58] they were like £30 for 128GB [23:58] Will save me a lot of time not to touch it [23:58] i disagree, but fair enough your call [23:58] then you can keep your "broken" drive, which i suspect is in fact not actually broken [23:59] Daftykins what was your suggestion exactly [23:59] Let me try to see things from your side please