
bluesabreUnit193: any idea what would make quilt not see debian/patches/series ?01:36
bluesabreworks in 4.11.0, not in 4.11.101:37
bluesabremakes me think I'm crazy01:40
bluesabrecan you take a look (quilt push -a)?01:48
Unit193bluesabre: Hardly had to look, xfce4-session-4.11.0/.pc/02:08
Unit193bluesabre: Don't worry, it's voodoo to me too.02:09
bluesabreok, got the new xfce4-session packaged up, no immediately noticeable issues02:29
Unit193Any benefit?02:33
bluesabre"- Use pkexec for xfsm-shutdown (Bug 9952)" could be interesting02:34
ubottubug 9952 in udev (Ubuntu) "an error msg with udev when boot up" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/995202:34
bluesabrexfce bug 995202:34
ubottuxfce bug 9952 in General "UPower >= 0.99.0 no longer does hibernate and suspend" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=995202:34
bluesabreforestpiskie: xfce4-power-manager 1.4.2 and xfce4-session 4.11.1 uploaded to vivid.  Both should be painless :)03:16
bluesabrebrainwash: yes, it was on the Linux Action Show in its first iteration :)03:18
* Unit193 stabbity stabs bluesabre.03:23
* bluesabre bleedity bleeds03:23
Unit193bluesabre: Where'd you get this xfpm package anyway?03:23
* bluesabre packaged it himself03:24
Unit193Or, did you drop all the deps from 4.11 to 4.10?  The stabbing was for systemd-services again.03:24
bluesabreI really need to remember to remove that03:25
bluesabreremind me tomorrow and I will upload ubuntu203:25
bluesabrethat was the unstable 1.4.1 -> vivid -> 1.4.2 packaging03:26
* bluesabre included the debian changelog03:26
Unit193libupower-glib-dev (<< 0.99) => libupower-glib-dev (>= 0.99)  and all the xfce packages went from 4.11.x to 4.10.  I was just wondering if that was intentional.03:27
bluesabreyeah, upower 0.99 in vivid03:27
bluesabreand xfce deps were lowered to 4.10 in unstable03:28
Unit193Cool, cool. :)03:31
* Unit193 really isn't stalking bluesabre.03:31
bluesabredropping systemd-services now03:31
* bluesabre feels stalked03:31
bluesabreUnit193: Merry (early) Christmas!03:41
bluesabrexfce4-power-manager (1.4.2-0ubuntu2) vivid; urgency=medium03:41
bluesabre  * debian/control: Drop depends on systemd-services, virtual package03:41
Unit193bluesabre: Hah, nice! :P03:42
Unit193Bumped PPA stuffs too.03:44
bluesabreyou'll want to keep upower < 0.9903:47
bluesabrefor trusty/utopic03:47
Unit193Check -verbose.03:47
Unit193Well, has to work for trusty, utopic, and vivid.03:48
bluesabretime for bed, back tomorrow03:58
Unit193OK.  Sleep tight and danke.03:58
Noskcajbluesabre, Wild guess, you didn't look at the pending merges from xfpm/xfce4-session?06:26
NoskcajDeleting mine now06:27
bluesabreNoskcaj: didn't have a notification that you had packaged the updated xfpm/xfce4-session11:15
bluesabredid you subscribe me to the merges?11:15
bluesabrejust drop me a ping on here as you have merges ready... I usually don't go looking for them.  If there's anything that was still in the queue for me to upload, let me know - finally getting back into the groove of things11:17
Unit193Mornin' bluesabre.11:18
bluesabrebrainwash: if all goes as planned, will get menulibre-2.0.6 uploaded to trusty-proposed tonight11:18
bluesabrehey Unit19311:18
bluesabrewant me to upload inxi tonight? :)11:18
Unit193Mmm, should be able to change it for Ubuntu, sure.11:20
Unit193If ye think it's worth it.11:22
bluesabreI find inxi to be pretty cool, so yeah, :)11:23
bluesabreheading out now, yesterday's commute was crap, so getting a head start11:25
bluesabrehave a good one11:25
Unit193Good luck.11:25
brainwashbluesabre: that's good news :)15:41
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