[00:00] disconnect your second SSD which is acting up... boot a live session, make a /home on the / partition, comment out /home from the faulty SSD in your /etc/fstab then you'd have a working install to use in the meantime [00:00] And when the new drive comes? [00:01] you'd have a working install so that you could plug it in and use non live-session programs to set it up ready [00:01] Okay I will have to cross that bridge when I get to it because my brain can't understand it [00:02] Anyway I have backed up everything that I remember is urgent [00:02] So it won't h [00:03] Am trying to remember what other hidden files I need... Lol [00:03] Okay am ready [00:03] So power down. Unplug crazy drive [00:04] Right? [00:04] yip [00:04] Okay here we go..... [00:13] Okay we are booting into live disk [00:14] 12.04 one? [00:15] Interesting... I just remembered that I have a cable which connects the power supply and the SATA plus. And it's a splitting one (combined one ) not two separate ones. Could that also be the issue? [00:15] Yes Daftykins 12.04 [00:15] very highly doubt it [00:15] This whole affair has made me want to eat [00:16] But at least I can sleep knowing my files are safe [00:16] Lol the idea of losing them made me want to go lie down [00:17] you may have to make your backups more often when you get settled again ;) [00:18] Yeah [00:18] This has been rather scary [00:18] The problem is that once the computer works for Bout 6 months. You forget about the reality of loosing data and return to ones old ways [00:19] :) [00:19] Daftykins everything is up and running [00:19] Joining via the web [00:20] ok fire up a terminal and run "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt" [00:21] followed by "cat /etc/fstab" then pastebin that [00:21] oops [00:21] nope ignore that [00:21] "cat /mnt/etc/fstab" [00:21] hello [00:23] Firefox is frozen. And terminal says it can't read superblock [00:24] hmm [00:24] maybe it's not gonna be as easy as initially thought :P [00:25] you could try "sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt" but i doubt it'd make much difference to a superblock error [00:26] Firefox has crashed three times on the webchat [00:26] that's not a good sign at all [00:27] maybe running a memtest after all wouldn't hurt [00:27] perhaps it's better to do that overnight and come back to things tomorrow, as it's already crazy o'clock [00:27] Perhaps we should check the health of this hard drive as well [00:27] well, SSDs don't report things as do hard disks. so there's nothing i know of that'd say [00:28] Hmm [00:28] you can see if the kernel is crying with "dmesg | tail" again [00:29] I can't paste in Firefox. It says cannot set free 48000 to ep 0×86 [00:30] Free = freq [00:30] Spell check on phone changes text sometimes [00:31] *nod* autocorrect is a pain [00:31] i think memtest would be a good move [00:31] The pastebin is at 9351347 [00:32] Pkease type the full link then that number for my oaste [00:33] oh hmm nothing much detailed about that [00:33] Hmm [00:33] yeah, i still vote memtest :> [00:33] Are you telling me am better off with an old school HDD? [00:33] Yes well memtest takes hours [00:33] oh dear Tux, no [00:33] sure does [00:34] Can leave it running overnight [00:34] but it also saves me a lot of time once i discover machines i'm working on are wonky [00:34] yip [00:34] What time roughly will you be about? [00:34] 10 11. [00:34] ? [00:34] late evening [00:34] Oh my god, you are trying to kill me [00:35] Will be back [00:35] Thank you ever so much [00:35] anytime ^_^ [00:35] you can always try the rest of this channel in the day time [00:35] plenty of us about [00:35] So that's grub and then memtest? [00:35] i would use the one on the 12.04 liveCD [00:36] OH [00:36] How do I do that? [00:36] when it's booting and is purple, you get a little icon at the bottom of the screen - press enter and a language select menu comes up [00:36] then 'memory test' is on the menu behind [00:39] Is this checking the RAM [00:39] ? [00:41] if yoou see a mostly blue screen with white writing, and some red and green bits, and lots of crazy numbers, then yes [00:42] Okay [00:43] mmhmm [00:43] Will leave it over night [00:43] Report back tomorrow [00:43] righty-o [00:43] nn o/ [00:43] Night guys. At least I got my data [01:34] heh just had fun with a cheap powerline kit [01:34] here's my reference wired gigabit file copy from server to laptop: [01:34] https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9z3vys0i9apgvo/wiredtest.gif?dl=0 [01:34] https://www.dropbox.com/s/3140rv4kypk5dnc/powerlinetest.gif?dl=0 [01:34] "500Mbps" power line adapters with a 100Mb port are officially false advertising imo \o/ [02:36] what happens if you have more than 2 such adaptors? [02:37] I mean, say you have 4, can you get 100mbit from A-B and C-D simultaneously? [02:38] mmm not sure [02:39] depends what routes your house mains wiring runs [02:40] actually, I guess it's a pointless question unless you can also do A-C and B-D :) [02:41] that's the thing i don't quite get, i see it as being surely just point to point [02:41] but the box of the item paints a different picture [02:42] I guess that's what I was wondering. if it's simply point-to-point, then you'd expect 500meg straight through [02:42] if it's actually a network to itself, then 500meg becomes the capacity of the 'trunk' (mains) [02:43] i think it is, and likely they refer to 500Mb because of overhead [02:43] as otherwise calling that 500 but the ports being 100Mb is pretty fail design :D [02:43] http://uk.tp-link.com/resources/document/TL-PA451KIT%28UK_V2_Datasheet.pdf [02:44] here we go, check out the picture at the bottom [02:44] or i can take an image if you'd prefer not to touch PDF :> [02:44] heh [02:44] I'm on a mac, pdf is handled pretty natively :) [02:44] ^_^ [02:45] hm, see their diagram shows 6 points being used on one network (not 3 pairs) [02:46] as I understand it, powerline networking is a broadcast medium [02:46] so the 500Mb/s is the global bandwidth [02:46] regardless that each plug can only handle 100Mb/s [02:47] ah i see [02:47] its a little like WiFI in that the WiFi bandwidth is global [02:47] so you can indeed add 2 and it becomes a triangle of funkiness 0o [02:47] sorry, add 1 to my kit of 2 [02:47] so with single stream N, 150Mb/s between two stations would max the air space [02:47] 3's a bad example because you couldn't get two 100mbit streams through without saturating one first [02:47] so that other stations could not reach 150Mb/s [02:48] but with 4 you should be able to get 2 100meg streams a-b and c-d [02:48] so a 500Mb/s P/L network could handle 5 x 100Mb/s plugs talking at the same time [02:48] effectively thing of it as a time divided shared medium [02:48] it's a shame they don't have a variant with a gig-e port though. having the router behind a 100meg port is a bit sadface [02:49] rarely the router has > 100Mb/s internet connection [02:49] yeah, makes me love my cat6 even more :> [02:49] I don't mind being rare :) [02:49] likely i'll gift these to friends who don't quite have the same standards [02:50] I avoid powerline stuff because it sounds like a nightmare for my radios [02:51] at one point HAM groups did try to mount legal action over the EMI of Powerline [02:51] that's true, we had someone the other day saying it was evil [02:51] well it should't really propogate far [02:51] but I think it's a safe assumption that it'd be noticable within my own home at least [02:52] yes, but it does place interference onto the mains, which might not be filtered by a radios PSU [02:52] unless you've got a good range of caps in that [02:52] well, it's going to turn every mains cable on that circuit into radiators too [02:52] i could probably test that as just now i tested its' speed by going up into my bedroom where i have a micro component hi-fi with a squeezebox (wifi music streamer) [02:55] daftykins: btw getting 11.4MB/s on 100Mb/s port is basically maxing the line [02:55] yes, i know networking sir ;) [02:55] you can see i'm alost saturating gigabit \o/ [02:56] RAID -> SSD was the first image [03:06] kinda surprised i got 2 cables in with the box [03:07] nice of them to make a kit... an actual kit :) === zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi [04:59] hi night owls [05:05] o hai [05:09] twit twoo [05:43] hey= zmoylan-pi [05:43] hey daftykins [05:44] o hai [05:44] just about to call it [05:44] broken again :< [05:45] what's broken? [05:45] ?:( [05:46] my sleep schedule :D [05:47] a very hard thing to fix [05:48] indeed! [05:48] especially with not much going on in winter time [05:48] alright, i'm gonna head off... g'night gents \o [05:48] sleep well [05:49] ty! [05:55] gah cursor froze [05:55] stupid win8 [05:58] isn't the word stupid redundant when you say win8? :-) [05:59] :D [06:04] this itpl tennis has some funny rules [06:04] power point..reciever can chose one point per set to be worth double heh [06:08] some sort of sportsball thing? or video game thereof? :-) [06:09] real play..tennis some new league [06:09] got some biug names in it [06:19] need some new bedtime comedies;d [06:27] have you tried the bbc radio comedy cabin pressure? [06:27] nah never...whats it about? [06:28] and on iplayer? [06:33] you'd have to get it other ways these days. it stars cumberbatch of sherlock fame as a pilot in one plane airline. very very funny. 25 episode over 4 series and last episode in a few weeks [06:46] night [06:46] off to sleep:) === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte [08:19] morning all [08:45] an ubuntu tablet. with spinning rust. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-ubutab-a-1tb-ubuntu-tablet-for-media-lovers [08:49] $36000 for a one off production run at $290 per device? [08:52] there is this one as well i found this morning. - https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-ubutab-a-1tb-ubuntu-tablet-for-media-lovers [08:52] https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/imp-the-tiny-home-computer sorry this one [08:53] >_< [09:49] Good morning all; happy Make A Gift Day! :-D [09:50] use the heaviest paper possible when wrapping and see if the statistics show more postman injured this year in deliveries [09:52] Good morning JamesTait [09:58] howdy JamesTait [10:03] mjayk, MooDoo: o/ [10:42] morning boys and girls. [10:42] morning mammals [10:44] moringin zmoylan-pi [11:02] hay ho sir [11:11] popey, you asked me to ping you when https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/993837 occurs again. so ping. [11:12] Launchpad bug 993837 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Can't open Update Manager window after a while" [High,Confirmed] [11:12] aha [11:12] diddledan: do you have multiple screens? [11:12] I do, yes [11:12] using unity? [11:12] yup [11:13] if you click the update manager do you get a solid triangle to the left of it in the launcher? [11:13] or an empty one? [11:13] indeed I do [11:13] a solid one [11:13] can you alt-tab to it? [11:14] it appears in the list but selecting it doesn't bring it to the fore [11:14] ok [11:14] alt-tab to it [11:14] then ALT+space [11:15] does a menu appear? [11:15] and, if you alt-tab to it, then alt-space then (if menu appears) choose move, does the window appear? [11:16] no, it leaves hexchat in the fore (the previously active window) and alt-space opens hexchat's menu (as proven by selecting minimize from the menu and having hexchat disappear) [11:16] ok [11:16] press Super + W, do you see the update manager window? [11:17] if not, press Super + Shift + W and do you see it then? [11:17] nope [11:17] neither of those show it [11:17] 14.04 or 14.10? [11:17] 14.10 [11:18] I've seen it in successive releases though, but can't remember how far back it goes [11:18] is it a particularly slow pc? [11:18] not at all [11:20] hmmmm [11:26] diddledan: has your system got a high uptime? [11:26] i.e. has unity been updated but not restarted for a while? [11:26] 11:26:31 up 12:34, 2 users, load average: 0.60, 0.46, 0.32 [11:26] I wouldn't consider that high [11:27] but no updates have been applied since last reboot [11:31] hmm [11:32] Not sure then, sorry. [11:32] I suspect bamf [11:33] * popey asks a desktop person [11:49] doing my bit for the enemy: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=531526 [11:49] bugs.gentoo.org bug 531526 in Vulnerabilities " o_O [11:49] lubotu does gentoo buglinks? [11:52] I believe it does RH, so why not? [11:52] because they're the enema [11:52] :-p [11:53] bugs are the enemy :) [11:53] Is that the one I mentioned some days back? [11:53] I believe so [11:53] Myrtti, yes [12:15] Myrtti, popey, do you know whether the ubuntu security team aware of the openvpn vulnerability? [12:15] they're on the usual lists [12:15] no idea, I've been concentrating on my own issues [12:15] you can pop by #ubuntu-security [12:15] it wasn't announced on a usual list IIRC [12:24] diddledan: Already released. [12:25] thanks, jpds [12:25] diddledan: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2430-1/ [12:25] aah, yesterday [12:26] * jpds pats his IPsec connections instead. [12:26] ipsec ftw [12:26] I've always found it a pain to configure tho [12:27] diddledan: Not on Ubuntu, it isn't anymore. [12:35] Good morning peeps :) [12:35] intrbiz: ping [12:56] pong [12:56] !ping [12:56] pong! [12:56] !ding [12:56] dong [12:56] denny [12:56] !king [12:56] kong [12:56] !sing [12:57] bah [12:57] lubotu3, you suck [13:01] The bot in *our* IRC channel hurls an obscenity at you if you tell it it sucks.... [13:01] awilkins, now that's a bot I can do business with! === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch [13:08] bigcalm: you need help [13:08] also bigcalm marco [13:09] !marco [13:09] Hehe, yeah, that's missing === MooDoo is now known as Guest92117 === Guest92117 is now known as MooDoo [13:41] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46ivFpsmEVQ [13:41] http://www.kitguru.net/channel/jon-martindale/say-goodbye-to-clip-art/ === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g [13:45] directhex, that's awesome [13:50] and now I get this as related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKOZgQy8qrw [14:05] Daftykins, Ali1234 are you around? [14:09] Sandisk does not support Linux and their drivers in order to test the drive are only for Mac and Windows users because well apparently Linux allows user to change settings [14:10] I think this is my first and last purchase of SanDisk [14:10] Safiyyah, tell them the drive isn't recognised by the computer. it has nothing to do with linux [14:12] Am so angry! [14:12] They haven't got a clue about anything! [14:12] They are telling me to try a different SATA cable [14:13] Diddledan you know Samsung supports Linux..... It was between this drive and a Samsung one and I chose this one. £115 down the toilet! [14:15] Safiyyah: I'm intrigued, in what way does it not show up? [14:17] intrbiz, it doesn't present a block device file in /dev - or rather it does for a few moments and then it disappears [14:17] when using the drive on his booted system he gets system lockups [14:18] Diddledan I think we have to get the machine going in the meantime as Daftykins was saying last night. This returns process will take 3 to 4 weeks. I have work to do [14:18] we tried probing it with fdisk which reported it as being 600PB in size [14:19] right, that's a new one [14:19] basically it's screwed [14:19] sounds like the disk hardware is fucked [14:19] bingo [14:20] but.. [14:20] !language [14:20] The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [14:20] :-p [14:20] Diddledan let me know if you have time to help me get the /root drive Corsair going. Because the OS is there but no home drive [14:20] my mate had a Samsung EV) 840 1TB, that died after less than a week, wouldn't how on the SATA bus at all, even to the controller [14:20] took about 4 weeks to get a replacement from Samsung [14:21] Daftykins said he would be back at night, but this is a reality check that I have to get the machine going in the meantime [14:21] OMG I was going to buy either the Samsung EVO Or this SanDisk X110 [14:21] And decided on the SanDisk [14:21] Well at least Samsung supports Linux [14:22] In what way do Samsun support Linux [14:22] Nothing more irritating than speaking to customer services who don't have a clue what to do [14:22] their fix tool for the 840 EV0 doesn't run on Linux [14:22] they provide a DOS boot iso [14:22] which crashes on AMD sata controllers [14:22] Ibtrbiz they have diagnostic tools that work for Linux users [14:23] right ok [14:23] Sandisk has nothing [14:23] Yes but then dos boot iso works on any platform [14:23] how old is it? [14:24] Safiyyah237: you'd think, but not so [14:24] lots of issues with, it had to be a CD and not a DVD and couldn't be USB, etc etc [14:27] Yeah I have been unable to burn Ubuntu since the size grew to DVD size and I do prefer disks to USB.... So Cd not a bad thing. At least there is something that works [14:30] Diddledan be back in the evening again for stage two. Please. === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away [15:18] http://www.geek.com/geek-cetera/steve-wozniak-may-get-his-own-gadget-focused-reality-tv-show-1610819/ === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte [15:25] more technology speculation. sounds like one to avoid [15:25] it's woz, though! [15:26] exactly [15:27] diddledan: so there is 2 reasons to avoid it :) [15:27] >.< [15:28] diddledan: add to that the reality bit and I really don't want to know [15:28] heh [15:29] so linux networking - the linux bonding driver.. can I use that to double my throughput from a gigabit switch into a system with a pair of 10/100 NICs? [15:31] i.e. my router is only 10/100 capable but I've got two internet connections dangled on the end which are aggregately more than the 10/100 throughput - so can I connect my lan-side via a bonded pair of 10/100's to allow the router to work at a speed more akin to the pair of internet connections combined? [15:32] the load balancing on the internet side is already sorted via openwrt's thingy that does that [15:32] (mwan3 according to the ui does the wan load balancing, so I just need the lan-side) === alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea === alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g [15:56] hey chaps [15:56] http://www.amazon.co.uk/TaoTronics-TT-BS003-Automatic-Sensing-Handheld/dp/B006LVO56W/ [15:56] that should work on linux? [15:56] just a keyboard isn't it? [16:04] popey: Hai. I had one of those about 6 years ago.. it was indeed just a keyboard. [16:04] the description mentions keyboard layouts so it's not trying to be fancy by the looks of it [16:05] ta [16:05] Operation System May NOT Compatible: [16:06] - Blackberry Curves OS system / MacOS X versions [16:14] haha === webpigeon_ is now known as webpigeon [17:21] * isleofmandan met Mr S today. Nice chap. === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away [19:34] hello :) === MooDoo is now known as Guest44253 [19:47] * DJones pokes Guest44253 with a new nickname [20:40] is there an alternative touchpad driver i can use in the kernel? [20:40] the one i have is rubbish [20:44] GlidePoint Virtual Touchpad as /devices/virtual/input/input14 [20:44] AlpsPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint as /devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input16 [21:06] hmm seem to have found a solution after 6 months of struggle [21:06] \o/ [21:09] got a "new" psmouse-alps driver [21:09] not sure what version the old one was [21:10] tum te tum [21:10] i see i missed our visitor [21:11] i hide joins/quits [21:14] nah i have highlights from backlog in my away log :> [21:14] potentially not safe for children: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skVxj-HYzew [21:15] "diddledan: not safe for children" :D [21:15] * diddledan mutters something about shoving family friendly somewhere painful :-p [21:15] daftykins, that makes me sound like a predator [21:15] got sent to coventry today [21:16] attending HPC conf [21:16] foobarry, yey? [21:16] got a red feodra from redhat :D [21:16] diddledan: sorry, chap [21:16] you're more of an... opportunist [21:16] :> [21:16] lol [21:16] got some stickers for my son [21:17] foobarry: did you ask what you're meant to do with it? is it cheap and nasty? [21:17] soon he will have ubuntu and cray stickers on his scooter [21:17] no, its a nice hat, very nice [21:17] ooh [21:17] "my other computer is a cray" [21:17] my other computer is an abacus [21:18] i think they missed a trick there [21:18] "my other computer IS cray" [21:18] eh? eh? [21:18] thas craycray! [21:19] got some special beer [21:19] 7% [21:19] will be giving it to a college [21:19] colleague [21:19] oh dear, we've turned into teenagers [21:19] LOL a college [21:19] that's perfect [21:19] lol [21:19] get some special brew, 9% iirc [21:20] horrible stuff :P [21:21] syrup [21:22] http://i.imgur.com/CFb1m1o.jpg [21:22] Skype is shameless on Windows, "make MSN my homepage" [21:22] haha, no [21:25] https://twitter.com/SciComp_STFC/status/540094602230136833 [21:25] these red hats [21:26] foobarry, I want one! [21:26] wow, that carpet [21:26] eek, that carpet [21:26] do i see black hats beneath too? [21:27] wow i never noticed the carpet [21:27] https://twitter.com/SciComp_STFC/status/539394541338755072 [21:27] better pic [21:27] this was at conventry city ground [21:28] ah no daftykins they were thsirts [21:29] ah ok === Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte [22:17] Daftykins am here.... Are you? [22:17] o/ [22:17] slightly merry though :> [22:17] so few days for the return huh? [22:17] Lol more like three weeks [22:18] D: [22:18] I can't afford not to have a PC for that long [22:18] So we will have to do what you suggested [22:19] I work from home, and I just finished work 15 minutes ago. No PC = no money coming in. [22:20] I thought it was just gonna be a week at the most. So I could use my phone for Skype etc and give excuses. But that is just too long [22:20] So do I need to load a lives session now? [22:20] why would you be without a pc? [22:20] it's only one of two hdds [22:21] Lol remember yesterday I had wanted to leave it as it. Not to mess up the setup? [22:22] Well I thought I would have been better off with the Samsung EVO but turn out not from the earlier conversation. So looks like it's just your luck with these things [22:22] Okay it's loading... Give it a minute [22:24] diddledan: need to create a /home on the SSD for / [22:25] and adjust mounts [22:26] Daftykins... I need to ascertain that when the replacement drive gets here, I will just plug it in and come back to reset the /home to the new drive again? [22:27] I am online via Web as Safiyyah2 [22:27] Ready! [22:28] : [22:28] guess i best stop playing games then! [22:28] lol [22:28] so 12.04 booted is it? [22:28] yep [22:28] am on it [22:28] on the web, terminal fired up [22:29] I don't know if it is relevant, but my OS is Xubuntu [22:29] eww never seen milk form a skin atop tea before o0 [22:29] lol daftykins.... thats what it's supposed to do. Maybe you drink your tea with lots of water [22:29] last time i think we were getting errors from "sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt" [22:30] and this time you put more milk [22:30] it is normal [22:30] shall I re-run that command? [22:30] it was all wrinkled! [22:30] yep [22:30] daftykins, its meant to wrinkle [22:31] with any luck it'll play ball today [22:31] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9358354/ [22:31] Same as last night!!! [22:32] oh my word [22:32] oh yeah did you run memtest overnight? [22:32] yes, no errors were found [22:32] it passed [22:33] well that's something at least [22:33] It looks like I will be having to do a clean install, like it or not :( [22:33] and I had everything just right :( [22:34] does seem pretty odd that both of these drives are unhappy [22:34] you know one suggestion for the software centre is that when you log in, it gives a list for the applications you have downloaded in the past [22:34] they're both dead?! [22:35] well, this one isn't under Warranty.... it's passed warranty! [22:35] lol [22:35] can do you a "sudo parted -l" and confirm sda1 is ext4? [22:36] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9358446/ [22:36] yes it is ext 4 [22:37] so the thing is now, we could mess around for an hour or two and maybe still not be the wiser... or you could just clean install atop it [22:37] tough call really [22:38] have you got another pc you can try the discs in to determine whether the fault is on the ata controller or endemic to the discs themselves? [22:38] nope. [22:38] dang [22:38] this is why pc-kleptomania serves me well [22:38] nope [22:39] what is the ata controller? [22:39] Safiyyah2: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install smartmontools" [22:39] the thing that provides the SATA ports on the motherboard [22:39] "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda" [22:39] Hey, folks i'm on utopic and i've been having unity freezing for at least 30s randomly (twice today) and a few other times this week... i just checked dmesg and this is the output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9358472/ .. does this look bad? [22:39] daftykins, that's smart :-p [22:40] diddledan: hmm? do shout if you think any of my ideas are silly [22:40] i'm a tad tipsy [22:40] daftykins, no, I mean checking smartmontools is a smart idea [22:40] smart. [22:40] [22:41] diddledan So now the issue is whether it's the board/harddrive? [22:41] diddledan: ok i did think so, just checking ;) [22:41] Safiyyah2: yeah that's diddledan's thinking. [22:41] smart tools installed [22:41] remember yesterday it refused [22:41] yeah that was with the definitely wonky disk connected though [22:42] Safiyyah2: maybe after those last two commands it wouldn't hurt to remove the funky power connector you mentioned and just use the SATA power connectors from the PSU direct [22:42] hard disk drive prices down by 40% since September (already!!) is this how it goes? [22:42] at least i think that's what you mentioned [22:42] ahayzen, I'd ubuntu-bug it [22:42] diddledan, ubuntu bug which component? and there is no crash log [22:42] daftykins this HDD has regular connectors. [22:42] *crash file [22:43] the funky one was with the new drive [22:43] Safiyyah2: just to be clear, don't call an SSD an HDD :) it confuses my poor little brain [22:43] sorry [22:43] :D [22:43] this SSD, has normal connectors. one SATA and one power [22:43] ahayzen: i spy a Nexus 4 owner, have you put Lollipop on yet? ;) i'm ignoring it for now [22:44] daftykins, ... Ubuntu Touch sorry [22:44] ah ok [22:44] you're brave. [22:44] its my daily phone :) [22:44] Safiyyah2: ah ok, i thought you said something about a Y cable of some sort [22:44] and i'm on the proposed channel thats living life on the edge lol [22:45] daftykins, yes for the SSD that is dead. [22:45] Safiyyah2: did smartctl run? [22:45] "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda" [22:45] daftykins, I installed the software [22:46] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9358541/ [22:46] :( bad news [22:47] I smell a wonky ata chip [22:47] what on earth [22:47] that's not good, Safiyyah2 only changed motherboard a bit ago [22:47] wonky cable? [22:47] well i did enquire as to a reseat yesterday [22:48] Safiyyah2: haven't got any other SATA cables lying around have you? [22:48] i have spare SATA cable [22:48] try it [22:48] also try different ports on the mobo [22:48] okay [22:48] gonna power down [22:48] am on the phone still [22:48] * diddledan gives daftykins a mobo award [22:49] diddledan: will i earn the full set before christmas :( [22:49] guess peeps can't come online to have me tell them their PSU is dead ;) [22:52] diddledan, ok so it actually looks a bit like this bug https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64431 [22:52] bugzilla.kernel.org bug 64431 in Video(DRI - Intel) "[ivy bridge] intel_crtc_wait_for_pending_flips crash" [Normal,Needinfo] [22:52] ahayzen, try filing the issue against "linux" [22:53] that does sound related, yes [22:53] diddledan, thanks i'll report a bug anyway :) [22:54] mindblowing when even intel drivers aren't stable, to me [22:54] ahayzen: is that system76 on the latest BIOS and what not? [22:54] daftykins, erm i haven't flashed the BIOS so its what it came with [22:54] have a glance at whether their support page offers any updates, can't hurt to see [22:55] i doubt they normally touch intel graphics issues but eh, costs nothing :) [22:55] daftykins, i never had trusty freeze its only recently on utopic it seems to be freezing ... and i have their drivers package installed [22:55] I've seen intel employees on the lkml suggesting that something be hacked around in the kernel source because they can't work out how the gfx is supposed to behave [22:55] haha [22:55] that's nasty [22:56] * ahayzen wonders if icedtea-7-plugin or running Firefox nightly is related [22:56] hehe [22:56] I mean, intel employees, working on intel-released code for running intel designed chips. and they can't make it work. [22:56] all i've seen with utopic is constant upgrade woes :) [22:57] Moved the cables round and now it won't boot from cd.... It's boots straight onto OS, which says there is no /home..... As expected [22:57] Just gonna check I didn't knock any cables out [22:57] surely if it works in windows drivers by intel then there must be a way of getting it to work in linux drivers by intel [22:57] unless something in the kernel is *gasp* amiss [22:58] in which case fix that rather than disabling the function in the driver which clashes [22:59] My computer is making some serious noises..... Dammit! [22:59] cable mashing against a fan? [23:00] Nope [23:01] But the actual DVD drive sounds like a tractor [23:01] Am going to restart [23:01] daftykins, diddledan, thanks for your help, i've reported a bug, removed icedtea and i'm going to not run the nightly for a bit to see if that stops the freezes [23:01] I just bought that DVD drive [23:01] np! [23:02] yeah that can't be broken as well as two SSDs [23:02] something else is at play here than the discs dying === Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away [23:02] Okay it's stopped the noise [23:02] \o/ [23:03] And the disk is loading [23:03] mm cookies [23:03] mm'fashnik [23:03] Oh I want junk food diddledan [23:03] All this stress = time to eat [23:03] not muh'fashnik like muh cookies, but mm'fashnik like mm cookies. [23:04] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZXNxFAUAaE [23:04] \o/ buffy [23:08] Is it possible for the live disk to hang? [23:08] yip [23:09] booting from optical media is so 2004 :( [23:11] We can remedy that. I have Kubuntu 14.04 on my external drive and an available USB stick. When it loads up again we can make a startup disk [23:12] We can char 1 sum it [23:12] Hello! It's has refused to boot up completely [23:13] how rude [23:13] err, must we mix ubuntu variants? XD [23:13] might as well mooch xubuntu proper ;) [23:14] Lol its agreed on the fourth attempt let's hope it doesn't hang [23:14] I will run the tests again but make the bootable USB as well [23:15] I will need help because it is on an external drive.... I can never work out the path/ directory for USB drives [23:15] On the command line [23:17] should be pretty graphical these days on plugging it in,i'd have thought [23:20] It's hang again [23:21] Okay I have pangolin and hardy [23:21] Don't know what else to di [23:23] Okay I have disks of Oneiric, natty, lucid [23:23] Which knew do you want? [23:23] And still have fedora [23:23] so what's the disk config right now? new cable on the SSD? [23:24] Yep and moved it to SATA port 4 [23:24] how many are on the board total, 6? [23:24] It says i/o error Dev sr0 sector 1287208 [23:24] I have four [23:25] do you have a Linux on a flash drive at all at the moment? [23:26] Nope [23:26] so i suppose i'd be tempted to pull the SSD entirely, boot the 12.04 CD then download a 14.04.1 image to your external hard disk [23:26] Okay [23:27] Already have 1404 on my external hard disk [23:27] Just need to get to it [23:27] but kubuntu? [23:27] Yes [23:27] Kubuntu [23:27] hmm, well booting 12.04 seems challenging enough atm [23:28] so that's step 1 regardless [23:30] Am trying one last time [23:37] Daft Punk - One More Time [23:38] Am inclined to think there is an issue with the board [23:38] No luck [23:38] Loading Oneiric [23:38] no point trying different versions imo [23:40] I can't just leave it now [23:40] I have to try another disk [23:41] Then and only then will I believe what is happening is happening [23:41] Sorry [23:41] i wonder what tipped it off its' rocker this time [23:41] Lol its got a mind of its own [23:42] oh they all do for certain [23:42] isn't it still an old LGA775 setup you're running there? the older intel socket [23:42] The last system crash I had about 2 and a half year ago was crazy like this as well [23:42] :( [23:42] No idea but it's a dial core 2 [23:43] Dual* [23:43] Its has four pins with screws on top [23:43] intel core 2 duo, yeah sounds like LGA775 then [23:43] for the heatsink, yeah pretty standard across many generations [23:43] Yeah [23:44] Daftykins if this doesn't work, as think I have to go to a friends house tomorrow and make a startup USB, I have no further solutions [23:45] Okay so it logged in and then gave me a black screen. [23:45] had you posted off the other SSD yet? [23:46] NO [23:46] i'd probably get them tested elsewhere, in a shop if need be [23:46] Something is happening.... Purple screen is up... Hopefully the menu shows [23:47] Both of them? [23:47] Which shoo does that.... PC world. [23:47] wow, wikipedia went for "in your face" donation requests! [23:48] Safiyyah: yeah, just work your charm on any staff :P [23:48] Lol [23:48] Hardly would work [23:48] though they may need to be warned not to look for NTFS as if it were Windows [23:48] daftykins, that's n0rty! [23:48] diddledan: oh dear that time again? :( [23:48] Lol [23:48] Erm. I think the board is dead [23:48] Personally [23:49] How about powering down and putting everything back in its original socket? [23:49] wouldn't hurt, yeah [23:49] Okay [23:50] definitely seen enough errors so far to see the kernel crying away trying to use most things [23:50] Safiyyah: in fact i have a slight plan O_. [23:50] i figure the install on that SSD is going to freeze up still, but it might be worth trying [23:56] I have given up Daftykins [23:57] I think now it's a case of get the USB done...... Test the hard disk. Prepare to buy a new board and possibly HDD [23:57] Okay we are up and running [23:58] So moving the main drive to SATA 4 is what caused the problem [23:58] bit weird [23:59] Okay got my external drive and USB stick plugged in [23:59] what's booted?