[00:00] * daftykins bows [00:00] how can i move files off my phone that has WP7 ? [00:02] can gtk+ do this work well? insert a html into a gtk+ layer? [00:02] like this in osx: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/e996460609ccffc22690bee5da8ea7bc64fbc480/68747470733a2f2f7261772e6769746875622e636f6d2f4f70656e4669626572732f57595959592d4f53582d6d6164652d696e2d4368696e612f6d61737465722f73637265656e73686f74312e706e67 [00:03] Finetundra_: underline the word ubuntu in your question :) [00:04] hi all - I'm trying to mount an image to a folder with Furious ISO mount - I select the img, a new folder appears in my home folder - but it's entirely empty (the img is not empty....I can restore it fine with dd to my device) [00:05] how can i move files off my phone that has WP7 on ubuntu? [00:05] Finetundra_: does windows phone provide a usb mount thing? how would you do that on windows? [00:06] I didn't realize Windows phones still existed....last I saw they were at something like 6% of the market [00:06] k1l, plug it in. then windows would install drivers. [00:07] Finetundra_: does it provide a mtp mode? [00:08] jmadero, this is an older. however i believe you have the option of getting the recent HTC One M8 w/ WP8. something [00:08] k1l, i believe so [00:08] Finetundra_: if you have MTP you should be fine, but from what I see the 7.x line does not have mtp [00:08] http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/winphone/forum/wp7-sync/usb-mtp-mode-on-windows-phone-78/db87e8a4-90e8-499f-ae60-e5960f62b474 [00:08] Finetundra_: ubuntu works with mtp. make sure the phone provides that [00:08] jmadero: Have you tried mounting the iso from the command line to see if that works? [00:09] Well, upgrading ubuntu didn't make any difference in the skype package. Still seem stuck with an older version, and it tells me "no upgrades are available" when i click check for upgrades in the program. [00:09] or a usb mount option like the old androids [00:09] jsheldon: that just means the repository isn't updated, just install the .deb from skype website [00:09] k1l, it is mounted, however when i try to access the files i get an error [00:09] jmadero: I've never used the program you're talking about but it's possible it could be doing something weird that's messing up the mount. Permissions come to mind - it may have permission to make the directory but not permission to mount [00:09] which is now owned by microsoft so you can laugh at the irony every time you use it ;) [00:09] Something they did on the server side of skype in the past week seems to have broken multi-user chats. [00:09] Finetundra_: ........ [00:09] what error? [00:10] Striking7: gah I'm an idiot, permissions made it click haha I'm going to try to chmod it first :) [00:10] you had been here often enough to know that the more info you give the better support there is [00:10] Which happens to be one of the main things i have to use for work [00:10] k1l, "Sorry, could not display all the contents of "Storage": libmtp error: could not get object handles." [00:10] Is there any way to suggest that a package in the ubuntu repositories be upgraded? [00:10] Hey folks, what is the channel for app devs? [00:10] k1l, which equates to no files shown === Metacity is now known as ChewToyOfFailvil [00:12] Finetundra_: some windows phones need to disable the touchscreen pattern lock [00:12] k1l, i have unlocked it === ChewToyOfFailvil is now known as Metacity [00:13] what ubuntu is it exactly? what phone? [00:13] jmadero; [00:13] k1l, 14.04. HTC [00:14] k1l, Titan II w/ WP7.8 [00:14] jmadero: i tried to install the .deb from the skype website and it gave an error message. [00:14] jsheldon: best to paste in pastebin or some similar service what exact errors [00:14] I remember some dependency issues that I just had to track down a few packages [00:15] Striking7: for command to mount img mount RaspMain.img /data/temp -t vfat -o loop=/dev/loop [00:15] i was using the ubuntu software center like it said to on the skype website [00:15] I get an error saying /dev/loop not found [00:15] so it wasn't anything too detailed [00:15] jsheldon: I purged skype completely and installed from debian package [00:15] hi all...What app do you recommend that would let me have multiple tabs for the terminal ? Thanks [00:15] jmadero: BEcause /dev/loop does not exist. [00:15] and installed from terminal so I saw dependency issues [00:16] jmadero: it just says "conflicts with installed package skype-bin:i386 [00:16] It is a horribly wrong command. [00:16] bekks: found on manpages.ubuntu....might correcting it for me? [00:16] jsheldon: purge skype first [00:16] oh [00:16] i wanted to find a way to upgrade it though [00:16] jsheldon: then install from terminal sudo apt-get dpkg -i *skype* [00:16] not erase everything i already had [00:16] jsheldon: it won't erase anything [00:17] your configurations are separate from the software [00:17] jmadero: mount -o loop disk1.iso /mnt/disk [00:17] jmadero: I never really bother with the /dev/loop part. I usually just say mount -o loop blah.iso mount_point [00:17] jmadero: as root [00:17] i was surprised there was no PPA for this [00:17] I hate using .DEB files, they never quite work right [00:17] thanks! [00:18] !skype | jsheldon [00:18] jsheldon: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga === pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt [00:18] jsheldon: why would you be surprised? Microsoft owns it [00:18] jsheldon: they have no interest in making a ppa [00:18] yeah [00:18] I'm shocked it even exists on linux still [00:18] jmadero: sure thing. I know there's a plugin for nautilus that should mount isos [00:18] I suspect give it a year or so and it'll be gone [00:18] unfortunately i don't get a say as to what a 600-employee company uses [00:18] sure - just be prepared to have things out of your control [00:18] if i had my druthers we'd all be running linux and using XMPP for isntant messaging [00:18] including the day that EOL is reached on Linux [00:19] which I would bet on [00:19] well, i plan to only be at this job another year [00:19] lol fair enough [00:19] (I use skype also btw) [00:19] never found a reasonable alternative in open source world [00:19] if anything, though, isn't linux only becoming more popular? [00:19] not less so? [00:19] fanboys (including myself) would like to think so [00:19] but I doubt it [00:19] in the grand scheme of things [00:20] going from 1% to 1.05% isn't going to do much [00:20] jmadero: the popularity is not a support issue ;) [00:20] linux is taking over...hide your wife, hide your kids [00:20] and on our side we can say "that's a 5% increase!" [00:20] bekks: I disagree actually - I think support is a major thing missing [00:20] working with LibreOffice has proven that to me [00:20] my company just went from IBM AIX to Redhat Linux [00:20] but we're all free to have different opinions [00:20] !ot [00:20] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [00:21] jmadero: In here, you are in an Ubuntu support channel. Not in a statistics / pool fan channel ;) [00:21] * jsheldon giggles [00:21] *poll [00:21] this channel is strictly ubuntu support, lets return to that [00:21] ...no clue what that means, but that's fine [00:21] yea lets talk ubuntu...can you please tell me a nice terminal client for ubuntu that would let me have all terminals as tabs...my fingers are going to die from alt-tab [00:22] blackmatrix_ny: terminal, e.g. [00:22] jmadero: i think they're saying that we're getting too much into the mathematics and veering off the topic of ubuntu. [00:22] gotcha [00:24] Finetundra_: tried gmtp? [00:24] k1l, yep [00:24] Finetundra_: and again: seems like you need to remove the unlock pattern, so its disabled [00:24] Any ideas on fixing a BADSIG error whilst running apt-get update? Ive tried pretty well everything and I still get it... [00:24] jsheldon: when Microsoft was abandoning MSN for Skype I got my company of 100ish to switch over to a local XMPP server [00:25] It creeped them out that their data could be so easily at the mercy of an outside force that doesn't give a flying crap about their privacy or needs [00:25] So it was an easy sell at the time :) [00:25] bekks, I use the gnome terminal and it doesn't list all my open terminals as tabs [00:26] Tinkerlad: Pastebin the full output please, so we are able to help you instead answering a poll :) [00:26] you guys are awesome - my Pi is back to life thanks to that mount [00:26] :) [00:26] blackmatrix_ny: Which is user fail, actually, since you did not create all terms as tabsm but as separate windows. [00:26] k1l, well, that sorta worked. was hoping to get a bit more than just media. guess i should be greatful though. thanks man. [00:26] had lost all my scripts (which were all in the image file that I didn't want to have to do more than mount and then walk away) [00:27] bekks, I cant get a pastebin as I cant install openssh-server to use putty? Ill get a photo. one sec [00:27] jmadero: Lost scripts mean they had no value, since there where no backups ;) [00:27] * Striking7 high fives jmadero [00:27] lol the backup was the image [00:27] duh ;) [00:28] okay, well, the upgrade to -1 didn't make any difference [00:28] still having the same trouble [00:28] i guess it's time to report the problem to microsoft [00:28] * jsheldon_ sighs [00:28] good luck getting no where with that (no offense, but that is a doomed effort) [00:28] I ONCE reported a issue with Access to MS [00:28] jmadero: Then the source was still intact so you did not need tha backup. If not, your backup stragety is failing hard. [00:28] bekks, how do you create as tabsm ? [00:28] one single time - they basically were like "this will never be fixed" [00:28] blackmatrix_ny: Whats a "tabsm"? [00:28] hey, at least with no group chats it will be nice and quiet during the workday ;) [00:28] i will enjoy my peace and quiet :D [00:28] bekks: the backup was done last week but I had a separate issue on the pi [00:29] jmadero: I'm going to be making a small distro that's intended to set up an automated tor node soon. Would you be so kind as to give me your IM info so you can test it on your pi when I get it ready? [00:29] so I started from scratch but needed those scripts [00:29] jmadero: thanks for the help. :) [00:29] jmadero: See above :) [00:29] it was crazy, my nfs started acting up (out of nowhere, literally....) [00:29] bekks, you mentioned tabsm " Which is user fail, actually, since you did not create all terms as tabsm but as separate windows. since you did not create all terms as tabsm but as separate windows." [00:30] Striking7: you can find me in #libreoffice-qa any time ;) (probably off topic again so I'll not go down that path beyond saying that) [00:30] blackmatrix_ny: What does "tabsm" mean? [00:30] Tinkerlad: In tough cases, might try -> sudo apt-key update <-, see if that gives any additional hints . [00:30] blackmatrix_ny: From what you are writing, I am forced to think that "tabsm" are different from "tabs"? [00:31] bekks, I'm confused...So it's possible to have multiple tabs on gnome terminal ? [00:31] blackmatrix_ny: Yes. [00:31] bekks, imgur.com/tv82JwX [00:31] bekks, Can you please tell me how ? [00:33] Tinkerlad, i see failed to fetch cd-rom... disable this one first [00:34] Yeah, that was originally disabled, I reenabled it to try and get openssh-server off the cd, didnt work. But with disabled, same error [00:34] jmadero: K, thanks. [00:35] I really need someones help [00:35] blackmatrix_ny: ctrl+shift+t [00:35] Bashing-om, I tried that and it says it processed 4 keys but didnt update any [00:35] I can't get Rhythmbox to import all of music === russell is now known as Guest14725 [00:35] It only imported like...16 tracks [00:35] k1l_, Thank you [00:36] I can't seem to remember what I did in the past to fix it, to import all of my music. [00:36] blackmatrix_ny: or just see in the menu of that program [00:36] Tinkerlad, i think your keys are oke, but lists are damaged, try: sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [00:37] OerHeks, Same result [00:37] Someone? [00:38] Tinkerlad, then report a bug about that server, i guess :-( [00:39] *mirror [00:39] Tinkerlad: Not to belabor the obvious, you have done -> sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B5 <- ? [00:39] Bashing-om, I have, it didnt seem to change anything with the keys... [00:40] Someone's help please? [00:41] Guest14725: ...please state your problem [00:41] oh sorry it's up there, one moment [00:41] Guest14725: You haven't given us much info to go off of here. What only imported 16 tracks? From what? [00:41] please instead be patient ;) [00:41] indeed, what types of files [00:41] what software importing into [00:41] Rhytmbox only imported 16 tracks. [00:42] From my Music folder. [00:42] From what? An iPod? Another machine? [00:42] Aha. K [00:42] hm - I don't use rhythmbox sorry [00:42] And, I have over 1200 tracks. [00:42] clementine for me :) [00:42] OerHeks, Its the au mirror. Is there an easy way I can change it or do I have to manually edit the sources [00:42] Guest14725: It could be that your music is in a format Rhythmbox doesn't have a plugin for [00:42] Not a problem. We can just install the right codec [00:42] They're in mp3s, and some are in wma [00:43] Guest14725: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [00:43] probably get everything you need [00:43] I already have that installed [00:43] Tinkerlad: Maybe try as : gpg --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 40976EAF437D05B5 , gpg --export --armor 40976EAF437D05B5 | sudo apt-key add - ... Which adds the key to apt trusted keys. [00:43] But, I can try restarting [00:43] that won't help [00:43] Guest14725: can you see anything different about the 16 tracks that did import? [00:43] Tinkerlad, sure, softwarecenter > edit > sources, you'll find a fastest mirror/choose your own mirror there [00:43] Are they also Mp3's? Are they in a different directory? [00:44] The 16 tracks are in .wav and .ogg [00:44] Also make sure that you're looking at the right view within Rhythmbox [00:44] yup it's definitely codec then....weird ubuntu-restricted-extras should have delt with that [00:44] Aha. So it could be that you don't have the mp3 codec installed. [00:44] yup [00:44] Did you shut rhythmbox down and restart it? [00:44] You won't need to restart your computer, just that program possibly [00:45] not sure that is necessary, but it's worth a shot [00:45] Mhm, it's shut down, and I restarted it [00:45] possibly purging restricted-extras and then reinstalling also... [00:45] K. Tryinstalling libgstreamer-plugins-bad [00:46] and gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly [00:46] gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly too [00:46] I just tried that via Terminal, and it says it can't locate it, the libgstreamer [00:46] can't hurt [00:46] pop open synaptic and check in there. [00:47] sometimes a simple typo can mess it up when you're trying to install packages from the terminal [00:47] Let me give that a go, and I'll let you know [00:47] OerHeks, Im on a server :/ [00:47] how do i remove everything kubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-active installed ? [00:48] MichaelP: if you didn't make a note of what it installed, it is not so easy [00:48] Bashing-om, With that command I get "gpg: can't open `' : No such file or directory === iris is now known as Guest51929 [00:50] Well, from what it looks like in Synaptics, all of those ones are installed already... [00:51] hi [00:52] Ben64, I thought ubuntu supose to be the easy distro.... [00:52] I really want to love Ubuntu - but I always have this resize windows issue - where the borders are 0.04pixels wide and grabbing it is hard :( [00:52] I've read a few pages but I can't seem to find the right setting [00:52] I remember in my last Ubuntu 10 (before Unity) [00:52] If I really, really have to, I'll just do a fresh install to get this blasted thing to work. That's a last option though. [00:53] I found some where where I could change the width of the window borders [00:53] anyone have an idea of where that is in Unity? [00:53] I thought Window Snapping or "Hot Corners" were what I wanted... but also no joy [00:54] PS - is there an "Ubuntu_help" channel that I should be asking this question in? :) [00:54] java 8 [00:56] Tinkerlad: Maybe the process is changed since ? We can try to delete the key and re-install it . I can work up a paste of the procedure. [00:57] MichaelP, try this link see the remove kubuntu line [00:57] http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu [00:58] Striking7 : I looked, nothing seems any different, and I don't know what else I can do. If I really, really have to, I'll just do a fresh install of Ubuntu... [00:59] Guest14725: I just had an emergency and I have to jet - may have ruined a DB. See if Rhythmbox has a "refresh library" type option [01:00] Audacious is good [01:00] Sure thing, thanks anyways [01:11] ubuntu14_04LTS: http://askubuntu.com/questions/455677/how-to-edit-the-color-of-the-title-bar-and-border-width-of-a-gtk3-theme (or similar via google) haven't as of yet tried it but will at a later date because I too get frustrated with the window border widths. ;-) [01:16] What order are run level scripts ran? Cant' find any guide on why some files start with S, if they're order, etc... [01:17] jhon> hola [01:17] muchachos necesito un ayudar urgente [01:17] como es la sintanxis de [01:17] es sobre transacciones [01:17] como escribo save tran [01:17] de sybase [01:17] jhon you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted [01:19] 大家好 [01:20] is there a command to find information about an ip address? I'm hoping to grab web host provider etc? [01:21] ifconfig eth0 ? [01:21] byprdct: whois [01:22] hi neil___ was looking for something with a little more info [01:22] I use whois often [01:23] How do I enable DUN over bluetooth [01:23] I know my module supports it because Windows can do it [01:23] but how do I do it on Ubuntu [01:24] 请问,有说中文的没? [01:26] !cn | leanhorse [01:26] leanhorse: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw [01:27] !Helo [01:27] !Help [01:27] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [01:30] rcmaehl, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothDialup [01:33] Darn it...I still can't get Rhythmbox to work right... === russell is now known as Guest82738 [01:34] hi [01:35] package for cinnamon changes? anybody know about an update in cinnamon? [01:35] It won't import my mp3 files from my Music folder. I have no idea what to do, besides doing a full reinstall of Ubuntu... [01:41] . === anthony is now known as Guest96577 [01:51] how can I update the apt repolist without having to do a full apt-get update [01:52] klep: how can i climb this wall without a ladder? [01:52] i see those two questions as comparable === shroud is now known as Guest60818 [01:57] I'm having a Utopic install problem that's killing me. Asus P6T mobo, installing desktop from a USB image. [01:58] Doing an expert install, CD-ROM installation is reported as successful. [01:58] For the next step, "load the debconf preconfiguration file", it hangs. [01:58] Spy your Whatsapp contacts in http://www.checkwhatsapp.com [01:59] !spam [01:59] Please don't spam [01:59] Console reports "end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0" [01:59] And "floppy: error -5 while reading block 0" [01:59] OMG alt-tab allows me to switch between applications -- until I use windows-d to view the desktop -- then I cannot switch between the already open applications with alt-tab BUT I can create more applications and switch between them -- until I use windows-d again in which case those are lost too. What is going on here? [02:00] Looking in a console, /cdrom indeed mounted. [02:00] papachan, We would know no more than you can discover, not a real popular desktop in ubuntu, here anyway. [02:02] zenoli: that's... not a desktop image, sounds more like mini.iso [02:02] daftykins: hm. [02:02] what did you download? [02:02] zenoli: heh it's attempting to read from a floppy disk. [02:03] Image is ubuntu-14.10-desktop-amd64.iso [02:03] anyone else just get spam from ashleee22? [02:03] Got the same results with the server ISO, which is what I actually want to install. [02:03] TheNet: yeah please report in #ubuntu-ops [02:03] TheNet, Show it to the #ubuntu-ops [02:03] Both downloaded via torrent. [02:04] zenoli: ok i don't think expert install is what you're after, just "install" with server should give the text mode installer. [02:04] At the very start of the boot, the image reports "missing parameter in a configuration file: Keyword: path" and "gfxboot.c32: not a COM32R image" [02:04] daftykins: Indeed. Only doing the expert install so I could figure out exactly where the install was failing. [02:05] Setting the USB mass store device to register as a floppy drive doesn't work, can't even get the USB to boot. [02:05] i think your images or (most likely) your flash drive makings have failed [02:05] daftykins: Both of them? In exactly the same way? [02:06] I did use usb-creator-gtk instead of the usual dd. [02:06] zenoli: i highly doubt they're both doing the same funky thing, though i don't even recall an 'expert mode' on desktop ISOs [02:06] And two separate USB drives, in case something was wrong with one of them. [02:06] <3 dd [02:07] daftykins: On one of the boots, the text-mode menu came up, which listed 'expert' as something to potentially enter at the boot prompt. [02:07] ah not encountered that one [02:07] I last installed Ubuntu on this mobo about four years ago, but can't recall if I had to jump through any weird hoops to make it work. [02:08] zenoli: if you're after a server, why aren't you picking LTS? (14.04) [02:09] But, I probably installed it via an actual CD at that point. Just installed the mobo in a new case, no actual DVD drive. [02:10] Checking [02:10] how can i figure out which graphic card my computer has? [02:10] What is going on? wmctrl enables me to bring a window to the front but the application isn't shown with alt-tab? [02:10] daftykins: Headless home server, going to mostly be used for media and act as an SSH bounce server. I was hoping to avoid majorly old software versions relative to my desktop. [02:11] Hi! Can someone help me install the latest version of ffmpeg on Ubuntu 13.03? [02:11] bubbasaures which desktop recommend you? i love cinnamon becasue its light [02:11] Is there some pay-support for ubuntu that won't give me answers like "reinstall"? [02:11] angel: lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga ; will do that nicely. [02:11] zenoli: thing is you'll be stuck in upgrade land though ;) [02:12] angel: open the terminal and run "lspci" [02:12] angel: paste it to http://paste.ubuntu.com to share it with us [02:12] Bashing-om, daftykins http://pastie.org/9757221 thanks. now how do i install the drivers? [02:12] daftykins: My old server that just died was running Debian. I suppose that would be where I would go if I really wanted stable versions. [02:13] papachan, I have checked out cinnamon, seems nice, really use what you like. Here we are users like you so we don't have any release info in general that is an extra. [02:13] Upgrading the server is a heck of a lot less annoying than upgrading the desktop. [02:14] angel: there are none available for you as your hardware is too old [02:14] A friend is trying to persuade me to go back to Gentoo...deb-based upgrades are soothing by comparison. [02:14] papachan, There is a ppa for cinnamon, but we don't have support here for ppa's..3rd party in general is all. [02:14] daftykins, ohhh [02:15] zenoli: fair enough, i personally find non-LTS a mistake :) [02:16] OK. I didn't fix the problem but at least I won't lose any work. The following brings all the windows to the front so that I can close them "for w in `wmctrl -l | cut -d' ' -f1`; do wmctrl -i -a $w ; done" I still need to know how to diagnose alt-tab "losing" windows when I use super-d to access the Desktop [02:16] bubbasaures but my problem is: after upgrading to 14.04.1 i have no more ppa available for cinammon [02:16] it have removed all my cinnamon core [02:16] daftykins: You're not wrong. [02:16] angel: daftykins :: checking as from this: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/component/pci/1002%3A9616/ . that card does (did ?) have certification. [02:16] Where do I look to figure out what is going wrong with the window switcher? (this is 14.04) [02:17] Sorry... 14.04.1 LTS if it matters. [02:17] Bashing-om, thanks but what does that mean? [02:17] Bashing-om: anything Radeon 4xxx and below got switched to legacy status, so no fglrx with anything newer than 12.04.1 [02:17] papachan, Not supported here but you have this, I have not looked at what version is in this ppa or the ubuntu repos is all. https://launchpad.net/~gwendal-lebihan-dev/+archive/ubuntu/cinnamon-nightly [02:18] angel: it doesn't change anything unfortunately, your onboard graphics will be using the open source driver and that's the only choice [02:18] daftykins, ok how do i install that driver? [02:19] papachan, Yeah cinnamon is not supported from the ubuntu repos in Trusty, it's in utopic however. [02:19] angel: it already will be using it. [02:19] hi all [02:19] daftykins, i have a very poor resolution just 1024px. then it will stay that way? [02:20] angel: possibly. what version do you have installed? [02:20] papachan, I had forgotten it was not in the 14.04 release, it has appeared and disappeared at time due to stability is all. [02:20] daftykins, version of what? [02:20] bubbasaures, oh thank you so much, you give a me great information [02:20] angel: ubuntu [02:21] daftykins: Yeah // but this card " Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATIRS780L [Radeon 3000]" -- not an HDxX series -- card -> http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/category/VIDEO/ . also shows it as cerified. I do welcome a correction to my thinking. [02:21] papachan, No problem, I was trying to give you what would help. ;) [02:21] daftykins, 14.04 [02:22] Ubuntu One is no longer. How do I get Ubuntu One "off" of my computer? [02:22] cornell, You can just have it off, it has dependencies I would just leave it. [02:23] Bashing-om: yeah being non-HD makes it even worse i think. i don't have a clue what certification involves === Guest90282 is now known as TURK [02:23] angel: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" [02:23] I have it in "Places" and I get notices that it's no longer available... I should just ignore it, because of dependency problems, bubbasaures? [02:24] cornell: "cat /etc/issue" ? [02:25] daftykins: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS \n \l [02:25] daftykins: angel ::You are correct, per other sources also, that card is legacy, and no longer has proprietary driver support . End of story . [02:25] ah ok still supported [02:26] Bashing-om: ty for confirming :) i hadn't remembered the 'HD' prefix so it was definitely worth checking [02:27] cornell, I would just turn it off in startup applications. [02:27] you might have to populate that list, if so I have a command [02:28] daftykins, Bashing-om http://paste.ubuntu.com/9351854/ [02:28] daftykins: :) I just recalled the legacy status as " HD 2x/3x/4x-series chipsets. " .. Sorry to cause a bother. [02:28] loading chromium is crashing X for me, can anyone help? [02:28] bubbasaures: I don't have it in Applications / System Tools / Preferences / Startup Applications [02:29] angel: ah you have "nomodeset" in your boot parameters. did you need that to boot successfully to even install? [02:29] Bashing-om: not at all - you are most welcome :) [02:29] cornell, Type it in the dash [02:30] Sorry, bubbasaures, I don't understand "Type it in the dash" [02:30] daftykins, no idea, i just installed it, i don't remember altering any param. [02:30] bubbasaures: i don't think cornell is using unity [02:30] angel: ok follow this guide to see if 14.04 boots without nomodeset [02:31] Correct daftykins. [02:31] !nomodeset | angel try the opposite of this (removing it) [02:31] angel try the opposite of this (removing it): A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [02:31] cornell, THe unity desktop search top button left panel, or hit the windows key to bring it up. [02:31] I'm not using the Unity desktop, bubbasaures [02:31] daftykins, I think you're right but just playing along till we get there. [02:32] heh [02:32] the clue before was the "applications" menu ;) [02:32] cornell, Well maybe we need to know what you are using ehh. [02:32] must be ol' unity-2d or whatever the thing is that gives the old gnome2x desktop [02:32] gnome, I think 2. [02:32] daftykins, I saw it but one never knows here, you know with all the "expert modes". [02:33] *nod* :) [02:33] cornell, You on the fallback gnome desktop? [02:35] daftykins, /etc/default/grub doesn't contain that param so i can't remove it [02:36] I don't always know which versions, or how to find them... in synaptic, I have gnome-desktop3-data [02:36] Is that, is there a, gnome 3? [02:36] cornell, There is no supported gnome 2 desktop, mate might be, not sure it's a fork. Must be the fallback, however there should be a startup applications in the app menu if this is ubuntu. [02:38] angel: i wouldn't do it by file, i would do it by one-time menu boot. so hold left shift at boot time, go to advanced options then highlight the newest kernel without "rescue" beside it, then press 'e' on it to edit and delete 'nomodeset' [02:38] bubbasaures: there is: Applications / System Tools / Preferences / Startup Applications. And it doesn't list Ubuntu One. It's got Dropbox, Psensor and Visual Assistance. [02:38] angel: if it doesn't boot successfully, likely you're out of luck and that hardware is just too old with that onboard graphics. you'd need to get a supported graphics card in there [02:39] ok let me try [02:39] cornell, Run this command and see if the list is populated. sudo sed -i 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop [02:40] bubbasaures: Recon -> apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop <- would relate the DE in use here for cornell ?? [02:40] bubbasaures: other than asking for password, no response [02:41] cornell, Did you close the app than open it again. [02:41] Which application bubbasaures? [02:41] How do I do an installed packages template dump? [02:42] cornell, startup applications [02:42] Whoa. [02:42] There's a bunch of stuff in it now. [02:42] from the command line [02:42] Including Ubuntu One :-) [02:43] cornell, Yep, in 12.04 that was hidden, what was there were the 3rd party apps you added and their startup cammand set by them. [02:44] So it seems, bubbasaures. That command changed the population of the Startup Applications. While it was open. It just wasn't on top, so I didn't notice it before. [02:44] So I just remove it? [02:44] hello all [02:44] 'lo soph [02:44] cornell, I thought it did, just wasn't sure. [02:44] i just heard SR person arrested on NPR [02:45] cornell, No untick the check box [02:45] unfortunate [02:45] Ah... so it's still there, just not launched, cool. Thanks bubbasaures [02:46] cornell, Yeah, you have it, not sure how to kill it now but it should not start on a restart. [02:46] acmehandle: maybe like: dpkg --get-selections will dump a list of all packages you have installed, so you can use dpkg --set-selections to reinstall them all later. ?? [02:46] Ah, the sed changed NoDisplay from true to false. So from now on, the Startup Applications will show all. Cool. [02:47] it's all in the .config heh [02:47] Yes, looks good. Thank you [02:47] I've been using Linux since Mandriva was called Mandrake. Unfortunately, I don't get to spend enough time in the nitty-gritty to learn, and keep, enough [02:50] acmehandle: Might want to keep a file of the packages or for use of -> dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages <- . [02:50] Thank you much, bubbasaures and daftykins [02:51] *tips hat* === Rob3rto is now known as febrian [03:02] hi guys! I think there's an installer before of ubuntu for windows.. does it still exist? [03:03] rhineheart_m: it is a cancer, i would highly recommend pretending it doesn't exist [03:03] rhineheart_m: every volunteer in this channel has seen it do evil things like break peoples systems, take their families hostage... sell their dogs, etc. === Metacity is now known as DiedN0AsAlways === DiedN0AsAlways is now known as DiedNight0AsAlwa === DiedNight0AsAlwa is now known as Metacity [03:04] daftykins, sorry I have never heard like it... [03:04] rhineheart_m: ? [03:18] Im using this sed line to replace line 16 of 1.txt - My issue is, the text i need to insert is a folder path like /this/path - but the slashes mess up the sed command, I tried escaping the /'s like /\ but it still errors out, Any ideas? Basically on like 17 of this file, is a folder path, and i need to update that path with the sed command [03:20] DrRodneyMckay, #sed [03:21] Thanks, I think i just worked it out - needs to be sed -i '' '17s|.*|/Folder/Path/|' 1.txt [03:21] Yep that did it, Sorry for the hassle and wrong channel [03:47] Is it possible to make an exact usb back up of my server drive(local in my office) that I can boot and restore from? (Kinda the basic start iso) [03:47] !clone | Malgorath [03:47] Malgorath: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate [03:48] cfhowlett: thanks [03:48] Malgorath, happy2help [03:53] msg /hello [03:54] I was wondering if any one has ised how to resize root partition on first boot after dd. I created a script that I need to test but not sure how to run it before root / is mounted. What is the best way doing it? [03:58] exit [03:59] Guma: Using LVM? Is / the last partition on the drive? Can you run "fdisk -l" for us? [03:59] rypervenche. No lvm [03:59] one sec [04:00] Guma: Also, are you trying to expand or shrink? [04:00] rypervenche /dev/mmcblk0p2 is last partition. ext3 for root on SD Card [04:01] Guma: What kind of device is this? [04:02] expand to remining free space. Trying to make small *.img so can be dd to what ever card. Then on first boot it will resize to use entire. So youser does not have to do this. [04:02] This is ARM board with uSD Card [04:03] rypervenche : imx6qsabrelite [04:03] Guma: So normally you would rewrite your partition table to have the second partition go to the end of the SD card, then reboot (if running live), then run resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2 [04:03] Guma: And to rewrite your partition table, you'll need to delete the p2 partition, then recreate it using the SAME beginning sector and then the last available sector. [04:06] That is what I am trying to do. I created a script that removes itself on after successful run. Not I need to place it on SD card and dd again from sd card to img file. So not when I dd this file back to any sd card on first boot this script will auto run and resize then remove itself so on next reboot it will not be run. [04:07] rypervenche I think there was something like runonce file [04:07] Guma: Well, it would need to run, then run a second time once the thing is booted back up. [04:07] I'm running Ubuntu on a late 2008 macbook. wifi is BCM4322. it supports 5GHz wifi afaik, but I haven't been able to successfully connect to my 5 GHz network. any idea why? [04:08] it works fine with 2.4GHz [04:08] it might be a range issue, not sure... but my newer mac connects to the 5GHz network fine in the same location. [04:09] ningu: broadcom are terrible under Linux, their driver likely only supports the 2.4GHz [04:09] ah, ok [04:09] rypervenche. Well I was thinking that I will need to do reboot between fdisk and resize2fs . I was not sure if I could do this in single shot. [04:09] daftykins: too bad. I like running Ubuntu on this. I'll survive, though. [04:09] Guma: Not unless you do it from a live session. [04:10] I have my keyboard to english, but my keyboard ir european. how can I change the settings? [04:11] rypervenche I did read that raspberry pi image file does such trick. So it is possible if others are doing it. Would you agree? [04:11] VelhoP4, system > settings > language support > apply system wide [04:12] I seemed to have messed up unity menu on start up I'm just getting the blank wallpaper no menus and ctrl alt t not opening terminal kinda stuck [04:13] All I can do is right click and get the new folder menu lol [04:13] Guma: They do things differently. They have tools that can make that happen for you. You would hae to do some searching to see if your device has such a tool. [04:19] cfhowlett, thanks! [04:19] VelhoP4, happy2help [04:22] Hi I am installing ubuntu [04:23] On an ssd, does the installer automatically align the partitions to a 4 k drive? [04:23] By 4k I mean sector size [04:25] Hi, how do I determine whether my wireless card supports 802.11n or 802.11ac? Is there a line I can run in CLI? [04:26] rodney77: sudo iwconfig [04:27] rypervenche, I see it [04:27] IEEE 802.11bgn [04:27] so that answers my question. n support, no ac [04:27] rodney77: No AC then. [04:28] thanks so much rypervenche. one more thing, slightly off topic: I like running Tomato because it's linux based, so if anyone recommends a good wireless n router that will run tomato, please let me know [04:29] rodney77: Tomato has a specific list of routers that are supported. Check their website. I personally use OpenWRT on a Buffalo router that I love. [04:29] thanks rypervenche, I have never used openwrt. I will check it out. What's the buffalo router you love? [04:30] So Flash is currently broken on 14.04. Are you guys aware of that? [04:31] rodney77: They don't make the kind I use anymore, but they have an upgraded version out. This is the one I have: http://ryp.io/4C [04:31] rodney77: Basically, the ones that have DD-WRT pre-installed on them are the ones I get. [04:32] yeah rypervenche, that's a good idea [04:32] TiZ, we are [04:32] Twitch doesn't work. Youtube just gives a black box. The plugin is reported as being installed, but it's not working. [04:32] cfhowlett: Okay, cool. Thanks. :) [04:33] I'm aware and I have no idea what to do about it [04:33] !flash | TiZ use an alternative = pepperflash [04:33] TiZ use an alternative = pepperflash: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [04:33] but am totally dealing with the same problem === max is now known as Guest33709 [04:35] cfhowlett: I don't believe pepper is an option for Firefox. [04:35] TiZ, you might be right. for some reason, my flash still functions on 14.04.1 ... [04:36] TiZ, you DID install restricted-extras? that seems to fix most of things ... [04:36] I did an update today, it included flashplugin-installer. I didn't use any flash-based sites. [04:36] It broke with an update. [04:36] TiZ, ! havent' had that experience with ubuntustudio. [04:37] If I install an older deb, will it try to install the older flash? [04:38] TiZ, ... only if the older flash is specifically dependent IIRC [04:45] cfhowlett: seems my idea didn't work. :/ === eronides is now known as mikeross === Loshki is now known as Cassandro === RoozbehShafiee_ is now known as RoozbehShafiee [05:01] Hey all, im trying to install stock ubuntu and it's giving me issues [05:01] it keeps going into try mode when I select install from my USB [05:03] MrSavage: so how are you selecting install? [05:04] keyboard or mouse? [05:04] whichever one you're doing, try the other [05:04] bbryant: keyboard. I get brought up to a login screen with a username and password [05:04] MrSavage, I would check the sum of the iso and if you can the usb [05:04] this is like an omen lol [05:04] the sum? [05:04] !md5sum | MrSavage [05:04] MrSavage: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [05:05] !help > bbryant [05:05] bbryant, please see my private message [05:06] MrSavage, Have you done a search with this release and your computer for any others with this or similar issues? Is it a uefi computer? [05:06] bubbasaures: is there a way to figure out what ubottu knows as far as commands go? !help is what I expected, but that's something else [05:07] I've always had problems of one kind or another with usb booting. Never researched it, since it always happens when my PC is down :-). Just reached for the dvd burner. [05:07] bubbasaures: how do i know if it's a uefi computer? [05:07] bbryant, I know them pretty well so I just confirm here, http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu&search=wifi&order=name%20ASC&page=0 [05:07] !ubottu | bbryant [05:07] bbryant: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone [05:07] MrSavage, How old is it and what has been on it? [05:07] thank you Ben64 and bubbasaures [05:08] bubbasaures: i got everything brand new in the summer. i see uefi and legaccy in my bios [05:08] !uefi | MrSavage you should be aware of this [05:08] MrSavage you should be aware of this: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [05:09] So if you don't need to dual boot with windows, can't MrSavage just select legacy and not worry about it? [05:10] UEFI is a windows thing? [05:10] I can set it to legacy [05:10] MrSavage, Do you have windows still and want it to boot? [05:10] no [05:10] no UEFI is a cross platform thing [05:10] i mean I have windows 7 but i'm formating into ubuntu [05:10] oh [05:11] I might need windows for some games [05:12] MrSavage, UEFI is not an area I'm really up on so others here will be better. [05:12] I think Firefox 34 might actually have broken Flash. Where could I get an old version? [05:14] hey whats up [05:15] anyone know how to install binaries on ubuntu ? [05:15] canonical: you're going to have to give more details [05:16] yes i only have the binaries files and i wanna built it into a deb pakege [05:17] you mean source? [05:18] yeah [05:18] bubbasaures: I think I had 2 errors on my ISO. And the MD5 is 119cb63b48c9a18f31f417f096553fbd [05:18] is that ok? [05:18] what do you mean 2 errors? [05:19] I did the check errors option and it came with 2 errors [05:19] canonical: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/Debian-Binary-Package-Building-HOWTO/#AEN131 [05:19] when chosing between try, install, check errors [05:19] hey i canot install the linux 14.04 lts [05:19] its give error gpu lockuo === saikrishna is now known as anhsirk [05:20] thank's men [05:20] MrSavage, You want the sum to read perfect and n o errors in the disk test. [05:20] ok [05:20] try in verbose mode [05:21] MrSavage: I thought you were talking about from md5sum [05:21] do i need persistent file size for storing changes? [05:22] I mean, file size not being persistent isn't going to ever be a good thing [05:22] Also should i stick with stock ubuntu? I don't want to use unity [05:22] but I doubt that's what you meant [05:22] MrSavage: if you don't want to use unity, you could do a few things [05:23] as a matter of personal opinion, if I was doing that, I'd use ubuntu-server [05:23] and build up from that [05:23] i'm using this ubuntu for gaming === knightshade2 is now known as knightshade [05:23] so not unity, what do you want? [05:23] what are my options? I only know of xfce and gnome [05:24] kde [05:24] a friend told me unity sucks [05:24] and some other smaller ones [05:24] why wont you try ubuntu mate remix [05:24] huh? [05:24] well, don't let friends make all your decisions for you [05:24] I'd at least try it first [05:24] MrSavage, kde,xfce,gnome,openbox,mate, & many many more [05:24] i jump of bridges all the time [05:24] i have never been a fan of Unity before really ... but in 14.10 i have to say i like it [05:24] I don't even know what are the differences [05:24] MrSavage, but try Unity first [05:25] xmetal: I've used it since it was released [05:25] never really had any complaints [05:25] before that I was a die hard gnome [05:25] does unity have support for workspaces being seperated on each monitor in a multi monitor setup? [05:25] yes [05:25] I've used that before [05:25] unity needs more memory than anothers panels [05:26] MrSavage, yes [05:26] i like most DE's really .. though i do have my favorites [05:26] canonical: how much memory? [05:27] MrSavage, with xchat and rythmbox going right now im using 649MB of RAM. [05:27] CONFIRMED: Firefox 34 broke Flash. Downgrading to 33 fixed it for me. [05:27] If it's a gaming machine, the tiny amount of memory used by the DE should be negligible. MrSavage, I assume your machine is cherried out? [05:27] ffs, my usb ubuntu keeps booting into a login screen [05:27] I WANT TO INSTALL DAMNIT [05:27] Cassandro: yes [05:27] relax and don't use even acronym form language here please [05:27] should i use ubuntu 14.04 LTS? [05:27] not sure what lts is [05:28] long term support [05:28] !lts [05:28] LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) [05:28] MrSavage, when you load a browser you get to about 1.2, 1.3gb [05:28] yes depending the arquitecture you have [05:28] canonical: architecture [05:28] in my case 64 bits the conseume of memory is high [05:29] so how an i get this install to work properly? [05:29] 32 bit gaming? It is to laugh. Install from DVD instead. [05:29] MrSavage: what version of ubuntu? [05:29] ubuntu 14.04 LTS [05:29] MrSavage: I prefer 12.04.4 for rock solid stability. [05:30] MrSavage: what was your hash again? [05:30] I checked it matched [05:30] daftykins, i heard someone say earlier systemd was getting completely implemented in 14.04lts within a few months is this accurate? [05:30] ok [05:30] not a clue [05:30] I did a check errors on disk on my USB again and it says check finished: erors found in 2 files [05:30] what is up? [05:32] maybe youmaybe you've been formatted your usb memory [05:32] and can no longer be read properly [05:33] canonical: what? [05:33] good morning to all [05:33] lotuspsychje, hello! [05:33] what [05:34] i guess i'll use the torrent instead of the download from the website [05:34] canonical: that's probably not what happened [05:34] MrSavage: if the md5sum matches then, in theory, it's the same thing [05:34] well it isn't working [05:35] you say it boots into a login prompt [05:35] for what user? [05:35] hi all. i m trying to install xubuntu 14.04.1 through usb stick on my brand new laptop HEWLETT PACKARD 14-r107nv N2840/4GB/1TB - (K5E35EA) with win 8.1 pre-installed. i would like to completely remove win8.1 (after i took a full manufacturer restore backup) and run xubuntu as the only OS on my laptop. do i have to pay any special attention or can i proeceed with the "erase the whole disk" option? whta about "efi" partition? will xubuntu 64bit cr [05:35] eate a new one during installation? and how can i have access to system bios after the installation? i read a lot of documantation but i am still confused. i am running 14.04 on 3 older machines and is the 1st time i try to install it on a newer one. any help pls? [05:35] bbryant: it asks me for the user [05:35] is this a graphical prompt [05:35] or a terminal [05:36] bbryant: graphical [05:36] akis: just disable secureboot and install xubuntu [05:36] !uefi | akis place to start, the bios is before any OS. [05:36] akis place to start, the bios is before any OS.: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [05:37] I am writing a code and I need help, to compile [05:37] !compile | canonical [05:37] canonical: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall [05:39] i now what bios is after 25 years with more than 20 machines on my hands. is the first time i have to negotiate with an uefi bios. [05:40] akis: once ubuntu is installed, you wont need to deal with it anymore [05:41] indeed, once you've dealt with it, you won't have to deal with it... again :p [05:41] sums up most challenges, no? [05:42] * lotuspsychje likes wiping a win8 uefi machine to ubuntu :p [05:43] lotuspsychje: that's good news! you mean it will hunde my laptop the way it does it on my older machines. simply a root and a home dir on a single partition (no swap activated)? and how can i access the notebook's bios? on older machines usually presses F10 OR F2 or del. i dont see any option for that now. only through win8.1. [05:44] akis: what brand is your laptop? [05:44] HEWLETT PACKARD 14-r107nv N2840/4GB/1TB - (K5E35EA) [05:45] akis: ESC or F10 should work [05:46] akis: if you really cant find it, to enter check the ##hardware guys [05:46] lotuspsychje: on that moment with win8.1 still on the system esc and f10 dont work. after ubuntu installation will work? [05:47] akis: like bubbasaures said, bios is before the Os ubuntu wont change the hotkeys [05:47] akis, You have to shut windows down not use the hybrid sleep/hibernate [05:48] Your manual should say [05:48] akis: first things first, find your way into bios/uefi [05:48] akis: then change uefi to legacy bios and disable secreboot [05:48] secureboot [05:49] lotuspsychje: yea. i read that. full shut down and then restart from usb. should i choose erase everything and proceed? all the rest will be done from ubuntu installation? [05:49] akis: if you want ubuntu on full hd, yes install will do that [05:50] lotuspsychje: and is for sure that everything of win8 will absolutely gone, isnt it? [05:50] akis: if you choose install on full hd, yes [05:51] akis: w8 + recovery partition will be wiped out [05:51] akis: whats the reason you choose xubuntu over ubuntu? [05:52] ok Im still having issues installing ubuntu [05:52] MrSavage: whats going on? [05:52] now the prompt is showing when i select install but it's turning the monitor on and off.... [05:52] lotuspsychje: when I select install from my usb install, it goes to a prompt [05:53] graphics driver issue maybe [05:53] MrSavage: how did you create your usb stick? [05:53] (my guess) [05:53] lotuspsychje: i used pendrive [05:53] MrSavage: what grafix card chip? [05:54] amd r9 200 series [05:54] MrSavage: ubuntu 14.04? [05:54] i'm not sure if it's because of some uefi bios setting [05:54] lotuspsychje: yes [05:54] MrSavage: what does prompt say? [05:55] lotuspsychje: it's just a graphical promp that asks for a username or password [05:55] thats real odd [05:55] is it a bios settings? [05:55] sounds like (?? my terminology) its loggin OUT of Live mode [05:56] yeah sounds like ubuntu prompt asking user/pass [05:56] in the command line [05:56] i have no idea what's going on :( [05:56] MrSavage: did you try livemode instead of install? [05:57] you mean the try option? [05:57] yes [05:57] i think lotus may have been onto something ... if possible try to make the usb with a different method (different program or the dd command) ... sometimes that may (** may ) help [05:57] lotuspsychje: should i select uefi or the non-uefi from my boot menu? [05:57] sometimes with certain distro's new releases certain methods work, others dont [05:58] (my experience) [05:58] MrSavage: if you want ubuntu on your machine, disable secureboot and switch to legacy bios [05:58] lotuspsychje: but then i can't have an sdd for windows? [05:58] i'm guessing [05:58] hi [05:58] MrSavage: you want dualboot? [05:59] in group "root" is it safe to put my administor user? [05:59] i guess not, huh [05:59] lotuspsychje: i'm guessing that's only needed if you partition? [05:59] lotuspsychje: i'm in try mode and i see a prompt for a username [05:59] lotuspsychje: i change the boot option to legacy one and secure boot is now disabled. now i can access bios through f10. so now after manufacturer restoration backup i can proceed with my ubuntu installation through usb stick device. isnt it? do i have to pay any other attention before that or during installation beyond the common things? [05:59] MrSavage: say first what you want, dualboot or singleboot? [06:00] i want to have an sdd for ubuntu and another sdd for windows [06:00] akis: yes, put eth cable in and install with updates enabled [06:00] MrSavage: thats gonna be a harder job then [06:00] why? [06:00] !uefi | MrSavage [06:00] MrSavage: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [06:01] MrSavage: dualboots on uefi are nightmare [06:01] so how do i make it legacy? [06:01] also what tool should i use for putting ubuntu onto my usb? [06:01] lotuspsychje: deliberate by Microsoft? [06:01] meh, uefi dualboot wasnt too difficult for me tbh [06:02] dts: well, you can support him then if it was easy [06:02] o.O [06:02] i forgot this was #ubuntu [06:02] i did it on manjaro [06:02] lol [06:03] MrSavage: i always reccomend ubuntu on full hd, make your life easy [06:03] ? [06:03] what do ou mean [06:03] MrSavage: with 2 ssd's inside your machine will be rocket [06:03] MrSavage: meaning: loose windows once and for good [06:03] i can't if wine can't handle some games [06:03] MrSavage: there is playonlinux [06:03] ? [06:04] never heard of it [06:04] !info playonlinux | MrSavage [06:04] MrSavage: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.3-1 (utopic), package size 1103 kB, installed size 4227 kB [06:04] not all games work well with wine [06:04] does all games work with playonlinux? === Guest60818 is now known as shroud [06:04] MrSavage: there's a big list, but no not all games [06:04] tbh. I'd run windows native and ubuntu in a vm [06:04] MrSavage: there is steam also [06:05] * bubbasaures feels like he's at the ubuntu mega church [06:05] lol [06:06] bubbasaures: 1600 clan members showed up [06:06] that's the problem, I have a high end gaming computer [06:06] and some games i want to play may not be runnable [06:06] MrSavage: if you really want dualboot, read that uefi trigger [06:06] k [06:06] well i don't need it now [06:07] I see lotuspsychje with a tight suit......a pink mohawk holding the ubuntu manual over his head....giving dah wurd [06:07] but do i have to format ubuntu if i want to uefi? [06:07] loool [06:08] MrSavage: what do you mean by that? [06:08] i mean when i want dual boot [06:08] when i want to switch from legacy to uefi [06:08] read the uefi lol [06:08] its not easy [06:09] On the other hand, there *are* instructions. In my day.... [06:09] cant install the ubuntu 14.04 [06:09] failed to load COM32 file gfxboot.c32 ubuntu [06:09] MrSavage: if you install it properly, you will have grub choosing windows or ubuntu [06:10] Francis: on wich part you get this error? [06:10] when i am selection boot its give error failed to load COM32 file gfxboot.c32 ubuntu [06:10] from pen drive [06:11] Francis: so you never see the purple ubuntu loading screen? [06:12] lotuspsychje no [06:13] Francis: you installed 14.04 iso or 14.04.1 iso? [06:14] lotuspsychje 14.04 LTS [06:14] Francis: try the 14.04.1 maybe [06:15] ok lotuspsychjecool tell me to get a nomodeset [06:15] !nomodeset | Francis [06:15] Francis: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [06:16] Francis: you can try options with F1 at your usb boot indeed [06:16] ok i will try [06:17] bubbasaures: another soul saved from microsux [06:18] while hitting in boot menu its give failed to load COM32 file gfxboot.c32 ubuntu and boot: [06:18] Francis: how did you create your usb? [06:18] usb is bootable [06:18] lotuspsychje, When ST. Shuttleworth see you, you'll be at the big table. [06:19] yes, but with what program? [06:19] bubbasaures: lolz [06:19] universal usb === Zer0legend is now known as Ankoran [06:19] Francis: try the 14.04.1 iso, see if you get more luck [06:21] Francis: can you get into livemode? [06:21] does anyone know how to play an avi file in chrome browser so i can cast it to my tv? [06:22] lotuspsychje no [06:22] lotuspsychje i got 14.04.1 LTS but its give me same error [06:23] drm GPU lockup [06:23] Francis: real strange.. im reading bugs on it [06:23] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cdimage/+bug/1112878 [06:23] Launchpad bug 1112878 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "failed to load com32 file gfxboot.c32" [Critical,Fix released] [06:23] actually i have Nvidea graphic card [06:24] alright i'm still having issues trying to make my bios legacy [06:24] i need help [06:24] i install same ubuntu lot of time but not giving any error this is first time i got it [06:24] my mobo is the gigabyte ga-z87x-d3h [06:25] and install brought me to another graphical user login prompt... [06:26] :SSS [06:26] MrSavage, You had bad downloads, have you made new ones? [06:27] MrSavage, Errors anyway on the on disk test [06:27] lotuspsychje i thing i got it [06:27] live nomodeset [06:27] bubbasaures: yes [06:27] its work [06:27] Francis: aha! [06:27] MrSavage, Cool, have you checked the sums? [06:28] no [06:28] but it's probably the same [06:28] * bubbasaures slaps MrSavage with a trout [06:28] lol [06:30] MrSavage: make your life easy and install ubuntu on full ssd and play games on steam [06:31] THAT'S WHAT I'M TRYING TO DO [06:31] MrSavage: you said you wanna dualboot, thats not the same [06:31] MrSavage, Just funning you, however when this sort of problem is happening you have to go through variables and make sure the media is good to go, there is no magic answer is all. [06:31] yeah well i just want ubuntu for now [06:31] i need to sleep, i'm tired [06:32] MrSavage: check the ##hardware guys if you cant find howto disable secureboot [06:32] ok [06:32] MrSavage: it should not be so hard [06:32] and now i can't even boot up windows [06:32] LEL [06:33] MrSavage: after secureboot legacy bios, set your usb to boot first [06:33] or f12 to boot ubuntu usb [06:33] i did do all that [06:33] i set everything in legacy, turn off secure boot [06:33] and then it gave me that uefi logo warning [06:34] what does it say [06:34] it's doing the same thing where it goes to a graphical prompt for a login.... [06:34] it just takes longer now [06:35] I don't think i can disable uefi on my mobo [06:35] i doubt that [06:35] never seen a machine that cant accept ubuntu yet [06:35] How do you align partitions with the sectors on an ssd [06:36] MrSavage: did you change IDE to AHCI in bios? [06:36] nooob, Not really an issue unless you really have to have it. [06:36] no [06:37] MrSavage: wich brand was your machine again? [06:37] bubbasaures: I know it's not a big deal except after trying to figure it out for over an hour I am determined to do it. [06:38] Any solution for bad battey backup [06:40] lotuspsychje: the mobo? [06:40] nooob, I found this page seems like relevant, http://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/Partition_Alignment [06:40] MrSavage: name/brand of the computer [06:40] Are there official ubuntu DVD images? (i.e. >1GB images, as opposed to CD images) [06:41] johnflux, Yes. [06:41] johnflux, most of those images are dvd as cd are pretty much not an option anymore === zz_XeBlackWater is now known as XeBlackWater [06:42] cfhowlett: hmm, the images are all ~800mb to ~1GB though. None that seem to fill DVD [06:43] johnflux, not labeled "DVD" but DVD she be [06:45] bubbasaures: does that work if you have lvm? [06:45] lotuspsychje: brand of what? [06:45] MrSavage: hp? dell? acer...what brand is your machine? [06:46] nooob, Never used lvm, however you can size it how you like. [06:46] nooob: whats your endgoal with your ssd exactly? [06:47] bubbasaures: the md5s match [06:47] lotuspsychje: it's a custom built one [06:47] well i'm not sure what to do, md5s match, tried putting everything on legacy, removed secure boot, ubuntu THEN reports uefi icon, still bringing me to graphical user login prompt [06:47] just wtf man [06:47] nooob, Not sure what you mean by the question, the link is a wiki full of info, a multiple partitioner explanation with SSD mentioned. [06:47] lotuspsychje: it's a custom built desktop! [06:48] kk [06:48] there's no brand [06:48] MrSavage: try also the nomodeset maybe [06:48] !nomodeset | MrSavage [06:48] MrSavage: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [06:49] what is this? [06:49] Hallo [06:49] !topic | nefarious_ [06:49] nefarious_: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic [06:49] Ich spreche Deutsch [06:49] lotuspsychje: how do i try that? [06:49] !de | internet_ [06:49] internet_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! [06:49] nvm [06:50] can anybody help me figure out why I keep getting this kernel panic trying to boot up the lubuntu 14.04 live cd? http://imgur.com/ipxk8eg [06:51] i installed ubuntu 14.04 and was fine until now upon startup the screen is like "opposite wide-screen" mode with black on the sides and active desktop area like squished very problematic thank you [06:52] thank you in advance and sorry english not so good [06:52] how to fix? [06:52] hi [06:53] zzzzzzzzzzzz [06:53] i hav problem installing ubuntu 14.04 [06:53] most people are asleep [06:53] shesh [06:53] before it was full screen now the entire os screen is small squished on sides [06:53] partake, ask your ubuntu question [06:54] fuck [06:54] i think i'll try the uefi method [06:54] it's probably my mobo [06:54] !guidelines | MrSavage, such language is uncalled for and prohibited [06:54] but i'll save it for tomorrow [06:54] MrSavage, such language is uncalled for and prohibited: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [06:54] hi, I installed ruby2.0 on my 12.04 server using the brightbox but currently those a keep back from upgrade as there seems a dep issue „ruby2.0 : Depends: ruby (>= 1:“ is anyone here also using brightbox? [06:55] !server | faraway, server channel might be better ... [06:55] faraway, server channel might be better ...: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server === Cassandro is now known as Loshki [06:56] can anybody help me figure out why I keep getting this kernel panic trying to boot up the lubuntu 14.04 live cd? http://imgur.com/ipxk8eg [06:57] after sucessfull installation of ubuntu 14.04 when i restart the system, it shows a pop-up of "boot device not found" what shall i do please help me. when i reinstall it there is ubuntu OS available in drive under installation type. [06:57] anyone know why my os is booting up in compressed screen mode? [06:58] dogstar, probably need to reconfigure your display settings [06:58] was utilizing full screen a few days ago [06:58] i already tried that [06:58] dogstar, do you have external displays? [06:58] negative [06:59] dogstar, you've described the "mirrored" appearance ... [06:59] what does external display means? [06:59] after sucessfull installation of ubuntu 14.04 when i restart the system, it shows a pop-up of "boot device not found" what shall i do please help me. when i reinstall it there is ubuntu OS available in drive under installation type. [06:59] please help me [06:59] anyone [06:59] !patience | mangoofy, [06:59] mangoofy,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [07:00] ok, thanz [07:00] mangoofy boot a live usb [07:00] external display means an additional monitor i think... [07:00] why the other one is internal? [07:01] presumably [07:01] Eric, i hav tried that too [07:01] boot device not found pop up [07:02] mangoofy: when you boot a live usb it says that? [07:02] yes [07:02] after restart [07:02] mangoofy: odd [07:02] what? [07:02] damn noobs cant even quit with stile [07:02] mangoofy: weird [07:02] it worked! i just turned off mirror display and it worked thank you thank you! [07:03] !guidelines | partake, stop that. [07:03] partake, stop that.: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [07:03] mangoofy: did you check the bios? [07:03] what i need to do there? [07:03] one more question. when i go to lower the screen brightness level nothing happens... [07:03] mangoofy: check what is set to boot [07:04] also check if legacy or uefi is set [07:04] i have place usb/cd in the top boot order [07:04] as well as secure boot [07:04] secure boot is enable [07:04] mangoofy: try to disable it [07:05] is legacy set or uefi? [07:05] ok, any other seeting in that [07:05] uefi [07:05] i litterally have to wear sunglasses to look at the screen, can't turn brightness down!\ [07:05] mangoofy: try to make the live usb again [07:05] anyone using Linux Lite? [07:05] partake, not supported here [07:06] ok, i m trying now with 14.10 [07:06] isnt linux lite ubunto? [07:06] !flavors | partake no [07:06] partake no: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu. [07:06] ill just lie about it [07:07] thanks i ll try that [07:07] im using lubuntu cross my haert [07:07] partake, it's not supported. use the linux lite channels. for ubuntu support, install ubuntu === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob [07:13] hi [07:14] Anyone have any experience installing Ubuntu on a Macbook Pro? [07:14] !mac | ballyhoo [07:14] ballyhoo: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages === dts is now known as dts|pokeball [07:31] hallo === Consuela_ is now known as Consuela [07:35] Hi guys! I'm new to Linux world! [07:36] !manual | ronnel also see www.fullcirclemagazine.org [07:37] http://ubuntu-manual.org/ ronnel [07:37] i have got a flash drive ( thinclient ) of 1 gig, what would be a way to get linux with desktop running on this kind of machine ? [07:37] !ltsp [07:37] LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project [07:38] could i use ubuntu minimal , and then add an desktop to that ? [07:38] yellabs-r2, yes you can [07:38] alright guys [07:38] So I have a problem with Microsoft .NET 40. I installed it with the command "bash winetricks dotnet40 corefonts". It was successful but the problem is the software I'm trying to run says that I have to install .NET 4.0.30319. Help! [07:38] why does install take me to the live cd? [07:38] I'm running this ubuntu USB as a uefi [07:38] and i currently have windows 7 [07:38] !appdb | ronnel [07:38] ronnel: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [07:39] /join #winehq ronnel [07:40] please guys i've been trying to install ubuntu for a good 3 hours now [07:40] patience MrSavage [07:41] MrSavage, I have had lots of experience working around UEFI issues - what problem are you having? [07:41] anselan: Everytime i click install, it takes me to the live CD [07:42] The game I was trying to run is a simple game (Unblock). Hmm, maybe I'll try the reading the appdb manual again. [07:42] ionstall coreboot [07:42] you mean after you complete the instlalation ? remove the cd from the tray ? [07:43] @MrSavage, this happens after an installation, or you don't actually even get to that point? [07:43] anselan: i click install from my choice of "try it", "install", "check for errors" [07:43] you need to remove the cd before booting ti the installed system [07:43] it doesn't install... [07:44] MrSavage: what is your hardware? [07:44] there's no install prompt after clicking install [07:44] lol [07:44] anselan: GIGABYTE GA-Z87X-D3H, intel it-4670k, amd r9 200 series [07:45] MrSavage: and you're sure it supports UEFI? [07:45] I see it in the bios [07:45] i can click and stuff in my "bios" [07:46] MrSavage: maybe try to disable UEFI, and use "legacy boot" (or whatever your BIOS calls it) instead. This helped me when struggling to install Ubuntu on an Intel NUC [07:46] intel NUC? [07:46] what desktop uses the smallest hard drive footprint ? [07:46] MrSavage: it's a small form-factor PC [07:46] anselan: i tried making everything legacy, but when i would run off the USB. It would show me the uefi warning logo, then do the SAME THING WHERE I GO INTO LIVE CD AFTER CLICKING INSTALL [07:46] !lubuntu | yellabs-r2, [07:46] yellabs-r2,: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support. [07:47] MrSavage: oi, that sounds weird [07:47] yes [07:47] I'M FED UP [07:47] lol [07:47] try linux lite [07:48] lubuntu? [07:48] me? [07:48] !behelpful | partake [07:48] partake: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. [07:48] partake: don't suggest that here, it is not supported [07:49] lubuntu is awesome - [07:49] i dont have UEFI BIOS [07:49] I didn't like Lubuntu very much. Way too ugly [07:49] but I admit it was lightweight [07:49] LXQT [07:50] anselan: any ideas? [07:50] for lightweight installation systems (I make interactive installations) I prefer to install full Ubuntu and then use OpenBox for the desktop environment and run only the things I need [07:50] ok thanks for the info , guess we have to go for ltsp [07:50] MrSavage: what exactly does the UEFI "warning logo" say? [07:50] 1 gig of hard drive space is not much.. :P [07:50] anselan: http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1347445119.png [07:50] anselan https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [07:51] MrSavage: I also get that screen when I install on my NUCs, but it doesn't actually cause me any trouble. After a second or two, it goes to the normal installer and then no problems from then on [07:51] anselan: mine goes into a live CD [07:52] why are people working on coreboot? [07:52] is it a fedora thing? [07:52] anselan: is try it supposed to bring you into a GUI with a username login? [07:53] MrSavage: no, usually after that it goes straight to the normal installer [07:53] .... [07:54] also i'm trying legacy again right now [07:54] MrSavage: is it possible that your Hard Drive is not being detected? [07:54] I have 4 HDDs, and 1 SDD [07:54] and the installer brought me into a gui login on my 2nd monitor instead of the primary [07:54] ASDFLAHJSDLFKHJ [07:55] well selecting the install option brought me there [07:56] hello people. I have followed instructions here http://www.maketecheasier.com/customize-the-gdm-sessions-list/ but inspite of that I am not seeing the changes in my sessions list [07:56] MrSavage: I'm not sure, but I'm wondering if maybe the installer sees no suitable HDDs to install to, so assumes you can "only" run in Live Mode [07:57] anselan: I tried disconnecting my 2nd monitor and it's a black screen on my only monitor now [07:57] when i click install [07:58] like backlight isn't coming on [07:58] well it's just a black screen [07:59] Can I talk about Ubuntu Touch here, or is that topic reserved for the ubuntu-touch channel only? [08:00] !touch | UbUntUToUchLover [08:00] UbUntUToUchLover: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch [08:01] I knew that. I was just wondering if I can talk about it here. I'm not getting much help from the ubuntu-touch channel. [08:02] anselan: i got an installation prompt, i'm going somewhere now! [08:02] MrSavage: whoo hoo!! [08:03] anselan: who do i contact about the bug? [08:03] Somebody named nhaines was helping me, but he's a little preoccupied with a book. [08:04] MrSavage: I'm afraid I can't help you there... I think these types of things are very specific to different hardware. For example, with my NUC apparently a future BIOS update is going to fix the troubles with Ubuntu installation === Raa is now known as Raaa [08:06] i have a server ubuntu 12.04 with a degrated raid issue, but i dont know how to troubleshoot it , http://pastie.org/pastes/9757657/text and here a screenshot that aparently showed when the server booted : http://prntscr.com/5coa28 , the server works now , any ideea how to see whats the problem with it ? === Raaa is now known as Daaven [08:08] bubbasaures: hey [08:09] bubbasaures: i fixed my issue [08:09] I'll try again... Can I talk about Ubuntu Touch on this channel? Forgive me if I seem to be rude, but I'm also desperate. I have a Nook HD+ that I want to boot Ubuntu Touch, but the only image I've found is from a guy named "wesnoth", and it's very buggy. Any help will be greatly appreciated. [08:09] UbUntUToUchLover, ask in the touch channel, not here. [08:10] UbUntUToUchLover, note: the list of supported devices is short. if your device is not the on the list, support, if any, will be limited [08:10] :/ clang is stillll installing [08:11] Sorry, cfhowlett. Please try to understand. I've been working on this for months, and have gotten nowhere. Sorry for the inconvenience. [08:11] UbUntUToUchLover, not to worry. perhaps westnoth (sp?) can aid you? [08:11] hello [08:12] if my ubuntu system is suspended, will it eat up battery? [08:12] How do I get in touch with wesnoth? [08:12] UbUntUToUchLover, you said you got an image him, so I presume you can contact him as you did before? [08:13] bubbasaures: you there? === Paradisee_ is now known as Paradisee === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away [08:14] UbUntUToUchLover, I might add: Nook has not made what you're attempting easy. you might be better off to take a less hacky and more sane approach: purchase a refurbished and supported device, e.g. Nexus 7? [08:16] cfhowlett. I'm sorry if I implied that I contacted wesnoth, because I don't think I did. I talked to somebody under the #wesnoth channel, but they have no idea about it. As for getting a different tablet, I really don't see a reason to. I currently am using Cyanogenmod on my Nook. [08:17] UbUntUToUchLover, noted. All I can do is wish you luck and hope you document your future success. [08:18] Yes, I agree that Barnes & Noble did not make it easy to install Ubuntu Touch; I had to install Cyanogenmod first. [08:18] Thanks anyway, cfhowlett. [08:21] how to install nvidia driver in xubuntu ? [08:22] !nvidia | ankita [08:22] ankita: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto === dts|pokeball is now known as dts [08:23] cfhowlett, yes [08:23] ankita, instructions are in the wiki - please read. [08:26] cfhowlett: its showing "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0b) [08:26] " [08:26] ankita, intel...INTEL. not nvidia. [08:26] but it should show nvidai [08:27] ankita, ehhhh, are you certain that's an nvidia card??? [08:27] cfhowlett: I bought my laptop with nvidia cars [08:27] *cards [08:27] cfhowlett: nvidia 820 geforce [08:28] ankita, and you verified that ... how? [08:28] bumblebee job [08:28] cfhowlett: in my packing it's written..and I am using nvidia 820 in windows [08:29] ankita: lspci | grep VGA [08:29] that only gives you the intel one? [08:30] EriC^^, how to get nvidia then [08:30] all video is lagging [08:31] in all players video quality is not good.screen blinks on high fps [08:32] ankita: please run `lspci | grep VGA` in a terminal and put the output you get on pastebin.com [08:33] http://pastebin.com/WEVwTeU0 [08:33] trijntje_, : "http://pastebin.com/WEVwTeU0" [08:34] ankita: is that everything you get as output? [08:34] trijntje_, : yeah === rahu__ is now known as RahulAN [08:34] in that case I dont think you have an nvdia card in that laptop [08:35] hi all. do i have to install xubuntu 14.04.1 in EFI mode on my brand new HEWLETT PACKARD 14-r107nv N2840/4GB/1TB - (K5E35EA) or can i proceed on the way we did on older pc's deleting the entire disk and the pre-installed win 8.1? [08:35] ankita: can you go to software & update -> Additional drivers to check if ubuntu can find any drivers for you? [08:36] trijntje_, : yes..it is here,My laptop has 1 sticker too of nvidia 820 === gian is now known as Guest81757 [08:36] trijntje_, : i checked that there is o any nvidia type driver showing [08:37] ankita: I dont understand what you mean, you made some typo's [08:39] trijntje_, : I tried to install nvidia..but I messed up there and did some wrong cmds [08:40] akis, pretty sure that lappy has EFI ... easy test: make a 64 bit boot USB. boot the lappy and hit the boot options. you should see efi available. [08:41] okey!! no problem guys..I will find it [08:42] ankita: its no use to isntall nvidia drivers since ubuntu thinks you dont have an nvidia card in your laptop [08:43] my video is lagging [08:43] I know that, but ubuntu thinks your pc does not have an nvidia card, so it wont use it even if you install it. First you have to figure out why lspci doesnt show it [08:44] ankita, you could also try the intel drivers. if those work ... [08:44] how can i do that ? [08:44] ankita, https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads [08:44] cfhowlett: actually the laptop has an efi. i have already the 64 bit iso on hands on a usb. should i proceed with an entire disk delete as i dont need win8.1? [08:45] akis, ah, different question. if you *know* you don't need WIN ... nuke it form orbit. [08:45] *from* [08:47] cfhowlett, it shown a error Dependency is not satisfiable:ttf-ancient-fonts [08:48] in ubuntu software center [08:48] ankita, intel rejected due a font issue? [08:49] cfhowlett: i dont need them at all. i am running linux over 10 years now. but i am used on older machines (before 2010). so can i proceed with an entire delete without any "efi" installation? [08:49] !efi | akis, [08:49] akis,: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [08:49] cfhowlett: now what should i do ? [08:50] ankita, wait 1 [08:50] ok [08:50] ankita, http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-install-microsoft-core-fonts-in-ubuntu-linux/ [08:53] cfhowlett: yea ok. i read already this documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI. but i dont understand if this is needed if someone wants to keep win8.1 alongside of ubuntu. i am little confused. i dont need win. only a clen installation of xubuntu and to be able to handle my bios (already turn it to legacy option). [08:54] akis, I'm hesitant to advise as I've not yet installed on an EFI machine ... ask in the channel. someone will advise. [08:56] cfhowlett: that's my question too as i have never installed on an EFi machine too. but as far as i read it's not a problem if the ubuntu is the only OS on the machnine. but i am not absolutely sutre for that. [08:56] akis single OS is always easier than multi-boot [08:57] sure [08:57] I found an annoying bug for ubuntu [08:57] i think unity [08:57] !bug | MrSavage [08:57] MrSavage: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [08:57] I'll do it tomorrow lol [08:57] also why does ubuntu take so long to boot up? It's even on an SSD [08:59] MrSavage: how long does of take? [08:59] well i tried restarting maybe due to a possible freeze [08:59] but it's stuck at all red dots with the logo ubuntu [09:00] after i installed amd drivers for linux [09:00] So it's shutting down? Do you see any messages+ [09:01] no i forced shut it down [09:01] it's stuck at the loading screen [09:01] with full red dots [09:02] Can you hit the arrow keys to see the messages? [09:02] nothing shows [09:04] wait let me see if this works [09:06] ever since i installed the amd drivers, there's a problem now with x11? === dts is now known as dts|pokeball [09:07] hi === uber2 is now known as uber [09:13] My root drive isn't mounting quick enough when booting and my windows partition has corrupted (not that I'm bothered about Windows). Could this be my HDD dying? [09:14] MacroMan, could indeed [09:15] hi [09:15] every body [09:15] sniper7, ask your ubuntu questions [09:15] i want to tell you somthing [09:15] guys, when i plug in an usb drive i have to access it before it gets mounted in /media/ [09:15] how do i force this on plugin? [09:15] :) [09:16] sniper7, this is ubuntu support. read the topic and stay on topic [09:16] hi [09:16] fazhou can you be silent [09:17] anyone can help me ? [09:17] yes [09:17] !help | ryt_, [09:17] ryt_,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [09:18] arp [09:18] 地址 类型 硬件地址 标志 Mask 接口 [09:18] ether 08:7a:4c:ca:69:c0 C wlan0 [09:18] ether 00:1a:a9:15:92:ac C wla [09:18] !cn | ryt_, [09:18] ryt_,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw [09:18] its url [09:18] mailer [09:18] why have two address? [09:19] nobody? [09:19] becase its japan hhhhh [09:19] iam joking [09:19] help me [09:19] !behelpful | sniper7, [09:19] sniper7,: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. [09:19] its one adress but seems to be two [09:19] !cn | dupingping [09:19] dupingping: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw [09:20] A computer is not should only have one IP address? [09:20] why isn't there a right click option in unity where i can open a terminal in the current folder i'm viewing? [09:20] How can I use public key encryption for luks? [09:20] cfhowlett: can you help me? [09:21] dupingping, I have no knowledge of public key / luks [09:21] icant sorry [09:21] cfhowlett: then can you speak in chinese as well? why you suggest me ubuntu-cn? [09:22] dupingping, I don't speak chinese. I seem to recall that you do. [09:23] cfhowlett: okay. forget it. I have a question that can get exactly answer in here. [09:24] Why does ubuntu sticks to eclipse 3.8.1 while 4.x.y is out there? [09:25] phao, takes a while for packages to make to make it into the repos [09:25] phao: it's not ubuntu's responsibility to maintain the latest stable versions of every package but that of the developer :P - i guess compile the latest version from source? [09:26] Ok. [09:27] how can i use gpg for luks? [09:27] as master key [09:31] hy [09:31] How can i install a program that has only the source? [09:33] TeodorescuStefan: haya it depends upon how you have the source, you probably need to compile it [09:33] TeodorescuStefan: do you have the .tar.gz file ? [09:34] yes [09:34] is .tar.gz [09:35] TeodorescuStefan: so first step is to extract that either through the comand line tar -zxf filename.tar.gz or through the file manager [09:36] i extracted it with file manager i think [09:36] like an winrar [09:36] i broke my unity or xserver [09:36] you'd better use tar -zvx -f filename.tar.gz [09:36] sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-core libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:amd64 libgl1-mesa-dri:amd64 isn't fixing it [09:37] why is that betteR? [09:39] that not easy to make error to the beginner [09:39] exit [09:39] exit === terrex is now known as xiterrex === ryt_ is now known as _ryt [09:40] TeodorescuStefan: doesnt matter which way you do it [09:40] TeodorescuStefan: now to work out how to compile / install we need to know what files are inside the dir === Malsasa__ is now known as Malsasa [09:43] TeodorescuStefan: if you enter the directory in terminal the pastthe output of ls to a pastebin site that might be easist [09:43] hm [09:43] i dont have the files now [09:44] i had this problem in the past but didnt solve it [09:44] i tought is a simple solution [09:44] wait [09:44] il tel you in a min [09:45] TeodorescuStefan: no worries === tcpman is now known as Guest11346 [09:48] http://askubuntu.com/questions/556125/how-can-i-use-public-key-encryption-for-luks [09:48] it's my question, who have a best answer? [09:48] cant get back to my login screen [09:50] after using the sudo lightdm stop [09:50] Francis: alt+ctrl+f1 [09:50] and login [09:50] and sudo lightdm start [09:50] :) [09:50] cant work [09:50] ? [09:50] hmm? [09:51] Alt+Ctrl+F1 key is not work? [09:52] actually i am installing the nvidia driver 340.50 [09:52] trl + alt + f2 - and ctrl + alt + f7 to exit [09:52] after i use the sudo lightdm stop [09:52] please test numlock [09:52] Francis: as dupingping say, use Alt+Ctrl+F1, you will get the login console [09:52] Francis, sudo service lightdm stop [09:52] numlock, it's running? [09:52] dupingping: not numlock its the fn key that can cause a problem [09:53] mjayk: yes it's right. [09:53] but [09:53] kernel panic test. [09:53] after rebot its give black screen [09:53] and nothing [09:53] Problem of X server [09:54] Francis: was the install of the driver, successfull ? [09:54] yes [09:54] Francis: what driver? [09:54] ok, in theory ctrl+alt+f1 must working [09:54] nvidia driver version 340.50 [09:54] Why not try using GDM? [09:54] then you can uninstall them? [09:55] nothing is display how can i uninstall [09:55] at booting time, [09:55] how [09:55] tell me [09:55] you can select second item in the boot menu. [09:55] wait [09:55] if you delete a symlink you only delete the link and if you delete a hard link you delete the file right? [09:56] yep [09:57] dupingping advanced option [09:58] i select a advaced option for ubuntu [10:02] any help plz === Ankoran is now known as MumbleBot === MumbleBot is now known as Ankoran [10:06] yes [10:06] continue boot with last item. [10:07] its done nothing [10:07] and sudo mount / -o remount,rw [10:07] i think its a problem of x server [10:07] yes [10:07] $ is shown? [10:07] I meant that shell prompt. [10:08] you can see the shell prompt? [10:08] nothing is appear [10:08] hmm? [10:08] the screen like that [10:08] - [10:08] okay. [10:08] let's go to begin. [10:09] you selected Advanced. [10:09] right? [10:09] i re install my ubuntu [10:09] oh, that's no problem too. [10:09] hello, guys [10:10] Thank for help me [10:10] weird problem here [10:10] you're welcome. [10:10] jurislav: what problem? more detail. [10:11] http://askubuntu.com/questions/556125/how-can-i-use-public-key-encryption-for-luks [10:11] please help me [10:11] Slovak keyboard layout. should input language-specific characters without SHIFT pressed, and number with shift. but it enters @#$ etc while shift pressed instead. [10:12] looks like this: http://www.terena.org/activities/multiling/ml-mua/test/img/kbd_slovak.gif [10:12] double check your keyboard settings [10:12] tripple checked that [10:13] tried remove the keyboard and add it back [10:14] from the picture above, *every* keyboard should send number w/ SHIFT pressed and the character *below* the numbers w/out SHIFT pressed, right? [10:15] mine enters characters in top left corner w/ shift pressed instead [10:15] like a mix of US and slovak keyboard [10:16] w/out shift works like slovak keyboard, and w/ SHIFT works like US kbd :( [10:16] never seen this before [10:16] hi there [10:16] someone in here ? [10:17] nope ;p [10:17] mirko_, ask your ubuntu question [10:17] i am totally new to ubuntu and linux and i need some help [10:17] !manual | mirko_ [10:17] mirko_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ [10:17] mirko_, aren't you slovak by chance? [10:17] not sure if im right here....sorry for my bad englisch, coming from germany and didnt use englisch for a long time :-) [10:17] mirko_: https://help.ubuntu.com [10:18] nvm then.. [10:18] i know the help sites [10:18] !de | mirko_ if Deutsch is easier ... [10:18] mirko_ if Deutsch is easier ...: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! [10:18] mirko_: then what is the problem ? [10:18] no, englisch is ok... [10:18] may i pose my questionß [10:18] mirko_: please do [10:18] ? [10:18] mirko, do you have a specific question? Was ist deine Frage? [10:18] so nobody knows what's wrong with my keyboard? :/ [10:19] ok...i want to learn how to create ipk files and, out of this, packages...i use a enigma2 dreambox...and i want to create my own feed...therefore i need to build an ipk file... and of course a Packages.gz [10:20] i've read a lot of stuff... and everywhere i read that the easiest way to do this is with a linux system...like ubuntu or debian...so yesterday i installed ubuntu first time :-) [10:20] ipk? [10:20] is there someone in here who has a dreambox and knows what i am talking about? [10:20] yes...ipk [10:21] what's an ipk file? [10:21] ipk is a sw package for wrt-like OS on routers.. [10:21] check ipkg on wiki [10:22] if i am not mistaken :) [10:22] Ipk is file extension for most the enigma2 plugins files and composed of compressed data of the plugin distributed in different folders for automatic installation [10:22] i checked ipkg on wiki [10:22] and i installed ipkg-dev on my ubuntu system [10:23] but there are some specific questions left...i guess i have to find someone who has a enigma2 stb [10:23] is there someone in here? === max is now known as Guest70707 [10:29] mirko_: it's not fully related to ubuntu, isn'it ? [10:30] hey if I want to test another operating system inside a virtual machine, should I install vmware or what are the options to run virtual os? [10:30] #canonical [10:31] hi there [10:31] onla, virtual box is the easiest option, while being the most efficient too.. [10:31] onla, qemu virtualbox kvm [10:31] oh ok tks [10:31] hey team [10:32] onla, virtualbox is very popular [10:34] i am using a 14.04 trusty distro but when i login it is getting bounced back i all enviroinments say [10:34] and googllng didnt work [10:35] anybody at all?? [10:35] !patience | Guest95831, [10:35] Guest95831,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [10:35] Guest95831: cdan you explain more on your issue ? [10:37] well it was good i installed java and performed a regular update and installed python and all my scripts but when i wanted to login today it is just keeping me bouncing back to the login screen [10:37] and i consulted these forums it just made it worse [10:38] Guest95831: so logon on the tty (ctrl+alt+f1) and check your logs [10:38] it is purged [10:39] ? [10:39] i ttyed it and checked both admin and guest and inaccessible [10:39] in GUI [10:39] but ttying works [10:39] so logon on your tty1 [10:40] and check the logs of your X server [10:40] wait le me boot it up [10:40] grosjean [10:41] the comeand pls [10:41] i am a noob [10:41] b [10:41] *command [10:42] can any one help ? cant connect to #pyladies [10:43] your nick must be registered [10:43] is this bug fixed ?? https://bugs.launchpad.net/plank/+bug/1053202 [10:43] Launchpad bug 1053202 in Plank "Show windows of current workspace only" [Wishlist,Fix released] [10:44] then how to do it ubottu [10:44] thankz le me try [10:46] has the bug fixed ?? https://bugs.launchpad.net/plank/+bug/1053202 [10:46] Launchpad bug 1053202 in Plank "Show windows of current workspace only" [Wishlist,Fix released] [10:46] hello! i have a question about upgrading to 14.04.1 LTS: do i have to install all of my SW and configure my start programs upafter upgrade? [10:47] g0bben, depends. what ubuntu are you on right now? [10:48] g0bben: Might be useful to know what you're upgrading from. [10:48] cfhowlett: i'm trying to find that out now :P give me a minute. :) === Guest70707 is now known as utentex === moo is now known as Guest61086 [10:48] g0bben, cat /etc/issue [10:49] g0bben, open a terminal: cat /etc/issue paste into fpaste.org then post the url here. [10:49] ok. thanks :) [10:49] grosjean? [10:50] the CL please === Heisenberg is now known as Guest82095 === Ankoran is now known as phirez [10:52] ah === phirez is now known as Zer0legend [10:52] Hi ... i am running trusty and would like to play .opus files .. what do i need to be able to do so ? [10:53] cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log [10:53] Guest95831: ^^ [10:55] Hello. Can anyone paste the ouput of "lsb_release -c -s" for ubuntu 14.04 64 bits? === Zer0legend is now known as Ankoran [10:56] why ? [10:56] maybe_carl, trust [10:56] hello [10:56] (I messed with my system too much and I need it to run ppa-purge) [10:56] the output of lsb won't have any impact on PPA purge [10:56] thats only the ubuntu LSB name [10:56] Unfortunately the lsb-release of my box has been modified somehow. [10:57] maybe_carl: what does it say ? [10:57] I am having problem with ubuntu instalation. computer doesn't respond during instalation process [10:57] it is blocked [10:57] maybe_carl: (pastebin it if it's long) [10:57] maybe_carl, paste that puppy [10:57] maybe_carl, also paste cat /etc/apt/sources.list [10:58] Okay, I will give all the story in its gory details (and the ppa-purge). Wait a sec, I'm gathering all the info [10:58] hello again! i have a question about upgrading from Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS to 14.04.1 LTS: do i have to install all of my SW and configure my startup programs after upgrading? [10:58] g0bben: not if they are upgraded [10:58] g0bben, you can directly upgrade LTS to LTS [10:58] g0bben: they will remain in situ, but updated [10:59] Software is Teamspeak and Teamviewer [10:59] g0bben, sudo do-release-upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [10:59] Ok, Thanks :) [10:59] g0bben: they will not be updated (and should not be on the system during the upgrade) as they are provided by 3rd party repos I believe [10:59] cfhowlett, i have a Upgrade button. <-- Not hardcore linux user :/ [11:00] ikonia: Thanks, they are 3rd party sw yes. [11:00] g0bben: so you should remove them [11:01] ikonia: why? that is why i run ubuntu. to run teamspeak server. [11:01] g0bben: remove it - upgrade, re-install it [11:01] g0bben: those packages are not managed by the ubuntu upgrade process and may cause problems [11:02] ikonia: okay, i guess the upgarde can wait then. thanks for information :) [11:02] how to make ftp server in ubuntu?plz [11:02] !server | blackjumper, [11:02] blackjumper,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server [11:02] in the local network. [11:04] ubuntu server edition is GUI? [11:04] Okay on with my sob story. I'm running elementary freya 64 bits (based on ubuntu 14.04). I installed a bad ppa (I didn't know at the time, I swear) [11:05] Guest95831: so wich graphic card, wich grpahical environment (gnome, etc ..) [11:05] maybe_carl, freya is not supported here. ubuntu only. for elementary support, use their channels. [11:05] So the bad ppa used an experimental ricotz ppa that since has been removed. So with the help of ricotz himself I managed to add the proper ricotz experimental ppa in the hope that now ppa-purge will help me get rid of the all the experimental packages that have been installed on my system. [11:05] http://www.pcworld.com/product/1321919/emachines-d725-442g32mi-notebook.html [11:06] i tried all envoronments [11:06] it is the same [11:06] cfhowlett. I know that's why I spared you the details and just went for the bit I needed: the output of lsbrelease command. [11:07] Guest95831: so this is an intel graphic card ? [11:07] maybe_carl, right. so no need to ask further questions because elementary is NOT supported. sorry. [11:07] yes [11:07] T4300 processor [11:07] Ok I understand. Still not cool as the help only needed a command line. [11:08] Guest95831: lspci -nnk | egrep -iA3 "VGA" [11:08] maybe_carl: its cool to use the right channel, not try to use the wrong channel [11:08] Guest95831: and "dpkg -l | grep xserver-xorg-video-intel" [11:08] maybe_carl, if your OS is not supported by the publisher, perhaps there's something you should consider ... [11:09] intel moblie 4 series chipset [11:09] can I make the same in ubuntu https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/28819/is-there-a-way-to-make-alttab-only-see-the-current-workspace/ [11:10] c0mrad3, paste the input output of this terminal command in fpaste.org : lsb_release -a [11:10] yes did it #grosjean [11:10] cfhowlett: 14.10 [11:10] Guys, I'm coming from the elementary channel and the elementary guys were very helpful. But my problem involves layers/packages that are below elementary. But there's no point discussing any further as you mentioned. Bye! [11:11] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/jBXZEMTe [11:11] Guest95831: do you use gdm or lightdm ? [11:11] cfhowlett: pasted [11:11] gdm [11:12] i stopped lightdm [11:12] so look at error in /var/log/gdm/gdm.log [11:14] hi, i accidentally moved my /bin folder.. the one that has stuff in it, the important one.. how do i move it back to where it was? [11:14] log directory is abs [11:14] rabbit_: where did you move it to ? [11:14] the root /bin is inside of the other bin now, the one that should be empty [11:14] or the one that is normally empty, i mean [11:14] rabbit_: there is no "empty" one [11:15] rabbit_: what exactly did you do [11:15] rabbit_: what command ? [11:15] there is an empty one http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/terminal-command-to-move-a-file-to-another-directory-725098/ [11:15] k let me find the commands, it's kind of embarassing [11:15] rabbit_: there is no empty bind file [11:15] bin file/directory sorry [11:15] so "I moved it to the empty bin directory" is not true [11:15] please try to get the exact command [11:16] that's what i'm doing [11:16] rabbit_: inside ~/.bash_history usually helps if you were root probably in /root/.bash_history unless turned off [11:16] well if i didn't move it there i've no idea what it's doing there [11:16] where ? [11:16] rabbit_: so you have /bin/bin ? [11:16] where is "there" [11:16] "there" is usr/local/bin === RoozbehShafiee__ is now known as RoozbehShafiee [11:17] one question at a time please, i am trying to find the commands [11:17] rabbit_: ok, so /usr/local/bin/mv /usr/local/bin /usr [11:17] #grosjean [11:17] rabbit_: that will put it back to /usr/bin [11:17] gdm.log file is missing [11:17] cfhowlett: http://fpaste.org/156139/60547214/ [11:18] Guest95831: look at the las file: ls l-rta /var/log/gdm/ [11:18] my question is to make alt-tab show the windows in the current workspace only :) cfhowlett [11:18] c0mrad3, got it ... [11:18] yep :) is it possible ?? [11:19] c0mrad3, I think you could do that by editing the keybinding. I'm on xubuntu, so my system is a bit diff from yours [11:19] k here's what i did ikona, grosjean, ash, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9354024/ [11:19] aie :) [11:19] it has got a bunch of greet and slave logs [11:19] how to edit the keybinding mine is unity [11:20] cfhowlett: [11:20] nope [11:20] hi [11:20] rabbit_: do what ikonia say to you [11:20] rabbit_: looks like you renamed the /bin directory screenshot.sh [11:20] said to tell me what commands i used [11:20] Guest95831: the las one please [11:20] rabbit_: do you still have /usr/bin [11:21] Unhandled error message: Error when getting information for file '/usrl/bin': No such file or directory [11:21] rabbit_: /usr/bin [11:21] not /usrl/bin [11:21] wupps! [11:21] c0mrad3, ask someone who has ubuntu. just confirmed that my xfce is not the same as your ubuntu [11:21] kk cfhowlett [11:21] yes! i still have it, it looks empty ikonia [11:21] grosjean:i didnt get you [11:22] wait no, it's filled with stuff [11:22] rabbit_: so where did you run this directory ? your home directory ? [11:22] I am having a weird problem with my ssl certificates. For some reason it serves cert from site1 on site2 as well when I access site2 on https. Any suggestions on what configs I might have been juggling around with. [11:22] i also have usr/local/bin/bin [11:23] yeah home ikonia, i think. you're asking if i did this as root? i didn't, [11:24] quick question whenever anyone has the time [11:24] rabbit_: no, I'm not asking if you did this as root [11:24] rabbit_: I'm asking you "what directory did you run these commands in" [11:24] rabbit_: can you pastebin the output of ls -la / === sjefskoder is now known as Guest5873 [11:26] ikonia ls -la result: bash: /bin/ls: No such file or directory [11:26] I CDed to /Desktop before i did it, if that's what you're asking, sorry for not understanding ikonia [11:27] rabbit_: /usr/bin/ls -la / [11:27] bash: /usr/bin/ls: No such file or directory [11:27] grosjean? [11:28] Guest95831: i'm a bit busy @work right now, sorry [11:29] well i know waht it is you are implying [11:29] any ways thanks [11:30] hi ! I am installing my wireless broadcom driver manually on kubuntu 14.04 It asks for "libitml" But I can't find this package anywhere. Pls help. [11:31] if i go back to the directory before home directory, the file that has etc and proc in it.. it doesn't have bin, and it should have bin. bin is somewhere else. how do i move it back. [11:31] (knowing where it is) [11:31] unless i am remembering wrong and it's not supposed to have bin [11:33] i know this is my fault, but it will let me do things as superuser through the terminal, where it's much less clear to me what i am doing.. but it won't let me copy and paste the bin file back to where it should be because the place where it should be requires root privilages.. yet if i try to do it through sudo in the terminal again i'll probably break everything even more [11:33] am i being attacked? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9354102/ [11:34] what log file is that? [11:34] kern.log [11:34] i'm no info man but just curious man. maybe info man can tell [11:34] tks [11:35] does anyone know where to find the package libitml ? or is it a mistake in kubuntu 14.04 that it displays a worng dependency? [11:35] onla any idea what this is about? [11:36] no [11:40] Is there a tool to set up a vpn easily on ubuntu? A colleague wants to do this but doesn't want to do everything manually [11:41] !vpn | solars [11:41] solars: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN [11:42] thanks ikonia [11:42] any ideas ikonia? i can't use ls anywhere because it must require something from bin, and bin isn't where it should be [11:43] ikonia, the page seems a bit outdated, I assume he can simply use: Ubuntu 10.04 comes preinstalled with VPN support. [11:43] This features is available under the networks connections tab. [11:43] solars: they all come with it in network manager [11:43] that page is out of date though, a fair point [11:44] :) how do I start this manager from the console? [11:44] shooooooot i can't use mv either [11:45] i really did just break my os trying to get lxde to take a screenshot. marvelous [11:45] is there a way to get super user privileges through the gui on lubuntu / lxde without logging out? i think if i log out or shut down i won't be able to start up again [11:46] rabbit_, su superuseraccountname === pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt [11:48] ikonia, hm but is this in the network settings only the client, or also the server? [11:48] thanks cfhowlett, fingers crossed [11:48] solars: the server [11:48] solars: or you can install and configure a standalone server [11:49] ikonia, when doing it in the NM, is the server started automatically etc? [11:49] cfhowlett The program 'su' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: [11:49] sudo apt-get install login.. when i put that in it says i already have it [11:49] when the network comes up [11:49] alright [11:49] I think that's fine [11:49] rabbit_: it's because it's in the wrong location [11:49] and your PATH is set wrong while your file system is screwed up [11:50] The ubuntu package manager tells me that I have to install libitml. But I can't find any information on the internet that this package even exists. The only topic where this package is mentioned is here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2238423.html But where can I find the deb file from this package? [11:53] matu: What are you trying to install? Are you installing a deb package or using apt-get? [11:53] Please paste the full output onto http://paste.ubuntu.com and share the URL in this channel [11:54] Rory: It tells me that I need this package when I try to install libgcc-4.8-dev = 4.8.2-19ubuntu1 [11:55] Can I see the command you run and the complete output? [11:55] fixed it! ikonia, cfhowlett i don't know if you are interested but this was the solution: sudo /usr/local/bin/bin/mv /usr/local/bin/bin / (because mv wasn't where it should be so i couldn't just write "mv" or "ls" for that matter ) [11:55] rabbit_: I told you to do that about 25 minutes ago [11:55] did you ikonia? i never saw it [11:56] Rory: I run the normal install command: sudo dpkg -i libgcc-4.8-dev_4.8.2-19ubuntu1_amd64.deb [11:56] sorry! [11:56] !cookie | ikonia [11:56] ikonia: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [11:56] no need for sorry === Shaun___ is now known as Shaun [11:57] matu: What Ubuntu version are you using? How come you got a .deb instead of installing libgcc from the package manager? [11:57] matu: Can I see the full output? [11:57] yeah ubottu i really wish there was a way to repay people for helping [11:59] Rory: Kubuntu 14.04 , I can't use the package manager because I have to install my wireless internet driver first, so I download the packages via windows and install them via this command [12:00] rabbit_, you can repay by helping others :) [12:00] matu: Do you have some way of getting the complete output of the command you're running onto a pastebin? [12:01] matu: The easiest solution to what you're trying to do would be to plug in with a cable temporarily, use the package manager to set up your wifi [12:01] everyone's questions are too difficult for me here! sometimes i go on yahoo answers and help people with their questions "how do I copy and paste" sort of thing, that's about my level of expertise [12:01] rabbit_: Keep doing that then, pay it forwards [12:01] rabbit_: there's no competition here :) [12:01] it's just as well :D [12:01] Rory: I know, but I don't have cable in the residence where I am. You can see the output, but then I have to reboot and login to kubuntu, so please wait a second [12:02] hi, firefox on ubuntu 14.04 (LTS) shows steam page incorrectly, even in clean install. mail.com also doesn't show correctly (missing images in both sites). Is it a plugin in use? [12:03] modifypl, try same site with chrome [12:03] modifypl: Do you have a screenshot? [12:04] modifypl: Also, in Firefox press Ctrl+Shift+Delete, expand "Details", and make sure Cache is selected, and change the time range to "Everything" then press "Clear now" [12:05] Is there any tool to read mbox file filtering by from address and redirect content to file ? === user is now known as akis [12:05] Rory: http://imgur.com/ZAxWJzi , doing that. [12:05] g [12:05] guys [12:06] i need hardware help with my zenbook [12:06] have 2 graph cards [12:06] have intel and gforce nvidia [12:06] modifypl: Is it only that page? Looks like no images or stylesheets are loading. It reloads like that when you press Ctrl-F5 as well? [12:06] mind helping me, currently my main builtin monitor has black screen [12:11] yeah cleaning cache didn't fix the issue. [12:11] Rory: here is the output that you asked: http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1417608642.png [12:11] Rory: it's in French but I can translate it if you want ;) === modifypl2 is now known as modifypl [12:18] hi I just downloaded Eclipse & moved it to /usr/local/. how can I start eclipse from terminal? [12:18] matu: Is this 14.04? [12:18] hi [12:19] Donskoy: You can run it with the full path to the Eclipse binary, so something like /usr/local/path/to/eclipse [12:20] Rory: it's Kubuntu 14.04 [12:20] matu: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libitm1 you need this deb [12:20] matu: It's a "1" not a letter "l" [12:20] Thanks Rory how can I mmake it run without the path, somethinng like "eclipse" [12:21] Donskoy: When you run the command "eclipse", the shell will look for a file called "eclipse" in all the locations in the $PATH variable. [12:21] Rory: thank you very much, I feel dumb rightnow :) [12:21] !path | Donskoy [12:21] Donskoy: The $PATH variable tells the shell where to look for the commands you tell it to run. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#File-location_related_variables [12:21] ubuntu 14.04 is nicd [12:21] Donskoy: So, if you have a file /usr/local/bin/eclipse you can just run "eclipse" [12:22] e it is loaded in my laptop [12:22] matu: You might get stuck chasing dependency after dependency though. But http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/ is the place to be. [12:23] it is really nice [12:23] daddy: We all think so too. Did you have a support question? [12:24] non that i can think of [12:25] Rory: I am already chasing dependency after dependency for a long time so it should be coming to an end soon :) I knew that site, I just didn't read the name of the package correctly, [12:26] matu: and thank you for all the help. I will check if it works. [12:26] i wnna use alt+shift to change typing language insteaof super+space.how to do it? [12:26] linuxd, with ibus [12:27] !ibus | linuxd [12:27] linuxd: IBus is used to allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. For more info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus [12:27] hello good morning all, I am in a deep mess... [12:28] I currently have installed ubuntu 14.04 and i am required to upgrade which I did via the software utility. , now the problem on the ground is, after restating, I can't log in,.... I do type correctly the username and password, but I am logged out back automatically... [12:28] secondly, now, the screen is black [12:28] after ubuntu start [12:29] any answer so far? === ubuntu is now known as Guest25576 [12:36] hi all. by mistake i installed "gnome-media-player 0.1.3-0ubuntu5" instead of "gnome-mplayer 1.0.8-2". I unistalled the 1st one using ubuntu software center but i saw in history that although were installed 14 files they unistalled only 13 files. (http://pbrd.co/1yf2XzR & http://pbrd.co/1yf39Px). How can i uninstall the file that was not uninstalled? how can i be sure that every relevant file is already unistalled? [12:36] lscpu [12:36] guys, even chromium is showing the page in the same way. [12:36] as firefox [12:39] Rory: http://imgur.com/gYrKOGB [12:40] modifypl: Do other devices connected to the same network have the same problem? [12:40] hmmm [12:40] any insight? [12:40] well i tried on my notebook but it is not using ubuntu [12:41] shows just fine [12:41] !patience | afidegnum [12:41] afidegnum: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [12:41] That's really odd modifypl. Can you restart the router, just to rule that out? [12:42] ok [12:46] hrmm i will google around a bit, may be just a missing lib. [12:46] how do I know if I have mounted a drive with execute permissions? [12:50] hhello [12:50] Rory, thanks for the knowledge! [12:50] is there a tool to convert rpm/s to .debs? [12:51] c0rnel: it's not something you should be doing [12:51] c0rnel, "alien" command can do that but you would find it much less painful to go for native .debs [12:51] c0rnel, yes there is. no, you don't really want to do that [12:52] hi all. by mistake i installed "gnome-media-player 0.1.3-0ubuntu5" instead of "gnome-mplayer 1.0.8-2". I unistalled the 1st one using ubuntu software center but i saw in history that although were installed 14 files they unistalled only 13 files. (http://pbrd.co/1yf2XzR & http://pbrd.co/1yf39Px). How can i uninstall the file that was not uninstalled? how can i be sure that every relevant file is already unistalled? [12:52] akis: they will just be dependencies [12:52] ikonia, cfhowlett, ObrienDave , thank you. if i have the src rpm, how can i use thjs to create the .deb? automatically, if possible :) [12:52] akis: use autoclean, or don't worry about it [12:52] c0rnel: no [12:53] c0rnel, not really how it works ... [12:53] c0rnel: rpm will not work with ubuntu at all [12:53] hi, I have an issue with dovecot and apparmor on trusty. Apparently, some profiles are misnamed. Is there an expert here? [12:54] buyoancing: it seems unlikley they are named wrong [12:54] buyoancing: What's wrong with them? [12:54] ikonia, cfhowlett , thanks [12:54] c0rnel, use alien program to convert to .deb [12:55] thank you subin47 [12:55] subin47: Have you been reading what we've been saying? [12:55] c0rnel: I VERY strongly advise you NOT to do that [12:55] well i get some entries in my dmesg that say profile not found... i have files like " /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.dovecot.dovecot-auth" but I think it should be named usr.lib.dovecot.dovecot.auth because /usr/lib/dovecot is a folder [12:55] ikonia, got that, man [12:55] please help me with this question, http://askubuntu.com/questions/556125/how-can-i-use-public-key-encryption-for-luks [12:56] ikonia: autoclean doesnt include this package. i gave apt-get remove libpostproc52 but the system wants to remove gnome-mplayer & mplayer2 which are the packages i need to run. maybe bpostproc52 is also useful for gnome mplayer as it is for gnome-media-player? [12:56] i have returned....from the depths of eol with my upgraded 14.04 lts :D how ever the internet on the thing still wont work [12:56] akis: autoclean will remove uneeded packages [12:57] my computer can not get on wifi [12:57] ikonia: autoremove will, autoclean does something completely different. [12:57] ikonia: autoclean is the same as autoremove? [12:57] jpds: oops, thank you [12:57] akis: nope, see jpds's comment [12:58] can someone help? [12:58] epicfail: supppp [12:58] buyoancing: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo aa-status" ? [12:59] jpds: sure, one sec [12:59] akis: if your not crazy busy wanna help me a lil bit [12:59] how can i be sure that the removed package doesn't leave any files on my /home or somewhere else [12:59] iggymydog: please don't hassle individuals [12:59] iggymydog: ask the channel and wait for a response [13:00] akis: they won't, thats why they are being removed [13:00] iggymydog: help on what? [13:00] akis: trust the package manager [13:00] ikonia: i did three times..... [13:00] iggymydog: so wait [13:00] iggymydog: rather than asking random individuals [13:00] akis: i cant connect to the internet [13:00] ikonia: i did! [13:00] akis: There's nothing that removes things from the /home folder. [13:01] Is there a tool which, given a name such as libpng, would output the name of the right package to install, such as libpng12-dev on Ubuntu 14.04? [13:01] mietek that doesn't make sense [13:01] jpds: where should i search? in /.local or in /.config? [13:01] ikonia: i dont feel like i was hasseling him by asking him if he was busy he could have told me to go away [13:01] mietek: Bash's tab-completation ? [13:01] mietek: you can use apt-file to look at specific files [13:01] ikonia: I know about apt-file, but searching for libfoo.a does not give unambiguous results. [13:02] mietek: use the full path [13:02] iggymydog: didi you try using ethernet? [13:02] akis: That entirely depends on the how the software is coded to do things. [13:02] iggymydog: please ask the channel until people respond [13:02] akis: yes i did and it worked fine [13:02] ikonia: for .a? [13:02] mietek: should work [13:02] ikonia: no [13:02] akis: how ever i had to go to my nebors house to use it because i dont have a chord here [13:02] mietek: eg apt-file search test.a [13:03] ikonia: go ahead and search for libstdc++.a [13:03] jpds: the aa-status output is at http://pastebin.com/wy3K8Wta, i removed 2000 lines with "null-xxx" [13:03] mietek: that doesn't look like a file [13:03] mietek: normally you see a version, but I can't check it onthe machine I'm on [13:04] buyoancing: Ah, hmm. [13:04] ikonia: you are thinking about dynamic libraries, which are usually named *.so [13:04] iggymydog: so, you cannot just connect wirelessly? [13:04] akis: correst [13:04] mietek: the apt-file command should still search though [13:04] akis:correct* [13:04] jpds: looking at "ps", I see tasks called "dovecot/imap-login" and also "dovecot/auth" [13:04] Can someone help me out with chromeos-apk and dvd::rip? [13:04] ikonia: yes, but as I said, it doesn't give unambiguous output. [13:04] I'm asking if anyone knows a better tool than apt-file. [13:04] jpds: but no "dovecot-auth" [13:04] mietek what does it actually give you [13:04] mietek: pastebin the output, lets have a look [13:05] iggymydog: what kind of adaptor you are using to conncet wirelessly? [13:05] There are many packages which contain libstdc++.a, and I'm wondering about a general solution. [13:05] I don't have a problem installing this file specifically. [13:05] jpds: but I get lots of lines like this in the kernel log: apparmor="ALLOWED" operation="exec" info="profile not found" error=-13 profile="/usr/sbin/dovecot" name="/usr/lib/dovecot/auth" comm="dovecot" requested_mask="x" denied_mask="x" fsuid=0 ouid=0 [13:05] its a dell so i believe its bro something.... [13:05] mietek: there really shouldn't be [13:05] akis: its a dell so i believe its bro something but im not sure...do u mean router or my nic === buyoancing is now known as buyo [13:05] ah, that's better [13:06] buyo: Can you file a bug report about this on bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu ? [13:06] ikonia: https://gist.github.com/mietek/cd74e4a02ac02350b46a [13:06] jpds: yeah i will [13:06] iggymydog: i mean the onboard adaptor. [13:06] jpds: just wondering why noone had files one before :) [13:06] I can use with no problem dvd::rip and chromeos-apk on Xubuntu but on Ubuntu it's just not working : dependicies or webgl not supported. [13:06] filed even [13:06] akis: im not sure [13:06] mietek: that looks fine, if you look there is one generic one - the rest are different archs [13:06] where can I get help for bash? [13:06] ikonia: I know that. [13:07] I am asking about a tool which can do that automatically. [13:07] mietek: do what ? [13:07] mietek: apt-file has just done exactly what you want [13:07] Rory: I installed all the required packages, and my wireless internet works now :p Cheers! [13:07] ikonia: He wants to map short names of libs to their long versions. [13:07] ikonia: you said I should look and figure out which one is the generic name. [13:07] mietek: no, you should use which one fits your needs best === k1l is now known as Guest30567 [13:08] mietek: eg: you're not using arm, or cross-compiling for arm, so you don't need that one [13:08] ikonia: are you dense? [13:08] buyo: Yeah, I don't use dovecot myself. [13:08] iggymydog: did you try to edit your connection? [13:08] mietek: I don't believe so [13:08] akis: yes [13:08] jpds: are you involved with the apparmor-profiles package? === Guest30567 is now known as k1l [13:09] jpds: do you know if a tool or service like that exists? [13:09] akis: manually put in my wifi's infromation in hopes it would work === buyo is now known as buyoa [13:11] iggymydog: is it able to scan wireless networks? [13:11] buyoa: I'm familiar with apparmor. [13:12] mietek: I literally just use the tab-complete in my shell. [13:12] akis: negetive [13:12] jpds: what, you write "apt-get install libz", press tab, and get "zlib1g-dev"? [13:13] mietek: That one's a special case. [13:13] jpds: funny! [13:13] mietek: I do: [apt-cache show|apt-get install] libpng, done. [13:13] jpds: sure, I know I can do that. But as you see, it's not automatic. [13:14] There are packaging systems which let users declare just the short library names, and give no help in installing the actual libraries. [13:14] I'm working on adding automation to such a system, and just trying to find out if anyone has done the work before. [13:14] mietek: You shouldn't be installing libraries, you should be installing apps which pull in those libraries. [13:15] * mietek shrugs [13:15] Glad there is no such system, that could lead to unwanted packages. [13:20] akis: sooo... [13:21] javnut: man bash? [13:22] ash`: nvm, I found #bash === martin_ is now known as martinst [13:22] is this the best channel for ubuntu support? [13:23] warfrog: Its a good place to start, you may get pointed to another more specialised channel once people know what the issue is [13:23] warfrog, maybe [13:23] Thanks. So, here's the odd issue [13:24] Installed Emacs24, then went to install modules/plugins ( i can't recall exactly what ) [13:24] and then I lost total keyboard control, except the ALT key for that login [13:25] purged Emacs24, still no help. Seems like this should be a config file I can remove/fix [13:25] i can login, but after login, no keys work, aside from ALT === joe75_ is now known as joe75 [13:26] any thoughts? or is this a more specialized/difficult request? === TonyL is now known as Guest41932 [13:27] warfrog: reboot your machine see if you have the same problem [13:28] ikonia - i have, multiple times [13:28] warfrog: and every time you have the same problem [13:28] yes [13:28] warfrog: if you can only use the alt key after a reboot - how do you login with your username and password [13:28] keyboard works fine for other users and works fine on login screen [13:29] post login, however, it stops working, as though something has taken over the keybindings [13:29] Hi. how do I install a software from a later release? like a later version of teamviewer in that case? [13:30] cariveri: you don't [13:30] warfrog: backup your configs, and remove all the . files in your home directory, then add them back one at a time and see whats breaking it [13:31] cariveri: http://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/dyngate.aspx [13:31] ikonia: so if that software does not let me connect to a peer on a later version, Im forced to upgrade my ubuntu? [13:31] previous versions of Teamviewer are located there [13:31] cariveri: or find a later version built for your OS version [13:32] ikonia: thanks! I was hoping that wasn't the solution, but it makes the most sense at this point [13:35] hello [13:36] i from romania [13:36] hey all i have installed ubuntu 14.10 server edition on a vm and i am occuring a strange situation..the ls command doesn't work..i press the comand and nothing happens no errors ,nothing..any ideas? [13:36] i;m [13:36] kotel: what does "pwd" say [13:36] kotel: what does pwd say? [13:36] /home/ubuntuserver [13:36] kotel: ok...hmmm [13:36] kotel: ok, so do "ls -la /" [13:36] kotel: does that work [13:37] Hi [13:37] You know any program to convert o format do video??? Iḿ new using Ubuntu [13:37] yea it works but why? what does the la statment do any do u have any clue why single ls doesn't work? [13:38] kotel: there is nothing in your home directory [13:38] kotel: do "touch hello && ls" [13:38] kotel: you should see hello listed === curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris [13:39] ok i got it..i changed dir and eveything is here..:P [13:39] thanks.. [13:40] sucom losts of choise; arista transmageddon ConvertMe! http://askubuntu.com/a/27866 [13:42] handbrake [13:43] 'Morning folks [13:45] what's a good dock w/o compositing for xubuntu? [13:45] composting* [13:46] *compositing [13:47] all [13:47] k tnx [13:47] new one from win to ubuntu [13:48] hi omi [13:48] hi orthodox [13:48] Orthodox: cairo-dock doesn't require compositing [13:48] hi omi360 - good choice [13:48] i love linux now. [13:49] tnx [13:49] parmiggiano [13:49] !info docker [13:49] docker (source: docker): System tray for KDE3/GNOME2 docklet applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-1 (utopic), package size 11 kB, installed size 64 kB [13:49] Orthodox: you have to iron out some stuff in the configuration [13:49] ubuntu is very good. [13:50] linux is good [13:50] yeah [13:50] still learning about buntu [13:56] linux was all humans os [13:57] but still have some Deficiencies [13:57] like what? === k1l_ is now known as Guest52685 === Guest52685 is now known as k1l [13:58] for the new people ,the GUI and command line and settings and hardware diver [13:58] this really isn't an ubuntu issue [13:59] unity [13:59] it's not a unity issue [13:59] omi360: any problem in particular? [14:00] first , i am from china , sorry for my english [14:00] omi360: no problem [14:00] thanks eric , i have no problem. [14:01] ok [14:02] omi360: for chating we have #ubuntu-offtopic , this channel is for support only :) [14:02] ok .thanks [14:06] I have another question i am trying to send a file from my host ubuntu to ubuntu server vm.. i use the command "" sudo scp -P 2222 /home/kotel/Desktop/1.pdf ubuntuserver@ "" although i have given my file (1.pdf) full permision i still get a persmission denied message...what am i doing wrong? [14:08] kotel: does ubuntuserver have permission to write to /home/kotel ? [14:08] kotel: sudo only takes effect on the local machine. [14:10] In a way yes, sudo is irrelevent, but the actual problem is the permissions surrounding ubuntuserver and /home/kotel === ARMEN_ is now known as EREVAN [14:11] ok fixed it thanks for your help..:) [14:11] hi community :) maybe someone can give me a solution to my apt-get-problem... [14:12] I am trying to 'apt-get install libjpeg62' getting this error (on german): " libjpeg-turbo8-dev : Kollidiert mit: libjpeg62-dev aber 6b1-4ubuntu1 soll installiert werden" [14:12] " libjpeg-turbo8-dev : Kollidiert mit: libjpeg62-dev aber 6b1-4ubuntu1 soll installiert werden" [14:13] where is deb unpacked to? where is the location of files in package such as qt5.3 [14:13] http://askubuntu.com/questions/556186/ubuntu-decryption-screen-background [14:13] help ? :) [14:13] "E: Fehler: Unterbrechungen durch pkgProblemResolver::Resolve hervorgerufen; dies könnte durch zurückgehaltene Pakete verursacht worden sein." [14:14] What's the problem there? [14:14] daniel__1: am i right in thinking the first error is saying something about replacing something? [14:15] this pkgProblemResolver my german doesn't extend to that level unfortunatly; but it sounds like a dependency thing? [14:15] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libjpeg8-empty/+bug/940179 [14:15] Launchpad bug 940179 in libjpeg8-empty (Ubuntu Precise) "upgrade does not replace libjeg62-dev with libjpeg-turbo8-dev" [High,Fix released] [14:16] hmm [14:16] it seems to be this bug... i am running Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS [14:17] daniel__1, that package libjpeg62-dev (6b-15ubuntu1.1) is for lucid, current trusty is libjpeg62-dev (6b1-4ubuntu1), so you have an old howto ? [14:18] i OerHeks i didnt found it on the howto, just found the bug by googling the error with package names [14:18] OerHeks, i didnt found it on the howto, just found the bug by googling the error with package names [14:18] daniel__1, what are you trying to install anyway ? [14:19] in general, scantailor.org, but it seems to conflict while installing the dependencies.. [14:19] .xchat2/budus.so === stefan2 is now known as Guest70290 [14:20] daniel__1, seems like a dead project [14:20] how do i remove all the files from a ppa? [14:21] !ppapurge [14:21] To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:/ » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html [14:23] OerHeks: ooops, okay, sad - than i will try to find something equal (u know?) or try to script something for a scan-workflow... [14:23] i installed a ppa with files that go in the same dir as the regular deb version. whats happening and did i overwrite or messup stuff [14:23] daniel__1, why not use the version in our repositories? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scantailor [14:25] r [14:26] OerHeks: o.0 [14:26] OerHeks: could be much easier, ill try xD [14:26] daniel__1, have fun :-) [14:29] OerHeks: works like a charm! thank you very much amigo =) [14:31] Hello guys. I installed squirrelmail, but when I go to the web page, squirrelmail shows http code. It looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/a0AYixz.png Anyone have any ideas what's wrong? [14:33] i purged a ppa but dpkg -l still shows them as still installed. i realized i made a mistake and need to reinstall the package but it isnt installing all of them after i added the ppa again. whats going on and how do i make it install all the other packages that come with it, without it thinking its already there (as per dpkg -l) [14:34] azizLIGHT: Have you tried: apt-get --reinstall install ? [14:34] i did sudo a apt-get update [14:34] no [14:34] azizLIGHT, what ppa? for what ubuntu? [14:34] ppa:beineri/opt-qt532-trusty on 14.04 [14:35] its needed for a program [14:35] azizLIGHT, did you try to reboot after install? seems like a big change [14:36] msp3k: i tried that but its not doing anything with the other packages (which i think are dependent pacakges... for example how can u install qt53base without all the other qt53* packages... which i know it did the first time i installed it) [14:37] azizLIGHT: that doesn't help you but why squirrel and not roundcube? [14:37] what does that mean [14:37] ill try a reboot i guess [14:37] it's another mail frontend but has a few more options like html format for mails [14:38] and it's dead easy to install [14:38] morsnowski: i think youre talking to msp3k , not me [14:38] azizLIGHT: yes of course sorry [14:38] morsnowski, I can give it a try. I chose squirrelmail just b/c I've dealt with it in the past. [14:39] i'veinstalled roundcube on a box a few years back and it hasn't angered me in any form since [14:41] list [14:42] how do i forece reinstall of dependencies as well via apt-get ? [14:42] http://xdcc_CANCEL_X1417616975 === mohammad is now known as Guest63601 [14:42] how to anable java on firefox ? [14:43] !list | protoss1976 kitfox [14:43] protoss1976 kitfox: k1l: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [14:45] I am not looking for warez just a newbie [14:46] in what language does list actually mean hello? [14:48] morsnowski: some italian pages have howtos to get warez on irc and so a lot of italian users come here to ssek for warez. that howtos tell them to say !list [14:48] k1l: I know that but as he said he isn't looking for no stinkin warez [14:49] how do i figure this out. why does dpkg think i have packages installed, when i dont. can someone help me about this. ieven restarted and did sudo apt-get update [14:50] azizLIGHT: show the dpkg -l | grep packagename in a pastebin please [14:50] azizLIGHT: dpkg -l | grep lists it as ii ? [14:50] aziz i think you cannot just install 1 single package from that ppa [14:50] Is there an official guide for using an ubuntu 13.04 as LDAP client (user auth/homedir creation/mount against an already existing LDAP server)? [14:51] k1l: how can i enable java plugin on firefox in ubuntu 14.04 [14:51] http://askubuntu.com/questions/354361/how-to-install-java-plugin-in-firefox [14:51] Guest63601: ^ [14:51] k1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9355128/ [14:51] n0o0b: 13.04 is not supported anymore [14:52] <_raven_> hi [14:52] hi, can i surpress SSH when it says 'Write Failed: Broken pipe' ? [14:52] !java [14:52] To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software Development Kit" (SDK). Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations. [14:52] azizLIGHT: which package you mean? [14:52] basically i had a ppa and its packages installed. them mistakenly tried to purge the ppa. but now i need the packages back and it still thinks i have them installed and so i cant install the dependencies [14:52] -q for silentmode, kthx [14:52] Hello All [14:53] well when i originally installed it i just did qt53base and it installed all those other packages you see in the pastebin [14:53] kick from the channel if you dare!!! [14:53] k1l yes i know but this is the version i need to use [14:53] <_raven_> 14.04lts: deleting files on cli does not affect free storage space at all. saved root space is 0.1%, users trash folder empty and i am out of ideas. what is going on here? [14:53] and now when i try to install qt53base again, it doesnt install theose other packages because theyre already there according to dpkg -l, but theyre not in reality in the files dir where they install /opt/qt53 [14:54] !info autossh | mdoge (might be a workaround for you) [14:54] mdoge (might be a workaround for you): autossh (source: autossh): Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4c-2 (utopic), package size 27 kB, installed size 111 kB [14:54] azizLIGHT: wait /opt/ [14:54] _raven_: df -h pastebinit it [14:54] azizLIGHT: so you mix PPA and manual install in /opt/? [14:54] so dpkg is falsely listing pacakges as installed... [14:54] that sounds like a whole mess now [14:54] ubottu: very nice [14:54] thanks [14:54] hi, ubuntu immediately log me out when I I tried to login even thouh the password is correct. what's the cause and how can i fix it ? [14:54] azizLIGHT: have you tried apt-get purge [14:55] somsip: thx [14:55] k1l: no, this is all ppa [14:55] mdoge: np [14:55] k1l: im trying to reinstall the same packages i purged, from the same ppa [14:55] azizLIGHT: what are you doing there at all? /opt/ is not where system packages install to [14:57] k1l: im trying to install qt5.3.x for a program that needs it. ubuntu is stuck on 5.2.1 on 14.04 so i resorted to ppa. it worked for the program and no complaints. i got an update and got confused thinking that 14.04 actually got legit 5.3 so i purged the ppa then i realized by checking it was actually the ppa's update not 14.04 . so now im trying to reinstall the ppa and its pacakges [14:57] hello [14:57] <_raven_> additional info: root is encrypted. any cache what lasts forever? [14:57] but dpkg thinks that its still there for whatever reason [14:58] the ppa packages [14:58] azizLIGHT: show the messages and commands in a pastebin [14:58] I am having a *lot* of problems getting dual boot set up [14:59] my current problem is, via windowsxp LiLi, lili tells me the following file is not a supported linux version: ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso ... why is it saying that? [14:59] DualBootMePlease, the journey is half the fun. [14:59] morsnowski: it only lists qt53base as pacakge to be removed when i do sudo apt-get purge qt53base [14:59] it most certainly is not. :( [14:59] k1l: ive rebooted and tried many things since then. not sure what to show you [14:59] DualBootMePlease: lili? [14:59] DualBootMePlease, lili? what is lili [15:00] lily is the name of my wife :) [15:00] LinuxLive Pendrive Creator [15:00] azizLIGHT: then install the packages you need manually. [15:00] it said it would try and use the settings for Ubuntu 14.10, but I have already had so many freaking problems with this installation i would like not to have more right out of the gate. [15:01] i think i have to prge the qt53 packages manually, then try a reinstall [15:01] azizLIGHT: you talk a lot about messing with PPAs and stuff in /opt/ so i guess that packages are marked manually installed [15:01] any insight? [15:01] azizLIGHT: is the ppa in your sources file? Have you done a apt-get update? what error message do you get when your try to install it [15:01] hi all. i clean installed xubuntu 14.04.1 and the system made a swap file. to avoid the configuration of the encrypted swap file, when the installation completed i delete the swap file and i resize the sda including the size of the swap file. do you think i did right? the system works fine and i dont need any swap file because i hace 4gb ram on it. [15:02] akis: if you need a swap file, you can create it on your disk [15:02] morsnowski: wheres the ppa source file that i can check? [15:03] azizLIGHT: "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d" [15:03] time to watch snooker [15:03] grosjean: do you think was my decision right to delete swap before any leak to it? [15:03] k1l: i misspok, am not manually installing anything (as in building from source or grabbing a random .deb from somewhere). i mean all about ppa, reinstalling purging and installing [15:04] Lili USB Creator does not have support for 14.04 LTS. That is the answer. What a joke. [15:04] akis: i think that you still need a swapfile [15:05] DualBootMePlease, ubuntu next to xp is a joke too? [15:05] Yes. But I *need* XP for an old AutoCad instance for work :( [15:06] morsnowski: yes the ppa is in my sources, ive done apt-get update as well. when i try to install the base package it installes only it, and successfully, but without the dependencies and it doesnt mention this but i know there are dependencies. when i check dpkg -l, theyre already listed as installed, when theyre not [15:06] grosjean: what for? i do multitasking and the system doesnt go over 1gb of ram. [15:06] DualBootMePlease: lili usb can make a 14.04 live usb fine [15:06] DualBootMePlease: i've used it myself for 14.04 [15:06] Is it inherently conflictory to try and install 32bit XP and 64bit Ubuntu? or is ok? [15:06] akis: in fact, it's like you want [15:06] yea, sure. [15:06] DualBootMePlease: see if autocad will run under a virtual machine [15:06] Eric. Literally it isnt the list. and the program tells me Unsupported. [15:06] But whatever you say. [15:06] oki [15:07] DualBootMePlease: it doesn't need to be supported [15:07] You want me to run one of the most machine intensive programs known to man under windows emulation? [15:07] DualBootMePlease: it can still make a live usb fine [15:07] Well whatever. im using Unetbootin now. [15:07] Is 32BitXP dualbooted with 64bitUbuntu OK or NOT? [15:07] are you a mech engineer? [15:08] im trying to figure out what the previous problem with this attempt was. [15:08] Also wondering if i installed WinXP DVD from UEFI mode accidentally. [15:08] i have been unsuccesfful 4 different ways getting 14.04 to install alongside of it. Everytime the install crashes. [15:08] DualBootMePease, if your machine supports 64 bit, install 64 bit. [15:09] No. I am a CAD drafter. [15:09] anyone faced similar situation before? [15:09] DualBootMePlease: i dont think winxp has uefi support! [15:09] Ok. But WinXP is 32 bit. That is my question. Is that conflicting? [15:09] DualBootMePlease: i think it started with vista [15:09] I know it doesnt have UEFI support. But the WinXP install is working just fine. [15:09] DualBootMePlease: ubuntu doesn't care what windows is [15:09] But im wondering if it was installed under UEFI mode if that is somehow screwing up Ubuntu. [15:09] DualBootMePlease: if you would explain what exactly happened we could help better [15:09] xp and uefi, no go. [15:09] DualBootMePlease: why don't you run XP in a VM? [15:09] DualBootMePlease, "shouldn't" but ... windows ... [15:10] I DO NOT WANT TO RUN AUTOCAD IN A VM. THAT IS DODO TALK [15:10] I know someone who runs ubuntu as primary OS and XP in a VM [15:10] and it's fast :) [15:10] sure. ok. ash. [15:10] hm i don't like your tone, im out [15:10] :) [15:11] DualBootMePlease: can you explain what happened earlier? [15:11] EriC ... i have put this .iso of 14.04 to USB and to DVD ... the USB refuses to even start the install process unless run from UEFI mode. The DVD starts installing and crashes every time. [15:11] hi evryone, i’ve been doing some file shuffling for the last day or so and now I need to pick a filesystem for my external drive. I am currently on osx and moving to ubuntu server. ON wiki(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems) I noticed that if I use NTFS I will be able to use the filesystem with a kernel 2.2 or newer. Just wanted to confirm this before jumping in. [15:11] WinXP was installed over a hard drive, and fast wiped through XP installer. It is in one single partition. === zz_XeBlackWater is now known as XeBlackWater [15:11] I realized my first attempt at installing Ubuntu alongside it went wrong because I was in UEFI mode via bios, not Legacy. [15:12] DualBootMePlease: so the live usb wont boot unless you boot it in uefi mode? [15:12] But in legacy mode, and using Boot Overide to ensure i am NOT in UEFI mode, NO install of 14.04 will even complete \ start. [15:12] medecau: NTFS will 'work' in Ubuntu but you won't have the same Linux permissions structures - as NTFS doesn't support those kinds of permissions [15:12] DualBootMePlease: how are you in uefi mode and running winxp though? [15:12] Yes. Correct, EriC. [15:12] DualBootMePlease: did you use a usb stick? [15:12] teward: will I be able to read and write? [15:13] EriC, itś not that i am running XP in UEFI mode, it is that the reboot to get the DVD or USB to boot first goes to UEFI by default. [15:13] medecau, sure, ntfs is good supported, as a data drive. [15:13] But i have figured out how to overide that and make it go to Legacy DVD or USB. [15:13] thanks OerHeks and teward [15:13] But The USB 14.04 wont even start without being in UEFI. and the DVD just gives me a fail error once started. [15:13] medecau: yes you should be able to (that's what I meant by 'work'). [15:13] hi again...i am trying to configure authentication with crypto-keys in OPENSSH i have created the keys using ssh-keygen but i am a bit stucked could somebody help me continue with the next steps?Host pc ubuntu desktop server ubuntu server on a vm .. [15:14] kotel: so your creation's key was successfull ? [15:14] kotel you need to place the .pub inside of .ssh/allowed_keys [15:14] i am redownloading the ubuntu 14.04 live via unetbootin now to rule out a crap iso. [15:14] DualBootMePlease: ok, did you md5sum the iso? [15:14] DualBootMePlease: hold on [15:14] i dont know how or i would. [15:14] DualBootMePlease: md5sum the iso [15:14] see above === def_jam is now known as eb0t [15:14] md5 [15:14] kotel: next, ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub @ [15:15] ok. so iĺl just say the word MD5 to my screen and poof. [15:15] http://www.nullriver.com/downloads/Install-winMd5Sum.exe [15:15] DualBootMePlease: md5sum file.iso [15:15] Hi all, is there a way to do backups and restores on ubuntu? I screwed up my xorg when i installed amd drivers and was unable to have my desktop bootup [15:15] i am in windows. fyi. [15:15] he already said it so I stopped..hit enter anyway. lucky anyone tries to help you at all [15:16] DualBootMePlease: see the link above [15:16] DualBootMePlease: come on bro, just google "md5 windows" and there should be a program [15:16] but that's my opinion [15:16] ty eric [15:17] key succesfully created..i've created the keys in my host computer not the one running ssh server..i 've already read that i have to copy the pub file into .ssh/allowed_keys but my .ssh folder only has id_rsa and id_rsa.pub [15:17] so i got 119cb63b48c9a18f31f417f09655efbd [15:17] the compare field was blank [15:17] i press compare and it says different [15:17] DualBootMePlease: ok, and which iso are you using? ubuntu 14.04.1 desktop amd64? [15:17] hi. im not sure how to install mobility radeon 4330 driver? if i try with fglrx then when i do "sudo aticonfig --initial" i get aticonfig: no supported adapter....if i try to get drivers from 'additional drivers' it shows drivers only for network card...what to do? [15:18] klex, did you get something a log file? [15:18] ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso [15:18] I'am using Ubuntu 14.04 Yesterday i bought a Blackmagic intensity Pro Video capture card. Now i want to watch my setup box channels in this card. Is there any TV viewer like software which will support blackmagic intensity Pro ? [15:18] klex check your fglrx log file [15:18] DualBootMePlease: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes [15:18] blackyboy: probably several, if it's supported at all [15:18] klex, ati 2xxx/3xxx/4xxx are no longer supported by fglrx, use the standard driver/ [15:18] klex, it probably didn't install due to packes not being preinstalled [15:18] !ati [15:18] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto [15:19] DualBootMePlease: the iso seems fine [15:19] DualBootMePlease: do you have a different usb you can try with? [15:19] Hi all, is there a way to do backups and restores on ubuntu? I screwed up my xorg when i installed amd drivers and was unable to have my desktop bootup. What is your recommended backup tool? [15:19] its not the usb. [15:19] reisio: i have tries mytv and metv these are not working. [15:19] tried [15:19] !backup | MrSavage [15:19] MrSavage: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [15:19] DualBootMePlease: ok, is secure boot enabled? [15:19] Do you think it could be that the WinXP dvd in all likelyhood booted from within UEFI mode (the default mode my computer loads up in) ? [15:20] cfhowlett i need a recommendation since there are many [15:20] MrSavage, there's a built in Backups app (in 14.04 anyway) [15:20] No. I have all UEFI crap turned off now. BUT see ABOVE. [15:20] pbx: which one to use? [15:20] OerHeks: ok i thought they might not be supported anymore...what do u mean by standard drivers? to accept those opensource? [15:20] blackyboy: "not working"? [15:20] k1l morsnowski i fixed it by explicitlty listing all the ppa packages in a apt-get install command. now everythigns working and dpkg -l | grep qt53 is listing true things [15:20] klex yes, see your card here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsAti [15:21] MrSavage, i have no particular recommendation. however if you have no backup system currently then the most important thing is to begin, and the built-in one is ready to roll [15:21] reisio: yes software not detecting the card. Is there any video capture Software available ? The software must have the import option from HD camera or from PAL format. [15:21] pbx: what's the name of the built in one? [15:21] DualBootMePlease: even if winxp was installed in uefi ( which i think isn't possible ), ubuntu should install in legacy mode [15:22] pbx: if i install gfx drivers and i screw up my ubuntu by making it hand on the loader, can the backup restore and fix the problem in a fast manner? [15:22] DualBootMePlease: when you select legacy and boot the usb, what happens? [15:22] blackyboy: already answered that [15:22] blackyboy: did you install the driver yet? [15:22] DualBootMePlease: some people install win in uefi and set legacy and install ubuntu that way, then we tell them to install either both in uefi or legacy, but ubuntu still installs.. [15:23] OerHeks: 4330 isnt listed there, it is 4350 though...but if i use those opensource drivers then my pc is freezing when im closing terminal or chrome (not every time but it happens at least once in 30mins and the freeze is few mins) [15:23] reisio: yes i have installed blackmagic software and drivers, they are working fine. But i wan to use the same card for Viewing tv while im not using the export or import process and one thing more i need any other video import software rather than what i get from blackmagic. [15:24] EriC, i was told yesterday by someone here that Ubuntu outright will NOT install in UEFI. ? [15:24] DualBootMePlease: no ubuntu uses uefi fine [15:24] blackyboy: what makes you think they're working fine? [15:24] DualBootMePlease, false === ubuntu is now known as Guest32360 [15:25] Ok. Well i am just going to bite the bullet and scrub the drive. and re-do the XP install and gaurantee it is NOT in UEFI mode. (after i try one more crappy time here in a sec with ANOTHER usb ubuntu install) [15:25] i've got a Dell tp713 external touchpad, and it's locked to 'natural scrolling' on ubuntu. the mouse settings only recognize it as a 'mouse', so i don't have any options beyond cursor speed. how can i force ubuntu to treat it as a touchpad? [15:25] reisio: i can capture video in PAL format, but i can't capture HD videos its too enabled with HDCP we can't if we need to capture a HD we need HD furry II or III [15:25] that person was DaftyKins, FYI [15:25] DualBootMePlease: lol i doubt daftykins said that [15:26] pbx: so what'st he name of the built in backup tool that i should use? [15:26] STG [15:26] blackyboy: doesn't seem relevant [15:26] :'( [15:26] but whatevs. === max is now known as duracell [15:26] cz? === Guest41932 is now known as TonyL [15:27] !cz | lukasxx84 [15:27] lukasxx84: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme. [15:27] czecho! [15:27] what backup tool should i use if installing drivers make my ubuntu hang on boot? [15:27] DualBootMePlease: i dont think it matters what is installed on the hdd for the ubuntu live usb to boot [15:27] where i can only use command line [15:27] MrSavage: unrelated, just uninstall the drivers [15:28] reisio: I don't know what changed on my computer when i use the .run file [15:28] ah, that is the "charm" of .run files, isn't it :p [15:28] EriC, well i am honestly just grasping at straws to understand the problem at this point. [15:28] DualBootMePlease: i think you could remove the hard disk and the live usb will still run [15:28] reisio: so i think a simple backup would be my best bet [15:28] for when i screw up my system [15:29] MrSavage: for if you encounter this situation in the future, you mean? [15:29] in UEFI mode, Ubuntu actually DID install next to WinXP but i did it manually, because in UEFI mode Ubuntu Install did not recognize nore give me an option for Install Next To Windows XP so i manually made the partitions. [15:29] But then i had no access to Ubuntu. Grub never came up, and WinXP just loaded straightaway. [15:29] reisio: yes so I can restore quickly and retry installing gfx drivers [15:29] DualBootMePlease: ok, so wait a second [15:29] That was around the time DaftyKins told me Ubuntu UEFI no no. [15:29] Windows XP on a UEFI box, far out [15:29] MrSavage: right [15:29] i installed java plugin on my firefox but website of nvidia says that required java [15:29] DualBootMePlease: you're not making a lot of sense [15:29] MrSavage: I like rsync and rsync-based things, like rdiff-backup, depending on the type of backups you want [15:30] oh. i am pretty sure i am making perfect sense. [15:30] but try me. [15:30] DualBootMePlease: after installing ubuntu in uefi mode, winxp was loading ( with the bios set to uefi ) ? [15:30] reisio: I want to make a restore point for the system and restore it so i can boot properly again [15:30] Ok. I am ASSUMING that when i stuck the WinXP disk in to install, that my computer WAS in UEFI mode. [15:30] reisio: should i use rdiff-backup? [15:30] Thus, i am assuming XP installed UNDER UEFI mode. [15:30] so anyone knows how to install mobility 4330 drivers on ubuntu now that fglrx doesnt support it anymore? [15:31] DualBootMePlease: you didnt answer my question.. [15:31] After that, I went to install Ubuntu for hte first time next to it. [15:31] My computer was STILL in UEFI mode for THAT install. [15:31] klex: check the company site for proprietary drivers [15:31] When i started that Ubuntu install, i was given no choice for Install Next To Windows [15:31] So i manually made partitions, and installed it next to it myself. [15:31] DualBootMePlease: i think uefi was made in 2001 or so, winxp was made in 2000 i think [15:31] AFTER THAT. No Ubuntu to be found. Only XP loaded. [15:31] reisio: should i use rdiff-backup? [15:31] ^WELL I HEAR YOU ON THE THEORY. [15:32] im just telling you *what i did* [15:32] DualBootMePlease: ok great, i'm trying to understand what you did [15:32] well im telling you if you stick a DVDinstall disc in my computer with out specifically overiding the boot process, it is inherently in UEFI mode. [15:32] And that is how i installed XP (because i was not thinking) [15:33] DualBootMePlease: maybe it's a hybrid system that runs efi first, if it can't find anything loads stuff as msdos? [15:33] it IS. it is a brand new computer (earlier this year) [15:33] it is so new Ubuntu had some serious bugs with my system for months and months. [15:33] DualBootMePlease: ok, so if ubuntu isn't loading except as uefi [15:33] like i had to reboot twice everytime i rebooted to get passed bios screen. [15:33] t [15:34] (fixed now, btw) [15:34] DualBootMePlease: ok, is ubuntu still installed or did you wipe the installation? [15:34] i deleted those partitions. [15:34] its just the one WinXP partition now. [15:34] ok [15:34] try to install ubuntu again [15:34] actually can you try to boot the live usb [15:34] got a brand new computer, install XP on it :/ [15:35] then come here as you can check the partition table and if efi is enabled etc. [15:35] xangua: yeah [15:35] alright im out for 5. let you know when i get back wtf is up [15:35] * cfhowlett thinks installing XP, an unsupported and defunct OS, on ANYTHING, let alone a NEW computer is ... questionable. [15:36] Well I aint payin for Windows7 just to dick around in AutoCAD2004. sorry. [15:36] MrSavage: rdiff-backup makes rsync do really nice incremental backups [15:36] MrSavage: so if you want the ability to see changes in your files over time, it's good [15:36] MrSavage: if you _only_ need to be able to access how your system was at some single specific interval from the present to the past, rsync alone is fine [15:36] i see [15:37] And XP is runing just fine on this new computer. Its ubuntu that is giving me crap in a DualBoot environment. (worked fine by itself though) [15:37] whatever. out. back in 5. [15:37] using rsync alone is simpler if you want to give yourself a window to backup [15:37] like say 24 hours passes, and you replace the old backup [15:37] reisio: how would backup my entire system? [15:37] but you can not replace if you want, rdiff-backup just works better for that [15:37] MrSavage: something like: rsync -Hav / /elsewhere/ [15:38] or s/rsync -Hav/rdiff-backup/ [15:39] hey guys? should I be able to boot into my live (64bit) cd on a machine with UEFI bios? cuz I'm not. [15:39] * MrMonkey31 is at his wits' end [15:39] MrMonkey31, details [15:40] cfhowlett: well I'm pretty scanty on what is/isnt important. the machine gives no feedback whatsoever, but proceeds to boot up W8. I've set it to boot from ODD that's cd drive, first [15:41] MrMonkey31, so what happens at boot? [15:41] should I turn off "safeboot" on the bios boot section? cfhowlett, that's the thing - it's a dell, so I get the rotund dell logo and then the windows screen as if no cd was inserted === MeltedDed is now known as MeltedLux [15:42] MrMonkey31, I've not done UEFI on a dell - only lenovo ... on lenovo, the bios menu shows entries for uefi, NIC and USB ... [15:43] reisio: how do i rsync backup without backuping up stuff from my /media/user folder? [15:43] reisio: It's backup up stuff on my other HDDs [15:43] MrSavage: man rsync, /--exclude [15:43] I'm loath to screw anything up or ordinarily I'd have fiddled the hell out of this first. I did try selecting boot options by pressing f12, where it listed my optical drive, but choosing it once more failed to boot me right [15:43] MrMonkey31, turn off safeboot and fastboot [15:43] MrSavage: and there are other switches, there's one for not leaving the specific single FS it starts on [15:43] i have a graphic card that is nvidia gforce 7300 gs [15:43] but when i install driver nvidia then after reboot , system is runing in low level graphic mod === warchild34x is now known as warchildx3 [15:45] OerHeks: yeah, you figure it has to be that. I mean, what else could it be right? but I have to do reserch first on what if I begin booting win 8 inadvertantly with the safeboot not on [15:47] ciao a tutti [15:47] Firefox 34 is maxing out my cpu [15:47] philinux: good story [15:47] maska: :) [15:48] pretty sluggish compared to 33 [15:48] so don't use 34? [15:48] Firefox releases tend to follow a pattern [15:48] go away [15:48] !browser | philinux [15:48] philinux: Some of the Web Browsers in Ubuntu's repositories include: Firefox (XUL, Gecko), Rekonq (KDE, WebKit), Konqueror (KDE, KHTML/WebKit), Chromium (GTK+, WebKit), Epiphany(GTK+, WebKit), Arora (Qt/KDE, WebKit), Midori (GTK+, WebKit), w3m (terminal-based), links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !manpage), edbrowse (terminal-based). Along with many others. [15:48] goodbye [15:48] !browsers | philinux [15:49] delay between releases, then an update, then shortly thereafter, another update to fix the problems with the update [15:50] dang, rough crowd today ;p === theguy312 is now known as user1541 [15:53] Hi, I like the DSP Manager on Android. Is there anything like that for Ubuntu available? The rhytmbox/banshee EQ sounds really horrible [15:53] user1541: ask apt-cache search dsp [15:54] ObrienDave, I've added a lot of new names to /ignore ... === Beamboom is now known as BeamAway [15:58] no doubt :P [16:03] azizLIGHT: cool, congratz [16:03] thanks [16:04] i dunno what caused dpkg to think i had those pacakges installed tho [16:04] not sure how that happened [16:04] Hi all [16:05] oli_b: hi [16:05] ok. ok folks, just reporting: I turned *secure boot* off in my comp's BIOS to try to get the live cd to boot, but it was all for nothing and now I already probably have cyber-gonorrhea on my dell [16:05] my sound is gone everywhere in firefox, any presen ubuntu bugs? [16:06] PS, I hate my life [16:06] Lucax: running any other audio? [16:06] well I was just recording using Ardour, maybe that has something to do with it [16:07] probably [16:07] you have probably accidentally monopolized your audio output system [16:07] which can happen if you try to use more than one system [16:07] alsa, oss, pulseaudio, etc. [16:07] make sure ardour et al. are dead, then restart Firefox, and see if it goes away [16:07] if it does, that's probably what happened [16:07] then you'd want to reconfigure one or the other to be using the same approach [16:08] how do I know wether ardour is dead or not? [16:09] I am little new to linux, I know in windows there is this task manager but here I don't know how to see if every process is dead or not === mish_ is now known as Mish|rumwuseln [16:10] Lucax: ps aux [16:10] Lucax, try System Monitor. though "every process is dead" is an unusual metric :) [16:10] Lucax: pgrep -l ardour [16:12] no ardour process is running according to ps aux command [16:12] ps aux | grep -i ardour [16:13] hi can someone please help me? [16:13] I have big issue with my operating system :( [16:13] helllllooooooooo [16:13] c'est quoi le probleme? [16:13] HELP! [16:13] Carol__: tell us how ww can help you ? [16:13] or what iz zee problem? [16:14] NO BRIAN I don't speak Mexican I'm sorry [16:14] only American [16:14] that was french but I forgive u [16:14] we when I try to start the system [16:14] blue screen show up and it doesn't want to start [16:14] I am having trouble installing mysql it sayes Depends xyz .. but it is not going to be installed. [16:14] I was trying to pull the cable out and other stuff and still doesn't work [16:14] windows? mac? ubuntu? blue screen of death> [16:15] windows [16:15] it says critical error [16:15] is something wrong with the apt [16:15] ? [16:15] or something [16:15] blue screen of death [16:15] look it up [16:15] : can you show me the full error message ? [16:15] hardware issue [16:15] bluescreen sounds like it's crashing in windows [16:15] no death [16:15] why death [16:15] Carol__: this is ubuntu support, not windows [16:15] so what do I Don? [16:15] u check the error code via google [16:16] but I dint have Internet [16:16] and see if you can pinpoint it but I would run a mem test [16:16] and check disk [16:16] I can't start anything [16:16] Carol__: Try to insert the recovery DVD You received for the windows and boot Your computer from that disk. Then Select OPerating System Recovery [16:16] u need a bootable cd [16:16] or usb [16:16] it just saying system error and critical error [16:16] or something [16:16] how to make us b [16:16] ? [16:16] yes well like I said its hardware issue and it's called BSOD [16:16] help me please [16:17] !windows | brianblaze420 Carol__ oli_b please take it elsewhere [16:17] brianblaze420 Carol__ oli_b please take it elsewhere: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents [16:17] 'notify_init() failed: Too many open files' any way i can increase "too many" without rebooting or closing files? [16:17] what hardware? [16:17] screen? [16:17] Carol__, which operating system does the pc use? [16:17] carol I will pm u [16:17] chill lol [16:17] will get that machine online and get the msg. [16:17] thanks [16:17] blues I think windows but not sure [16:17] so what should I do? [16:17] then join #windows chat , Carol__ [16:18] maybe I should tell boyfriend of my mom to buy me a new pc [16:18] he has money [16:18] that's why mom is with him === dts is now known as dts|pokeball [16:19] I won't fix that thing by myself [16:19] hallo [16:19] LOL :-D Can't believe this is true :-D [16:19] ? [16:19] CodeGosu: /etc/sysctl.conf - fs.inotify.max_user_instances [16:19] :( [16:19] I can't believe you have never heard of the blue screen of death! [16:19] °-° [16:20] I'm 14 I don't know everything yet! [16:20] I just started to learn [16:20] ha I am almost 30 and i still odn't know anything [16:20] about computers since when last bf of my mum bought me pc [16:20] the more i learn the less I know it seems haha [16:20] cuz of I did massage for him few times and he wanted to repay [16:21] or something as he said [16:21] wtf [16:21] he's gone now and new came he didn't buy anything for me yet [16:21] brianblaze420: very true [16:21] and now my pc broke [16:21] Carol__, you meam message I hope :) [16:21] and I Dont know what to do [16:21] first what is plugged into your pc? [16:21] just a mouse and keyboard> [16:21] ? [16:22] carol try pclos or an other distro when it depends on the distro [16:22] no mouse is WiFi [16:22] wifi mouse eh [16:22] fancy [16:22] lol [16:22] which channel can help me with installing amd drivers on ubuntu? [16:22] but its bluetooth and so there is a usb part that plugs into your computer [16:22] the pc is called Intel Celeron inside [16:22] or something like that [16:23] Carol__: is there ubuntu installed on that pc? [16:23] celeron is very old [16:23] it's not old! [16:23] Oh sorry! [16:23] brianblaze420, Carol__ take this conversation to a pm if you'r e doing windows support, or maybe even the #windows chat would work [16:23] he Bought this pc for me half year ago [16:23] and said it was expensive computer [16:23] My computer is pentium 1 and it's the newest ^^ [16:23] Joe-e19, celerons are still around [16:23] but he didn't care about the money [16:23] I need some help trouleshooting a network connection. For some reason (on a fresh install) certain web pages don't load at all (firefox and chromium), thunderbird can't get mail out. Happens in different networks, I need some way to start troubleshooting... [16:23] I don't think Carol__ can irc properly as in the wrong chat and also does not respond to pm's lol [16:24] Joe-e19: stop that please. [16:24] cuz I'm special [16:24] Carol_ can you write me by pm? [16:24] Carol__: is there ubuntu installed? yes or no? [16:24] what you mean kil? [16:24] I don't know! [16:24] We've got troll here I guess [16:24] Maybe two [16:25] yup, if she doesn't know then it's surely windows [16:25] k1l what I do stop!!!!! [16:25] ? [16:25] Okay, so i have gotten closer this time around but still not there yet :( [16:25] Joe-e19: stop spoiling this support channel. please make sure you read the guidelines [16:25] Hello. What command can I use to figure which driver my keyboard and my mouse are using? I can't identify them through lspci or lsusb (they're not marked as such). [16:26] This time i got LiveUSB 14.04 to load. I got it to install. It gave me the option for Ïnstall Alongside WindowsXP ... the install completed. It told me to reboot. But then XP just loads up. ? [16:26] what for guidelines i never used this ubuntu and i never what to use it [16:26] DualBootMePlease: u r missing grub again haha [16:26] :( Can someone one hold my widdle biddy hand and walk me through this? [16:26] !guidelines | Joe-e19 Carol__ [16:26] Joe-e19 Carol__: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [16:27] Hi, I am having problems controlling brightness on my Lenovo Z500. It has optimus graphics (Intel HD 4000 + NVIDIA GT635M), but I cannot control it on either mode. /sys/class/backlight/ only lists intel_backlight [16:27] Why would a full Ubuntu install not include Grub? [16:27] it asks you if you want to install it [16:27] I MD5 checksummed the ISO. it is fine. [16:27] it gives you the option it is not forced [16:27] No it most certainly does not. [16:27] i'm having issues trying to install some AMD driver, can I get some assistance please? [16:28] Not true. [16:28] http://pastebin.com/TRnd25ZA [16:28] and when you install it you need to make sure you put it in the right place [16:28] DualBootMePlease: when You selected to install ubuntu alongside XP, at the bottom at the window what did You select? to install the bootloader into /dev/sdaX or /dev/sda (sdaX is the ubuntu partition) [16:28] ^^ [16:28] oli_b ... i saw no such option and it did not ask me to select an option? [16:28] DualBootMePlease, Don't just argue a point you have no clue on and just detail the issue. [16:29] What would be the point of having an Install Alongside WindowsXP option if you were then required to specify something in addition to make both installs work? [16:29] Im not arguing. 420s point is not correct. [16:29] It never asks you to install grub. [16:29] because it didn't mess with your xp partition [16:29] is this correct for 14.04 mounting ntfs partition? UUID=519CB82E5888AD0F /media/Data ntfs-3g defaults,windows_names,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0 [16:29] on fstab [16:29] I dont know how denying something untrue makes me argumentative. [16:30] Hi, I am having problems controlling brightness on my Lenovo Z500. It has optimus graphics (Intel HD 4000 + NVIDIA GT635M), but I cannot control it on either mode. /sys/class/backlight/ only lists intel_backlight [16:30] how to correct broken packages [16:30] http://pastebin.com/TRnd25ZA [16:30] If fstab is an ubuntu command i will have to reboot to live. [16:30] because on every ubuntu install live disk I have ever installed and I have installed a lot they ask if you want to install grub... [16:30] it says will not be installed? [16:30] DualBootMePlease, You are starting to look like a troll, even if you're not this is help on a detailed problem get to that. [16:30] i am in XP right now. [16:30] I don't mean to make be irritating [16:30] can you please just back up bubba. ? [16:30] im constructively asking for help [16:30] lel^^ [16:30] trying to get passed non issues. [16:30] DualBootMePlease, Hardly. [16:30] whatever. [16:31] !ntfs [16:31] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE [16:31] !fuse [16:31] FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE. Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here: http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems [16:31] So brianblaze, what in your opinon shoul i do? [16:31] !fstab [16:31] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [16:31] go into the live usb again and install grub [16:31] what version of ubuntu u installed again? [16:32] Hi, I am having problems controlling brightness on my Lenovo Z500. It has optimus graphics (Intel HD 4000 + NVIDIA GT635M), but I cannot control it on either mode. /sys/class/backlight/ only lists intel_backlight [16:32] Now my videos on youtube are buggy [16:32] !patience | islandmonkey, [16:32] 14.04.1 [16:32] islandmonkey,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [16:32] seems to be firefox is dancing [16:32] I know I know [16:32] DualBootMePlease: next time You are at the "install ubuntu alongside..." then please select "Something Else" -- You'll see the partitions. Please select each OS where it should go. Make sure You are NOT formatting the XP partition. Then select grub to go into the MBR [16:32] i dont really understand the continue suggestion to Go In To Live USB And Install GRUB. I dont see or understand that option. [16:33] http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd [16:33] DualBootMePlease: [16:33] DualBootMePlease, use the grub wiki [16:33] !grub [16:33] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [16:33] islandmonkey, do you have the nvidia-prime driver installed, if so it won't work with bumblebee afaik [16:34] don't be too hard on the monkey, it is after all a monkey, it is pretty good to have evolved to the extend that it is not only using computers but uses linux, pretty evolved monkey [16:34] okay that link specifically says not to use Sudo from a live disc??? [16:34] then every single command uses Sudo [16:34] sorry, that was offtopic, will never happen again [16:34] DualBootMePlease: it says if u dont know what u r doing be careful with sudo lol [16:34] BluesKaj: No, but I just installed it now [16:34] well i certainly have no freakin clue what i am doing so... [16:35] que? [16:35] islandmonkey, please clarify...installed what? [16:35] BRB im going to log back in from a Live ubuntu instance so we can better troubleshoot [16:36] BluesKaj: I just installed nvidia-prime after you said it [16:36] islandmonkey, ok [16:38] is it ok to use tabs rather than spaces in /etc/fstab [16:39] BluesKaj: Sorry to disrupt anything you were writing next, but I just noticed something weird - attempting to put brightness down (it has no visible effect on the backlight itself of course) actually changes the value of /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/actual_brightness [16:39] Highest it can go is 976 btw [16:39] I need some help trouleshooting a network connection. For some reason (on a fresh install) certain web pages don't load at all (firefox and chromium), thunderbird can't get mail out. Happens in different networks, I need some way to start troubleshooting... [16:41] islandmonkey, use the Fn key with the brightness key on some Lenovos, my Lenovo works with that combo [16:42] nicofs: start with pinging and tracert'ing those sites [16:42] BluesKaj: No, that doesn't work [16:42] wildwind, ping works - what is tracert'ing? [16:42] Hello everyone [16:42] Good afternoon [16:42] Hello fellows, I have heard a lot of good thing about Cinnamon but I wanna know if there is anyone who think it’s a bad DE and why [16:43] Ugb8: that discussion suits better in #ubuntu-offtopic [16:43] Ugb8, We don't do polls here. [16:43] Ugb8, this cahnnel is not for polling, cinnamon was removed in 14.04 and returned in 14.10 [16:44] polls? asking opinions is a poll? [16:44] Ok so discussing about ubuntu de is off topic ? [16:44] brianblaze420, yes. [16:44] bubbasaures: that's not a poll, IDIOT [16:44] Ugb8: this is not discussion channel, this is support [16:44] can i use tab characters on /etc/fstab k1l ? [16:44] I have upgraded my Ubuntu from 14.04 to 14.10... Now networking doesn't work, nor the icons...etc. What can I do? [16:44] That was the nicest comment I've gotten [16:44] I upgraded online [16:45] I’m not asking for oppinion, just for « scientific » infos, but ok i guess I will go somewhere else… [16:45] Ugb8: brianblaze420 we try to solve technical issues in here. hourlong discussions dont help there. so please take that discussions to #ubuntu-offtopic [16:45] hey guys i have understood, stop flooding me ! [16:45] Ugb8, Coming here is not scientific inquiry. [16:45] YEAH OK I GOT IT [16:45] nicofs: man tracepath, but working ping is enough. what error firefox display when loading website? [16:46] http://superuser.com/questions/663902/some-sites-wont-load-on-ubuntu-mint this sums up quite well what I am experiencing... [16:46] nicofs, that would be a mint issue [16:47] !mint | nicofs, ask mint for support = this is ubuntu not mint [16:47] nicofs, ask mint for support = this is ubuntu not mint: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org [16:47] OerHeks, I'm just too lazy copying the text inserting ubuntu - issue is the same, i use ubuntu [16:47] or a DNS issue? [16:50] OerHeks, it must be some global misconfiguration - chromium and firefox have issues, some pages load, some don't, some only partially. upload is somewhat inhibited, mail not going out, google drive/docs not working... [16:50] nicofs, on IPv6? [16:51] OerHeks, IPv6 is disabled as per network manager, didn't solve the issue... [16:51] Hi, I am having problems controlling brightness on my Lenovo Z500. It has optimus graphics (Intel HD 4000 + NVIDIA GT635M), but I cannot control it on either mode. /sys/class/backlight/ only lists intel_backlight. Attempting to put brightness down actually changes the value of /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/actual_brightness and /brightness, but has no visible effect. [16:51] alright, two crashes LiveUSB attempts later. I'm back. [16:52] are you connected via wireless or wired nicofs [16:52] DualBootToTheHea: got grub? [16:52] so now i'm in 14.04.1 live. How "repair" grub? [16:52] no. what i do. [16:52] brianblaze420, either way the issue persists... [16:52] http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd [16:52] does anyone want to see a Gparted screen shot or anything or we just roll hard? [16:52] I roll soft [16:53] can i just run Boot-Repair from LiveUSB? [16:53] nope follow the instructions [16:53] can you repaste the link, 420? [16:53] Hello everyone [16:54] Good afternoon [16:54] I'm having a problem here [16:54] brianblaze420, They could use boot repair don;t just say no, that is not helping [16:54] Will you please help me out? [16:55] giving too many options doesn't help all the time either but I hear u [16:55] My Xubuntu 14.10 doesn't work after having upgraded from 14.04 [16:56] DualBootToTheHea, Try the bootrepair app, the other link is good if you know how to chroot. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair [16:56] The network doesn't work anymore [16:56] The icons don't appear properly [16:56] Hi, I am having problems controlling brightness on my Lenovo Z500. It has optimus graphics (Intel HD 4000 + NVIDIA GT635M), but I cannot control it on either mode. /sys/class/backlight/ only lists intel_backlight. Attempting to put brightness down actually changes the value of /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/actual_brightness and /brightness, but has no visible effect. Programs like xbacklight do not work either. [16:56] can someone just look at this first and tell me if anything is *obviously* fubar? http://snag.gy/3BPDn.jpg [16:57] is that typical of a dual-boot environment attempt [16:57] Hello? [16:57] DualBootToTheHea, bootrepair auto generated a bootinfo script when run save that url for posting if needed. [16:57] generates* [16:57] and it's nicer to look at too it's true [16:58] I chroot myself, but we have to stay within a users understanding, if we can even tell, heh. [16:59] nicofs: maybe your ISP is just providing poor quality service [16:59] !ask | xubuntu75w [16:59] xubuntu75w: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience === martin_ is now known as Guest51585 [16:59] ok [16:59] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && (boot-repair &) [16:59] E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. [16:59] I've recently upgraded to 14.10 from 14.04 [17:00] And now the network doesn't work anymore, and the icons are gone [17:00] any ideas? [17:00] u already have boot repair on the live cd I think DualBootToTheHea [17:00] you mean, 14.04 to 14.10? [17:00] so "boot-repair" is the command by itself? cuz "unreocognized command [17:01] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ boot-repair [17:01] boot-repair: command not found [17:01] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ [17:01] Hi, I am having problems controlling brightness on my Lenovo Z500. It has optimus graphics (Intel HD 4000 + NVIDIA GT635M), but I cannot control it on either mode. /sys/class/backlight/ only lists intel_backlight. Attempting to put brightness down actually changes the value of /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/actual_brightness and /brightness, but has no visible effect. Programs like xbacklight do not work either. [17:01] sudo line 3 under "2nd option" gives me: [17:01] sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && (boot-repair &) [17:01] DualBootToTheHea, run sudo dpkg --configure -a than sudo apt-get -f install and try again. [17:02] i love how even the "easy" method is a PIA. :D [17:02] islandmonkey, old howto, for 13.10 but it says it works for 14.04 too ? http://itsfoss.com/fix-brightness-ubuntu-1310/ [17:03] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get -f [17:03] E: Command line option 'f' [from -f] is not known. [17:03] DualBootToTheHea: sudo apt-get install -f [17:03] clearly that was the problem? Reading state information... Done [17:03] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 271 not upgraded. [17:03] * bubbasaures prays for a 1000 monkies [17:04] actually it was. lol [17:04] so nothing was broken. needing upgraded, installed, or removed. and yet that was the problem? cool. on to next step. [17:05] DualBootToTheHea, Apt was broken you probably shut it down when running. [17:05] ^yeah i can tell this whole thing is a user error. [17:05] (said facetiously) [17:05] it happens, no biggie. ;) [17:06] xubuntu75w: Don't you have the Network Manager icon on the top panel anymore? [17:06] DualBootToTheHea, THis is all user error from the get go. [17:06] i still don't understand WTF the point of "install alongside of WindowsXP" option is if it fails to generate useable copies of ubuntu. [17:06] wildwind Exactly [17:06] and back to ignore === tcpman is now known as Guest62033 [17:07] is that not a valid question? [17:07] wildwind There's a "forbidden" sign there now [17:07] it may have been the first time u asked but not the 100th === justinS_ is now known as jhsimpson [17:07] Boot Info: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9355954/ [17:07] please advise [17:08] can someone help me install drivers for the amd r9 290 on ubuntu 14.04 amd64? [17:08] DualBootToTheHea: what's your actual problem ? [17:08] ^WinXP loads immediatley. No trace of Ubuntu on restart. [17:08] ikonia: an attitude problem i think [17:08] u want to put grub on /dev/sda [17:08] Everyone here tells me either i scrweed up my ubuntu install, failed to load grub, or some other shenanigans. [17:08] windows xp + attitude = bad combination [17:09] DualBootToTheHea: summerise the problem please. [17:09] xubuntu75w: Tried to right-click it? [17:09] ^problem. Want dualboot XP and 14.04 ... no option to not load in to XP at start. [17:09] Question, are there any other ways to increase preformance for Ubuntu 12.04 installed in a Virtual Box? I've already blacklisted the i2c_piix4 [17:09] Have both OS installed per instructions. Restart yields only XP. [17:09] DualBootToTheHea: boot a live usb [17:09] Need method for accessing Grub at restart or otherwise to select OS. [17:10] I am in a Live USB right now. [17:10] DualBootToTheHea: so if it boots straight to XP either a.) the boot loader was installed on the drive you are not booting from b.) the boot loader was not installed [17:10] DualBootToTheHea: what if they are right but you beeing to stubborn thinking you can do everything right? i did not see you actual work propperly on a solution but just shouting and denying. [17:10] DualBootToTheHea: those are the two realistic options [17:10] http://paste.ubuntu.com/9355954/ [17:10] Yoko|Work, couple options: no unity. switch to xfce or lxde. that will lighten your system demands a bit [17:10] someone look at THIS:http://paste.ubuntu.com/9355954/ [17:10] DualBootToTheHea: ok, type sudo parted -l [17:10] DualBootToTheHea: paste it in paste.ubuntu.com [17:10] Yoko|Work, Ubuntu is a bit chunky in vbox how much ram is allocated? [17:10] wildwind I tried to reconfigure the network with the Network Manager, but everything appears grayed :-( [17:10] cfhowlett, forgot to metion, I'm on Xubuntu. Unity was terrible. [17:10] same on lighter de as well [17:10] DualBootToTheHea: looking at that boot report - it looks like it's booting off the second disk [17:11] break it down for me, ikonia. [17:11] DualBootToTheHea: it looks like it's booting from the disk with windows on, rather than the disk with linux on [17:11] what do? [17:11] Yoko|Work, agreed. How much ram did you give the VM? [17:11] well i could have told you that. [17:11] :( [17:11] bubbasaures, 4 GB at present with 4 CPUs, though that may be a bit overkill [17:11] wildwind I mean, I can initiate Network Manager, but the pages are grayed when I try to add a wired network... :-( [17:11] server has 32 GB total [17:11] DualBootToTheHea: change the boot disk in the bios, or press the boot selector (normally F12 in most pre-boots) to select the other disk for a one off boot [17:12] Yoko|Work, that is plenty, not sure beyond trying a lighter desktop. [17:12] BIOS only gives me option for my entire driev as ONE. [17:12] no option for either or partition. [17:12] DualBootToTheHea: you don't boot a partition [17:12] you boot a disk [17:12] It reads the entire drive as one. [17:12] and you need to boot the other disk [17:12] Figured as much bubbasaures, I'm just glad Unity is gone! [17:12] Ok. so here is what i am saying for the 3rd time. [17:12] DualBootToTheHea: you have like 3 disks [17:12] Two partions on one disc. One option: that disc. [17:12] EriC^^: one is the USB [17:12] i think 2 disks [17:12] yeah [17:12] Eric http://snag.gy/6hCXh.jpg [17:12] there are two disks [17:13] and the boot report shows it clearly [17:13] i couldn't figure out your ubuntu paste link [17:13] windows is on one, and grub/linux is on the other [17:13] Yoko|Work, I imagine you've enabled guest additions? [17:13] Yup. Those are two "disks" on ONE harddrive. [17:13] My bios does not recogjnize TWO [17:13] it recognizes the ONE physical drive. [17:13] Sure did cfhowlett [17:13] DualBootToTheHea: there are 2 hard drives [17:13] not one [17:13] What you are asking me to do is impossible. [17:13] DualBootToTheHea: the 1TB drive has winxp? [17:13] DualBootToTheHea: you are mistaken about your hardware [17:13] BBL, gone2lunch [17:13] Hi Ubuntu people. I am in the market for a quality MP3 player. I had an ipod touch, which didn't play nice with ubuntu at all. Even my android smart phone wasn't great with it. My question for you is: What line(s) of audio players are ideal for syncing with ubuntu? [17:13] Ok the TB drive is a STORAGE driev. [17:13] DualBootToTheHea: there are two different disks [17:13] Nope. [17:13] DualBootToTheHea: ok no problem [17:13] The second drive you see is likely irrelvant. [17:14] DualBootToTheHea: focus with me [17:14] xubuntu75w: are there any wired connections in the list? [17:14] DualBootToTheHea: no it's not [17:14] Thank god he's not doing a RAID [17:14] whatever. [17:14] DualBootToTheHea: it's very important [17:14] Eric. [17:14] DualBootToTheHea: type sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt [17:15] i did that. it indicated no progress or anything just new line at prompt [17:15] if you look at the boot report you can see that SDB1 contains the windows boot loader [17:15] Eric ^ [17:15] DualBootToTheHea: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done [17:15] OerHeks: No, that workaround did not work [17:15] DualBootToTheHea: type the above line ^^ [17:15] * OerHeks wonders if that XP is running on IDE-mode instead of AHCI [17:15] you can see it is booting from the wrong/second disk [17:15] it's that clear [17:15] wildwind No, there aren't [17:15] sdb1 Boot files: /boot.ini /ntldr /NTDETECT.COM [17:15] EriC^^, They have grub in sda [17:15] islandmonkey, sad to hear that :-( [17:15] so it needs to boot from sda [17:16] it's that simple - there is no more work / debug needed [17:16] bubbasaures: i know [17:16] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done [17:16] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ [17:16] there is no need to mount any disks [17:16] the bios boot order is wrong [17:16] DualBootToTheHea: type sudo chroot /mnt [17:16] is there a way to swap alt and super? [17:16] ikonia: let him reinstall grub anyways [17:16] no [17:16] I've played a bit with various settings. Still my problem persists: some web pages load, some don't, some only patially; mail through thunderbird won't go out, but in. Networking is messed up - I don't know what to do. Please help! [17:16] that would be bad [17:16] ikonia: how so? [17:16] applying grub to the second disk - woudl remove his only windows boot loader [17:16] I have a question. i have two monitors and if i want to watch movie or youtube video on fullscreen on left monitor and if i mouseclick something on right monitor the fullscreen goes away. hmmm [17:16] k. i did that (no signs it did anything) Eric [17:17] timvisher, sure. system > keyboard > keybindings [17:17] ikonia: i mean installing to sda [17:17] not the second [17:17] EriC^^: it's already on sda [17:17] !keybindings | pilikeits [17:17] how i will prevent that to happen? [17:17] DualBootToTheHea: do you get a # prompt ? [17:17] we can see it's on SDA [17:17] rodney77: What program do you use to sync? Try MediaMonkey, it works with iPod an Android [17:17] yes [17:17] we don't need to apply it to sda - boot report shows it as on sda [17:17] it's booting from sdb [17:17] hold on Eric [17:17] DualBootToTheHea: type grub-install --recheck /dev/sda [17:17] you can see this [17:17] For Ikonia's sake: [17:17] cfhowlett, what you mean? [17:17] DualBootToTheHea: you're 2 commands away, and there's no harm doing it [17:18] there is [17:18] do not do iot [17:18] THIS is the PHYSICAL hardrive with BOTH OS on it: http://snag.gy/c8lFv.jpg [17:18] you have a sane grub [17:18] wildwind, MediaMonkey is fantastic, but the last time I checked there wasn't a native version for ubuntu [17:18] the other one you see (if you see it) IS irrelevant. Just FYI [17:18] ikonia: what's the harm in reinstalling grub to sda? [17:18] applying it to an already applied grub from an unknown chroot [17:18] fix the boot order [17:18] cfhowlett: meaning system settings -> keybord -> keybindings? because i don't see the keybindings option there [17:18] DualBootToTheHea: use the drop down - you will see there is an sdb [17:18] See? http://snag.gy/4gM40.jpg [17:18] in the top right [17:18] That is STORAGE [17:18] wildwind, to answer your question, I use Nightingal [17:18] Nightingale [17:18] DualBootToTheHea: but your boot loader is on the storage disk [17:18] SDB IS MY STORAGE DRIVE! [17:18] DualBootToTheHea: that is where it's booting from [17:18] LOOK AT IT [17:18] DualBootToTheHea: please stop the caps [17:19] DualBootToTheHea: that is where the boot laoder is [17:19] DualBootToTheHea: that is where it is booting from [17:19] how can you see that? [17:19] boot flags :) [17:19] wildwind I'm going to try the right click thing, I'll be right back... [17:19] DualBootToTheHea: in the boot report [17:19] DualBootToTheHea: you pasted it earlier [17:20] last couple of lines on bootrepair states this [17:20] Ok. fine. So do what now? [17:20] DualBootToTheHea: tell your bios to boot from the other disk [17:20] I really don't want a boot sector on my SDB drive though :( [17:20] DualBootToTheHea: so it boots grub instead of windows [17:20] But i guess that is maybe for another day. [17:21] Why would Ubuntu Install not ask if two phyhsical drives were present which to use? [17:21] DualBootToTheHea: it does ask you, you probably just missed it [17:21] Why wouldn't it make the LOGICAL choice and install on the same drive as the XP OS? [17:21] DualBootToTheHea: it did [17:21] nicofs: is there a page that fail to load every time? [17:21] DualBootToTheHea: it did [17:21] I just chose "install alongside XP" [17:21] hi all, in ubuntu 14.04 I am using gnome 3 flashback, how to get the gnome panels to autohide without the side effect of removing unity components, which I am unsure might break the system or prevent switching to unity if I want that later? [17:21] DualBootToTheHea: it installed it on the primary master [17:21] DualBootToTheHea: you are not booting from that drive though [17:21] does your xp have satacontroller drivers at all? so strange you installed xp on such new hardware .. with 32 bit satacontroller drivers, that makes me think your sata controller is in IDE mode [17:21] How is my storage drive the "primary master" if XP is on the other? [17:21] DualBootToTheHea: it can't know that you've told it to boot from the other disk [17:22] DualBootToTheHea: ubuntu is installed on the primary master, and so is grub [17:22] cfhowlett: or maybe you means xfce4-settings-editor [17:22] wildwind, always the same pages don't load - it's not random. most prominent page is facebook [17:22] Can you clarify what designates "primary master" [17:22] ? [17:22] DualBootToTheHea: your WINDOWS install installed the boot loader on the the second drive - so ask microsoft [17:22] DualBootToTheHea: it appears that your other storage drive has a boot loader [17:22] As the drive you are refering to has ONLY EVER contained music and files. [17:22] DualBootToTheHea: so ? [17:22] timvisher, I'm sorry, I thought you were on ubuntu no xubuntu ... [17:22] DualBootToTheHea: it would be better if you stopped arguing and started fixing [17:22] lol. [17:22] I'm trying to understand, not argue. [17:22] DualBootToTheHea: you've had it explained to you very clearly, and it's getting tedious you stating how wrong I am [17:23] I can't really proceed with anything until i am sure i understand WTF is going on. [17:23] DualBootToTheHea: so either fix it, and accept the truth of the issue, or give it a rest [17:23] i'm getting much closer now. THANK YOU [17:23] DualBootToTheHea: I've explained exactly what's going on [17:23] THANK YOU [17:23] DualBootToTheHea: you are booting from your second drive [17:23] DualBootToTheHea: windows bootloader is on the second drive [17:23] okay. that is unfortunate. :( [17:23] DualBootToTheHea: ubuntu has chosen to install it's bootloader to the drive with the OS on [17:23] you are not booting from that drive [17:23] DualBootToTheHea: the bootloader and partition table are only on the first 512bytes in mbr [17:23] your bios config is the problem [17:23] fix it [17:23] "fix it" not detailed enough for this idiot. [17:23] but thank you generally [17:24] DualBootToTheHea: open the bios - select the other disk from the boot drive order [17:24] Lixumux, it is in the shell as an addon, don't see anything on the fallback. [17:24] so when booting just choose the first drive probably F12 or go into bios and permanently change the order :) [17:24] DualBootToTheHea: use the temporary boot device menu that a lot of bioss have (normally F12) and seclect the other disk to test [17:25] ok. But if i want to move all that crap to the correct drive, that is basically a complete reinstall of both at this point? [17:25] DualBootToTheHea: no [17:25] DualBootToTheHea: no - but one thing at a time [17:25] Okay. I'll be back. Booted from drive 2. [17:25] DualBootToTheHea: what do you mean by remove all that crap? [17:25] I mean i want to get any boot stuff on to the other drive. [17:25] DualBootToTheHea: everything is fine it's just that sdb has a boot loader and your bios may be booting it [17:25] That TB drive should have no trace of an OS on it. [17:25] period. [17:25] DualBootToTheHea: it doesn't affect anything, it's just the first 512 bytes [17:26] Ok. So i'm gonna go swtich boot order and be back. [17:26] i think [17:26] yes? [17:26] DualBootToTheHea: you're actually in a very good configuration point [17:26] ^that's encouraging [17:26] nicofs: you can enable web developer tools in Firefox or Chrome and colect network requests log when loading that page. then paste it somewhere [17:26] thanks for tolerating my idiocy. [17:26] hmm. i'm still not seeing how to swap and using xfce4-settings-editor [17:27] assuming that's where i'm supposed to be [17:28] bubbasaures, when selecting to install gnome-shell or gnome-shell-extensions, it informs me that it will REMOVE such things as unity-controlcenter and gnome-flashback..., sounds scary... [17:29] timvisher, KEYBOARD > Layout [17:29] wildwind, nothing happening there apart from Method: GET and status PENDING [17:29] Question, is there anyway to downgrade from 12.04.5 to 12.04.4? [17:30] Yoko|Work: not really [17:30] Yoko|Work: why would you want to do that? [17:30] Yoko|Work, nope. reinstall. no rollback. [17:30] hi friends ... i have one problem that i couldnt find a solution for it the problem is when i watch youtube 1080p it shown like pictures or the sound spliting from video and my pcs cpu goes on 100 but on 720p its fine but also uses cpu between 90-96 i changed firefox cache its same thing im using ubuntu 14.04 .thx [17:30] NComputing software has to have 12.04.4 to work [17:30] Yoko|Work: which software [17:30] 12.04.5 breaks whatever they do [17:30] Yoko|Work: why exactly? [17:30] pavel_: what resolution is your monitor at? [17:30] rodney77: hmm, I had always thought MediaMonkey has Linux version. [17:31] pavel_, 1080 is more demanding than 720. could be your system isn't able to handle it. [17:31] Yoko|Work: you could downgrade a certain package or so [17:31] nicofs: can you post screenshot? [17:31] intel singel core 900 [17:31] I'll play around with it, it's just a test VM that has 12.04.5 installed [17:32] thanks! [17:32] Yoko|Work: what is the software you want to use [17:32] NComputing [17:32] vSpace Server [17:32] Release notes say 12.04.2, but I've got it to work in 04.4, but not 04.5 [17:33] Yoko|Work: what does it error out on? [17:33] but befor im switching to linux on windows was fine .then i have tested so many distributions its same with all just manjaro i can watch 1080p on normal screen but when i watch on full screen same problem .thx [17:33] wildwind, upload won't work. but console shows nothing except for "GET" and then status "Canceled" while no data whatsoever has been transferred... [17:33] I assume timeout [17:34] It doesn't really give any error in terminal, just says its uncompressing the installation, they returns to bash prompt [17:34] it should go through an install process and then ask to register the software === root is now known as Guest91947 [17:35] ai de ba di home [17:35] DualBootInThePoo: did it work? [17:35] YES... but... [17:35] hi guys. my audio just started sounding really warbly and has lots of artifacts when playing music with either amarok or just mplayer [17:35] i had to boot from SDA not SDB ? [17:35] great [17:36] yes [17:36] I am officially in a hard installed Ubuntu copy! [17:36] sorry is there anyone who can help me [17:36] DualBootInThePoo: so exactly what we told you [17:36] I will buy you all a cheap round of beer. [17:36] problem solved [17:36] ^thought you said to use SDB though? [17:36] either way. THANK YOU [17:36] DualBootInThePoo: it depends on the bios ordere against the OS order [17:36] thats why I kept saying the "other" disk [17:37] nicofs: maybe your ISP uses content filtering and it works bad. [17:37] okay. ... so this is "good to go" nothing else needed to scrub any OS junk off of SDB? [17:37] DualBootInThePoo: you don't need to change anything [17:37] you are in a good state now [17:37] when i change to Thunderbird's window launchpad and top tool bar items disapear, how to fix it (ubuntu 14.04LTS, unity 7.2.3) ? [17:37] ^you mean besides having XP on my computer, generally? [17:37] wildwind, other devices and os have no issues [17:37] :D [17:37] DualBootInThePoo: I mean your boot configuration [17:37] lol. but NOW what do i do? === guampa_ is now known as guampa [17:38] DualBootInThePoo: YA! ;) [17:38] If i am not trouble shooting an OS. I am lost. :( [17:38] DualBootInThePoo: update [17:38] heard. :D === sins-_m is now known as sins- [17:39] Lixumux, Do you have any 3rd party repos like a PPA involved here? The shell install, installs the fallback. [17:40] ^getting the language files now so i can talk to the Cantonese and Bangladeshians. [17:40] hi friends please ... i have one problem that i couldnt find a solution for it the problem is when i watch youtube 1080p it shown like pictures or the sound spliting from video and my pcs cpu goes on 100 but on 720p its fine but also uses cpu between 90-96 i changed firefox cache its same thing im using ubuntu 14.04 .thx [17:40] flash game maximiser didn't work for me. I want to use firefox and watch fullscreen youtube with left monitor. [17:40] bubbasaures, not sure what you mean? [17:41] how to make local repository and make it go from my own path in ftp using ubuntu 12.05 [17:41] bubbasaures, I have gnome3-team/gnome3-staging [17:41] Lixumux, What you describe makes no sense, so I'm trying to figure out how you got there. Extra repos add dependencies at times causing similar problems. [17:42] Lixumux, Sounds like a PPA. [17:42] bubbasaures, yes, that is a PPA that I needed to get gnome3 in the first place... [17:43] bubbasaures, should I remove that PPA after I installed gnome3? [17:43] Lixumux, We only support what is in the ubuntu repos not 3rd parties like PPA's, Here is the warning from the one you're using "The packages here have been deemed not ready for general use, they have known bugs and/or regressions," [17:44] !ppa-purge | Lixumux If you want to remove the ppa [17:44] Lixumux If you want to remove the ppa: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:/ » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html [17:44] how to make local repository using my own path in ftp://ipaddress in ubuntu 12.04 [17:44] !offline | Saleem i think this explains it [17:44] Saleem i think this explains it: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD [17:45] can u give me full guide link [17:45] Saleem: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Offline/Repository [17:45] bubbasaures, ubottu, no - I dont want to destroy the gnome3 setup, just want to figure out how I can set the gnome3 panels to autohide without removing other components from the system... [17:45] can we put ftp://then ip address/folder name [17:45] Lixumux, What release are you running? [17:45] Saleem: i think so [17:45] i am using 12.04 [17:46] bubbasaures, ubuntu 14.04 with gnome3 [17:46] Saleem: you might want to look into apt-cacher-ng perhaps... i'm not clear what you want though. [17:46] Lixumux, gnome 3 the shell and fallback are in the 14.04 repos, you just do not understand, you did not need the ppa. [17:46] Saleem: if ftp doesn't work http should [17:46] i want to install software using local repository instead of going to internet [17:46] cfhowlett: are we talking about this? http://i.imgur.com/kxs9wSq.png [17:47] Lixumux, And what you have installed we don;t support. [17:47] Hi. I want to backup the whole /home folder, but instead of having scheduled backups, I would like to have to whole map mirrorred on an external drive, pretty much like how you would have it with a cloud. So that every time I adjust/create/delete a file, the same happens on that external drive. What software can do this? [17:47] rr1991: You can do it natively with a bind mount in fstab [17:47] i need atlease step by step guide it will do it [17:47] bubbasaures, so what should I do to get a gnome3 standard/supported configuration? [17:48] im in shock now :D i did some googling and this problem A) has been around a long time B) is only fixable by "dirty hacks". There should be button in display settings to make it primary so that flash videos etc. will be fullscreen what ever you do in another screen. Hmm.. === lstblr is now known as lostblur [17:48] Lixumux, If all is good on your install beyond this use the ppa-purge, than install the gnome-shell it loads the fallback as well. [17:49] I have seen warnings online about some of the gnome3 installations removing parts of the system and making it unstable or not working. I want to be able to choose between unity and gnome3 at the login screen [17:49] Lixumux, I'm a bit concerned however you did not know this was in the repos, so we don't now how stable your setup is, be sure to be backed up. [17:50] bubbasaures, and the "fallback" is the function that provides a way to choose unity ? [17:50] Rory: is there graphical software for that? Too inexperienced to do this on an important system that is not mine. [17:51] Lixumux, No the fallback is what you said from the beginning you are running, you called it flashback. [17:51] These are all desktops [17:51] bubbasaures, I saw that it was in the repos, but several online articles said to add that PPA first and do an apt-get update before installing, including posts at ubuntu.com [17:52] !fstab | rr1991 [17:52] rr1991: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions === Rory is now known as Rory|away [17:52] What would be a good mobile device to pick up if I wanted to try out Ubuntu Touch? [17:52] Onea those Nexus thingies. [17:52] Seems they get all the support. [17:52] !touch | rodney77 [17:52] Lixumux, You have to know what your doing not just install on someones word, you have to know the context. Is it an opinion, is it a need that is personal, is it vaild for support here. [17:52] rodney77: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch [17:52] bubbasaures, right - so I should purge/remove that one, and then (re-)install exactly what from the repos? [17:53] rodney77: they've a list in the channel /topic, IIRC [17:53] how to fix unable to locate package package name [17:53] in ubuntu 12.04 [17:53] thanks guys [17:53] Lixumux, purge and install the gnome shell it seems. YOU were trying to to get the autohide, it is a different desktop than the flashback or unity, be sure it's what you want. [17:54] how to fix unable to locate package package name in ubuntu 12.04 [17:54] can anyone give me steps [17:54] reisio, how do I access that list? === ubuntu is now known as Guest7700 [17:57] i don't want to install chrome to my ubuntu and still want fullscreen for youtube with my 1 monitor. [17:58] just press the full-screen icon [17:59] rodney77: /msg alis list #ubuntu-touch [17:59] rodney77: or /join #ubuntu-touch, /topic [17:59] basil1x, but then when i press something on my second monitor the fullscreen goes away! [18:00] Can you not press anything on your second monitor? [18:00] And have it behave properly, I mean. === shawn is now known as Guest97524 [18:01] basil1x, 1 monitor is my youtube with fullscreen and if i click anything in my 2 monitor the 1 monitors fullscreen goes away [18:01] * basil1x would just use the youtube downloader, and watch the videos in VLC fullscreen. [18:03] basil1x, yeah... maybe i have to do that extra work :/. Its a shame that i have to do extra stuff because of that. hmmm... Ok i will try to program something plah :). [18:04] Sorry, but the inner workings of Flash are not something I'm familiar with. [18:05] basil1x, thats all right it isn't your or anybodys fault :D But its just one thing more what has to be fixed :P === rc0mbs is now known as rcombs [18:10] Hi to all! When I install mysql, it ask me first settings (user, password, etc), but I forgot it. How I can to reset this settings. Sorry for my broken English! Thanks ) [18:12] djigit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset [18:13] Thank you! [18:13] NP! [18:14] Hello wonderful people. === alessandro is now known as Guest76540 [18:14] Hey there is there anybody who can help me figure out what these packets are and if i should be worried about it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9354102/ [18:15] Hi all [18:16] Can anyone help me. for the last two days, my server running squid proxy seems to go down around this time, and I cant get a remote console as it errors "too many files open". Once i reboot the box its all working again. Any ideas? [18:19] apologies for a noob question but i just installed ubuntu and many websites i visit, like twitter, facebook, gmail, cause a little drop down menu to pop up and ask if i want to install that website for "extra features, and quicker access" each pop up has the ubuntu logo, but no link or further details on what it is referring to. is it some kind of an applet? browser extension? standalone? i let gamil install tis prompt, but [18:19] all it seems to do is opn up the website when i click it, i dont want to trial and error others and clutter up the system. so does anyone have an answer? [18:22] lostblur: I never seen such a thing. I recommend extreme caution [18:22] Hello, I'm looking for a way to block an incoming connection that has port 80 or 443 open. So when something makes a connection to me, they will be "blocked" via firewall if either port is open on their end. [18:24] check this if you are getting messages similar to one shown in the link http://askubuntu.com/questions/203100/what-does-would-you-like-to-install-twitter-mean [18:27] christian_: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martian_packet [18:28] solstice thanks i already read this but someone told me that it might be a sign for ip spoofing [18:29] خ [18:29] خخخخخخخخخخخ [18:30] thanks [18:30] hi folks; how can i capture the RAW request, including all headers, cookies and params? im trying to debug why a curl request is getting me authenticated on a website yet my programatic solution is not. [18:30] christian_: yes that's a sign. you can definitvely drop those packet with some firewall rules. adding some iptables rules [18:32] solstice do you happen to know how what i would have to do? [18:33] You dont have to create firewall settings for such packets, there is a kernel setting for it. [18:33] bekks: I found one to log martian packet but not to drop them [18:34] Yeah, and thats basically enough, since martian packages arent necessarily a bad sign. [18:34] arooni-mobile: with curl? curl -i [18:35] arooni-mobile: sorry I guess that wouldn't be the request that would be the reply [18:36] Greetings, everyone. I just installed some updates (on 14.04) and now my onboard soundcard isn't being recognized (though it still comes up under `sudo aplay -l`). Help, please? Need to get to bed soon and my computer is my alarm clock. === Guest9784 is now known as Sleepnbum [18:37] arooni-mobile: ahh, curl -v === solsTiCe_ is now known as solsTiCe [18:38] anyone have an antivirus recommendation for Ubuntu? I wanna scan a windows disk [18:38] Hi guys, I am having problem with laptop battery on ubunut [18:38] ubuntu [18:38] When I switch users in 14.04, unity left bar is corrup. Its display is incorrect, up until I click the non-visible ubuntu icon and the dash opens, then everything is OK from then on. I'm using a nvidia 304 graphics driver with dual screen. Any clue on how to fix this? [18:39] its a new dell laptop and it gives charging around 6 hrs in windows and only 2 and half hours for ubuntu [18:39] Sleepnbum: the only one I know is clamav [18:39] Any suggestions ? [18:39] solsTiCe thanks! [18:40] srikar: you could try to install laptop-mode-tools that will provide ways tor educe power drain on the battery. [18:41] there is also TLP but you need a PPA I think [18:41] yeah I have read about that [18:41] srikar: yeah you might need to reconfigure something [18:42] does adding PPA might land us in trouble ? [18:42] from laptop-mode-tools [18:42] it doesn't load all its things by default [18:42] srikar u can also install PowerTop to see what's taking the power [18:42] oh ok thanks solsTiCe reisio [18:42] sure CosmicSpirit [18:42] thanks [18:42] srikar: there is also powertop that will help you track down the most poroblematic thing [18:43] oops. === matheus_ is now known as Guest21118 === Guest21118 is now known as GoTheuS [18:48] can someone say my name [18:49] monsieur savage [18:49] heh, too late, no patience [18:49] Mr_Sheesh: [18:50] err [18:50] That was fail on two levels. === Melliz_ is now known as Melliz [18:53] Greetings, everyone. I just installed some updates (on 14.04) and now my onboard soundcard isn't being recognized (already tried rolling back to the old kernel, no dice). Help, please? Need to get to bed soon and my computer is my alarm clock. [18:54] guys, i need help [18:54] i run a pc that has all of gnome installed [18:54] and i want to remove everything to slim the thing down to a server [18:55] kish: Does it run Ubuntu? [18:55] Mint server :-D === cyphase is now known as Guest47002 [18:57] bekks, of course! [18:57] heh. === pinnen_ is now known as pinnen [18:58] forgive me ahead of time as this may be a crazy question, but is there software for Ubuntu that provides an SFTP server that does not use users on the system? (i.e. it uses users set up in a configuration file/etc) [18:58] hi, i'm trying to find more detailed information about the integrated audio in my PC. the sound settings just say "built in audio" [18:59] lspci -vvv says "Intel Corporation 8 Series/C220 Series Chipset High Definition Audio Controller" but i dont think intel makes audio controllers... [18:59] ulkesh, the answer is yes! [18:59] there is a ftp user usually [18:59] if i go to acer, the manufacturer's website, it just says 'realtek' but not which model [18:59] runs as a daemon. [19:00] kish: my point is that i'd like to have an sftp service that doesn't require me to `adduser`, but instead read user auth/config from a configuration file [19:01] kish: or `useradd`, rather [19:01] ses1984: Are you trying to find out because your onboard audio quit working, by chance? I have that same audio chip and it just stopped working after an update. [19:01] nope it's working fine, so far, i'm on 14.04 x64 up to date [19:01] hmm [19:01] ulkesh: Not that I know of. You would have to use a different method of authentication, such as LDAP or something. When you log in using SFTP, it needs a home directory, a user, and permissions. [19:01] i'm trying to find the specs on it, like what is the signal to noise ratio. basically i'm trying to decide if i should buy a better sound card [19:02] ulkesh: øu can use proftpd or vsftpd with a virtual user setup. [19:02] rypervenche: okay thanks, we may just have to add the users then and chroot them to the folder they would be allowed to upload files to...i was just hoping to avoid creating users in the system [19:02] bekks: oh okay, i'll check those out, thank you [19:02] ulkesh: you dont need to create system users :) [19:02] ses1984: if you install inxi (https://code.google.com/p/inxi/) it will display your current audio card setup. [19:03] thanks i'll try that [19:03] ses1984: squinty@ubuntu14041:~$ inxi -Ax [19:03] Audio: Card Intel 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller driver: snd_hda_intel bus-ID: 00:1b.0 Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k3.13.0-40-generic [19:04] Anyone know anything about what the permissions sound be on the devices under /dev/snd? The HDMI device, which is working, has extended permissions assigned, while the onboard, which is not working, does not. [19:04] ses1984: type in inxi -Ax to see similar output to the above [19:05] it says the exact same thing as lspci Intel Corporation 8 Series/C220 Series Chipset High Definition Audio Controller [19:05] i'm trying to find the specifications online and no luck [19:07] i dont know if the "intel" thing is just some OEM thing, because if you look up Aspire TC-605 on acer's website it says "realtek" under audio driver downloads === Lingo_ is now known as breakoutbit === XeBlackWater is now known as zz_XeBlackWater [19:08] that is my main clue that this is not an intel audio thing [19:08] Hi! I have problems registering on https://login.launchpad.net/. Captcha asks for two words, while picture shows house numbers. How do I solve this? [19:09] dabbeduller: they count numbers as words, just type the numbers [19:09] I did three times, but validation failed. === kpease_ is now known as kpease [19:11] dabbeduller: it can take a few tries, captchas are terrible [19:11] Captcha input field (text field) says "Type the two words" while the picture shows a single number. [19:11] Tell me about it, haha :) [19:11] dabbeduller: Can you show us that captcha? :) [19:11] i have an odd situation. when installing ubuntu 14.10, i have to set nomodeset in the kernel options... then my nvidia card doesnt function properly... when installing 14.04.1 i DONT have to set nomodeset and my video card works fine.. any ideas? [19:11] I guess i can upload a image to some image-site? === tcpman is now known as Guest98176 [19:13] anyone? [19:13] I need help trying to mount [19:13] oh wait wrong channel [19:14] bekks, here you go: http://i58.tinypic.com/2vkxg82.png [19:14] bynarie: afik you should be able to install with nomodeset and then use "Additional Drivers" to install the nvidia drivers. once installed tweak with nvidia X server settings [19:15] squinty, i know how to install the nvidia drivers, but they never load properly.. for example: when loading steam, i get an error about opengl not supported === konder is now known as Qoray [19:15] when i load the "nvidia-settings", i dont get all of the options [19:15] How to change alternative key? For example, when I press alt gr + D, I get “ . I would like to change that, so it prints another character. How to do that? [19:15] dabbeduller: So just generate a new captcha [19:16] I did about ten times. Keeps giving me numbers. === ross`_ is now known as ross` [19:16] the cron daemon is sending email, but the From: header is From: Cron Daemon . How can I specify my own From header? [19:16] squinty, wierd thing tho is that i did a dist-upgrade from 14.04 to 14.10 and it still works fine... only when doing a fresh install of 14.10 it dont work [19:17] ..which won't validate. [19:17] IMO, 14.10 is faster for me [19:19] It doesn't work on https://login.ubuntu.com/ either. I don't think there will be many new Ubuntu One users before this is fixed.. [19:21] dabbeduller: fwiw, the capt displays words here. maybe try another browser or see if maybe one of your browser plugins is causing an issue [19:21] Sure, give me a sec :) [19:22] Nope, getting same error in different browser. [19:23] dabbeduller, if you cannot solve it,. hit the top icon to reload a new captcha [19:23] use the audio captcha [19:23] I reloaded about ten new captchas, all of which won't validate. [19:23] Okay, audio captcha it is. [19:24] hi guys [19:24] hi guy [19:24] got a new question [19:24] bensen123: prove it! [19:24] Does any one has experience with pptpd?I installed it in ubuntu,and it worked yesterday but failed today. I didn't change anything,but via the log I can't see any GRE [19:24] great! coz I'm gonna ^^ [19:25] have a kernel panic resuming after suspend [19:25] Doesn't accept audio captcha either. Anyway...How do I join the Norwegian documentation team?! [19:25] fog_proxy: Sure it's not a problem with the server? [19:25] Oh err [19:25] hmm let me give you more detail [19:25] Wait, is pptpd the server or the client? [19:25] but first got to look the pic to find the error [19:25] oh god [19:25] remembered [19:25] mei_me error [19:26] theadmin: I am not sure,but the server is vps setuped by myself [19:26] "setuped" [19:26] fog_proxy: I see === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob [19:26] hi [19:26] thebomb [19:26] nikola_: hi [19:27] what's up :) [19:27] 'bout luncheon time [19:27] theadmin: the problem now is I don't know how to dig out the root cause [19:27] has anyone ever heard mei_me error while resuming from suspend mode? [19:28] If anyone's interested, I would like to share my solution for remapping alternative characters: All you need is to change file in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols. Of course, you should edit your layout. Mine was rs. [19:28] theadmin: logs give me too few info,even i enabled ppp debug [19:32] So yeah, there is an issue with registering on Ubuntu One. Now you know. Have a nice day. === blindsight is now known as Guest91174 [19:32] since there are other free services that provide more space, not sure why I'd use it [19:33] !offtopic [19:33] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [19:33] Because the Ubuntu One authentification is used for the Ubuntu online services. [19:33] Sometimes my YouTube videos flicker after a while when using Firefox [19:33] bekks: is it still? [19:33] designbybeck_: swap the batteries [19:33] reisio: AFAIK yes. [19:34] desktop morsnowski [19:34] what does that get you? [19:34] one fewer of the million authentication tokens you already keep track of? :) [19:34] :9 [19:34] Hi. Which forum software would you recommend for a small community (It will be installed in a VPS)?. Using a daemon database such a MySQL is ok. [19:34] reisio: The ability to log in to launchpad, e.g. :) [19:35] bekks: sounds like a good way to link the security of your data and your launchpad account :p [19:35] that is, a bad way :p [19:35] reisio: ? [19:37] Hello [19:38] 'lo [19:40] hi all [19:41] hi [19:41] it,,,it's you JUSTYOU [19:42] yes [19:43] lisa_ [19:43] bubbasaures [19:43] JUSTYOU, Do you have a support need? [19:44] yes [19:45] is there any way to maintain multiple keyboard mappings for multiple devices. mac's have their modifier key mappings on a per input-device level. [19:45] Hi. Which forum software would you recommend for a small community (It will be installed in a VPS)?. Using a daemon database such a MySQL is ok. [19:45] i have 2 main keyboards that i use, one where i'd like alt and super swapped, and the other (internal keyboard) where i'd like them to be at their default locations [19:45] the cron daemon do not accept the MAILFROM var. How can I specify from header? [19:46] the only thing i've found would require a restart of x every time i wanted to change configurations: https://radu.cotescu.com/remapping-keys-in-ubuntu-14.04/ [19:48] I'm trying to make a vivid chroot on my nex4, but I get this error. "E: Failed getting release file http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/vivid/Release" [19:48] even though the URL is valid, and the device is online [19:50] josharenson: It might be worth asking in #ubuntu+1 for that, probably not many people here have any experience with vivid, at least #ubuntu+1 is likely to have early testers using it [19:50] DJones, will do, figured its a mk-sbuild issue and not a vivid issue [19:52] I hope I'm in the right place. I need help. [19:52] thehills: ask away [19:52] !ask | thehills [19:53] thehills: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [19:53] How can I make preseed (partman-auto/expert_recipe) leave free space on the disk? [19:53] using Ubuntu Studio 14.04 none of my audio cds or any dvd will mount === sayan is now known as Guest90004 [19:54] thehills: Have you checked dmesg? [19:54] thehills: maybe the #ubuntustudio guys might also know? [19:55] NegativeFlare no but I've tried so many things already. I don't know where to check dmsg [19:56] thehills: dmesg is a command that you use in the terminal, that tells you stuff about the kernel, etc. [19:56] ok thanks [19:57] hi [19:58] thehills: what error do you get? [19:58] dmesg has a lot of lines that say unaligned transfer a couple of lines that say Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 5 [19:58] the block numbers change [19:58] thehills: sounds like the CD/DVD drive is having problems mounting the Disc [19:59] thehills: did your dvd work on another Os recently? [19:59] If I have two displays with widely varying pixel density, can I configure X such that it uses different DPI settings for the two displays (without having to run 2 separate X servers)? [19:59] does that mean probably hardware. It worked fine on Ubuntu 12.04 [19:59] ah [20:00] thehills: on now ubuntu studio 14.04? [20:00] yes now I have ubuntu studio 14.04 [20:00] . [20:00] thehills: did you upgrade or fresh install? [20:00] fresh install [20:00] selam [20:01] !english | Mozz_ [20:01] Mozz_: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [20:01] thehills: its possible that it could be hardware related yes, but if it worked recently then I'm not sure why its doing now. [20:01] it used to at the very least play audio cds now nothing [20:01] Shapeshifter xrandr maybe? [20:01] hi [20:01] thank you [20:01] is there any way that we can install iTunes on ubuntu [20:02] nithin: wine or playonlinux [20:02] I am sorry.. I am new to ubuntu [20:02] thehills: boot the 12.04.4 live cd and see if the drive works. If so, it's software. If not, it's hardware... [20:02] nithin: there is also libmobiledevice to sync apple devices to ubuntu [20:02] thanks Loshki that's a good idea to test it again. [20:02] Loshki: nice idea indeed [20:03] Thank you === Guest91174 is now known as blindsight [20:03] how do I install that? [20:03] nithin: I don't know, but even if there is, the products from Apple or any other proprietary programs should be avoided. They put their users into total control of the developer. See [20:03] can i get any help with setting irc to run under tor? [20:03] Windows forever hooray boys hooray! Down with the linux traitor [20:03] daf [20:03] Windows forever hooray boys hooray! Down with the linux traitor [20:03] adf [20:03] Windows forever hooray boys hooray! Down with the linux traitor [20:03] sdaf [20:03] MikeandIke you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted [20:04] MikeandIke: I wouldn't if I were you. [20:04] nithin: just searched libmobiledevice, but seems doesnt show up on apt-cache anymore === utente_ is now known as Cipo [20:04] !find libmobiledevice [20:04] !tor | bartoas [20:04] Package/file libmobiledevice does not exist in utopic [20:04] bartoas: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl [20:04] I could not find it [20:04] !find libmobiledevice precise [20:05] sorry xD [20:05] Package/file libmobiledevice does not exist in precise [20:05] I just had to do that at least once. [20:05] thx [20:05] nithin: i tryed itunes older version on wine, once that worked [20:05] won't happpen again :P [20:05] bartoas: Ask in #freenode . They will be better able to advise. [20:06] NegativeFlare can you see what i am saying now [20:06] I have some bug here. When I close the lid, my external display or laptop goes down. Even if power settings is do nothing. I have tweak tool installed as well, and it is the same there. WTF is wrong? [20:06] MikeandIke: of course, you were unmuted [20:06] Alright.. Thank you.. I never thought someone will answer my question; But this one really works.. I just started liking ubuntu... [20:07] The reason i called linux a traitor is because.. It don't have flash player really just in chrome flash player is really dead in ubuntu now.. [20:07] nithin: ubuntu will change your life :p [20:07] and 90% of the web uses flash player so ubuntu is useless without it [20:07] MikeandIke: dont say things like that, when your not sure [20:08] lol nithin my whole family uses Ubuntu now [20:08] Thehills: :) [20:08] MikeandIke: both chromium and firefox play flash (more or less) well enough. [20:09] i need the command "pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover" to run at bootup.. can i just put a script in /etc/init.d [20:09] ? [20:09] I am sure of this. [20:09] ubuntu has a long outdated flash player.. [20:09] !upstart | bynarie [20:09] bynarie: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ [20:09] a few years ago adobe killed off ubuntu flash player LOL [20:10] Once HTML5 becomes common, Adobe will regret that. [20:10] MikeandIke, use chrome and pepperflash [20:10] lotuspsychje, thanks [20:10] Alright guys, keep it on topic. [20:11] MikeandIke: chrome has [20:11] nope when html5 becomes common people will still use flash player along with it.. Then ubuntu will be dead and gone! XD [20:11] !ot | MikeandIke [20:11] MikeandIke: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [20:12] I can do whatever i want.. [20:12] MikeandIke: No, this channel has guidelines. [20:12] Me and my friends might try to DdoSing ubuntu site and freenode servers if you mess with me [20:12] MikeandIke: Sorry, keep it with the rules. Or you'll have to leave. [20:12] oO [20:12] WE are anonymous [20:12] we are legion [20:13] lotuspsychje, i got it working properly.. thanks buddy! [20:13] !yay | bynarie [20:13] bynarie: Glad you made it! :-) [20:13] lol [20:13] catch you guys later... gotta go... [20:13] nithin: come again [20:13] Thank you for the support [20:13] sure... [20:14] just for the info, firefox 34 is out [20:14] !info firefox [20:14] firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 34.0+build2-0ubuntu0.14.10.2 (utopic), package size 38960 kB, installed size 91169 kB [20:15] hey there [20:15] Firefox 34 eh? [20:15] Not bad === timvishet is now known as timvisher-xubunt [20:16] you can read improvements on omgubuntu [20:16] Thatnks lotuspsychje [20:16] !info plasma [20:16] fuqdempigz: np [20:16] Package plasma does not exist in utopic [20:16] Hello. I have a problem and was hoping that the internet people could help me with it. [20:16] !info vlc [20:16] vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0~pre2-4build1 (utopic), package size 1313 kB, installed size 4170 kB [20:16] Please elaborate FangornTheEnt [20:17] you guys should get into networking [20:17] its fantastic [20:17] What sort of networking eb0t? [20:17] ntfs [20:17] you name it [20:17] !offtopic [20:17] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [20:17] How about I uplink your ass? [20:17] hmm sounds nice [20:17] I am trying to install Ubuntu (Trusty Tahr) on a PC that I accidentally wiped of Windows. I have a flashdrive that has Ubuntu ready for boot to install but it isn't recognized by the computer. I have another flashdrive that doesn't have it installed but is recognized. I also have a chromebook at my disposal. Any way to boot or do I need to install to the good USB? [20:18] how to change disk label? [20:18] i just installed ubuntu and the battery is no longer charging. What do I need to do? [20:18] !info label [20:18] Package label does not exist in utopic [20:18] !info ntfs [20:18] Package ntfs does not exist in utopic [20:18] FangornTheEnt: you cant boot the usb stick? [20:18] remmy_, attach the power supply [20:18] !info ntfs-3g [20:18] ntfs-3g (source: ntfs-3g): read/write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component main, is standard. Version 1:2013.1.13AR.1-2ubuntu3 (utopic), package size 458 kB, installed size 1609 kB (Only available for linux-any; kfreebsd-any) [20:18] !msgthebot | lfrlucas [20:18] lfrlucas: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". [20:19] i have the charger connected to the computer [20:19] maybe it needs a driver remmy [20:19] FangornTheEnt: did you try change boot order at bios? or f12 to choose usb boot [20:19] plug it into the wall socket as well [20:19] :p [20:19] yeah everything is plugged in [20:20] Yeah. The USB that has it installed isn't recognized and the USB that doesn't have it is recognized. I tried copying the files to the recognized USB but the computer still says "Missing Operating System". I have chosen to boot from USB and tried letting it run. Neither work. [20:20] its stuck at 70$ [20:20] % [20:20] FangornTheEnt: is this an uefi machine? did you disable secreboot? [20:20] secureboot [20:20] lotuspsychje: it's a BIOS machine. [20:20] remmy_: if the battery is old it could be that its not going to 100% anymore. ubuntu shows that state. maybe windows calls the 70% still 100% [20:21] FangornTheEnt: how did you create your usb? [20:21] lotuspsychje: A friend of mine did it because there is no way to create the USB with a Chromebook. [20:21] its a pretty new computer, I got it about 6 months ago [20:21] well remmy maybe a couple cells in he battery are gone [20:22] FangornTheEnt: maybe the stick is badly made? [20:22] FangornTheEnt: missing operating system sounds like the hd wants to boot [20:22] use the computer for a while ...as the charge drops as long as it recharges to 70 percent then its good to go [20:22] lotuspsychje: Doubt it. Is there any way to use the files I have from the bad USB by transferring them to the good USB? [20:23] FangornTheEnt: i would try that universal usb installer from ubuntu site [20:23] ok cool [20:23] thanks for the help [20:23] FangornTheEnt: there is also a boot cd image 'plop boot manager' that can force your machine to boot an usb [20:23] have a good one [20:24] lotuspsychje: Ok. But it says no OS even with a force boot from USB [20:24] FangornTheEnt: what does happens when you try to boot your usb [20:24] FangornTheEnt, in some bios types you need to set your usb in 2 places, boot priority and hdd priority [20:24] FangornTheEnt: sounds like the usb isnt set right indeed [20:24] OerHeks: I'll try that. [20:25] FangornTheEnt: Maybe the .iso is bad ? http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows . [20:25] FangornTheEnt, or try an other port [20:27] The bad USB isn't recognized on any port. The good USB is "Missing operating system" on all ports. Is there a way to copy the files so that it will boot? [20:27] FangornTheEnt: i rather think its like OerHeks said your bios is not set to boot usb everywhere [20:28] FangornTheEnt: check boot priority, boot sequence,etc [20:29] FangornTheEnt: you can check if your usb stick works on another machine? [20:30] Both USBs are recognized and work with the chromebook. The boot priority is set to USB Diskette on Key/USB Hard Disk then USB CD/DVD ROM Drive then the Notebook HD [20:32] FangornTheEnt: did you check sata layout, some bios have settings there also [20:32] Should I enable boot from USB floppy? [20:32] no [20:32] FangornTheEnt: go tru all bios options, makes no sense it doesnt boot the usb [20:32] if you sure your usb stick has working ubuntu on it;.. [20:32] I have gone through all the options unless there's some hidden menu I can't see [20:33] FangornTheEnt: what mobo bios is this? [20:34] FangornTheEnt: try that plop boot manager write on a cdrom, and force your usb to boot [20:34] if that doesnt work, its a bad usb [20:35] Can I just extract the zip or do I need to do something else? [20:35] FangornTheEnt: burn as an image to the cd [20:36] FangornTheEnt: check on their site howto [20:36] Slight problem with that. I have Chromebook. The Chromebook can't do that afaik. [20:36] kk [20:36] FangornTheEnt: maybe the ##hardware guys might also know howto set usb first [20:37] bbl [20:42] FangornTheEnt, There must be a per-session boot menu? [20:42] bubbasaures: Nope. [20:42] is there a way to extract from nautilus that doesn't cache the result on the home drive? [20:43] FangornTheEnt, What chrome model is this [20:43] bubbasaures: It's a school issued Samsung first gen === Loshki is now known as richyrichrich [20:49] good evening [20:50] are there any known problems with security.ubuntu.com? [20:51] apt-get update waits already ~10 mins for an answer from it === richyrichrich is now known as Loshki [20:52] How do I force apt to reload package lists? [20:53] Bundestrojaner, That link is not the same as your security in the sources.list [20:53] slm [20:53] I have a system, where a normal apt-get update does not show the update for libc6 [20:54] !libc6 [20:54] jost: sudo apt-get update doesn't show anything, only sudo apt-get upgrade does [20:54] !find libc6 [20:54] bubbasaures: atm, it says "100% [Connected to security.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1360:8c01::18)]" (translated from german) [20:54] Found: libc6, libc6-arm64-cross, libc6-armel-armhf-cross, libc6-armel-cross, libc6-armhf-cross, libc6-dbg, libc6-dev, libc6-dev-arm64-cross, libc6-dev-armel-armhf-cross, libc6-dev-armel-cross (and 20 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libc6&searchon=names&suite=utopic§ion=all [20:55] Does anyone here have some nice script to save TMUX sessions ? [20:55] How do I upgrade to Duplicity 0.6.24? [20:55] Bundestrojaner, Dud you posted a web page, you do not understand. Change the repos [20:55] Dude* [20:55] guntbert: apt-get upgrade does not show an update for libc6, but the installed version is "2.19-0ubuntu6.3", the latest version is "2.19-0ubuntu6.4" [20:55] slm [20:55] It does not appear to be in the repository [20:56] Bundestrojaner: that sounds more like a network issue on your ISP? [20:58] I read that there was a bug in duplicity 0.6.23 [20:58] k1l: everything else works, and it read many repos succesfully. [20:58] jost: apparently you are on 14.04 while I am on 14.10 [20:58] guntbert: correct. [20:59] bubbasaures: i didn't post a website, i've only posted the last line from apt-get update [20:59] bubbasaures: and what is wrong with my repos? so this url doesn't belong there? [20:59] netlar: You could also try the duplicity-team PPA for version 7 [21:00] genii: Don't want to add another PPS [21:00] PPA [21:01] netlar: Then your othr option is to compile it yourself. [21:01] genii: Why is that version not in the repository? [21:01] is there better options besides mozillas thunderbird??? [21:02] rgb3 Welcome to the channel [21:02] richardjs Welcome to the channel [21:02] ejuan Welcome to the channel [21:02] rgb3: stop [21:03] holymac_ Welcome to the channel [21:03] netlar: Probably because 6.25 is the last release of that series and they are going to just go to 7 [21:03] Bundestrojaner, You may just need to change the repos called go the ubuntu software center click edit than software sources. Than first tab has a drop down "Download from choose other and let it find the best one. [21:04] netlar: But only the devs know for sure. [21:04] hmm how do i read this, was 0.6.24 not published ? https://launchpad.net/duplicity/+milestone/0.6.24 [21:04] genii: Just i read there is a corruption in 0.6.23 [21:04] bubbasaures: the security repo will not change [21:05] I am confused, thought 14.04 did updates to correct problems for 5 years [21:06] netlar: From http://duplicity.nongnu.org/ "Please NOTE: The 0.6 series is in the process of being deprecated and the 0.6.25 release is the last release of the series that will receive new additions or enhancements. It will continue to receive critical bug fixes to support distributions with long term support. The major focus of development will be on the 0.7 series." [21:07] genii: Ok, so I just need to wait for Ubuntu 14.04 to get 0.7? [21:07] netlar: That, or add the PPA as I said earlier [21:08] bubbasaures: thx :) [21:08] genii: I am wary of adding PPA's read they can create conflicts when upgrading to next Ubuntu release [21:09] guntbert, Really, I know that, any repos can be having issues is all an easy check. [21:09] netlar: Yes, when that happens, you need to run ppa-purge on them === _pelle is now known as Guest34475 [21:10] bubbasaures: I don't get your point - you told someone with problems getting updates from security.ubuntu.com to switch to another mirror - which will in no way remedy his problem with security.ubuntu.com [21:11] genii ok thanks [21:12] Bundestrojaner, Is the problem fixed? [21:12] bubbasaures: yes, it is. i chose another server from an university near me [21:13] I rest my case. ;) [21:15] bubbasaures: facts speak for themselves :-)) although I still don't get how that could help [21:19] <_war10ck_> I need some help with the update-alternatives for gcc [21:20] <_war10ck_> When switching versions, if I use sudo, it allows me to switch but does not allow when trying in non-sudo [21:20] <_war10ck_> Is it a proper behavious? [21:20] Yes. [21:20] You are not allowed to switch global alternatives as a user. [21:21] <_war10ck_> bekks: Even for gcc? [21:21] _war10ck_: for every global alternative. [21:22] <_war10ck_> bekks: hmm, I am using this alternatives portion only for gcc, okay cool - I will switch using sudo then [21:25] guntbert, we only got a partial link to security.ubuntu.com which shows us the web page not the sub are pointed at, to be honest you are just being a jerk, your arguement is and was not needed and is a waste of all our times. You have no specific explanation just criticism, I'm a longterm user, there were a number of variables there we just happened to get this fixed, could of just been any number of reasons. [21:25] and welcome to ignore [21:32] hello there [21:32] can someone check if i am trying to make a bootable usb the right way? [21:32] here is what i got [21:32] a flash stick [21:32] fat32, msdos partition table [21:32] then i am doing: [21:33] sudo dd if=/home/image.iso of=/dev/sdc1 bs=4M [21:33] is that right? [21:33] the_tricky: that is wrong. you need to dd onto sdc not sdc1. and that will erase all that is on the ubs [21:33] *usb [21:34] so? [21:34] sudo dd if=/home/image.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M [21:34] is that right now? [21:34] if that is a ubuntu iso. they are hybrid isos and can be dd'ed, yes [21:35] sorry, what do you mean by "hybrid"? [21:35] and yes, that's ubuntu [21:35] if you take other OS isos they might not work after you used dd. but ubuntu isos do work [21:36] thanks a lot [21:36] and do i have to make it bootable by adding a flag? [21:36] how do i do that> [21:36] ? [21:36] no [21:36] the_tricky: Hybrid image files don't need to be converted from one type to another to boot properly. You can use the same image to make a DVD or use it to make a USB [21:37] genii: thanks a lot, that's the explanation i was looking for [21:37] anonymous is legation [21:39] and btw, is there a nice way to view dd progress? [21:40] i came across smth with process id [21:40] that sound weird [21:40] sounds [21:40] the_tricky: for i in $(pgrep -x dd); do kill -USR1 "$i"; sleep 10s; done [21:41] don't ask [21:41] dd as such doesnt have fancy progressbars etc. it just copies one bit from "if" and puts it into a bit on "of" [21:41] note that the progress will show in the term you have run dd at [21:41] some other dd implementations do progress, though [21:41] personally, I tend to watch the file size of where I'm writing [21:41] while(true); do du -hs path/to/newstuff; sleep 1m; done [21:41] 'cause the final file size is usually known...ish [21:42] and the total amount of data dd will process _can_ be misleading [21:42] the_tricky: if you know the size you can pipe it through pv [21:42] the_tricky: try sudo apt-get install pv -y === curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris [21:43] the_tricky: then sudo dd if=/home/image.iso | pv | of=/dev/sdc bs=4M [21:44] Chuck_Norris: interesting... /me notes [21:44] Chuck_Norris: wow, thanks for that -y flag, haven't heard before [21:44] Pici: xD [21:44] the_tricky: np [21:45] the_tricky: You might want to be careful of -y, if apt wants to do weird things, using that switch will do them without letting you review. [21:45] stand for "pipe viewer" pv -.- [21:45] keep that in mind, thanks again [21:47] hello, when I run Ubuntu on a Macbook Air 6,2 then my temps go to 70°C [21:47] the one with "pv" in it stopped immediately [21:48] the_tricky: show the command [21:49] sudo dd if=/home/image.iso | pv | of=/dev/sdc bs=4M [21:49] missing a dd bevore the of...... [21:50] that's weird of me [21:50] thanks [21:50] have to go and test that USB [21:50] * the_tricky went testing [21:50] streulma, that sounds normal? [22:05] When I start my Terminal, my default shell is zsh, is that because of LDAP? [22:05] hardware acceleration is disabled and not sure how to enable it. i'm using the nvidia drivers. can anyone help? [22:07] can i temporarly change the dns server via command line [22:07] in abuntu? [22:07] ubuntu? === Consuela is now known as ballsac [22:10] hi [22:10] i want to share a folder with a windows pc but make it password protected [22:10] but wenn i right klick the folder and navigate to the share tab and aktivate share the only thing works is if i allow guest access [22:10] wenn ich just allow 1 user and then want to connect from the windows pc it promts me a username password popup but wont let me connect to the folder [22:11] What installer am I missing? http://pastebin.com/pkrVUL2F [22:11] config.log gives me a bunch of crap I don't understand [22:11] buonasera stanza === pegasus is now known as Guest51279 [22:12] hey [22:12] What installer am I missing? http://pastebin.com/pkrVUL2F [22:13] in upstart how do I disable a service to start on boot? [22:13] i want to start it manually only [22:14] is there a non persistent way add a dns server [22:14] infamy: start with build-essential, then if you have the source repos enabled: apt-get build-dep znc; should get most of the rest [22:14] trism: Thank you [22:14] sera [22:18] @find Sword Art Online 01 720p [22:19] !warez | gmiky [22:19] gmiky: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o [22:22] jatt: try sudo sh -c "echo 'manual' > /etc/init/SERVICE.override" [22:22] change SERVICE for whatever the service you want to stop at boot [22:22] Ouch :) [22:22] Chuck_Norris: i doubt sudo will cross the > [22:23] echo "manual" | sudo tee /etc/init/SERVICE.override [22:23] yes it will [22:23] It will not. [22:23] It would be the first time in history that sudo will cross the > border. [22:23] already tried it -.- [22:23] “/msg botname xdcc send x” [22:24] and now i will try tee method -.- === MeltedLux is now known as MeltedDed [22:24] it doesn't cross it, the whole string is quoted and the shell is root, though I prefer the tee solution too [22:25] tee works too [22:25] Chuck_Norris: are you in a root-shell? [22:25] no [22:25] trism: thanks for explaining why that did work. [22:25] user cant write in /etc/ [22:26] you can using "sudo" [22:26] Chuck_Norris: But sudo will not cross the > border. [22:26] trism explained it just above... [22:26] Anyone able to help me troubleshoot why I can't log into my box with SSH keys? My public key is in the machines authorised_keys file, copied with ssh-id-copy [22:27] the config has ssh key authentication enabled [22:27] bekks: try it yourself, i already did it, and it create the .override file anyways, tee also works [22:27] k1l: sudo -c "yadda other-yadda" works because entore command is executed with sudo not just left of the redirector [22:28] yes, just saw it. [22:32] boa noite. [22:33] como colocar duas maquinas linux em rede [22:34] encrypted ~ dir, ofc [22:34] doh [22:34] jackson_: /msg alis list *ubunt*br [22:34] jackson_: /msg alis list *ubunt*pt [22:34] !pt | jackson_ [22:34] jackson_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. [22:37] como fazer para entrar-#ubuntu-br [22:38] !br | jackson_ [22:38] jackson_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. [22:41] I'm making a schroot by running 'mk-sbuild --target armhf utopic' but when I try and X-compile my package, it says my chroot isn't the correct architecture.... What am I doing wrong? [22:46] Hi guys. [22:46] hola [22:46] holap [22:46] How I can change the default pdf viewer in mozilla? [22:46] My viewer don't show correctly some math pdf's [22:47] math695: Do you have a viewer that does? [22:47] Yeah [22:48] I have okular installed [22:48] In my computer I can see it correctly but If I downoload the pdf [22:48] I don't want to download it, I prefer to view it online [22:49] The pdf must be previewed in firefox but with a different viewer [22:49] math695: I think the viewer may be embedded these days... [22:49] math695: you need to install mozplugger to use your local pdf "embeded" in firefox [22:50] uhm [22:50] i have a problem with the firefox [22:50] he is to busy [22:51] math695: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/disable-built-pdf-viewer-and-use-another-viewer [22:51] 220287 [22:51] xbox: err, what? [22:52] !br [22:52] Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. [22:52] I have a problem with firefox he is too slow [22:56] math695: On mine it's "Preferences" not options, but otherwise the same. === Anoniem4l_ is now known as Anoniem4l [23:00] 16:45 -!- Irssi: Looking up irc.servercentral.net [23:00] 16:45 -!- Irssi: Connecting to irc.servercentral.net [] port 6667 [23:00] 16:45 -!- Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.servercentral.net port 6667 [Cannot assign requested address: [23:00]] [23:00] I can only go outbound on main ip [23:00] anyone know what the issue might be? [23:00] infamy you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted [23:01] anyone know what the issue might be? [23:05] Hi all [23:05] I want to do a release upgrade from trusty to utopic, but the upgrade tool wants to remove my IRC client for no apparent reason === ubuntu is now known as Guest31423 [23:05] How do I stop it from doing that? [23:06] SleepersTide: which package? [23:06] k1l: hexchat [23:06] how did you install hexchat? [23:06] from the ubuntu repos === Kryxo is now known as Kryptron [23:07] SleepersTide: How are you trying to upgrade? What is the exact message about removal of hexchat? [23:08] Jordan_U: using do-release upgrade or its frontend; it says "41 packages are going to be removed. 237 new packages are going to be installed. 2112 packages are going to be upgraded." [23:08] and hexchat is one of the ones to be removed [23:09] oops, *do-release-upgrade [23:10] that should not do that. [23:10] I tried setting the Lock Version option in synaptic but it didn't help [23:10] maybe just let it go and install hexchat afterwars [23:12] backup its folder first, it shoud be .hexchat -.- [23:12] SleepersTide: ---- [23:12] its not purging. so configs will stay [23:13] I'll back it up just in case [23:14] there seems to be a new version in the utopic repos, possibly there's a dependency conflict [23:18] LFM need 1 tank and 3 dps Soo HC full run wisper me [23:21] General release/package question: There's a package currently available in vivid that I'd like to use, but I'm on trusty. Is the only solution here to have the upstream maintainer make a new build for trusty or is there a way to make this work? [23:21] you will need a trusty package [23:22] vlad_, build it yourself? [23:22] see if a PPA is for trusty [23:22] OerHeks: It's a bit complicated, I'm creating cloud images for other people so I'd like for their systems to be maintainable [23:22] Happy to do that, but I'd prefer for them to be updatable if possible [23:22] xangua: ty so much dude [23:22] I got it [23:23] SleepersTide: Remove the lock before upgrading, as it will only make things more complicated (and you don't want to forget about it). [23:23] math695: did you made it¿ === math695 is now known as Ethoscience [23:23] yeah xangua [23:23] I downloaded mozplugger and I changed it in "preferences/applications" [23:24] SleepersTide: Unless having hexchat is really critical for you, I would just upgrade and try installing hexchat again post-upgrade. It's likely there will be some problem with installing it (or it wouldn't have been removed in the first place) but it will be easier to pin down the exact issue. [23:24] Jordan_U: too late, I'll sort it out after the upgrade [23:24] jhutchins: that link don't works since there isn't adobe for linux [23:25] Ethoscience: What Adobe product are you looking for? Acrobat is available for GNU/Linux (though I would recommend using Free alternatives instead). [23:25] Adobe reader. [23:26] Chuck_Norris: BTW hexchat's config is stored in ~/.config/hexchat [23:26] I was looking for a good pdf viewer. [23:26] I used to use okular [23:26] (and I'm still using it) [23:27] Ethoscience: It seems Acrobat for GNU/Linux actually has been discontinued since I last looked. [23:27] Oh, I've never seen it in inux [23:27] linux* [23:27] Anyway, I'm newbie on kubuntu. [23:27] (and Gnu/linux) [23:28] Ethoscience: Have you tried Evince? (It's the default PDF viewer in Ubuntu, though not in Kubuntu and some other flavors). [23:29] Yeah I've used it. [23:29] I think I prefer okular. [23:29] Ethoscience: What improvements are you looking for? [23:30] I'm not looking for anything in particular [23:30] Just cheking if there is another pdf viewer. [23:30] ? [23:39] Good day to everyone, I am have a problem registering for Ubuntu One [23:40] Isn't ubuntu 1 no more? [23:40] it still is. just no filesync service [23:40] I have a logitech Clear Chat comfort USB headphone / mic combo. I can hear just fine on it. I just can't the damn mic to work on either one of my Ubuntu machines. Anyway to diagnos this thing? [23:40] oic [23:40] is current === sjefskoder is now known as Guest16846 [23:52] So I have been poking around trying out DE's. I typically like xfce for a server, but for a desktop I can't seem to find something I like beter then unity. [23:53] Thoughts? [23:53] did you try gnome-shell? -.- [23:53] I did not care for mate. However I liked awesome, would be good for a server [23:53] Gnome-shell? I will give it a try [23:53] not as of yet [23:54] is there an apt-get for it? Prolly have to add repositories [23:54] X doesn't belong on a server at all [23:55] Unity is built on gnome [23:55] LoL [23:55] mindless_chaos: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell [23:55] never said I was running an X on a server.. === rigor789|away is now known as rigor789 [23:55] doesn't mean you can't have a DE you can export [23:56] Hey chuck, Ty, found that out with a quick try [23:56] mindless_chaos: np [23:56] I didn't like gnome back in the day, but gnome has come a long way