
amjjawadHi, is there any one from the IRC Council here?00:31
amjjawadTrying to get the Ubuntu Clock - https://launchpad.net/~amjjawad00:31
hggdhamjjawad: hello00:53
amjjawadhggdh, hi :)00:53
hggdhamjjawad: you are not logged in to freenode...00:54
amjjawadI thought I am00:55
hggdhdoes not seem to00:55
amjjawadI need the password for that, correct?00:56
amjjawadthen must reboot as it is on the other system00:56
amjjawadhggdh, I guess I'm logged in now :)01:49
amjjawadhggdh, looks like I'm late :(02:00
MikaelaI think that xchat doesn't support SASL and you might want to try HexChat03:36
amjjawadMikaela, so I need to install that?03:38
Mikaelahttp://hexchat.readthedocs.org/en/latest/faq.html#how-do-i-migrate-my-settings-from-xchat & https://freenode.net/sasl/sasl-hexchat.shtml can be helpful03:38
Mikaelaif you wish to try it, yes. I would suggest it as xchat development is dead and it doesn't even support TLS.03:38
rwwI think bug 1381484 fixed that in Ubuntu.03:40
ubottubug 1381484 in XChat-GNOME "Fails to connect to servers that disable SSLv3" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138148403:40
rwwbut yes, i would recommend against xchat also03:40
amjjawadis that because the login?03:45
amjjawadso, I can't get the clock now unless I use HexChat?03:45
amjjawaddon't know why this is very complicated ...03:45
amjjawadmy main problem is time. I'm +11GMT and it is really hard to catch up with the rest of the world03:45
* Mikaela sent memo03:50
Mikaela/ms send amjjawad no, you can manually identify to NickServ with /msg NickServ identify username password, but it's easier to identify automatically on HexChat.03:51
Mikaelahttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hexchat/+bug/1396871 also seems related04:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1396871 in hexchat (Ubuntu) "Update hexchat to 2.10.2 on 14.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:04
amjjawadhggdh, hi, are you around?05:10
=== Guest44253 is now known as MooDoo
=== IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
OerHeksHi goodevening all.22:46
hggdhOerHeks: let me guess: you would like a cloak?22:47
OerHeksI just become Ubuntu Member tonight \o/22:47
* hggdh voted for OerHeks22:47
OerHeksHi hggdh yes, i was reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Cloaks and it told me to come here.22:48
hggdhOerHeks: plase give us a link to your LP home22:48
hggdhstaff: please set a cloak ubuntu/members/oerheks of OerHeks22:49
IdleOnecongrats OerHeks22:49
hggdhbah. ubuntu/member/oerheks22:49
OerHeksThank you IdleOne22:50
hggdhboy, cannot wirte today22:50
* hggdh gives up22:50
Unit193Congrats, OerHeks.22:50
hggdhOerHeks: we now way for a freenode staffer. If none pops up in the next 5 minutes, I will ask at #freenode22:51
hggdhs/way/wait/ # this is hell22:51
OerHeksTake your time, hggdh22:51
hggdhOerHeks: there you go22:52
nikoOerHeks: congrats22:52
hggdhniko: again, and as always, in your debt. Thank you22:52
OerHeksWhat do i have to do to make the cloak work, when set?22:52
hggdhjust identify yourself to nickserv22:53
hggdhOerHeks: and it is already set, BTW22:53
OerHeksThanks ! i don't see it myself, but nickserv confirmed it.22:54
Unit193hggdh: ~oerheks@ubuntu/members/oerheks22:56
OerHeksmaybe i need to reload my xchat.22:56
hggdhniko: can you please change the cloak from ubuntu/memberS/oerheks to ubuntu/member/oerheks? I am sorry, but my fingers and brain are having a battle today22:58
Unit193Sorry to say, but I think the fingers are winning.23:00
hggdhUnit193: I think I am in dire need of a whisky now23:00
hggdhUnit193: oh yes, they are. My brain seems to have gone in a strike23:00
hggdhdammit. ON a strike23:01
* hggdh gives up23:01
* niko adds a cross on hggdh's typos list23:04
OerHeks* ubuntu/member/oerheks :is now your hidden host (set by services.)23:08
hggdhI wonder. If sober I am that bad, perhaps under the influence it will auto-correct23:09
OerHeksI am back, all is set correct, thank you.23:09
hggdhOerHeks: welcome. And sorry for the collection of typos23:10
OerHeksThat makes us humans hggdh23:10
hggdhthen I am certainly super-human. Or sub-, who knows?23:11
hggdhfortunately I am all done with programming today23:11
popeyhggdh: any chance you can add amjjawad cloak too?23:16
hggdhpopey: as soon as I find what is his freenode id23:16
hggdhpopey: he has been coming in unidentified...23:17
Unit193hggdh: He has been identified though.23:19
Unit193account amjjawad: Last seen: Dec 04 07:23:48 2014 (15 hours, 55 minutes, 45 seconds ago)23:20
hggdhUnit193: thanks23:21
hggdhstaff: please set a cloak ubuntu/member/amjjawad for amjjawad23:21
popeythanks hggdh23:21
* hggdh hopes this time there are no typos23:21
hggdhpopey: my pleasure23:22
* hggdh now goes listen to Yes' Nous Sommes du Soleil23:26

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