
zequenceA guy is maintaining a -rt kernel for Ubuntu, and would like it to be adopted to the official repos http://capocasa.net/realtime-kernels09:34
zequenceWe should have a look at it, test it, and see how we can help out with that.09:34
zequenceHmm, or he did not actually ask for it to get adopted. He just announced it.09:55
zequenceAnyway, here's the thread https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2014-December/038555.html09:55
zequenceOvenWerks: How's your progress in getting a dev machine set up?10:05
zequenceI might not be doing anything else then keeping track of emails for the next month. Planning to get stuff done in January. Well before FF, anyhow.10:06

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