
wachinHi ubuntustudio support, have a question, there is a way to make a shortcut to this channel to give clic on the desktop shortcut and activate this program automatically03:43
holsteinwachin: o/03:44
holsteinwachin: you can make a shortcut to the irc client you are using, and have it autojoin03:44
wachingo to search this option03:45
wachinups, i don't find a way to make this03:46
holsteinwachin: right click on the irc client. .make the shortcut03:47
wachinI use "XChat" program that come with UbuntuStudio03:47
holsteinwachin: in the irc client, set it to auto join03:47
holsteinhttp://xchat.org/faq/#q22 for example, or in the gui03:48
vltholstein: Thank you so much.03:48
holsteinit still looks a lot like this. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XChatHowto#Settings_for_Networks03:48
vltI just experienced the easiest getting to know a new program. A whole night with kdenlive and my movie is nearly done :-)03:49
holsteinvlt: i seemed to get work done easier in kden.. but, sometimes, i need a few programs to get things done03:50
vlt(And only eight crashes so far.)03:50
wachinok, fine03:52
Arthur__does anyones know how to check system info in ubuntu studio?06:13
Arthur__In my system tab in the application finder and on the main menu, there are no options06:14
holsteinArthur__: depends on what you want to know about what,but, you can use anything from xubuntu06:14
holsteinyou might want..06:15
holstein!info hardinfo06:15
ubottuhardinfo (source: hardinfo): Displays system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1.2ubuntu4 (utopic), package size 210 kB, installed size 486 kB06:15
holsteinyou can "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install hardinfo" in a terminal06:15
Arthur__thats exactly what I needed06:19
Arthur__thanks a lot06:19
vltholstein: Haha ... I heavily used a "rendered stuff" track for my project and now I found the "proxy clips" feature :-D09:20
belalobohello everyone. I just did an update on my ubuntustudio and before restarting my laptop I login and nothing appears on the desktop. no panels and nothing appears. any help please??14:24
cfhowlettbelalobo, what ubuntustudio # were you on before and how did you update?14:25
belaloboI did the update with update manager14:25
belaloboubuntustudio 14.0414:25
cfhowlettbelalobo, and you're on what ubuntu?  14.10?14:26
belaloboubuntustudio 14.0414:27
cfhowlettbelalobo, logout.  login to the guest accout14:29
belalobonow it just shows the mouse cursor but it does nothing14:29
belaloboI'll have to restar the laptop. I'll be right back14:30
belalobook in the guest acount everything seems to be fine14:31
belalobohow can I fix this?14:32
cfhowlettbelalobo, log in to your account?  if that still fails, ask #xfce or #xubuntu14:34
belaloboit fails14:37
cfhowlettbelalobo, but you ARE logged in, right?14:39
belaloboI log onto my account and it's just the mouse cursor that shows. no top nor lower panel14:42
belalobonothing just my backgroung image and the mouse cursor14:42
cfhowlettbelalobo, ok, open file manager14:43
belaloboopen file manager in guest account?14:43
wachinI need a help. I am spanish parlant, at the first time run ubuntustudio 14.04 instalation I put the language on English. When I enter on my session, I see this folders:14:43
wachin"Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Public, Templates, Videos"14:43
cfhowlettbelalobo, can you get terminal in your account?14:44
cfhowlettbelalobo, work with hedgework in #xubuntu.  I'll watch14:44
belaloboI'm logged into my account in the virtual terminal14:44
wachinI delete this folders to put: "14:45
wachinDescargas Documentos Escritorio Imágenes Música Plantillas Público Vídeos14:45
wachinhow I can said to my system that the desktop are on the folder: "Escritorio" y no en "Home"14:47
cfhowlett!es | wachin14:47
ubottuwachin: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:47
wachinubottu: My system not recognize this folders: 'Descargas Documentos Escritorio Imágenes Música Plantillas Público Vídeos' how own14:56
ubottuwachin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:56
cfhowlettwachin, english only in this channel or use #ubuntu-es14:57
wachinmy system when I first run create this folders:'Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Public, Templates, Videos'14:57
wachinI delete all this folders14:58
wachinbecause I am a Spanish parlant14:58
cfhowlettwachin, why did you delete the folder?14:58
wachinwas my mistake run my session on English14:59
cfhowlettwachin, you deleted the folders ... so?15:00
wachinbecause I not use this folders on english, I use this folders on spanish15:00
cfhowlettwachin, what is your goal15:01
wachinI am asking is if anyone knows how to tell the system recognizes other folders as their own, these:'Descargas Documentos Escritorio Imágenes Música Plantillas Público Vídeos'15:02
wachinbecause the default I delete all15:03
ObrienDaveyou want to switch the default folder names from english to spanish, yes?15:03
wachinI always use the UbuntuStudio on spanish, but the folders of the HOME was created on english because was my mistake run my session on English15:04
cfhowlettwachin, change your language settings to spanish and make new folders.  OR change the language settings to spanish, make a new user and the folders will magically create15:05
wachinnow my language settings are on spanish, but my system only recognize the mentionet folders on english15:07
cfhowlettwachin, make a new user.  switch accounts.  should be in spanish15:08
wachinIs very important to my that my system recognize the "Escritorio" folder how "Desktop" for all other things, like mount partitions on the desktop15:08
wachinno, I cant, I have many thinks here15:08
wachinmani configurations are here,15:08
wachinin this session15:08
cfhowlettwachin go to your /home        make new folders, name them as you like15:09
wachinI think there should be somewhere in the system must have the ability to change this setting, some file in the root system '/'15:10
cfhowlettwachin, ANY file you create under /home will be in your /home ...15:10
wachinwich ask you my is best that I do with a Live CD, with a live CD now I go to move all files and folders that I have on HOME, put then in other place and next go to my wachin session15:13
wachinSee you later15:13
velhoHuston, I have a problem!15:54
velhosudo add-apt-repository ppa:kxstudio-debian/kxstudio15:55
velhoCannot add PPA: 'ppa:kxstudio-debian/kxstudio'.15:55
velhoPlease check that the PPA name or format is correct.15:55
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:55
holsteinvelho: i personally suggest *not* using ppa's, until you are confortable with the risk15:55
holsteinhttps://launchpad.net/~kxstudio-debian/+archive/ubuntu/kxstudio is the ppa..15:56
holsteinsudo add-apt-repository ppa:kxstudio-debian/kxstudio *should* be working..15:56
holsteinvelho: i just opened a terminal, and ran "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kxstudio-debian/kxstudio" and it worked as expected15:57
holsteinvelho: i am on ubuntu 14.0415:58
velhoholstein, I didn't know that adding PPAs was risky :o15:58
holsteinvelho: sure.. they are unsupported, 3rd party applications15:58
velhoholstein, what harm can they make?15:58
holsteinvelho: literally *any* harm the creators of the packages want them to make, or accidentally make15:59
holsteinvelho: they are not ubuntu pacakges. we dont maintain them15:59
holsteinvelho: and, thats fine.. i literally just added that ppa ^ and i know and trust falk who makes them15:59
cfhowlettholstein, which is great but RARELY the case, yes?16:00
holsteinvelho: but, the question is, why are you no able to? and why are the directions at http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/Repositories now working for you?16:00
velhoholstein, I tried the command again, i get the same lines I posted before16:00
holsteincfhowlett: ppa's typically *always* break for me on some level16:00
holsteinbeing unmaintained, or abandoned.. or, just after years, not working with my installation..16:01
holsteini mean, i add them.. but, i know the risks.. and i realize where the burden of support is16:01
velhoholstein, so you don't advise to install KXStudio PPAs with UbuntuStudio? Have you run into any problems?16:02
holsteinvelho: as i said, i know, and trust falk who creates and maintains the kxstudio ppas16:02
holsteinvelho: i literally ran the command falk gave at http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/Repositories and the ppa added, no problem16:03
holsteinvelho: the kxstudio ppa is *large*, and adds a lot of system files.. that is not bad or good.. its just something that you need to be aware of, and know that, you are not using ubuntu anymore at that point16:04
holsteinvelho: *if* you understand the risks, and want to add the sources, open the terminal, and input "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kxstudio-debian/kxstudio" and share the *entire* error output..16:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:05
cfhowlettadding the ppa works for me ... http://ur1.ca/izble16:05
velhoholstein, I would like to know more about the actual risks of adding kxstudio repos. I was advised to install kxstudio repos in ubuntustudio, to get the best of both worlds. So, I don't understand the risks, because I don't know it there are any, but I would love to read about what risks I may encounter by adding the kxstudio repos16:12
velhoholstein, cfhowlett the command works now! I did nothing different, except typing "clear" in the terminal. O well, the command is working now and that's what matters16:15
cfhowlettvelho, :016:15
velhocfhowlett, sometimes I really feel stupid using the command line. I need to get more used to it :)16:18
cfhowlettvelho, I'd strongly encourage that lll16:19
velhocfhowlett, lll?16:21
cfhowlettvelho, ...        I've worn the nubs off my keypad so my fingers sometimes travel16:22
velhocfhowlett, haha! traveling fingers :)16:22
velhoSO, what are the risks of installing KXStudio? I've googled about it, but found nothing relevant...16:23
velholet me rephrase that...16:23
velhoWwhat are the risks of installing KXStudio PPAs in UbuntuStudio? I've googled about it, but found nothing relevant...16:23
ObrienDavebasically, you run the risk of the PPA not being maintained, installed packages breaking your system, and not being an official package, not receiving any support here if it does bork your system16:25
ObrienDavein other words, you're on your own with a PPA16:26
velhoWell, I've been reading a lot about PPAs, and I found anything wrong about installing KXStudio PPAs on UbuntuStudio. I've read that PPAs can be risky, but these are KXStudio PPAs, aren't they stable?20:51
deltpower failure :/21:52
deltanyway, back online.....21:52
deltand this happened exactly when i was configuring network stuff.... had to call ISP to make sure everything was OK on their side, before remembering some scrpit that i wrote on my server which checks connection once per hour, and tries to bring it up if it's not.....21:53
Ivan1022hey guys22:27
Ivan1022does anyone know if there are any major issues with the Unicorn release for Ububtu Studio, should I not download that release and do the Tahr release?  it's gonna be a clean install22:29
Ivan1022well, I'll guess I'll try one and test to check... see ya guys22:32

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