
bluesabreNoskcaj: good question... I'll poke it a bit and see00:57
Unit193bluesabre: Thanks for committing that.01:43
brainwashbug 139904810:17
ubottubug 1399048 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Update to 3.14" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139904810:17
bluesabreso it begins10:38
ObrienDaveanother cycle?10:41
ObrienDaveor another day? ;P10:41
bluesabreyes, that too10:58
bluesabretalking about the gtk-3.14 update10:58
brainwashbluesabre: the xfce4 meta package recommends desktop-base, which makes sense in debian. should we change it to suggests in ubuntu?11:23
brainwashthe package installs debian background, grub + plymouth theme and so on11:23
brainwashbug 108086511:23
ubottubug 1080865 in xfce4 (Ubuntu) "Debian instead of Ubuntu grub splash" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108086511:23
brainwashor just keep things untouched and mark it as won't fix?11:24
Unit193Changes sync => delta, I wouldn't.11:26
brainwashyes, that's the problem11:27
brainwashbut this meta package does not get changes very often11:27
Unit193(And desktop-base has/will have some pretty sweet artwork. :P )11:30
knomeor create a new package for xfce4 to depend on that introduces ubuntu/xfce art11:32
Unit193https://wiki.debian.org/DebianArt/Themes/Lines if that one wins for example, I can see myself using it. :P11:33
brainwashit should use the default ubuntu grub/plymouth theme and Xfce desktop background11:33
brainwashif desktop-base is not present11:34
brainwashwell, that's what I would expect11:34
Unit193-base stuff is hardly seen.11:34
Unit193Also, we plan on keeping xfce-4.12 updated?11:35
knomei'd hope we could land it soon11:35
knomethere has been talks about releasing before the end of the year11:36
brainwashrelease without alpha, beta and rc phase?11:36
knomei don't know the details.11:45
knomebut to be fair, there has been a lot of preparation time..11:45
brainwashyou are right, but with the recent amount of new commits there should be some time frame to test everything11:54
brainwashfor potential regressions11:54
knomei'm not the one who decides on releasing, i've just heard that discussion12:00
knomeso please follow the discussion and raise the question in #xfce-dev if it seems like things are progressing too fast12:01
brainwashok then12:04
Unit193And the mailing list a bit too.12:05
=== knome_ is now known as knome
ET_WarriorSo I have to make an account at the launchpad, on Ubuntu One to help contribute/19:17
ET_WarriorNot a problem... :~)19:18
knomeit's not a hard requirement, but it helps with a lot of things19:19
knomeand welcome19:19
ET_WarriorI love Linux so far, but I have had some troubles with it... but no bigey, as it's part of the learning process.19:19
knomehave you got an idea what would you like to contribute with?19:19
ET_WarriorI actually just installed Xubuntu on Tuesday I believ.e19:19
ET_WarriorI'd like to help with some bugs I'm having, and I could help translate to.19:19
knomeif you have a spare machine (or are willing to do vm tests), you can help with testing the newest releases and application versions19:21
knomeotherwise, simply filing the bugs and following up with information the developers as is good19:21
knometranslations are handled here and there; are you familiar with this list: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Processes#Package_translations yet?19:21
ET_WarriorI do have a spare machine... but it's "legacy hardware".19:21
knomethat's okay19:21
ET_WarriorXubuntu should run alright on it though.19:22
knomeeither elfy, slickymaster or me can give you more information on testing (though i'm going to be off soon)19:22
ET_WarriorI wanted to get a 1 GB RAM stick from my family member that he'd never used, and put it into my old XP system with only 512MB of RAM.19:22
knomexubuntu running fine is a good start; what we test with our image and package testing is that NEW application versions and core stuff works with xubuntu19:22
ET_WarriorAlright... I apologize if I'm unfamiliarized with some terminology, like I said, I'm a bit of a Linux newbie.19:22
knomethat's okay :)19:23
knomethe image testing pretty much means you'll install xubuntu on the machine once per test19:23
knomeso it's not suitable for a machine that's used daily19:23
ET_WarriorYeah, I don't really use that machine at all... I was going to try to get Q4OS, on it, but I failed.19:24
ET_WarriorXubuntu, I'm so happy that I was led to it.19:24
knomethere's quite a bunch of good information at http://xubuntu.org/contribute/qa/#testing for testing19:24
ET_WarriorIt seems it's exactly what I was looking for in a Linux.19:24
knomeglad to hear that :)19:24
ET_WarriorI wanted a plain, and simple linux, that's modest, and yet is stable, and fast, and has a strong community.19:25
ET_WarriorBut at the same time, I wanted a more "pretty" looking linux.19:25
ET_WarriorXubuntu is it.19:25
ET_WarriorAnd I love the fact that Linux is a thriving community of people wanting to help one-another.19:25
ET_WarriorAnd everything for the most part is open-source.19:25
ET_WarriorHow it should be!19:25
knomei'm going to run off for some time now, but feel free to ask questions as you go; i'll answer when i'm back if you're still here, and/or others are able to assist you to get started as well19:26
knomethanks for the interest!19:26
ET_WarriorOkay, sure.19:26
ET_WarriorI understand.19:26
ET_WarriorSo lightweight! I'm only using 18% memory.19:29
Unit193Logan_: Any chance I can trick you into uploading a git snapshot into vivid?  Current version is 100% useless as the API changed: Debian #770133.20:31
ubottuDebian bug 770133 in gcalcli "gcalcli 2.x is no longer compatible with google's api" [Grave,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/77013320:31
ochosievening everyone20:42
* ochosi tried to follow while being away20:43
ochosibut let me know if there are important news i might've missed20:43
Unit193ochosi: Still not sure if it's of interest to you, but I built a package with the patch from Xfce: #11255.20:46
ubottuxfce bug 11255 in General "[Xfce4-datetime-plugin] close window and deactive button on focus-out event" [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1125520:46
ochosioh nice20:47
Unit193It's there, I don't care really if Xubuntu wants it or not, but I needed it. :P20:47
ochosiadded to the buglist20:48
ochosineed to figure out who has push rights there20:48
ochosithing is, we don't use it in xubuntu anymore20:48
ochosibut still, it seems like a good idea to implement that20:49
Unit193We don't?20:49
ochosiwe use the panel-internal clock plugin, unless i'm mistaken20:49
Unit193OK, I'm just confused now. :D20:56
Unit193ochosi: Right, so xfce4-datetime-plugin wasn't even installed on this computer, was just the other one.  Seems it was leftover from something...  So, while the patch is very handy, 'Clock' is default and a replacement.21:00
ochosiand clock doesn't have that problem21:00
Unit193No, so there's only minor differences, unless that other bug that I linked to gets fixed, then I'm back to datetime. :P21:01
Unit193So is it still worth uploading the patched version?21:01
=== ET_Warrior is now known as etwarrior
ochosibut it'd also be nice getting it merged upstream21:06
etwarriorochosi: Hey, I see you're in this chat too!21:09
ochosiwell yes21:11
etwarriorSo you're a developer then?21:12
etwarriorI would like to help with the Xubuntu project myself.21:13
Unit193ochosi is the Xubuntu project lead.21:13
etwarriorOh wow! Haha.21:14
ochosiyeah, read it in the backlog etwarrior 21:14
ochosinew contributors are always more than welcome21:14
etwarriorNice to meat you.21:14
ochosii've just been away for a few days, so i'm still catching up on things21:14
etwarriorWell I can certainly try to help with the project... I personally like the Xfce, and even the LXDE environments, and the MATE one is okay too.21:15
etwarriorBut I went with Xubuntu.21:15
etwarriorI have a few things written down here that I was having trouble with.21:15
ochosiyou mean bugs or missing features?21:16
etwarriorJust some bugs I'm haivng.21:16
etwarriorA lot of them seem to have been sorted out actually, haha... probably the updates that fixed them.21:16
etwarriorSometimes if I return to my computer from sleep mode (since it's a laptop), I have to force restart because I get a black screen.21:17
ochosiyeah, there are issues with suspend21:17
ochosiare you on a macbook?21:18
Unit193Is this the ll bug?21:18
ochosieven without ll, i saw that black screen bug on a macbook21:19
etwarriorI was on a macbook.21:19
etwarrioror am21:19
etwarriorI think that I sent a report in.21:19
etwarriorSo you must've got it?21:19
ochosiprobably, but i get so much bugmail these days, i don't have enough time to check them "all"21:20
etwarriorI would like to help with translating too...21:21
etwarriorUhh, is there a way to use other characters on Linux; I'm sure there is..21:22
etwarriorJe parle francais.21:22
etwarriorbut the 'c' has to have the cedile on it.21:22
ochosiyeah, check the keyboard layout21:22
etwarriorI see..21:23
etwarriorJe parle francais un peu.21:25
etwarriorSo just a bit, but I think that I understand it good enough that I could help.21:25
knomeetwarrior, did you check the link a pasted to you about translations?21:26
etwarriorUhh... if I did, I lost it; but I don't know if I did click it or not..21:27
etwarriorC'est lire-marked. ;¬)21:29
etwarriorIt's book-marked... haha.21:29
etwarriormarked isn't the french, not sure what it would be.21:30
knomebookmark is the correct term21:30
etwarriorNo, but lire = book, but I didn't know the French term for marked.21:31
knomeright... maybe translating to french isn't your forte then :P21:32
ochosietwarrior: errrm, "livre" = book "lire" = read21:32
etwarriorOh, right... 21:32
etwarriorLike I said, my French isn't 100%.21:33
etwarriorI understand how the language works a lot better than I did though.21:33
etwarriorThe adjective comes after the word... so they don't say *dark* green, they say "vert fonce'"21:34
etwarriorwith the e accent grave21:34
etwarriorSo "green dark"21:34
etwarrioror green [that is] dark.21:34
knomefor discussing french grammar and other curiosities, we have #xubuntu-offtopic 21:35
etwarriorOkay, thanks.21:35
etwarriorThis is a developer's channel... you're right; I apologize for going off-topic.21:36
knomethat's fine.21:37
slickymasterevening guys22:33
knomehello slickymaster 22:34
slickymasterhey knome22:36
slickymasterI saw we have a new potential contributor22:36
slickymasterthat's good22:36

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