
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 43 building (started: 20141205 02:05) ===02:04
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 173 building (started: 20141205 03:05) ===03:04
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 43 DONE (finished: 20141205 04:10) ===04:09
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/43.changes ===04:09
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 173 DONE (finished: 20141205 04:20) ===04:19
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/173.changes ===04:19
robruMirv: heya. everything's back to normal but there'll probably be lots of failed merges. each time a merge fails you have to investigate the target branch and then make sure ci-train-bot gets added to the right team to gain access to that branch ;-)05:56
Mirvrobru: heya. yes, I read the e-mails, makes sense.05:57
robruMirv: cool, have fun!05:59
robruMirv: ^^ oh yeah that message means 'job aborted', will clean that up later.06:08
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
ogra_argh ... my whole browser history and all open tabs are gone after the latest upgrade08:55
sil2100ogra_: in vivid?08:56
sil2100On RTM?!08:56
ogra_on my krillin08:56
ogra_webbrowser-app was upgraded in 17308:56
ogra_oSoMoN, hey08:56
oSoMoNogra_, morning!08:57
ogra_oSoMoN, looks like all my open tabs and my browser history are gone with the recent rtm upgrade08:57
jibelI'm on 173, history and open tabs are still there.08:57
oSoMoNhuh, that’s unexpected, let me see if that happens for me (not upgraded my krillin yet)08:58
oSoMoNogra_, do you still have files under ~/.local/share/webbrowser-app/ ?08:58
ogra_i havent seen the ubuntu start page in quite a while :)08:58
ogra_yep, i do ...08:59
ogra_should i have a session.json.lock file even with the browser closed ?09:00
ogra_apart from Cache and cookies.sqlite nothing has a timestamp from today09:01
ogra_removing the .lock file gets me my session back09:02
oSoMoNogra_, that’s weird, the lock file is associated to a given PID, did you have a stale webbrowser-app process by any chance?09:03
ogra_heh, i doubt i can find that out now09:04
ogra_if there was one it is gone09:04
oSoMoNlet me upgrade my krillin and see if I can observe the same thing09:04
sil2100ogra_: btw. I just noticed that the cgmanager fix we had deployed for ubuntu-rtm still didn't make it to vivid - does this mean vivid is uneffected by this big bug?09:06
ogra_sil2100, hmm, it shouldnt09:07
oSoMoNogra_, just upgraded, and all is fine, I got my history and open tabs back09:10
Mirv^ those two landings are marked as Landed for some reason, while they are not... I'm trying to see whether I could get the status right (and then publish mine)09:11
ogra_hmm, i have no recent webbrowser-app crash files either ...09:12
Mirvhmmph, no luck09:14
Mirvah, yes, the O column was broken09:16
sil2100Mirv: the formula was missing?09:20
Mirvsil2100: yes. apparently nowadays the Train writes manually "Landed" over there (a fix for those pending "Merging..." things?), so because it for some reason had thought they had landed the formula was no longer there09:23
Mirvuh oh, publish broken for it, anyhow!09:23
Mirvreconfigured, watch only worked, publish - https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-005-2-publish/52/console09:23
Mirvoh, hmm, the rsync file looks correct, why the console looks empty then?09:24
Mirvsil2100: maybe that's the new normal then, additional source packages are not noticed in the publish console log at all?09:25
Mirvthat's ok, the rsync file is useful to check manually anyway09:25
SaviqMirv, sorries again, silo 1 all approved!09:42
MirvSaviq: ok!09:45
Mirvpstolowski: you'd need to rebuild the unity8 silo 012 unfortunately since like robru has mentioned there was another unity8 landing (not sure why both were assigned a silo)09:54
SaviqMirv, that was expected09:56
pstolowskiMirv, hey, yeah, I saw the comments. waiting for 03 to land09:57
Mirvpstolowski: oh, you're correct, why it's in proposed...09:57
Mirvbzoltan: the oxide landing has now broken things, it will be probably reverted09:59
Mirvsil2100: ^10:01
Mirvsil2100: I mean, the oxide landing10:01
Mirvsil2100: https://lists.canonical.com/archives/vivid-changes/2014-December/002230.html apparently causes now autopkgtest failures, so it would probably need to be reverted10:02
Mirvhmm, where did pstolowski go...10:02
sil2100Mirv: revert needed? :)10:05
Mirvsil2100: yeah, I'm doing one now. but I also forced m&c on 003 since the problem was not related to that landing, so that pstolowski can continue on 012.10:07
sil2100Is it just oxide? Or multiple components need reverting?10:08
Mirvsil2100: just oxide. it was a packaging change for SDK / Click chroot needs, but apparently not perfect10:09
bzoltanMirv:  what the problem is?10:31
Mirvbzoltan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oxide-qt/+bug/139959710:32
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1399597 in oxide-qt (Ubuntu) "The last oxide upload breaks autopkgtests" [Undecided,New]10:32
Mirvso unity8 etc blocked in -proposed because of those failing autopkgtests, ie failing packages to install10:32
bzoltanMirv:  how is that oxide issue? I see a broken environment there. The clonflict works as we planned. But why dpkg thinks that the codecs package is there when it is not???10:34
bzoltanMirv:  But good to know that it is not a runtime breakage but an autopkgtest thingy10:35
Mirvbzoltan: it's apt / installing packages failure. maybe apt gets confused by the complex conflict definitions.10:41
Mirvso it's not random test failure, it's something that needs a fix (or a revert)10:41
bzoltanMirv:  do we have a silo or a PPA with the new oxide, so I could work on it?10:42
Mirvbzoltan: 003 has the revert, further uploads can be made to try to get the fix done. first it'd be nice to know how to reproduce the problem.10:43
seb128Mirv, does the revert means going back to not being able to create frameworks env again?10:44
SaviqMirv, help... https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/check-publication-migration/71833/console10:50
Saviqthe branch it pushed to looks b0rken10:52
Saviqpete-woods, jenkins has no rights to push to lp:cmake-extras :?10:52
pete-woodsSaviq: weird!10:52
Saviqpete-woods, well, not really weird, there's a "cmake-extras" team that's not part of PS and stuff10:53
pete-woodsSaviq: yeah. that's what I meant was weird10:53
pete-woodstempted to make it owned by someone else10:53
Saviqthe project is definitely not set up right10:54
pete-woodsSaviq: blame allan :)10:54
Saviqpete-woods, can you hcange the maintainer to PS PM team10:54
pete-woodsSaviq: done10:55
Saviqpete-woods, and add canonical-product-strategy to the cmake-extras team10:55
pete-woodsjenkins bot just joined the team it seems :)10:56
pete-woodsokay, added canonical-product-strategy10:56
Saviqpete-woods, thanks, that should sort things out for now10:57
Saviqsil2100, uh oh, what are the empty commits in https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/qtmir/trunk ?10:58
Saviqsame in https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/qtmir/gles10:58
Saviqlooks like the repeated jobs failing to push to cmake-extras trunk resulted in these empty commits11:01
Mirvseb128: it would mean that, yes... so a fix would be nicer, if someone understands the problem11:01
MirvSaviq: that means the new user needs to be added to the team11:02
Saviqpete-woods, ah, there's a different bot now, "CI Train Bot", it worked before because PS Jenkins Bot was already there11:02
SaviqMirv, yeah, added canonical-product-strategy to the team11:02
Saviqpete-woods, you can drop the explicit membership of PS Jenkins Bot11:02
sil2100Saviq: it would be best it you added ubuntu-unity to the mir-team members as well11:03
Saviqsil2100, done, is that the preferred solution now? to add ubuntu-unity to the owner/driver teams?11:04
Saviq(and not canonical-product-strategy?)11:05
Saviqpete-woods, ↑11:05
pete-woodsSaviq: I've dropped the jenkins bot11:07
SaviqMirv, sil2100, in any case there seems to be a bug or two in the publishing job (see the blank commits at the top of qtmir and qtmir-gles)11:07
MirvSaviq: you need this guy http://launchpad.net/~ci-train-bot added to all teams11:07
Saviqand then there's the temp branch to which the bot supposedly tried to push11:07
pete-woodsSaviq: I'll set the owner / driver to whatever is expected11:08
Mirvnothing else needs changing11:08
SaviqMirv, I'd rather not have a single user to be added, because it might change again ;)11:09
Saviqubuntu-unity sounds like a good compromise11:09
Mirvright, so ci-train-bot to the ubuntu-unity team? why not11:09
Saviqit's there already11:09
Saviqand yeah, the publish job is missing "ci-train-bot" in the string where it says it pushed things11:10
Saviqand then it pushes some random empty commits ;(11:13
* Saviq purges them11:13
Ursinhasil2100: are you looking into the publisher bug? if not I'll file one so robru can work on it when he's here11:25
sil2100Ursinha: a bug would be good to have anyway, but I'm briefly looking at it11:25
Ursinhasil2100: also, were you able to add all the subscriptions necessary to the bot? I can help you with some lp api foo if you want to check that in a more automated way :)11:25
Ursinhasil2100: I'll file one for you then11:26
sil2100Ursinha: thanks!11:26
UrsinhaSaviq: would you have a way to see the empty commits in those branches you mentioned? I see you might have deleted them already11:28
Ursinhajust so I can add to the bug about the publisher being silly11:29
SaviqUrsinha, sorry, no, they just said "Resync trunk" and were empty11:30
SaviqUrsinha, I wanted them gone asap so they don't populate among devs11:30
UrsinhaSaviq: fair enough :) some information is better than none, thanks!11:31
SaviqUrsinha, should have backed them up before that11:31
SaviqUrsinha, but really it was just an empty commit by CI Train Bot with "Resync trunk" as the commit message11:31
sil2100Saviq: do you remember which silo landing caused this?11:31
Saviqsil2100, 111:31
UrsinhaSaviq: that's fine, just let me know if that happens again then we can add to the bug, if not fixed yet11:32
Saviqsil2100, it tried multiple times because it couldn't push to lp:cmake-extras11:32
Saviqsil2100, Ursinha, this is what caused it https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/check-publication-migration/71833/console11:33
Saviqsil2100, Ursinha, ah I know what happened11:33
Saviqit pushed qtmir and qtmir-gles to trunks on the first try11:33
Saviqand then noticed that trunks are ahead of what the silo branches were built on11:34
Saviqso decided it needs to reconcile11:34
Saviqand so on, and so on11:34
Ursinhathanks Saviq11:34
sil2100Since now it auto merges and it doesn't fail as normal merge and cleans do11:34
Ursinhasil2100: it should keep failing11:34
sil2100Ursinha: it should keep failing but not try to push branches that already got pushed11:35
Saviqthis is a rather corner case11:35
Ursinhasil2100: I mean, the auto merge should happen only if it can be merged, there's no point forcing a merge that wouldn't happen before (am I overlooking something?)11:35
Saviqwhere it couldn't push to the project's trunk11:35
UrsinhaSaviq: I'm yet to find something landing-related that's not a corner case :)11:35
sil2100Ursinha: well, this should be fixed in such a way that it should register which merges it succeeded with and not try to push those again11:35
Ursinhasil2100: that's a good plan11:36
sil2100The main problem is that we have no feedback right now11:36
sil2100So we would also have to add this11:36
sil2100i.e. in this case it remembers which components succeeded and inform the frontend that some M&C's failed11:36
Ursinhasil2100: what do you think? bug 139962511:43
ubot5`bug 1399625 in CI Train [cu2d] "publisher job is pushing empty commits" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139962511:43
sil2100Damn, so many things changed in the publisher11:58
sil2100Ursinha: thanks :)12:00
Ursinhasil2100: yeah, it was hard to review that branch :) but I have a good idea on what changed if there's something I could help shedding a light on12:04
Ursinhare. publisher12:04
pstolowskitrainguards may i ask for publishing of silo 12?12:38
Mirvpstolowski: sure12:39
jgdxtrainguards: hi, can I have spreadsheet perms or can you mark rtm-004 as tested OK "Yes (#10 krillin jgdx)"12:51
Mirvjgdx: sil2100 could give you rights, but I'll do what you asked anyhow12:53
jgdxMirv, thank you.12:54
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
seb128jgdx, is #10 a krillin rtm revision?13:07
jgdxseb128, yes13:07
seb128I though we were at 173 on krillin rtm13:07
seb128those numbers confuse me ;-)13:07
jgdxused ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.0913:07
jibelseb128, it's the released version, proposed is 17313:08
seb128jibel, oh ok13:08
seb128jibel, I though we had promotions are 16913:09
seb128or is that "proposed r169 becomes stable r10"?13:09
jibelseb128, right, 14.09/10 = 14.09-proposed/1013:09
jibel 14.09/10 = 14.09-proposed/16913:10
jibelI'm confused too :)13:10
seb128confusing still ;-)13:10
pmcgowansil2100, how is silo 16 coming13:53
Saviqjibel, as you know bits'n'bobs about adt... http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#unity-api13:55
jibelSaviq, looking13:56
Saviqlooks like unity8 and unity-api are blocked on the two failures13:56
Saviqjibel, which seems to be a oxideqt-codecs uninstallability issue13:56
Mirvrobru: sil2100: please read through bug #1399597 and hopefully land the Oxide (if ok for everyone) in the US timezone in about 5 hours. the theory is that it'd fix the bug without causing regression for the SDK guys. that bug blocks many vivid proposed->release migrations at the moment, so either a revert or this fix is needed anyhow.13:57
ubot5`bug 1399597 in oxide-qt (Ubuntu) "The last oxide upload breaks autopkgtests with a package installation failure" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139959713:57
sil2100pmcgowan: the silo is now built with latest changes, waiting for Ken to appear and do silo testing13:57
Saviqjibel, oh actually looks that's what Mirv just wrote about13:58
pmcgowansil2100, ok I may load it up as well13:58
jibelSaviq, okay13:58
sil2100We want to land it today so that it can be widely tested by Monday by everyone13:59
MirvSaviq: yes..13:59
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== retoaded changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: CI Train is back | Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Ongoing network outage, mp testing disabled. RTM Archive open for ota-1 (and only ota-1 !!) landings.
ogra_pushy bot !15:18
pmcgowanjgdx, are you looking at the silo 2 failure15:27
jgdxpmcgowan, yeah, pushed a fix15:27
pmcgowanjgdx, you lost silo karma though15:28
jgdxpmcgowan, oh man, we're keeping score?15:29
pmcgowanjgdx, we are indeed15:29
sil2100Ursinha: ah, forgot to ask before lunch - do we have the staging instance up and running already? :)16:04
ogra_hmm, still no ken :/16:04
Ursinhasil2100: the citrain one? :) there is one partially working, and I can point you to that so you can have a look :)16:06
Ursinhasil2100: on bootstack16:06
sil2100Ursinha: since I suppose I need a way to test my fix before doing a global deployment, and I think preprod won't work anymore since the permission change, right?16:09
kgunnsil2100: quick theoretical question....if something were merged into our mir0.8 branch, but didn't go thru silo...would it ever hit the image ?16:10
kgunnor is the image ever only created off source tarballs16:10
kgunn....and if someone were to do a rebuild, is that off the tarball or proj branch ?16:10
cjwatsonthe image is only ever created based on binaries in the archive, which are only ever created based on source packages16:11
sil2100kgunn: it won't be in the image until you get trunk released through the silo16:11
kgunncamako: you won ^16:11
sil2100kgunn: so if you have that, just prepare a silo with a merge (can be even an empty merge) to get the current trunk released into the archive16:11
Ursinhasil2100: we need to talk about how the staging instance is going to be, if that is supposed to be really a pre-production and contain MP approved code, it's easier16:12
Ursinhasil2100: if you want to be able to deploy whatever the hell you want, then I can teach you how to locally deploy with juju and lxc :)16:13
bfillersil2100: can you publish ubuntu silo 2 please16:27
sil2100bfiller: looking!16:29
sil2100robru: wow, I found an issue in the new publisher16:30
sil2100robru: you're actually showing all packaging diffs, even for old versions from the PPA16:30
sil2100robru: so if there were 3 rebuilds of a package in the PPA, the packaging diff is uploaded 3 times16:30
sil2100robru: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-002-2-publish/16:30
cjwatsonoh thank God, node-mapnik finally built.  so the protobuf transition (with no-change rebuilds of compiz and mir) should land shortly.16:35
Saviqtrainguards, is a set of 4 bugs as seen in row 76 acceptable for a RTM landing? if so, can you please get me a silo ↑?16:48
sil2100jibel: are we proceeding according to the threshold rules already?16:50
sil2100Saviq: let me quickly get some answers16:50
Saviqsil2100, can you assign a silo for line 74 regardless, we'll not build before silo 12 lands16:51
ogra_sil2100, i dont think we have made the new rules public yet16:51
ogra_(unless i missed a mail)16:51
sil2100Saviq: I suppose it's still not public16:52
sil2100ogra_: pmcgowan mentioned it here so I thought we're already using it16:52
ogra_sil2100, we dont use anything without telling the developers in advance i hope :P16:52
* sil2100 hopes as well16:53
sil2100I was out sick for the first 2 days so I could have missed it ;)16:53
ogra_no, i dont think we have published anything, only discussed it16:54
ogra_so we cant really use it yet16:54
sil2100ogra_: especially that we still didn't formally define the 'fix' notion ;)16:54
sil2100pmcgowan: hey! I think we can land a translation enablement to ubuntu-rtm, right?16:55
pmcgowansil2100, yes is that sebs fix?16:55
sil2100pmcgowan: since seb128 prepared a sync silo for ubuntu-ui-extras to use langpacks16:55
pmcgowanyes approved that16:55
sil2100Oh, right, I digged up the bug number from the original package an now I see16:56
sil2100Let me modify the landing description16:56
seb128sil2100, did I copy the wrong bug reference there?16:56
sil2100seb128: it's all ok, just want it to be in the landing description as well for QA to have better access to it16:57
seb128sil2100, I put it as a comment16:58
seb128but ok ;-)16:58
seb128noted for next time16:58
seb128sil2100, thanks for fixing it!16:58
sil2100seb128: no worries, not a big issue, it was my bad in overall16:59
sil2100ogra_: and still no ken :(16:59
ogra_yeah :(16:59
ogra_and two other system-settings silos too16:59
seb128sil2100, I think Ken is off today?16:59
seb128that's what Jonas said earlier17:00
ogra_assuming these need to go first :/17:00
sil2100Not sure, I think the order is not strict17:01
sil2100But still, without Ken around we might not make it17:01
sil2100Not much we can do though17:01
sil2100ogra_: still in a meeting?17:02
ogra_on my way17:02
sil2100plars: ping o/17:02
sil2100plars: (although the network issues are probably still there and not much CI updates will be available)17:03
plarssil2100: sorry, had to step away for a few, yeah, not much I can do until the move is complete17:12
bfillersil2100: we had a couple of MR's land yesterday in silo (maybe day before) in camera-app that seem to be in trunk but the MR's have not been updated to merged17:18
bfillersil2100: https://code.launchpad.net/~fboucault/camera-app/camera-app-multi_selection/+merge/243385 and https://code.launchpad.net/~fboucault/camera-app/camera-app-self_timer/+merge/24338917:19
robrubfiller: hm, that's odd. those look merged in trunk with the old creds from before citrain went down17:28
bfillerrobru: yeah, for some reason the MR's didn't get updated it seems17:29
robrubfiller: tough to say what could have caused that. citrain doesn't have any code that tells lp to mark merges as merged, lp just does that automatically when the commits appear in trunk. so it seems more like a bug in lp than in the train. I don't see any harm in marking them merged manually17:35
bfillerrobru: ack17:35
bfillerrobru: needs silos for 77 and 78 when you have a chance17:52
robrubfiller: alright, vivid 7, rtm 1117:54
bfillerrobru: cheers17:55
robrubfiller: you're welcome17:55
cjwatsonbfiller,robru: hm, that's curious, let me see if I can find logs about that17:59
bfillercjwatson, robru: seems what was merged was a few revs back than the latest in the MR's. Not sure why that happened, possibly I didn't rebuild the silo18:01
bfillercould be my fault18:01
robrubfiller: if you didn't rebuild the silo that means those latest revs are also not in distro ;-)18:01
bfillerrobru: I know18:02
bfillerwe haven't released a click as we don't have a way to only release it for vivid, so only the debs will be wrong and they are not really used. but'll we;ll correct on the next upload18:03
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
cjwatsonbfiller,robru: Those weren't actually the branches that were merged.18:04
cjwatson[2014-12-04 22:16:00,480: INFO/PoolWorker-2] Merge detected: lp:~artmello/camera-app/camera-app-multi_selection => lp:camera-app18:04
cjwatson[2014-12-04 22:16:00,497: INFO/PoolWorker-2] lp:~artmello/camera-app/camera-app-multi_selection now Merged.18:05
cjwatson[2014-12-04 22:16:00,526: INFO/PoolWorker-2] Merge detected: lp:~artmello/camera-app/camera-app-self_timer => lp:camera-app18:05
cjwatson[2014-12-04 22:16:00,533: INFO/PoolWorker-2] lp:~artmello/camera-app/camera-app-self_timer now Merged.18:05
cjwatsonNot the same owner.18:05
robrubfiller: I guess you merged the pre-superceded MPs then18:05
cjwatsonAnd if you check out lp:camera-app and run "bzr missing --theirs lp:~fboucault/camera-app/camera-app-multi_selection" and "bzr missing --theirs lp:~fboucault/camera-app/camera-app-self_timer", you can see the commits on those branches that aren't merged.18:06
cjwatsonSo yeah, don't mark those as merged manually unless the same textual content was actually merged and you want to effectively abandon whatever different history is on those branches.18:08
bfillercjwatson: thanks18:19
pmcgowanogra_, sil2100 I ran silo 16 all day, can we have QA check it now18:23
ogra_pmcgowan, well, we have 3 silos with system-settings ...18:25
ogra_16 is the one that hasnt even been set to testing done18:25
pmcgowanit is now18:25
ogra_and ken is off today18:25
pmcgowanits not really a system settings issue, its the nasty powerd events dus eats cpu thing18:26
sil2100pmcgowan: we weren't sure if we can land that, since we wanted to know from Ken if it's good to land before all those other ones18:26
pmcgowansil2100, I see, I dont know about ordering them18:26
popeyooh, is it the one that makes system settings hang after boot?18:26
popeyoh man18:26
pmcgowanpopey, if it cant land maybe you can run it over the weekend18:26
ogra_popey, yes, it is that one18:26
popeysure thing!18:27
ogra_ToyKeeper ran it over night for one night already18:27
popeyok, I'll install now and not reboot this weekend.18:27
popeythanks chaps!18:27
pmcgowanogra_, sil2100 ok so I guess wait for ken on monday and more results18:27
ogra_yeah :(18:28
popeygot a link to it?18:28
ogra_i wish we could have an image for the weekend testing18:28
pmcgowanme too18:28
pmcgowanthat was my urgency testing it18:28
ToyKeeperOh, silo rtm-16?  It seemed to cut the dbus noise in half and reduce side effects by even more.18:28
ToyKeeperI only tried it for one night though.18:28
pmcgowanthe silo got tweaked to have a more exact system settings change set18:29
pmcgowanthats the only change from before18:29
popeythat seems empty?18:31
popeydpkg: error processing archive powerd_0.16+15.04.20141031.2~rtm-0ubuntu1_armhf.deb (--install): unable to make backup link of `./usr/share/powerd/device_configs/config-default.xml' before installing new version: Invalid cross-device link18:37
popeyis that normal?18:37
popeyogra_: ^ any ideas?18:45
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: CI Train is back | Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Ongoing network outage, mp phone testing disabled. RTM Archive open for ota-1 (and only ota-1 !!) landings.
ogra_popey, oh, powerd needs to be installed via recovery18:52
popeyoh, how?18:52
popeyboot to recovery, then is there some other magic than just dpkg -i the deb?18:52
popeyogra_: sorry, I don't know how to install this.18:59
ogra_popey, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing/lxc-android-config same process19:01
popeysh is missing...19:04
ogra_try /bin/sh19:05
ogra_(even though the env command should have set your path properly)19:06
popeyis that okay?19:06
popeyinvoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/powerd not found.19:06
ogra_theoretically, yes19:06
popeyso reboot and it should be sane?19:07
ogra_the install obviously failed ...19:07
ogra_iirc davmor2 and jibel have better ways to install such packages19:07
ogra_hmm, or was that brendand19:07
* popey wonders if any of them are about19:08
popeyToyKeeper: how did you install that powerd package when you tested it?19:08
robrupopey: ⍨ is the greatest emoticon ever, how did I not know about this?19:17
dobeycihelp: does jenkins MP testing run autopkgtests on the proposed change as well?19:23
fgintherdobey, autopkgtests are not executed during MP testing at this time. It is planned in the future.19:23
fgintherdobey, by the way, the rtm chroots are almost ready19:24
fgintherdobey, should have the branch added soon19:24
dobeyfginther: ok, thanks19:24
ToyKeeperpopey: Sorry, was in a meeting...  I just installed it via the citrain device-upgrade command.20:01

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