
=== root is now known as Guest92768
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tricornerI have kubuntu 9.4, its old, is there a wi fi app for that version?00:52
tricorneror i should upgrade to kubuntu 13.1000:52
valoriethat is no longer supported00:52
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:52
geniitricorner: Jaunty is a long time now End Of Life, I would recommend to upgrade to at least 12.0400:53
valorie14.04 if you can00:53
valorienewish, and supported for a long time00:53
tricornerok, i have a partitioned pc...one side windows 7 starter the orher part ubuntu 9.4..the guy that installed the 9.4 version tricked me..he said my pc was to small for a newr version...00:54
tricorner14.04 has wi fi app?00:54
geniitricorner: Yes.00:55
geniitricorner: Perhaps he meant that either the hard drive partition is not large enough, or else that the computer is possibly underpowered00:55
tricornerthe hard drive partition for ubunto has 116 GB, the pc is no that old..2011 netbook, 2 gb memory, intel atom00:56
tricornergenii, for iinstalling the newr version, on the partinioned ubuntu side...is possible with a flash or usb?00:57
tricornerbut a dont want to put in danger the windows partition...00:57
geniitricorner: Yes, the new ISO images can be just dd right to an USB stick and install by that way now00:58
geniitricorner: I have a similar netbook setup and it runs Kubuntu 14.04 OK, but before I put an SSD quite slowly.00:58
geniitricorner: Also you'll want to be using the netbook plasma instead of the desktop one01:00
geniitricorner_: What was the last thing I wrote that you saw?01:03
tricorner_genii, hi..when whe were chatin about hot to upgrade the ubunbtu 9.4 partition to 14 version01:05
tricorner_if there is a risk for the windows side...01:05
geniitricorner_: If you just dd the iso image to a usb stick and boot from that and install, there is no real problem. GRUB will see your Windows and put it on the list of bootable things01:06
* genii notices it's Beer O'Clock01:08
tricorner_ok, where can i dd the 14 image? will it wotk on an atom, 2 gb memory pc?01:11
tricorner_i suppose.. jeje01:11
geniitricorner_: If you come here to the channel when you are doing the install, someone can usually help you to get it set up properly. I myself am leaving soon for today.01:11
tricorner_ok thats a lot!01:12
tricorner_nice weekend01:12
geniitricorner_: Just go to http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu  and select Kubuntu 14.04 LTS version.  If you are not sure if your chip is 32 or 64 bit, choose 32 bit01:13
* genii waves01:13
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KrixvarIs it possible to sync my kdeconfiguration using syncthing?02:20
Krixvar*kde configuration02:20
valorieconfigs for everything?02:21
valorieand what version of kubuntu are you using, Krixvar02:21
Krixvar14.10, 64 bit if it matters02:22
KrixvarBy putting my entire .kde folder into a share I was able to get my laptop to pick up my desktop's splash screen and that was it02:22
valoriewell, there is also ~/.config and ~/.local02:23
valorieand something else, looking at my own system02:23
valoriemore and more, configs are going into those two02:26
valoriebut I would look at all the dot files - for instance if you use firefox, you'll want .mozilla02:26
KrixvarThanks, I'll try that02:26
valorieyou can look at and edit those files, for the most part02:27
valoriemostly text02:27
Krixvarironically syncing some configuration file or another over broke syncthing02:46
Krixvarthough I do have the color scheme so that's another step in the right direction :)02:46
valoriesure, which is why you may have to edit some config files02:53
valorieor even rename and let them be recreated02:53
valorieI used to rename and move the old .kde file over to the new machine/install02:53
valorieand then move over individual files until something broke02:54
valoriethen it's easy to figure out where the conflict is02:54
tricornercan i run kububti 14.10 from a flash drive..si I dont have to install it or make partition?02:54
valorieyes, tricorner02:55
tricornerin order to try it...02:55
ubottuTo have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence02:55
tricornerI dont have  CD...02:55
tricornerbut a 16 gb flashdrive...02:56
valoriesheesh, bad spelling02:56
valorieit's the same instructions, tricorner02:57
Krixvarvalorie: You're right, I'm thinking I don't want as much as I ended up transferring02:57
valorieno matter the media02:57
Krixvarvalorie: do you happen to know where the graphical configuration is stored? Things like color scheme, widgets/panels, etc?02:57
valorieI don't, but it will be somewhere in the rc or config files02:58
valorieread some of them and find out02:58
valoriethey are sorta fun to read IMO02:58
KrixvarLots of dead ends, this is a very intriguing problem haha04:10
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valorieKrixvar: still reading config files?04:27
Krixvarvalorie: yup, though now that I tried copying it with a flash drive it appears that simply copying my .kde folder is enough to transfer the configuration that I want to transfer04:36
Krixvarand to prevent conflicts I'm going to make my desktop a master, so it pushes out but doesn't get changed versions sent back04:38
Guest23913Kubuntu is Ubuntu but with KDE?04:40
valoriewe are one of the many 'flavors' of Ubuntu04:40
valorieplasma rather than unity, for instance, and different applications04:41
valoriehowever, you can use any application on any desktop04:41
Guest23913oh ok04:44
Guest23913But you guys have your own community. It 's not developed by Canonical04:45
valorieCanonical does a few things like phone, unity, mir, juju04:45
valoriethe community builds most things in Ubuntu04:45
valorieI think Kubuntu was the first flavor since the ubuntu-desktop used to be Gnome04:46
Unit193Canonical does infra, so buildds, servers, etc, etc.04:46
Unit193valorie: Right.04:46
valoriethanks Unit193 - that is very important to us indeed04:47
valoriethe lists, the servers, spinning the ISOs and then serving them04:47
valoriesupporting freenode so we have this chan04:47
Guest23913I see now04:49
Guest23913Thanks valorie04:49
valorieyou are very welcome04:50
valoriewe aren't all guys, either!04:50
hypokrit30 min later   lol05:32
kailashhey guys!06:35
oddwelOh, a chat :o06:50
valorieindeed, although this is the help chan06:51
valoriefor "chat" as such we have #kubuntu-offtopic06:52
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rnmsany hackers here09:26
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floownI  have a big email-log from Logwatch, I have these lines : http://pastebin.com/fkE2HGYN10:52
floownsomeone can help me please?10:52
bazhang!crosspost | floown10:52
ubottufloown: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.10:52
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kaddiany major issues known with the upgrade to 14.10?12:10
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BluesKaj_'Morning all13:19
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lordievaderGood afternoon.14:52
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Drabuntuist dieser chat deutsch?18:17
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl18:18
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:19
lordievadersoee: Dutch ain't German, though it looks similar ;)18:26
soeelordievader:  deutsch = german i think18:27
soeefirst i thought dutch that why i used nl18:27
lordievadersoee: IIRC Deutsch is German in German.18:36
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BaughnTrying to install 14.10, but the installer just boots to a black screen saying something about saned not starting.20:17
BaughnWhich is a scanner driver. I don't have a scanner. :O20:18
Baughn(I know saned isn't the problem. Nouveau, on the other hand..)20:18
BaughnHowever, even if I add nomodeset and manually install the nvidia driver, then restart sddm, I just get a black screen.20:20
BluesKajBaughn, use lightdm20:26
BluesKajon 14.1020:27
BaughnWell.. how? I'm talking about the installer image.20:27
BaughnDownloading the plasma-4 version now, though.20:27
BluesKajsddm is default on plasma 5 and isn't very 14.10 friendly IME, so install lightdm20:28
lordievaderBaughn: Try the nomodeset kernel parameter.20:32
BaughnTried it. See above.20:33
lordievaderAh, I didn't read properly. Execuse me ;)20:34
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Baughnlordievader: Plasma 4 worked just fine.21:13
lordievaderBaughn: Lightdm or still ssdm?21:18
Baughnlordievader: Lightdm21:33
karambiIs possible to have overlay scrollbars in Plasma?23:12
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