
wxlmaybe this is a dumb question, but if i don't run ubuntu normally, could i use a cloud vm to do development?01:32
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== VDVsx_ is now known as VDVsx
biggiesmallshappy haps .. wut up14:59
kunalHi dear developers. please help me... please tell me how to connect huawei e303f modem on my ubuntu14.04lts 64-bit..... please help me.... its not working...15:17
kunal_Hi dear developers. please help me... please tell me how to connect huawei e303f modem on my ubuntu14.04lts 64-bit..... please help me.... its not working...15:26
kunalHi dear developers. please help me... please tell me how to connect huawei e303f modem on my ubuntu14.04lts 64-bit..... please help me.... its not working...15:30
kunalhi developers .... please help15:33
kunalhi developers please tell me how to connect this huawei e303f modem to ubuntu 14.04lts...15:38
kunalHi dear developers. please help me... please tell me how to connect huawei e303f modem on my ubuntu14.04lts 64-bit..... please help me.... its not working...15:42
Elleokunal: you're more likely to have luck asking on askubuntu.com, this channel is primarily filled with app developers, so there's not likely to be anyone around who knows about that specific hardware15:45
rpadovaniwrong window, sorry15:50
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk

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