
gaughenjcastro, a bit of a delayed response here but yes I've pointed the team to the list and we'll try to tackle some of that list.. it's quite a backlog!00:06
lakinsarnold: was it you who helped me earlier? If it was, we switched from mod_wsgi to mod_proxy + gunicorn and the issue went away01:11
lakinI suspect we misconfigured mod_wsgi somehow01:11
sarnoldlakin: excellent, thanks :)01:12
sarnoldbugger about mod_wsgi; if you've got time / inclination, a bug report might be nice.01:13
lakinIf I can find time, I'll see what I can figure out about why it wasn't working. I've had good luck with mod_wsgi before01:13
sarnoldgreat, thanks01:13
sarnoldI've only ever dealt with it in test suites where it was bloody frustrating, but I can't pin that entirely on mod_wsgi; at least django and apache share some blame there. hehe. :)01:13
lakinsarnold: yes, yes they do01:14
lakinIf only we lived in world with perfect tools01:14
sarnoldlakin: then we could spend all our time sipping tasty beverages on the beach!01:14
sarnoldwhile our computers do all the work! haha!01:14
sarnoldoh well, glad you guys figured out how to move forward )01:15
lakinYeah, it's been a fun few days01:15
Patrickdkit seems like apache is moving to using mod_proxy more, than mod_wscgi/fcgi/...01:15
Patrickdknow if I could figure out this rabbitmq bit :)01:16
Patrickdk(people haven't emailed me the login or hostname info to locate it yet)01:16
sarnoldmore leafy greens, I think rabbits like those :)01:16
lakinI've used RabbitMQ to pretty good effect recently01:16
Patrickdkand for some reason it's running on windows, and I don't have login info for that either01:16
lakinHaving a distributed task queue system setup in your env can be quite good01:16
PatrickdkI'm lazy :)01:17
PatrickdkI use mysql tables for that :)01:17
lakinUsing MySQL at this point in my career always sounds like the option with more work01:17
Patrickdkdepends :)01:17
Patrickdkmy needs are simple01:17
Patrickdkand I need mysql for other things01:17
Patrickdkseems pointless to setup something else, learn it, and then only use 2 queues on it01:18
lakinThere is definitely something to be said about separating out your app code from your battle-tested front-facing web server.01:18
Patrickdkand then have to maintain it01:18
lakinIt's much more likely you made a mistake than it is01:18
Patrickdkfront facing web server?01:18
lakinThat's a good part of the reason why people move to mod_proxy01:18
Patrickdkwhat does this have to do with a webserver?01:18
lakinApache2 + mod_proxy as your front end server01:18
Patrickdkoh, that01:18
lakinin a separate process/memory space01:19
lakinSorry, two conversation01:19
Patrickdkya, I got 3 layers going on like that :)01:19
Patrickdkapache proxy/mod_security -> apache/fcgi/....01:19
Patrickdkuse the front one for loadbalancing/failover/security checks01:19
Patrickdkand then the backends01:20
Patrickdkor guess, middleware01:20
Patrickdkwhatever the current term is :)01:20
lakinI thought your needs were simple?01:20
Patrickdkthose where *customer* needs, not mine :)01:20
Patrickdkwe get payed more by overengineering it01:20
lakinin any case, thanks again. Later.01:35
QuoexlHi guys, got a strange thing going on, I have an Amd x2 machine with both a nvidia network card and a marvell network card, neither will catch dhcp on install of 12.04 server, just to test the network cards I installed windows and both work properly. this machine ran 12.04 server unattended for the last 4 months at my shop now I bring it home and nuttin01:42
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pmatulisQuoexl: are you installing using the exact same ISO as before?02:11
Quoexlwell I dont really know, I pulled it down from ubuntu02:16
Quoexlcould the 12.04.5 be doing this to me?02:16
pmatulisQuoexl: could be a regression, yes02:27
pmatulisQuoexl: try using an older 12.04 ISO02:28
pmatulisQuoexl: stupidly, the original one is no longer found on the main mirrors.  the last time i checked you could only get it from oldreleases.ubuntu.com or whatever it's called02:29
Quoexlpmatulis: download already in progress, I KNOW this is the problem02:31
QuoexlI was trying to install 12.04.502:31
pmatulisQuoexl: ok good.  lemme know what happens02:31
Quoexlitll be about half an hour if youre still around02:32
pmatulisQuoexl: i'll be here02:32
sarnoldthe original 12.04 has been moved off the main mirrors? annoying..02:32
pmatulissarnold: indeed, especially for a supported ISO, until 201702:33
sarnoldpmatulis: yeah, that's the only way to get e.g. virtualbox to work on 12.04; it shouldn't be so hidden..02:33
pmatulissarnold: mentioned it, got a shrug02:33
Quoexlthis just in 12.04.5 dropped the drivers for my network cards02:36
pmatulisQuoexl: tested already?02:36
pmatulisQuoexl: nvidia and marvell on a server?02:37
Quoexlthe cards are good, I installed winders and they work02:37
Quoexlits a kinda sorta server02:37
pmatulisha ha02:37
Quoexlits got 4tb raided in it, so fileserver duty it is02:38
Quoexlwhich is actually 8tb02:38
Quoexlthinking of putting owncloud back on it02:38
Quoexlok going to test the theory now02:45
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Quoexlthere's a knot in my string theory02:57
* pmatulis listening02:57
Quoexlstill no dhcp on either card02:57
pmatulishmm, check the status of the cards by getting into a console02:59
sarnoldnuts, I liked that theory^Whypothesis :)02:59
QuoexlI'm just trying to install, it crashes at apt02:59
Quoexlthis is driving me to drink03:00
QuoexlI'm about to go at the innerds of this computer with hedge clippers03:05
samba35i am trying to configure ethernet card with pci passthrough on kvm when i try to detach card i am geting this message/error   -------error: Failed to detach device pci_0000_07_02_003:35
samba35error: Operation not supported: neither VFIO nor KVM device assignment is currently supported on this system03:35
hamnstar_hello server folk03:50
hamnstar_I'm having some issues updating slapd due to some custom objectClass / attributes... the postinstall script fails specifically.  anyone here handy? (the #openldap people seem dormant tonight)03:50
pmatulishamnstar_: best is to pastebin details of these custom objectClasses and their attributes, and related schemas04:22
hamnstar_pmautils: thanks, i did mange to get it working by copying over all of the slapd.d contents into a new install04:44
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lordievaderJediMaster: Sounds like fun, but it ain't too obvious from an attackers POV?09:43
JediMasterlordievader: it's just yet another php script running in cron, and it runs every 5 minutes, so it's unlikely it would be noticed, at least in time for it not to notice that the files had been comprimised10:26
JediMasteralso doesn't need to be run as root10:27
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RemieSomebody available to help me with dspam?, running 14.10 server and i cant install it, I looked at launchpad and it says status deleted, why?11:39
lordievaderRemie: Perhaps because there is no upstream?11:42
lordievaderRemie: There is a utopic bzr though: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/utopic/dspam/utopic11:43
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derrumHello, i can not boot onto my server anymore but i can access the server over a rescue system. I have to switch grub back to a working kernel how can i do that when the system is offline so iu can not use update-grub?13:36
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Patrickdkheh? changing kernels has nothing to do with update-grub14:11
Patrickdkyou just select the other kernel from the grub boot meneu14:11
derrumThere is no grub boot menu14:14
Patrickdkif there isn't, then changing the kernel won't do any good14:17
Patrickdkcause you can't do that, till you get to the grub menu14:17
Patrickdkso you need to fix grub first14:17
Patrickdkso your issue is probably not the kernel14:18
derrumThe system is offline i work on it over a rescue system. I need to change a grub setting on the offline system and it needs to take the setting over when i bring it online again14:19
Patrickdkthat makes no sense14:19
Patrickdkchanging grub settings won't help at all14:19
Patrickdkif you don't get the grub menu14:19
Patrickdkno settings are required to get the grub menu14:19
Patrickdkand all settings can be changed from the grub menu14:20
Patrickdktherefor, your diagnostic conclusion of the issue, is incorrect14:20
derrumThere is no grub boot menu where i could change anything14:25
Patrickdkif there isn't changing things in grub won't help or solve anything14:26
Patrickdkcause grub isn't starting14:26
Patrickdkif grub doesn't start, what help does changing it's settings do?14:27
derrumIt is starting but its starting without showing a menu. It loads a kernel just a wrong one because the option says so.14:28
Patrickdkso the grub is starting and the menu does come up then?14:28
Patrickdkwell, just boot it, adjust it, and continue on with life14:29
Patrickdkjust change the settings in the menu, done14:29
lordievaderGood afternoon.14:52
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cpinedhelp.  I have an asus laptop.  I installed Unity desktop and everything was good.  I then decided to re-install ubuntu server on it instead and install the gnome desktop which I like but now my internet access fails after a minute or so.16:19
cpinedThe same server install on my desktop with a different GUI works fine.16:21
lordievadercpined: How was the internet before you installed Unity?16:23
cpinedwhen I first installed unity months ago the internet access worked.  Yesterday I installed gnome and internet access fails.16:24
cpinedBut months ago I installed the normal Unbuntu desktop, yesterday I installed the Unbuntu server.16:25
cpinedI really don't want to revert to the Ubuntu Desktop.16:27
JanCthat is not really a server question; so beter ask it in the regular support channel, you'll find more people there to answer...16:27
cpinedok, thanks.16:27
lordievadercpined: If you installed the ubuntu-desktop package then there is no difference between what you have and the Ubuntu Desktop.16:47
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tomstoreyhi all, wonder if someone can help me ... i am trying to work out why my configuration in /etc/network/interfaces is seemingly being "ignored"18:26
tomstoreyubuntu 14.04 server18:27
bekksSo pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces please18:27
tomstoreyprimarily i am concerned with the ipv6 address18:30
tomstoreyit doesnt seem to be configuring18:30
bekksSorry, no clues about IPv6 here, I'm still happy with IPv4 :)18:30
tomstoreyok, so maybe you can help me a little still18:31
tomstoreythe original version of my config had .1 as the ipv4 address18:31
tomstoreyas a test i tried changing it to .2 as you see in the pastebin18:31
tomstoreybut after doing an ifconfig down and ifconfig up it didnt change to .218:31
tomstoreystays as .118:31
tewardyou might need to reboot - i noticed that being the case on two 14.04 VMs which had their static addresses changed18:32
teward(shouldn't be the case, but sometimes is o.o)18:32
bekksifdown, ifup, not ifconfig.18:32
tomstoreyifdown gives me "interface not configured"18:32
bekksBecause it isnt.18:33
bekksSomethings wrong, thats why it isnt configured.18:33
tomstoreybut it shows up when i run ifconfig? or do i misunderstand what configured means :)18:33
bekksifconfig -a show all interfaces, regardless of their configuration state. ifdown/ifup will actually use the configuration given for shutting down/configuring an interface.18:34
tomstoreyhmm ok18:36
tomstoreyso i commented out all of the ipv6 config, and now it seems that ifdown/ifup work, and my new ip has taken effect18:36
tomstoreyso its something related to the ipv6 config i guess18:36
tomstoreyi think i may need to reboot this :-/18:42
tomstoreythis isnt windows 95!18:42
lordievadertomstorey: Do you want to read a rant on why you shouldn't use ifconfig?18:47
tomstoreyno? :)18:48
tomstoreysorry i thought you were going to write one here :)18:50
tomstoreyive just discovered ip addr *18:50
tomstoreyand i think i have managed to resolve my problem18:50
tomstoreyusing ip addr show i saw that the ipv4 address i was trying to configure was already configured18:52
tomstoreyused ip addr del to remove it18:53
tomstoreyipv6 working :)18:53
tomstoreyso i think it was getting stuck up trying to reconfigure an ip that was already in use, and just never getting to the ipv6 portion of it19:02
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lnxmenI have two servers - master and slave.21:49
lnxmenWhen I try to connect to MySQL database from master to slave, I get:21:50
lnxmenmysqli_connect(): (HY000/2013): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 021:50
lnxmenI added appropiate IPs to /etc/hosts.allow21:50
lnxmenAnd restarted network daemons.21:50
bekksAnd how did you configure the replication?21:52
lnxmenI used PHPFox - it has support for replication.22:01
lnxmenSorry, for delay.22:01
lnxmenIt's strange, because it worked properly yesterday.22:03
lnxmenDisk is full, that causes the problem.22:09
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lvmerfor /etc/network/interfaces  how many dns-nameservers can you specify?23:33
bekkslvmer: As many as you want, but more than three is pretty much pointless.23:34
lvmerhad set it up with years ago, but it seems really slow nowadays. pings at ~17ms, but the first ping takes like 5,000-10,000ms23:34
lvmerbekks thanks :)23:34
bekksping is not a dns request :)23:34
lvmerhow is 14.04 and 14.10?23:39
bekksFor a server, alsways use a LTS release.23:40
lvmerThat's a good idea. I'm running 13.10 now. I just got the upgrade bug lol. Threw my bond0 out of loop lol. Should've stuck with 12.04 and gone straight to 1423:40
lvmerthis way about a year ago lol23:41
lvmeror 6months? who knows23:41
lvmerI think I'm still on samba 3.6 or something, But smb4 was out like 2 years ago now right? I should upgrade?23:42
bekksYou should update to s supported Ubuntu release, in first place.23:42
lvmer^^ true.23:43
lvmerit's scary though. Isn't it?23:43
bekksWhats scary?23:43
lvmerI'm sorry, might come across as weird. But I'm a huge ubuntu noob. I learned it all like 2-4 years ago. Built a server and then let it pretty much coast. Naturally, as I don't work in IT, I forgot most of it23:44
lvmerI guess just run apt-get distro-update or something. Shouldn't I check like library or something first?23:44
lvmeryou know, probably just link me a tutorial. I'll do it. why not.23:45
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:45
bekksAnd backup first:23:45
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning23:45
lvmeroh yah lol that's why I never did it23:45
lvmerbacking up. haha. Cause I'd have to test restore first. ah O.O23:45
bekksWhat are you talking about, exactly?23:46
bekksDid you even read the articles given?23:46
lvmerWas talking about testing the backup. I read you always should test a backup23:47
lvmerbefore trusting it23:47
lvmeras in "restoring"23:47
lvmersorry for not being clear23:47
lvmergot to be honest, this community rocks. I've fixed a lot of problems reading these tutorials. Really well written.  Wish I had a partner in person or on raidcall/mumble and didn't have to read as much, but heck they are good.23:49
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lvmerbefore I upgrade I wanted to test 1 more thing cause I received a disk error a week ago. What would be the best way to check a software raid 10 disk volume and possibly repair minor errors?  All information stored on the raid10 array is redundant. So just want to make sure any possible sectors are repaired. Losing small amounts of date during a repair is ok.23:51

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