
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
mappshi all03:54
zmoylan-pibark bark03:58
mappsusual suspects eh03:58
daftykinsi am so unbelievably tired, but i fought through the sleep to continue being idiotic04:02
daftykinsnow i am debating either a first episode of Star Trek TOS season 2, or Magnum PI 1x0204:03
mappswhat time did u get up today04:08
daftykinsafternoon :/04:17
mappsheh how lae tho04:18
mappsi got up at 404:19
daftykins2ish conscious and 4ish actually up04:22
daftykinsbarely made it to a coffee shop for a panini breakfast ;)04:22
mappswatching the final of apprentice uk s2;]04:31
mappsbeen caning through them04:31
mappsthink i only dtatted watching since s904:32
* zmoylan-pi puts on airplane ii04:33
mappswhat was that show u said to checkout i forget04:35
zmoylan-picabin pressure https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabin_Pressure_%28radio_series%2904:37
mappsthanks sir04:52
mappswhat tie=me you gonna go to sleep night owls05:00
daftykinsmy brain feels like goo05:01
daftykinsso i'm hoping momentarily05:01
mappsnight all05:54
* foobarry clocks in for the morning shift08:49
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:52
foobarryyay i managed to fix a household problem16:49
foobarryone of the radaitaors wasnt working16:49
foobarryfound a youtube video that explained how the thermostatic valve get crudded up  and u have to pull the pin out with a hammer16:50
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== roht is now known as bugfix
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
daftykinsfoobarry: :D nice!20:42
popeyEvening all21:26
brobostigonevening popey21:32
m0nkey_W00t! http://www.theverge.com/2014/12/6/7345309/grim-fandango-remastered-will-bring-the-1998-classic-back-to-life-on22:39
daftykinsi never played originally22:49
m0nkey_I have always been into the LucasArts point and click stories. Monkey Island, Sam&Max, Full Throttle, DOTT.22:50
m0nkey_I've played the Monkey Island remastered, I replayed pretty much everything else.22:50
m0nkey_TellTail games did a new Monkey Island. They do very well.22:51
m0nkey_Just wish I brought my old games collection with me to Canada22:51
daftykinsd'aww, surely most of that can be obtained via emulated means these days?22:57
ali1234!info scummvm23:01
lubotu3scummvm (source: scummvm): engine for several graphical adventure games. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.0+dfsg-3 (utopic), package size 5472 kB, installed size 18916 kB23:01
m0nkey_Yeah, SCUMM pretty much takes care of it all23:01
* popey wants scummvm on his ubuntu phone23:09
ali1234well it's SDL, so you better make a way to package SDL games in click packages...23:25
popeyyou'd have to bundle sdl in, until sdl lands in the platform - which it might not23:26
ali1234and speaking of SDL games on phones, who wants to try something?23:26
daftykinsthat kinda thing seems more like the thing that's fun to get working but once it is it's not something i'd continue with :>23:26
popeyali1234: sure, what?23:28
ali1234a demo for android23:29
ali1234if you have a hardware keyboard you might even be able to play it23:29
popeyi cant find my usb to go cable actually23:30
ali1234wow, it actually works23:31
popeyis this your 3d racer?23:32
popeywell, happy to test stuff23:32
ali1234it's my puzzlefighter game23:32
ali1234i'm warming up for porting the racer with something easier23:33
popeydo you have an apk? and does it have x86 support?23:34
ali1234yes and maybe23:35
ali1234i think it's a fat apk23:35
ali1234no idea if it will work tho23:35
popeyi have armhf and x86 tablets handy23:35
ali1234controls are WASDXC23:36
ali1234spam X to actually play, you are on the left23:36
ali1234X and C are forward / backward in the menu, but the menu doesn't render23:36
ali1234it does make sounds though23:36
ali1234so spam C to go back to attract mode23:38
popeyi have no kb23:39
popeyand no osk23:39
ali1234it will just run attract mode then23:39
popeyoddly i see only one play area23:39
ali1234probably a resolution issue23:39
popeybut when i took a screenshot another play area appeared23:39
ali1234it's meant for 1280x720 and should be locked to landscape mode23:39
popeyyes, locked to landscape23:40
popeymy tab is 1920x1200 i think23:40
ali1234hmm... no idea what would happen in that case23:40
popeyall the purple is black23:40
popeythe play area on the left is invisible23:40
ali1234right, so my desktop code that assumes that it gets the window size it asked for needs work23:41
ali1234do you get sound?23:41
popeysome odd flickering inside some of the tiles23:42
ali1234is the framerate okay? should run 60fps without stuttering at all23:42
ali1234the odd flickering is intentional?23:42
popeylike lightning inside one of the tiles that has a coloured centre and silver surround23:42
ali1234yes that is intentional23:43
ali1234you place those blocks next to matching colour normal blocks to explode them23:43
popeyblocks are above the top23:43
ali1234the one that changes colour is the magic "blows up everything" block23:43
popeya video would probably help here23:43
ali1234yes that is also intentional23:43
* popey fetches his iphone23:43
ali1234normally you wouldn't be able to see that23:43
ali1234the way the game works, you only lose if the fourth column fills up23:44
ali1234nothing else matters23:44
ali1234and blocks are supposed to fall in from off the top of the screen23:44
popeyi pressed back in the game and it said "unfortunately SDLGame has stopped"23:44
ali1234yeah, known issue23:44
ali1234so it's meant to look like this, more or less: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EExQc4s9B823:45
popeyi get no title screen23:47
popeyno background23:47
popeylooks like tetrinet23:47
ali1234yes, menu and background aren't ported to GLES yet23:47
ali1234the gameplay is quite different to tetris23:48
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
popeyali1234: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gLhAZunjQg23:54
ali1234hmm... that looks weird23:55
ali1234getting the window the right size will probably help with that23:56

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