
dzhoplug-in diesel, eh?02:33
dzhoI've been wondering when that would be done.02:34
dzhoMore of a mystery to me is why urban fleet vehicles aren't going over to hybrid more.02:34
dzholots of low-speed, high-torque, short-distance, high-idle driving there.02:35
dzhocity buses, school buses, UPS/FedEX/USPS, they should all be going to hybrid like great gangbusters.02:35
dzhoor, pure electric02:36
* dzho is unclear as to what the difference would be between a passat SW or a Golf SW02:37
dzhoor a jetta SW for that matter02:38
dzhoISTR there have recently been passat wagons02:38
* dzho has the 2011 jetta Sw02:38
greg-gall of the buses in SF are hybrid or all electric05:59
greg-gand a bunch of the cabs are too05:59
dzhothat sounds more like a poltical decision than a business one, though.  I'm trying to figure out why, as a business decision, this isn't being done more at the fleet level.14:20
cmaloneydzho: Because replacing a fleet can be expensive14:22
cmaloneyI think they're waiting until the current fleet falls completely apart.14:23
dzhothe big operators I mention are so big that they must be doing replacements on an almost continuous basis14:23
dzhoat least, frequently14:23
dzhoand their fuel bills must be huge14:24
dzhoI suppose they are tied into futures contracts in a big way, but . . . it's not like hybrids haven't been a thing now for a decade at least14:24
dzhoby the way, the US Today that comes as part of our local paper here did a review of the electric Golf14:25
dzhomentioned that the Jetta Sportswagen was renamed to the Golf Sportswagen to a) capitalize on the popularity of that name here and b) to better reflect its origins14:25
* dzho recalls that VW has done some weird things with their cross-atlantic branding, eg, the Golf in Europe was first called the Rabbit here.14:26
cmaloneyI wonder too if there's a training cost for the maint. folks.14:26
cmaloneyand if that is somehow prohibitive.14:26
dzhodeath by a thousand cuts, yeah.14:27
dzhowell, and now you have UPS advertizing on NPR about how they are green because they are using natural gas14:27
dzhowhich has so many things going on with it that I literally can't even14:27
cmaloneyYeah, Ford was big on propane for fleet vehicles14:28
cmaloneynot sure if they still are.14:28
cmaloneyreminder: We have our meeting tomorrow at 9pm18:09

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