
LinuxGoldwhat is the best alternative to audacity?01:31
LinuxGoldI'm trying to set up a good laptop for my son who plays piano -- a real piano, not electronic stuff01:35
LinuxGoldtrying to find a very good software running on Ubuntu01:36
LinuxGoldHe is currently using console piano01:39
Unit193Well, for one, what's wrong with Audacity?  There's also Ardour and others, could search the repo for whatever exactly you need, or checkout a site such as http://alternativeto.net/software/audacity/?platform=linux01:43
LinuxGoldtrying to find the best.  if audacity is the best software to use, then fine, so be it :)02:06
studio_i seem to have yoshima working ...now how can i play a midifile and hear and edit it?14:43
Drabuntuhallo ich spreche Deutsch.15:19
studio_still trying to get sound from ardour16:55
holsteinstudio_: it'll be *just* like getting sound from yoshimi16:55
holsteinthe issue is, you are diving into midi16:56
holsteinstudio_: what do i suggest? take things in steps.. and slowly16:56
studio_thats what i thought but it doesnt work16:56
holsteinstudio_: open yoshimi, as i described before, and make certain audio is working16:56
holsteinstudio_: then, open ardour, import a *known* good audio track, and route that16:56
studio_its ok for wav files but not for midi16:56
holstein*then* move on to midi16:56
holsteinstudio_: so, you are having more specific issue with ardour then, not "you cant get audio from ardour"16:57
holsteinstudio_: there is, in qjackctl, in "connect", a midi tab as well16:57
holsteinstudio_: you can do advanced midi routing there..16:57
studio_its specific to getting midi sound yes16:57
holsteinbut, i suggest *not* starting with ardour for midi16:57
holsteinstudio_: this is the way it would work16:58
studio_ive already got it going in muse16:58
studio_and qtractor16:58
holsteinstudio_: open something like yoshimi, or a midi soune player.. route the audio.. then, create a midi track in ardour, and route the midi16:58
holsteinstudio_: its the *same* in ardour, its just not automatically connecting16:58
studio_ok ill try again16:59
holsteinyou can try #opensourcemusicians and/or #ardour17:00
holsteinstudio_: the ardour manual will be quite helpful as well17:00
holsteinstudio_: you can also use *any* of those other applicaions for your midi with ardour for your audio17:01
holsteinstudio_: you can use qtractor *instead* of ardour, or, with ardour17:01
Drabunturicht jemand deutsch?17:02
DrabuntuSpricht jemand deutsch?17:03
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!17:03
DrabuntuAlso meine Frage für die Deutschen: Hallo, wie kann ich die Ubuntustudio CD/DVD von HDD aus so steuern das eine Installation nicht möglich ist?17:06
studio_will i have to make all these seperate connections EVERYTime i need to work with sound in linux17:07
holstein!de | Drabuntu17:08
ubottuDrabuntu: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!17:08
holstein!restricted | Drabuntu17:08
ubottuDrabuntu: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:08
holsteinstudio_: there are connection managers.. there are *many* ways to do it17:08
DrabuntuIch dachte eher an Kickstarterdateien oder was ähnliches!!17:09
holsteinDrabuntu: please try the german channel17:09
studio_seems so time consuming compared to windows....17:12
studio_it suggests that linux sound needs a complete rethink from the ground up17:13
holsteinstudio_: *all* the software you are used to, and want, from windows.. can be made for linux17:14
holsteinstudio_: invite them to make it for you.. but, they may not17:14
holsteinstudio_: the positive thing about the linux work flow is, *all* the items *can* be connected..17:14
holsteinno one is benefiting commercially from locking anything down17:15
holsteinstudio_: from the ground up, its just that simple17:15
holsteinjack, is open.. *anyone* can write for jack.. when they do, you can connect the items17:15
holsteinif i want to, for example, stream my insrument to the internet, while running through software effects, while tracking wet and dry tracks to ardour, while in sync, live, with a drum machine, or prerecorded track from *any* other appplication, while mixing in something from a hardware midi module, i can do that17:16
holsteinno doubt, that can be done in windows/OSX, but, you must, as you mention, starta from the ground up, and purchase with that integration in mind17:17
holsteinstudio_: no doubt, this takes an investment.. an investment of time.. and, there is no company that provides you support for your hardware17:17
holsteini feel that i spend a signifigant amount of time re-learning audio production when i moved to linux.. like, realistically, 8 months or more17:18
holsteinwas it worth it? to me, yes.. you only know if that is worth it to you17:18
studio_do you need to use these systems for you livelyhood17:19
holsteinlinux is, realistically, not "good" or "better".. its just different.. and it either fits your needs or not.. i personally prefer it.. and, its avialable for *anyone*17:19
holsteinstudio_: are you asking if i use linux professionally?17:19
holsteini use linux exclusively17:20
holsteinbut, there was a learning curve17:20
studio_as part of you everyday job...ie music production17:20
holsteinstudio_: as i said, friend.. i use it *exclusively*17:20
holsteinjob.. personal.. *everywhere*17:20
holsteinwindows doesnt work for my needs/wants anymore.. i feel just as you do now when i try and use windows or osx17:21
studio_do you need your lixux sound system to earn a living17:21
holsteinthat doesnt mean they are "bad" or dont work17:21
holsteinstudio_: i *only* use linux, friend17:22
holsteinstudio_: in my audio production, i use linux.. i use *nothing* else17:22
holsteinstudio_: if you are asking if i make money from that, i do17:22
studio_what do u produce17:22
holsteinstudio_: its not my only source of income.. i mostly play music for a living17:23
holsteinstudio_: but, i do whatever im hired for17:23
studio_as i do17:23
holsteinhttp://www.freejazzblog.org/2014/07/shane-perlowin-jacob-wick-objet.html for example17:23
holsteinsomething i mixed but didnt track http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/spork117:23
holsteinmy personal projects http://holsteinmusic.com/17:24
holsteindemo stuff http://byronhedgepeth.mikeholstein.info/17:24
holsteinlinux audio is *all* open, and if someone wanted to "rework it" from the ground up, they are welcome to17:27
holsteinstudio_: i do not do much midi production.. and this channel is mostly empty17:27
holsteinstudio_: i suggested, and still suggest asking in #opensourcemusicians17:27
holsteinffrom there, you will meet users who do what yo are trying to do17:28
studio_ok thanks17:28
holsteinthink about how long you used windows before doing any audio production.. and how slowly you crept into the work flow17:29
holsteinyou are re-learning a lot all at once17:30
studio_yes i think so ...thanks for your help17:32
holsteinwhat i did was, i actualy stopped my migration17:33
holsteini then loaded linux *only* on a laptop,a nd used that daily.. trying to solve any issues i ran into17:33
holsteincopying data on usb sticks.. ripping audio from cd's.. whatever i needed to do, i tried to do it *only* in linux17:33
holsteini did that for a year or more.. *then*, when it came to migrating the studio, i wasnt learning the OS as well17:34
holsteinfor example, if i gave you an OSX machine and protools, you would be having similar "growing pains"17:34
studio_thats what i have done over the last year....but as i have stared teaching guitar again i now need to get going with my backing tracks and other thing ...i am running out of time17:35
holsteinno doubt, that is considered the industry standard, and if you paid the 3 grand investment that takes, you'd make *sure* you learned it17:36
holsteinstudio_: "Time" is what it takes17:36
studio_yes i see17:36
holsteini mean, you can make it happen.. but, its up to  you17:36
holsteinthere is no "linux" or "ubuntustudio" making sure you are happy with the product you bought.. just you and me, and the rest of the community17:37
studio_im more than happy with the general linux such as the web browsing updating and everything its just the sound side thats so time consuming and problematic17:39
holsteini suggest finding someone doing *exactly* what you are doing17:40
studio_yes i will ok thanks17:41
holsteinthat channel i suggested a few time, #opensourcemusicians , really helped me find that person17:41
holsteinthis channel is mostly quiet17:41
studio_ok i check it out17:42
holsteinyou cant join this channel and expect an answer quickly17:42
Ivan1022hey all18:48
Ivan1022anyone know how to unpack the tracktion demo songs?18:49
Ivan1022they're in like a .trkarch file extension18:49
holsteinunpack? is it a tar?18:49
holsteinIvan1022: where are you getting what from?18:49
Ivan1022they are tracktion demo song downloads from www.tracktion.com18:50
holsteinIvan1022: how do they say you are to use them?18:50
Ivan1022tracktion is a DAW18:50
Ivan1022it's prob some sort of .zip format that only windoes can extract18:50
holsteinIvan1022: its not zip,correct?18:51
holsteinyou can right click on a zip18:51
holsteini think we are assuming many things here.. what did you get?18:51
Ivan1022I tried opening it with archive manager and get an error18:51
holsteinand where from? http://www.tracktion.com/downloads18:51
Ivan1022you know what... I wonder if I can drag it to the program and if it will extract it that way18:52
holsteinIvan1022: probably not "extract" it at all18:52
holsteinits probably a session file, for the DAW18:52
holsteini would just try opening the file in the DAW18:52
Ivan1022that did it... Ic an't believe I didnt think of it until now....18:53
deak10 things to do b4 udie21:41
deakUnderstand jackd21:42
holsteini learned a lot by experiementing with the settings in a live enviroment21:44
holsteinat that time, i used the 64studio live cd, which didnt have an installer.. it was a different time21:45
deakYea just have to play with it21:45
holsteinbut, for me, and i think for most, the freedome to be able to configure *everything* with the ease of reverting is key21:45
deakYour talking to studio_ holstein ive swaped nicknames21:46
deakIm getting there slowly21:47
deakJust some tweaking of the midi settings and im home and dry21:52

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