
brainwashNoskcaj: bug 1308533 is fixed in utopic/vidid, right?14:26
ubottubug 1308533 in exo (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Non-english live-cd: some programs are in English although their name is in Non-english, and vice-versa" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130853314:26
brainwashbluesabre: parole > xdg-screensaver resume > xset s default  causes bug 136354014:43
ubottubug 1363540 in parole (Ubuntu) "Parole resets screen timeout to 600 on exit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136354014:43
elfyochosi: ^^ and therein lies my mysterious screensaver keeps setting to 10 minutes \o/ 14:50
brainwashelfy: can you confirm this part? "Also, it does not matter whether the option to prevent the screen saver is on or off in parole preferences."15:12
brainwashok, so we got two bugs, one in parole and one in xdg-screensaver15:14
elfyactually there's a bug in xfpm as well15:15
elfyparole sets to 600s - open pm, still set to never (here) you have to change time to foo - close pm, open pm to reset to Never (here) for it to actually set15:17
brainwashso pm does not read the current timeout value15:22
brainwashI cannot test it right now15:23
elfyI guess not15:33
elfyanyway - all that aside - I'm just glad I know what was causing it :)15:34
jjfrv8ochosi, can you take another look at the powerman docs? I've updated the screenshots and filled in the Plugin section.15:46
jjfrv8I really wanted to get a shot of an external device showing in the indicator dropdown but so far I've been unable to find any that show up.15:48
ochosielfy, brainwash thanks for unriddling that! should be fixable (e.g. by using xfce4-powerman instead of xdg-screensaver where available)17:54
elfyochosi: I was very pleased to see that bug - I thought I was going nuts :p17:55
ochosiyeah, i can relate :)17:55
ochosijjfrv8: thanks a bunch, i'll check them out!17:56
elfyochosi: tomorrow at the meeting - I've got a forum council one at the same time in -meeting (which will be short) then one in another channel with the same people, but I'll try and keep up with in here - might take pings to get me though17:57
ochosiok, good to know17:57
ochosisorry, i wasn't aware of the forum council meeting, otherwise i'd have chosen a different hour17:58
elfythat's ok :)17:58
ochosijjfrv8: cool, screenshots look great so far, guess only the devices are missing and then we can soon move this over to docs.xfce.org17:59
Noskcajbrainwash, yeah19:17
NoskcajYou can check by looking at the .deb size differences19:18
brainwashNoskcaj: ok, I'll mark it as fixed20:17
brainwashochosi: fixing xdg-screensaver would be the right approach, it's just strange that no one else has noticed this issue yet (or reported it)20:28
ochosibrainwash: not sure it is, tbh20:28
ochosiit's a script, so it can't easily restore the settings20:28
ochosiunless it saves them somewhere already20:28
brainwashbut is has to be fixed anyway, because other players depend on it too20:29
ochosican't remember, it's been too long that i looked at this crappy script20:29
brainwashyou can store values in a tmp file20:29
ochosiyeah, i guess others do that too20:29
ochosiwell frankly the last time i tried to fix it upstream, i just ended up getting not so helpful replies20:29
ochosiso feel free to give it a stab yourself20:30
brainwashthe bug in the parole code needs to be fixed too20:32
brainwashit seems to run xdg-screensaver regardless of the "prevent screensaver while playing stuff" setting20:33
ochosipossible, i haven't looked in a while20:33
brainwashfairly easy to fix, maybe I'll take a look20:33
brainwashwhere are the new people who want to contribute? :)20:33
ochosiyeah, where are they?20:35
brainwashochosi: and regarding the file manager entry showing up twice in the whisker search page, how about highlighting entries from the settings category? something like "File Manager"  + " - Settings" -> "File Manager - Settings"20:40
brainwashmaybe in italic20:40
brainwashwould be a feature request for gottcode20:41
brainwashthis way we won't need to rename or hide anything20:42

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