
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
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jrwrenjose: how can it be done in the CLI?00:52
jrwrenoh, juju-git-deploy. I had no idea!00:53
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jumpkickjrwen, if you are not an experienced python user, you'll need to install PIP3 on 14.10 - I wrote a quick ticket w/ the steps @ https://github.com/frankban/juju-git-deploy/issues/402:51
jumpkickah shizzle...  Installing juju-git-deploy has messed up my juju-quickstart command02:55
jumpkickImportError: No module named parse02:55
jumpkickmmm... purging juju and resinstalling didn't help02:58
jumpkickI guess git-deploy needing pip3 to install means it needs Python3, while Juju apparently needs Python << 2.8...03:05
jumpkickleads to install messed up03:06
jumpkickah, okay... maybe juju/unstable ppa will sort this out03:12
jumpkicklooks like only quickstart is broken03:25
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
jumpkickI'm having some trouble with my debug-hooks...  seems "exit 1" is not sending the unit to back to error state, rather it's moving to the next stage.  If I put "exit 1" for all of them, at the end my unit ends up in started state07:21
jumpkickhow can I get my session to stop at the hook if "exit 1" doesn't work07:22
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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
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josejumpkick: try 'exit 225'16:36
joseor something that's not 016:36
jumpkickhigher then 1, okay I'll try that16:37
jumpkickjose, will it continue to the next hook regardless of the error state while in debug hooks?16:38
josejumpkick: it shouldn't - should put the unit in error state16:39
jumpkickthat's what I figured16:39
jumpkickok cool16:39
jumpkickjose: "exit 225" takes me to the next hook...   it's busted on my system16:56
josejumpkick: wat. let me bootstrap real quick and try this myself16:57
jumpkick1.20.13-utopic-amd64 is my juju version16:57
joseexit 1 does give an error state here, huh17:08
josejumpkick: can I suggest moving that variable to the config-changed hook?17:08
jumpkickjose: did I miss anything?  my X just died17:12
josejumpkick: I mentioned that it's working good here... I was suggesting moving that config variable setup to config-changed17:13
joseor if unset, create a sentinel file17:13
josethen, when config-changed is run, if it finds the sentinel file and the variable set, it configures and deletes the sentinel file17:13
joseotherwise, it leaves the sentinel file untouched for the next go-round17:14
jumpkickok, I'll see if I can get that going17:14
josecool :)17:19
ejatim facing this issue : ERROR cannot start bootstrap instance: index file has no data for cloud {az-1.region-a.geo-1 https://region-a.geo-1.identity.hpcloudsvc.com:35357/v2.0/} not found17:26
ejatis it the same bugs 133055317:26
mupBug #1330553: Align quickstart to the latest HP Cloud configuration options <juju-quickstart:Fix Released by frankban> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1330553>17:26
joseejat: let me check17:33
joseejat: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/137425317:34
mupBug #1374253: hpcloud: index file has no data for cloud on region-b.geo-1 <bootstrap> <hp-cloud> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1374253>17:34
joseit's the same as that one, can you please try changing to another region?17:35
joseotoh, I would personally recommend AWS vs HPCloud, since it's way faster17:35
jumpkickjose: when I google "juju sentinel file" I get nothing...  where can I find docs for it?17:39
josejumpkick: in which language are you writing your charm?17:40
jumpkickthe charm is written in bash17:43
joseok, so you can do 'touch .sentinelnamehere'17:45
joseand then, in the other hook, if [ -f .sentinelnamehere ]; then17:45
josenot sure if you get it17:45
jumpkickhmm...  now I get what you were saying, but it isn't going to work...   once I exit all my debug-hooks I end up with a unit that's in "started" state (even though its unconfigured)...  juju won't let me do a "resolved -r" on a started unit to redo the config17:48
josejumpkick: if you do 'juju set config=value', the config-changed hook will run18:06
jumpkickjose: cool, how can I get the install hook to run again18:07
josejumpkick: call it explicitly from the config-changed hook18:07
josecall 'hooks/install'18:07
jumpkickok, I guess that will work18:08
jumpkickthanks, I'll just work around it like that for now18:08
joselemme know how it goes18:09
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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away

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