
Gsedighaghayoon yeki az shoma metoneh ye repository fork konedh az googlecode? ya zip filesh ro download-upload konh baray man?07:45
Gsedighmamnoon misham07:45
behdad222Gsedigh: kodom?07:55
Gsedighbehdad222: behdad khan hhttp://dactyl.googlecode.com/hg08:06
Gsedighin repository ro downloadesh koni bedi man mamnooneton mesham08:06
Gsedighbayad ye link download ya chizi shabihesh basheh08:07
MasterPieceGsedigh, dishab ok nashodi?08:26
GsedighMasterPiece: nakhair08:34
GsedighVPN mekhad08:34
MasterPieceGsedigh, windows ei hasti?08:34
GsedighMasterPiece: khair08:34
MasterPieceGsedigh, khob $ export HTTP_PROXY="x.x.x.x:yyyy" mizadi dige08:35
GsedighMasterPiece: hata shell vpn kar nadad. google mefahme ip haghigi nist08:36
MasterPieceoon command et chi bood?08:37
MasterPiecehg clone chi?08:37
GsedighMasterPiece: git clone (dastor clone repository git hast)08:37
MasterPieceoon mercurial ei hast ke08:38
GsedighMasterPiece: hg clone dastor clone ya kopy repository mericurial hast08:38
MasterPiecehg clone chi? :D08:38
Gsedighhg clone http://dactyl.googlecode.com/hg/ dactyl08:39
Gsedighin koleh dastoreh08:39
MasterPiecedactyl.googlecode.com does not exist08:39
Gsedightoi har directory ejra besheh ye posheh be nameh dactyl mesazeh va mohtaviyat ro az googlecode migireh mirizeh toosh08:39
Gsedighhg clone http://dactyl.googlecode.com/hg/ dactyl08:41
GsedighMasterPiece: ^^08:41
MasterPieceGsedigh, koja berizam oonvaght!?!08:44
MasterPiecechejuri bedamesh behet?!08:44
MasterPiecemail na08:44
MasterPiecedelam nemikhad jayee bashe ke hoviatam moshakhas beshe :D08:45
MasterPieceGsedigh, http://bayanbox.ir/info/8278054062890929589/gsedighigh08:48
MasterPieceGsedigh, be lucky :)08:49
MasterPieceGsedigh, albate na gofte namand ke in channel jaye in sohbat nabood :D08:49
MasterPieceshayad behtar mibood ke tooye #gnu-ir matrah koni ;) ( ke link shode be #technotux )08:49
GsedighMasterPiece: tashakor;08:53
behdad222Gsedigh: dar hale daownloade08:55
behdad222داتلود شد08:55
behdad222۴ مگ08:55
Gsedighfarsi nemitonam bebinam08:56
Gsedighirssi toi terminal ba font fix farsi ro moraba neshon medeh08:56
behdad22216 meg shod alan ye ja apload mikonam08:58
Gsedighbehdad222: mamnoon08:58
Gsedighharja basheh mohem nist08:58
Gsedighfaghat va besheh08:58
behdad222Gsedigh: https://mega.co.nz/#!wsEniKRI!4J-_xXzrOIWN4yml7MHZxT3cLoL9Zu3t1T2D_szb8xg09:03
behdad222Gsedigh: ok?09:10
Gsedighbehdad222: besyar mamnoon shoma.09:12
Gsedighzahmat keshidid09:12
Gsedighbehdad222: faghat codesh ro ham bedid ta downloadesh konam09:13
behdad222چیش رو بدم؟09:14
behdad222Gsedigh: chish ro bedam?09:14
Gsedighbehdad222: Enter decryption key09:14
Gsedighaz man ye klid mekhad09:14
behdad222link ro kamel copy com09:15
behdad222key to link bad az ! hast09:15
Gsedighhala shod haha09:16
Gsedighdame shoma gharm09:16
Azitrex_Gsedigh, az remote uploader ha ham mituni estefadeh koni ;)09:23
=== mohammad is now known as Guest20553
Guest20553ksi hast?///09:33
Gsedighkesi pentadactyl mekhad behesh bedam?11:07
Gsedighbehdad222: ?11:07
GsedighMasterPiece: ?11:07
MasterPieceGsedigh, chi hast?11:07
GsedighMasterPiece: az firefox estefadeh mikonid11:08
GsedighMasterPiece: az vim chetor11:08
Gsedighfirefoxeton ro ghavi mekoneh11:09
Gsedighmekhaid ye tab baz konid. t ro mizand bad type mekonid linketon ro bad <enter>11:09
Gsedighmetonid agheh linketon ro az jaee kopy kardid bejay type <shift>+<insert> bezanid11:10
MasterPiecekhob inke plugin esh hast11:10
GsedighMasterPiece: vimium faghat dar had open kardan tab javab medeh11:11
Gsedighbayad baray browse (masalan vaght e upload) az mouse estefadeh konid11:11
Gsedighba pentadactyl mouse mereh kenar.11:11
Gsedighaz dishab ta hala masaleh in bod ke firefox 34 omadeh11:12
Gsedighva pentadactyl file jadid .xpi ro nadadeh hanooz11:12
MasterPiecefirefox 34 ke ye chand roozi hast oomade :D11:12
MasterPieceGsedigh, inja channel e ubuntu-ir e11:12
Gsedighmajbor shodam ke file source ro az shoma begiram va .xpi ro besazam az source11:12
MasterPieceto #gnu-ir raje be ina sohbat kon :)11:13
GsedighMasterPiece: ok11:13
MasterPieceGsedigh, vali tabrik :) khoob active hastin :)11:15
GsedighMasterPiece: ontori ke man mebinam vazifas. roh hamkari11:16
MasterPiece"/join #gnu-ir, #technotux"11:17
MasterPieceGsedigh, ^11:17
=== Azitrex_ is now known as Azitrex
=== guest677 is now known as DSM

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