
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
* diddledan sings "I want candy.. or chocolate .. or pizza"01:55
daftykinsallow me to make you a little jelly01:56
diddledanfound the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6Vw9RGm1tM02:00
daftykins<o/ \o>02:01
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
mappshi all04:56
mappswhat up05:11
zmoylan-pithe price of inkjet ink? :-P05:13
mappshomeland time for me then bed;)05:15
Guest54063morning all07:31
=== Guest54063 is now known as MooDoo
=== MooDoo is now known as Guest92555
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:02
diploMorning all09:13
davmor2morning all09:16
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
Guest92555hello davmor2 brobostigon09:49
davmor2Guest92555: why you not MooDoo?09:49
davmor2Guest92555: and morning cheeky chappy 'ow am ya09:50
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
MooDoolots of lag at the moment Dave210:23
MooDoodavmor2: If i reboot my hyper-v host, it changes my nick to guestxxxx for somereason when the irc vm comes back up10:24
davmor2MooDoo: that'll be your silly choice of OS :P10:25
MooDoodavmor2: i suspect os has nothing to do with it lol10:27
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davmor2MooDoo: ah just the monkey setting it up then :P10:29
MooDoodavmor2: no just a service pack for mssql needed to reboot the server, i could of left it till over night, but it would still create the same issue.10:31
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Brownie Day! :-D10:32
davmor2JamesTait: man you're late today ;)10:32
JamesTaitdavmor2, vet appointment. ;)10:32
davmor2JamesTait: here have a brownie to compensate10:32
zmoylan-pican't pass for human on a monday? :-P10:33
JamesTaitzmoylan-pi, who ever said I was human? ;)10:33
JamesTaitdavmor2, you're all heart. :)10:33
davmor2zmoylan-pi: did you not know JamesTait was a bot he is like the terminate in t2 only less killing and more happy ;)10:35
zmoylan-piwhich terminator in t2? one was a happy non killy terminator after reprogramming10:35
* JamesTait is a glitch in the matrix.10:36
* zmoylan-pi suffers from ram pack wobble on a monday morning...10:36
diploAnyone recommend where to buy Comics ( paper type not digital )10:36
JamesTaitzmoylan-pi, :-P10:41
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
davmor2zmoylan-pi: the not so happy and more killy one10:51
foobarrywhy might zeitgeist not find files in the owncloud folder12:37
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
bashrcpermissions to the folder?13:47
zmoylan-piexistentialist crisis? :-P13:55
MooDooCross beams gone outa skew on treddle?14:00
zmoylan-pinever cross the beams14:01
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
Safiyyah2Hi all, I can't log into my Xubuntu account, I am in a guest session. Google returned a solution about deleting .Xauthority, I did that and rebooted and still cannot log in14:47
mappsgot 3g on my phone now14:52
awilkinsHah, 5G will be here soon!14:53
awilkins* definition of "soon" may vary in your territory14:54
awilkins* definition of "soon" in Hell dependent on weather reports14:54
mappsiv got better weather tho14:55
mappsthat work for anyone15:03
mappswont let me enter a number15:03
MooDooseems to work, put in a number and it says enter a phone number15:03
mappshm works in chrome on my other machine15:04
mappswhy does windows 8 do this!15:04
mappsmy cursor randomly freezes too;D15:04
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
mappsglad ive got my ee sim still 18p a min to call local gib numbers witg gibtel lol15:50
diploGuys, got a friend with a PI who has 2 wifi extenders plugged into it, he's having a problem that they don't stay as wlan0 and wlan1 respectively15:55
diploThey switch round15:56
diploAny ideas / point me / him in the right direction15:56
ali1234use network manager to assign names based on the mac address15:56
ali1234ubuntu does this15:56
diploOK great, will look at that15:56
ali1234actually this is probably a matter of udev rules15:57
diploIt is15:58
diploWith your help my google results were better15:58
diploFound the answer straight away now thanks15:58
Safiyyah2Hi all, I can't log into my Xubuntu account, I am in a guest session. Google returned a solution about deleting .Xauthority, I did that and rebooted and still cannot log in15:58
ali1234Safiyyah2: what happens?15:59
davmor2mapps: possibly because it is windows 8 :P15:59
ali1234is it possible to make a C++ class that when you inherit from it, you get a singleton class?16:00
ali1234that is, without having to specify anything extra in the derived class16:00
ali1234seems to not be possible, because the base class won't know how to construct the instance of the derived class16:01
mappsya winows 8 sucks ...used a 3rd party addon to get good ole start menu back;p16:08
popeydiddledan: ooh! I've got the "can't bring update manager to front issue!16:11
directhexmapps: windows 10 has a start menu (as opposed to start screen)16:13
DJonesDamm, I've just seen the first christmas themed advert in my life that has brought tears to my eyes17:59
DJoneshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcpMLbvITTo    <<< For those interested18:00
DJonesczajkowski: I think you'll like the start of that video18:02
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
popeywithout clicking I bet thats a chocolate advert18:20
daftykinsSafiyyah2: what've you broken now :P18:37
DJonespopey: You'd be right in chocolate biscuits18:41
diddledanno george clooney, but interesting concept: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzOvI2cdaWk18:53
diddledanI trolled a spamm0r: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9431008/19:28
diddledanI'll let you know if he replies19:29
daftykinshey wait a minute :D19:33
diddledanI think we should respell tweaking to twerking in order to capture the teenager crowd19:38
diddledan"linux allows you to twerk to your heart's content"19:39
diddledan"if something doesn't work, just twerk it"19:39
shaunoand this is why we don't let you think :)19:39
diddledanwhat's wrong with that ideA?!19:42
diddledanteenagers wiggling their bums at their computer sounds hilarious19:42
shaunomumbuntu on the other hand, would be horrifying19:44
davmor2diddledan: nice spamming spammers :)19:45
daftykinslets see if i've got this straight (purely from what i see in channels and not from any research)20:03
daftykins1) flash player on Linux got canned, so only the latest released version is available for use with NPAPI compatible browsers now i.e. Firefox20:04
daftykins2) Pepper flash continues to be updated by... Google? so continues to work with chrome, but not chromium? (or both?)20:04
ali1234google licensed the source code and maintains the PPAPI version. it works with chrome and chromium20:05
daftykinsah ok20:05
daftykinsso a new user comes to Ubuntu and wants to use flash on firefox, aren't they going to have an insecure plugin because only the last version is available?20:06
ali1234no, they still patch security vulnerabilities, but that will stop soon20:07
ali1234i think we've got about 6 months to figure it out20:07
daftykinsoh dear, what a mess20:07
ali1234yeah, that's proprietary software for you20:07
daftykinswell it'd be ok if everything is HTML5 capable already20:08
daftykinsbut... lul.20:08
shaunoI really wish they'd just can it on Windows too.20:11
daftykinsi'm sick of updating it for people20:11
intrbiz Last time I checked, adobe were still maintaining security fixes to Flash Linux version, but it is feature frozen20:11
daftykinsyou have to actually register an account to become a redistributor of flash to get the proper installers XD20:11
shaunoI think adobe really have to man up and just admit they roflstomped macromedia20:12
intrbizquite a few sites seem to use HTML5 these days20:12
daftykinsshauno: bought and killed? :>20:13
diddledanI was gonna suggest it was an elopalypse20:13
daftykinselop? i don't follow20:13
diddledanhe did exactly the same later-on with microkia20:13
daftykinsoh the evil CEO20:14
ali1234nokia are making an android tablet20:14
ali1234the real nokia, not microsoft20:14
intrbizapotheker did the same to Palm, I miss my Pre :(20:14
shaunoit does make you wonder why they go to so much effort to try to bring them into the fold20:14
daftykinsbah Palm were a dead duck :P20:15
shaunoif they just bought them, then took them out back 'n shot them, it'd be the same end result.  just quicker and easier.20:15
intrbizHP did not help matters20:15
diddledanHP killed everything they ever bought20:16
diddledancompaq were awesome in the day. then hp came along20:16
intrbizcan't the same argument be applied to DEC and Compaq20:17
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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