
willcookemorning all08:46
seb128Saviq, don't blame it on proposed migration, that's not an issue there, if bits moved separatly and shouldn't have then your depends/conflicts/... are buggy, if you have components that need to go together the packaging should enforce that09:38
seb128pstolowski, ^09:39
pstolowskiseb128, yeah, agreed...09:43
Saviqseb128, sorry, didn't mean to blame, was cause instead09:44
Saviqlet me clarify09:44
seb128Saviq, no worry, but thanks09:44
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Cimican we retrigger https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/moreAsyncDash/+merge/241524?10:26
SaviqCimi, trying10:28
SaviqCimi, nope, CI still down10:29
pstolowskiSaviq, is tsdgeos off today?10:39
Saviqpstolowski, yes10:39
Saviqpstolowski, back tomorow10:39
mzanettiCimi: biw, if both sides of == are real ints, there's absolutely no difference between == and ===11:08
Cimimzanetti, wasn't === always skipping the conversion?11:09
mzanettiCimi: yeah, but if you compare "property int x" to 5, there isn't any conversion ongoing anyways11:09
mzanettiCimi: it's different if you compare "property int x" to "5", e.g. when the "5" comes as a string from a textfield11:10
Cimimzanetti, yes but === is better no?11:10
mzanettinot really :D11:10
CimiI would use == only when needed11:10
Cimiotherwise ===11:10
mzanettiit's the same, and when it's not the same you gotta know which one you want, there isn't a better or a worse one :D11:10
mzanettiCimi: anyways... I changed it in that branch and added a test as you requested11:11
Cimimzanetti, hoping ci will run...11:11
SaviqCimi, no it won't, CI is down still11:19
mzanettiCimi: one last small thing in here, then I'll approve: https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/fix-1368778-2/+merge/24294211:56
Saviqgreyback_, what's your zsh theme? couldn't find it in oh-my-zsh11:56
Saviqmzanetti, I'll add to the silo then11:57
mzanettiSaviq: cimi's branch?11:57
Cimimzanetti, ok11:57
Saviqmzanetti, yeah11:57
SaviqCimi, please let me know when it's ready11:57
greyback_Saviq: am using slightly tweaked https://gist.github.com/agnoster/371287411:58
CimiSaviq, well, change will be just in the test so...11:58
CimiSaviq, if you want to do it now or wait 10 mins11:58
SaviqCimi, still, I need to wait for the code to be in LP before building the silo11:58
Saviqgreyback_, hmm thought it would be that, the |> bit looks like a bad character :?12:00
greyback_Saviq: did you do the powerline font hack?12:00
Saviqgreyback_, did not12:00
greyback_that's it, it patches your font to add the extra characters needed12:01
Saviqnow where do I change my fonts..12:07
Saviqgreyback_, that worked, thanks12:09
greyback_Saviq: np, hope you like it12:11
Saviqgreyback_, still getting used to zsh, but a few things (like wd) are just awesome12:11
greyback_tab completion a bit buggy for me still12:11
CimiSaviq, mzanetti done12:12
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Saviqgreyback_, yeah, could definitely use more of that12:18
greyback_Saviq: hey, bug 1394645 is fixed in trunk in revision 1436. Can you add it to list of things to be backported?12:22
ubot5`bug 1394645 in The Webapps-core project "OSK doesn't appear after OA login" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139464512:22
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Saviqgreyback_, right, good catch12:26
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Saviqmzanetti, what's the plan to enable desktop mode by default on desktops?13:09
mzanettiSaviq: we didn't agree on anything tbh13:10
mzanettiwell, conclusion was that it would be great to set the dconf key on login13:10
mzanettibut that's not working in dconf yet13:11
mzanettiand there seems to be confusion about whether it'll land or not soon13:11
Saviqmzanetti, can you file a bug ainst unity8 (Ubuntu) then so we can track progress?13:11
mzanettiyeah... can do13:12
mzanettiSaviq: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/140031213:15
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1400312 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "On desktop, windowed mode should be by default" [Undecided,New]13:15
Saviqmzanetti, tx13:15
seb128Saviq, mzanetti, easy step 1 would be to set the key in "ubuntu-settings"13:31
seb128until we get per-session defaults13:31
seb128that would let desktop installs have it set easily13:31
Saviqseb128, sure, please comment on the bug13:34
seb128Saviq, I did (just before commenting here)13:35
seb128Saviq, mzanetti, I can land that change if you want13:37
mzanettiworks for me13:37
balloonsmzanetti, any eta on when this will land?14:05
balloons<swordfish90> [07:25:13] gcollura, same here... 1.1.1279+14.10.20114:05
balloonssorry; https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/desktop-stage/+merge/24214014:05
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dandraderpaulliu, would you have some spare time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/properInSceneDialogs/+merge/243998 ?14:19
dandradermterry, goot morning. Updated the greeterRefactoring branch and replied to all your questions14:23
mterrydandrader, oh awesome, will look14:23
dandradermterry, made it Showable again :)14:23
mterrydandrader, I didn't mean to be down on some of your refactors, I just wasn't clear on why some changes were made (and have a vested interest in less churn in that component ahead of my own refactor  ;))14:24
paulliudandrader: sure. WIll do it after stand-up.14:25
dandraderpaulliu, thanks!14:25
dandraderdednick, hey. these indicator profiles. what values are supported and where are they defined?14:33
dednickdandrader: hm. not sure they're specifically defined anywhere. tedg?14:35
dednickdandrader: can take a look at the values in the indicator files. /usr/share/unity/indicators14:35
* dandrader checks...14:35
dednickdandrader: /usr/share/unity/indicators/com.canonical.indicator.network is probably the most exhaustively defined.14:36
tedgWe've been a bit ad hoc there.14:37
dandraderdednick, so the profiles are the values between [ and ]? like phone, phone_greeter, ubiquity, etc?14:37
dednickdandrader: yup14:38
tedgWe really only have [phone|desktop][_greeter]?14:38
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tedgAh, and ubiquity.14:38
dandradertedg, I don't know. you tell me :)14:38
tedgI would but you left! ;-)14:39
tedgdandrader, So I guess the question for me is, what is the list useful for?14:40
tedgAre you trying to make an enum?14:40
tedgOr do we need to ensure a list is in all hte indicators?14:40
mzanettiballoons: in a silo already14:41
mzanettiballoons: depending on how testing goes, between today and wednesday14:41
dandradertedg, I'm coming up with a device configuration thingy for unity8 which I'm thinking could also contain that indicator profile name instead of having unity8 fetching it from a UNITY_INDICATOR_PROFILE env var14:42
dandradertedg, to consolidate those device-specific (or form-factor specific, "usage scenario"-spefic) things in a single place14:43
tedgdandrader, Cool, make sure to base your branch on mterry's greeter branch as I know he changes some of that logic for the greeter modes as well.14:44
dandradertedg, do you know who sets this UNITY_INDICATOR_PROFILE env var?14:44
dandraderdednick? ^14:44
tedgdandrader, So I think we can be flexible to what naming makes sense for you. I'd rather be consistent with the names than use the ones we have.14:44
tedgdandrader, I imagine that's ubuntu-touch-session today14:44
mterrydandrader, that branch is https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/greeter-profiles/+merge/23715514:44
dednickdandrader: this in a config file somewhere, or command line?14:46
dednickdandrader: the indicator-client takes a -profile commandline option14:47
balloonsmzanetti, ack. I'll follow the silo ty14:47
dednickdandrader: but i'm presuming the env var intention was for upstart config to set it.14:48
tedgdandrader, For instance, if you get away from the phone/desktop naming (which I know that Saviq is passionate about) I'd like that reflected in the indicator profile names.14:48
mterrydandrader, looking at your branch again; it's super annoying that qml doesn't have virtual methods that can be overridden14:49
dandradermterry, it's a javascript trait I guess14:50
dandraderdednick, I think this UNITY_INDICATOR_PROFILE env var is not being set or used currently14:59
dandraderdednick, couldn't find it mentioned anywhere in /etc or /usr and it's also not in the phone's env15:00
greyback_dandrader: they're set in the upstart conf15:06
dandradergreyback_, where exactly? which file in the device filesystem?15:07
dandradergreyback_, grep could not find anything, as I said ....15:07
dandradergreyback_, and env command also doens't show it. unity8 defaults to "phone" is that env var is not present. I guess this is what has been happening15:08
dandraders/if that/if that15:09
greyback_dandrader: it's not used on phone, but on desktop15:09
greyback_UNITY_INDICATOR_PROFILE=desktop is set for unity8 on desktop, am looking to see what sets it15:09
greyback_my mistake, isn't set in upstart conf15:10
dandradergreyback_, couldn't find any mention of it in my desktop either...15:11
greyback_dandrader: /usr/bin/lightdm-unity8-session15:12
dandradergreyback_, don't have that file. what package adds it?15:13
greyback_dandrader: unity8-desktop-session-mir15:13
dandradergreyback_, got it. so that's likely the only use of it anywhere I guess15:14
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dandraderdednick, Is qml/Panel/Indicators/client/IndicatorsClient.qml dead code?15:25
dandraderdednick, ah, it's loaded by src/Panel/Indicators/client/indicatorsclient.cpp. nevermind15:26
dednickdandrader: ok.15:26
dednickdandrader: and the UNITY_INDICATOR_PROFILE env var is for overriding the default "phone" profile.15:26
dednickdandrader: or rather. if the env var isn't set, it uses "phone"15:27
dandraderdednick, yeah, saw that in main.cpp15:27
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paulliudandrader|lunch: what's dialogLoader in ShellDialog.qml?16:03
paulliudandrader|lunch: I mean, line 29116:04
paulliudandrader|lunch: Do you need to set dialogLoader as a property?16:07
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seb128Saviq, bregma, after upgrading my vivid unity8 test machine, I can't run any application on unity8 anymore, is that a known issue?16:17
seb128willcooke, ^ works for you?16:17
bregmaseb128, _any_ application?16:17
willcookeseb128, my installation is b0rked from playing with mlankhorsts ppa - so I'm a bad example16:17
seb128bregma, I tried webbrowser, notes, system settings16:18
seb128start with gedit/eog because I wanted to test gtk stuff16:18
seb128then went back to try default ones16:18
seb128the unity8 log has "Unable to get cmanager connection" errors16:19
seb128and "Unable to get pids for unity8-dash to send signal 18"16:19
bregmathat's new16:19
seb128is it working for you?16:19
bregmaI haven't updated since last week, it will take a while16:20
seb128let me know if you try16:20
seb128is my unity8.log16:20
bregmaChrisTownsend, have you had trouble with the latest Unity 8 desktop?16:20
greyback_"Unable to get pids for unity8-dash to send signal 18" - is nothing to worry about really16:21
seb128k, so maybe something else16:21
greyback_we need to quieten that16:21
greyback_"Unable to get cmanager connection" - that's something I've not seen before16:22
greyback_seb128: ^16:22
greyback_qtmir.applications: ApplicationManager::onProcessFailed - appId= "webbrowser-app" duringStartup= true16:23
greyback_webbrowser crashed?16:23
seb128I don't think so16:23
ChrisTownsendbregma: No, it seems to work...and this includes the latest Xmir stuff.16:23
seb128I click on any icon, see a rectangle start sliding from the right for less than a second and then it closes16:24
seb128ChrisTownsend, what unity8 version do you have?16:24
ChrisTownsendseb128: 8.01+15.04.20141205-0ubuntu116:24
ChrisTownsendseb128: Seems the cgroups are not right and ubuntu-app-launch is rejecting the app.16:25
greyback_seb128: can you launch "QT_QPA_PLATFORM=ubuntumirclient messaging-app  --desktop_file_hint=/usr/share/applications/messaging-app.desktop"16:25
greyback_asuming it's installed16:25
ChrisTownsendseb128: What version of cgmanager are you running?  I have 0.33-2.16:25
seb128ChrisTownsend, greyback_, Saviq, bregma, ignore that, my fault for switching to systemd as init, seems there is something not working correctly with unity8 (or cgmanager)16:28
bregmaah, systemd16:28
ChrisTownsendseb128: ack:)16:28
greyback_seb128: ah yeah, tha'll do it.16:29
seb128do we have a bug open for that?16:29
seb128if not I'm going to open one, we plan to switch this cycle and that should work16:30
willcookeseb128, perhaps unrelated.  I just upgraded my u8 machine and now the option to use u8 is gone from the greeter16:30
seb128willcooke, yeah, unrelated16:30
seb128willcooke, is unity8-desktop-session-mir still installed for you?16:31
willcookeseb128, seems not.  Tried apt-get install unity8 and bad things:16:33
willcookeThe following packages have unmet dependencies.16:33
willcooke unity8 : Depends: qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-web-plugin but it is not installable16:33
willcooke          Depends: ubuntu-system-settings but it is not going to be installed16:33
willcooke          Depends: unity8-common (= 8.01+15.04.20141205-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed16:33
willcooke          Recommends: unity-scope-click but it is not going to be installed16:33
willcookeE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.16:33
willcookeprobably because I'm using proposed16:33
seb128willcooke, those are fun16:33
seb128willcooke, yeah16:33
seb128willcooke, usual way is to append things it lists on the install command, until it gives you a real error16:34
willcookeI'll give it a go16:34
seb128like "apt-get install unity8 unity8-common qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-web-plugin ubuntu-system-settings"16:34
seb128and keep going if it gives you other similar errors16:34
seb128when it gets bored, apt give you a real reason :p16:35
willcookehas no installation candidate16:35
seb128that's weird, "apt-cache policy qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-web-plugin" ?16:37
willcooke  Installed: (none)16:39
willcooke  Candidate: (none)16:39
willcooke  Version table:16:39
willcooke     0.23+15.04.20141202.1-0ubuntu1 016:39
willcooke        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status16:39
willcookeseb128, ^16:39
seb128willcooke, do you have a vivid source enable? or did you replace it by proposed?16:41
seb128willcooke, proposed is not a full archive it's an overlay16:41
seb128it contains only some packages16:41
willcookeI replaced everything with -proposed16:41
seb128you need a vivid source16:41
seb128yeah, that's your issue16:41
willcookeseb128, gotya16:41
seb128greyback_, bregma, just for the record, opened bug #140039416:41
ubot5`bug 1400394 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Unity8 fails to start applications under systemd init (cgmanager issue?)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140039416:41
greyback_seb128: ack16:42
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willcookeseb128, kinda fixed - in that I can now at least select a U8 session from the greeter and u-s-c looks like its started, but no desktop16:50
willcookeseb128, I'll worry about this tomorrow, I've got other things to be getting on with#16:50
seb128willcooke, k, if you want/can share your .cache/upstart/unity8(-dash).log16:51
seb128greyback_, just saw your comment, systemd being used for init doesn't prevent upstart to work/be used in the session, user session keeps working fine16:57
greyback_seb128: ah fair point16:57
seb128greyback_, are you sure the issue is ubuntu-app-launch?16:57
greyback_hadn't thought of that16:57
seb128that seems an orthogonal issue to me16:58
greyback_seb128: well I assumed we were only using 1 init system :)16:58
seb128we need to make ual use systemd, but it should work with upstart meanwhile16:58
seb128we are16:58
seb128upstart is used as a job manager for the session, not as an init :p16:58
seb128but yeah, I see what you mean ;-)16:58
greyback_you could call it a session init :)16:58
greyback_but yeah, I'm wrong16:58
greyback_feel free to correct me in the bug so16:59
seb128just did so16:59
greyback_thank you16:59
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dandraderpaulliu, replied in the MP17:11
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elopioping Saviq, or somebody else: is there a way to start the edge demo on demand?18:08
elopioI want to initctl start unity8, and then start the edge demo on that window.18:08
dandradermterry, all fixed.18:10
mterrydandrader, ok looking!18:11
Saviqelopio, there's a gsetting18:12
Saviqelopio, phablet-config enables it18:13
elopioSaviq: thanks. Will try that.18:14
Saviqelopio, actually, not a gsetting, accountsservice property18:14
elopioyes, looking at it.18:16
mterrydandrader, looks good code wise!  will just test around with it and should be good18:17
mterrydandrader, we should "tease" on a drag start too -- last time we talked with design they wanted that, I believe because a new user may accidentally do a baby drag and not understand what's going on or what would happen if they finished the drag18:20
mterrydandrader, and I'm seeing a local failure in TabletShell::test_leftEdgeDrag18:22
dandradermterry, is it possible to manually reproduce "TabletShell::test_leftEdgeDrag(with demo)" ?18:34
dandradermterry, I mean, with "make tryTabletShell"18:34
mterryoh let me try18:34
mterrydandrader, you can but you have to futz with the AccountsService mock to have it show the demo by default.  But I see the problem.18:38
mterrydandrader, swipeFromLeftEdge starts the drag at x=218:38
dandradermterry, it's not. would have to add a button for "AccountsService.demoEdges = true" below the "Show greeter" one18:38
mterrydandrader, if you make that larger, it works18:38
dandradermterry, ahhh, right18:39
mterrydandrader, looks like there's a dead zone on the left (for the launcher?)18:39
mterrydandrader, yeah that button would help for sure18:39
dandradermterry, I added a margin on the left for the Greeter DragHandle so that it doesn't overlap with the Launcher one18:39
dandradermterry, so, is it a valid use case to swipe the greeter from he left edge with the demo running?18:45
dandradermterry, ie, with launcher disabled18:45
mterrydandrader, yes, that's what the first page of the edge demo asks the user to do (swipe the greeter away)18:45
mterrydandrader, i mean18:45
mterrydandrader, it asks from the right edge18:45
dandradermterry, the first page asks for a right edge swipe18:45
dandradermterry, exactly18:46
mterrydandrader, I haven't confirmed with Design if they care about allowing a left edge swipe in that case.  But we always have allowed it there18:46
dandradermterry, so, should I make a "right edge swipe with demo on" instead?18:46
mterrydandrader, I suppose we should at least capture that...  But left edge is also good to test.  I think we just used the left edge tests as stand-ins for both edges18:47
mterrydandrader, but if we only have one, maybe you're right that it's better to test right edge18:47
dandradermterry, the left *edge* belongs to the launcher18:48
mterrydandrader, well fine...  the test captures swiping right from the left18:48
mterryThat's a matter of the test name18:48
mterryThat's why it starts at x=2, because it's specifically *not* testing the left edge, but "from the left"18:48
mterryoh wait18:49
mterrymaybe it is testing the left edge18:49
mterryand is meant to be a launcher drag18:49
* mterry looks at tests closer18:49
* dandrader checks what happens in trunk18:49
mterrydandrader, yeah.  that test is specifically for doing launcher drags18:49
mterrydandrader, it has a comment about "to give time to handle dash() signal from Launcher"18:49
mterryI don't know why they picked x=2 then instead of x=0.  But I guess they were always equivalent18:50
mterrydandrader, so for some reason in your branch, the launcher is disabled in that situation18:51
dandradermterry, just tested with trunk18:51
mterryok, what does it do?18:51
dandradermterry, you can do a drag from the left *edge* with demo on and there will be no launcher18:51
dandradermterry, and there's no such use case I think18:51
mterrydandrader, oh right because in demo mode we disactivate launcher when we aren't demo-ing it18:52
mterrydandrader, what do you mean no use case?  It caught the fact that your branch has a dead zone on the left, which it shouldn't have18:52
dandradermterry, being able to dismiss the greeter with a left egde drag when the demo is asking the user to dismiss the greeter with a right edge drag18:54
mterrydandrader, that doesn't bug me, but that's a question for design.  That's how trunk and rtm work right now.  I'd rather make that a separate/intentional change, than a by-product of a refactor.  I personally think it's better to have the greeter act like it would normally (i.e. allow the rightward drag)18:55
dandradermterry, ok, I will make it work again18:56
mterrydandrader, Design is actually dropping that tutorial screen anyway18:56
mterrydandrader, the next version of the tutorial doens't have it anyway18:57
mterryI wonder if they are done with that yet18:57
dandradermterry, fixed.19:00
mterryDoes anybody else occasionally get "/home/mike/Work/code/unity8/greeter-refactor/builddir/tests/mocks/Unity/Indicators/libIndicatorsFakeQml.so: undefined symbol: _ZN14UnityMenuModel12setModelDataERK8QVariant" when running ./run.sh -f?19:23
mterryI feel like I'm building wrong, but it stays even after a fresh build19:24
josharensonTrying to xcompile unity8, whats the deal with libconnectivity-qt1-dev ?19:37
Saviqjosharenson, what about it? /me tries20:58
josharensonsaviq, fails when installing20:59
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Saviqjosharenson, looks like there's a bad dep chain there :/21:35
josharensonsaviq, any remedy to that?21:37
Saviqjosharenson, let me try one thing21:37
Saviqjosharenson, doesn't look like it, it's a bigger issue21:40
Saviqjosharenson, fwiw, bug #140050221:41
ubot5`bug 1400502 in connectivity-api (Ubuntu) "Can't install libconnectivity-qt1-dev on multiarch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140050221:41
josharensonThere is no way to connect to dbus with qml?23:21
greybackjosharenson: the primary way we do it is to write a small qml plugin in C++, which is a thin wrapper over the Qt dbus api bits. The plugins directory has many of them, plugins/Unity/DashCommunicator is a nice one to get started with23:54
josharensongreyback, thats exactly what I'm doing, just didn't want to unintentionally overengineer23:55

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