[00:50] :( [00:51] 70minutes? [00:51] Roughly. [01:51] Hey folks, we're going to get started in about 10 minutes [01:51] get my popcorn now? [02:00] Hello everyone! [02:00] http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-us-mi/767/detail/ [02:00] Notes for this meeting are available here. [02:00] As well as the agenda and what-not. [02:00] Who is here tonight? [02:02] * rick_h_ is kinda [02:03] rick_h_: yeah, you're probably working righ tnow. :) [02:04] how'd you guess :) [02:04] those australians are up woo! [02:05] Heh [02:05] Anywho, if anyone else wants to be counted feel free [02:06] we don't have a whole lot to cover as the year is winding down [02:06] but it'd be nice to keep a few things on our radar [02:06] namely the Ubuntu Global Jam in Feb. [02:06] The rest of the world is jamming from Feb. 6th - Feb 8th. [02:07] We've tried remote jams and they've been rather sporadic in participation [02:07] so I'm wondering if we might want to meet in person somewhere. [02:07] Come join me in cape town! [02:08] Heh [02:08] a mere 20+ hrs of flying away would be fun jam [02:08] That's one way to put it. :) [02:09] Might see if I can find something local to accomidate a few folks [02:11] But if anyone has any ideas on what they'd like to do for the UGJ please post them either to channel or the list. [02:12] Anywho, that's about all I have at the moment [02:13] I've decided to keep on as the contact for the time being as there doesn't seem to be anyone interested. :) [02:17] Anything else? [02:21] OK, like I said: short and sweet. :) [02:57] oh... oops. The Newsroom > meeting ;( [03:06] Heh [14:11] Good morning [18:14] cmaloney, out of curiosity, who in the loco is using linuxmint? [18:14] or was in the loco [18:14] cmaloney, wrt. your last mailing list post. [18:19] jcastro: Yeah, it didn't make it to the mailing list [18:19] I'm using MUG in the same breath as the loco [18:20] are people @ mug using mint? [18:20] Yep [18:20] Or at least they're distro-shopping / hopping [18:20] maybe not a whole lot but I know of folks [18:21] shurg, some people don't like change [18:22] I'm sure they have their reasons. :) [19:07] change sucks [19:08] I prefer larger bills personally [19:08] * ColonelPanic001 didn't do well in Calculus [19:08] jerk [19:12] ? [19:17] the derivative of velocity [19:17] also a pun [19:17] heh [19:17] a bad one, i was stretching [19:26] <_stink_> oh man [19:27] <_stink_> greg-g++ [23:45] Evening [23:45] almost