
WrazIs it that time allready05:39
Squirmunfortunately Wraz, It is Monday05:57
Squirmand I have stuff to do05:57
Squirmbusy Monday05:57
Kilosmorning gremble theblazehen inetpro nuvolari Squirm and others too06:01
theblazehenHi Kilos 06:02
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy \06:20
Kiloswithout the \ too06:20
Squirmhey Kilos06:34
Kiloshaha theblazehen what happened to your testimonial?06:41
Kilosmorning superfly 06:41
theblazehenKilos: ai.. Need to do it still06:49
* theblazehen is liking the look of rust06:50
theblazehenbut not the lack of crypto libraries06:51
theblazehenKilos: logged in, but can't edit..06:51
Kiloswhat id o is , make my browser remember the login password then only go to the link and it opens with the edit option showning07:00
Kilosyou supposed to be teaching me man07:01
theblazehentheblazehen.com/noedit.png it's not htere, and I'm logged in..07:08
Kilosi tick that and it shoes the page with edit option top left07:13
Kilosdid you login after getting to the first page?07:14
Kilosmy browser remembers the login stuff and when i open the link i see everything07:16
Kilosi cant get to take a screenshot07:16
Kiloswhere are the clever peeps when i need them07:18
Kilosi go take sheep out quick07:19
superflyhi Kilos07:19
theblazehenI think I maybe need permission to edit?07:25
Kilosas far as i know all you need is a launchpad account07:25
theblazehenMaybe if I write it here, and you add it?07:26
Kilosdidnt you get one yet?07:26
Kilosthe launchpad account will then also show you as another member i think07:26
* Kilos wonders how gremble did it07:27
theblazehenya, I have an account07:32
Kilosthen login with that account07:33
theblazehenI am logged in07:33
Kilossomething like that07:33
Kilosok then tick that more actions button07:34
Kilosi found edit there the first time i think07:34
theblazehendid, no edit for me.07:34
theblazehenBut page is marked as immutable07:34
Kiloswhat does that do if you tick it07:34
theblazehenshows a list of stuff07:35
theblazehenbut no edit07:35
Kilosok ill post your testimonial for you, but would like to know why you cant get in07:36
Kilosbang on the door07:36
Kiloshit the pc07:36
Kilossear at it07:36
theblazehenNo hitting :(07:36
theblazehenUnless it's the crt07:36
theblazehenhit that, but not TOO hard07:36
Kilosok you can mail me your testimonial07:38
Kilosdont want freenode kicking you for spam07:38
theblazehenKilos: I'll just PM07:40
theblazehengremble: ping07:51
Kiloshaha he is lost in the house he is looking after07:58
Kilosin the old days houses looked after themselves07:58
Kilosnlsthzn: you awake?08:02
Kiloshmm... maybe at work08:08
grembleYou need to log in on the wikipedia page, not just launchpad. You need to connect the two accounts08:10
grembleThere is a login button on the edit page08:15
gremblejust follow that08:15
theblazehengremble: Kilos added testimonial for me, but ty anyway08:15
Kilostheblazehen: go try it man08:16
theblazehenKilos: ok08:16
Kilosonce its working then you good only08:16
theblazehengremble: when you say wikipedia, you mean the wiki page?08:16
Kilos2 years from now its your job to edit it all08:17
theblazehenKilos: ai..08:17
theblazehenAnyone here use oVirt?08:17
theblazehenGonna replace ESXi with it soon here08:17
theblazehenwell, in 4 hours..08:18
Kiloshi TinuvaMac 10:32
TinuvaMachi how goes?10:32
Kilosgood ty and you?10:59
* Kilos busy making a major curry10:59
theblazehennice Kilos :)11:01
KilosTinuvaMac: how clever are you?11:01
Kilossee if you can add your testimonial to say why you like our community11:02
grembletheblazehen: yes, wiki, not wikipedia haha11:02
KilosMaaz: re-evaluation11:02
MaazKilos: Excuse me?11:02
Kiloswhy i always forget11:02
KilosMaaz: re-verification11:03
gremblemaaz: re-verification11:03
KilosTinuvaMac: ^^11:03
theblazehenHmm. 71 people downloaded my firfox extension11:04
grembleWhat does your extension do?11:04
theblazehengremble: opens the reddit comments for a URL11:04
theblazehenor view the comments in a sidebar11:04
grembleOh ok, neat11:04
theblazehendunno if they approved sidebar update yet11:05
theblazehenyeah, it's approved11:05
theblazehenI think adding "Sorry..." as the only text in the review notes made it take longer :(11:05
nlsthznKilos, just got home from training... what I miss?11:07
Kiloshi nlsthzn we battled with the thing again11:08
Kilosyou poegaai now11:08
nlsthznI will survive...11:09
Kilosneelsie you can look at the verify thing and if you happy ill ask maia if she wants more or if she thinks its adequate11:09
Kilosyou going to have a late night on the 16th11:10
Kiloshi Private_User 11:11
Private_Userhi Kilos11:11
theblazehenhoi Private_User11:11
theblazehenhi *11:11
Kilostheblazehen: rev him now11:12
Kilosim tired11:12
Private_Userhi theblazehen11:13
Kiloshalf my curry never gets to other peeps, i start eating while frying the onions and garlic11:13
KilosPrivate_User: do you have a launchpad account?11:15
Kilosoh my that frightened him away11:17
TinuvaMacKilos: I dont think I have a testimonial yet. I have tried to help here in the past, haven't asked for help yet11:36
Kilosyou dont have to ask for help man, you can help others or lurk or just come for coffee11:37
Kilosi dont think gremble has asked for help yet either11:39
nlsthznoh yes I have to send out a mail about the launchpad account :p12:04
Kiloswhat about nlsthzn 12:17
Kilosoh ya12:18
Kilossometimes i read and understand, other times i just read12:19
gremblePretty nice, unfortunately ruby13:03
theblazehengremble: saw that a few months ago.. Reminds me of the command line fu website13:23
grembleLearning new mathematics is hard 13:32
theblazehenhttps://www.debian.org/distrib/pre-installed#za TIL13:35
theblazehengremble: oh? What you learning?13:35
grembleLambda calculus13:37
grembleBut from Church's initial paper on 13:37
theblazehenThat bad?13:43
grembleThere is a lot of assumed understanding I suppose. I don't think he does the best job at explaining what he is doing13:49
* Kilos waits for loadshedding14:14
Kiloswill rather go off, drives are too expensive to mess up14:15
grembleI also switched my stuff off14:18
grembleLaptop has its own power at least14:18
inetprohe logged off even when there's no loadshedding?14:32
grembleYes because when the power cuts out it damages the drives14:32
grembleAnd it sounds like he has wonky drives already14:33
inetprohmm... I thought I noticed @CityTshwane saying there was no more loadshedding today but looking again, can't find that tweet now14:35
grembleThey said it to make everyone feel better, then quickly deleted it so that no one can hold them accountable when they switch it off later14:35
inetprogood evening17:01
theblazehenhi inetpro, nice storm we having18:12
theblazehenhi gremble18:29
grembleIf any of you are in the brooklyn area, Tashas has delicious food :o18:32
theblazehengremble: worth driving from centurion?18:33
grembleIf you are going to drive here from centurion, I would rather suggest Pachas18:34
grembleThey are supurb18:34
grembleOne of those family owned restaurants where the chef sends salads that are complimentory18:34
theblazehenah, kk, ty18:42
grembleIt is really one of those places where you could take your girlfriend for a special occasion18:42
grembleWhere you don't have to pay through your ass18:42
theblazehenah, nice18:43
Kilosevening all.18:45
grembleHey Kilos 18:46
Kiloswhats news here gremble ?18:47
Kilosi been offline for hours18:48
Kilosat least its raining softly18:48
grembleNothing much. I was out, took my mother and18:48
gremble \sister out for dinner18:48
Kilosgood man18:48
grembleG WITH THE CAT18:48
Kilossjoe i wont say anything18:49
* Kilos not a cat fan18:49
grembleWhy? you should like them on the farm, they keep rats and snakes away18:49
Kilosthey do nothing but meow for food18:50
Kilosthey killed many of my racing pigeons back then and im allergic to them and their flees18:50
Kiloswe have one that lives outside, and catches the odd dove but rats are like hard work for it18:51
Kilosand we got snakes that steal fowls eggs regularly18:52
Kilosspitting cobra18:52
grembleRinkhals is not actually a cobra18:53
gremblePretty cool18:53
Kiloshmm... you sure its not called a spitting cobra18:53
grembleIf it is brown, it is a mozambiquan spitting cobra18:55
grembleIf it is black with white stripes around its neck, it is a rinkhals18:55
grembleA rinkhals has a smaller hood, it is usually called a psuedo-hood18:55
Kilosim sure they kinda yellow18:56
Kilosim looking if i can find them online18:56
grembleoh, then you have something else18:56
Kilosbig hoods18:56
Kiloskilled one 2 metres long here already18:56
grembleSaw a Night adder here a couple of years ago18:57
grembleI wanted it so badly, but I was too fatigued to handle it, so I just let it fo18:57
Kilossjoe, what you want to do with it?18:57
grembleFeed it and love it :P18:58
Kilossnakes are only good to sell to snake parks or to stomp their heads in18:58
Kilosme needs to go ask sis what colour they are here18:59
Kilosshe says one was near black with the ring and others were golden cobras19:00
Kilosshe just asked what did south africa use before candles19:00
Kiloshow do you love a snake gremble ?19:03
grembleDepending on how venomous it is, very carefully19:03
Kilosadog or cat you can hug even19:03
Kilosya here the one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rinkhals19:04
grembleYup, called a spitting cobra, but not actually a cobra19:05
grembleI'm trying to find that golden one that you mentioned19:05
Kilosim looking too . sis remembers these things19:06
Kiloshi magespawn 19:06
magespawnhi Kilos19:06
grembleKilos: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozambique_spitting_cobra Did it look like that?19:07
Kilosshe says the cape cobra is what we had here19:09
Kilosdunno where she got the name golden cobra from19:11
magespawnit would unusual for a Mfezi to up there Kilos19:11
grembleIt would be very unusual for the cape cobra to be there19:11
grembleWould be worthwile to catch 19:11
Kilosoh now i remember  something, the pro also found a snake that wasnt supposed to be up here19:11
Kiloscould have been escaped from some snake place19:12
Kilosso must i catch the next snake i see?19:12
grembleOnly if it is a cape cobra19:13
Kilosand you come fetch19:13
grembleI will come get it19:13
Kilosi think there was some probs at a snake park just west of us here that lost a lot of snakes19:14
Kilosmaybe thew pro remembers19:14
grembleI haven't been at that park since it opened19:14
grembleWas just there once before 19:14
Private_Userevening people19:19
Kiloshi Private_User 19:19
Private_Userhi Kilos19:19
Private_Userquick question how do you check the amount of memory a machine has in ubuntu?19:19
Private_Usersorry I was lazy to search on the net, its a friend of mine who wanted to know19:20
Kilosi dunno right now but dmidecode will tell you about everything19:20
Kilosnot sure if it shows ram too19:21
Private_Userso just type dmidecode at the terminal?19:21
Kilosbut you can see ram when booting19:21
Kilosya type in then read spanne stuff19:21
grembleYou can use free19:22
grembleor htop19:22
theblazehenPrivate_User: free -h19:22
grembleor... some others I think19:22
grembletop also works19:22
Kilosthere Private_User 19:22
Private_Userthanks gremble, theblazehen, Kilos19:22
Private_Userlet us try that19:22
grembleNow go write a testimonail about how super helpful we are19:23
grembletestimonial even19:23
Kilosoh ya19:23
gremblemaaz: re-verification19:23
gremblethere ^19:23
KilosPrivate_User, go19:23
Private_Userok maybe I will19:23
theblazehenremove the maybe19:23
Kilosno maybe man do it. it we fail this channel closes19:24
Private_Userjust a question I am typing these things exactly as you guys give it?19:24
theblazehenKilos: ouch.. /me missed that detail :(19:24
grembleYes Private_User 19:24
Private_Userok Kilos, I will19:24
Private_Userok thanks gremble19:24
grembleThe channel won't close >.>19:24
theblazehenCan't we just refuse to leave the channel?19:24
grembleWe just won't get free CD's19:24
theblazehenah, good, ty gremble19:24
Private_Userah do you guys have to do this verification every year?19:25
grembleI think it is every couple of years19:25
grembleBut I'm new, I don't know shit19:25
Kilossjoe ek sukkel19:25
Kilosevery 2 years Private_User 19:26
Private_Userah ok19:26
Private_Userlet me visit that link19:26
grembletestify comes from the Roman tradition to "swear on your testes"19:29
grembleImagine they still did that in court19:30
Kilosinetpro, waar kruip jy weg?19:33
Kilosi go sleep now peeps. have a good evening and sleep tight19:38
magespawngood night all19:44
inetprokilo[tab]: hier's ek19:48
inetprogood evening19:48
theblazehenHi inetpro 19:59
inetprohi theblazehen19:59

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