=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [06:44] happyaron:gnome页面上显示soduku状态为已翻译,翻译完了? 还有,页面上的po文件的条目跟lp上的不同, [06:44] 很多条目被注释了,是怎么回事? [06:44] shijing: 被注释的是源代码里已经删除掉了的字符串 [06:45] shijing: 或者是合并新的源码时,有和老字段相近的,程序自动填充的 [06:45] 需要人工检查 [06:47] happyaron:gnome上只有58条,lp上125条 [06:47] 而且gnome都翻译了,只能等更新? [06:48] 最后一次更新是8.25号,可以没有更新到14.10里边 [06:49] shijing: 额,那还是弄LP吧 [06:49] 应该用的不是同样的版本了 [06:51] happyaron:那LP上的已经翻译完了,你看谁有时间能帮忙review下? [06:52] shijing: 数独那货我不会玩。。。 [06:52] shijing: 你那有人会玩不 [06:54] happyaron:有人会玩, [06:55] 找那人看。。 [06:55] 让他先看看,但他没有权限 [06:55] 看完你review? [06:55] 看我让luolei来review就行 [06:55] 他有权限啊 [06:56] luolei 之前的一个还没review完 [06:56] ... [06:56] 我现在也没空review [06:57] happyaron:我们发现12.04是翻译好的, [06:58] 我们对照12.04过一遍,问题应该不大 [06:58] 好 [12:27] happyaron, crap, fcitx on vivid stop to work again [12:29] did you do anything before it stops working? [12:29] and what do you mean by "stop to work", fail to start, or anything? [12:30] happyaron, fails to start [12:39] happyaron, it complains no input method enabled, have sogou installed actually, go to configtool, there is no candidate to be chosen from input method tab [12:39] freeflying: cuz you are using an English locale? [12:40] freeflying: then you need to uncheck the language filter in configtool and select the engine yourself [12:40] happyaron, as you suggested, did that too, doesn't work either [12:41] happyaron, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9426518/ [12:41] ah crashing [12:41] I'll try to see what's wrong, but in vivid cycle it's broked by other library updates for several times. [12:42] * happyaron and recovered after update of those libraries [12:44] happyaron, its sogou-pinyin caused the crash [12:45] actually nope [12:45] it's exactly the same situation like one I solved a week ago [13:45] happyaron:在vivid上安装sogoupinyin确实fcitx不能用 [13:45] 今天测试的结果 [13:45] 嗯 [13:45] shijing: 另外fedora上的问题是自动生成的依赖没有把fcitx这个metapackage给拉进来 [13:45] shijing: yum install fcitx再登录就好了 [13:46] happyaron:好的,明天我试试 [13:47] zan === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk