
jjfrv8ochosi, cool. That works for me.00:08
bluesabreochosi: good point... I'll figure out needs added and bring it in01:08
Unit193ochosi: So, didn't quite say what you're doing for Xfwm.  But, technically yes I don't need to know, just give me a link or something.06:01
ochosiUnit193: corner tiling, maximize on move mostly10:21
ochosii've gotten in touch with cedric, who consolidated a patch by ali and added some other features10:24
ochosibut we'll see, might take more time10:24
Unit193Sounds fun...10:25
brainwashI'm just installing vivid... and I see the maximize button in the installer17:02
brainwashlooks like bug 1177116 is not fixed completely17:03
ubottubug 1177116 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "Xfwm4's 'dialog' window has an unused maximise-button" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117711617:03
elfytoday's daily - minimise and close only17:07
brainwashI'm talking about the installer window17:08
brainwashthe slideshow part has no maximize button17:09
knomeisn't that minimize and maximise17:09
brainwashelfy: what about normal dialog windows like the thunar about one?17:10
elfyof course that has a maximise button17:11
elfybrainwash: the bug is about the max button in the installer windows not applications17:12
elfyno 17:12
brainwashthe description of my fix is "Remove maximize button from non-resizable windows"17:13
elfylook at the screenshot with the bug - it's about the installer17:13
brainwashthe installer is just one example17:14
elfynot sure what your point is - if thunar ends up with no max button - then that is a bug17:14
brainwashnono, the thunar "about dialog"17:14
brainwashhelp > about17:14
brainwashor something like that17:15
elfywell - that's not what you said ;)17:15
elfyno maximise button :D17:15
brainwashthat's great, strangely no one has complained about the maximize button in the installer window so far17:16
brainwashdespite being marked as fixed17:17
elfyI don't see a maximise button in the installer17:17
brainwashthe "+"17:17
elfyoh lol - I saw that twisted round 45 degrees :p17:18
elfyanyway - it's not showing in all the parts of the installer 17:18
elfyreally not very important :p17:18
brainwashno, but I will have to re-open the lp report17:19
elfynow when you booted the media - did you  get a blackscreen at try/install17:19
brainwashblack background, yes17:19
brainwashmakes wonder, if anyone is going to fix it17:19
brainwashwe got time until 16.04 :)17:20
elfyI saw some discussion17:20
brainwashyeah, there is much talking, but no fixing17:23
elfyactually - only where are you/kbd layout and who are you have max button17:25
brainwashelfy: and the "try or install" window17:43
brainwashno plymouth screen for me, although I'm using the open source radeon driver17:44
brainwashit's a slow system, so there would be plenty of time to show it17:44
elfywouldn't know without looking - and I'm afraid I can't find the interest to do that 17:45
ochosibrainwash: i did see plymouth during startup of the live system22:51
Unit193Ever seeing it is amazing in my book...23:16
brainwashI see it on shutdown :)23:23
ochosiUnit193: what, still no up-to-date panel-build? :]23:42
Unit193ochosi: Got the tarball, but yes didn't poke it yet.23:45
ochosino worries ;)23:45
Unit193Worth it to ping, since it's done now...23:48
ochosioh, nice :)23:50
ochosihmm, this is really old-school but somehow also quite likeable: http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Ivy?content=15797423:53
bluesabrethat does look nice23:55

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