
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
=== alexpilotti_ is now known as alexpilotti
smoserharlowja_away, around ?15:47
smoserharlowja_away, :-( https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/140079317:09
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
harlowjalets see here18:35
harlowjadr.josh is on the case, ha18:39
harlowjaso the existing mergemany dict seems to be operating ok18:44
harlowjahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9445284/ seems to be ok there18:44
harlowjasmoser can u verify that, just want to make sure thats right/expected18:45
harlowjait outputs18:45
harlowja    "snappy": {18:45
harlowja        "packages": [18:45
harlowja            "orig_pkg1", 18:45
harlowja            "orig_pkg2"18:45
harlowja        ], 18:45
harlowja        "ssh_enabled": true18:45
harlowja    }, 18:45
harlowja    "ssh_authorized_keys": [18:45
harlowja        "mykey@smoser"18:45
harlowja    ]18:45
smoserharlowja, in  aminute will look18:53
harlowjasmoser if u get some time, try https://code.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/adjusted-merging19:25
harlowjai think that should address this19:25
harlowjahttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/adjusted-merging/revision/1046 19:25
harlowjamainly that19:25
harlowjaalthough i can probably remove the change in  cloudinit/handlers/cloud_config.py  but anyway19:28
smoserharlowja, will in a minute. you sir rock.19:29
harlowjadamn merging logic19:30
smoserharlowja, right. mergemanydict works as i wanted it to19:36
smoserwell, as i wanted cloud-config merging to work "by default"19:37
harlowjatry that branch, think it will be ok for u19:37
smoserharlowja, yeah, that looks like it fixes it the way i want.19:41
smoserbut the changes to cloud_cofig.py actually dont matter, right ?19:41
smoserjust th m_dict change is what matter.s19:41
harlowjathat was just me tweaking stuff19:41
harlowjathe unittest does matter19:42
harlowjacheck that out19:42
smoseryeah, and thats fine. 19:42
smoser./tools/ccfg-merge-debug works again on trunk19:42
smoserwhich is nice. for just testing things19:42
smoseri looked at jsonp a while ago19:42
smosertried to do somethign with it.19:42
smoserthe big missing thin gis that you cant take an element out of a list by value19:43
smoserin any ay.19:43
smoserin any way.19:43
smoserie, if i have:19:43
smoser ssh19:43
smoser apt-get-config19:43
smoser module-319:43
harlowjahmmm, sounds like an new feature,19:43
smosertheres no way to say "remove 'ssh' from cloud_config_modules"19:43
smoseryou ahve to know that its in location 019:44
harlowjathats a tricky one19:45
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja

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