
hatchhuwshimi: hey I'm bacl00:01
hatchhuwshimi: well we can provide version numbers with 0-3 periods so it needs to be able to parse it appropriately 00:02
hatchand any number of digits inbetween00:02
hatchand an 'extension' at the end00:02
hatchhuwshimi: so I'd parseFloat(version.split('.').slice(0,1).join('.')) > 1.21 00:05
hatchI think (going from memory) :)00:05
huwshimiYep, that makes sense00:07
huwshimiI wasn't thinking that the major version can be double digits00:07
huwshimiI think my version would still work as it checks for < but this is probably a more correct way :)00:08
hatchhuwshimi: yeah it probably would work :) 00:16
huwshimihatch: New version up00:27
huwshimierm, let me just fix the merge conflict00:30
huwshimiI knew it was coming00:30
huwshimiOK pushed00:32
hatchhuwshimi: thanks I'll try and get to the review tonight01:44
huwshimihatch: Thanks a lot01:44
hatchhuwshimi: ok took a real quick look - could you add some tests for the _shouldLockAdmin method01:45
hatchbasically throw in a ton of different valid semver versions01:45
hatchand make sure it returns the correct value01:46
hatchyou can probably just do one test with a map of version: boolean records that it loops through01:46
huwshimihatch: Sure01:48
hatchok stepping away again :)01:49
huwshimihatch: What do you want test really?01:49
huwshimi(Other than what I've tested already?)01:49
huwshimiJust full semver numbers?01:52
hatchhuwshimi: well right now you're only testing the format that we currently have02:17
hatchnothing there is testing 3 sections, or with an extension02:17
hatchor double digit starting characters etc02:17
huwshimihatch: Sure, any other variations?02:18
hatchjust looking for semver examples02:19
hatchthat's a funky one02:19
hatchlol wut 1.0.0-beta.202:20
hatchdamn 02:20
hatchthat would irritate me if someone actually made a GUI version like that02:20
hatchanyways the idea is that we don't want something like the login button to fail because someone put in a 3 section semver 02:23
huwshimihatch: Does that look roughly like what you were thinking?02:48
* hatch does his best Italian02:49
hatchthat's a spicy meata balla02:49
hatchprobably wouldn't hurt to put the jujuCoreVersion in a var in the function to help with minification....buuut now I'm just getting picky :P02:51
hatchfeel free to shippit when it passes02:52
* hatch steps away again02:52
huwshimihatch: jujuCoreVersion in which function sorry?02:56
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hatchhuwshimi: this is a really long name and repeated twice03:23
hatchbut whatever03:24
huwshimihatch: Sure, but if it is stored before this line 'window.juju_config && window.juju_config.jujuCoreVersion' and it doesn't exist it will give an error03:24
huwshimi(that's what that line is for03:25
hatchright, duh03:25
hatchsorry I got no sleep last night :) 03:25
hatchabout to hit the hay soon03:25
hatch9:30pm man I'm old03:25
huwshimiSo it's OK to leave as it is?03:25
huwshimihatch: Thanks a lot, have a nice evening!03:28
hatchanytime, you too! 03:28
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hatchhows everyones morning?14:12
hatchdestiny expansion is released today14:38
* hatch feels a cold coming on14:38
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hatchuhh wut "Ubuntu Developer Tools Center Renamed To Ubuntu Make"15:00
hatchcuz that's not going to be confusing at all15:03
hatch*sigh* 15:11
teslanick~ $ ubuntu make15:15
hatchmake install android-editor15:18
hatchthat's not right15:18
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whitjujucharms is returning 503s16:39
* whit assumes this is known, but if not...16:40
rick_h_whit: yes, in webops working on it as we speak16:40
rick_h_ES bit the farm on us16:40
whitdeleted all if it's own data?16:41
* whit has heard of a couple big ES crashes lately16:41
rick_h_elasticsearch just went red and the logs are confusing java tracebacks that are truncated16:41
rick_h_so working on a fix and restoration atm16:42
hatchrick_h_: did we have an eta on when the deployer will be able to support the new id syntax? I'm trying to decide what I should use as the instructions for the deployer url in the 'Deploy' tab17:28
hatchsince we can only generate valid ones part of the time :)17:28
hatchI'd prefer to put the new id and we just 'hurry' to get the deployer to support the new syntax 17:29
hazmathatch, doc on new 'id' syntax.. i assume you mean bundle store url by that17:29
hatchhazmat: https://demo.jujucharms.com/bundle/mongodb/5/cluster/#deploy step 2 on this page17:30
rick_h_hatch: not atm, working on production failure still17:30
rick_h_hazmat: bundle ids without the basket since that's gone in the new charmstore api17:30
hatchI'll leave it blank for now - want to keep moving forward on this17:30
hatchthis stuff is one step forward, 2 back :/17:30
hatchfiddly data bits ;?17:31
hazmathuh.. is that even valid17:31
hatchwell, yes, but not anymore17:31
hazmatdeployer doesn't need a basket name anyways..17:31
hatchthe one in the GUI charm can handle the new bundle id format? Are you sure?17:32
hazmathatch, you just hand deployer a url to json or yaml.. 17:32
hatchand it no longer needs the basket?17:33
hatchor the name, or whatever we were calling that outer wrapper17:33
hazmathatch, it never did.. that's a hack done speculative reasons re baskets17:33
rick_h_hatch: just pass it the url to the new api's bundles.yaml.orig I think17:33
hazmatrick_h_, what is the new api.jujucharms.com url for a bundle?17:33
rick_h_hatch: it'll look worse since it's not hte shorter url/name but should work17:33
hatchok now you 2 are saying two different things17:33
hatchone says you need the orig yaml, the other not17:34
rick_h_hazmat: https://api.staging.jujucharms.com/v4/mongodb-cluster/meta/any is the new id17:34
rick_h_https://api.staging.jujucharms.com/v4/mongodb-cluster/archive/bundles.yaml.orig is the original bundle yaml17:34
rick_h_https://api.staging.jujucharms.com/v4/mongodb-cluster/archive/bundle.yaml is the new bundle format17:34
hazmatrick_h_, at least for that charm the new format is valid directly to pass in17:35
hazmater. bundle17:35
rick_h_hazmat: ok, if that works even better and we don't have to do the original .orig file17:35
hatchI know quickstart doesn't support the new id syntax17:35
rick_h_hatch: so you can use that url for that17:35
rick_h_hatch: if you give it a url it won't matter17:35
hatchok so the deployer DOES support the new yaml format?17:35
rick_h_hatch: it only matters that quickstart is updated to know cs:mongodb-cluster17:36
hazmathatch, hmm17:36
rick_h_hatch: not all of it, like the container syntax17:36
hazmatrick_h_, hatch actually it should probably be .orig17:36
rick_h_hazmat: yes, that should be 100% safe atm17:36
hazmatrick_h_, hatch i think i'd need a patch for the flat namespace17:36
hatchok that's what I thought17:36
hazmati think deployer does expect at one top level name key in there17:37
hatchok using the .orig for quickstart and deployer docs17:37
rick_h_hazmat: right, we've got on the plate patches for that and the container format17:37
hazmatrick_h_, which new container syntax?17:37
rick_h_hazmat: from that bundle format spec from a while ago. /me looks for file17:37
hazmatrick_h_, the only i remember from that was machines: and a few other incompatible changes i argued against17:37
hazmatlike dropping vcs support17:37
hazmatwhich don't matter to the store i suppose17:38
rick_h_hazmat: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1SF8hTBi6oVbki8V__beNij6wnQU-5cm6PZsy5gf0j_Y/edit is the doc MachineSpec I think was the change? allowing them in allowing lxc:0 and such17:39
hatchok so I'm going to put the .orig url for quickstart and the deployer and then we can go back and update it later on whenever we get around to updating them17:39
hazmatrick_h_, lxc:0 is already extant.. kvm:new is something new.17:40
rick_h_I think is the real struct17:40
hazmatrick_h_, that seems a little suspect given its also deviating from core syntax re new17:40
hazmatseems reasonable though17:41
hazmathmm.. its a little strange though.. cause its almost like its being treated as a constraint17:41
hazmatour placement language is in need of some better model definition language.. or rules17:42
hazmatrick_h_, of concern is that syntax doesn't seem to support the extant syntaxes for co-location which is heavily used17:42
rick_h_hazmat: ok, we should update then to do that while we're doing this then. 17:42
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Makyouiteam small review/QA for fakebackend multiple users: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/67518:19
rick_h_kadams54-away: around? missed you on standup18:21
rick_h_or did you make it?18:21
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kadams54_rick_h_: I made standup, but was hampered (delayed, then booted out after initially joining) by kanban board freezing my lappy twice.19:19
kadams54_In the end, I was still able to give updates on the switchboard cards.19:20
kadams54_Though that reminds me that I need to move those cards… after two crashes I decided to wait a bit ;-)19:21
rick_h_kadams54_: rgr ok cool19:22
rick_h_kadams54_: is there a review for the memcache'd card? no external link listed atm19:22
kadams54_The upshot is that switchboard 1.2 is released, which removes memcached dependency, so I'm now working on getting it integrated.19:22
rick_h_oh awesome 19:23
kadams54_Link added.19:23
hatchthis is the weirdest error19:29
hatchtrying to create a charm model19:29
hatchUncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'bubbleTargets' in cs:precise/mongodb-2819:29
hatchit's been resolved...but still a very odd error19:30
kadams54_Nice. A++ for user friendly error messages.19:34
jrwrenlooks like a python error.19:36
hatchok bundle vis and getting files to go on the bundle details page19:39
hatchholy moly this is slow going19:39
rick_h_hatch: huh?19:40
hatchthe bundle details page I have to get it to load files and the bundle vis then it'll be done19:41
rick_h_hatch: ok, well let me know if any of it gives you grief19:42
hatchoh it most certainly will :P19:42
hatchhmm getting it to pull files was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be :)19:59
hatchmaybe the pain is over19:59
hatcherrors in promises20:05
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* hatch throws chair through wall and goes home20:05
* hatch looks around20:05
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* hatch wonders if he can get Ben back to do this importDeployer stuff again21:30
hatchoh github changed the colouring of the diffs21:32
hatchwoo hooo victory!21:48
rick_h_hatch: woot21:49
hatchnow a few small bits of incorrectly alligned data then it's ready for test21:50
hatchholy smoke is it fast lol21:50
hatchit actually loads the data before the animation slides out21:50
hatchbundle vis takes a bit though so it feels slower21:53
hatchbut the actual data is loaded and rendered before it's done animating21:54
hatchyep that can go in slack21:54
hatchwhere tasks go to die21:54
rick_h_well we'll see21:55
hatchhaha, whenever21:59
hatchShowing  11 changed files  with 179 additions and 176 deletions.22:00
hatchI need to find 3 more lines to delelte22:00
hatchdelete event22:00
hatchDELETE EVEN22:00
rick_h_lol, good enough22:00
hatchhaha I have tests to fix/write now so who knows where it'll end up after that22:00
hatchhonestly the new colouring on github diffs for js makes it pretty difficult to read22:01
hatchorange, purple, light purple, on a pink background22:01
hatchI wasn't talking about you22:03
hatchdon't worry22:03
hatchmorning huwshimi 22:03
huwshimiHey is anyone around that could help with a bit of hacking on the juju charm?23:16
huwshimijuju-gui charm that is23:16
Makyohuwshimi, I can try, what's up?23:18
huwshimiMakyo: I'm just trying to figure out how the 'write_gui_config' method can actually interact with juju23:19
huwshimiMakyo: I need to get the output of the equivalent of $juju --version23:20
huwshimiMakyo: I just don't know how to do that from inside the charm :)23:20
huwshimiMakyo: From in here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-gui-charmers/charms/trusty/juju-gui/trunk/view/head:/hooks/utils.py#L34723:20
Makyohuwshimi, ah, yeah.  Let me spin up an env real quick. Wondering if it's available in an env var like JUJU_ENV_NAME.  Will have to check by running debug-hooks23:21
huwshimiMakyo: Ah yeah, possibly23:22
MakyoThere might also be juju agent information somewhere...23:22
MakyoHunting now23:22
huwshimiMakyo: Where would you look for that kind of info?23:23
huwshimiMakyo: Sorry I have no idea about this kind of stuff :)23:23
Makyohuwshimi, I'm hunting through the docs now (without much luck).  Also, did `juju bootstrap; juju deploy cs:trusty/juju-gui` then `juju debug-log juju-gui/0 config-changed` when that unit was up.  Triggering a config-changed event with `juju set juju-gui juju-gui-debug=true`.  Waiting for that to go through.  When it does, it'll drop me in exactly the same environment the config-changed hook is run in, and I can check `env` and see what juju commands are avai23:30
Makyohuwshimi, it doesn't look like there's an env var for version, unfortunately.  However, units have `jujud` installed, and running `jujud --version` gives me "1.21-beta3-trusty-amd64"23:34
Makyohuwshimi, so running jujud --version from the write_gui_config function should get us the version string for the unit23:35
huwshimiMakyo: With run()?23:42
Makyohuwshimi, I thiiink so?  I don't remember if we have a wrapper in the charm like we do in Quickstart23:42
MakyoI'll keep digging.23:43
Makyohuwshimi, oh, that is the wrapper. 23:44
Makyohuwshimi, so yeah, juju_version = run('jujud', '--version') or something like that.23:45
huwshimiMakyo: How do I test this?23:48
Makyohuwshimi, Good question :P  23:52
rick_h_huwshimi: frankban is back tomorrow and he's the charm testing master. 23:53
rick_h_huwshimi: but one way is to just do it, spin up the charm, then check the file (config.js or whatever) has the right thing in it. 23:54
rick_h_probably as a funtional test23:54
Makyohuwshimi, rick_h_ there's also config-writing examples around here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-gui-charmers/charms/trusty/juju-gui/trunk/view/head:/tests/test_utils.py#L95423:55
MakyoEr, tests for those, I mean23:56
MakyoBut yeah, if nothing else, get a WIP branch up for frankban to look at23:57
huwshimiMakyo: Yeah, so in those they do: with mock.patch('os.environ', {'JUJU_ENV_NAME': 'my-env'}):23:58
huwshimiMakyo: could we do patch('jujud...'?23:58
Makyohuwshimi, it would be patch('run') and then checking the arguments, but that's about the limits of my off-the-top-of-my-head knowledge of mock23:59
MakyoMock is impressive, but I don't really understand it yet23:59
huwshimiMakyo: Ah ok23:59

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